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English for Ethiopia

Teacher Guide
Grade 6 Book 1

International Consultant:
Mary W. Spor, PhD
National Consultants:
Fekadu Mulugeta, PhD
Jemal Mohammed, PhD
Berhan Demeke
Getu Shibabaw
Mebratu Mulatu, PhD
Tadesse Hailemariam
Tariku Sirika
Balew Bogale, PhD

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Ministry of Education

The book was produced with financial and technical support of the American People through the
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in collaboration with the Ministry
of Education, Regional States Education Bureaus and READ TA Project. The printing expense is
covered by the General Education Quality Improvement Program (GEQIP II).

The Ministry of Education wishes to thank the American people and individuals and groups who were
directly or indirectly involved in writing, reviewing and publishing this teacher’s guide.

Copyright 2017 © FDRE, MoE

ISBN: 978-99944-2-667-6
English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Education and development are closely related endeavours. This is the main reason why it is said
that education is the key instrument in Ethiopia’s development. The fast and globalised world we
now live in requires new knowledge, skills, attitudes and values on the part of each individual. It is
with this objective that the curriculum, which is a reflection of a country’s education system, must be
responsive to changing conditions.
It is more than fifteen years since Ethiopia launched and implemented the Education and Training
Policy. Since then our country has made remarkable progress in terms of access, equity and relevance.
Vigorous efforts also have been made, and continue to be made, to improve the quality of education.
To continue this progress, the Ministry of Education has developed a framework for Curriculum
Development. The framework covers all pre-primary, primary, general secondary and preparatory
subjects and grades. It aims to reinforce the basic tenets and principles outlined in the Education and
Training Policy, and provides guidance on the preparation of all subsequent curriculum materials –
including this teacher guide and the student textbook that comes with it, to be based on active learning
methods and a competency – based approach.
Publication of a new framework and revised textbooks and teacher guides are not the sole solution to
improving the quality of education in any country. Continued improvement calls for the efforts of all
stakeholders. The teacher’s role must become more flexible ranging from lecturer to motivator, guide
and facilitator. To assist this, teachers have been given, and will continue to receive, training on the
strategies suggested in the framework and in this teacher guide.
Teachers are urged to read this guide carefully and to support their students by putting into action the
suggested strategies and activities. The guide includes possible answers for most of the exercises in
the student textbook and alternative ways of addressing some of the language items.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

General Introduction

This grade 6 English text book is designed to Ethiopian students who learn English as a foreign
language. The contents in the book are arranged in themes and topics which are contexts to present
the language contents to be imparted. A theme is relatively a broader context which has three topics
under it. That means a week lesson is under a topic and a three consecutive weeks lessons is termed
as a theme or a unit. Briefly, a topic is a week lesson, whereas a theme is to be taught in three weeks.
The number of weeks which are needed to cover the book is 30, of which 15 are for the first and the
rest 15 for the second semester. Every week has 5 periods having 40 minutes each.

The text book follows new approaches in language content, organization of the contents, classroom
methodology, teachers’ and students’ roles and techniques of assessment.

I. Language Contents

The language contents in the book are grouped into 8 major components which are common for each
week. These are word study, reading comprehension, vocabulary, listening comprehension, speaking
skills, grammar, reading fluency and writing skills.

The word study part deals with different techniques about how words are formed with the intention of
developing learners’ ability to identify words, their parts and their pronunciation. The main objective
of the session is to help students to develop their reading ability. The main strategies that are intro-
duced are blending, segmenting and compounding. In vocabulary part, learners are provided with the
activities that encourage them to identify word relation and contextual meaning of words. Thus, most
of the words, especially those which demand meaning, are presented in texts which reflect various
contexts relating to the themes.

The reading and listening comprehensions are presented in each week following relatively the same
pattern. They demand the teacher to attend similar procedures, like pre-reading, while- reading and
post-reading for reading comprehension and pre-listening, While-listening and Post-listening for lis-
tening comprehension. The activities are also designed for each stage; hence, students would have
good opportunity to practice them.

The main contents in the speaking skills are role plays, debates, dialogues and oral presentations. The
focus is to help students to use the language items they learned in the week in the real like context in
a classroom. The class needs to be more interactive and learners should be encouraged to be free to
reflect their views based on the procedures indicated in this guide.

Grammar, which is the other major component, is presented in a context so as to let students notice
how the forms are used in wider range of communicative contexts. The activities are meant to help
students develop their understanding of using appropriate forms given in the unit/ lesson.

Similarly, reading fluency is another component in the book which is basically intended to develop
the students reading ability. This component specifically aims at helping the students improve their

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

fluency with in a given period of time. Though the strategies to be used in different lessons are similar,
the type of texts which the students are exposed to is typically different. This is used intentionally to
help them to read texts of various genres fluently.

Finally, the book contains writing skills. This part has two sub contents: writing conventions and
writing compositions. The writing convention constitutes contents on spelling, punctuations and cap-
italization. The composition writing presents different levels of writing such as, sentences and para-
graphs with their accompanying features (elements of sentences, types of sentences, types of sentenc-
es in a paragraph, elements of a paragraph etc.).

II. Organization of the contents

Organization of contents refers how the contents are sequenced in the text. The contents are organized
based on their relationship. In some cases, two components/ contents are expected to be covered in
one period.

For this grade level, 5 periods are allocated per week. In the first period, two components, Word
Study and Reading Comprehension, are to be treated. The essence behind this combination is that
different features of some of the words in the reading text are to be practiced before the actual reading
session. This facilitates the reading comprehension as some of the words are going to be familiar to
the learners. In the second day, period 2, Vocabulary and Listening Skills are arranged to be taught in
combination. This is intended to make the listening skills manageable through teaching the meanings
of some of the words related to the topic the learners are going to practice listening comprehension.
Thus, learners should be encouraged to engage in the vocabulary activities actively as they create
appropriate context for listening comprehension practice. Then, Speaking and Grammar are sched-
uled to be treated in the third day (period 3). This is done to motivate students to practice speaking in
pairs and groups, Then, the grammar section provides clue to learners how their speech is guided by
grammatical rules and principles. Then after, the fourth day comes having Reading Fluency and Vo-
cabulary Practice. The reading fluency is intended help the learners to improve their reading expres-
sion, rate and accuracy. As they practice the same text in the reading comprehension part for fluency,
it will be so smooth for them to practice the second vocabulary activity. Vocabulary is scheduled in
two different periods to bring due attention since words are foundations for language skills. The last
day, day five, is for Writing Skills. Learners are provided with activities to have better understanding
of the writing conventions and to practice writing composition.

III. Techniques of Assessment

Teachers are advised to assess students learning progress continuously. Thus, continuous assessment
technique is recommended to be used to this level. Continuous assessment provides information that
is important for lesson planning, getting feedback and sorting learners in various categories. More-
over, it provides clues of whether additional support or remedial classes are needed for concepts to
be internalized. Below are some informal and formal continuous assessment techniques to be imple-

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

mented in this level.

- Observation: A teacher circulates through the room and writes notes during a lesson as stu-
dents work in groups, or individually, to assess learning.

- Exit cards: Small slips of paper cards that students hand over to the teacher, or leave near the
door, as they leave the classroom. Students write their names and respond to a question or
summarise their understanding.

- Rising words: Students write answer(s) on a small slate and place it in front of them for the
teacher to see how they responded individually.

- Turn and talk: Students turn and share their responses and reactions with one or two students
nearby sharing their predictions, making connections to their own experiences, etc. The teach-
er moves around the class to monitor progress.

- Informal monitoring: The teacher moves around the room to understand which students need

- Graphic organisers: Students organise information, make connections, and note relationships
through the use of various graphic organisers.

- Presentation: Students have an opportunity to demonstrate their developing understanding to

the teachers and/or to the class.

- Summaries and reflections: Students stop and reflect, make sense of what they have heard or
read, derive personal meaning from their learning experience.

- Formal continuous assessment: Class work, homework, quizzes, tests and examination

- Enrichment: Some students may perform beyond the expected level of performance. Once
identified, some additional challenging tasks could be provided.

IV. Students with Special Education Needs

It is very clear that classrooms are very diverse in nature. Therefore, students may have diverse learn-
ing needs. Some students are visual learners, whereas, others are auditory learners. And still, some
are kinesthetic/tactile learners. There are also students who are gifted and talented (linguistic, mathe-
matical, logical, musical, spatial and others). We may also find students with intellectual or physical

As a teacher, you need to consider these diverse situations in your classroom. For example, for stu-
dents with visual impairment, visual prompts are not suitable. Apart from getting support from a
braille expert (if any), it is recommended to adapt the activities in the way they fit with those learn-
ers’ needs. For instance, pictures could be described orally. A partner could read the text aloud when
students work in groups or pairs. Similarly, for students with a hearing impairment, in addition to the

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

support they may get from a sign language expert, audio prompts could be changed to visual prompts.
In addition, opportunities should fairly be given to those students during classroom participation.
Teachers should also give attention to those students and support them to cope up with the classroom
environment, in general and with the lesson at hand, in particular.

Regarding issues related to gender, avoid assigning roles that are traditionally believed to be the role
of only one sex (stereotyping).

Table of Contents

Unit 1 People and Clothes 1

Greetings and Introductions 1

What Are You Wearing Today? 10

What Is It Made of? 18

Unit 2 Tourist Sites in Ethiopia 27

Mountain Peaks in Ethiopia 27

Where Is Your Home Town? 33

Have You Ever Travelled to Tourist Sites? 38

Unit 3 Famous People in Ethiopia 45

Who am I? 45

People and Their Past 52

Biographies of Famous People 59

Unit 4 Food and Festivals 65

Types of Food 65

Food Preparation 71

Traditional Festivals and Foods 77

Unit 5 Animal Fables 83

Wildlife and Domestic Animals 83

Animals Abilities 88
Animal in the Parks 93

Syllabus 100

UNIT 1 People and Clothes

Unit Objectives
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
• read words by segmenting them;
• transfer specific information from a reading text;
• identify contextual meaning of words;
• introduce themselves and their partner to others;
• use the simple present tense;
• read a text fluently;
• complete a dialogue with appropriate expressions;
• punctuate sentences; and
• write a paragraph in a dialogue form.

Week 1 Greetings and Introductions

Week 1 Day 1
introducing → introduce-ing - introduce

Daily Contentss • Then, encourage students to read the words

by segmenting the ‘-ing’ according to the
• Word Study
example. Go round and check and support
• Reading Comprehension
students to be fully engaged in the activity;
give special attention to help students with
1. Word Study (10 minutes) disabilities.
• Then after, ask some students to read out
Segmenting Words loud the words by segmenting the ‘-ing’
• Introduce the topic of the day (Tell students from the words. (Make sure that you give
that they will practice reading words by equal chance for male and female students.)
segmenting them into roots and a suffix; that
is, ‘-ing’). Explain how to segment the ‘-ing’
from a word using the example given below.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Answers: While-reading Activity (10 min)

1. visit -ing • Ask students to read the questions given in
their textbook and notice what is required
2. greet -ing
before they start reading the text entitled,
3. depart -ing
“Workshop Visiting Day”. As they read, they
4. leave -ing will answer the while-reading questions.
5. wait -ing • Advise students to use the re-read strategy
(Read Again) while they are reading the text.
• Ask them to think of more words having the
This strategy helps them to see if they have
same pattern.
read a word incorrectly or left out words that
• requesting
affect the meaning of the text.
• asking
• Get students to answer the while-reading
• doing, etc. questions individually based on the reading
text. (Give them reasonable time to carry out
2. Reading Comprehension
the activity). Note that students should copy
(30 minutes)
questions into their exercise books before
Pre-reading Activity (5 min) they start answering them.

• Tell the students that they will read and • Then, ask students to compare their answers
comprehend a text given in a dialogue form. in pairs and discuss the answers. Finally, work
Before they read, encourage them to answer with the students and answer the questions
the pre-reading questions given in their together. While answering the questions if
textbook using their background knowledge. they feel they don’t understand something
(This strategy helps students to process or have lost track of what they read, remind
what they know or think they know about them to use the read-again-strategy as a
a text before they read it. It is a means to means of self-checking. (Make sure female
make connection to prior knowledge and and male students have equal chances. In
experience of students.) addition, students with disabilities should
have the chance to participate in answering
• Elicit information about the title of the text
the questions.)
and the picture given in the text before they
read the text. T: Who is the leader of the visiting team?

• We greet a person when we meet him/her S1: Andinet is the leader.

for the first time using the expressions given Answers: A
below: 1. Andinet
2. Five students
• How do you do? – How do you do?
3. 15-minute walk
• Nice to meet you. – Nice to meet you, too.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Answers:B 3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)

1. Yadeta is Andenet’s friend.
2. Freweyni. Contextual Meanings
3. Because he had just met them for • Explain what a contextual meaning is to
the first time. students using an example. [Context is the
4. Ato Abune, the chairperson of the text in which a word is used. When you come
weavers’ association. across a new word in its context, it is easier to
5. Andenet. figure out its meaning. The best way to take
6. Yes, they did.
meaning from context is to search context
for key words (context clues) in sentences or
Post-reading Activity (10 min)
paragraphs that convey the meaning of the
Ask students to read the Post-reading question unfamiliar word.
(an incomplete summary of the reading text) in
• Context clues are words in a sentence
their textbooks and ask them to complete the
or paragraph that help the reader deduce
blank spaces with appropriate word or words.
(guess) the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
(Tell them that the words they provide should
Here are some context clues that students
not necessarily be from the reading text; it is
can use: Synonym Clues, Comparison
possible to provide their own words as far as
Clues, Contrast Clues, Explanation Clues,
they meet with the concept of the original text.)
and Example Clues.]
• There are four types of common context
1. the leader
2. the weavers’ workshop
1. Definition: “Haberdashers, which are stores
3. Yadeta
that sell men’s clothing, are becoming more
4. “Berta Weavers’ Association” common these days.
5. home. 2. Antonym: unlike Jamal’s room which was
Organize the students in groups of three. Then, very neat, Hailu’s room was messy.
collaborate to write a text about a similar visit 3. Synonym: The slender model was so thin,
they have made or have planned. First, students were clothes that looked too big on her.
should agree on one of the two. 4. Inference: The haberdashery was Deneke’s
favourite place. He loved shopping for suits
Week 1 Day 2 there. The store attendants were very nice
and helpful.
Daily Contentss • Use these examples to show how the meaning
• Vocabulary of a word varies in different contexts.
• Listening Comprehension Example:

a. Get into groups of four. (become, make)

b. I don’t want to get into the class. (enter)

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

c. I get up at 6 o’clock in the morning. (awake, • Ask students to provide their reasons for their
arise) predictions. Help students with disabilities
• Ask students to read the exercise in the to share their views about the people in the
textbook and write the meaning of the picture.
underlined words. Then, ask to them check
While-listening Activity (10 min)
and discuss their answers in pairs.
• Tell students what they will do While-
• Answer the questions together with the
listening so as to set purpose for their
students. (Give plenty of wait time to
listening. Let them see the exercise that they
students with disabilities.)
will be doing (wait for them for at least 3
The are: minutes).

Answers: A • Read the text twice with a moderate pace.

(Pause where necessary during your reading).
• familiarized (made known)
• greeted and recieved Zeyinu and Yadene
• offered, presented Zeyinu and Yadene met at the public library
• left while Zeyinu was waiting for the library to be
opened. She came to him and said, “Hi, my
4. Listening Comprehension name is Yadene.”
(25 minutes) Zeyinu replied, ‘Oh, hi, mine is Zeyinu.” Then,
he invited her to sit next to him.
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
While they were waiting for the library to be
• Tell the students that they will listen to a short opened, they talked a few things about their
text and answer the listening comprehension schools.
Yadene asked, “Which school are you from?”
• Tell students what to do when they are
Zeyinu replied that he was from Kuriftu Primary
School very close from where the public library
-- always have a purpose for listening; was located.
-- Listen carefully with attention; Yadene reacted: “Really, I’m from Andenet
-- Avoid fear/ nervousness; Primary School. It is very far from here.” She
-- Give due attention to the gist (main points); added that it was her first time to come to the
public library.
-- Note key words.
After a few minutes they saw the librarian
-- Before they start listening, arrange students
coming and went to meet him.
in pairs and show them the picture in the
textbook. Ask them to predict and discuss They greeted him at the gate and waited until
what the people in the picture are doing. he opened the door. They borrowed some books
from the library and went back home together.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Though their homes were not in the same first question. (Give them some time to think
direction, Yadene went with him helping him individually.)
to carry the books. On their way home, Zeyinu • Arrange students to be in groups of three and
shared her his experience on how he manages share their answers. (Let them have some
his time and study. time to share their answers). Then, ask each
• Arrange the students in groups of three group to present their answers. (The correct
to compare their answers for the while- answer has to be identified. Yadene was new
listening questions. Tell them that they can to the library and the librarian. This means
discuss reasons for their answers in their she had to greet the librarian as if they were
groups. Finally, elicit the answers from them new to each other. On the other hand, Zeyinu
and give the correct answers. had to greet the librarian in a different way
from what Yadene had used.)
Answer: A
Have students do the other question as
1 The right order is 3, 4, 1, 2
2 Zeyinu, Yadene and the librarian.

Answer: B. Week 1 Day 3

1 At the gate of the public library.
2 He was waiting for the library to Daily Contentss
be opened. • Speaking
3 Zeyinu.
4 Andenet Primary School. • Grammar
5 He had a disability so she helped
him carry his books.
Homework (optional) (5 min)
Post-listening Activity (15 min) • Make sure students have done their
• Arrange the students in groups of four and homework. (Remember that students have
ask them to answer the following questions to develop the habit of doing homework.
orally. Encourage the students to have done it and
identify those who do not.)
• Where did Zeyinu and Yadene meet?
• Then, ask them to name different groups
• What did they do first?
of people like doctors, soldiers, etc. and
Have students answer the questions by you write the list on the blackboard. Then,
discussing and sharing their ideas. The main nominate some groups to present their
idea is about the place and the situation created. answers. (Listen to what they present. Do
The students (Zeyinu and Yadene) have met not forget to give constructive comments.
for the first time. As a result, they greeted each Make sure students with disabilities have
other. Ask students to read and answer the chance to present their answers.)

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

5. Speaking (20 minutes) are getting equal chances; help students with
disability to participate in the activity.)
• Introduce what the students will do in the
speaking session. Tell them to study the • Let students use the prompts given under
table in their textbook and copy it into their instruction B to make a short conversation.
exercise books. Then, tell the students to Arrange them in pairs to ask and answer the
be in pairs (one student is going to ask a questions orally. (Move around the class
question to elicit information and the other and check how students are using the oral
student answers; the one who asks will language.)
complete the table with the information he/ • Let students do the activity given in
she has elicited). Tell them to take turns and instruction C as homework. (The matching
complete the table. exercise.)
• This is how they should do the speaking Answers: C
1. D 4. A 7. G
Example: 2. C 5. F
3. E 6. B
Saba: What is your name?
Benti: My name is Benti. 6. Grammar (20 minutes)
Saba: How old are you?
Simple Present Tense
Benti: I’m eleven.
• Explain the form of the simple present tense;
Saba: How many brothers and sisters do you give emphasis on the differences of the forms
have? in third person singular Vs others.
Benti: I’ve two brothers and three sisters.
Saba: What grade are you ?
• I work. (Do I work? I do not work.)
Benti: Grade six.
• She works. (Does she work? She does not
Saba: What is your favourite subject?
Benti: My favourite subject is English.
• Tell the students some uses of the simple
Then Saba introduces Benti to the other students present tense. (Use these examples in your
like this: explanations.)
“Students, let me introduce my friend to you. a. For something which is permanently true:
This is Benti. He is eleven years old. He has
• I’m from Ethiopia.
three sisters and two brothers. He is a grade six
• He doesn’t speak Amharic.
student and English is his favourite subject.”
• We live in Addis Ababa.
• Arrange the students in groups of four and
let them introduce their friend to the group b. For repeated actions or habits:
members based on the information they have • 1 get up at six o’clock every day.
elicited earlier. (Make sure that all students
• What time do you leave school?

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• I don’t see them very often. Homework (optional) (5 min)

• Let the students read the activity given under Check if students have done their homework.
instruction A. Use the examples to explain Move in the class and see their exercise books.
how they will do it. [Give them some time to Then, ask students to give the correct answers.
finish the activity. Move round the class and Make sure the female and male students have
see how they are doing it.] equal chances to give the answers
• Re-write the sentences on the board by These are the correct answers:
randomly nominating students.
Answers: C
Answers: A 1. is 5. are 9. is
1. Does she introduce herself to the class? 2. is 6. are
2. We don’t welcome new students every 3. am 7. are not
4. are 8 are
Answers: D
3. He goes to the library every day.
1. Are 8. are 15. am
4. Does she play football every Saturday?
2. is 9. is 16. are
5. Does he wash his uniform every week?
3. isn’t 10. is 17. am
6.. She finishes her homework at five
4. isn’t 11. Is 18. is
5. is 12. isn’t 19. are
• Then, tell them to put the verbs in the 6. isn’t 13. aren’t 20. are
brackets into their appropriate forms. (Give 7. am 14. are
them some time to complete the activity and
go round the class to see their progress.)
Week 1 Day 4
• Then, let them compare their answers with
their partner and hold discussions where
Daily Contentss
• Reading Fluency
• Finally, do the exercise with students by
eliciting answers from them one by one. • Vocabulary

Answers: Instruction B

Answers: B 7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)

1. greet 5. learn
2. want 6. inform Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
3. sits 7. is • Ask them what the previous reading was
4. is about.
• Use the activity given under instruction C
While-reading Activity (10 min)
and D as homework.
• Explain the difference between a dialogue
and a prose and how to read a dialogue
with expressions related to characters.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

[Dialogue is a way of adding conversation the dialogue. Go round the class and provide
to a story as if the characters are actually support to students with disabilities.
speaking to the reader. It is preceded with • Give time for them to compare their answers
a quotation mark and ends with a quotation with their partner. Then, answer the questions
mark, indicating that these are the words of with students.
someone speaking. When you see a dialogue
Answers: A
in a reading, it is time to imagine you are the
• introduce
character, and speak the dialogue as if the
• depart
character is speaking.] • welcome
• Read the story composed in a dialogue form,
where the characters speak. Let the students Week 1 Day 5
notice how you change your voice when you
get the words that Andenet, Amina, Hanna,
Daily Contents
Yadeta, Fereweyini and Ato Abune spoke.
[Read the text with expression and character • Writing
voice for dialogue.]
• Then, arrange the students in pairs. Tell
them to read the way you modelled them to
9. Writing (40 minutes)
their partners. The partner evaluates how the
words spoken by the characters are changed. Writing convention (10 min)
Tell them to take turns to practice reading
with expressions. Punctuation Marks
• Check how students are changing their • Explain what punctuations marks are and
reading expressions when the speakers are how they are used. Use the following notes.
changed. [A punctuation mark is placed in a text to
make meaning clear and to make reading
• Help students who cannot read expressions.
easier. The various punctuation marks
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes) perform four functions They :
a. separate (a period separates sentences),
Contextual Use of Words
b. group or enclose (parentheses enclose
• Explain the difference between identifying
extraneous information),
contextual meanings of words and using
c. connect (a hyphen connects a unit modifier),
words in contexts.
• Tell the students to read the activity in their
d. impart meaning (a question mark may
textbooks (incomplete dialogue). Then,
make an otherwise declarative sentence
by their own, let them choose the most
appropriate word from the list to complete

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

The function of a punctuation mark is the basis

for the rules governing its use and should be Answers: B
the basis for determining whether or not it is 1. Do you know me?
needed.] 2. Let me introduce you to my friend.
Use a period (.) at the end of a sentence. 3. What an interesting day it is!
Example: 4. How many friends do you have?
5. Shut up!
My name is Andinet.
6. She asked me if I know her brother.
Use question mark (?) at the end of a question.
7. When did they arrive?

What is your name?

Use an exclamation point (!) at the end of a
• Prepare students to do the contraction
sentence that shows a strong feeling such as
activity. (In this activity they will write the
surprise or fear.
full form and the contracted words.) Use
Example: examples to show how to write the full and
contracted negative forms.
How sad! I missed the show.
• Let students do the activities. Move round
• Let the students copy the activity in their
the class to see and help students do the
exercise books and put either full stops or
activity. Ask students to give the answers.
question marks or exclamation points where
If possible, make them write the answers on
necessary; they should work individually.
the board.
Encourage them to compare their answers
in groups of three and hold discussion on Writing Composition (30 min)
their differences. Then, elicit answers from Sentence Writing
the group members and provide the correct
Tell them that they will arrange words to make
answers with explanations.
correct sentences.
Answers: A For example:
1. ? 5. . 9. . see /will next week/ my friend /you
2. . 6. ! 10. !
You will see my friend next week.
3. ? 7. ? 11. .
Will you see my friend next week?
4. . 8. ,
Then, let them copy the jumbled words in
their text book into their exercise books and
rearrange them based on the given example.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Week 2
1. I’m three years old.
2. Did she greet us yesterday?
3. English is my favourite subject.
What Are You Wearing
4. Do you know your teacher’s name?

Paragraph Writing
Week Objectives
• Tell the students that they will write a
paragraph next week. The paragraph is about At the end of the unit, students will be
introducing a classmate. able to:
• Help them use the graphic organizer to • form words using verbs and
collect ideas they use for their writing. (This prepositions,
week the students are expected to collect • exchange greetings with their friends;
ideas. They have to choose one of their
• read and sort out specific
classmates to ask and have some ideas.)
Help students who have some difficulty in
using the graphic organizer. • complete a dialogue with appropriate
• describe people and their dressings;
• listen to the text and respond.
• Write a paragraph in a dialogue form.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Week 2 Day 1 1. put on
2. worn out
3. replaced by
Daily Contentss
4. participate in
• Word Study 5. cover with
• Reading Comprehension 6. ride down

2. Reading Comprehension
1. Word Study (10 min) (30 minutes)

Phrasing Pre-reading Activity (5 min)

Introduce the topic of the day (Tell students • Tell the students that they will read and
about phrasing - words which make a phrasal comprehend a text. Before they read,
verb.) encourage/ motivate them to answer the pre-
reading questions given in their textbook
Explain what collocation means.
using their background knowledge (They
• It is a pair or group of words that are often
should not read the text to answer the pre-
used together.
reading questions).
• It is a way in which some words are used
together, and sound natural together. Such While-reading Activity (10 min)
words are verbs and prepositions, etc. • Tell students to read the while-reading
Example: questions and notice what is required before
they start reading the text entitled, “Clothes
Good bye but it is not said “good from” (not in Ethiopia”.
good from)
• Encourages students to read ahead and
Then, encourage students to collocate words in continue reading for a couple of sentences if
their textbook and read them using the example. they are confused. Ask students to practice
Go round and check and support students to the Read Ahead strategy and use context
be fully engaged in the activity. Give special clues when they don’t understand something.
attention to students with disabilities and Encourage them to keep track of how they
students who are struggling. came to understand by using the strategies
Then after, elicit the answer from the students they have learned. Let them use this chart to
(make sure that you give equal chances to male help them be more aware of the strategies
and female students). they are using.
Words I don’t Words that help me
understand: understand this:

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Then, tell students to answer the While-

Answers: (Para.1) C
reading questions individually (give them
1. heavy
reasonable time to carry out the activity).
Note that students should copy the table into 2. tight (para 1)
their exercise book before they answer them. 3. traditional (Para 2)
• Then, tell them to compare and discuss 4. highlanders (para 5)
their answers in pairs and discuss answers.
Finally, work with the students and answer Post-reading Activity (15 min)
the questions together. • Ask students to answer the Post-reading
T: Who can list the type of clothes questions. Remind them that such types of
mentioned in the text? questions help them to associate what they
S1: shemma S3: dress learned from the text with real situation
S2: shirt in their environment. Their answers may
no be right or wrong answer, because they
T: What is shemma made of
are expressing their experiences or their
Example: personal opinions.
S1: Shemma made of cotton. • Let students do the activity as homework.

• Tell students answer the questions given

under instruction B. Remind students to
Week 2 Day 2
refer back to the text so as to answer the
question. Make sure students are answering Daily Contentss
the questions by themselves. Help students • Vocabulary
who have difficulty. • Listening Comprehension
• Answer the questions together with the
students after they complete writing the
answers. Give equal chance to female and Homework (5 min)
male students.
• Check to see if students have done their
Answers: B homework. Go round the class to make sure
that the students have done the activity.
1. Clothes made up of cotton
Because the highland is very cold and • For the activity was a Post-reading question,
2. do not expect the same answer from the
cotton clothes are warm.
The highlanders wear heavy white students. This type of activity gives freedom
3. cotton clothes and the lowlanders wear to express personal experiences or opinions.
colourful light clothes. As a result, accept reasonable answers given.
People wear heavy and light clothes
according to the weather condition
and their culture people were different

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

3. Vocabulary (15 minutes) the text they will listen.) Let them see the
While-listening activity. (Wait them at least
Contextual Meanings for 3 minutes till they notice what they will
• First, ask students to copy the words in their look for).
exercise books. Then, tell them that the • Read the text with a moderate pace twice.
words are written in bold or underlined in (Pause where necessary during your
the reading text. Ask students to read the reading). Give them 5 minutes to complete
reading text. Notice the words and write the the table.
contextual meaning of each word in their
• Then, arrange them in groups of three to
exercise books. Then, ask them to compare
compare their answers. Tell them that they
and discuss their answers in pairs. Finally,
can discuss on their answers in their group.
elicit the answers from the students in a
Finally, elicit the answers from them and
whole group/class discussion. (Give chance
give the correct answer.
to students with disabilities during eliciting
answers). Ethiopian Clothing
Answers: Ethiopian clothes are mostly made of cotton
= make something more woven by traditional weavers known as
1. Decorate “Shemane”. There are also many clothes made
2. Traditional = cultural, old-style from different animal skin and wool.

3. Carnivals = festival, celebrations A traditional coffee dress is made of pure cotton.

It usually has a beautifully hand embroidered
4. Shaved = hairless, cut off (hair)
star, cross, or other designs on the front. Its
neckline, sleeves and border are decorated with
4. Listening Comprehension the same colours.
(25 minutes)
“Shash” which is made of cotton or nylon is a
Pre-listening Activity (5 min) cloth women wear to cover their hair. It is tied
at the back.  In different regions, the shash is
• Tell the students that they will listen to a
done and decorated in different styles.
short text.
Shepherds in highland areas wear traditional
• Before they listen to the text, let them read
hats which are made of wool. They are hand-
the pre reading questions and think about the
woven having black and gray colours. These
answers individually. Then, arrange them in
hats are round with a small tail-like structure
pairs to share their answers and discuss.
at their centre. The shepherds (boys) wear them
While-listening Activity (10 min) during cold weather.

• Tell students what they will do While- Men and women wear costumes made of
listening so as to set purpose for listening woven cotton. It is very white shawl-like type
comprehension. (Prepare them to listen and of garment. Men often wear bigger size and
complete the table with the information from

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

women wear lighter size. It is decorated with

coloured borders and woven designs. Week 2 Day 3
• Ask students to answer the questions given
under instruction A and B. Tell students to Daily Contentss
use the ideas from the listening text. Move • Speaking
round the class and help students doing the
• Grammar
• Answer the questions with the students.

Answers: B
Homework (5 min)
1. Shemane.
• Check if students have done the homework.
2. Shash. Go round the class to make sure they
3. Shepherds have done it. Select three to four group
It is round with a small tail-like representatives to report the answers to
structure at its centre. the class, and conduct discussions on the
5. Cotton. answers if necessary.

Speaking (20 minutes)

Post-listening Activity (15 min)
• Introduce them what they will do in the
• First, let them read the Post-listening speaking session. Tell them they will
questions and give them as homework. talk about the type of clothes they wear
in different occasions. Then, arrange the
Answers: A
students in pairs and ask them to take turns
clothes materials decoration to elicit and complete the information.
coffee hand embroidered • Model a dialogue (between you and one of
dress designs the students in the class) in the class before
cotton/ students engage in the activity.
shash various types
shepherd’s tail like structure at
hat the center T: What are you wearing, Halima?
colored borders and S2: I’m wearing a blue skirt. etc.
gabi cotton
woven designs
• Go round and monitor how they are carrying
out the activity and support students with a
disability. Make sure that students are taking
their turns to ask and answer questions.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

6. Grammar (20 minutes) Answers: A

Present Continuous Tense 1. be → is

2. sit → is sitting
Note to:
3. eat → is eating
• Explain the form of present continuous tense
to students; give emphasis on the differences 4. wear → are wearing
of the forms in third person singular Vs 5. run → are running
others. 6. look → look
Example: 7. wear → are wearing
8. swim → are swimming
• I am working. (Am I working? I am not
working.) 9. weave → are weaving

• She is working. (Is she working? She is not 10 wear → is wearing

working.) 11. ride → is riding

• Tell them some uses of the present • Ask students to complete the dialogue with
continuous tense. the correct forms of the verbs given in
For an action in progress: brackets.

• I’m reading a grammar book now. Answers: B

• What are you wearing now? iron → am ironing
• She isn’t eating at the moment. iron → iron
• Use examples during your explanations. be → are

• Ask students to read and complete the text be → are

given under instruction A with the correct wear → Are you wearing
forms of the verbs in brackets. Use the be → am not
examples to show how they will change the
choose → choose
correct forms of the verbs.
wear → is wearing
• Go round the class and see and support how
wash → is washing
the students are doing the activity. Help
students who have some difficulty in doing
the activity.
• Ask students to say the correct forms of the
verbs according to the given contexts. Listen
to the answers and give comments and
corrections. Write the correct answers on the

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Let them listen as you demonstrate two

Week 2 Day 4 kinds of reading, then, ask them which
sounded better. [Read with hesitancy, wrong
Daily Contentss emphasis, and mispronunciations]:
• Reading Fluency “The peo-ple of Ethiopia wear different
• Vocabulary clothes. The tra-di-tional dress of the
highland people has tra-di-tiona-lly been of
heavy white cotton cloth. Men have worn
7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes) long trou-sers, a tight fitting shirt and a
Pre-reading Activity(5 min)
• Now, read it again, differently [Read again
• Ask students what the previous reading was with correct pronunciation and emphasis.]
“The people of Ethiopia wear different
While-reading Activity(10 min) clothes. The traditional dress of the highland
people has traditionally been of heavy white
• Explain that they are going to practice reading
cotton cloth. Men have worn long trousers, a
accuracy. Inform them that you will model
tight fitting shirt and a shamma.”
reading fluency by reading aloud. Prepare
them to notice and appreciate the importance • Ask students which sounded better, the first
of fluent reading, and the difference between reading or the second? And explain that the
fluent and non-fluent reading. (Remember: first time, you were not fluent in your reading.
students can practice this method by reading The second time, you pronounced all of the
together, in pairs, or individually.) words correctly and you paid attention to
commas and other punctuation marks. The
• (When we read words easily with expression
second reading was fluent reading and this
and correct emphasis, we demonstrate that
time you understood it better, which meant
we are skillful readers. A sign of skillful
that they could listen to you read more easily.
reading is that we are fluent. This means we
read as well as we speak our mother tongue, • Prepare the class to read the sentences aloud
with ease and accuracy. When we are fluent, with you. (Teacher, please do this activity
it is easy to read quickly because we know together with your students so that they will
all of the words, and understand what we are recognize fluent reading.)
reading.) • Ask students to practice reading accuracy.
• Arrange the students in pairs. Ask them to
read to their partners the way they read with
you to their partners. The partner evaluates
how they arrange phrases (in chunks) with
the way the teacher read. Tell them to take
a turn to practice. (You can give them this

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

checklist to evaluate how their partners

Answers: B
Read Read Read with
1. long
faster smoother expression 2. brocken
During the 2nd
reading my X X X 3. Shorten
partner . . .
During the 3rd Answers: C
reading my   
partner . . . 1. raincoat 5. underwear
2. necktie 6. sunglasses
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
3. nightgown 7. handbag
Contextual Uses of words 4. earring
• Tell them to read the activity in their text.
Then, on their own, ask them to choose
the most appropriate word from the list to Week 2 Day 5
complete the text. Go round the class and
provide support to students with various Daily Contents
disabilities. • Writing
• Give time for them to compare their answers
with their partner. Then, answer the questions
with students.

Answers: A 9. Writing (40 minutes)

1. decorated, 4. shave
Writing convention (10 min)
2. jewelleries, 5. carnivals
3. traditional, Capitalization

• Let students do the activity given under Note that:

instruction B and C as homework. Explain when to capitalize letters in
Homework (5 min)
• Any sentence begins with a capital letter.
Ask students about the homework. Make sure
all have tried it personally. Go round the class • Proper nouns (names of people, Places
check their exercise book. and Countries) always begin with a
capital letter in any position in a sentence
Ask students randomly to give the correct
or a text.
answers; be certain to give equal chance to
female and male students as well as students
with disability.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Let them copy the exercise on their

exercise book and capitalize letters where Week 3
necessary; they should work individually.
Encourage them to compare their answers
in groups of three and hold discussion on What Is It Made of?
their differences. Then, elicit answers from
the group members and provide the correct
answer with explanations.
Week Objectives
Answer (Underlined) At the end of the week, students will be
2. Hailu is wearing a black jacket. able to:
3. I like wearing Ethiopian “Shemma”. • talk about what their clothes are
4. My younger sister has put on Sena’s “Shash”. made of;
• change word patterns by adding
Writing Composition (30 min) suffixes/morphemes;
• Tell them that they will describe people in • identify contextual meanings of
the pictures based on what they are wearing. words;
First, ask them to identify the type and the
• transfer information into tables;
colour of clothes the people in the picture
• use passive and active sentences to
wear. Then, write a description about each
talk about what clothes are made of;
person in the picture in a complete sentence.
Example: • re-arrange jumbled word to write
Tolla is wearing a red jacket. complete sentences.
• Then, encourage students to exchange
their description and comment on each
other’s work. Ask some students read
their description to the class. Write
the descriptions on the board. Hold a
discussion with the students based on the
answers if necessary.

• Have students write sentences about the data

they collected during the previous week.
Remind them to use the ideas they wrote in
the table.
• Move round the class to help students do the
activity. (This is the time to write the draft
of the dialogue. As a result, students have to
write the sentences.)

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

2. Reading Comprehension
Week 3 Day 1 (30 minutes)
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
Daily Contentss
• Encourage them to answer the pre-reading
• Word Study
questions individually before they read the
• Reading Comprehension text.
• Let them use their own experience in
answering the questions.
1. Word Study (10 min) • Arrange them in pairs to discuss their
• Tell students that they will practice reading While-reading Activity (10 min)
words by blending morphemes. • Tell them that they will read a passage
Example: entitled, ‘Culture Day’.
• Before they read, have them copy the table
Tell to students that they will blend the given
in their text book. Then, let them read to
morphemes to other words and form a word
identify the required information to complete
with a new pattern.
the table.
Blending: It is putting together letters or word • Then after, tell them to read the passage
parts to get word. silently. During their reading, encourage them
Explain the example. to make pauses and check understanding.

Example: • Let them check and compare their answers

in pairs and refer back to the passage again if
Fur → furry
they come across different answers.
wood → wooden
• Finally, elicit the answers from the students
• Let the students to do the exercise in their and provide the correct answers.
text book individually. First tell them to copy
down the words in their exercise books.
No Clothes Material made of
• Then, let them compare their answers in
2. Kollo Cotton
pairs and discuss on their differences.
3. Shorts cotton
• Finally, elicit the answers from the students
and give the correct answer to them. 4. Trousers Light nylon

Here are the words: 5. Dress Cotton

1. woolen 4.wooden • Let students read the questions and answer

2. durability 5. elasticity them according the reading text.


English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Encourage students to read the text to find The answers for the next instruction, i.e.;
the answers. instruction B, are open ended. Try to see how
• Move round the class to see how students are students give their ideas.
doing the activity. Help students who have
some problems in doing the activity. Do the
Week 3 Day 2
same to students with disability.
Daily Contentss
• Answer the questions together with the
students. Make sure to give equal chance to • Vocabulary
female and male students. • Listening Comprehension

Answer: B
1. The students were selected for 3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
demonstration (fashion show).
2. Cotton Contextual Meanings

3 Zenith • Let them copy the vocabulary activity into

their exercise books.
4. It means that the T-shirt has black,
yellow and horizontal lines. • Find the words in the text, and write their
5 Momina’s necklace. meanings in their exercise books.
6. Yasin • Arrange them in pairs and let them compare
their answers. They can discuss and correct
Post-reading Activity (15 min) their answers.

Use the Post-reading activity as homework. • Monitor the discussion going round the class
and assist students with disabilities.
Homework (5 min) • Elicit the answers and provide the correct
Begin the day’s lesson by checking the answers to students.
assignment you gave from the previous day.
Answers: A
Move round the class and check if students
1. made of soft (smooth) cloth, or silk
have done the homework.
2. prepared from
Answer the questions together with the students.
3. tie or fold as a cover or protection
Make sure all students are participating.
4. made/laced
Answers: B 5. touches/extends
1. are selected
2. wear
3. cultural
4. made
5. demonstrated

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

4. Listening Comprehension They can be worn for special parties, meetings,

(25 minutes) weddings, etc. Wearing these fashionable
expressions of tradition and culture give people
Pre-listening Activity (5 min) respect for and pride of the country they live in.
• Tell them that they are going to listen a text The fashionably made Ethiopian cultural
entitled ‘Designing Cultural Clothes’. clothes are becoming more important in the
• Before they listen, encourage them to think global fashion markets. They are popularizing
about the answers of the pre-listening the Ethiopian culture in the globe.
question. Then, arrange them in groups of • Let them decide if the statements are ‘true’
three to share their views. or ‘false’ based on the listening text.
• Give them some time to compare their
While-listening Activity (10 min)
answers with their partners.
• Before you read the text, let students read
• Provide the correct answers.
the while-listening activity. (This will help
students to be ready to listen to the text.) Answers:
• Read the text twice (with the second reading 1. True 3. True
a bit faster). 2. False 4. True
• Prepare the students by telling that you are • Let students answer the questions given
going to read the text two times. under instruction B.
• Pre-teach some key vocabulary such as ‘eye- • Make sure students are using the data from
catching’, ‘identity’, ‘globe, etc. the listening text. Go round the class to see
Designing Cultural Clothes and help students in doing the activity.
• Answer the questions by asking different
Clothes, especially the cultural types, express
students. Remember to nominate new
a country’s identity. These clothes  give ideas
about the people and the country they are from.
They are similar to a map that points to where Answers: B
the person wearing them comes from.
1. Traditional clothes
Most of Ethiopian cultural garments are
2. They are hand woven
handmade. Nowadays various fashion designers
3. Different designers
are using these garments in more fashionable
ways. As a result, the clothes are in demand by 4. Holidays and ceremonies
many due to their highest standard of quality. 5. The fashionably designed cultural
Their stylistic indistinct weaves attract people clothes and the people who are wearing
and satisfy their senses. People who are wearing them
them are becoming more eye-catching.
Post-listening Activity (15 min)
The fashionably designed Ethiopian cultural
clothes can be used for many different events.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Use the post-listening activity as homework

and wind up the day’s lesson.
Segni: What is ‘gabi’ made of?

Week 3 Day 3 Meron: It is made of cotton.

• Let students extend the activity to report what

Daily Contentss they have got in their groups. This time they
• Speaking can report on the clothes and the material
they are made of. (Make sure students have
• Grammar
equal chances to deliver the report.)


Homework (5min) ‘Gabi’ is one type of Ethiopian cultural

Begin the day’s lesson by checking the clothing. It is made of cotton.
homework you gave in the previous class. Make • Finally, the class will have various types of
sure students have answered the question from Ethiopian traditional clothes and the material
the post-listening activity. they are made from.
The answers are open ended. This means that • Check the grammar the students are using.
there is no right or wrong answer. Encourage Also, the pronunciation of the words they
students to forward their answers to the class. are using. (Give important corrections and
Do not forget to motivate them and give constructive comments.)
constructive comments.
• Have some notes (or marks) about the
speaking activity of the class.
5. Speaking (20 minutes)
• Tell your students that they are going 6. Grammar (20 minutes)
to talk about Ethiopian cultural clothes.
(Remember, this is a speaking session. Active and Passive Voice
Most of the speaking has to be done by the • Explain the difference between active and
students.) passive voices.
• Arrange them in small groups. Encourage Note: Active sentences are sentences whose
them to name and list various Ethiopian subject is the doer of the action.
traditional clothes in their exercise books.
(Help them to ask and answer about the
cultural clothes.) Weavers make clothes. (Weavers are the
subject of this sentence, this word refers to
• Let one student asks what one of the clothes
the doer of the action, i.e. making clothes.)
from their list is made of. Motivate students
to take turns to ask and answer. (This will Passive sentences are sentences whose subject
give them more time to speak.) here is an is the receiver of the action described by the
example: verb.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Example Answers: C
Clothes are made by weavers. (Clothes, the 1. is grown 4. is taken
subject of the sentence, refers to the receiver 2. is harvested 5. are sold
of the action.)
3. is picked 6. are bought
The passive is used to describe actions.
• Let students individually complete the text
a. when we don’t know who does, or did the with the correct forms of the words given in
action: brackets.
A briefcase is left here. (we don’t know • Then, arrange them in pairs to compare
who leave it). their answers with their partner and make
b. when it is not important to know who does, discussions on their differences.
or did the action: • Elicit the answers and provide the correct
These television sets are made in Ethiopia. answers. (Give equal chances to female and
(It doesn’t matter who makes them). male students.)
• Ask students to look at the information in Answers:
the table and write passive sentences. Help
1. wears 4. are,
students to follow the example given.
• Move round the class and help students in 2. is made, 5. sings
doing the activity. 3. puts on, 6. wear
• Ask students to read the text and complete
it with correct passive forms of the verbs in
the brackets.
Week 3 Day 4
Answers: B
Daily Contentss
There is a tailor’s dummy which is called (call) • Reading Fluency
Sidrom. It is owned (own) by Akinahom. It is
• Vocabulary
kept (keep) in Akinahom’s store. It is made
(make) of plastic. It is always dressed (always
/ dress) in Ethiopian cultural clothes. The
clothes are made (make) of cotton. Sidrom is 7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
used (use) to display the cultural clothes.
Pre-reading Activity(5 min)
• Let them complete the sentences given under Tell them that they are going to practice reading
instruction C using the correct form of the the text fluently. Before that, ask them to
words in brackets. (Give them one example) remember the title of the reading text.
• Move round the class; support students
facing problems. Do the same to students
with a disability.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

While-reading Activity (10 min) • Then, arrange them in pairs. Let them
• Tell the students that they are going to practice compare their answers and make discussions
reading fluency focusing on rate. (Reading on their answers.
rate focuses on limiting the number of words • Elicit the answer from the students and give
to be read per minutes. Here students have the correct answer.
to practice to increase the number of words • Let them do the activity given under
they read per minute.) instruction B as homework.
• Arrange them in pairs so that as one student Answers: A
practices reading the other one keeps the
1. d, f, g 4. a
time; and take turns.
• Read the first paragraph of the reading text 2. d, f, g 5. b,c
twice. Tell students to keep time you use to 3. g,d,f
read the paragraph as they listen. Let them
focus on how you utter words, organize Answers:
groups of words (phrases) and make pauses
Men Women Men and Women
where necessary. (Then, compare the time of
coat ring kuta
the readings.)
• Arrange them in pairs and let one student tie dress gloves
read the text as the teacher modelled and T-shirt skirt belt
the other student listens and keeps the gabi netela shoes
time spent. Let them take a turn to practice
briefcase handbag sweaterring watch
reading. (Give this checklist to follow their
partner’s reading time.)
1st 2nd 3rd
Week 3 Day 5
My partner reads

My partner reads
Daily Contents
• Writing
• Move into the pairs and monitor how the
activity is going on.

8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)

Collocations Homework (optional) (5 min)
• Let them copy the matching activity into Begin the lesson by checking the homework.
their exercise books. Make sure all students have done the activity.
Move round the class and look at their exercise
• Tell them to match the materials with the
clothes they are made of. Let them do the
activity individually.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Ask different students to list down the words Example: She said, ‘‘I can’t go now.’’
under the columns. (Make sure you are giving
• Let them do the activities given in their
equal chances to female and male students to
textbook. Move round the class to see how
participate. The same applies to students with
they are doing them.
• Answer the questions together with the
9. Writing (40 minutes) students.

Writing Convention (10 min) Writing Compositions (30 min)

Capitalization Writing sentences

• Remind students (explain) about using full • Tell them that they are going to write
stops and capital letters from the previous complete sentences by re-arranging words
week. (esp. adjectives) in their right order.
• Let them copy the activity in their exercise Note: If we have two or more adjectives in a
books and write their answers accordingly. sentence, we often arrange them in the
• Arrange them in pairs and compare their following order.
answers. quality → size - shape - colour - material -
• Let the students give the answers one by one. noun

• Finally, give the correct answers with • Let them write the exercise in their notebooks
justification. and answer accordingly.

Answers: 1. Elicit the answers from the students (give

equal chances for both males and females in
1. Ethiopians wear cultural clothes on holidays. the class).
2. Does your mother wear ‘Netella’?
3. Ujulu who is from Gambella wears a metal
1. My sister wears a beautiful metal ring.
2. Zahra wears an attractive short skirt.
4. Both Hilina and Senit wear cultural dresses
every day. 3. I like a dress which is made of cotton.
4. Balguda wears a yellow silk scarf.
• Explain that contractions take two common Paragraph Writing
words and make them into one word by • Remind students to finish writing their
omitting a letter and replacing it with an dialogue.
apostrophe. • Encourage them to use the sentences they
Example: ‘‘cannot’’ becomes ‘‘can’t.’’ have developed over the previous weeks.

Contractions are often used in writing spoken • Tell them to use correct punctuation and
speech. capitalization.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Here is a model dialogue:

Fikir: What’s your name?
Beruk: My name is Beruk.
Fikir: How old are you Beruk?
Beruk: I’m twelve.
Fikir: Where were you born?
Beruk: I was born in Addis Ababa.
Fikir: Which historical places have you
Beruk: I’ve visited Gondar. It is one of the
historical places in Ethiopia. It has
several old palaces.
Fikir: What are your hobbies?
Beruk: I like listening to traditional songs.

UNIT 2 Tourist Sites in Ethiopia

Unit Objectives
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
• sort out words based on their sound patterns;
• identify contextual meanings of words;
• sort out specific information from their reading and complete summary text;
• combine two sentences into one;
• listen and take notes; and
• write sentenced from pictures to compose a paragraph.

Week 4 Mountain Peaks in Ethiopia

monitor their engagement by going round

Week 4 Day 1 the rows in the class).
• Tell them to compare their answers in pairs
Daily Contents
and discuss their differences.
• Word Study
• Elicit the answers from each student (giving
• Reading Comprehension equal opportunity for students). Then, give
the correct answer

1. Word Study (10 min) Answer

Condition mountain bigger longest
Rhyming Words
position entertain higher highest
• Introduce what students are going to do. It
is about words that rhyme. These are words location maintain longer greatest
which have similar sounds at their ends.
• Let them copy the activity into their note-
books. Then, students categorize the words
based on their sounds at the end. (Give
reasonable time to accomplish the task and

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

2. Reading (30 minutes) Post-reading Activity (15 min)

Pre-reading Activity (5 min) • Let the students notice certain features of a

diary in the reading text. (Give examples:
• Get students in pairs and let them try to give
Date? What happened?)
the meaning of words listed in the section.
(They can see the words from the text). • Students jot down points about the area they
have visited. Then let them change the points
• Draw the attention of the students to the title
in to sentences.
for the week, “Mountain Peaks in Ethiopia”.
Draw a mountain and teach the word ‘peak’. • Finally, the students should write a parallel
diary by connecting those points.
• Discuss the meaning of the words with the
• Pre-teach the meaning of words such as Week 4 Day 2
‘memory’ and ‘baggage’.
Daily Contentss
While-reading Activity (10 min)
• Vocabulary
• Let students read and copy comprehension
• Listening Comprehension
questions before they read the passage.
• Students read the passage silently. Tell them
to make pauses and check their understanding Homework (optional) (5 min)
(Read again).
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
• Let them write the answers to the
comprehension questions in their exercise Guessing Meanings
books. • Tell them that they are going to guess word
• Get them in pairs and compare their answers. meanings from contexts. (Remind them
about what a context is from week 2)
• Provide the correct answer and justify using
clues from the text. • Let them copy the text with the underlined
words in their note/ exercise books.
Answers: A
• Let them guess the meaning of the underlined
1. Two days
words and write in their exercise book.
2. Sunny and windy
• Give them a clue. Example: The first word
3. Gelada Baboon and Walya Ibex
interested is used with very common words
4. He wanted to visit again in the future. ‘visitors’ and ‘go’.
5. Gellada baboons and walia ibex
• Arrange them in pairs to compare their
answers and discuss.
• Elicit the answers and provide the correct

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Answers: A Answers: B
1. Wanted/liked 1. hiking, rock climbing and volcano
2. Beautiful/interesting
2. mountain, rock and volcano
3. Ability/quality
4. catch, take control of
While-listening (10 min)
5. Water falling from over the edge of a
cliff Ethiopian mountains
6. Enjoyment (pleasure).
In my visit to Ethiopia, I have seen that the
4. Listening (25 minutes) country has many wonderful mountains. The
mountains are very suitable for various types of
Pre-listening Activity (5 min) activities. They are good to do mountain hiking,
• Tell them that they are going to listen a text rock climbing and volcano expedition.
entitled, ‘Visiting Ethiopian Mountains’. Mountain hiking is one of the activities that
• Let them think about the answers of the I saw tourists enjoying in the mountains. The
pre-listening questions individually. Then, mountains offer excellent opportunity for the
arrange them in pairs and make them discuss more seasoned hikers. While tourists were
their answers. walking to the peak of Ras Dashen, I observed
absolute excitement on their faces.
While-listening Activity Rock climbing is the other activity that offers
• Tell them to read the while-listening pleasure. Many mountain cliffs are the kind of
questions before they listen to the text. places rock climbing fans dream about. The
• Read the text twice with moderate speed and northern highlands or the mountain ranges of
clear articulation. the southeastern of Ethiopia are the perfect cliff
to scale.
• Then, let them write their answers to the
questions based on their listening. Volcano expedition is another entertaining
opportunity I have enjoyed. I have learned that
• Let them compare their answers with their
Ethiopia has many active and extinct amazing
volcanoes. Erta Ale is the most active volcano in
• Take answers from them and give the correct Ethiopia. The name Erta Ale means, “Smoking
answers. Mountain” in the Afar language. Erta Ale has
Answers: two volcanoes with lava lakes.
1. North highlands & mountain ranges in These are some of the wonderful attractions
south eastern Ethiopia that I have enjoyed in Ethiopian mountains in
2. Because they are sources of pleasure/
3. Erta Ale
4. Smoking mountain.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

the norther regions. I believe they can be very 6. Grammar (20 minutes)
good sources of pleasure for those who admire
mountains. Active and Passive Forms
• Explain that various ways of using
Post-listening Activity (15 min) preposition with expression of direction.
• Arrange them in pairs and answer the
to the left /left of
questions. (Give ample time) What clues are
there in the listening text to understand the in the middle/at the middle of
feeling of the visitor. Deal with that. above, at the top
• Get them in groups of four and compare and
discuss their answers.
• Let them report their group’s answers to the • Ask them to study where high mountains
class through their group leader. are found in Ethiopia. (encourage them to
practice orally)

Week 4 Day 3 • Individually, copy the table given in the text

book into exercise book. Then, encourage
them to write sentences.
Daily Contentss
• Give opportunity for student to respond.
• Speaking
During answering, focus on their use of
• Grammar preposition and expression of direction
• Write the last 3 correct sentences on the
Homework (optional) (5 min) black board.

5. Speaking (20 minutes) Answers: A

This guide book was prepared ten
• Let students study the information in the 1.
years ago.
table given (Give them ample time to study).
Horses and mules are used to carry
• Arrange the students in pairs and tell them 2.
to elicit as many questions as possible. Let
3. The model is paid weekly.
them take turns to practice.
4. All the photos were bought.
• Go around the class and assist students with
5. The camera was found in the river.
various disabilities. In addition, encourage
6. The museum is visited once a week.
them to be involved in the activity.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Week 4 Day 4 1. D 4. F 6. G
2. C 5. A 7. B
Daily Contentss
3. E
• Reading Fluency
• Vocabulary
Week 4 Day 5
Homework (optional) (5 min)
Daily Contents
7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes) • Writing

Pre-reading Activity(5 min)

• Let your students remember about the
reading text they had in this week. Homework (optional) (5 min)

While-reading Activity (10 min) 9. Writing (40 minutes)

• Read the first two paragraphs to your Writing convention (10 min)
students with clear and audible voice. Pause
where necessary. (Teacher models) Punctuation
• Arrange them in pairs. One student will • Tell them that they will write sentences by
read and the other notices and evaluates the combining two or more sentences using
fluency. Let them take turns to practice. conjunctions.
Go (round) into the rows and follow up and • Introduce the uses of punctuation marks:
support students in their practices. comma and semicolon.
• Let them reflect on each other’s reading. The Comma is used:

8. Vocabulary (15 minutes) • to list nouns in a sentence.

• to combine two or more related sentences
Collocations when they are connected by cohesive devices
• Let the students copy the exercise into their such as ‘and’, ‘s’, and ‘but’.
note books. • to separate two clauses whereby one is
• Tell them to match the adjectives with the dependant and the other is independent
noun, they modify. (Give ample time and clause.
check their progress). • to separate dependant and independent
• Get them in pairs and compare their answers. clauses in a complete sentence
• Elicit the answers from them and give the
correct answers at the end. [Remember: more
than one combinations are also possible.]

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Example: Writing Composition (30 min)

After the class ends, we will go out for a • Let them see the picture in the text book
recess. carefully.
• to separate dependent and independent • Students exchange their sentences and get
clauses in a complete sentence. chances to read others sentences.

Semicolon is used: • Explain the kinds of sentences to be included

in a paragraph and what a paragraph means.
• to join two related sentences, with a cohesive
device or without it. Note:
• A paragraph is group of related sentences.
That is, all the sentences in a paragraph
Habiba visited the Simien Mountains last
discuss one main idea.
year; she wanted to write a report about them.
A paragraph contains:
Habiba visited the Simien Mountains; thus,
she wanted to write a report about them. 1. A topic sentence: It is a sentence which
contains the main idea to be developed
• Let them copy the sentences into their further in other sentences. It is usually the
notebooks and combine them. (Provide them first sentence of the paragraph.
with enough time). 2. Supporting sentences: These are sentences
• Elicit answers from students. (Let them write that explain the main idea in the topic
their answer on the board). sentence providing further details, examples,
• Provide correct answers with appropriate expressions etc.
discussion based on the notes provided 3. A concluding sentence: It is a sentence that
earlier. summarizes or concludes the idea in the
Answer: A paragraph. It ends the paragraph.

1. I visited Ras Dashen and photographed If possible, prepare your own paragraph and
different scenes. write it on the board to show the three sentence
2. The tourists visited all the mountains in types of the paragraph, namely TS, SS and CS.
Ethiopia, and /so/ they were very happy. • Let them re-arrange the sentences they wrote
3. My friend read a lot about Chilallo about the picture in the view of the concept
Mountains, and /so/ he planned to visit it. of a paragraph.
Answer: B • Make them connect the sentences and write
1. walked 4. wanted 7. cried a paragraph.

2. smiled 5. visited • Collect their paragraphs and give the

3. laughed 6. hurried necessary feedback.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Students are going to read some words by

Week 5 changing their forms. Introduce this to the
Where Is Your Home • Tell students to copy the exercise into their
Town? exercise book and work on the words based
on the first example.
• Teacher models reading the given example.
Week Objectives • Let the students practice saying the words by
their own, or with their partners.
At the end of the week, students will be
able to: Answer

• blend words into their different forms; visited visiting

• transfer information from a text; attracted attracting
• guess the meaning of words from the located locating
context given; enjoyed enjoying
• listen and sort out the main and situated situating
specific piece of information;
• ask for and give directions from a
2. Reading (30 minutes)
given map;
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
• use active and passive sentences
• Before the students read the text entitled
correctly; and
‘Villages and Towns’, let them answer
• write sentences about their village/ the pre-reading questions based on their
town. background knowledge. Encourage them to
justify their answers.
• Groups the students in fours and help them
Week 5 Day 1 to compare their answers and justifications.
• Note: there is no correct or wrong answer. The
Daily Contentss opinion of the students with its justification
• Word Study is enough.
• Reading comprehension
While-reading Activity (10 min)
Activity A can be treated as follows:
1. Word Study (10 min)
• Before they start reading the text, let them
Blending read the table and understand the type of
information required to complete it.
Words ending with ‘-ing’ and ‘ed’

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Get students to read the text silently and

Answer: B
identify the information. They can read the
1. True 4. True
text again if you feel that the students don’t
2. True 5. False
3. False
• Complete the table with the appropriate
Answer: C
• Arrange the students in pairs and compare
The reference questions
their answers. (Tell them to refer to the text
again when the pairs’ answers don’t match). 1. Inhabitants of towns

Complete the table with correct information 2. A village

Towns Villages 3. Countries

Population more populated Post-reading Activity (15 min)
more access to less access • Let the students read the two questions and
shops to shops think about the answers individually.
no fire
fire and police • Use the exercise in the Post-reading as
Facilities and police
stations homework. Motivate students to take the
farmers ideas mentioned in the reading text to write
Common teachers, doctors
employments and others the answers.

educations &
secondary Week 5 Day 2
banks and Daily Contentss
commercial agriculture
activities • Vocabulary
• Listening
To do the activities in B and C, consider the
steps below.
• L
et students answer the activities given under
the instructions B and C. Remind them that Homework (5 min)
they can read the text to find correct answers • Check if every student has done the
for the questions. homework. Go round the class to check what
• Make sure that the students are doing the they have in their exercise books.
activities individually. Move into the rows • The answers are open ended. This means
and assist learners with disabilities to be there is any correct or wrong answer. As
engaged in the activity. a result, take some students to read their
• Arrange the learners in pairs and let them answers to the class.
share their answers through discussion. .

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Listen to what the students have said and 4. Listening (25 minutes)
give constructive comments based on the
ideas they have mentioned. Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
• Let students answer the pre-listening
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
questions individually before they listen to
Contextual meaning of words the dialogue.

• Let students read the dialogue between the • Get the students in pairs to discuss their
two friends, and copy the underlined words answers.
in to their exercise book.
While-listening Activity (10 min)
• Students write the contextual meaning of
the underlined words in their exercise book. The Museum in the Town
(Go in to the rows in the class and assist and Tamene lives in a town that has a big museum.
encourage students with various disabilities). Many tourists come to visit that museum. Most
• Get the students in pairs and tell them to tourists ask where the museum is located.
compare their answers and discuss. Tamene has helped one tourist in this way:
• Show them the clues in the context. Tourist: Excuse me, can you help me? I’m
• Elicit the answers and give the correct lost!
answers. Tamene: Certainly, where would you like to
Tourist: I’d like to go to the museum, but I
A. The Contextual meanings are:
can’t find it. Is it far?
located - found
Tamene: No, not really. It’s about 5 minutes’
farm - land having plantation
area - place, land
Tourist: Maybe I should call a taxi.
attraction - site or places that attract
Tamene: No, no. It’s very easy. I can give you
the direction.
shrubs - small plants (trees)
Tourist: Thank you. That’s very kind of you.
cattle - home (domestic)
animals Tamene: Not at all. Now, go along this street to
B. Summary of the text the traffic lights. Do you see them?
Sena’s home is six kms away to the east. Tourist: Yes, I can see them.
It is located in a village, not in a town. Tamene: Right, at the traffic lights, turn left
There are different attractions such as into Hidasie Avenue.
bushes and shrubs that make it lovely.
Tourist: Hidasie Avenue?

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Tamene: Right. Go straight on. Take the second 4.. Hidasie Avenue
left and enter the Museum Drive.
5. Because they do not have a tourist
Tourist: OK. Hidasie Avenue, straight on and guide that help them to find the
then the third left, Museum Drive. place.
Tamene: No, it’s the SECOND left.
Tourist: Ah, right. The second street on my Answer: C
1. along 4. left
Tamene: Right. Just follow Museum Drive and
2. true 5. follow
the museum is at the end of the road.
3. second
Tourist: Great. Thanks again for your help.
Tamene: Not at all. Post-listening Activity (15 min)
To complete activity A, follow the steps
• Tell the students to read the Post-listening
questions and think about the answers
• Let the students look at the map in their individually.
textbook carefully before they listen to the
• Let the students do the activity as homework.
• Read the dialogue twice by changing your Week 5 Day 3
voice as the ‘tourist’ and ‘Tamene’.
• Students identify the places in the map based Daily Contentss
on their listening.
• Speaking
• Let the students compare their answers in
• Grammar
• Give the correct answers.
Work on activities B and C as follows:
• Let students read the activities given under Homework (5 min)
instruction B and C. • Check the homework from the previous
• Give them some time to answer the questions lesson; that is the Post-listening activity.
individually. Move around the class to see Make sure students have some answers to
how they are doing it and help students with the questions.
disability. • Since the answers are open ended, there is
no correct or wrong answer. But be certain
Answer: B
that students have reasons for what they
1. Tamene
have answered.
2. To visit the museum in the town

3. It is located at the end of the road

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

5. Speaking (20 minutes)

• Arrange the students in pairs and let them Week 5 Day 4
study the map given in their textbook.
• Let them practice asking for and giving Daily Contentss
direction. (One student asks for the direction • Reading Fluency
to a certain place and the other student gives
• Vocabulary
the direction based on the example in the
text book).
• Go into the pairs and assist students with Homework (optional) (5 min)
disabilities to participate.
7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
• Take three pairs from the class and present
the dialogue to the whole class. Pre-reading (5 min)
• Tell the students that they are going to
6. Grammar (20 minutes)
practice reading fluency.
Passive Voice • Before they read, let them remember the title
• Let students remember about the use of of text in this week.
passive from the week 3 grammar part.
Reading (10 min)
• Explain important phrases used with ‘wh-
• Read accurately the first two paragraphs of
question words to ask directions and places.
the reading text.
Use the example in student book.
• Tell the students to listen as you accurately
Note: read the paragraphs. (Let them focus on the
How far - distance accuracy of your reading).
How long - time • Tell the students to read the two paragraphs
where - place located to their partner and get feedback. (Check
how they are doing the activity.)
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
Sebeta is found in Oromiya region. (passive)
It is 30 km from Addis. (active) Contextual use of words
• Let the students read the incomplete text
Step 3:
• Arrange them in pairs and practice using the
passive and ‘wh’ question words to elicit • Fill the blank spaces with the most
information related to direction. (Monitor appropriate words from the list.
what the pairs are discussing).
• Compare their answers in pairs and make
discussions on their differences.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Provide the correct answers. • Give the right answer.

Writing Compositions (30 min)
1. located 5. villages
• Explain how to combine the sentences.
2. highest 6. pick Introduce to the students common reason
conjunctions: “since”, “because” & “as”
3. attractive 7. visit
with how to use them.
4. directions
• Let them connect the sentences individually.

Week 5 Day 5 • Get them in pairs and compare their answers.

• Elicit and write the correct answer on the
Daily Contents
• Writing
Week 6
Homework (optional) (5 min)
Have You Ever Travelled to
9. Writing (40 minutes) Tourist Sites?
Writing convention (10 min)
Dictation Week Objectives
• Tell the students that you are going to read a
At the end of the week, students will be
text to them as a dictation activity.
able to:
• Dictate to them the following text and, let
• use negative prefixes in words
them write using appropriate punctuation
marks and capital letters.
• read a text to sort out different
Ethiopia is the tenth largest country in Africa.
It has a population of about 90 million people.
They are from different ethnic groups. • categorize words thematically;
Ethiopia has a very good tropical climate. • listen and transfer information;
There is plenty of land for agriculture. There • use comparative and superlative
are many natural resources. In addition, appropriately to compare things /
Ethiopia is proud of many of its tourist objects;
attractions. Visitors often enjoy visiting these
• use words appropriately in a context;
• take notes and develop a parallel text;
• Let them compare their texts in groups of
• punctuate sentences correctly; and
three and make discussions.
• compose a paragraph

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

a. read the sentences in the text with words in

Week 6 Day 1 it.
b. show how the words are pronounced.
Daily Contentss c. give a dictionary definition of the words.
• Word study d. give student-friendly definitions of the
• Reading comprehension words.
e. use the words in oral interaction
• Let the students read the words listed in the
1. Word Study (10 min) pre-reading part and write their meaning
either from their own background knowledge
or referring to the text quickly.
• et the students copy the table into their
• Get students in pairs to compare their
exercise books and study the words in the
• Elicit the answers and give the correct
• Individually, students choose the most
appropriate prefixes to the words listed.
Meaning of the words
• Get them in pairs and compare and discuss
1. site: the piece of land on which something is
their answers.
located (or is to be located)
• Elicit answers from the students (Let students
2. ruined: destroyed physically
participate fairly and consider students with
disability.) 3. palace: a house where a queen/king lives
4. ruled: governed
correct - incorrect While-reading Activity (10 min)
wanted - unwanted Ruined Palaces
agree - disagree
• Let the students read the statements in the
accurate - inaccurate
While-reading part before they start reading
advantage - disadvantage the passage.
• Let them read the word loudly. • Tell them to read the passage silently and
decide and write ‘true’ for the correct
2. Reading (30 minutes)
statements and ‘false’ for the incorrect
Pre-reading Activity (5 min) statements based on their reading.
• Introduce the title of the reading text to the • Get them in groups of three and discuss their
students. answers referring to the reading passage if
• Introduce the new words in the following necessary.
steps: • Provide correct answers by eliciting them
from the students.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Answer: A
1. False 4. True
Week 6 Day 2
2. True 5. True
Daily Contents
3. False • Vocabulary
• Listening
Answer: B
1. Sofia

2. Queen of Sheba.
Homework (5 min)
3. She lives next-door to Sofia.
• Check if all students have done the
They serve as evidence that shows the
4. homework individually. Remember that
earlier development of the country.
students should do homework. Then, follow
Yordanos she has promised to visit the
5. the steps mentioned above to answer the
palace of Queen of Sheba.
questions together with students.
6. Sofia.
7. They live in Palaces. 3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)

Post-reading Activity (15 min) Categorizing Words

• Explain what categorizing words mean.
• Let the students read the questions carefully
Words can be categorized in various ways.
and write answers individually. Take this
In this activity the words can be categorized
activity as homework. Let students read and/
according to what they express.
ask the questions. .
• Let students read the list of words. Give one
• Get them in groups of four and compare
word as an example.
their answers. Students set discussions on
their differences quoting justifications from • From the words that can show a ‘place’, one
the passage. can be a ‘farms’.

• Go (into the groups and monitor and assist • Let students categorize the list of words
the discussion they are conducting). under places, attractions and air conditions.

• The answers are open ended. Check how • Go round the classroom and check how
students respond to the questions. students are engaged in the activity. Help
students with disabilities and those who
have problems in categorizing the words.
places attractions air condition
farms church water fall rainy cloudy

hill villages volcano wildlife foggy sunny

forest fields mountain festival windy

plain mosque

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

4. Listening (25 minutes) will be 22, 25 26 and 24 degrees Celsius

respectively. Gambella, Semera and Dire Dawa
Pre-listening Activity (5 min) will be sunny. Their temperature will be 40, 41
• Tell them that they are going to listen to a and 37 respectively.
text entitled ‘Weather forecast’. On Tuesday, there will be heavy rain in all the
• Before they listen, let them think about their towns.
own answers for the pre- listening questions. On Wednesday, more rain is expected in
• Get them in pairs and discuss their answers different parts of the country.
and experiences. Mr. Mark has attentively followed the weather
• Elicit answer and give the correct answer. forecast. He has used the data to decide where
to visit.
While-listening Activity (10 min)
For Monday, he has planned to visit the
• Tell the students to study the table before historical places and natural beauty of Bahir
they listen to the text. Dar and Mekelle.
• Read the text once at moderate pace and let Answer: A
students complete the table. Day City/town Temp (oc.) Air condition
• Read the text for a second time faster than in Monday A.A 22 Cloudy
the first one
Monday Gambela 40 Sunny
• Let the students complete the table based on
Monday Bahir dar 26 Cloudy
the information from the text.
Monday Dire Dawa 37 Sunny
Weather Forecast
• Let the students answer the questions given
Mr. Mark is a tourist who has come to visit under instruction B.
Ethiopia. He is in Addis Ababa. He has not
• Go round the class to check how they are
decided where to begin his visit. He wanted
working on the activity. Help students with
to know the weather conditions of the coming
disability and others having some trouble in
days. Thus, he has studied the weather forecast
doing the activity.
transmitted on Ethiopian Television.
• Work with the students to answer the
First, he has attended the recorded weather
conditions of the weekend.
• Give equal chances to male and female
On Saturday, there was heavy rain in almost all
students. Do the same for students with
parts of the country. On the contrary, Sunday
was sunny.
Then, he has followed the weather forecasts of
the coming three days for different places.
On Monday, Addis Ababa, Hawasa, Bahir Dar
and Mekelle will be cloudy. The temperature

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

about the answers and the way they presented

Answers: B
1. He is a tourist who came to visit
Ethiopia. 5. Speaking (20 minutes)
2. The weather condition of the coming • Let students study the table in their text book
days. carefully.
3. It was the weather forecast • Give them one more example and make clear
transmission. about what they are going to do.
4. On Monday. • Arrange them in pairs. One student is going
5. The data transmitted about the to ask and the other student is going to
weather condition. respond. They will take turn and practice
6. He has planned to visit Bahir Dar on asking and answering.
Monday. • Go to the pairs and encourage students (those
with disabilities) to participate.
A. Comparison of the weather condition 6. Grammar (20 minutes)
1. hottest
2. hotter
• Explain expressions used to compare various
3. cloudy
objects using notes below
B. Use this activity as a home work. Let
students attend a weather forecast and Comparative
write what it says. Check the answers • It is used to compare two objects, things or
of the students. persons.

Post-listening Activity (15 min) Example:

Bale National Park is older than Nech Sar

Week 6 Day 3 National Park

It is formed:
Daily Contents
• Speaking • adding ‘-er.’ on adjectives.

• Grammar • Adding ‘more’ on three and more syllable

• Having different features on irregular
• Check how the students have done the Post- adjectives
listening activity. Make sure that all of them
have tried the activity. Example:

• Give them a chance to present their answers Good - better

to the class. Give constructive comments

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide


• It is used to compare one object, thing or Week 6 Day 4

persons with two or more objects, things or
persons. Daily Contents
Example: • Reading Fluency

Awash National Park is the oldest of all the • Vocabulary

parks in Ethiopia.
• It is formed by:
• adding ‘-est.’ on mono syllabic adjectives. 7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
• adding ‘-most’ on three and more syllable • Tell students that they are going to practise
adjectives. reading with expression.

• having different features on irregular • Before they read, see what they can
adjectives. remember about this week’s text.
• Read the dialogue using different expression
for the two speakers - Sofia and Yordanos.
Good - best
• Tell them to focus on the way you change
• Let them complete the two tables based on the expression according to the person.
the explanation. • Tell them to read the dialogue twice, taking
• Arrange students in pairs to compare and turns once as Sofia and once as Yordanos.
discuss their answers.
• Elicit the answers and provide the correct
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
answers. Contextual use of words
Homework (optional) (5 min) • Ask students to copy the exercise into their
notebook and insert the words in their
Answers: A appropriate places.
The only irregular adjective is: • Put them in pairs to compare and discuss
bad-worse-worst their answers.
All other adjectives are regular and take • Elicit the answers from the students. Provide
-er/more for comparative and -est/most for the correct answers.
Accept any reasonable answers that students Answers:
give. 1. journey 4. better
2. rain 5. waiting
3. weather

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

sleep sleeping sleeps

Week 6 Day 5 look looking looks

paint painting paints

Daily Contents
get getting gets
• Writing
Double the final consonant when the words
end in a single consonant preceded by a single
Homework (optional) (5 min) vowel and the suffix begins with a vowel:
9. Writing (40 minutes) To add the suffix -ing to the verb cut, first
double the final t:
Writing Conventions (10 min)
cut + t + ing = cutting
If the suffix doesn’t begin with a vowel, do
Ask students to copy the exercise into their not double the consonant:
exercise book. Example
• Tell them to use the most appropriate To add the suffix -s
punctuation marks in the sentences.
cut + s = cuts
• Put them in pairs to compare and discuss
This rule doesn’t apply to a two-vowel word.
their answers.
• Give them the correct answers.
To add -ing to read:
Answers: A
read + ing = reading
1. Have you ever visited Lake Chamo?
And to add -s to read:
2. I have a plan to visit Axum.
read + s = reads
3. “I come from Lalibela,” she said.
I have a plan to visit Axum, Lalibela
4. Writing Composition (30 min)
and Harar Wall.
Do you know where Lake Abiata is Paragraph Writing
situated? • Tell students that they are going to write a
Spelling paragraph.

Explain and give an example for one of the • Guide them to use the sentences they wrote
rules of spelling: adding suffixes to verbs. last week about their village. (Remind them
to include information about the village;
Answers: B
such as location, weather conditions and
word Adding -ing Adding -s other features.)
plan planning plans • Help them with their punctuation and
rain raining rains capitalisation.

UNIT 3 Famous People in Ethiopia

Unit Objectives
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
• change words into words of profession;
• sort out specific idea (information) from a reading text;
• identify meanings of words;
• transfer the information they listened to a table;
• describe pictures orally;
• use the simple past tense to express past events; and
• write a biography of a person.

Week 7 Who am I?

Week 7 Day 1 Suffixes: parts of words (morphemes) which
appear at the end of a word to change its
Daily Contentss category and meaning.
• Word Study? Profession suffixes: are suffixes which are
• Reading Comprehension??? attached at the end of a word to create profes-
sional name for the noun.

Tell your students to copy the exercise into their

notebooks. Sort the words to their appropriate
Homework (optional) (5 min)
professional suffixes in the table based on the
1. Word Study (10 min) first example.
Arrange the students in pairs and let them
Blending Suffixes
compare their answers. Encourage them to
Explain what suffixes in general and what discuss their answers.
suffixes for professions in particular are.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Provide the correct answers, and read the words

Answers: A
1. False 4. True
• Let them read the words following you.
2. False 5. True
3. False
-ian -st -er
technician chemist player Answers: B
musician biologist writer 1. On September 29th, 1940.
electrician dancer 2. 16
magician worker Studying music more than any other
2. Reading (30 minutes) 4. The principal, Mr. Sheded.
5. Imperial Bodyguard Band.
Pre-reading (5 min)
6. 68
• Tell them that they are going to read a text
for comprehension. Before they read, let
Answers: C
them answer the pre-reading questions
individually. 1. hired

• Arrange them in pairs and tell them to 2. sudden

discuss their answers. There is no right or 3. Honorary Doctorate
wrong answer. 4. Amharic

While-reading Activity (10 min) Post-reading Activity (15 min)

• Students read the questions before they read
the text. This is to let them have a purpose in Tilahun Gessesse
their mind before they read. • Let the students copy the summary in to their
• Tell them to read the text silently. Meanwhile, exercise book, and complete it providing
let them answer the comprehension appropriate word.
questions. • Tell them to compare their answers in
• In pairs, let them compare their answers. pairs and give them the correct answers by
They can refer to the reading text to justify eliciting from them.
their answers. Possible Answers
• Elicit the answers from the students and give 1. was taken 4. joined
them the correct answers. 2. attended/learned 5. popular
3. discussed 6. died

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

4. Listening (25 minutes)

Week 7 Day 2 Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
Step 1:
Daily Contents
• Arrange the students in groups of three and
• Vocabulary
let them discuss what the people in the listed
• Listening
fields do.
• Let them report the points in the discussion
to the class through their representatives.

3. Vocabulary (15 minutes) Step 3:

• Tell them what those people in the indicated
Antonyms fields do.
• Let students read the reading passage, a. Geologist - studies about earth and what it’s
‘Tilahun Gessesse’ and find the words made of the materials and the structures.
in column ‘A’. Before this, explain to
b. Palaeontology - studies about fossils and
them briefly what antonyms are by giving
tell us ecology of the past. Incorporates
knowledge from Biology, Geology,
Antonyms: Antonyms are words which are Anthropology and Archaeology.
opposite in meaning.
• It is the study of the history of life on earth.
c. Anthropology: Studies various aspects of
hot → cold human life within the past and present.
• Let them match the words with their Archaeology is the branch of anthropology that
antonyms in the other column (B). studies the investigation of evidences of human
• Get them in pairs and make them compare past life.
their answers. Encourage them to discuss
While-listening Activity (10 min)
their answers based on the clues from the
text. Zeresenay Alemseged: the
• Elicit the answers and give them the correct Palaeontologist
answers. Zeresenay Alemseged was born on June 4,
Answers: A 1969 in Axum. He graduated with a Bachelor
of Science in Geology from Addis Ababa
1. B 3. E 5. F
University in 1990. He began working as a
2. A 4. C 6. D
Junior Geologist in the National Museum of
• Use the activity given under instruction B as Ethiopia’s Palaeoanthropology Laboratory.
homework. He completed his Master of Science. program
in the University of Montpellier II in 1994 in

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

France. He earned a Doctor of philosophy. in Answer: B

palaeoanthropology through the Laboratory 1. in National Museum of Ethiopia
of Palaeontology at Pierre and Marie Curie
2. Because she(Selam) is the most complete
University in 1998.
skeleton of a human ancestor discovered.
From 2000 to 2003 Zeresenay worked
as a postdoctoral research associate. In Post-listening (15 min)
1999, he commenced the Dikika Research • Let students think about the famous person
Project (DRP). It was at the beginning of his (academician) they know and complete the
postdoctoral research that Zeresenay made his same table about his/her information.
most significant discovery of “Selam”.
• Help them to elicit as much information as
He is best known for his discovery, on they know about the person.
December 10, 2000, of Selam. His discovery is
• Write a short biography of the person using
also referred to as “Lucy’s child”, the almost-
the information in the table they completed.
complete  fossilized  remains of a 3.3 million
• Let them be in pairs and exchange their work
year old child. The “world’s oldest child”, she is
to read and comment on.
the most complete skeleton of a human ancestor
discovered to date.
Week 7 Day 3
Currently he is working as Chair of the California
Academy of Science in San Francisco. He is
Daily Contents
also leading the project in conducting further
• Speaking
important researches.
• Grammar
• Tell to students to read the table before they
listen to the text.
• Let them listen to the text twice and complete
the table with the information they have.
Name Zeresenay Alemseged
Homework (optional) (5 min)

Date of birth June 4, 1969 Begin the day’s lesson by checking the
homework. Make sure all students have done
Place of birth Axum
the home work.
First university
Addis Ababa University • Let students read the words they chose
Year the Dikika and the sentences they wrote. Listen to the
1999 sentences and give constructive corrections
project began
Important fossil and comments.
Current place of

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

5. Speaking (20 minutes) Note: past forms of words are grouped in to

• Arrange students in pairs and let them see
the pictures of people in their exercise books. i. Regular past forms
• Tell them that one of the pairs will ask These add ‘-d’ or ‘-ed’ at their ends to be past.
questions in the text orally, and the other Examples:
member answers looking at the pictures.
Finish → finished
Based on their background information the
Smoke → smoked
pairs take turns to practice.
• Encourage them to add more questions. ii. Irregular past form

• Let them talk about one of the people to the These are verbs which change some of their
class. letter(s) to be past or remain the same.
6. Grammar (20 minutes)
teach → taught
Simple Past Tense speak → spoke
Arrange students in groups of three and let put → put
them tell what they did yesterday to their group swim → swam
members. Guide them to use time expressions
Let students change the given verbs into past.
Example: Then, arrange them in pairs to compare their
- In the morning - After bed - At 2 o’clock answers. Encourage them to discuss their
answers, and give the correct answers after
• Individually, students re arrange the pictures
in their order and write the answers for the
questions. Group A

• Let them compare their answers in pairs and 1. cheat → cheated

make discussions. Give the correct answers 2. climb → climbed
to the class after eliciting answers from them. 3. walk → walked
Answer: A 4. wash → washed
3,1,2,4 5. open → opened
1. at 7:30
Group B
2. at 6:00
1. steal → stole
3. play foot ball
2. spend → spent
4. at 7:00 3. take → took
4. think → thought
5. write → wrote

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

know. The second time it will be easier as

Week 7 Day 4 they reread the paragraphs.
• Let the students read in small groups, and
Daily Contents read aloud together. Encourage them to read
• Reading Fluency the passage at least twice, and three times if
you think they will all have it on the third try.
• Vocabulary
(Remind the students that choral reading is
much like a choir singing. They have to read
aloud together at the same time. They have
7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes) to do it more than once so that they will get a
chance to practice it and sound better on the
Pre-reading Activity (5 min) second try, better on the third try.)
Begin the lesson by reminding the title of the
reading text. Inform the students that the text
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
is going to be used to practice reading fluency.
Defining Words
While-reading Activity (10 min) • Explain what defining a word is. Use the
following example:
• Explain that they are going to practice choral
reading. Choral reading is reading in unison, Zeresenay Alemseged is a scientist who studies
i.e.; stronger readers help less fluent readers fossils of organisms and related remains. He
practice by providing strong models of fluent is called a paleontologist. A paleontologist
reading. studies a science called paleontology. There
are many words that end in “ology.” The suffix
• Introduce your students with choral reading.
“ology” means “the science of” or “the study
(One way to practice becoming an expert
of” something. For example, mineralogy is the
reader is to read together aloud. It is called
study of minerals. Many of these words are
choral reading because it is very much like a
used when studying social studies and science.
chorus of singers who all sing together at the
same time.) • Let students identify how the word is
changed with the suffix. Let students answer
• Prepare your students to read the first three
the activity under instruction A.
• Read the paragraphs together (the teacher Answer:
and the students) chorally. Do not read at too 1. F 4. G 7. A
slow a pace or too quickly, but set the pace 2. E 5. B 8. H
so that they can read aloud together. If they 3. D 6. C
have trouble keeping up the first time, inform
them to try their best, following along with
their finger, and reading all of the words they

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Use the activity given under instruction B as answer individually). Arrange the students
homework. in pairs and let them compare and discuss
their answers.
Week 7 Day 5 • Give them the correct answer after eliciting
the answers from them.
Daily Contents
• writing
1. January 15, 2010.
2. July 2007.
Homework (optional) (5 min) 3. March 21st, 2016.
Begin the lesson by check the home work you 4. June 2011.
gave in the previous day. Make sure the students 5. October 06, 2014.
have tries the activity individually.
Call different students to give the answers. Spelling
Let students copy the first letters into their
Answer: notebooks. Then, encourage them to re-arrange
1. encouraged 5. whole the jumbled letters to form a meaningful word.
2. continue 6. break Arrange them in pairs and let them compare
3. their answers. Motivate them to discuss their
establish 7. precise
answers with in the pairs.
4. unusual 8. lonely
Elicit the answers and provide them the correct
9. Writing (40 minutes) answer.

Writing convention (10 min)
1. fit 6. slowly
Punctuation 2. well 7. handsome
Explain about the common ways of writing 3. weave 8. rehearse
dates in a biography. (Focus on the prepositions:
4. famous 9. practice
in and on, and the punctuation marks. And,)
5. career 10 Important
In Month Year.
Example: In September 2012. Writing Compositions (30 min)
On Month Date, Year.
Paragraph Writing
Example: On September 12, 2012.
• Explain how students are going to engage
On Date Month, Year.
in this activity. (In this week, students are
Example: On 12th September, 2012. going to begin developing a draft.)

• Let the students rewrite the sentences using

the appropriate punctuation mark. (Let them

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• For preparing the draft of the paragraph, let

students use the data (or prompt) given in Week 8
their text book. Motivate the students to use
the list of information in the table to create a
written text. People and Their Past
• Inform the students that the paragraph they
are drafting is about a life story (biography)
of Yetnebersh Nigussie, a visually impaired
Week Objectives
successful woman.
• Encourage them to use the information in the At the end of the week, students will be
table in writing the draft of the biography. able to:
This time they have to begin writing • use suffixes to form female and male
complete sentences. Go into the rows and profession words;
motivate students to continue writing the
• read to identify specific information
draft. Support students with disabilities.
from a text;
• identify meaning of thematic words;
• use words in contexts;
• listen and decide whether the
information is right or wrong based
on the text;
• elicit information about a family
from their partner;
• use simple present and present
continuous tenses correctly;
• take notes from dictation and
punctuate sentences correctly; and
• reorder jumbled words to form
correct sentences.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

male are equally participating. Do the same to

Week 8 Day 1 student with a disability.
Here is the list of the words
Daily Contents
Male Female
• Word Study
wait waiter waitress
• Reading Comprehension
sport sportsman sportswoman
author author authoress
poet poet poetess
Homework (optional) (5 min)
2. Reading Comprehension
1. Word Study (10 min) (30 minutes)
Blending Morphemes Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
Prepare the students to read the list of words by • Begin the lesson by introducing what KWL
blending morphemes. In this activity students is. This is a graphic organizer that can be
will learn reading by blending morphemes. The used in PWP reading (pre-reading, while-
morphemes they will blend indicate the sex of reading and Post-reading). Introduce what
the person. Use the following example. KWL refers to. It has three columns: The
Examples: K stands for what I know about a topic, the
Male = -er or manage -er = manager W stands for what I wanted to know about
the topic and the L stands for what I learned
Female = manager -ess = manageress
from the topic.
There are some words which can indicate male
K - What I W - What I L - What I
and female persons. Know Want to Know Learned

teach = teach-er = teacher

(This word indicates both male and female

• Before the students begin reading the text,
let them help themselves pay attention and
Note that, there are some words which do not anticipate what they will read by listing
blend suffixes to indicate male and female things that they already know about Meseret
persons. Defar.
Example: doctor, nurse, • Prepare the students to think and list about
what they want to know about Meseret
Let the students read the words aloud in the
Defar. Ask them to read the questions before
table by blending the morphemes based on
they read the text. You can ask the students
the given example. Ask some students to read
to mention what they want to know about the
the words out loud. Make sure the female and

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

athlete. Let students work in pairs and small 2004 - began her indoor track season with
groups and share their ideas. 3000m.

While-reading Activity (10 min) • Let them compare their answers with a
• Let students read the text and write what they
learned about Meseret Defar in the L part of Post-reading Activity (15 min)
the KWL chart. Make sure the students are
• Let the students work individually and write
using the chart to write about the topic they
the answers for the Post-reading questions.
• Arrange them in pairs, let them discuss and
• Encourage them to answer the questions
share their views.
given under instruction B. When you elicit
the answers guide them to go back to the text
and give evidence. Week 8 Day 2
Answers: B
Daily Contents
1. when she was very young. • Vocabulary
2. in Algiers and Santiago. • Listening Comprehension

3. in Germany.

4. 3000m indoors.
Homework (optional) (5 min)
• Let students copy the table and complete
the table with appropriate information from
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
the table. [This activity requires students to Word Meanings
scan the text. Explain that scanning is one
• Let students copy the exercise into their
of the various techniques of fast reading. It
notebooks and encourage them to match the
is important because it helps to make the
words with their meanings. Let the students
students’ reading skills better.]
be in groups of three and compare their
• Ask students to scan the text and find the answers. Motivate them to discuss their
specific information. (For this may be a new answers.
reading strategy to your students, give them
• Elicit answers and provide the correct
one example.)
answers to them.
Answers: A
1999 - Participated in the first international
marathon. 1. F 3. E 5. A
2000 - won a silver medal. 2. C 4. B 6. D
2002 - won two gold medals.
won 3 bronze medals.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Use the activity given under instruction B as Miruts competed with athletes from different
homework. continents and excelled in 5000 and 10000
meters with outstanding results. His success
4. Listening Comprehension was his ability to spring apart from the pack
(25 minutes) of runners at the last 200 meters or so. This
unusual burst of energy that gave him victory
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
after victory earned him the nickname “Miruts
• Tell the students to read words taken from
the gear-Shifter”.
the listening text and predict the meanings
In the 1972 Munich Olympics, Miruts took
of the words listed in the pre-listening part.
the bronze medal in the 10,000 metres. Miruts
Teach the meanings of the words after
earned two gold medals at the Moscow
eliciting from the students. Use the strategies
Olympics in 1980 in the 5000 and 10000 meter
mentioned in the previous weeks about pre-
teaching vocabulary.
In a long career, Miruts had participated in more
Vocabulary key:
than 252 races out of which he won 221 of them
1. a vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more by earning the gold medal. In recognition of his
horses outstanding career, the World Sport Journalist
2. engage in a contest; measure oneself against Association honored Miruts by awarding him
others the “Golden Shoe”.
3. a familiar name for a person (often a Miruts is a father of seven children. Miruts
shortened version of a person’s given name) has set an exemplary athletic record that has
4. the state or quality of being recognized or enabled the legacy of a great long-distance
acknowledged running tradition to continue.
• Encourage the students to answer the
While-listening (10 min) questions individually. Then, arrange them in
• Let students read the While-listening activity pairs to compare and discuss their answers.
before they listen to the text. Read the text
Answers: A
two times. Once with a moderate pace and
1. True 3. True
the second a bit faster.
Make sure students are answering doing the 2. False 4. False
While-listening activity. 3. False

Miruts Yifter the Shifter

Answers: B
Captain Miruts Yifter was born in Adigrat in
c, d, b, e, a,
1938. Miruts spent early parts of his youth
working in different factories and as a carriage
driver. His talent as a long-distance runner was
noticed when he performed exceptionally in
5000 and 10000 meter events.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Post-listening (15 min)

Professions Jobs the professionals do
• Let the students copy the text into their
Dentist  a person that can fix
exercise books. Inform them that the problems you have with your
activity is a summary of the listening text. teeth.
Encourage them to complete the text with Plumber  a person that repairs your
water systems or pipes.
appropriate word from their listening. Tell
them to compare their answers. Then, elicit Tailor  a person that makes clothes
for others, many times
the answers from the students.
producing exclusive items of
Answers: clothing.
1. born 4. took/won Soldier  a person who works for the
2. distance 5. won/earned Hairdresser  a person who cuts your hair
3. performed 6. participated or gives it a new style
Photographer a person that takes photos.

Week 8 Day 3 Pilot  a person who flies a plane.

Daily Contents 5. Speaking (20 minutes)

• Speaking Using ‘Wh-’ questions Words
• Grammar • Explain what they will do in this lesson. The
students will speak about different types
of occupations. Let them use the table and
examples given. Arrange them in pairs.
Homework (optional) (5 min) One student asks information about his/
her partner’s family occupation. Then, he/
Begin the day’s lesson by making sure the
she completes the table. They take turn to
students have done the activity you gave them
do so. Select two pairs from the class and
in the previous day. Check their exercise books.
encourage them to act out the dialogue in the
Ask different students to participate and give
the correct feedback. Here are the answers.
6. Grammar (20 minutes)
Present Simple Tense
• Let students copy the exercise into their
notebooks and complete it using their own
information. Then, let them write four
sentences about themselves. Go into the
rows and encourage and assist students with

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Positive and Negative • Give them highlight on the tenses (simple

present and present continuous tense).
• Let them do the activity given under the
We live instruction D as homework.
You don’t live
Homework (optional) (5 min)
They near the school
Begin the day’s lesson by check the homework
He lives
you gave in the previous class. Make sure
She doesn’t live
students have done the activity individually.
It Work with the students to give the right answers.

Questions Answers: D
1. am getting 4. are assembling
2. are waiting 5. is serving
does 3. is working
Where we live?
do she
it Week 8 Day 4
The present simple is used to express:
Daily Contents
a. A habitual action
• Reading fluency
• I get up at 7:30.
• Vocabulary
• My father reads a lot.
b. A fact which is always true.
• Vegetarians don’t eat meat.
• The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
• Tell students to complete the activity under
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
instruction B using their own information in
• Prepare your students by asking the title of
activity given under instruction A. Let them
the reading text.
compare their answers with their partner and
discuss the answers. Monitor their discussion
While-reading Activity (10 min)
moving in to the rows.
• Arrange students to be in pairs to practice
• Ask students to read and answer the activity
the reading fluency. Use the strategies
given under instruction C. [This activity
mentioned in the previous weeks about the
focuses on using the present simple tense.
partner reading. Make sure students are
There are different adverbs of frequency.
practicing the reading fluency appropriately.
These adverbs help to show how frequent
the activities are. Help students identify the
adverbs in the prompts given.]

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

8. Vocabulary (15 minutes) Homework (optional) (5 min)

Begin the day’s lesson by checking the
Contextual Meanings
homework you gave in the previous day. Make
• Explain that students will find contextual sure students have tried it individually.
meaning of words from a dialogue. Prepare
For the answers are open ended, let various
students to read the dialogue individually
students forward their answers and give any
look for contextual clues for the words
corrections and constructive comments.
underlined. Encourage them to guess the
meanings of the underlined words and write
their meanings in their exercise books. Go Week 8 Day 5
round the class and support students in
doing the activity. After some time, arrange Daily Contents
them in pairs to compare and discuss their • Writing
answers. Elicit the answers and provide the
correct answer.
• Let them write names of people they know
with the given professions (various answers) 9. Writing (40 minutes)
9a Writing convention (10 min)
Instruction A
1. Interested - attracted Dictation
2. fighter - warrior • Dictate to your students the text about
3. painter - an artist who paints Laureate Tsegaye Gebremedhin. Make
pictures pauses to help them use punctuation marks.
4. exhibitions - displaying places Wherever necessary.
where our products are Laureate Tsegaye Gebremedhin was a known
seen by the public poet. He was born in a village called Boda
5. unknown - unidentified near Ambo. He attended his education at
6. striker - football player whose General Wingate School. While he was
main job is to score attending his elementary school, he wrote
goals for his/her team. a play called ‘King Dionysus and the Two
7. journalist - a person who writes Brothers’. He attended his higher education
and reports in in Black Stone School of Law in Chicago
magazines or on media in 1959. He devoted himself to manage and
• Use the activity given under instruction B as develop the Ethiopian National Theatre. He
homework. died in February 2006.

• Tell them to give due attention to punctuation

marks such as full stops and commas.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Writing Compositions (30 min)

Week 9
Word Order
• Let students copy the activity in to their text
Biographies of Famous
books. Let them rewrite the jumbled words
into correct sentences individually and use People
correct punctuation marks: commas, full
stops and question marks. In pairs, encourage
the students to compare and discuss their Week Objectives
At the end of the week, students will be
• Invite the students to write the answers on the able to:
board. And, finally give the correct answers.
• segment suffixes from words;
Answers • sort out information from a reading
1. Sena works as a bank Secretary. text;
2. My sister is a dentist. • guess meanings of words;
3. I want to be an electrical engineer. • use words in appropriate context;
4. A mechanic is a person who fixes cars. • depict information from the listening
5. When did you meet the doctor? text;
• elicit information from others using
Remind them about the type of the sentences.
correct questions;
1. Simple 2. Simple
• use correct capitalization in
3. Simple 4. Complex
5. Simple sentences;
• use simple past tense in sentences
Paragraph Writing with correct form; and
• Remind students to re-draft and revise the • write a biography of a famous people
biographical paragraph they started last
week. Help students to put the sentences
in logical order. Support students to create
complete sentences. Tell them that they can
change the type of sentences they wrote.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

2. Reading Comprehension
Week 9 Day 1 (30 minutes)
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
Daily Contents
• Let students think about the meanings of
• Word Study
the words and write them in their exercise
• Reading Comprehension books.
• Get them in pairs to compare and discuss
their answers.
• Elicit the answers and teach the meanings of
Homework (optional) (5 min)
the words before they read the text.
1. Word Study (10 min) Answers:
Segmenting Suffixes from words 1. marked or dyed or discolored with
foreign matter
• Tell students to copy the activity in to their
2. assets in the form of money
note books.
3. an occasion on which a winner is selected
• Explain how to segment suffixes to get verbs
from among two or more contestants
from the listed words. Use the given example 4. the total amount and type of insurance
for your explanation. carried
• Tell them to segment the word and the suffix
and write them in the given spaces. While-reading Activity (10 min)
• Let them compare their answers in pairs. • Before the students read the text, let them
Encourage them to discuss their answers. read the statements (True/false), and have a
purpose in their mind.
• Elicit the answers from them and provide the
correct answers. • Let them compare their answers with their
partner and discuss.
Verb Suffix
leader lead -er Answers:
winner win -er 1. True 3. False

painter paint -er 2. True 4. False

dancer dance -er
• Let your students match the incidents with
designer design -er years. (This exercise is optional depending
on the time); it can be given as homework).
• Remind students to use the scanning strategy
to find the specific information from the text.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Let students try the questions individually 4. Listening Comprehension

and then discuss their answers in pairs. (25 minutes)
Answers: B
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
1. B 4. D 6. G
• Tell them that they will listen to a text. But,
2. C 5. A 7. F before that, arrange them into pairs and let
3. E them discuss the pre-reading questions.
• Explain the meanings some key vocabulary.
Post-reading Activity (15 min) Begin with this word:
‘humanitarian’ - of or relating to or characteristic
Week 9 Day 2 of humanitarianism
The people are supporting humanitarian aid.
Daily Contents
‘orphan’ - a child who has lost both parents
• Vocabulary
The orphan boy is getting support by the
• Listening Comprehension
humanitarian aids.
• Take two students to reflect their discussion
points to the class.

Homework (optional) (5 min) While-listening Activity (10 min)

3. Vocabulary (15 minutes) Abebech Gobena

Abebech Gobena was born in a rural village
Word Meanings
called Shebel in 1938. She was only nine when
• Explain to the students how to approach the her father died during the second Ethio-Italian
words to find meanings. war. Then, she was taken to her grandparents’
Example: Tell them to see the affixes. house. At the age of 10, she was married
• Encourage them to match the meanings of without her agreement, but she ran away to
the words using clues from the words. Addis Ababa. There, she got basic education.
Later, she worked as a quality controller at a
• Get them in pairs to compare and discuss
coffee and grain company in Addis Ababa.
their answers.
The incident she saw when she went to Gishen
• Elicit the answers from the pairs and provide Mariam, Wollo Province, changed her life. In
the correct answers. 1980 the area was severely stricken by famine. In
Answers: a feeding centre, Abebech saw a child suckling
1. B 3. D 5. E on her dead mother’s breast in the middle of
people starving to death. She distributed the
2. F 4. C 6. A only thing she had to the victims. When, she
headed to the countryside to fetch water, she

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

found a child in the arms of his dying father.

She brought the two children to her home. Week 9 Day 3
Today, AGOHELMA, the association she
founded, provides social services such as
Daily Contents
formal and non-formal education, HIV/AIDS
prevention and habitat improvement for orphans • Speaking
and women. Over 12,000 needy children have • Grammar
been supported from different regions of the
country by the association.
• Tell the students to read the questions before Homework (optional) (5 min)
they listen to the text.
• Read the text twice with a moderate pace.
5. Speaking (20 minutes)
• Tell to students to copy the table in the
• Tell them to answer the questions (Write the
speaking part into their exercise books.
answers on their notebooks).
• Let them refer back to the reading text
• In pairs, encourage them to compare and
entitled, ‘Afewerk Tekle’ and complete the
discuss their answers.
table based on the information.
• Elicit the answers and give the correct
• Arrange them in pairs, and tell them that they
are going to do a role play. One student will
be interviewed as ‘Afewerk Tekle’ and the
other student will be an interviewer. Look at
1. In village called Shebel the example in the student’s book.
2. with her grandparents • Tell them to exchange roles and play it.
3. at coffee and grain company. Encourage them to engage themselves in the
Distributed the only thing she had to the activity by going in to the pairs.
victim • Select two pairs from the class, and let them
5. AGOHELMA play to the whole class.

Post-listening Activity (15 min) 6. Grammar (20 minutes)

• Arrange the students in pairs, and let them Simple Past Tense
think about a famous humanitarian in
• Arrange them in pairs and let them change
Ethiopia and complete the table.
the given verbs into their past form based on
• Individually, tell them to write a short the example given.
paragraph about the person using the
• Elicit the answers from them. And, give
information in the table.
them the correct answers at the end.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Answers: A Homework (optional) (5 min)

1. worried 5. cut Begin the day’s lesson by check the
homework you gave in the previous day.
2. married 6. Put
Make sure students have done the assignment
3. cried 7. Shut individually. Go round the class and check
4. studied 8. hit their exercise books.
Ask different students to give answers.
• Let the students copy the exercises into their
note books and complete it. Answers: C
1. f 3. b 5. e
• Arrange them in pairs to compare and discuss
their answers. 2. d 4. c 6. a
• Elicit the answers and give the correct
Possible answers (accept any appropriate 7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
answer) B Pre-reading Activity(5 min)
1. the library
• Prepare your students by asking the title of
2. went to the museum the reading text.
3. met
While-reading Activity(10 min)
4. visited
• Arrange students to be in pairs to practice
were punished/came/met me/ played
5. the reading fluency. Use the strategies
mentioned in the previous weeks about the
N.B: Give them the third exercise as partner reading. Make sure students are
homework. practicing the reading fluency appropriately.

8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)

Week 9 Day 4
Using Words in Contexts
Daily Contents • Let the students read the words carefully and
copy them into their exercise books.
• Reading Fluency
• Encourage them to make sentences using the
• Vocabulary
words. Use the example already given in the
• Get them in pairs and compare their answers
and discuss on the answers.
• Elicit sentences from students and give
corrections where necessary.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Writing Compositions (30 min)

Week 9 Day 5 • Encourage students to complete the
sentences using ‘last or ago’ individually.
Then, ask them to compare and to discuss
Daily Contents their answers with their partners. Give them
• Writing the correct answers.

Answer: A
1. last
Homework (optional) (5 min) 2. ago

9. Writing (40 minutes) 3. ago

4. last
Writing conventions (10 min)
• Let the students copy the activity into their • Ask students to finalize the biographical
exercise books. paragraph the have drafted and revised in
the previous weeks. (Remind them to finish
• Tell them to re-write the sentences using
their paragraph.)
capital letters where necessary. Encourage
them to work individually. • Arrange them in pairs so as to read each-
others paragraph and give comments.
• Get them in pairs to compare their answers.
(Collect the student’s paragraph and check
Motivate them to discuss on their answers.
Then, elicit answers by letting the group how they have done it and provide necessary
members write the answers on the board. comments)
(you may use sample members).

1. I was born in Ambo.
2. Dukamo attended his elementary school
in Yirgalem.
3. Ethiopian and Kenyan athletes won a
number of gold medals at the Helsinki
4. My sister won a silver medal in the Great
Ethiopian Run which was held in Addis
Ababa in 2015.

UNIT 4 Food and Festivals

Unit Objectives
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
• identify countable and uncountable nouns;
• use correct quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns;
• predict and look for information from a reading text;
• use words in contexts;
• categorize words thematically;
• complete charts using information they listened to;
• use the comma correctly to list nouns. and
• write a recipe for making a certain food type;

Week 10 Types of Food

the expressions and collocate it with one of
Week 10 Day 1 the words as an example.
• Arrange them in groups of four and let them
Daily Contents read the expressions and the words that go
• Word Study together. Go into the groups and monitor and
• Reading Comprehension support groups which need your assistance.
Randomly ask some students to read out
loud what they collocated in their groups.
Remember to give equal chances to female
Homework (optional) (5 min) and male students. Do the same also to
students with disabilities.
1. Word Study (10 min)
• Explain that this is a scanning activity.
Collocations Students have to scan the text so as to find
the specific information to complete the
• Let students read the list of expressions and
sentences. Encourage students to use this
words. Explain that there are some words
reading strategy whenever they are looking
and expressions that collocate. Take one of
for specific information.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Here is the list of the collocated words. limited time so as to complete the activity
Answer given in the while-reading.

1. a cup of milk = a litter of milk • Remind and motivate the students to use the
self-checking strategy while they are reading
2. a loaf of bread = a slice of bread
the text. This time let them use the Figure
3. a litter of oil
Out the Unknown Words self-checking
4. a cup of tea = a spoonful of sugar strategy. Encourage the students to figure
5. a kilo of sugar out unknown words by using context clues,
6. a cup of juice identifying roots or affixes to determine the
7. a stick of gum meaning rather than skipping the words
8. a bar of chocolate
• Then, let them complete the blank spaces
9. a head of garlic/ cabbage
using appropriate words.
10 a jar of coffee
• Arrange them in pairs to compare and discuss
11 a cup of coffee
their answers. Then, elicit the answers from
2. Reading Comprehension
(30 minutes) Answer: A
1. plants
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
• Tell the students to try the pre-reading 2. cereals, legumes, oilseeds
activity and think about what they know 3. potatoes and carrots
before they begin reading the text. Arrange 4. milk, eggs, honey and meat
them in pairs and encourage them to share
their views. Move round the class to monitor • Tell students do the other activities given
how they are doing the activity and support under instructions “B” and “C”. For the
the students who are not able to do the activities are text based, they have to read or
activity. refer back to the text. Remind the students
• Ask some groups to forward their answers to to use the information in the text. They can
the class and give corrections and comments. scan and skim the text so as to recall specific
content or main ideas. Move round the class
While-reading Activity (10 min) and monitor how they are doing and support
• Tell them to read the activity given under the students who are having some problems.
instruction ‘A’ before they read the text. • Arrange them in pairs to compare their
Make sure the students are reading the answers. Finally, elicit answers from the
activity. Let the students read the text in a pairs. Ask different students to answer the
questions. Give equal chances to female and
male students; do the same also to students
with a disability.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Answer: B
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
1. Plants Word Meanings
The majority are those that are seed- • Tell the students read the dialogue focusing
based. on the underlined words. Encourage them to
3. Spinach and lettuce. write the meanings of the underlined words
4. Cheese and butter. in their exercise books. Then, tell them to
be in pairs to compare and discuss their
5. Edible fungi, mushrooms.

Answer: C • Elicit the answers from the students and give

them the correct answers.
1. People
2. Vegetables
1. prepare = make
Food which aren’t either from animal
3. 2. fried = cooked in hot oil
or plants
3. ingredients = elements, components

Post-reading Activity (15 min) 4. bowl = dish, vessel

5. stiff = hard, strong
• Tell them to think about the answers of the
6. heat = temperature
questions individually. Then, encourage
7 knead = press with hands
them to finish the activity as homework.

4. Listening Comprehension
Week 10 Day 2 (25 minutes)
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
Daily Contents
• Tell them to answer the pre-listening
• Vocabulary
questions before they listen to the text.
• Listening Comprehension
• Encourage them to discuss their answers in

While-listening Activity (10 min)

Homework (optional) (5 min) Elements for Health
Make sure the students have done their
There are five basic groups of food according
homework. Move round the class and check
to what we get from them. A balance of all
their exercise books. Arrange students to be in
allows us to develop as fully and as healthy as
small groups and let them share their answers.
we should be.
Ask some of the groups to provide their answers.
Proteins play key roles such as body building,
Give corrections and comments. Remember the
growth and repair tissues. Meat, cheese, eggs,
answers are open ended.
milk, beans and peas are sources of protein.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Vitamins keep us healthy. Fruit and vegetables

Growth Health
are rich sources these vital elements. Deficiency
1. protein 1. vitamins
of vitamins causes health problems like
retardation, defective growth of bone and teeth. 2. meat 2. fruits

Carbohydrates are sources of energy. The 3. egg 3. vegetables

biggest group of food that provide energy are 4. cheese
sugar, cereals, porridge, rice, fruit, bread, cake,
potatoes, spaghetti and biscuits. Post-listening Activity (15 min)
Fat is also other source of heat and energy. If • Tell them to complete the summary text
chemical energy is not used, it will be stored for based on the listening text. Take it as an
future use. When our body runs out of energy in individual activity.
our diets, it uses the stored fat. Avocados, fish • Elicit answers from the students and give the
and nuts are sources of healthy fat. correct answers.
Minerals are elements like zinc, iron, magnesium Answer
and calcium. We need them for the chemical 1. vitamins 5. vitamins
processes inside our body. For example, iron
2. carbohydrates 6. fats
enables our blood to carry oxygen. Green
3. fats 7. energy
vegetables, liver, beef, salt, water and milk are
sources of minerals. 4. minerals 8 all chemical process

• Tell the students to study the flow chart to be

completed before they listen to the text. Week 10 Day 3
• Read the text twice with a clear voice and a
moderate speed (pace). Daily Contents
• Ask them to complete the flow chart based • Speaking
on the listening text. Then, arrange them in • Grammar
pairs to compare and discuss their answers.
• Elicit answers from the pairs.
Heat and Energy Chemical process Homework (optional) (5 min)
1. carbohydrate 1. minerals
5. Speaking (20 minutes)
2. sugar 2. zinc
• Arrange the students in pairs. Then, tell them
3. starch 3. iron to list down traditional food individually.
4. fat 4. calcium • Encourage them to take roles and ask
5. rice using ‘what is …?’ in their partner list. The
partner will respond using. ‘It is …’ as in the

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Introduce the social expression (pardon, I’m • Tell them to copy down the activity and
sorry, of course, excuse me, and thanks) to complete it with the correct quantifiers.
them. Then, tell them to copy the incomplete Elicit the answers from them and provide the
dialogue in to their exercise books and correct answers.
complete it. Answer: D
Answer: B 1. a little 3. a few
1. Excuse me 3. Thanks 2. little 4. few
2. Of course 4. Pardon/I’m sorry

6. Grammar (20 minutes) Week 10 Day 4

Using ‘How many…?’ and ‘How Daily Contents
much…?’ • Reading Fluency
• Tell the students to copy the activity into • Vocabulary
their notebooks. Then, tell them to sort out
the nouns into countable and uncountable.
Finally, encourage them to compare their
answers in pairs. Give the correct answers.
Homework (optional) (5 min)
Answer: A

Countable Uncountable 7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)

• mango • flour Pre-reading Activity(5 min)
• plate • milk
• Ask the students to look at the reading text.
• basket • cheese Inform them that the text will be used for
• knife • sugar practicing reading fluency.
• cabbage • beef
Reading (10 min)
• Tell the students to study the information in • Explain what Radio Reading (text
the table. Then, encourage them to practice presentation) mean and how it is done. [In
asking and answering questions in pairs this activity students will practice a section
based on the given example. of the text and later present the text to
• Explain the differences between ‘little’, ‘a other groups or to the class. This activity
little’, ‘a few’ and ‘few’. encourages expressive and fluent reading.]
Grammar Highlight • Arrange the students in groups of four or five.
Then, let them practice the text individually.
A few is used with countable nouns, while a
Later, every student has to present the text
little is used with uncountable nouns. Use a
to the other members. [This is like what the
few / a little to mean some, few and little to
radio announcers do it. The announcers must
mean almost none.
speak directly without hesitancy, so listeners

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

will understand a story they tell. This is how

students need to be able to perform a reading, Week 10 Day 5
like radio storyteller.]
• Tell students to improve their reading Daily Contents
fluency through practice. Move round the
• Writing
class and help the students practice the text
presentation reading.
• Ask some students to present the text to the
class. Homework (optional) (5 min)

8. Vocabulary (15 minutes) 9. Writing (40 minutes)

Word Categories Writing Conventions (10 min)
• Tell the students to copy the activity into
Using the Comma
their exercise books.
• Tell them to use the comma when three or
• Tell them to put the words into their
more nouns appear in a sentence.
categories. Then, tell them to compare and
discuss their answers. Finally, elicit the • Tell them to re-write the sentences using
answers from them. the comma in the correct positions where
fruits vegetables
• Arrange them in pairs and tell them to
• orange • onion
compare their answers and make discussions.
• banana • cabbage Finally, elicit the answers from them.
• apple • tomato
crops meat
1. My sister bought me a cup of juice, a loaf of
• coffee • beef
bread and a cup of tea.
• maize • chicken
2. Last week, Motuma gave me a litter of milk.
• pea • fish
3. I often like to eat mangos, bananas, oranges
• Encourage them to use two nouns from each and apples.
category and write sentences based on the
4. When I was a child, I ate too much sugar,
example given.
cream and cake.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Tell the students to read the instruction how Week 11
to cook pizza. Explain that the recipe has
some words which have prefixes.
• Give them some time to find the words with
Food Preparation
prefixes. Move round the class and see how
they are doing it.
• Ask some students to list the words with Week Objectives
At the end of the week, students will be
able to:
1. prewashed 6. pre-plan
• read words by adding suffixes;
2. preheat 7. misjudge
• extract information from the reading
3. pre-cut 8. reheat text;
4. remix 9. reuse
• collocate words;
5. rearrange 10. recycle
• identify contextual meanings of
Writing Compositions (30 min)
• listen and transfer information;
Writing a Recipe • describe food items;
• Arrange the students in groups of three. Tell • identify countable and uncountable
them to study the list of ingredients given nouns;
and write a recipe for making Ethiopian
• use quantifiers correctly;
• use the comma and the colon
• Tell them to exchange their recipe with other
correctly; and
groups and compare their own with the
others. Encourage them to discuss with the • write a recipe to make a certain food
group members. type

• Give the second activity “writing a recipe

for two Ethiopian dishes” as homework.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Here are the blended words.

Week 11 Day 1 1. spice = spicy
2. health = healthy
Daily Contents 3. stick = sticky
• Word Study 4. juice = juicy
• Reading Comprehension 5. booze = boozy

2. Reading Comprehension
(30 minutes)
Homework (optional) (5 min)
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
1. Word Study (10 min)
• Tell the students to read the list of words
Blending a Suffix taken from the reading text. The words are
• Explain what activity they will have for the thematic words, that is, they are used to
day. Use the example given to show how to talk about the theme of the week. Use the
blend the suffix “-y”. First, read out loud the strategies mentioned in the previous weeks
word alone and then read out loud that word about how to teach new words.
by blending the suffix. • Arrange them in pairs to share what they
• Tell the students first to read out loud the list predicted about the words. Use the following
of words given. Then, help them read aloud meanings after eliciting some from the
the words by blending the suffix “-y”. students.

• Explain that when a word ends in ‘-e’, the 1. chemical elements

final ‘-e’ has to be dropped out. 2. natural, not processed or uncooked
• Arrange the students to be in pairs and 3. cleaning, washing with a chemical
encourage them to take turns to read out 4. harder to chew
loud the words by blending the suffixes.
5. use a spoon to mix smothely
Move round the class to monitor and provide
support. Check and make sure how the While-reading Activity (15 min)
students are pronouncing the words before
• Tell the students to read the while-reading
and after blending. Ask some students to
activity before they begin reading the text.
read out loud to the class.
Let them read the text and answer the
questions. Then, encourage them to compare
their answers. Elicit the answers from them.

Answers: A
1. False 3. True
2. True 4. False

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Tell the students do the activity given under

instruction B individually. Encourage the Week 11 Day 2
students to refer back to the text so as to order
the ingredients according to the text. While
Daily Contents
students are doing the activity, move round
• Vocabulary
the class to monitor and provide support.
• Listening Comprehension
• Ask different students to give the right
order. Remember to give equal chances to
female and male students; and to those with
Homework (optional) (5 min)
a disability.
Check the homework you gave in the previous
Answers: B
class. Make sure the students have done the
d, e, f, a activity. Move round the class and look at their
c, g, b, exercise books.
• Ask students to find the synonym of the Ask different students to give responses. Give
words in the reading text. [Remind them that equal chances to female and male students. Do
there are words in the text having similar the same also to students with disability.
meaning to these words.] give some time to
Answer: D
finish the task. Then, elicit the answers from
1. Vegetables
different students.
2. Alecha/Vegetables
Answers: C
3. Washing and drying the vegetables
1. lose 3. boiled
2. isolate 4. stir 3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
3. uncooked
• Tell them to take the activity given under
• Tell the students to copy the matching
instruction ‘D’ as homework.
activity into their exercise books. Then,
Post-reading Activity (10 min) encourage them to match the nouns with the
• Tell the students to discuss the Post-reading verbs. Let them compare their answers with
activity in groups and report their group’s their partner. Encourage them to match the
view to the class. (The responses are open nouns with the verbs. Discuss the answers.
ended; Tell different groups to say what they • Elicit answers from the students.
think to the class.)
Answer: A
1. D 4. C
2. A 5. E
3. B

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Contextual Meanings of Words

• Use the activity about the contextual meaning
Taste Ethiopian Dishes
of words as homework. Taste Ethiopian Dishes
At home, in hotels and restaurants
4. Listening Comprehension
(25 minutes) ‘Firfir’ makes your breakfast
For a good start in the day
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
‘Injera’ is made from teff cereals
• Arrange the students in groups and tell them
For tasty flat bread
to discuss the answers to the questions before
they listen to the poem. Famous in Ethiopia and beyond
Delicious stew flavoured with onions
While-listening Activity (10 min)
Is prepared with meat, eggs and butter
• Tell them to read the while-listening activity
The cooks add beef, fish and lamb
and set purpose in their mind before they
listen to the poem. Then, read the poem Vegetables or legumes like peas
twice with a moderate pace. To spice and flavour the meal
• While they listen to the poem, tell them to Ethiopia, a land of beauty and plenty to eat
complete the activity individually. Then, Fresh juicy fruits, honey wine
encourage them to compare their answers
Spiced rice pan cakes and potatoes
and discuss in parts.
Cheese and butter with milk coffee
• Elicit answers from them.
All at affordable prices for you
Answer: A
To enjoy tasty Ethiopian dishes.
1. breakfast
2. injera • Tell them to read the activity given under
3. peas instruction B and do it. To help them do the
activity, read the poem once with a moderate
• Tell them to complete the activity
individually. Then, encourage them to
compare their answers and discuss in parts.
Answer: B
1. home, hotels and restaurants
2. affordable
3. meat, eggs and butter

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Post-listening Activity (10 min) the “wh-” words to make questions about the
• Use this activity to open a discussion time. items in the picture and answer them.
The activity does not have limited response. • Let them ask and answer about the nutritional
As a result, tell students to express their values and their favourites based on the
ideas freely. example in their text book.
• Arrange the students to be in small groups. • Move into the pairs and support students
Give them some time to share their ideas and to be engaged with in the activities. Give
bring them to larger groups and present their attention to students with disabilities.
ideas to the class. Listen to what they say
and give corrections and comments.
6. Grammar (20 minutes)
Week 11 Day 3 • Remind them the differences between
countable and uncountable nouns with their
Daily Contents quantifiers from week 11 lesson.
• Speaking • Let them copy the exercise into their exercise
• Grammar books and complete them. Tell them to work
• Arrange them in groups to compare and
Homework (optional) (5 min) discuss their answers. Elicit answers and
Begin the class by checking the homework you give the correct answer.
gave in the previous class. Make sure students Answer
have tried their best to do the activity.
Then, elicit the answers from different students. 1. much 3. some
Answer: B (Vocabulary) 2. some 4. many
1. made
2. wonderful
3. parched, cooked
1. a kill of 4. a packet
4. soup, soft food made by boiling oatmeal
or other meal or legumes in water or 2. a glass of 5. a bottle of
milk until thick 3. a bundle of

5. Speaking (20 minutes)

Using “Wh-” Words

• Arrange the student in pairs, and let them
study the pictures carefully. Tell them to use

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)

Week 11 Day 4
Word Meanings and Uses

Daily Contents • Let the students copy the two activities into
their exercise books and then tell them to
• Reading fluency
work on each based on the instructions.
• Vocabulary
• Tell them to compare their answers in pairs.
Encourage them to discuss their answers.
• Elicit answers from the students
Homework (optional) (5 min)
7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes) A B
1. yeast 1. fatty
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
2. honey 2. sweets
• Introduce the title of the poem they will read
3. yoke 3. heavy
to practice text presentation. Explain how
4. sweet 4. light
they will read it. [This is the time to practice
the radio reading (Text Presentation).] 5. easy 5. spicy

Reading (10 min)

Week 11 Day 5
• Arrange the students to be in pairs and
continue to read the poem, reading with a
Daily Contents
partner, and decide how the reader should
sound. [Tell them to read the poem more than • Writing
once to be sure of the meaning and to think
about the kinds of expression they need to
use to help others understand the tone of the
Homework (optional) (5 min)
• Move round the class and listen to how they
are reading it. Support the students who 9. Writing (40 minutes)
have some problem in reading the poem.
Writing Conventions (10 min)
[Remember, this is a practice session. The
strategy was introduced last week.]
Using Commas & Colons
• Ask some students to read out loud to the
• Tell the students the differences in using
commas and colons in listing nouns.

The comma is used to sort three or more

nouns which are listed in a sentence, but
colon is used before listing the nouns.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Let them re-write the sentences into their

exercise books using commas and colons Week 12
• Elicit the answers and write the correct Traditional Festivals and
answers on the board.

1. Food contains five components: protein,

Week Objectives
carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and minerals.
2. She bought bananas, carrots and cabbages. At the end of the week, students will be
3. I like three kinds of fruits: mangoes, able to:
pineapples and apples. • form compound nouns from words;
4. Onions, cabbages, tomatoes and potatoes are • read for gist (main idea);
my favourite vegetables. • write contextual meanings of words;

Writing Compositions (30 min) • identify countable and uncountable

Writing a recipe
• use quantifiers correctly;
• Remind them to revise the ingredients they
• argue with logical reasons;
wrote last week and write the recipe to
• listen to a text and get specific
prepare the dishes
information; and
• Let the students write all the ingredients
• write a guided paragraph.
important for making ‘Misir Wat’. (examples
are given in the text).
• Arrange them in pairs, and tell them to
compare their lists. Tell them to modify their
list based on the discussion.
• Tell them to write a short paragraph about
how to make Misir Wat based on the
information they have collected.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

2. Reading Comprehension
Week 12 Day 1 (30 minutes)
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
Daily Contents
• Arrange the students in pairs and let them
• Word Study
discuss the answers of the pre-reading
• Reading Comprehension questions.
• Pre-teach what UNESCO refers to. (the
Homework (optional) (5 min) word UNESCO is an acronym of (or simply,
abbreviation) United Nations Educational,
1. Word Study (10 minutes) Scientific and Cultural Organization).

Compounding While-reading Activity (15 min)

Explain what word compounding is to your • Tell students to read the questions before
students. they read the text and set purposes in their
Compound nouns are formed from two words mind.
which are mostly nouns. But, sometimes • Tell them to read the passage silently
one of the words might be from other word remembering the questions they read.
categories like verbs or adjectives. Use the • Encourage them to answer the questions
example in the student book. individually. Then, tell them to compare
• Tell the students to form and read loudly their answers in pairs and discuss.
compound nouns using the words given in • Elicit the answers and give them the correct
the two columns. Let them work individually. answers.
• Ask students to compare their answers and Answers:
discuss them. Finally, elicit answers from 1. New year of Sidama people.
2. To collect enough butter for the
Answers: festival.
3. To say ‘Happy New Year’.
1. Christmas day
4. Shaafeeta
2. Ecery day/every night
5. Two weeks to the celebration, on a
3. midnight / midday
market day.
4. households
• Give them the second activity (B) as

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Post-reading Activity (10 min) • Compare their answers with their partner
• Arrange them in pairs and encourage them and discuss.
to discuss the answers of the questions. Tell • Elicit the answers from the students and give
them to reflect their answers to the class the correct answers at the end.
through their representatives.
1. main, basic, essential
Week 12 Day 2 2. crop
3. dishes, trays
Daily Contentss
4. given
• Vocabulary
5. types
• Listening

4. Listening Comprehension
Homework (optional) (5 min) (25 minutes)
Begin the day’s lesson by checking the
assignment you gave in the previous day. Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
Make sure students have tried the answers • Let the students think about the answers of
individually. Move round the class and look at the questions and then discuss their answers
their exercise books. in pairs.
Answers: B
While-listening Activity (10 min)
Activities done before Activities done on
Fiche the day of Fiche Meskel in Gurage
Preparing high quality Going to houses
Kerod is heading to Wolkite with a tourist
kocho and saying Ayidde
during Meskel. On their way, Kerod talks about
Preserving kocho Chambbaalla
the festival among the Gurage people.
Saving adequate amount Responding Iille
The tourist: I’ve been to Addis Ababa several
of butter Iilli
times during this holiday, but it’s my first time
Start fasting and praying to come to the Gurage.
Investigating situations Kerod: Here you will see the real tradition
around the moon which lasts five to eight days.

3. Vocabulary (15 minutes) Days before and after the bonfire have their
own meaning in Gurage. September thirteen
Contextual Meanings of Words and fourteen are women’s and children’s day.
• Let the students read the text about injera Gomon Kitfoo is particular for these days.
and guess the meanings of the underlined Boys are given Gomen Kitfo after making
words. bonfire singing and dancing. Fifteen is called
Wohemiya, means Meskel in Gurage. It is a
day for sacrifices. Each household slaughters a

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

bull and elders perform prayers. Traditionally, • Arrange the students in pairs and let them
the bull’s stomach lining is divided between the discuss the answers together. Go round into
sons. The father takes the largest portion and the pairs and encourage them to be engaged
place it on the upper section of the door. Then, in the discussion.
raw meat is served. At dinner, Kitfo is served. • Select 3 students from the pairs and reflect
Everyone gets a share in a separate bowl. their views orally to the class.
Sixteen is Damara. Boys prepare the bonfire
in front of every household. Family members Week 12 Day 3
gather and the elder make a new year wish and
ignite the fire. Boys join singing and dancing
Daily Contentss
round the outdoor fire. Adults enjoy the local
drinks and raw meat called Shagna, the hump • Speaking
of the bull. • Grammar
Meskerem seventeen is a big feast: Kitfo,
Ayib, Gomon kitfo and Kocho are prepared.
Homework (optional) (5 min)
The twenty-fourth of September is the last day
called Adabnna. On this day family members 5. Speaking (20 minutes)
gather and enjoy a specially cooked kitfo. All
• Arrange the students in pairs and let them
make wishes after the meal.
discuss social expressions which are
The tourist: Oh it’s a really long ceremony. But, important to communicate with different
I don’t think I will stay this long. kinds of people.
• Tell them to read the questions before you • Let them report their major discussion points
listen to the text. to the class orally. Select 5 pairs to do so.
• Read the text twice with a moderate pace. • Arrange students in groups of three and let
• Tell them to answer the questions based them debate about the 4 sentences given.
on the listening text. Then, let the students Remind them to justify their positions. One
compare their answers in pairs and discuss. student asks and the others react one by one.
Finally, elicit the answers. Use expressions like, in my opinion, I think…,
Answers: A if you ask me about …

1. False 4. False
6. Grammar (20 minutes)
2. True 5. False
3. False
• Explain the difference between countable
Answers: B
and uncountable nouns and the quantifiers to
b, c, d, e, a be used in each noun from the grammar tips
in week 11.
Post-listening Activity (10 min)

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Get them to work the first two exercise in 7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
their exercise book- individually.
• Tell them to compare their answers and
Pre-reading (5 min)
discuss. Finally, elicit answers from them. • Begin the lesson by reminding the title of
the reading text. Inform the students that the
Answers: text is going to be used to practice reading
Instruction A: fluency.

1. uncountable 4. uncountable Reading (10 min)

2. countable 5. uncountable • Arrange students to be in pairs to practice
3. countable 6. uncountable reading fluency. Use the strategies mentioned
in the previous weeks about the partner
Instruction B: reading. Make sure students are practicing
the reading fluency appropriately.
1. how much
2. enough 8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
3. not much
Word Meanings and Uses
4. many
• Tell the students to copy the matching activity
5 how many into their exercise books. Then, tell them to
6 much match the words with their meanings.
• Encourage them to compare their answers
Instruction C: in pairs. Then, elicit answers from them and
1. B 3. C give correct answer at the end. Follow the
same procedure for activity B.
2. B 4. A

Week 12 Day 4 A.
1. c 4. b
Daily Contentss 2. d 5. e
• Reading Fluency 3. a
• Vocabulary B.
1. popular 4. moisture

Homework (optional) (5 min) 2. rubbed 5. served

3. thin

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Week 12 Day 5 Ethiopians cook many delicious
dishes for fasting days. Stews that
Daily Contentss feature a spicy ground pea powder
• Writing called shiro are popular. Shiro is
inexpensive, tasty and nutritious. It is
an essential part of the lives of many
Homework (optional) (5 min) Ethiopians.

9. Writing (40 minutes) Writing Composition (30 min)

• Arrange students in groups of three. Then,
Writing Conventions (10 min)
encourage them to complete the table given
• Tell students to rewrite the text using in their text book.
appropriate punctuation marks and
• Tell them to use the information in the table
and write a short paragraph about the festival
• Tell them to compare their answers in pairs they selected.
and discuss them.
• They should then xchange their paragraphs
• Tell one student to re-write the text on the with in the groups and read and comment
board. Provide correct answers. each other.’s writing. If possible, ask some
students who have written well to read out
their paragraphs.

UNIT 5 Animal Fables

Unit Objectives
At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
• form compound nouns using words;
• answer comprehension questions by extracting information from texts;
• sort out words thematically;
• use simple past tense correctly;
• listen to texts and identify the required information;
• identify the spelling of thematic words; and
• write a guided paragraph.

Week 13 Wildlife and Domestic Animals

words. Help students to read the words
Week 13 Day 1 appropriately.)
• Later, ask students to make compound nouns
Daily Contentss read them out loud.
• Word Study • Let them compare and discuss their answers
• Reading Comprehension in pairs. Elicit the answers from them.


Homework (optional) (5 min) 1. bird’s nest

2. animal life
1. Word Study (10 min)
3. wildlife
Compounding 4. domestic animals
• Tell students to copy the exercise into their
exercise books and work based on the given
• Ask students to read the list of words out
loud. (listen to how they pronounce the

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

2. Reading Comprehension Post-reading Activity (10 min)

(30 minutes) • Arrange them to be in groups of three and
ask them to discuss the answers of the Post-
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
reading questions.
• Tell students to discuss the questions in pairs
before they read the story. Help students
understand the activity. To help them be
Week 13 Day 2
involved in the activity the meaning of the
word trick is important. Daily Contentss
• Pre-teach what the word trick means. (Trick • Vocabulary
is an attempt to get someone to do something • Listening Comprehension
foolish or imprudent).
• Move round the class and see how the
students are doing the activity. Homework (optional) (5 min)
While-reading Activity (15 min) 3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
• Tell them to read the multiple choice question
before they read the story. Word Family

• Tell them to read the text and answer the • Tell students to copy the activity into their
questions. Then, encourage them to compare exercise books and match according to the
their answers in pairs and discuss. Finally, example given. Let them work individually.
elicit answers from them. • Arrange them in pairs to compare and
discuss their answers. Finally, elicit answers
Answers: A
from the pairs.
1. field
2. tasteless
hen - chick cats - kitten
3. a good deal
duck - duckling sheep - lamb
Answers: B
goats - kid cow - calf
Will you be disappointed /
1. lions - cubs dog - puppy
2. when the old man told him that • Give them the activity given under instruction
he will split them half and half. ‘B’ as homework.
3. wheat Answers:
4 the grains. wild animals domestic animals pets
ostrich donkey dog
lion goat cat

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

red feathers like Cardinal, and a long beak like

hyena sheep
crocodile horse
“Stop that noise” said Raweno. “I can’t think
monkey properly.”
“Whoo!” cried Owl loudly. “You can’t forbid
4. Listening Comprehension
me to watch.”
(25 minutes)
Raweno became angry. He ran to the tree,
Pre-listening Activity (5 min) grabbed Owl and shook him.
• Tell them to answer the pre-listening Owl’s eyes grew big and wide from fright.
questions and discuss their answers in pairs.
Raweno put his hand on Owl’s head and pushed
While-listening Activity (10 min) it down onto his shoulders. Then he reached
into his feathers and pulled out ears until they
Why an Owl Has Big Eyes stood up.

Long time ago, Raweno the Everything-Maker “Now you have big ears, a short neck, and big
spirit made all the animals, birds, reptiles and eyes, but you see properly only at night. when
insects. It was a big job. I’m not working.

First he made each animal, choosing fur, skin • Tell them to read the questions before they
or feathers. Then, he gave each one a choice in listen. So that they can set purpose in their
how their shape of ears, legs, or tail should be mind.
completed. • Read the story twice with a clear voice and
One day, when he was working on Rabbit, Owl moderate pace.
was sitting in a tree nearby, waiting his turn. • Tell them to complete the sentences using
“Whoo, whoo” cried out Owl, impatiently. appropriate words. Encourage them to
compare and discuss their answers in pairs.
“Be quiet Owl,” said Raweno. “I will get to
you next. Turn around. No one is supposed to Answers: A
watch.” 1. deer 4. Raweno, Because
“May I please have long legs and ears like 2. pushed he could do what
Deer?” asked Rabbit. “Of course, you can,” said animals liked
3. ears and eyes
Raweno. “I make animals the way they want.”
“Thank you,” said Rabbit, wriggling his long
Post-listening Activity (10 min)
legs. “Could I have sharp fangs and claws like
Panther? • Tell the to students answer the questions
“Certainly,” said Raweno.
• Encourage them to discuss their answers in
Owl became impatient again. “Whoo!” he cried.
groups of three.
“I want a long neck like Swan. And beautiful

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Answers: C
Week 13 Day 3 1. saw 3. was/went
2. did 4. were
Daily Contentss
• Speaking
• Grammar Week 13 Day 4
Daily Contentss
Homework (optional) (5 min)
• Reading fluency
5. Speaking (20 minutes) • Vocabulary

Expressing Opinions
• Arrange the students in pairs and let them
look at the pictures of various animals.
Homework (optional) (5 min)

• Ask each other’s opinions about the animals 7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
given. They can see the example given as a
model. Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
• Ask them the title of the folk tale they will
6. Grammar (20 minutes) read for this week. Explain how they will
narrate the tale.
Simple Past Tense
• Tell the students to think about any animal Reading
story answer the questions individually.
• Arrange students to be in pairs to practice
• Arrange them in pairs and tell them to reading fluency. Use the strategies
compare their answers and discuss. Go mentioned in the previous weeks about the
into the pairs and see their answers and text presentation. Make sure students are
support students with a disability. Finally, practicing the reading fluency appropriately.
write certain possible answers on the board
focusing on the verb forms. 8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
Answers: B Using Words in Contexts
1. told 6. thought • Tell students to copy the activity into their
2. called 7. taught exercise books.

3. sold 8. went • Encourage them insert the vocabularies in

their appropriate places. Let them work
4. spoke 9. finished
5. fought 10. showed

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Arrange them in groups of three and let • Arrange them in pairs to compare the words
them compare discuss on the answers. Elicit they have written. Tell them to give due
answers from the group members. Make the attention to the arrangement of the letters.
participation fair among the male and female Finally, elicit the answers from the students.
as well as students with a disability. Answers:
Answers: 1. elephant 5. donkey
1. rats 7. suggested 2. lion 6. puppy
2. complained 8. fasten 3. duck 7. mule
3 behaviour 9 message 4. leopard
4. chairing 10. unhappy
5. nails 11. disappointed
Writing Composition (30 min)
• Tell them to be in pairs and complete the
6 hungry .
table with appropriate information as the
example given in the table.
Week 13 Day 5 • Tell them to write a short guided paragraph
that compares the animals based on the
Daily Contents information in the table.
• Writing • Arrange them in groups of three and tell
them to exchange their paragraphs and read.
Tell them to comment on each other’s work
Homework (optional) (5 min)

9. Writing (40 minutes)

Writing Convention (10 min)

• Tell students to copy the activity into their
exercise books.
• Tell them to work on the exercise
individually based on the instruction and
the example given. Remind them to use the
first letter as a clue.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Week 14 Week 14 Day 1

Daily Contentss
Abilities Animals Have
• Word Study
• Reading Comprehension

Week Objectives
At the end of the week, students will be Homework (optional) (5 min)
able to:
1. Word Study (10 min)
• segment words correctly;
• scan a text to get specific Segmenting Words
information; • Tell students to write (copy) the exercise in
• sort animals with the words which to their exercise book.
express their ability; • Tell them to segment suffixes from the
• extract information from the listening words and write the root word according to
text; the example given.

• elicit information by forwarding • Encourage them to compare their answers

questions; with their partner. Elicit answers and let
them read the answers orally.
• use ‘quite’ and ‘rather’ correctly in
sentences; Answers:
• use words in contexts correctly; 1. danger 4. fast
• identify spelling of words; and 2. climb 5. strong
• write sentences comparing/ 3. hunt
contrasting the abilities of animals.
2. Reading Comprehension
(30 minutes)
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
• Tell them to think about the answers of the
question before they read the text.
- Get them in pairs and discuss their an-

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

While-reading Activity (10 min)

• Tell them to read the questions before they Week 14 Day 2
read the text.
• Tell them to read the text silently and answer Daily Contentss
the questions. • Vocabulary
• Encourage them to compare their answers in • Listening Comprehension
pairs. Then, elicit answers from them.

Answers: Homework (optional) (5 min)

3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
1. True 4. False
2. False 5. True Matching Animals and Their Abilities
3. True 6. False • Let the students copy the exercise in to their
exercise book.
B. • Let them match the animals with the ability
1. 2 years they have.
• Encourage them to compare their answers
2. 6 years old
and discuss in pairs. Give the correct answer
3. two
after eliciting from them.
4. Because they thought that the
lion would kill her. Answer:
5. to the cave 1. Frogs croak. 6. Birds sing.
2. Sheep bleat. 7. Owls hoot.
C. 3. Dogs bark. 8. Snakes hiss.
1. Lion 3. the cubs’ 4. Lions roar. 9. Cows moo.
2. Halima . 5. Monkeys chatter. 10. Horses neigh.

Post-reading Activity (15 min) 4. Listening Comprehension

• Tell them to be in pairs and discuss their (25 minutes)
answers to the question. Encourage them
to bring evidences from texts and their own Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
experiences. • Arrange the students in pairs and let them
discuss the answers of the question together.
• Pre-teach the following words.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Pouch - a small or medium size disappeared again. She gave a big sigh and
container for holding or started looking for him again.
carrying things Up ahead she saw the leaves shaking. “Ah!
Mumble - talk indistinctly; usually That’s my Joey,” she said. She hopped over
in a low voice quickly, and bumped it into a fat old wombat.
Yell - a loud utterance; often in
Ouch! Watch where you’re going,” yelled
protest or opposition
Wombat. “I’m very sorry” said Mother
Wombat - burrowing herbivorous
Kangaroo “I didn’t mean to bump into you.”
Australian marsupials
about the size of a badger “You big animals never think about us with
our short legs, closer to the ground,” grumbled
While-listening Activity (10 min) Wombat. “Now you’re here, you can help me
find some good grass to eat.”
Kangaroo gets a pouch
“I’d like to, but I’m looking for my Joey at the
Mother Kangaroo looked around, but couldn’t moment,” said Mother Kangaroo.
see her son. Joey! Where are you?” called
“That’s right, nearly knock me over, a half blind
Mother Kangaroo, searching for him. “Come
poor old Wombat, and now you won’t even help
here now.”.
me find food,” complained Wombat.
“That boy has too much energy,” she mumbled
“Of course I’ll help you,” said kind Mother
to herself. “He’s always hopping off.” Using
Kangaroo. “Grab onto my tail and we’ll look
her paw, she shaded her eyes from the sun and
for good grass.”
looked around again. She called Joey with her
As Mother Kangaroo hopped along with
voice aloud
Wombat holding her tail, Joey came bounding
“Here I am!” an excited voice yelled behind her.
by and hopped right over old Wombat.
“Aaah!” screamed Mother Kangaroo, hopping
“What was that,” yelled Wombat.
six feet in the air and landing with a knock.
“That was my Joey,” said Mother Kangaroo.
“Joey, you frightened me!” she said.
“Come back Joey.”
“Sorry Mother,” said Joey.
“Kids! No respect,” grumbled Wombat. Joey
“That’s alright,” she answered, rubbing his head
kept going.
fondly. “But you shouldn’t hop off by yourself.
Wombat fell into a hole. “Stop, you’re going
It can be dangerous.”
too fast. I need to rest,” he complained.
“But Mother, there are so many exciting things
While Wombat rested Mother Kangaroo kept
to see. I get bored standing here eating grass.”
looking around. She was worried about her
“Grass is good for you,” said Mother Kangaroo.
Joey but wouldn’t leave poor old Wombat. It
“Now be good, Joey, and don’t go hopping off was too dangerous for someone who couldn’t
again.” see properly to be alone.
She put her head down and munched the “Now I’m thirsty,” complained Wombat. “Take
sweet grass. When she looked up, Joey had me to some water.”

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

“All right,” said Mother Kangaroo. “I hope Homework (optional) (5 min)

nothing has happened to my Joey,” she thought
to herself.   Speaking (20 minutes)
• Tell the students to read the statements
Can do/ Can’t do
before they listen to the text.
• Arrange the students in pairs and let them
• Read the text with a moderate pace twice.
list animals with their abilities and benefits
Then, encourage them to answer the
to people.
• Elicit answers from them and give them the • Get them practice orally based on the given
correct answer. example. Encourage them to take turn to ask
question and respond.
• Go round in to the pairs and encourage them
A. to involve in oral discussion. Support those
1. False 4. False who need your help. (Especially, students
2. True 5. False with disabilities).

3. False 6. Grammar (20 minutes)

B. Ordering Adverbs of Degree: Using ‘quite’

3, 2, 1, 6, 5, and 4 • Let the students study the sentences in their

text book in pairs. Encourage them to notice
the features.
Post-listening Activity (15 min)
• Tell them to copy the first exercise in to their
• Let the students reorder the statements based
note book and encourage them to rewrite
on the order of what they listened from the
the sentences using the words given in the
• Encourage them to compare their answers
• Get them in pairs and let them compare their
each other. Then, elicit answers from them.
answers. Elicit the answers.

Week 14 Day 3 Answers:

1. quite near/ rather difficult

Daily Contentss 2. rather furious / quite harmless.

• Speaking 3. My cat is rather fierce, but quite

• Grammar
4. Elephants are rather big, but quite

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Week 14 Day 4 Week 14 Day 5

Daily Contentss Daily Contents
• Reading fluency • Writing
• Vocabulary

Homework (optional) (5 min) Homework (optional) (5 min)

7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes) 9. Writing (40 minutes)

Pre-reading Activity(5 min) Writing Convention (10 min)

Ask them to tell you the title of the reading text Spelling of Words
for this week
• Tell students to copy the activity into their
Reading (10 min) exercise book.
• Tell them to choose the word that has the
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes) correct spelling to context given.

Contextual Uses of Words • Get them in pairs to compare their answers.

Give the correct answer after eliciting.
• Let the students choose the appropriate word
from the list to complete the incomplete text. Answers:
• Get them in pairs to compare their answers 1. live 4. claws
and discuss on them.
2. trees 5. prey
• Elicit answers from them and give them the
3. eat
correct answer at the end.

Answers: Writing Composition (30 min)

1. move 5. fins • Tell the students to complete the table with
2. legs 6. digging the appropriate information. Tell them to use
the clue in the example.
3. hopping 7. hooks
• Tell them to be in pairs to exchange
4. wings
information so as to complete the table.
• Ask them to write 4 sentences comparing
the animals with their abilities individually.
Let them exchange their sentences and
see others work. Go into the rows and
provide assistance for students with various

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Week 15 • Let the students copy the listed words and
find the root words. Do the examples with
Animal in a Park • Encourage the students to complete their
answers with their partner.
• Tell them to pronounce the words loudly
Week Objectives to their partner. Get in to the pairs and
follow up how they are doing it. Model the
At the end of the week, students will be pronunciation of the words to the students.
able to:
• segment words;
1. protect 4. visit
• scan for specific information from the
reading text; 2. danger 5. escape

• write the contextual meanings of 3. confine

• use words correctly in the contexts
2. Reading Comprehension
(30 minutes)
• listen and sort the gist of a text; Pre-reading Activity (5 minutes)
• use the present perfect tense to share • Let the students answer the questions
their experience with their partner; individually before they read.
• Arrange them in pairs to discuss their
• write a paragraph connecting answers.
While-reading Activity (15 min)
• Let the students read the following questions
before they read the text.
Week 15 Day 1
• Tell them to read the text and answer the
questions individually. Let them compare
Daily Contentss their answers in pairs. Finally, elicit the
• Word Study answer.
• Reading Comprehension
Answers: A
1 naughty
Homework (optional) (5 min) 2 endangered
1. Word Study (10 minutes) 4 fox

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Move round the class and help students do

Answers: B
the activity.
1. inside the cage
• Ask different students to answer the
2. It attacked their children and cattle questions; make sure you are giving equal
3. The tiger promised not to kill him chance to female and male students. The
4. The fox same also to students with disability.
5. It’s good to keep a promise/ Don’t
Answers: A
hurt a person who is helping
1. cage 5. ferocious
Answers: C 2. endangered 6. passer-by
1. The tiger 3. promised 7. sly
2. The traveller 4. prey
3. The tiger and traveller • Use the activity given under instruction B as
4. The tiger homework.

4. Listening Comprehension
Post-reading Activity (10 min)
(25 minutes)
Arrange the students in groups of three and let
them discuss the answers of the questions. Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
Let them report their discussion points to the • Tell them try to write the meaning of the
class orally. words listed.
• Teach them the meaning of the words and
give them example in sentence.
Week 15 Day 2
Daily Contentss flock = a group of animals,
sheep birds
• Vocabulary
presence = existence
• Listening Comprehension
butcher = a person who sells meat
hanging = suspending
Homework (optional) (5 min) trap = a device to catch
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
Contextual Meanings
• Ask students to read the list of the meanings
given and find the words that have these in
the reading text. (Remind students to scan
the text and find the words. )

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

While-listening Activity (10 min) Answers:

The Smart Dog A.

Once, a farmer and his wife who lived near a 1. flock

park had a flock of sheep. Even after all their 2. wolf
efforts, a wolf ate up all the sheep and only one 3. presence
sheep was left. Once, the couple sat talking
4. trap
about selling the remaining sheep. The sheep
heard them and thought, “I’d rather live freely 5. Farmer
than be killed by a butcher.”
So the sheep left the farm at night with the guard
dog. By chance, the wolf saw them and thought 1. To sell the remaining sheep
to get the sheep for dinner. But he knew that 2. The dog
he could not harm the sheep in the presence of
3. They went back home.
the dog. So he said to the sheep, “Hey sheep!
Come here and return the coat that I lent you
Post-listening Activity (10 min)
last week.”
• Let them discuss the answer of the questions
The dog understood what the wolf wanted. He
in pairs. Tell them use their experience and
saw a trap laid by the farmer near a tree. So
concepts from the listening text.
he said, “We will believe you, if you touch the
holy chain hanging near the tree.”
As soon as the wolf went near the tree, his
Week 15 Day 3
feet got caught in the trap. In the morning,
the farmer was happy that the wolf had been Daily Contentss
caught. So the sheep and the guard dog were • Speaking
needed again. Hence they went home and lived • Grammar
happily. The farmer and his wife decided to
move far away from the park.
• Let the students read the questions before Homework (5 min)
they listen to the text. Begin the day’s lesson by checking the
• Read the text clearly with a moderate pace assignment you gave in the previous lesson.
twice. Make sure all students have done the activity.

• Encourage them to answer the questions Invite different students to speak the answers.
individually. Then, tell them to compare
their answers. Elicit answers from them.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

Dress in a proper and neat uniform as per the

Answers: Vocabulary B
places, areas where
1. habitats - Arrive early, before the scheduled time. Coming
animals live
15 minutes before the scheduled time is necessary,
2. dry - a dust, scorched
as it makes you comfortable at the venue.
3. ground - land
Accept defeat positively and learn from
4. surrounding - environment mistakes. Ultimately, have fun
5. seasons - time/ period The ‘Don’ts of Debating
• Avoid certain pitfalls while debating, like:
5. Speaking (20 minutes)
• Don’t forget to greet important personnel,
Debating like the chairman, etc. If adjudicators are
• Arrange the students in groups of six. Then, a part of the audience (they generally are),
in each group 3 students will be against and then you needn’t greet them.
two in favour of keeping animals in a zoo. • Don’t include some team line or
One student will be the chairperson. Give your team attack before beginning.
them some time to think about the reasons/ Don’t use long sheets of paper to make a
ideas that support their views. note of your arguments.
• Explain these debating tips: • Tell them to start the debate, and let the
• The ‘Dos’ of Debating chairperson lead it. You go in to the group
and provide support to students with various
Do not forget to:
Greet: ‘Good evening/morning’ to respective
authority. 6. Grammar (20 minutes)
Stand/Sit well in front of the timekeeper,
Present Perfect Tense
judges, and audience. In case you’re debating in
a group that is sitting in a circle, make yourself • Tell students to use the present perfect to
comfortable. An alert body language and write questions and answer the questions
displaying keen interest is necessary in group based on their experience.
discussions. Present
have/has + past participle
Wait for formal announcements before the v3
session begins.
Applaud every speaker positively.
Use cue cards that you had prepared.
I haven’t seen it.
Be silent while others are speaking and during
• Let the students practice orally what they
judging time, when adjudicators are awarding
have experienced based on the example

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

• Let the students change the verbs in the

Answer: A
bracket in to the correct present perfect
form. Get them in pairs and compare their 1. lived 5. bitten
answers. 2. cross 6. revenge

Answer: 3. satisfied 7. reached

1. have never visited 4. howl 8. roll

2. Have you ever watched • You may give the other exercise as home-
3. hasn’t seen work.

4. Have never come Answer: B

Place What
Body Use for
animals animals
Week 15 Day 4 covering
live eat

feather water plants legs

Daily Contentss skin ground animals wings

• Reading Fluency shell feet

• Vocabulary

Week 15 Day 5
7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
Daily Contents
Pre-reading (5 min)
• Writing
• Ask them to remember the title of the reading
text for this week on page 123 of student’s

Reading (10 min)

9. Writing (40 minutes)
• Use the strategies mentioned in the previous Writing Conventions (10 min)
weeks about how to teach the partner reading.
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes) • Let the students choose the words having the
correct spellings to complete the text.
Word Uses
• Get them in pairs and tell them to compare
• Let the students read the incomplete text
their answers.
carefully to understand the context.
• Elicit answers from them, and give the
• Tell them to complete the text using the
correct answer.
appropriate word from the list. Then,
encourage them to compare their answers in
pairs. Elicit the answers.

English I Grade 6 I Teacher Guide

1. fur 3. shell
2. feathers 4. many

Composition (30 min)

• Tell them to go back to the sentences they
developed in the previous week about
“Abilities of animals”.
• Encourage them to write a complete
paragraph connecting them. Tell them
about the organization of the sentences
(Topic sentence, supporting sentences and
concluding sentence) in a paragraph.
• Let them exchange their paragraphs and read
them and give comment. Finally, select three
students to read their paragraphs to the class.

Grade 6 English Syllabus

Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
Theme Skills and MLCs Language Items and Vocabulary Learning activities and resources Assessment Learning
Social Expressions outcomes

Unit 1: -Listen for specific Simple present and clothing -Listen to a text and By the end of
Listeni information Present continuous traditional Prelistenig: predict about the listening text based match pictures to the the unit,
People and ng What are/is you/he/she on pictures. discriptions. students will be
Clothes -Listen for the main wearing? clothes -Students listen to a text on ‘culture show’ able to:
Geetings idea and details What colour is your T- (description of clothes) and match the clothes
and shirt? occasions described to pictures. Listen to a dialogue Listen and
Introductio -Listen and respond to What is `netela’ made long-sleeved, and identify the identify colours
ns ‘wh’ questions of? a pair of -Students answer comprehenstion questions clothes mentioned and types of
 I am wearing a made of clothes.
dress/trousers -In pairs, students ask and answer questions about
What are worn for/by
 He is wearing a what they are wearing.
you used for
wearing sleeve
 She is wearing a
today? earring
 Made of/used for
What is it silk
made of? What is this/ that/
put on,
these/ those?
take of
It is a blue silk dress.
-use thematic
It is a black leather
jacket. vocabulary
It is a red cotton
They are blue socks

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
Describe clothes
-Use social expressions they are wearing
for greetings and Hello/good -Describe clothes and materials
introductions morning/good -In pairs students greet and introduce themselves. they are wearing and
They use ‘wh’ questions to find out information the clothes are
afternoon materials the cloth is
My name is … about their partner. -Students introduce their made of.
made of.
How do you do? partner to the teacher and the rest of the class
Talk about
- Talk about similarities How are you? -Talk about occasions and
and differences This is…. He/she is -Students are exposed to materials and adjectives occasions and the cultural
… that go with clothes. They answer questions about cultural dressing.
Speaki dressings.
ng clothes in pictures using more than one adjectives.
- Describe things by What is this/ that/
using more than one these/ those? -Students take part in a dialogue comparing and
adjective It is a blue silk dress. contrasting colour, size and shape of clothes.
It is a black leather
jacket. -Individually/in pairs, students complete a given
It is a red cotton dialogue and act out.
They are blue socks
X is as big/ small -List and describe Ethiopian traditional cloths and
-Take part in guided as….. talk about what they are made of.
oral activities

-Identify culture and Passive and active

clothing for occassions voice:
A: What is it made of?
B: It is made of
Read description
and match with

Read texts and

identify items

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
Arrange words in to

Write in dictation
with correct spelling
and punctuation

Write sentences in a
paragraph describing

read a passage of 4-5 A passage about Brainstorming activities, Read descriptions

Readin paragraphs (250-300 traditional Ethiopian and identify the type
g words) to find the main clothes  Students look at the title of the reading of the clothes
idea and specific passage and accompanying pictures and
information Adjectives of colour, predict the theme. Students read the passage
size, shape and to identify the theme and see if they were
-infer the meaning of materials, festivals, right.
unfamiliar words from
the context  Students read comprehension questions and
find the answers.
. Verbs such as put on,
take of  Students read the passage individually and
then discuss their answers in groups.

 Students guess the meaning of 5 unfamiliar
description and
words. match with

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
Students use pictures
-Write sentences from to write sentences Read texts and
jumbled words Spelling rules – -Students rearrange jumbled words and write about what people are identify items
Jumbled words in leaving out ‘e’ sentences (give emphasis to position of adjectives wearing.
-Take dictation of a sentences e.g. make - and nouns) e.g. silk a blue is dress it = It is a blue
short paragraph with making silk dress
correct spelling and Students write
punctuation Short paragraph on -doubling -Students take down dictation. At the end compound and
clothes consonants encourage them to share what they have done in simple sentences
Writing -Write compound e.g big - bigger pairs and learn from each other. using adjecties
sentences using more -Consonant + y referring to clothes
than one adjectives e.g easy - -In groups of 3 each student is given a picture.
easily They write what the person in the picture is
Arrange words
-spell ten words compound sentences wearing on a slip of paper. E.g. She is wearing a in to meaningful
correctly and adjectives long red skirt and a white cotton shirt These 8 slips sentences.
of paper and the pictures are given to another
-Write a vocabulary group who have to match the descriptions to the Write in
network for clothes picture. dictation with
correct spelling
-Use more than one adjectives to write sentences and punctuation
about clothes
Write sentences
-Students make vocabulary networks for clothes simple and
 Men (e.g. tie) compounddescri
 Women (e.g. dress) bing clothes.
 Traditional (e.g. Gabi)
 Materials (e.g. silk)
 Adjectives (e.g. long)
 Verbs (e.g. wear)

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
Unit 2:
Directions -Students listen to By the end of
Listen and follow
Tourist north/south/east/west attractive what their partner or the unit,
direction Students listen to visitors’ report about the
sites in (of) with the help of a their teacher says and students will be
places they have visited in Ethiopia and follow
map condition respond. able to:
Ethiopia their journey on a map.
Listen and take notes
Listening Language patterns: feature Give simple
Students take notes on the life of the a travelor
Listen and respond to is found, is situated, is descriptions of
located height different places.
Peak ‘wh’ questions - Students listen to the wh-question by the teacher
Mountains and answer
Prepositions mountain Respond to wh-
in Ethiopia
Listen to and identify to the right/ left of, questions answer
north/ south/ east/ length
Where is various forms of
your home comparisons west of, in the -While listening, students look at a temperature
middle/centre, below, visit Read
town? chart for Ethiopia and compare the temperatures
above, under -Students describe maps/charts and
and descrpitions of different regions.
apartment the place shown in texts and write
Have you the picture.
ever A listening text is read descriptions.
to students. area
travelled to
tourist sites? farm
-Using regular and
irregular comparative
and superlative
adjectives forest
E.g. Regular: far – Using information in
farther - farthest village tables, students talk
about the length, size
waterfall and distance of places
things etc
Passive/active location

-Students read a text

and answer

-Studentss write
sentences using
information in a table

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
E.g. Regular: climb  In pairs or groups they discuss weather -Students prepare
Compare places high-higher-highest conditions in Ethiopia e.g. oral presentations to
using comparatives hot-hotter-hottest A: Which is the hottest place? describe their villages
Speaking and superlatives dangerous – more B: Afar region is the hottest place. to others. They can
dangerous – most also use maps and
dangerous  Students look at names and pictures of places posters to accompany
Irregular: and mountains and compare them using their presentations
bad-worse-(the) worst, comparative and superlative of adjectives
good-better-(the) best
as…… / not  Students look at a temperature chart for
as……as Ethiopia and compare the temperatures in
E.g. Addis is not as different regions with their partners.
hot as Jimma

How high is the Ras - Using a table students ask questions about the
Ask question from Dashen Mountain? heights of mountains and lengths of rivers
tables How high is …?
How long is …?
How far is …? - In pairs one student secretly chooses a city/town
Describe location of Where is … found? and describes its location on the map. The other
places on a map and Whar does …? student has to guess which city/town it is.
follow direction
- Recycle numbers to
describe length of - Get into groups and describe the places in
Describe their village river, height of Ethiopia they have visited/travelled to.
using regular and mountain etc.
irregular adjectives
and social - Students ask for and tell/give directions looking
expressions - Descriptions of at a map
different places A: Excuse me, can you tell where the post
Ask for and give B: Certainly. Go straight ahead for 5 minutes
directions -Can you tell how to and turn left. It is opposite the Bank.
get …
-Excuse me, would
you please tell me
Give oral where ….
presentation -Have you ever …

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
A: Can you tell me
how I get the post
B: Sure. Go straight
ahead for 5 minutes
and turn left. It is
opposite the bank.

-Predict the theme of

the passage by doing Theme: Places in -Students look at a map showing Ethiopia and
Reading pre-reading activities Ethiopia guess the content of the text.

-Read 4-5 paragraphs

(about 250-300 - Students read a passage and answer
words to find the Description of one comprehension questions
main information. place in Ethiopia

- Read the passage - Students read different descriptions and transfer

and transfer the main Different descriptions specific information onto tables.
idea into a table of regions/places in
- Students read a text and identify what pronouns
-Read and identify Eg What does the refer to.
what reference word ‘it’ refer to?
markers refer to The word this refers to - Students read the text and identify words used
... to compare and contrst ideas/places etc
Infer meanings of
words from the
context -Students guess meanings words in bold from
- The word … means the context in the passage.

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
Students write
Mt. Ras Dashen is … -Using the table (students completed in the descriptions of the
- Write compound
meters high, but Mt reading activity), students write compound regions/places from
Tulu Dimtu is … sentences about the heights of mountains and their presentations.
Writing metrs. lengths of rivers etc.
Students use a chart
- Write a paragraph
Conjuctions: and, but, to write short
using simple
so etc. -Students write a paragraph that describe places descriptions about
from the visual clues. Ethiopia.
e.g. Afar is as hot not
Jimma Addis as is =
-Write sentences
Addis is not as hot as
from jumbled words
Jimma. - Students rearrange words and write correct
Comparative sentences.
-Take dictation of a
short paragraph with
- Students take dictation. They listen to the teacher
correct spelling and
reading and they write what he/she says using
correct spellings and pantuatins.

Unit 3: -Listen for specific biography Students listen to a description of (or interview Listen to a By the end of
Famous information what, why and when with) a famous Ethiopian and complete an biography and rank the unit,
people did and did live identity card or passport information page the main events in a students will be
people in
Listening -Listen and respond not do things and E.g. Name: chronological order. able to:
Ethiopia die
to ‘wh’ questions in write notes Age:
various ways Job:
simple past marry Home:
Who am Married/single etc. Listen to a
I? E.g. He was divorced biography and
born/went/lived/died answer the
etc. wedding questions about
People and who, what,
simple present born
their past where, when . . .
E.g. He lives/is the person is.
Biographi married/has etc.
es of present continuous

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
famous E.g. He is running a
people marathon athlete

Sequencing words
Time expressions:
Infinitive of Purpose

Speaking -Ask questions ‘wh’ and yes/no -Students use the information in the identity Speak about
Ask and answer
questions in the past card to ask and answer questions about the themselves or their
‘wh’ questions
-Tell what they did E.g. how old is he? person in pairs. family members.
about a famous
in the past /what did he do last
persons or
year? -Students look at pictures/photos of a famous
-describe actions in themselves.
Ethiopian and tell what he/she is doing
pictures When did you start
school? 6 years ago -Student ask questions using ‘last’ and ‘ago’ Give reasons
-Give reasons using When were you in beginning with ‘when’ why people are
infinitive of purpose grade 5? Last year doing
-Role-play/interview: in pairs, one student something.
Are you from …? assumes the identity of a famous Ethiopian and
the other student asks questions (based on
Present continuous jigsaw reading and writing questions task)
-One student takes on the role of a famous
person but is not allowed to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
-Infinitive of purpose The other students ask questions to try to make
e.g. he went to the him/her say yes or no.
shop to buy some tea
-“Who am I?” game: student chooses the
identity of a famous Ethiopian and other
students ask yes/no questions to guess the

-Students practise using infinitive of purpose.

They match sentence halves to make full

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus

E.g. He went to America – to study at

He switched on the TV – to watch his favourite
programme etc.

Reading -Read for specific Descriptive passages -Students read the biographies of a famous Students read a text
Read and
information and about famous people Ethiopian and put events in the correct order - about a famous
identify details,
details. (biographies) Students answer questions (open/closed) about person and answer
the passage questions about date,
place, job, etc.
-Infer the meaning -Students guess the meaning of 10 words in the
of unfamiliar words passage by matching each word to another Sequence events
from context word chronologically.

-Read a passage and

answer question/fill -Students read descriptions of 2 famous
charts or tables/list Ethiopians (one dead and one alive?). Sentences
incidents etc about the individuals are jumbled up. Students
must separate the sentences (using verb
tense/vocab/context clues), match with the
correct individual and then put them in the
correct order to make a short biography

-Jigsaw reading - half the class read one

biography and the other half another one.
(continues in writing and speaking)

-Complete sentences Incomplete sentences Students fill in gaps in sentences with time Write a short Write a short
using appropriate expressions e.g. every, last, ago, on, in etc. paragraph about a paragraph about
words Biographical notes biography of a a person.
Students look at biographical notes and write famous person
Questions in the past complete sentences about the person. E.g. (information card
tense Born/1972 – He was born in 1972

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
will be provided by
-Write short Jigsaw writing - students write questions to ask the teacher).
sentences using the Short biographraphy their partner about a famous person. As they
simple past ask (see speaking and listening) they take notes
-Write questions for on the answers.
gathering and note Using the information, they found out from
down the answers in their partners in the jigsaw activity,
writing. studentswrite a short biography. When they
have finished they compare it to the original
Write simple reading passage.
sentences in a

Unit 4: Countable and favourite -Listen to a text and respond wh-questions Students listen to a Students should
Listen and respond to
Food and uncountable text and classify food be able to:
‘wh’ questions
Festivals bitter -Students listen to a text and classify the items mentioned in it
Listening - What’s your favorite information in it. according to their Listen to a text
- Listen and classify
food? delicious type. about food
e.g orange, apple = preparation and
Types of - Fruits, vegetables, sour -Students divide nouns into countable[C] fruits write the steps.
-Listen and group
food cooked food uncountable [U].
the count and
uncount nouns used
in the text.
Food sugar (U), banana (C)
preparation -Take part in guided A: What is tibs? raw Students can
oral activities B: It is made from -Studnts complete utterances in a dialogue. Students describe describe a
Traditional ……. It is hot and pan what they eat usin for particular dish.
festivals and spicy”. You grill/fry meals in the last few
food the lamb… ingredient days (using the past
-Use quantifiers in -Students look at pictures of quantities of food and tense) E.g. Yesterday
sentences. - expressions of kitchen ask questions using ‘how much?’ and ‘how I ate injira with
quantity appropriately many?’ and appropriate counters (kilo, bag, sack vegetables.
Speaking (adverbs of frequency) taste etc.) Read a text and
how much/many/a identify specific
few/ a little sweet, information

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
-Describe a process -In pairs, students talk about Ethiopian traditional
using more than one spicy dishes (food/ingredients) using the language
adjective modelled.
T: What is this called meat
in English? -Students see plants such as carrots, onions, etc. Describe a
S: It is a tomato. beef ask and answer questions. particular dish in
-Express their T: What colour is it? few sentences
agreement and S: It is red. dairy
disagreement -In groups, students describe how a particular food
What is … roast is prepared.
What colour …
I think … -Students read some controversial statements e.g.
I agree with you ‘people should not eat meat’ and they agree or
because … disagree with reasons. Students do the same in
I don’t agree with you groups.
because …

E.g. How much rice is

there? There are two -Students look at pictures of quantities of food and
bags of rice. How ask questions using ‘how much?’ and ‘how
many bananas are many?’ and appropriate counters (kilo, bag, sack
there? There are five etc.)

Dialogue -Students read a dialogue between two students -Students read

-Read a dialogue and
Reading about their favourite food in their area and different sentences
identify the message
identify what they are talking about. which are about how
A recipe for an a particular type of
- Predict the theme
Ethiopian dish - Students answer pre-reading questions and food is made and put
of the passage by
predict the theme of the text. them in the right
doing pre-reading
Students put the sentences in order for cooking a
A passage on food in traditional Ethiopian dish
- Sequence a number
Ethiopia Students read a text
of sentences into a
and identify, the
logical order in a
details and main

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
-Read for details, the - countable and -Students read the passage silently and
main idea/particular uncountable nouns independently and check/correct their answers to
information the questions.(true false, fill in the blanks, etc)

- Read a text and - Students will identify the count and uncount
identify count and nouns used in the text.
uncount nouns

Writing  Food words

-Complete sentences
using appropriate  Sentences
 Recipe for -Students fill in the blanks using the words in a
-Write simple and students’ local dish box
compound sentences
Vocabulary network -Students write sentences about the food they like -Students describe
-Write list of items for food and dislike and why. what they ate for
meals in the last few
-Write sentences -Students get into groups and make posters of lists days (using the past
using quntifiers of foods in groups of vegetables, fruit, meat, dairy tense) E.g. Yesterday
Do not add too much etc. I ate injira with
suager in your food. vegetables.
-Write process - Students fill in gaps from a list of suitable words
paragraphs. e.g. much/many/few/little
Passive and active
First the fruits are -Students use the reading passage as a model to
washed. Then … write a recipe for a local dish
-Students write the steps on how to make coffee.
The teacher profides some steps.

Unit 5: Listening Simple Presesnt animals -Pre- listening task: -Using a list of animals or Listen to a story and Students will be
Animal -Listen and classify habitat, pictures, students divide animals into 3 groups answer able to
Fables What do lions look diet , ability wild animals, farm animals and pets comprehension
Listen and answer like? (plural nouns run questions Listen to a text
Wild life wh/yes/no questions for generalisation) kill -While they are listening to an animal fable, fill and identify the
and climb n a chart about the animals in the story. details.
 Where/live fly
 What/eat swim
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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
domestic  What can lions description of
animals -Listen for specific do? animals -In pairs, students ask each other what the
information and  Can lions swim? zoo animals in the story look like, where they live
Animals’ detail etc.
abilities Adverbs of degree -
-Students are given names of animals and
 quite well, very different activities. They say whether the animal
Animals in well not at all can do that activity quite well, very well or not
the parks at all.
e.g. Lions can run E.g. Giraffes – climb trees (not at all)
very well Hippos – swim (very well)

e.g. what is the
fastest animal?

Animal fables Describe and tell

simple stories
Past simple about animals.
Did …?
Yes/No----- -Compare
animal’s ability.
Speaking -Tell simple stories Comparison -In groups students tell simple stories about -Students retell the
some animals to the class and others listen and stories (from
What do you think--- mime the actions in the stories. listening and
? -In groups, students retell the stories they reading)
I think that---- listened in groups.

-Give opinions I think/in my

opinion…. -Students form opinions connected to animals
-Compare animals I agree with you using prompts e.g. I think lions are beautiful - In
I disagree with you my opinion wildlife parks are good. Other
-Use expressions of Which animal is very students agree or disagree
agreement and attractive? -Read parts of
disagreement. -Students compare animals, the strongest, the stories and
Past simple fastest etc. sequence them
Did …? in the right
Yes/No----- order

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
-Answer -Write a
‘wh’/yes/no - Students answer yes/no questions about the paragraph/dialog
questions. story using the past simple. Students do the ue story.
same in pairs.

-Predict the theme of -What do you know -Students look at pictures from the story and -Students read a
the story. about . . .? try to put them in order to predict the story. story and write
sentences beginning
-Read a story to find -After reading, students rearrange (if In my opinion
the message and the A passage/dialogue necessary) pictures are in the correct order in I think ….
detsils. in the form of an pairs
animal fable that can
-Read and sequence. teach a moral lesson -Students discuss the main lesson the story
conveys and answer comprehension questions

Students discuss whether they liked the story or

not and why (using expressions for opinions and

Students act out the fable.

-Write simple Dialogue -Students add speech bubbles to the pictures Students write a
sentences as part of and write dialogue for the animals in the story. story in the form of
a dialogue dialogue

-Write a paragraph -Students write one paragraph stories in the

in the past tense A simple story past about animals (using prompts) and read
them to their classmates.
-Wrire sentences Sentences beginning
about their opinion with I think…
Students write sentences starting with
“I think …”
“I don’t think that …”

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus

Unit 6: grandmother/g
Large Listening Possessives rand-father/  Students discuss their close -Listen to a text that Students will be
Families -Listen and respond son/ daughter, relatives.(Brainstorming) describes a able to
I/we/they have stepdaughter  In groups, students talk to each other about large/extended family
-Listen and solve He/she has /son/ father/ large or extended family (relatives). and identify ideas for Listen to a
puzzles mother, (Brainstorming) their dialogue. description and
Model dialogue cousin,  Students solve the following problem: X is identify the
nephew, niece, looking at a photo and says ‘brothers and details.
A text that describes elder, younger, sisters have I none but this man’s father is
My family a large/extended the Describe and
my father’s son’. Who is the person in the
tree family first/second express their
-Listen for details picture? (answer = his son)
son/daughter, opinions about
etc. verbs: -Students listen to a passage about an extended large/small/exte
related to, family (and how it grows bigger) and answer nded families.
My married to, etc. true or false questions.
relatives Read a text and
-Express their Expressing opinions, -In groups, students discuss the advantages and Talk about the match the main
feelings/opinions agreeing and disadvantages of having a large/small/extended family using family ideas with a
giving reasons disagreeing (recycle) family tree given. diagram.
Comment on others Reading passage -Students have a class debate on a
ideas with reasons about family large/small/extended family (family planning). Write a short
planning -Use pictures or photographs to describe family paragraph about
members answer questions (whose family …?). their family.

Transfer ideas
Reading -Read and draw a A passage describing -Pre-reading activities (what I know, what I Students read a text from a text to a
diagram a family with a want to know about a large/extended family). about a family and diagram (chart,
problem to solve at transfer the table).
the end e.g. ‘Who is -Guess the meaning of five key vocabulary. information to a
your grandmother?’ family diagram.
-While reading activities (list the possible
-Infer meaning of A passage/ dialogue sources of problems in a large/extended family).
words on the subject of a
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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
-Read a passage to
find the main (affixes) prefix, suffix -Students read the passage, draw a family tree
message and details and solve the problem. They compare answers
in groups.

-Students identify the new words in the passage

based on their affixes.
-Students read the passage and identify the
advantages and disadvantages of large/
extended family
-Students write -Students write a
Writing -Complete sentences Sentences describing -Students complete sentences using sentences about paragraph.
using appropriate family words/phrase from a list of family words (based their families to
words large/extended/small/ on first reading passage) form a paragraph.

-Write simple and Compound sentences -Students write sentences about their own -Students write an
compound sentences extended families argumentative
Coordinating paragraph
-Write a paragraph conjuctions -Students write a short personal response to the
reading passage/debate e.g. I think large
Describing family families are good
Family diagram -Students write compound sentences about the
advantages and disadvantages of large families
using ‘and’ and ‘but’.

-Students write a short paragraph that describes

a given family diagram.

Unit 7:
Save our Expressing opinions – pollution -Students listen to story about an animal and the -Listen to a text and
-Listen to short story Students will be
World Should/must effects of pollution on its habitat and life and then answer the questions.
of (about 150-200) able to:
 I think deforestation they answer different comprehension questions.
words and identify
Air Listening  I believe -In pairs, students
specific information Listen to a text
andWater  I think it’s garbage look at pictures
and the main idea about the
Pollution important to showing the effects
sewerage of pollution. They environment and
 I feel

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
Listen and reflect  If we don’t… -Students listen to the text and express their describe the pictures, tell/write their
their reaction. will happen litter reaction/belief about the incidents in the story. what happened to reflection
Ethiopia Present simple cause the damage
and the -Listen and identify Present continuous smoke illustrated.
future cause and effects
plastic bag -Sudents involve in a conversation and exchange -Based the damage
Listen and respond in ideas on the environment. shown in picture,
Protecting conversations poison students tell and what -Talk about the
the they can do to environment they
Environmen draught prevent this listen
t happening in their
-Listen to a passage A conversation made flood village/town. - Read and
and fill in a by a group of -Students listen to someone talking about what complete a table
chart/map students about what fire he/she thinks will happen to Ethiopia in the Listen to a text and
would happen in future. Students have a map/chart and fill in fill in a table with Students will be
-Listen to a Ethiopia in the Adjectives to what will happen in different regions. details, dates, able to:
conversation and future. describe Listen to
express their opinion Ethiopia and - prediction and
and use expressions cities/towns/vi -Students express their reactions and opinions Students make preferences and
of agreement and llages to the listening text by agreeing or disagreeing predictions about express their
disagreement their school opinions
e.g. in 2010 it will
have 2000 students
Talk about their
-Listen to a passage
and express their
opinion about the

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
Write predictions
Speaking -Express reaction to a Agreeing and -Students discuss the story (in the listening text) about what they
text/others’ ideas disagreeing and express their reactions and feelings. would like to
I believe that .. have/see
- Express their I think … happening in
opinion -Students get into pairs and express their their home town
reaction/belief about the incidents in the story
Expressing opinions – based on the listening text.
-Use the simple  I think -Students read jumbled sentences and sequence
present and present  I believe them into the stages by which deforestation
contious tenses in  I think it’s impacts on the environment. Then work in pairs
their utterances to important to to explain logically the effects of deforestation.
give advice  I feel
 If we don’t…
will happen
-Use diffetent social  We -Teacher models the language patterns with
expressions. must/should.. sentences about the future e.g. I would like our
town to have electricity. Students change the
nouns and verbs to make similar sentences and
-Giving advice use it in a conversation in their groups e.g. I
E.g: Currently would like Ethiopia to be richer.
tempreture is
--Express their increasing due to -Students are asked to imagine they can see into
preferences climate change. the future. Working in pairs, they take it in turns
E.g We shoud save the to tell their partner what will happen during their
world by planting lifetime. E.g. You will see big buildings
trees (Warning: students instructed not to be personal)
-Take part in guided -Students work in small groups. On a large sheet
oral activities in of paper, they brainstorm what they like about
groups -Presemt simple and living in Ethiopia, and what things they would
present continuous like to change/improve. One member from each
-Use social tense. group reports back to the class. Students listen to
expressions to the reports and are encouraged to ask questions
express certainty after the presentations.
and doubt Expressions of
•Students make sentences about their village in
their future using more than one adjective. E.g.
This will be a large modern school.
I like . . .

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6 English Language Syllabus
Six English Language Syllabus

-Use expressions of I prefer to see… •In pairs students draw what they think their
agreeing and village/town will look like in the future. They
disagreeing In the future I would describe it to another pair
like to (be) . . .

I would like + noun +

comparatives e.g. I

would like the

country to be richer

Certainty and doubt

 I don’t think so
 Do you think so?
 Are you sure
 I think it will

I agree with him/her

I don’t agree

Reading Read a text and Students read

-Predict the theme of complete the table. and dentify the
a passage -Students do pre-reading activities and predict the theme and the
theme of the passage. Read the text and details of a given
- Read for details and What do you think is answer the text.
for the main idea the theme of the text? -Students look at the title, accompanying picture comprehension
and predict the content of the passage. They read questions.
the first (explanatory) paragraph and check if their
-Sequence a number predictions were right.
of sentences into
logical order in a
paragraph -Students read the text and complete a chart.
-Students read the text and answer
comprehension questions.

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
-Students read jumbled sentences and sequence
them into the stages by which deforestation
impacts on the environment.
-Students work in pairs to explain logically the
effects of deforestation.
-Write a guided -Students write about Students write a
summery text. Sentences (promises -Students summarize the main ideas of the text what they can do to well organized
and commitments: I they read. prevent the damage guided summery
-Write sentences will ) that happens in the of the text they
connected to the topic Students produce a range of environmental pictures shown. read conncting
campaign materials allocating different tasks to sentences.
group members.
e.g. badges, information leaflets,
promises/pledges, posters. They write sentences
-Write guided to go with these materials. E.g. I will throw
summary expand Vocabulary network rubbish away
vocabulary network for the environment
for the environment
paragraph -Students write a summary in a paragraph with
the help of the information in the table (filled out
while reading the text)

Unit 8:
-Students listen to an interview with a group of - Listen and answer By the end of
Listen and take notes Communicate students talking about their school days. They the comprehension the unit,
of People make notes on what they could and couldn’t do questions students will be
Listening Listen and identify Sign language and in groups compare them. They may use chart able to:
the specific Could/couldn’t tofill in while listening.
information Comparing Hearing Listen to a text
I can do it! impaired E.g. I couldn’t read printed letters but I could about
read carved letters on plates
Listen for details Physical

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6 English
Six EnglishLanguage Syllabus
Language Syllabus
fitness Students listen to a text about what people can do Read a text and
What and cannot do and answer comprehension answer
skills do Ridding questions. comprehension
Adverbs questions.
you have? Intelliget
-Compare people Can/can’t -In pairs students discuss about two different Students talk about
using the three forms Comparisons Effort groups of people with special abilities (Helen the skills they have to
Speaking of the comparison Adverbs of degree Talent Keller or Thoman Edison) and report the result of the whole class. Complete
Safety (very well, quite well, the discussion. sentences with
measures -Talk about people not at all) the appropariate
with disability -Students discuss the problems they might face, words from the
how they overcome them and discuss what unit.
disabled people can do and how people should
treat them .
-Give instructions Imperatives
and ask people Can you ….
politely for Should -Students take the positions of people with
something special needs.
E.g. ‘Hearing impaired’ students try to lip read
Students learn some simple sign language
Students give instructions to ‘visually impaired’
students. Students help ‘visually impaired’
‘Visually impaired’ students ask ‘sighted’
-Ask and answer Reflexive pronouns students to assist them to copy notes from the
‘wh’ questions about (my/your/him/herself) blackboard
people with What can you do by
disabilities yourself?
He can walk home by Students take on roles of people with special
himself needs. Other students ask them questions about
their abilities and they answer. E.g. What can you
do by yourself? I can walk home by myself. I can
make tea. I can play football. After each person,
other students say what they can do e.g. he can
walk home by himself

Predict the theme of A story about a Students read pre-reading questions and guess
the passage hearing-impaired child what the passage will be about.
and his/

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6 English
Six EnglishLanguage Syllabus
Language Syllabus

-Read a passage and

find the main
Students read the passage individually and find
-Infer the meaning of the main ideas, specific information, and details
unfamiliar adjectives
from the context Students guess meanings of words from the
Writing -.
-Complete -Sentences about the -Students fill in gaps in sentences/paragraph from - Ask and
sentences/paragraphs passage with gaps a list of possible words. answer questions
using appropriate about the
words Paragraph about hearing-impaired
famous person e.g. Students use the information in the reading to child and his/her
Helen Keller, blind make sentences about the child’s likes and daily routine.
-write simple Ethiopian musician dislikes.
sentences about other Sentences
people’s likes and Read a text and
dislikes. answer

Unit 9:
Healthy Listening -News report -Diet Students listen to the report and in small groups -Listen to a text and -Listen and
Living -Listen to information describing problems exercise reach agreement on the 3 most important points identify the causes list/complete a
and identify the main faced by children who hygiene made in the passage. Groups report to the class. some common chart
Disease points have poor diets and sensibly, health problems and
little exercise antonyms -Students listen to a text about causes of transfer them to -Talk about how
-Listen to a text about conditional (‘if’ …+ unhealthy unfit, common health problems in groups/pairs and to maintain a
Exercise some common health charts/tables/graphs
‘will’) unwell unkind list causes of the disease. etc. healthy lifestyle
for health problems and list the unhappy
causes and effects
-Statement and nutrition
Healthly response - examples malnutrition
diet If I eat too many meal -Students complete a dialogue between a patient
-Listen and take part
sweet things, my teeth feed and a doctor.
in guided oral
will... drink
activities in pairs
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6 English Language Syllabus
Six English Language Syllabus
If I exercise every endurance
day, my body
If I don’t wash my
hands after going to
the toilet, I will….


-Use the probable -Conditional (‘if’ …+ ‘Advise your little Students use
-Teacher models the statement (If I eat too many
conditional ‘will’) sister’. In pairs conditional
sweet things, my teeth will…) and response (go
Statement and students conduct a sentences and
bad). Teacher says other statements and asks for
-Give suggestions response - examples role play. One give suggetions.
using conditional on If I eat too many student plays
how to take safety sweet things, my teeth him/herself and the
measures will... In pairs one student makes a full sentence using other his/her younger
If I exercise every the probable conditional. The other responds with sister. He/she gives
-Make a list of advice day, my body advice. advice. E.g. You
using conditionals will…… E.g. A: If I eat too many sweet things, my teeth should go to bed at
If I don’t wash my will go bad 8.00 pm.
hands after going to B: You shouldn’t eat sweet things.
the toilet, I will….
Express their feelings
and give reasons Should/must Students make up short dialogues expressing
their feelings. E.g.
Look + adjective e.g. A: You look tired?
you look tired, you B Yes I am
look hungry, you look A: Are you unwell?
unwell…because B: No, but I didn’t sleep very well
A: You should go to bed
Acrostics based on
related words. Students choose simple words related to healthy
e.g. living, and in pairs attempt to write acrostics
He which they will then present to the class.
Eats fruits and
vegetables, and Students listen to the report and in small groups
Always washes his reach agreement on the 3 most important points,
Pronounce words hands before eating and report to the class.
correcly and

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
Listens to the doctor,
and Students learn the ending sounds in nouns.
Tries to eat sensibly.
He has fun exercising
-/s/ with words after
voiceless sound
Ending /s/, /iz/, /ǝz/
e.g. boy/s/
-/z/after voiced sound
-/iz/ or /ǝz/ after
sibilant sound

-Read for specific A written transcript of -Students read a text and answer comprehension Read and re-arrange Students read
information and an interview with a questions. jumbled up different texts
detail sports teacher. The sentences and identify the
questions and answers -Students work in pairs/groups to match the main and
-Sequence sentences are jumbled up. questions with the answers to make logical sense. Read and identify specific
into a logical order the detailes and information
-Students with their work out the logical order specif information.
-Read the interview
identify messages. -Students read the interview and report the
main messages.

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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus

Writing -Complete sentences Making antonyms Students

using appropriate using ‘un’ - -In pairs students make sentences using the complete
words unhealthy, unfit antonyms. conditional
sentences. E.g.
-Write supporting -Students fill in the sentences with the correct _______, you
sentnces to develop a adjective/antonym/adverb of manner will get sick.
paragraph Sentences
-Students produce sentences for illustrated
leaflets – ‘Be Healthy’. They use should/must
-Write a vocabulary and if + will
network for healthy e.g. You should exercise every week
living If you eat well, you will be healthy

-Make antonyms Paragraph in a leaflet -Students make vocabulary network for healthy
using ‘un’ . . . living parts of the body (e.g. leg)

-Write/give advice using conditionals. E.g.

Diarrhea is caused by polluted water. If we
Vocabulary network drink polluted water, we will have diarrhea.
for healthy living
-Teacher shows how antonyms are formed.
Students match the antonym to its meaning e.g.
unwell = sick etc.

Unit 10:
Child Listening A text about different Jobs -Listen to and ask
Introduce the topic through discussion using -Listen to a text
labour -Listen and express types of jobs that do and answer questions
pictures/photos –Students brainstorm possible describing jobs
their opinions about children can perform. shoe shine), about their lives
jobs that children do and identify
the types of jobs and Can/could beg,
sell tissues what they can
make their own list Has/have Students listen to a text about that can describe
employ and cannot:
of jobs about jobs that children can and cannot do and
Roles and work what they
responcibili salary orally express their opinions about the types of should and
ties in a payment jobs. should not.
family labour
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Grade 6 English Language Syllabus
Grade Six English Language Syllabus
Speaking express their opinion Children should help
and give reasons their parents. What is -Teacher elicits as much as possible from the Listen to opinions Students argue
Easy Jobs your opinion? students about what they feel about child labour and reasons and about their
express their own opinios
take part in a debate reaction. supporting them
Rules and about child labour Children should not be with reasons.
regulations engaged in jobs which -In groups students debate different forms of child
are beyond their labour
-Students in a group exchange experience
How do help your about the jobs they perform at home. E.g. a
family? teacher gives one type of job and students take
I fetch water every part to express their experience.
Can you make
read a passage about Two stories – one Students read the passage independently and In pairs students read Students read
what children can about a child who is a answer questions. Students compare answers in a passage about the and identify jobs
and cannot do and victim of child labour, pairs roles of two children which children
answer questions the other about a child Students discuss, in groups, the main ideas of the and list in columns can or can’t do.
who is not. passage comparing the two children what the children in
Students match sentences to the passage perform.
pictures/photos/illustrations that show the
severity of child labour
Writing Write sentences Sentences Teacher writes the language patterns on the board Students write Students write
about child labour and students make sentences about child labour sentences that rules nad
using the same language. E.g. There used to be describe child labour. regulations in
more child labour. Last week I saw a shoe shine contexts using
boy. appropriate
Write rules and Students write sentences about what they know
regulations about about child labour.
child labour
Leaflet saying no to Students design a leaflet and write sentences to
child labour warn against child labour. E.g. This child should
be in school.
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