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Euclidean Algorithm Presentation

Yiren Zhou
December 8, 2021

I am Yiren Zhou, a second year Mathematics and Computer Science

student. Today I want to present a simple yet fundamental conclu-
sion from basic number theory: Euclidean Algorithm. The algorithm
is used to find the greatest common divisor of 2 arbitrary integer.
Definition: An integer b is divisible by x if there exists an integer a
such that ax = b, denoted as x|b, reads as x divides b.
Definition: An integer x is a common divisor of integer b, c means
x|b and x|c. The greatest common divisor of b, c is the greatest
among all common divisors, denoted gcd(b, c)
Definition: A linear combination of a, b is ax + by for arbitrary
integer x, y
Euclidean Algorithm: For arbitrary two integers a and b, the way
to find their greatest common divisor is to divide them against each
other. Say a > b, then take a/b = q...r, or can be written as a =
bq + r where q is the quotient and r is the remainder. If r is not 0,
then we continue to find the greatest common divisor of b(divisor) and
r(remainder) (then start from beginning).
After finitely many operations, the remainder would be 0, and our last
divisor is the greatest common divisor of our original a, b!
Citation: An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers by Ivan Niven,
Herbert S. Zuckerman, Hugh L. Montgomery

You’ll notice, this algorithm finds out the greatest common divisor re-
ally fast given we are looking at huge numbers (and the second exam-
ple is pretty much a worst case situation). In fact, it only takes a few
steps (3-5) to calculate integers we daily use.
Sketch of proof: Need to prove gcd(a, b)=gcd(a, b+ax) for arbitrary in-
teger a, b, x. From this we can see the quotienting and taking remain-
der algorithm preserves gcd! That is because we say b + ax divide by a,
we see the quotient would be x and remainder would be b, thus prov-
ing this statement proves quotienting preserves gcd.
In order to prove that, we first need to prove that for arbitrary integers
a and b, there exists integers x, y such that gcd(a, b) = ax + by!
Consider S = {ax + by : x, y ∈ Z}
This is the same as saying that S is all possible linear combination
value of a, b.
Because integers are well-ordered, we may pick out the smallest posi-
tive integer from this set. Denote it as l = ax0 + by0.
Want to prove l|a and l|b by contradiction.
Assume l do not divide b, then b is not a multiple of l, by our normal
division, we know b = ql + r where q, r is integer, q is the quotient and
r is the remainder and 0 < r < l. Reformat the equation and plug in
the definition of l = ax0 + by0

r = b − ql = b − q(ax0 + by0) = a(x0q) + b(qy0 − 1)

This is of the form ax + by where x, y are integers, so r is in S and

0 < r < l, contradiction to l is the smallest positive element from S!
Thus l must divide a and b, l is a common divisor of a and b.

Let g be gcd(a, b), want to prove g = l. By definition, g|a and g|b, so
there exists integers A, B such that a = gA, b = gB. l = ax0 + by0 =
gAx0 + gBy0 = g(Ax0 + By0), so l is an integer multiple of g, meaning
g ≤ l because g, l are both positive, and thus the integer in the paren-
thesis must be ≥ 1. However, g is the greatest common divisor, and l
is a common divisor, so l ≤ g, these 2 conditions together means g = l!
So now we have proved there exists ax + by = gcd(a, b)!
Finally, I want to prove gcd(a, b)=gcd(a, b + ax) for arbitrary x. De-
note gcd(a, b) = d and gcd(a, b + ax) = g. By what we just proved,
there exists x0, y0 such that

d = ax0 + by0 = ax0 − axy0 + axy0 + by0 = a(x0 − xy0) + (b + ax)y0

From the representation above, we know that d is not only a linear

combination of a, b(d = ax0 + by0), but also a linear combination of
a, b + ax(d = a(x0 − xy0) + (b + ax)y0)!
In our proof above, we know that gcd(a, b) is the smallest possible in-
teger value of all possible ay + bz for arbitrary integer y, z, so we see
d ≥ g because d is just any linear combination of a and b + ax, but g
is the greatest common divisor of them.
Want to prove d ≤ g in order to conclude d = g. d is a common
divisor of a and b, by definition there exists integers A, B such that
a = Ad and b = Bd, so

b + ax = Bd + Adx = d(B + Ax)

This is still a multiple of d! So d|(b + ax), so d is a common divisor of

a and b + ax, thus d <= g because g is the greatest common divisor

of those two! We have d = g, that is gcd(a, b)=gcd(a, b + ax), and we
have proven Euclidean Algorithm would work properly to calculate the
greatest common divisor efficiently.
That’s it for my presentation, thank you for reading!

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