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Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Bd. 144, S.

9 7 - 1 0 1 (1976)

The elastic constants of indium single crystals

by diffuse x-ray reflections

Physics Department, P a t n a University, P a t n a

(Received 22 May 1975)

Die elastischen Konstanten von Indium-Kristallen wurden aus der diffusen
Röntgenstrahlstreuung abgeleitet. Eine Vermessung der diffusen Reflexe mit
dem Mikrodensitometer ergab die Intensitäten für eine Anzahl von Richtungen
im reziproken R a u m . Aus den Intensitäten wurden die elastischen Anteile
ausgewertet und schließlich die absoluten Werte auf Grund der Kompressibili-
t ä t s d a t e n von Indium bestimmt (in 10 11 dyn · cm~ 2 ): cn = 5,25, C12 = 3,68,
Ci3 = 3,71, C33 = 5,30, C44 = 0,78 und cee = 1,47. Diese Daten sind vergleichbar
mit den von W I N D E R und S M I T H 1958 mittels Ultraschall bestimmten Werten.

T h e elastic constants of single crystals of indium have been studied using
diffuse x-ray reflections. A microdensitometer survey of the diffuse reflections
g a v e intensity for a number of directions in reciprocal space. F r o m the inten-
sities the elastic ratios were evaluated and finally the absolute values deter-
mined using the compressibility date for indium. The values in units of
1 0 » dynes · cm-2 are C u = 5.25, C12 = 3.68, C13 = 3.71, C33 = 5.30, Cti = 0.78
and Cee = 1.47. Results are comparable with the values determined by
W I N D E R and S M I T H ( 1 9 5 8 ) using an ultrasonic method.

Diffuse x-ray reflections has been extensively used for the study
of elastic constants of metal crystals ( S A N D O R and W O O S T E R , 1 9 5 9 ;
W O O S T E R , 1 9 6 2 ) as well as organic ones ( J O S H I and K A S H Y A P , 1 9 6 4 ;
P H A T A K et al., 1 9 7 2 ; C H A N D R A and H E M K A R , 1 9 7 3 ) . For metal crystals
with cubic structures this method was applied with great success, but
no application has been made so far to the crystals having a lower
* Physics Department, The University, Allahabad, India.
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98 I). P . S i n h a . S u r e s h C h a n d r a a n d S a l i g r a m S i x o h

symmetry. With a view to testing the applicability of the method,

the elastic properties of tetragonal indium single crystals were studied
by this method. The photographic technique of recording diffuse scat-
tering was employed because it is simple, and because a stabilized x-ray
output is not essential. Because of the large size of the available crys-
tals, crystal-reflected radiation could be used. From the diffuse-
reflection photographs of a single crystal of indium, elastic ratios
were obtained and finally the absolute values using compressibility.

Multiple phonon-scattering interaction appears in the form of
a diffuse cloud round about the reciprocal-lattice points on the x-ray
photographic plate. These reflections result from thermal motion
which bear a relation to the elastic force between neighbouring atoms.
At the end of the reciprocal-lattice vector R* the intensity of the
diffuse scattering ( W O O S T E R , 1 9 6 2 ) is given by

I(R*) = \FT\* ~ •^ K[f)g,

where K[f]g represents the Κ surface which is defined as

K[f]g = gi gic [Λ-1]«·

Here / corresponds to the direction cosines f\,fz,h of the wave normal

to the elastic wave and g represents the direction cosines <71,<72,<73 of
the line joining the nearest reciprocal-lattice point to the origin. B y
studying diffuse-reflection intensity about suitable reciprocal-lattice
points, all the values of the constants are obtained using relation for
compressibility and elastic moduli for tetragonal indium as

β = 2Sn + £33 + 4 S13 + 2 S12

where terms have their usual meaning.

Tetragonal indium single crystals which belong to space group
Z>4 were grown by applying B R I D G E M A N ' S technique. The sealed

tube with indium was lowered at the rate of 8 mm/hour inside the
furnace, the temperature distribution of which was determined by
a recording pyrometer. After necessary cooling the crystal was
removed from the tube and etched to determine whether it was single.

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The elastic constants of indium crystals 99

Its orientation was determined by x-ray photographs using CuK/x

radiation; then faces parallel to the required crystallographic planes
were cut with a microtome. The diffuse-scattering photographs were
taken using a camera of 5.693 cm radius.
The intensities of the diffuse spots were measured with a microden-
sitometer ( W O O S T E R , 1955). Contour maps of the intensities were
constructed. Measured intensities were corrected for generel scattering,
Compton scattering, absorption, polarization and second-order diffuse
The reciprocal lattice points used for the evaluation of the elastic
constants are 400 and 004. From the contour maps of intensity,
values for different wave normals, /, were obtained. The preliminary
value of the eonstants were calculated therefrom following the method
of P R A S A D and W O O S T E R ( 1 9 5 5 ) . These values were used in the cal-
culation of the second-order contribution.

Table 1. Ratios of elastic constants of indium

Ä[100]4oo/Ä[010]4oo = Cee/Cn = 0.267

X[110]40o/X[100]4oo = 2 (1 + Ζ ββ)/[(1 - χ12) (1 + χι* + 2*,«)] = 3.590

Ä[100]4oo/-K[001]4oo = C44/C11 = 0.163

ÜT[011]oo4/Ä[001]oo4 = 2 ( C i , + C44) C 3 3 / [ ( C 1 1 + Cm) (Cu + C33) - (C13 + Cu)2]

= 3.070

Ä[001]oo4/Ä[010]oo4 = C44/C33 = 0-199

X[001]oo4/Ä[100]oo4 = C13/C33 = 0.562

Table 2. Elastic constants of indium

Values reported by

CU 5.25 · 10" dynes/cm 2 4.45 • 1011 dynes/cm 2

C12 3.68 3.95
C13 3.71 4.05
C 33 5.30 4.44
C44 0.78 0.6555
C 66 1.47 1.22
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λ/Κ*2 -
Fig. 1. Curves showing the variation of diffuse intensity plotted as function of
1 IK*2 for indium single crystals using the 400 and various reciprocal-lattice points

1/K*2 -
Fig. 2. Curves showing the variation of diffuse intensity plotted as function of
1 /K* 2 for indium single crystals using the 004 and various reciprocal -lattice points

The ratios of elastic constants (Table 1) were obtained from the

slope of the variation of intensity along different points of a wave
normal, f , i.e. from the slope of I vs 1/K*2 graphs as shown in Figs. 1
and 2. The absolute values of elastic constants were determined using
the value of compressibility β = 2.7 χ 10 -12 cm 2 /dyne for indium.
The values obtained as given in Table 2 are in agreement with the
reported values of WINDER and SMITH (1958).

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The elastic constants of indium crystals 101

Thanks are due to Prof. Dr. L . S. SINGH for encouragement
Some stimulating discussions with Dr. M. P. HEMKAR is grate-
f u l l y a c k n o w l e d g e d . O n e o f us ( S . SLNGH) wishes t o t h a n k M r . B . C.
SRIVASTAVA f o r assistance w i t h this w o r k a n d t o t h e D i r e c t o r , N . P . L . ,
N E W D e l h i f o r x - r a y facilities.

S. CHANDRA and M . P . H E M K A R ( 1 9 7 3 ) , Evaluation of the elastic constants of
1,3,5-triphenylbenzene from thermal diffuse scattering of x-rays. Acta
Crystallogr. A 29, 25—28.
S . K . J O S H I and Β . M . S . K A S H Y A P ( 1 9 6 4 ) , Determination of elastic constants
of benzalazine from thermal diffuse scattering of x-rays. Acta Crystallogr.
17, 6 2 9 — 6 3 2 .
S. D. P H A T A K , R . C. S R I V A S T A V A and E . C. S U B B A R A O (1972), Elastic constants
of orthorhombic K N b O s by x-ray diffuse scattering. Acta Crystallogr. A 28,
S . C . P R A S A D and W . A . W O O S T E R (1955), Factors determining the choice of
x-ray reflexions for the study of the elastic properties of certain non-cubic
crystals. Acta Crystallogr. 8, 614—616.
E . S A N D O R and W . A . W O O S T E R (1959), The elastic constants of vanadium
single crystals. Acta Crystallogr. 12, 332—336.
D . R . W I N D E R and C. S M I T H ( 1 9 5 8 ) , Single crystal elastic constants of indium.
J. Physics Chem. Solids 4, 128—134.
W . A . W O O S T E R (1962), Diffuse x-ray reflections from crystals. Oxford, Clarendon
W . A . W O O S T E R (1955), A n automatic recording microdensitometer. J. Sei.
Instrum. 32, 457—460.

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