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United States Patent (19) (ii) 3,746,881

Fitch et al. (45) July 17, 1973

CIRCUTRY THEREFOR Primary Examiner-Bernard Konick
75 inventors: Richard A. Fitch; Walter F. J. Assistant Examiner-Stuart Hecker
Crewson, both of La Jolla, Calif. Attorney-Miketta, Glenny, Poms & Smith
73) Assignee: Maxwell Laboratories, Inc., San 57 ABSTRACT
Diego, Calif. A compact working Marx generator consisting of a
(22 Filed: Feb. 16, 1971 stacked plurality of chargeable capacitors and normally
open switches between successive capacitors, and a
21 Appl. No.: 115,801 second Marx generator, having a rapid self-erection
Related U.S. Application Data rate, for triggering the closing of at least some of the
switches at a rate substantially faster than the compact.
63 Continuation of Ser. No. 777,848, Nov. 21, 1968, generator self-erection rate, necessarily slow because
abandoned. of its large interstage stray capacitance resulting from
52 U.S. Cl.................... 307/110, 307/78, 307/108,
its compactness. The illustrated switches are spark
gaps, each having a third electrode between its two
321/15 principal electrodes, and the switches are closed by
(51 Int. Cl......................... H02m 3/18, H02m 3/12 pulses fed thereto from successive stages of the trigger
58) Field of Search.................... 307/110, 108, 106, ing generator through isolating means such as inductors
307/78; 321/15; 315/35, 36 to minimize any effect of the firing of the switches on
the erection of the triggering generator. One or more
(56) References Cited additional working generators may be paralleled with
UNITED STATES PATENTS the first working generator, both as to their switch clos
2, 185,292 1/1940 Candler........................ 307/110 UX ing circuitries and their outputs. Because triggering of
2,405,069 7/1946 Tonks...... ........ 307/108 X the working generator does not directly depend on the
3,366,799 111968 Fitch................................... 307 / 10 voltage of its capacitors, its output voltage may be var
OTHER PUBLICATIONS ied over a wide range.
Frungel, High Speed Pulse Technology, 1965, Vol. 1, 4 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures
pages 131, 132, 133, 297, 298.





47 y.

Patented July 17, 1973 3,746,881
Patented July 17, 1973 3,746,881
2 sheets-Sheet 2

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MARX GENERATOR AND TRIGGERING The basic principle involved is the use of transient
CIRCUITRY THEREFOR voltages and currents erected within the stages of either
the major or minor Marx generators to cause electrical
This is a Continuation of Ser. No. 777,848, filed Nov. conduction within a gap electrically separating the
21, 1968, now abandoned. 5 stages of each of the Marx generators. This occurs due
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION to the over-voltage created by the transient current cir
culating within the minor Marx stage when triggered by
The field of invention is that of high voltage, high the external source thereby adding the voltage of one
current electrical pulse generators based upon the stage of the minor Marx to another stage. If the stage
Marx principle, embodied in a device or generator for O carrying the transient current is operatively connected
providing voltage multiplication in which, in general, a to a stage of a major Marx generator, then the voltage
plurality of low voltage, precharged capacitors in stages caused by the transient current will start conduction in
are connected in series by switching means to give a a spark gap switch separating adjacent stages of the
single high voltage output and supply this high voltage major Marx and thereby erect voltage of one such stage
output to a load. Typically, the low voltage stages in 15 on that of the other. The same transiently caused volt
clude capacitors which are charged by suitable means age, fed through an impedance network, will similarly
well known in the art, and the switches which establish trigger a switch in a working generator paralleled with
the series connection are spark gaps. the first, virtually simultaneously with the first. Thus a
A voltage high enough to break down or ionize the Marx matrix can be made to provide not only voltage
air or other dielectric of the spark gap causes conduc multiplication but also current multiplication to be sup
tion across the spark gap and connects one charged ca plied to a load.
pacitor in series with another. The process of connect Marx generators typically are capable of self-erection
ing two or more charged capacitors in series constitutes after one stage is fired or triggered by suitable means.
erection of the generator. The working generator or generators of the present in
In the field of Marx generators, economic and tech 25 vention also of course have this characteristic. How
nological demands tend toward greater compactness ever, the speed of self-erection of the working genera
and also higher output voltages and energies. Compact tor, if permitted, would be objectionably slow because
ness leads to increased interstage capacitances within of the comparatively large stray capacitances such as
the generator, thereby increasing overall erection time those associated with the spark gap switches. Since the
of a generator, including a stack of capacitors sepa triggering generator is characterized by smaller corre
rated by spark gap switches, if self-erection is relied sponding stray capacitances, its self-erection time is
upon. The resultant slow erection time is markedly dis much more rapid, and the interconnections in accor
advantageous in producing the maximum voltage to be dance with the present invention permit the triggering
supplied to a load, and too slow erection may permit 35 generator to fully erect the working generator in sub
internal flashover to ground and even destruction of stantially exactly the self-erection time of the former.
The length of life and reliability of operation of spark
gap switches are adversely affected by too high current FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of several major or
densities during conduction. Consequently, it is fre 40 working Marx generators triggered by a minor or trig
quently desirable to operate a plurality of Marx genera gering Marx generator in accordance with the inven
tors in parallel so that the current density in each gen tion;
erator will not exceed some design value. But under FIG. 2 is an equivalent schematic of a portion of FIG.
these conditions difficulties are experienced in at 1, to be referred to in connection with the transient
tempting to insure virtual simultaneous firing of the analysis of a minor Marx current;
paralleled generators, and it is not unusual for the firing 45 FIG.3 is an equivalent schematic of a portion of FIG.
or erection of the first generator to effectively quench 1, to be referred to in connection with the transient
the incipient erection of other generators paralleled analysis of a major Marx circuit; and
with the first. " . FIG. 4 is a schematic showing of a plurality of multi
stage working Marx generators in accordance with the
present invention.
The present invention relates to the generation of DETALED DESCRIPTION
high voltages by erection of precharged capacitors
upon each other so as to create an output which is the Referring to FIG. 1, this invention represents the first
sum of the voltages of these capacitors. The apparatus 55 practical realization of three extremely beneficial fea
used for erection of the precharged capacitors or stages tures of Marx generator operation. These are: (1) rapid
of a major or working Marx generator includes a minor generator erection; and (2) simultaneous operation of
or triggering Marx generator having precharged stages an unlimited number of parallel switches at each stage
which serve to trigger the stages of the major Marx gen of the generator and (3) generator operation over an
erator. In general, each minor Marx stage provides trig 60 arbitrarily wide voltage range. Previously, wide operat
gering and erection of a major Marx stage upon an ing voltage ranges have only been obtained at the ex
other, and controls the specific major Marx stage so as pense of long erection time and only with a single
to prevent random or inadvertent erection of the major switch per stage. Conversely, rapid erection has been
Marx generator. However, a one for one minor to obtainable but only through sacrifice of the desirable
major Marx stage relationship is not necessary. One of 65 wide operating voltage range, and once again only with
the stages of the minor Marx generator is triggered by a single switch per stage. Operation of parallel switches
an external triggering source which initiates the erec between Marx generator stages has never been attained
tion of the minor Marx stages upon each other. previously.
3 4
In the Marx generator which is the subject of this in stray capacitor 104 (generally a few tens of picofarads)
vention, fast erection is provided by a small low-energy is sufficiently large to clamp the total potential differ
triggering Marx generator, which is designed along rel ence between electrodes 3 and 4 at the value V.
atively conventional lines to provide fast operation at The electric stress in spark gap component 502 has
a fixed operating voltage. A single switch per stage is now increased, and the spark gap is designed to break
used in this triggering Marx generator. This generator down under this amount of increased stress. This
is used to provide positive triggering of many, prefera breakdown process proceeds slightly more slowly than
bly all stages of a large, high-energy, compact Marx did the breakdown of spark gap component 2, since the
generator, referred to herein as a working generator. larger stray capacitor 104 must now be discharged
The method of interconnecting the triggering and 10 through the series combination of spark gap compo
working generators causes the working generator to nents 502 and 2. However, this breakdown is still quite
erect at virtually the same speed as the triggering gen rapid since stray capacitors 104, 105 and 106 are all in
erator, and the successive positive, high-amplitude trig the low picofarad range, and hence store only a trivial
gering voltage pulses provided to the switches of the energy even at a potential of several tens of kilovolts.
working generator by the triggering generator are used 5 When the breakdown of spark gap components 2 and
to obtain very rapid erection of the former over a very 502 has been effected in this way, the potential of elec
wide range of operating voltages in the working genera trode 4 rises from 0 to V. This change in potential is
tor. transmitted to the two-electrode spark gap 8 consisting
The composite generator circuit is illustrated in FIG. of two electrodes 9 and 10, by capacitor 7. Spark gap
1. Polarities of all potentials shown can be reversed 20 electrode 9 changes in potential from +V to 2V as a
without loss of generality. The circuits can be extended result. Stray capacitor 111, not generally larger than a
repetitively upward and to the right into an arbitrarily few picofarads, would force switch electrode 10 to fol
large number of vertical columns and horizontal rows, low the change of potential of switch electrode 9 ex
as described later in connection with FIG. 4. Enough of cept that switch electrode 10 is referenced to ground
the circuit matrix is shown to permit a description of 25 potential through an impedance here illustratively
the first two cycles of generator operation in each di shown as inductor 15. Electrodes 25 and 38 are held at
rection. Operation of further vertical and/or horizontal ground potential by the parallel combination of stray
additions to this circuit follows the pattern established capacitors 121, 122 and 142, 146, respectively, re
by the operation of the circuits in FIG. 1. ferred back through capacitors 21, 139 and 16, and 34,
The potentials on capacitors 1 and 7 are established 30 153 and 29, respectively. Stray capacitor 111, much
by means of DC power supply 41 and charging resistor smaller in capacitance than the parallel combination of
network 42 and 43. The circuit including capacitors 1 121, 122, 142 and 146, discharges rapidly through this
and 7 and spark gaps 2 and 8 is the minor or triggering path to ground, and switch electrode 10 remains very
Marx generator for the major or working Marx genera near its original ground potential. Consequently, the
tors. The major Marx generators include capacitors 16, 35 voltage drop across spark gap 8 nearly doubles. Spark
21, 26, 29, 34 and 39 and spark gaps and components gap 8 is designed to break down at a voltage between
17,517, 22, 522, 30, 530, and 35,535. The static po V and 2V, and does so rapidly.
tentials impressed on the capacitors of the major Marx While spark gap 8 has been breaking down, the sud
generators are supplied by power supply 44 and charg 40 den change of potential of switch electrode 4 has been
ing resistor network 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 and 52. forcing current to flow through impedance such as in
When the appropriate potentials V and Vw have been ductor 14 to change the potential of stray capacitors
established on the generator capacitors, the system is 129, 130 and 152, 174. Since the parallel combination
ready to be discharged. of these stray capacitances is significantly larger than
To start the generator discharge process, the opera 45 stray capacitance 111, it has been possible to change
tor actuates pulse generator 6. This generator applies the potential on capacitor 111 and break down compo
a negative high voltage pulse (all potentials are refer nent gap 8 before the potentials on switch electrodes
enced to the circuit point indicated by 53, which will 20 and 33 have changed sufficiently to break down
be called “ground' potential) to trigger electrode 5 of their associated component gaps. It will be remem
a three-electrode spark gap. Prior to application of this 50 bered that the potential of electrode 4. rose from 0 to
pulse, trigger electrode 5 has been held at a DC poten Vr when the three electrode spark gap 2-502 broke
tial having a value in the range between 0 and +V. down. A series LC resonant circuit is now formed com
Application of a negative pulse to electrode 5 acts to posed of capacitor 1, inductor 14 and small stray ca
reduce the electric field in component gap 502 and to pacitors 129 and 130, which are effectively in parallel
increase the electric field in component gap 2. Compo 55 due to the presence of larger stray capacitor 139 and
nent gap 2 will break down when the electric field or capacitor 16. Capacitor it is chosen to have a value
voltage gradient in its exceeds the intrinsic breakdown much larger than the parallel combination of stray ca
or sparkover strength of the dielectric. When this gap pacitors 129, 130 and 152, 174. Consequently, the po
closes, stray capacitance 106, generally not larger than tentials of both electrodes 20 and 33 are driven from
a few picofarads, rapidly discharges and the potential 60 0 toward a peak value of +2V. This action tends to in
of electrode 5 rises to that of electrode 3, namely +V. crease the stress in component gaps 517 and 530, and
This condition is established rapidly, since stray capaci to decrease the stress in component gaps 17 and 30.
tor 106 can discharge quickly, being quite low in value, The half-period of this sinusoidal oscillation can easily
and stray capacitor 105 can be charged quickly be made as short as a few tens of nanoseconds. Compo
through the resistance of the plasma channel present in 65 nent gaps 517 and 530 are designed to withstand the
spark gap 2. Stray capacitor 105 is also not larger than DC potential Vw, but to break down at a potential less
a few picofarads. This condition causes the full poten than 2Vw. Potential Vr is chosen at least as large (pref
tial V to exist across spark gap component 502, since erably larger) than Vw, so that component gaps 517
5 6
and 530 will break down before the potentials of elec be obtained on each trial is approximately 6:1 (from
trodes 20 and 33 reach their peak oscillatory value. V to 1/6V).
When these breakdowns have discharged stray capaci In summary, it has been found that a requirement for
tors 129 and 152 respectively, the full potential 2V is compactness in a Marx generator leads inevitably to
impressed on spark gaps 17 and 30, causing them to large stray capacitances in parallel with the switches of
begin to break down. the Marx generator. These stray capacitances tend to
Because the major or working Marx generator is fix the potential difference between electrodes of the
compact, stray capacitances 139 and 153 are quite Marx generator switches. This renders a compact Marx
large in comparison to stray capacitances 104 and 111 generator difficult to errect, since the switches are diffi
for example. This results from the fact that capacitors 10 cult to over-stress. Consequently, three-electrode
16 and 21 and capacitors 29 and 34 are in close physi switches have been introduced into the compact Marx
cal proximity to each other. Capacitors 1 and 7, by con generator since the stray capacitance from the trigger
trast, are physically smaller units and can be separated electrode of the three-electrode switch to its adjacent
more widely. Since stray capacitors 139 and 153 are switch electrodes is significantly smaller than the large
relatively large, the breakdown time of component S shunt stray capacitance across the entire switch. To
gaps 17 and 30 will be somewhat larger than the break prevent the breakdown of a given switch in the com
down time of component gap 502 and spark gap 8. This pact Marx generator from removing the potential from
provides another mechanism to allow the triggering adjacent parallel switches on the same level, the com
Marx generator to erect more quickly than the working pact Marx may be thought of as having been subdivided
Marx generator, which is essential for good circuit op 20 into many virtually independent vertical columns.
eration as will be seen. Since this sub-division process can be continued indefi
When the three-electrode spark gaps 17-517 and nitely, high energy load requirements can be met by
30-350 have completely broken down, the potentials of paralleling a number of working generators, so that no
spark gap electrodes 23 and 36 rise from their DC val 25 switch in the major Marx generator will be forced to
ues of V to +3V. Capacitors 16 and 21 and capaci transfer more electric charge or carry more peak dis
tors 29 and 34 are now connected in series, constituting charge current than its electrode materials can tolerate.
the erection of one stage of the major Marx generator Long lifetime, low probability of spontaneous break
with parallel switching. While the first two spark gaps down and overall high reliability can therefore be ob
in the major Marx generator were in the process of 30 tained from this switch to whatever extent is desired by
breaking down, the two immediately above them were the Marx generator designer. The trigger electrodes of
also being broken down by the action of the minor all switches at a given level in the Marx generator are
Marx generator which erected a short time previous to rendered independent of each other for short time in
this. Trigger electrodes 25 and 38 were driven from tervals by the insertion of isolating impedances such as
their DC zero potential values toward 4V, causing 35
inductors 14, 15, 27, 28 or by the alternative arrange
rapid breakdown of spark gaps 522 and 535. The pres ment of corresponding impedance networks shown and
illustrated in FIG. 4. This assures non-interference be
ence of large stray capacitors 125 and 147 then im tween the breakdown process in one switch and that in
pressed the full voltage 2Vw across component gaps 22 its neighbors. However, all switches at a given level are
and 35, causing them to break down and discharge virtually simultaneously triggered by connecting the
stray capacitors 125 and 147. 40
isolating impedances such as the inductors just men
If the major and minor Marx generators are extended tioned to a common trigger signal line. Extremely rapid
in the vertical direction, it is a straightforward matter overvolting of all switches in the major Marx is assured
to choose optimum values of minor Manx capacitors by choosing element values that allow the minor Marx
and coupling impedances to permit the minor Marx to erect more rapidly than the major Marx, and a wide
generator to erect somewhat more rapidly than the 45
overall voltage range is assured by fixing the charging
major Marx generator can erect, yet still discharge the potential on the minor Marx (hence fixing the trigger
minor Marx generator capacitances sufficiently rapidly pulse amplitude delivered to the major Marx) while al
into those of the major Marx generator so that the dif lowing independent variation of the charging potential
ference in speed between the minor and major Marx SO
of the major Marx generator capacitors.
generators does not cause the accumulation of a large
relative horizontal potential difference between these TRANSIENT RESPONSE OF THE MARX
two Marx generators with a resulting electrical break GENERATOR MATRIX.
down in one of the coupling impedances. A model Referring to FIGS. 1, 2 and 3 equivalent circuits of
comprised of five vertical major Marx columns each 30 55 a portion of FIG. 1 are shown as FIGS. 2 and 3. An
stages in height has been constructed using the circuit equivalent circuit of charged capacitor 1, spark gap
of FIG. 1 or 4. This model consistently displays com 2-502, trigger source 6 and resistor 11, we obtain FIG.
plete and proper breakdown of all 150 major Marx 2 schematically which is used to determine the break
switches, and the erection time of the major Marx is down conditions of spark gap 2, and the buildup of
very nearly equal to that of the minor Marx. The fact voltage v(t).
that the minor Marx controls the erection time of the 60 In FIG. 2, to assist computations through use of sym
major Marx has been shown by disconnecting the bolic form, capacitor 1 is referred to as C and resistor
minor Marx from the circuit. The major Marx will still 11 as R.
erect reliably in a multichannel fashion (all 150 Voltage Vr across precharged capacitor C is of such
switches completely broken down) but its rate of erec 65 level as not to break down component spark gap 2. Ad
tion in this case is less than one tenth of the rate ob ditional voltage provided by trigger source 6 when this
served when triggered by the minor Marx. The voltage trigger source is activated overvolts component gap 2
range throughout which perfect circuit operation can and causes it to break down. The voltage V appears
7 8
across component gap 502 causing it to break down. V. vu Vw ---
Gap electrode 4 is initially at zero potential in view of
the potential of the lower plate of capacitor 7 of FIG. red,
"-(1, Ill.) l(s) (7)

1, and gap electrode 3 is initially at V potential in view

of the upper plate potential of capacitor 1. The trigger where I,(s) is the Laplace transformation of i(t). Solv
pulse of trigger source 6 may be of such sense that it ing equation 7 for I,(s), we obtain:
adds to the voltage V of capacitor 1 to break down
component gap 2 and cause conduction between trig
ger electrode 5 and gap electrode 3. Once conduction Vrs - Vw."V(+ RC
- )
starts, in component gap 2, the other portion will con O
duct, hence total gap ionization takes place and con
duction between gap electrodes 3 and 4 will occur,
V RC, vS I, c.) (8)
thereby erecting the voltage of capacitor 7 upon the VTs --- Vws- ki,
voltage of capacitor 1. The breakdown action of gap (9)
2-502 acts the same as closing a switch to start an elec
trical current flowing, and the transient current ensuing
is expressed as:
L (+)(+: FI)
i(t) = (VIR) e -tire 1 Finding the roots of the quadratic of the denominator
(1) 20 of equation 9, this equation becomes:
The voltage developed across resistor R will therefore
be responsive to the current i(t), therefore: I2 (s) = R I.T.T.
v(t) = Vective 1
25 I(+)(+ft SE-th.) (10)
Referring to FIG. 3, the equivalent circuit of the Three solutions to equation 11 are possible. First, the
major Marx generator is shown energized by v(t), critical condition, when Rf4L = 1/LCs. In this condi
which is the forcing function developed by the minor 30
tion, the radical disappears and the solution of I.(s) in
Marx generator. This forcing function provides the trig the time domain, being i(t), will yield an expression
ger signal for a stage of the major Marx generator. Here having two exponential terms with negative exponents.
again for ease of computation, the inductance 14 and Second, the overdamped condition, where Rf4L is
capacitance 16 are respectively referred to as L and greater than 11LCs. This will result in an expression in
Cs. Additionally, it must be remembered that the wir 35
i(t) having three exponential terms with negative ex
ing of this circuit, as well as the inductance in the cir ponents. Third, when Rf4L is smaller than 1/LCs.
cuit, have a small value of resistance which will herein This will result in an expression in i(t) of one exponen
after be referred to cumulatively as R. Current i(t) tial term with a negative exponent plus a second term
will not flow until breakdown of component gap 17 oc 40
comprising another exponential term with a negative
curs between electrode 18 and trigger element 20. exponent multiplied by a transcendental function.
Prior to this breakdown, trigger element 20 will be the The third condition is the desired condition, inas
same potential as v(t). The appearance of transient much as this results in a product of two functions, the
voltage vi(t) at 20 will increase the potential difference magnitude of which is sufficient to increase the charge
between trigger element 20 and electrode 18 and there 45 of storage capacitor C6 and sustain conduction in gap
fore cause breakdown between trigger 20 and elec 17-517 thereby adding the voltage across capacitor Cs
trode 18, thereby starting current i(t) flowing. The to the voltage across capacitor 21. This adding of volt
mathematical relationships established will be: ages is referred to as voltage or stage erection.
The solution of equation 16 for the third and desired
condition will be of the form of:
i(t) = Kettle + Kel icos(Bt + b)
but q = Ce/w,
therefore, (q/Cs) F. V. (4) Equation ( ) is the inverse aplace transform of
equation (10), and K, and K, are coefficients, B is
Hence, substituting equations 4 into 3, we obtain: approximately if V Cit; and d) is a constant phase
angle, and where the above parameters depend upon
Ve' = L(di?dt) + Ri + (1/C) ? idt + v. the voltages Vir, Viv, and the values of 1., R., Lt. C.
(5) and C16.
Shifting Vw to the left side of the equation, we obtain: 60 Hence the voltage between trigger 20 and electrode
18 as shown in FIG. 3 is
Veli-V = L(didt) + Ri + (1/C) S idt v(t) = (1/C) i(t)dt F (1/C) Ketire 1) +
65 Ketil'cos(Bt-db))dt
The solution of equation 6 is best obtained utilizing
Laplace transformations, hence we obtain: (12)
9 10
Voltage v(t) is a large transient voltage which has a Similarly, the transient voltage developed between
peak value when current i(t) just begins to flow throu trigger electrode 38 and ground 53 will provide the re
gh component gap 17 between trigger element 20 and quired large potential difference between trigger elec
electrode 18. This larger voltage when evaluated at the trode 38 and gap electrode 36 of gap 35 for initiating
time current i(t) just begins to flow, breaks down com breakdown of gap component 35. Again the conduc
ponent gap 517, causing high conduction within this tion within component gap 35 will institute conduction
component gap and between gap electrodes 18 and 19 within component gap 535 and will provide the neces
thereby erecting the voltage of capacitor 21 on top of sary conductive path to erect the voltage of capacitor
the voltage of capacitor 16 of FIG. 1. Capacitor 21 hav 39 upon the already erected voltage 3V of capacitors
ing been charged to voltage 2Vw. due to the negative O 29 and 34 to provide an erected voltage of 4V across
and positive potential applied by power source 44 load 40.
thereto, will erect upon the voltage of V of capacitor Inasmuch as the voltages comprising the now series
16, thereby providing a total potential difference be connected capacitors 16, 21 and 26 are of the same
tween electrode 23 of gap 22 and trigger electrode 25 magnitude as the voltages comprising the now series
of 3V. 15 connected capacitors 29, 34 and 39, the two series
But prior to the aforesaid erection of capacitor 16 connected or erected voltages being connected in par
voltage upon capacitor 21 voltage, erection of the volt allel, the current into load 40 will be doubled. It is of
age V of capacitor 7 upon the voltage of V of capaci course obvious that one may theoretically have a large
tor 1 has occurred, thereby providing a potential differ number of series-connected (Marx type generator)
ence between electrode 9 of gap 8 and ground 53 of 20 stages of charged capacitors for voltage multiplication
2V. This will provide a potential of 2V across gap 8 and likewise a large number of parallel connected Marx
electrodes inasmuch as electrode 10 is at ground poten generators for providing current multiplication. This
tial by virtue of connection of resistors 12 and 11 be can be provided substantially without any limit as to the
tween electrode 10 and ground 53. Since gap 8 cannot 25 number of capacitors connected in series and without
withstand a potential difference of 2V, the gap will any limit as to the number of marx generators con
break down and conduction in gap 8 will occur provid nected in parallel.
ing a potential of 2V at the juncture of resistors 12 and It is also obvious that a stage of a Marx generator may
13. be triggered by another preceding connected Marx
As discussed hereinabove, transient current of the type stage, by transients developed in the preceding
form shown in equation 1 will flow and a voltage of the stage. The preceding Marx stage may be triggered by
form shown in equation 2 will develop across resistor a low energy Marx stage, called a minor Marx stage. It
12 thereby causing a potential at trigger element 25 to is also obvious that the major Marx stages are so ar
exist of the same magnitude as the voltage developed ranged that they will not trigger unless actuated by
across resistor 11. As hereinabove described in con transients of preceding Marx stages or by transients of
junction with component gap 17, a transient current of preceding minor Marx stages. However, it may be
the form shown in equation 11 will begin to flow be stated generally that in multiple-connected Marx gen
tween trigger element 25 and electrode 23 of gap 22. erators, triggering of follow-on stages of a Marx genera
This transient current is sufficiently large so that the tor may be accomplished by triggering any of the pre
voltage produced by this transient current will also ceding Marx generator stages connected thereto.
break down component gap 522 completely and cause It is also obvious that only one of the minor Marx
conduction between electrodes 23 and 24, thereby stages need be triggered by an external trigger source
erecting the voltage Vw of capacitor 26 upon the previ to set off the chain of events hereinabove described, al
ously erected voltage 3V for a total of 4Vw across though multiple triggering of minor marx stages may be
load 40. used.
Similar to the manner in which the voltages of capac In FIG. 4 there is shown an illustrative embodiment
itors 16, 21 and 26, were erected upon each other, by of the invention, emphasizing the adaptability of the
means of the transient currents as exemplified by the present invention in the use of working Marx genera
expression of current of equation 11 and the transient tors having a plurality of stages, and in combining a plu
voltages as exemplified by the voltage expression of rality of such working Marx generators in parallel, in
equation 12, transient currents and corresponding tran order to supply increased amounts of energy to a load
sient voltages will act upon gaps 30-530 and 35-535. when the generator is fired. In this latter connection, it
The transient currents will flow through inductors 27 will be understood that, for any particular configura
and 28 respectively, forced thereabove by the transient tion of spark gap switch and the ambient fluid, there is
voltages upon trigger elements 20 and 25, as herein 55 a practical limit to the amount of current flow in the
above described, which were developed in the process arc, having in mind the desirability of relatively long
of erecting the voltages of capacitors 16, 21, and 26. life of the switch.
Hence, the transient voltage developed between trig More particularly, and with continued reference to
ger electrode 33 and gap electrode 31 will provide the FIG. 4, a triggering Marx generator includes capacitors
required potential difference therebetween for break 60 indicated generally at 210, 230, 270 and 290, in alter
down of component gap 30. Again once conduction be nate electrical relation with spark gap switches indi
gins in component gap 30, further gap breakdown will cated generally at 220, 240, 280 and 300. In this trig
occur so that conduction in component gap 530 occurs gering Marx generator, switch 220 is a three electrode
and hence provides a conductive path between elec switch, whereas switches 240, 280 and 300 are two
trodes 31 and 32. This action will erect the voltage of electrode switches. As will be readily understood, an
capacitor 34 upon the voltage of capacitor 29 to pro additional number of capacitors and switches may be
vide a total voltage of 3V between electrode 36 and used, which may generally, but not necessarily, corre
ground 53. spond to the number of capacitors and switches in each
1. 12
of the working Marx generators later to be described. interconnection between the triggering Marx generator
in FIG. 4 there are two working Marx generators and the working Marx generators including busses 343,
shown in parallel relation, with dotted lines extending 383 and 403 and correspondingly connected inductors
rightwardly to indicate the possible existence of addi or other impedances as shown, which need not be de
tional such paralleled working Marx generators if de scribed in detail since they duplicate the components
sired. just referred to.
The various components of the working Marx gener In order to further insure virtually simultaneous erec
ator shown closet to the triggering generator just de tion of the several working Marx generators, means
scribed are numbered with reference characters be may be provided for augmenting the stray capacitances
tween 300 and 400, while corresponding components 10 between corresponding stages of adjacent working gen
of the next working Marx generator are designated by erators. Such means may include impedance networks
reference characters 100 greater than those of the first interconnecting corresponding spark gap electrodes of
of the working Marx generators. the several working generators with elected points in
More particularly, the first of the group of working 15 the triggering generator.
Marx generators includes capacitors indicated gener tiveModifications and minor changes from the illustra
embodiments herein disclosed are within the con
ally at 310,330, 370 and 390. As in the other forms of
the generator, these capacitors are disclosed in alter templation of the invention, and are intended to be em
nating relation with spark gap switches indicated gener braced within the scope of the appended claims.
We claim:
ally at 320,340,360 and 380. As will be noted, the cor 1. Marx generator circuitry comprising:
responding components in the next working Marx gen
erator are indicated by corresponding reference nu a compact working Marx generator including a multi
merals in the 400 series. stage stack of capacitors alternating with normally
Means are provided in accordance with the invention open switches, the interstage stray capacitance
to virtually simultaneously trigger the plurality of work being too high to permit an acceptably rapid self
erection rate,
ing Marx generators here shown as including those hav 25 triggering
ing components just described, and referred to gener means for erecting said generator includ
ally as working Marx generator 305 and working Marx ing means for closing successive switches at rates
generator 405. Such triggering means include the trig substantially more rapid than under conditions of
gering Marx generator previously described which may 30 gering Marx generator said triggering means including a trig
be referred to generally as Marx generator 205, to having a multi-stage stack of
gether with certain interconnecting circuitry extending capacitors alternating with normally open switches
between successive stages of the triggering Marx gener and characterized by a self-erection rate substan
ator and corresponding stages of the working Marx tially faster than that of the working generator,
generators. As in the embodiment of the invention pre 35 means interconnecting the triggering and working
generators whereby working generator switches
viously described, an initial triggering source 200 become conductive in response to successive steps
supplies, through a switch 201, a triggering pulse to the of trigger generator erection, said interconnecting
spark gap switch 220, which in turn, when fired, means including inductance means forming, with
supplies a triggering pulse through an impedance to a the capacitance of a capacitor stage of the trigger
bus extending to the various working Marx generators. 40 ing generator and the stray capacitance of the cor
The pulse in the present illustration appears in line 321 responding switch of the working generator, a se
and is fed through an impedance here shown as induc ries LC resonant circuit,
tor 322 to a bus 323. From the latter, the triggering and means for initiating trigger generator erection.
pulse is fed through an inductor 324 to the center elec 2. The invention as defined in claim 1 wherein said
trode 325 of spark gap switch 320. Virtually simulta 45 working generator switches are spark gaps, each having
neously, the triggering pulse in bus 323 is fed through an intermediate electrode to which said interconnect
inductor 424 to center electrode 425 of switch 420. In ing means is connected. .
order to insure virtual simultaneous firing of the several 3. The invention as defined in claim 1 including a sec
working Marx generators, it is important that the im ond working Marx generator identical to the first
pedance of the impedances 324 and 424, here shown named working generator and having its output voltage
as inductors, be substantially greater than the imped 50 paralleled therewith,
ance of inductor 322. More specifically, as will be said interconnecting means further including a bus,
noted, the impedances 324 and 424 (of course together said inductance means including a first inductor cou
with corresponding impedances in successive working pling said bus with a stage of the triggering genera
Marx generators, when so used) are essentially in paral 55 tor and an inductor coupling said bus with the cor
lel; and their paralleled impedance should be greater responding stage of each working generator.
than the impedance of inductor 322. Thus, if only two 4. The invention as defined in claim 3 in which the
working Marx generators are used, then the impedance inductance of said first inductor is no greater than the
of 324 and of 424 should be equal, and at least about paralleled inductance of the other inductors.
double the impedance of inductor 322. 60
As will be readily understood, similar considerations
apply to the remaining stages in the present array, the

Patent No. 3.746,881............ Dated
1a-a-area-ra-ra- July 17, 1973. . . . .
w--a-ww.w-wave - exw-r- ... s.4...mak-aw.a.

Inventor(s) Richard A. Fitch et al.

It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent
and that said Letters Patent are hereby corrected as shown below:
Insert the third sheet of drawings, containing Fig. 4.
The headings of Sheets 1 and 2 of the drawings should be
corrected to read - - 3 Sheets - - , instead of '2. Sheets.'.

Signed and sealed this 5th day of November 1974.

Attest :
Attesting Officer Commissioner of Patents

ForM PO-1050 (10-69) usic dimmed c. 6037 speg

S. cowere Pitmics office: 869 - 930
Patent No. 3,746,881 Dated July 17, 1973
Inventor(s) Richard A. Fitch et al. Page - 2

It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent

and that said Letters Patent are hereby corrected as shown below:


f arers wer-urbo- Wasavvoa5.

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mar. 22A.Zaa A. W. (afucso

FORM PO-1050 (O-69)

us coMMod C 8037 8s 69
U.S. Gover NMENT PRINTING office : 869. 93 o

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