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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,379,424 B2

Grbovic (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 19, 2013
CONTROLLER Biswajit Ray, “High-ReliabilitySpace Power Converters: Design and
Analysis Issues”, 37' Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering
(75) Inventor: Petar Grbovic, Vernon (FR) Conference (IECEC), Washington DC, 2002, Paper No. 20035, Jul.
29-31, 2002, Proceedings of the Intersociety Energy Conversion
(73) Assignee: Schneider Toshiba Inverter Europe Engineering Conference, New York, ISBN: 0-7803-7296-4, pp. 242
SAS, Pacy sur Eure (FR)
Gary L. Skibinski, et al., “Thermal Parameter Estimation Using
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Recursive Identification'. Conference Record of the Industry Appli
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 cations Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, Oct. 7-12, 1990, New York,
U.S.C. 154(b) by 1334 days. IEEE, vol. 2, Meeting 25, ISBN: 0-87942-553-9, pp. 1581-1588.

(21) Appl. No.: 12/101,609 * cited by examiner

(22) Filed: Apr. 11, 2008 Primary Examiner — Jessica Han

(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Oblon, Spivak,
(65) Prior Publication Data McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, L.L.P.
US 2008/O251589 A1 Oct. 16, 2008
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data
A method for managing the temperature implemented in a
Apr. 12, 2007 (FR) ...................................... O7544OO speed controller that includes several modules, each includ
ing a case containing a power semiconductor that provides a
(51) Int. C. pulsed Voltage to an electrical load, each module being char
H02M I/O (2006.01) acterized by a junction temperature, a heat sink, and a tem
(52) U.S. Cl. ........................................ 363/141; 702/181 perature sensor mounted on the heat sink. The method for a
(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 363/141; module includes estimating a case temperature based on a
702/182 predetermined thermal model of the sink, a temperature mea
See application file for complete search history. Sured by the sensor and average power losses that the module
undergoes, the predetermined thermal model of the sink inte
(56) References Cited grating the thermal transfer impedances representing the ther
mal influence of one module on another and vice versa; deter
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS mining a junction-case temperature based on the case
5,923,135 A 7, 1999 Takeda temperature of the module and a limiting value of the junction
6,215,681 B1 4/2001 Schuurman et al. temperature; and limiting the junction-case temperature
6,654,260 B2 * 1 1/2003 Okayama et al. ............... 363/37 obtained to a predetermined limiting value of the junction
7.356,441 B2 * 4/2008 Kerkman et al. ............. TO2, 182 case temperature.
JP 2006-2545.74 9, 2006 7 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets

In Wous fsw fstator

Tc, SNmax

U.S. Patent Feb. 19, 2013 Sheet 2 of 3 US 8,379.424 B2

g- M2 M3

Fig. 3A
- r



TV3 75

M1 M3

Fig. 3B
-- --

Vs:0 RO


1 5

M1 M2

Fig. 3C
r- al

V-OV V=0

-- -

V=OV V=0

U.S. Patent Feb. 19, 2013 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8,379,424 B2

In Vbus fSW fstator

Fig. 4 Tc SNmax

US 8,379,424 B2
1. 2
METHOD AND SYSTEM FORMANAGING temperature. If the increase in temperature is greater than a
THE TEMPERATURE IN A SPEED predetermined limiting value, the operating cycle of the semi
CONTROLLER conductor modules is adjusted so as to reduce the output
current of the controller.
BACKGROUND Document JP 2005 143232 also describes a method for
managing the temperature of semiconductor power modules
(1) Field in a speed controller. This method consists in controlling the
The present invention relates to a method for managing the flow of current through the controller as a function of the
temperature implemented in a speed controller. The invention junction temperature of the semiconductor components.
also relates to a system for managing the temperature in a 10
Document U.S. Pat. No. 5,923,135 describes a control
speed controller. device for an electric motor comprising a control circuit
(2) Description of the Related Art equipped with several semiconductor modules. This device
A speed controller comprises several semiconductor power furthermore comprises means for estimating the junction
modules controlled in order to Supply a pulsed Voltage to an
electrical load. Each semiconductor power module is, for 15 temperature of the components of each module based on a
example, composed of a case containing two IGBT transis measured temperature, means for comparing the junction
tors (Isolated Gate Bipolar Transistor), each connected to a temperature obtained with a limiting value and means for
freewheeling diode (FWD). A semiconductor component of adjusting the output of the control circuit with a view to
the IGBT transistor type is characterized in particular by its regulating the junction temperature at a value lower than or
junction temperature and its junction-case temperature. A equal to the permitted limiting value. In particular, this docu
heat sink is mounted on the modules so as to dissipate the heat ment proposes athermal model for each module. This thermal
given off by the modules when operating. model does not, however, take account of the environment of
The IGBT transistors used in the semiconductor power each module and in particular of the influence of the other
modules are the most important and the most expensive com modules on the temperature of the module attended to.
ponents used in a speed controller. It is therefore necessary to 25
protect them. To do this, their absolute junction temperature BRIEF SUMMARY
must not exceed a limiting value specified by the manufac
turer and their junction-case temperature must also be kept The aim of the invention is to propose a method and a
below a limiting value. For example, if the semiconductor system for managing the temperature of semiconductor
component is made of silicon, the limiting value of the abso 30
power modules of a speed controller equipped with a single
lute junction temperature is 150° C. and the limiting value of temperature sensor.
the junction-case temperature is 65°C. If one of the limiting This aim is achieved by a method for managing the tem
values is exceeded, the semiconductor component deterio perature implemented in a speed controller, said speed con
rates, which might lead to important dysfunctioning in the troller comprising:
speed controller. 35
one or several modules, each comprising a case containing
As the semiconductor power modules are integrated in a power semiconductor designed to provide a pulsed
increasingly compact controllers, their thermal dissipation
becomes increasingly difficult and the margin between the Voltage to an electrical load, each module being charac
normal operating temperatures of the semiconductor compo terized by a junction temperature;
nents and the limiting values is increasingly restricted. Con 40 a heat sink to dissipate the heat generated by each module:
sequently, it is necessary to implement in the controller a a temperature sensor mounted on the heat sink, said
method for managing the temperature of semiconductor com method being characterized in that for each module it
ponents. consists in:
To do this, several possibilities exist, depending on estimating a case temperature of the module based on a
whether the controller comprises one or several temperature 45 predetermined thermal model of the sink, a temperature
sensors. In fact, when the power semiconductors are divided measured by the sensor and average power losses that
into three distinct modules, each comprising two IGBT tran the module undergoes, said predetermined thermal
sistors and two freewheeling diodes, the temperature man model of the sink integrating the thermal transfer imped
agement is not the same as when one temperature sensor per ances representing the thermal influence of one module
module or a single sensor for all the modules is used. In the 50 on another and vice versa;
first case, if the temperature sensor is mounted directly under determining a junction-case temperature based on the case
the module case, the temperature measured is that of the temperature of the module and a limiting value of the
module case and can be dealt with directly. Conversely, in the junction temperature; and
second case, if there is a single temperature sensor located, for limiting the junction-case temperature obtained to a pre
example, on the heat sinka certain distance from the modules, 55
determined limiting value of the junction-case tempera
the temperature which will be measured there will not agree ture.
with the case temperature of the modules. In this latter case, According to the invention, the thermal model of the sink is
with a view to carrying out the appropriate management, it is defined by the following equation:
often necessary to proceed to estimations in order to know the
temperature of the semiconductor components. 60
Methods of managing the temperature of the semiconduc
tor modules of a speed controller have already been proposed Tc U(s) Zuu(s) Zvu(s) Zwu(s) | Pu(s) |1
in the prior art. Tc y(S) = Zuy (S) Zvy (s) Zwy(s). Py(s) + 1 . Tow
Document EP0792008 describes a method and a device for Tc w(s) Zuw(s). Zyws) Zww(s) | Pw(s) 1
protecting the semiconductor power modules of a controller. 65
The method consists in calculating the thermal losses of the
semiconductor components and the increase injunction-case
US 8,379,424 B2
3 4
in which: In the controller 1, the modules M1, M2 and M3 are, for
T - T - and T represent the case temperatures of example, situated opposite the lower part of the sink 2 while
each module placed at the phases U, V and W respec the input rectifier is located opposite the upper part of the sink
tively; 2. A temperature sensor SN is, for example, located at the
Z, Zr, and Z, correspond to the increase in tempera level of the centre of the heat sink 2.
ture due to the ringing effect and to the non-idealthermal Conventionally, a module M1 has the form of a plastic case
contact existing between the module case and the heat equipped with a base plate or metal base 10, for example
sink; made of copper. The semiconductor components rest on a
Zvi, Zu, Z. Ziv, Ziyand Ziyare the thermal transfer 10 ceramic substrate responsible for electrical insulation from
impedances representing the thermal influence of one the base 10, this base being in contact with the sink 2. The
module on another and vice versa; and module is, for example, attached to the sink by means of
Tsy is the temperature measured by the temperature sensor. SCCWS.
According to a distinctive feature, the variables of the The invention consists in implementing a method for man
thermal model are determined in advance by independently 15
aging the temperature at the core of the controller in order to
injecting power in each of the phases and by measuring the
effect on temperature produced on the module in each phase. protect the semiconductor power components. This method is
According to another distinctive feature, the method con implemented thanks to a system integrated into the controller
sists in limiting the junction-case temperature obtained for 1 comprising processing means 4 connected with at least a
the module to a predetermined limiting value of the junction memory 40 and able to act on the means for controlling the
case temperature while taking account of the module posi modules in order to effect the temperature regulation. These
tioned in the controller in the thermally least advantageous processing means 4 comprise in particular calculation means
situation. 41 for implementing the method described above.
According to another distinctive feature, the case tempera To implement this method, the system stores a predefined
ture of the module is estimated based on the angular fre 25 thermal model of the heat sink. This model, shown in FIG. 2,
quency of control applied to the load. is constructed by considering the relation between the ther
According to another distinctive feature, the average power mal properties and the electrical properties in the core of the
losses are calculated based on the load current, the Switching controller.
frequency of the transistors in the module, the Voltage mea This thermal model comprises the three energy sources
sured on the DC bus of the controller and parameters specific 30
to the module.
P(S), P(S) and P(S) providing each of the phases U, V and
The invention also relates to a system for managing the W with current. The flow of a current in each module M1, M2
temperature in a speed controller comprising processing and M3 leads to losses causing an increase in the case tem
means connected with a memory and means for controlling peratures T. T. - and Tc, it of each module. G. G.
the modules of the controller in order to regulate the tempera 35 G, G, G, and Git represent the reciprocal thermal
ture and implement the method defined above. influences between the modules. Z.Z. and Z-represent
the self-impedances due to the increase in temperature gen
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS erated by the ringing effect and to the non-ideal thermal
contact between the case of each module and the heat sink.
Other features and advantages will appear in the detailed 40 The ringing effect represents the thermal dispersion imped
description that follows, referring to an embodiment given by ance of the heat sink, and more precisely the temperature
way of example and represented by the appended drawings in gradient between the case of a module and the sink.
which: This thermal model can also be defined by the following
FIG. 1 schematically represents a speed controller as used equation:
in the invention; 45
FIG. 2 represents the thermal model of the sink used in the
method and the system of the invention;
FIGS. 3A to 3C illustrate the procedures implemented to TCU (S) ZUU (S) Zyu (S) Zwu (S) Pu (S) 1 (1)
determine the temperature response of each of the transistors Tcy (S) = Zuy (S) Zvy (s) Zwy(s). Py(s) + 1 . TSN
of the modules when power is injected in the phases U, V and 50
W respectively; and Tc w(s) | Zuw(s) Zyw(s) Zww(s) | Pw(s) | 1
FIG. 4 represents the method of determining the reference Zik(s)
junction-case temperature in the form of a block diagram.
in which:
With reference to FIG. 1, a speed controller 1 comprises a T - T - and T. represent the case temperatures of
casing containing, for example, three semiconductor power each module M1, M2 and M3 placed at the phases U, V
modules M1, M2 and M3, each equipped with two IGBT and W respectively;
transistors (IGBT1 to IGBT6) and two antiparallel diodes 60
(FWD1 to FWD6), also called freewheeling diodes. On the Z, Zand Z are the self-inductances of the modules
casing the controller 1 comprises at the rear a heat sink 2 corresponding to the ringing effect and to the non-ideal
allowing the heat generated by the modules when operating to thermal contact existing between the module case and
be dissipated. The controller 1 furthermore comprises an the heat sink; and
input rectifier 3 to supply the modules M1, M2 and M3 with 65 Zvi, Zug, Ziv, Ziv, Zirand Ziyare the thermal transfer
direct current and hence to produce a pulsed Voltage to an impedances representing the thermal influence of one
electrical load connected to the controller 1. module on another and vice versa.
US 8,379,424 B2
5 6
More precisely, the thermal transfer impedances Z. The same method can be applied for the phases V and W.
Zug, Z, Zu Zu and Z are defined by the following The power is injected in each of the phases V or W. without
equations: there being Supply in the other two phases, and the tempera
ture response on the module M1 in the phase U is measured.
This temperature response on the module M1 in the phase U,
due to the horizontal transfer of heat coming from the mod
Zir-(S)-Zirit(s)Gir-(S), Ziris)-Zar (S)Girls); ules in the phases V and W, represents the thermal transfer
Ziri?s) Zirit(s)Girls) (2) impedances Zvi, and Zu.
in which Gr, Gut, G. Gut. Gu and Zvi, represent the 10
thermal influences of one module on another.
In order to determine the values of the thermal model of the Zvu (S) = LicPoSN(t) : S.
k=1 1 + Styuk
heat sink, a series of experiments is carried out during the
design of the controller. LTC SN (f)) Rwuk
The thermal model is not symmetrical as the case tempera 15 Z
WU (S) = S-H
S Po a
X 1 + Swuk
ture of a module located on the side of the sink (the case of the
modules M1, M3 in phases U, W) is certainly higher than that
of a module situated at the centre of the sink where thermal
exchanges are easier. Starting from here, and for reasons of Taking account of the equations (6) and (7) defined above
simplicity, the system for managing the temperature of the and of the fact that the temperature response as a function of
invention is not implemented only for a single module. To do time can be put in the form of second order exponential series,
this, the system takes into account the least advantageous case the self-impedance Z and the transfer impedances Z, and
and calculates the case temperature of a module situated at the Z, can be defined by:
side relative to the sink. It is concerned, for example, with the
module M1 in the phase U. 25 ZUU (S) as RUU1 RUU2 (8)
The values of self-impedance Z, and of the thermal trans UUA) = 1 . " . .
fer impedances Z, Z, for the module M1 in the phase U Zvu (S) as Ryu 1 Ryu2
are therefore determined in the way detailed below. VUs] is st vul 1 + StvU2
Based on the thermal model defined above, the case tem
perature T. of the module M1 situated in the phase U is 30 Zwu (S) as
WUV) = 1 .
" I use.
obtained by the following equation:
To t(s)=P(s)Zr(s)+P(S)Zr(s)+P(S)Zr(s)+
TSN. (3) The thermal resistances R, R2, R1, R-2. Rui
in which: and Ritt and the time constants t1, t2, tr. 1, t2,
P. P. and P. represent the power injected in the phases U.
35 trandt can be calculated using the appropriate algo
V and Wrespectively. The values of the parameters of the thermal model, such as
Considering, for example, a power P, to be injected in the the self-impedance Z and the transfer impedances Z, and
phase U, with the powers P and Pinjected in the two other Z, are therefore determined once and for all during the
phases V and W being Zero, then the following equation is 40 design of the speed controller thanks to a series of experi
ments. They are then used to manage the temperature of a
To (S)-P (S)Zrt (s) |Pr(s)=0. Pr(s)=OTsw(s)= module.
To sw(s)+TsN(S) (4) To calculate these values, a sensor for the junction tem
in which Ts is the temperature measured by the sensor SN perature of the semiconductor components of the module M1
located at the centre of the heat sink. 45 in the phase U is therefore used, a constant power is injected
The power injected in the phase U is a boxcar function solely through the components of the module M1, and the
having the amplitude Po at the time Zero. Hence: junction temperatures T1 and T2 (FIG. 3A) are thus mea
Sured using said sensors. Based on these junction tempera
tures T1 and T2, the junction-case impedance defined by the
50 specifications of the module and the power injected into the
P(t) = Po. h(t) => P(S) = Po (5)
module, it is thus possible to determine the case temperature
T. of the module M1 in these conditions. By adding this
case temperature T , of the module M1 to a temperature
The thermal self-impedance Z(s) then becomes: Ts, measured simultaneously by the sensor SN located on the
55 sink 2, the case-sensor temperature T sw is then obtained.
Based on T. s. it is then possible to determine the self
Tc sw(s) L(Tc sw(t)) Ryuk (6) impedance Z. defined above, for the module M1. By inject
ZUU (S) = Pt(s) S Po 2. 1 + Sivuk ing a constant power Solely into the semiconductor compo
nents of the module M2 in the phase V (FIG. 3B) and by
60 measuring the temperature response (T1 and T2) of this
in which L is the Laplace transformation and T. s is the action on the module M1, the transfer impedance Z is
case-sensor temperature defined based on the difference determined. The same is done with the module M3 in the
between the case temperature T , and the temperature Tsy phase W in order to determine the transfer impedance Z.
measured by the sensor SN. In particular, the difference (FIG. 3C). It is possible to proceed in the same way in order
T sy takes into account the various other heat sources 65 to calculate the self-impedances Z- and Z, of the modules
located under the same sink 2 Such as that represented by the M2 and M3 and the transfer impedances Z, Z and Z.
input rectifier 3.
US 8,379,424 B2
7 8
According to the invention, this thermal model, the values tion that it is difficult to implement in the control unit of the
of which are stored in the controller 1, is then used to regulate controller. Hence, this function is, for example, approximated
the temperature of the module M1 in the phase U and thus to by an exponential function.
avoid its overheating or its deteriorating during normal opera Based on Z s(coo), it is possible to calculate the tempera
tion of the controller. ture response corresponding to the gradient between the case
To do this, the evolution of the case-sensor temperature of the module M1 and the heat sink 2. This response corre
T sy is determined constantly or at regular intervals, this sponds to the temperature generated by the ringing effect. It is
temperature corresponding to the temperature gradient calculated by passing the stable state response defined by
between the module case and the heat sink 2 at the core of equation (11) above through a generic filter representing the
which a single sensor SN is located. 10 dynamics of the heat sink (step E3, FIG. 4). In this way, the
The method implemented in the speed controller 1 (see case-sensor temperature T swis obtained.
FIG. 4) calculates the average power losses of the module M1 According to the invention, it is then possible to determine
in the phase U (step E1, FIG. 4). the case temperature T , of the module M1 in the phase U
Starting with the principle that the motor currents are sym by adding the case-sensor temperature T, six to the tempera
15 ture Tsy measured by the temperature sensor SN located on
metrical and sinusoidal, and that the pulse modulation is the sink 2.
sinusoidal, the motor current Im for the phase U and the According to the invention, the method for temperature
modulation index m of the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) management then allows a reference junction-case tempera
command for the phase U are defined by the following equa ture T- (step 4, FIG. 4) to be determined. The real junc
tion-case temperature is then regulated at this reference junc
tion-case temperature T'.
In order to determine the reference junction-case tempera
lu (t) = pEAK sin(coot - p) et mu (t) = ic + M sin(coot), (9) ture, the method of the invention consists in taking account of
the two known limiting Values T. and T. Specified for
25 the junction temperature of a module and the junction-case
in which I is the maximum motor current I calculated temperature of the module respectively. To do this, the refer
from measurements of the motor currents in the three phases, ence junction-case temperature is calculated based on the
coo is the angular frequency of motor control (depending on following equations:
the stator frequency of the motor) and p is the phase shift of
the motor current. 30
According to the approximations and the hypotheses, the REF TvC = Tina - Tc SN(t) - TSEN(t) ... si... Tic < TvCna
expression for the average power losses of the module TÉ (t) =
TiCmax ... si... TiC 2 TiCmax

35 The reference junction-case temperature T' is there

(10) fore equal to a junction-case temperature Ti-T-T sy
PAy as lective + Vofo) + (t)-Ts?(t) if the temperature T, determined is less than the
2(EoN + Eof F + EoN) predetermined limiting value T of the junction-case
tWN IN (CE rol)
VBUS fsw + Ipeak (YEP) temperature, or equal to T if T is greater than or equal
40 to Tvcna.
Regulation of the real junction-case temperature at the
in which: reference junction-case temperature T' is carried out
Vo Vo r and r, are the static parameters of a tran according to known methods. It may, for example, be carried
sistor IGBT and of the freewheeling diode FWD, such as out by limiting the output current of the controller.
its threshold Voltage and its resistance; 45 It is understood that other variations and improvements in
Vs is the Voltage measured at the DC bus of the speed detail may be imagined, and even the use of equivalent means
controller; envisaged, without departing from the scope of the invention.
f is the Switching frequency of the transistors IGBT of
the module: The invention claimed is:
V and I are the nominal Voltage and the ampere rating of 50 1. A method for managing a temperature implemented in a
the motor, and speed controller, said speed controller including several mod
Eow Eore and Eow are the Switching energies of the tran ules, each comprising a case containing a power semiconduc
sistor IGBT, more precisely given in the specifications of tor designed to provide a pulsed Voltage to an electrical load,
the module at the nominal current I and at the nominal each module being characterized by a junction temperature, a
Voltage V. 55 heat sink to dissipate heat generated by each module, and a
The maximum of the case-sensor temperature in the stable temperature sensor mounted on the heat sink, said method for
state is treated on the basis of the thermal model defined above
So as to obtain the following equation: a module comprising:
estimating a case temperature of the module based on a
predetermined thermal model of the sink, a temperature
Tc SNina Pav'Zc SN(oo) (11) 60 measured by the sensor and average power losses that
The thermal impedance designated Z sw(coo) is also the module undergoes, said predetermined thermal
called the ringing effect impedance as it takes account of the model of the sink integrating thermal transfer imped
ringing effect created by the heat sink 2. It also takes account ances representing athermal influence of one module on
of the thermal link between the base 10 of the module M1 and another and vice versa;
the sink 2. In particular, it is calculated based on the thermal 65 determining a junction-case temperature based on the case
model defined above and in FIG. 5 and based on the control temperature of the module and a limiting value of the
angular frequency (). This impedance has a nonlinear func junction temperature; and
US 8,379,424 B2
9 10
limiting the junction-case temperature obtained to a pre dently injecting power in each of the phases and by measuring
determined limiting value of the junction-case tempera an effect on temperature produced on the module in each
ture. phase.
2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the thermal 4. The method according to one of claims 1 to 2, wherein
model of the sink is defined by the following equation: 5 the method further comprises limiting the junction-case tem
perature obtained to a predetermined limiting value of the
junction-case temperature while taking account of the mod
TCU (S) ZUU (S) Zvu (S) Zwu (S) Pu (S) 1 ule positioned in the controller in a thermally least advanta
Tcy (S) = Zuy (S) Zvy (S) Zwy(s). Py(s) + 1 . TSN geous situation.
Tc w(s) | Zuw(s) Zyws) Zww(s) | Pw(s) | 1 10 5. The method according to one of claims 1 to 2, wherein
Zik(s) the case temperature of the module is estimated based on an
angular frequency of control applied to the load.
6. The method according to one of claims 1 to 2, wherein
in which: the average power losses are calculated based on a load cur
T - T - and T. represent the case temperatures of 15 rent, a Switching frequency of transistors in the module, a
each module placed at the phases U, V and W respec Voltage measured on a DC bus of the controller and param
tively; eters specific to the module.
Z, Z and Z, correspond to an increase in tempera 7. A system for managing the temperature in a speed con
ture due to a ringing effect and to a non-ideal thermal troller comprising several semiconductor power modules
contact existing between the module case and the heat able to provide a pulsed Voltage to an electrical load con
sink; nected to the controller, said system comprising processing
Zvi, Zu, Z. Ziv, Ziyand Ziyare the thermal transfer means connected with a memory and means for controlling
impedances representing the thermal influence of one the modules of the controller in order to regulate the tempera
module on another and vice versa; and ture, wherein the system is configured to implement the
Tsy is the temperature measured by the temperature sensor. 25 method defined in one of claims 1 to 2.
3. The method according to claim 2, wherein variables of
the thermal model are determined in advance by indepen

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