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Fourth Edition

Ne w Y o r k
Copyright © 2009 LearningExpress, LLC.

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.

Published in the United States by LearningExpress, LLC, New York.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Paramedic certification exam. — 4th ed.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-1-57685-689-5
1. Emergency medicine—Examinations, questions, etc. 2.
Emergency medical technicians—Licenses—United States. I.
LearningExpress (Organization)
[DNLM: 1. Emergency Medical Services—United States—Examination
Questions. 2. Certification—United States. 3. Emergency Medical
Technicians—United States—Examination Questions. 4. Emergency
Treatment—United States—Examination Questions. WX 18.2 P222 2009]
RC86.9.P34 2009

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Fourth Edition

ISBN 978-1-57685-689-5

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List of Contributors

Catherine Parvensky Barwell began as a certified EMT and an EMT Instructor. She then obtained her license as
a Registered Nurse (R.N.) and, after practicing for a number of years, returned to emergency medical care as an
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Training Coordinator. She was appointed to a long-term position as County
Deputy Director of Training for the Department of Emergency Services where she oversaw all EMS and Fire
Service Training as well as Public Safety Education.

Virginia Brennan, Ph.D. is a linguist and editor in Nashville, Tennessee.

Angel Clark Burba, MS, EMT-P is an Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator for Emergency Medical
Technician–Paramedic Program at Howard Community College in Maryland. She serves on the Education Com-
mittee of the National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE).

Jan Gallagher, Ph.D. is an editor living and working in New Jersey.

Bill Garcia, EMT-P is a founding editor of Rescue magazine and serves in the U.S. Navy. He is based in Maryland.

Dawn S. Pakora, EMT-P is a part-time faculty member of EMS at the University of Maryland–Baltimore County
and a full-time EMS provider. She has been in EMS for 23 years.

Elaine Silverstein is a writer and editor living and working in New Jersey.

Steven C. Wood is the EMS coordinator in charge of operations for the City of San Diego, Division of EMS. He
has been in EMS for 18 years.


1 About the EMT-Paramedic Exam 1

2 The LearningExpress Test Preparation System 9

3 Paramedic Practice Exam 1 27

4 Paramedic Practice Exam 2 65

5 Paramedic Practice Exam 3 107

6 Paramedic Practice Exam 4 145

7 EMT-Paramedic Practical Exam 191

8 State Certification Requirements 199

C h a p t e r

About the
This chapter tells you how to become certified as an Emergency
Medical Technician-Paramedic (EMT-Paramedic). It outlines the certi-
fication requirements of the National Registry of Emergency Medical
Technicians (NREMT) and tells you how to use this book to study for
the written exam.

T he Nat ional Re g i st ry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) was established in

1970 in response to a suggestion by the U.S. Committee on Highway Safety. Today, the NREMT
is an independent, nonprofit agency whose job is to certify that EMTs and paramedics have the
knowledge and skills to do their jobs—to save lives and preserve health. By setting uniform national stan-
dards for training, testing, and continuing education, the NREMT helps ensure patient safety throughout
the United States.
In all 50 states, the National Registry and state offices of Emergency Medical Services work together
to establish certification requirements for EMTs and paramedics. All states test individuals seeking to
become EMTs or paramedics. Some states make sole use of NREMT tests, while ­others offer state tests. (A
list of specific certification requirements for all 50 states appears in Chapter 8.)

Important Address & Phone Number

National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians, Inc.

Rocco V. Morando Building
6610 Busch Blvd.
PO Box 29233
Columbus, Ohio 43229
Telephone: 614-888-4484 • Fax: 614-888-8920

The curriculum for paramedic education and ■ be at least 18 years old

testing comes from the Department of Transportation ■ hold current National Registry or state certifi-
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration cation at the EMT-Basic, EMT-Intermediate/85,
National Standard Curriculum (DOT/NHTSA NSC). or EMT-Intermediate/99 level
The curriculum was phased in as the basis for educa- ■ successfully complete a state-approved EMT-
tional programs and testing. The NREMT tests and the Paramedic program that reaches or exceeds the
state tests are all based on this curriculum. The practice behavioral objectives of the EMT-Paramedic
tests in this book, and the review of the practical exam National Standard Curriculum (NSC) within
in Chapter 7 are also based on the ­curriculum. By pre- the last two years*
paring with this book as a supplement to your para- ■ truthfully complete the “Licensing Action and
medic education program, you will be ready to succeed Felony Statements” on the NREMT application
on the paramedic certification exam. and provide documentation as required for any
positive criminal history
■ possess current CPR for the healthcare-
  inimum Certification
M provider certification
R e qu i r e m e n t s ■ successfully complete the NREMT-Paramedic
cognitive and psychomotor examinations
In order for an individual to become certified as a
nationally registered NREMT-Paramedic, he or she NREMT-Paramedic certification requires successful
must meet the following requirements: completion of both cognitive (knowledge-based) and
psychomotor (practical skills–based) exams. Successful

* If the applicant’s initial EMT-Paramedic training was completed more than two years prior and the individual has maintained state certification at the
EMT-Paramedic level, the individual must submit documentation verifying completion of an EMT-Paramedic refresher course within the past two years.
If the applicant’s initial EMT-Paramedic training was completed more than two years ago and the individual has never obtained state or NREMT
certification, the individual must complete another state-approved EMT-Paramedic training program in its entirety.
If the individual’s initial EMT-Paramedic training was previously certified by NREMT or a state agency, reentry into the National Registry may be
granted providing the individual
■ submits official documentation of successful completion of DOT EMT-Paramedic training after January 1, 1977.
■ shows satisfactory evidence of prior state certification as an EMT-Paramedic.
■ has current status as an American Heart Association Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) provider or instructor.
■ has completed either Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) or Basic Trauma Life Support (BTLS) within the past two years.
■ has completed a state-approved DOT EMT-Paramedic Refresher training program or 48 hours of ALS training similar to that of the DOT EMT-
Paramedic Refresher training program.
■ has a letter of approval from the state EMS office in the state where the individual works or intends to work, supporting such recertification.
■ successfully completes the NREMT-Paramedic cognitive and psychomotor examinations.

– A bout the E M T- Pa ram e dic E x am –

completion of each exam remains valid for a period of  T he EMT-Paramedic Cognitive

12 months. If you fail to successfully complete the Exam
remaining portion within that 12-month period, you
will be required to repeat the original exam as well. For In January 2007, the NREMT moved from a paper-and-
example, if you pass the cognitive exam but fail one of pencil “written” examination to computer-adaptive testing
the stations in the practical exam, you will have 12 (CAT) for the cognitive portion of the certification require-
months to pass the practical exam or you will be ments. With the CAT, each test is tailored specifically for
required to retake the cognitive exam. Successful com- each candidate. Exams begin with an easy question. If you
pletion of both the practical and cognitive examina- answer that question correctly, the next question will be
tions must occur within two years of the completion of slightly more challenging. If the question is answered incor-
a state-approved EMT-Paramedic training program. rectly, the next question will be slightly easier. With each
correct answer, the computer algorithm statistically esti-
mates your competence. As the exam progresses, the
 H o w t o A p p l y estimation of competence becomes more precise.
Once the CAT algorithm is confident that you have
Once you have met all of the requirements previously proven competence, it will terminate the exam. This gen-
outlined and are ready to take the certification exams, erally occurs after 80 to 110 questions, but may take as
go to the NREMT website at to obtain many as 150 questions. Based on the way the CAT exam
an application and find testing locations. You will need works, no two exams are exactly the same, although the
to create a registrant account and obtain the online test-question bank the computer draws from is the same
application. Once you access your account, you will be for all exams. The EMT-Paramedic candidate is allowed
able to apply for the certification exams and track your two-and-a-half hours to complete the examination.
progress in the certification process. Based on research findings of the actual practice
Once the NREMT has confirmed your eligibility, of EMT-Paramedics nationwide, NREMT developed a
someone will inform you how and where to arrange to test plan that determined the breakdown of questions
take the certification exams. Do not delay making con- for the CAT examinations. While specific test-question
tact with the National Registry, as it is the source of sig- selection will be different for each candidate with vary-
nificant useful information on the certification process. ing difficulty, the percentage of the exam from each
topic area will be the same, as follows:


Material Reviewed Minimum Number of Hours

Preparatory 6

Airway Management and Ventilation 6

Medical 18

Trauma 10

Special Considerations 6

Operations 2

Total hours of educational review (minimum) 48

Table 1.1
– A b out the E M T- Pa ram e dic E x am –

Test Plan Topics Number of Questions
Percent of Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4
Overall Test

1. Airway and Breathing 18.3% 30 27 29 33

2. Cardiology 17.7% 34 33 32 33

3. Trauma 16.7% 33 27 31 32

4. Medical 15.0% 28 32 29 32

5. Obstetrics and Pediatrics 15.6% 24 31 28 26

6. Operations 16.7% 31 30 31 24

TOTAL 100% 180 180 180 180

Table 1.2

In addition to validated test questions, exams At some point, the computer will terminate the
also include pilot test questions, which have been writ- testing session. Based on your answers to questions, the
ten but not yet validated. These questions are being computer will determine that you have demonstrated
evaluated for possible inclusion in future examina- competency, in which case you have passed the exam,
tions. It is impossible to identify which questions are or that there is no need to continue because you have
validated and which are pilot questions, so answer each already demonstrated a lack of competency, in which
question to the best of your ability. Pilot questions are case you have failed. Typically, both strong and weak
not counted toward or against your exam results. candidates will finish after answering fewer questions
Exam questions appear on the computer screen than those near entry-level competency.
one question at a time. Once you provide an answer, You will not know when you leave the testing site
the next question will appear. You are not able to go whether you have passed or failed the exam. Since the
back and change an answer or to mark an answer to exam is tailored to challenge each individual candidate
come back to later. As such, take your time to ade- to the limit of his or her ability, everyone taking the
quately read and analyze each test question. Do not exam will think it is difficult. Generally, you will be
rush through your answers. If you do not know the able to find your results through the NREMT secure
answer, take your best guess and move on. website within a couple days. If you fail the exam, you
While the old written certification examination will be provided information detailing in which areas
contained 180 questions, requiring 75% accuracy to you are in need of improvement.
pass, there is no minimum number of test questions or Candidates are given three opportunities to pass
minimum percentage of correct answers needed to the CAT exam, provided other criteria for NREMT cer-
pass the CAT exam. Rather, the algorithm decides tification are met. After three unsuccessful attempts, the
when and if the candidate has demonstrated compe- candidate must complete a 48-hour remedial training
tency based on questions answered. program as identified in Table 1.1. Following remedial
training, the candidate is given three additional attempts

– A bout the E M T- Pa ram e dic E x am –

to successfully complete the exam. This must all occur not be alarmed when this occurs, as it is standard pro-
within two years of completion of the initial EMT- cedure for all candidates.
Paramedic training program. Candidates who fail to For additional information on what will occur at
pass after a total of six attempts or within the two-year a Pearson Professional Center, visit the NREMT web-
time limit are required to repeat the state-approved site at
EMT-Paramedic training program in its entirety prior
to being able to retake the certification exams.
Candidates who successfully complete the exam-  T he EMT-Paramedic Practical
ination will be sent National EMS Certification materi- Exa m
als. Candidates who fail the exam will be sent a letter
from the NREMT identifying the areas where the can-
didates performance was near or below the passing After a lengthy period of review, revision, and pilot
standard. Should this occur, studying should be tai- testing in the 1990s, the National Registry presented
lored to those areas where the candidate is weak. new practical exam instruments for EMT-Paramedics
For additional information on the specifics sur- in October 2000. The revised Advanced Level Practical
rounding the certification process and how the CAT Exam is intended to assess the abilities of new EMT-
was developed and how it works, visit the NREMT Paramedics to do their job on the scene, out of a
website at ­hospital setting. Skills are assessed by means of sce-
narios in which the candidate plays the part of the
­EMT-Paramedic called on for help.
  Wo r d a b o u t t h e C AT
A The National Registry emphasizes that the prac-
E n vi r o n m e n t tical exam is designed not as a teaching instrument but
as a testing instrument; the candidate must go into the
With the implementation of CAT, security measures exam prepared to function as an EMT-Paramedic, not
were also implemented to ensure the person taking the expecting to learn how to become one. The National
exam is the actual EMT-Paramedic candidate. This Registry’s practical tests assess skills in accordance with
security process has been described as extreme. Be pre- the 1994 EMT-Basic National Standard Curriculum
pared for this, so as to not become anxious prior to and the behavioral and skill objectives of the 1999
starting the CAT exam. EMT-Intermediate and EMT-Paramedic National
All CAT exams are given at a registered Pearson Standard Curricula, as well as current American Heart
VUE testing center. You will be able to locate a center Association guidelines for ACLS and BCLS.
through the NREMT website. EMT-Paramedic candidates taking the National
Testing candidates will be taken to a private, Registry practical exam are tested on 12 skills when
secure room. You will be required to empty your pock- taking the full test:
ets to ensure that they do not contain notes or other
information. No cell phones are permitted in the room. 1. Patient Assessment—Trauma
You will be fingerprinted to confirm identity. In the 2. Ventilatory Management—Adult
event that you need to use the restroom, you must call 3. Ventilatory Management—Dual Lumen Airway
the moderator, who will stop the exam, escort you to Device
the restroom, stand outside the restroom, escort you 4. Cardiac Management Skills—Dynamic
back to the exam room, and then refingerprint you. Do Cardiology

– A b out the E M T- Pa ram e dic E x am –

5. Cardiac Management Skills—Static Cardiology rules for Pass/Fail are similar to those just outlined.
6. Oral Station—Case A However, if you fail, and fail both retests, you must
7. Oral Station—Case B undergo remedial training in all 12 skills and then take
8. IV and Medication Skills—Intravenous Therapy the practical exam again, but this time on all 12 skills.
9. IV and Medication Skills—Intravenous Bolus No matter what the approach, failing six or more
Medications skills means the candidate fails the entire practical
10. Pediatric Ventilatory Management exam. In that case, he or she must document remedial
11. Pediatric Intraosseous Infusion training on all 12 skills before retesting. The maximum
12. Random Basic Skills—one of the following: number of times a candidate may take the full practical
Spinal Immobilization (Seated Patient); exam is three (a full practical exam being a test
Spinal Immobilization (Supine Patient); on all 12 skills with two opportunities for retesting on
Bleeding Control/Shock Management failed skills). If a candidate failed the full exam three
times, he or she would have to complete a new state-
See Chapter 7 of this book for details about how each approved EMT-Paramedic training program in order
of these skills is assessed on the practical exam. to test again.
The practical exam is scored Pass/Fail, with each
skill scored separately. If you fail five or fewer skills
when taking the whole test, you are entitled to retest  U sing This Book to Prepare
up to two times on just those skills you failed. If you
fail again on both retests (for even one skill), you will In addition to information about the EMT-Paramedic
be required to take remedial training in all 12 of the practical exam (Chapter 7), this book contains four
skills and then to retest on all the skills on another date. complete practice written tests, each containing 180
In order to sign up to take the full practical exam again, items similar to those on the National Registry EMT-
you will have to provide documentation of remedial Paramedic cognitive exam. The table on page 4 shows
training, signed by the EMT-Paramedic Training Pro- the breakdown of content areas in each of the practice
gram Director or Physician Medical Director of train- tests in this book.
ing/operations for your program. Although some of the questions in these tests
Candidates for EMT-Paramedic certification provide a scenario followed by a series of questions
who have already passed the NREMT-Intermediate/99 related to the scenario, this type of question does not
practical exam within the preceding 12 months have a appear on the new computerized version of the
leg up: They can apply the results of the Intermediate NREMT exam. We have left them in the practice exams,
exam to their first full attempt of the NREMT-Para- however, because they require a certain thought pro-
medic exam for these four skills: cess that will only help you with the NREMT exam. In
addition, this type of question often appears on state-
1. IV Therapy certification exams.
2. IV Bolus Medications The first step in using this book to prepare for the
3. Pediatric Intraosseous Infusion EMT-Paramedic written examination is to read Chap-
4. Random Basic Skills ter 2, which presents the nine-step LearningExpress
Test Preparation System. This chapter provides essen-
If you take this route (applying the four passed Inter- tial test-taking strategies that you can practice as you
mediate skills to your Paramedic practical test), the take the exams in this book.

– A bout the E M T- Pa ram e dic E x am –

Next, take one complete practice exam and score content area, you should concentrate future studying in
your answers using the answer key. Complete explana- that area, in addition to ­making a comprehensive review
tions of the answers are provided in the answer key— of the curriculum in preparation for the actual exam.
make use of them! You will not be permitted to use As you take each test in this book, pay particular
any electronic devices (PDA, calculator, etc.) while attention to the material at the beginning of each chap-
taking the actual exam, so don’t use them on the prac- ter, as we have supplied specific strategies for how to
tice tests, either. focus with each test. After reading and studying this
Remember, compentency in all content areas is book, you’ll be well on your way to obtaining certifica-
required for successful completion of the CAT exam. If tion as an EMT-Paramedic. Good luck as you advance
you notice that you are missing a lot of questions in one in this rewarding and worthwhile career!

C h a p t e r

2 LearningExpress
Test Preparation
Chapt er ­S ummary
Taking the EMT-Paramedic exam can be tough. It demands a lot of
preparation if you want to achieve a top score, and your career in
emergency medical services depends on your passing the ­exam. The
LearningExpress Test Preparation System, developed exclusively
for LearningExpress by leading test experts, gives you the discipline
and attitude you need to succeed on the exam.

F irst, the ba d news: Taking the EMT-Paramedic exam is no ­easy feat, and neither is getting
ready for it. Your future career as a paramedic depends on your passing the exam, but there are
all sorts of pitfalls that can keep you from doing your best. Here are some of the obstacles that
can stand in the way of your ­success:

■ Being unfamiliar with the format of the ­exam

■ Being paralyzed by test ­anxiety

■ Leaving your preparation to the last ­minute

■ Not preparing at ­all!

■ Not knowing vital test­-­taking skills: how to pace yourself through the exam, how to use the process

of elimination, and when to ­guess

■ Not being in tip­-­top mental and physical ­shape

■ Arriving late at the test site, having to work on an empty stomach, or shivering through the exam

because the room is ­cold

– The L ea rning E x p r ess T e st P r epar ati o n System –

What’s the common denominator in all these you. You will have taken all the steps you need to take to
test-taking pitfalls? One word: control. Who’s in con- succeed on the EMT-Paramedic exam.
trol, you or the ­exam? Here’s how the LearningExpress Test Preparation
Now the good news: The LearningExpress Test System works: Nine easy steps lead you through every-
Preparation System puts you in control. In just nine thing you need to know and do to get ready to master
easy­-­to­-­follow steps, you will learn everything you need your exam. Each of the steps includes both reading
to know to make sure that you are in charge of your about the step and one or more activities. It’s impor-
preparation and your performance on the exam. Other tant that you do the activities along with the reading,
test­­takers may let the test get the better of them; other or you won’t get the full benefit of the system. Each
test­­takers may be unprepared or out of shape, but not step tells you approximately how much time that step
will take you to ­complete.

Step 1. Get Information 50 ­minutes

Step 2. Conquer Test Anxiety 20 ­minutes

Step 3. Make a Plan 30 ­minutes

Step 4. Learn to Manage Your Time 10 ­minutes

Step 5. Learn to Use the Process of Elimination 20 ­minutes

Step 6. Know When to Guess 20 ­minutes

Step 7. Reach Your Peak Performance Zone 10 ­minutes

Step 8. Get Your Act Together 10 ­minutes

Step 9. Do It! 10 ­minutes

Total 3 hours

We estimate that working through the entire sys-  S tep 1: Get ­I nfo rmation
tem will take you approximately three hours, though
it’s perfectly okay if you work more quickly or slowly Time to complete: 50 ­minutes
than the time estimates assume. If you can take a whole Activities: Read Chapter 1, “The EMT-Paramedic
afternoon or evening, you can work through the whole Exam,” and Chapter 8, “State Certification
LearningExpress Test Preparation System in one sit- Requirements”
ting. Otherwise, you can break it up and do just one or Knowledge is power. The first step in the Learning-
two steps a day for the next several days. It’s up to Express Test Preparation System is finding out every-
you—remember, you’re in ­control. thing you can about the EMT-Paramedic exam. Once
you have your information, the next steps in the
LearningExpress Test Preparation System will show
you what to do with ­it.

– The L ea rning E x p r ess T e st P r epar ati o n System –

Part A: Straight Talk about the received the full rundown on certification procedures
EMT-Paramedic Exam as part of your training program, you can contact the
Why do you have to take this exam, anyway? Simply put, state EMS agency listed in Chapter 8 for details.
because lives depend on your performance in the field.
The EMT-Paramedic cognitive exam is just one part of
a whole series of evaluations you have to go through to  S tep 2: Conquer Test ­A nxi ety
show that you can be trusted with the health and safety
of the people you serve. The cognitive exam attempts to Time to complete: 20 ­minutes
measure your knowledge of your trade. The practical Activity: Take the Test Stress ­Test
skills exam attempts to measure your ability to apply Having complete information about the exam is the
what you know. first step in getting control of it. Next, you have to
It’s important for you to remember that your overcome one of the biggest obstacles to test success:
score on the EMT-Paramedic cognitive exam does not anxiety. Test anxiety can not only impair your perfor-
determine how smart you are or even whether you will mance on the exam itself, but it can even keep you from
make a good paramedic. There are all kinds of things preparing! In Step 2, you’ll learn stress-management
an exam like this can’t test: whether you are likely to techniques that will help you succeed on your exam.
show up late or call in sick a lot, whether you can keep Learn these strategies now and practice them as you
your cool under the stress of trying to revive a victim work through the exams in this book, so they’ll be
of cardiac arrest, whether you can be trusted with con- second nature to you by exam ­day.
fidential information about people’s health. Those
kinds of things are hard to evaluate, while whether you Combating Test ­A nxiety
can click on the right answer is easy to evaluate. The first thing you need to know is that a little test anxi-
This is not to say that clicking on the right answer ety is a good thing. Everyone gets nervous before a big
is not important! The knowledge tested on the cogni- exam—and if that nervousness motivates you to prepare
tive exam is knowledge you will need to do your job. thoroughly, so much the better. It’s said that Sir Laurence
And your ability to enter the profession you’ve trained Olivier, one of the foremost British actors of last century,
for depends on your passing this exam. And that’s why was ill before every performance. His stage fright ­didn’t
you’re here—using the LearningExpress Test Prepara- impair his performance; in fact, it probably gave him a
tion System to achieve control over the exam. little extra edge—just the kind of edge you need to do
well, whether on a stage or in an examination ­room.
Part B: What’s on the Test On page 13 is the Test Stress Test. Stop here and
If you haven’t already done so, stop here and read answer the questions on that page to find out whether
Chapter 1 of this book, which gives you an overview of your level of test anxiety is something you should
­EMT-Paramedic cognitive exams in general and the worry ­about.
National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians
(NREMT) exam in particular. Stress Management before the ­Test
Many states use the NREMT exam, but others do If you feel your level of anxiety getting the best of you
not. Turn to Chapter 8 for a state-by-state overview of in the weeks before the test, here is what you need to
certification requirements. If you haven’t already do to bring the level down ­again:

– The L ea rning E x p r ess T e st P r epar ati o n System –

■ Get prepared. There’s nothing like knowing ■ Deep breathing. Take a deep breath while you
what to expect and being prepared for it to put count to five. Hold it for a count of one, then let
you in control of test anxiety. That’s why you’re it out on a count of five. Repeat several ­times.
reading this book. Use it faithfully, and remind ■ Move your body. Try rolling your head in a cir-

yourself that you’re better prepared than most cle. Rotate your shoulders. Shake your hands
of the people taking the ­test. from the wrist. Many people find these move-
■ Practice self­-­confidence. A positive attitude is a ments very ­relaxing.
great way to combat test anxiety. This is no ■ Visualize again. Think of the place where you are

time to be humble or shy. Stand in front of the most relaxed: lying on the beach in the sun, walk-
mirror and say to your reflection, “I’m pre- ing through the park, or whatever. Now close
pared. I’m full of self­-­confidence. I’m going to your eyes and imagine you’re actually there. If
ace this test. I know I can do it.” Say it into a you practice in advance, you’ll find that you only
tape recorder and play it back once a day. If you need a few seconds of this exercise to experience a
hear it often enough, you’ll believe ­it. significant increase in your sense of well­-­being.
■ Fight negative messages. Every time someone

starts telling you how hard the exam is or how When anxiety threatens to overwhelm you in the
it’s almost impossible to get a high score, start middle of the exam, there are additional things you can
telling them your self­-­confidence messages. If do to manage the stress level:
that someone is you, telling yourself you don’t
do well on exams, you just can’t do this, don’t lis- ■ Repeat your self­-­confidence messages. You
ten. Turn on your tape recorder and listen to should have them memorized by now. Say them
your self­-­confidence ­messages. quietly to yourself, and believe ­them!
■ Visualize. Imagine yourself reporting for duty ■ Visualize one more time. This time, visualize

on your first day as a paramedic. Think of yourself moving smoothly and quickly through
yourself responding to calls, interacting with the test, answering every question correctly, and
patients, preserving health, and saving lives. finishing just before time is up. Like most visu-
Visualizing success can help make it happen— alization techniques, this one works best if
and it reminds you of why you’re doing all this you’ve practiced it ahead of ­time.
work preparing for the ­exam. ■ Find an easy question. Skim over the test until

■ Exercise. Physical activity helps calm your body

you find an easy question, and answer it. Filling in
down and focus your mind. Besides, being in even one circle gets you into the test­-­taking ­groove.
good physical shape can actually help you do ■ Take a mental break. Everyone loses concentra-

well on the exam. Go for a run, lift weights, go tion once in a while during a long test. It’s nor-
swimming—and do it ­regularly. mal, so you ­shouldn’t worry about it. Instead,
accept what has happened. Say to yourself, “Hey,
Stress Management on Test ­Day I lost it there for a minute. My brain is taking a
Several techniques can bring down your level of anxi- break.” Close your eyes and do some deep
ety on test day. They’ll work best if you practice them breathing for a few seconds. Then you’re ready
in the weeks before the test, so you know which ones to go back to ­work.
work best for ­you.
Try these techniques ahead of time, and watch
them work for you!

Test Stress Test

You need to worry about test anxiety only if it is extreme enough to impair your performance. The following
questions will diagnose your level of test anxiety. In the blank before each statement, write the number that
most accurately describes your experience.

0 = Never  1 = Once or twice  2 = Sometimes  3 = Often

I have gotten so nervous before an exam that I simply put down the books and didn’t study for it.
I have experienced disabling physical symptoms, such as vomiting and severe headaches, because I
was nervous about an exam.
I have simply not showed up for an exam because I was scared to take it.
I have experienced dizziness and disorientation while taking an exam.
I have had trouble filling in the little circles because my hands were shaking too hard.
I have failed an exam because I was too nervous to complete it.
Total: Add up the numbers in the blanks above.

Your Test Stress ­S core

Here are the steps you should take, depending on your score. If you ­scored:
■ Below 3, your level of test anxiety is nothing to worry about; it’s probably just enough to give you that

little extra ­edge.

■ Between 3 and 6, your test anxiety may be enough to impair your performance, and you should practice

the stress-management techniques listed in this section to try to bring your test anxiety down to manage-
able ­levels.
■ Above 6, your level of test anxiety is a serious concern. In addition to practicing the stress-management

techniques listed in this section, you may want to seek additional, personal help. Call your local high
school or community college and ask for the academic counselor. Tell the counselor that your level of test
anxiety sometimes keeps you from being able to take the exam. The counselor may be willing to help you
or may suggest someone else you should talk ­to.

 S t e p 3 : M a k e a P l a n Don’t fall into the cram trap. Take control of

your preparation time by mapping out a study sched-
Time to complete: 30­minutes ule. On the following pages are two sample schedules,
Activity: Construct a study ­plan based on the amount of time you have before you take
Maybe the most important thing you can do to get the EMT-Paramedic cognitive exam. If you’re the kind
control of yourself and your exam is to make a study of person who needs deadlines and assignments to
plan. Too many people fail to prepare simply because motivate you for a project, here they are. If you’re the
they fail to plan. Spending hours on the day before the kind of person who ­doesn’t like to follow other peo-
exam poring over sample test questions not only raises ple’s plans, you can use the suggested schedules here
your level of test anxiety, but also is no substitute for to construct your ­own.
careful preparation and practice over ­time. Even more important than making a plan is mak-
ing a commitment. You can’t review everything you

– The L ea rning E x p r ess T e st P r epar ati o n System –

learned in your paramedic course in one night. You Don’t put off your studying until the day before
have to set aside some time every day for study and the exam. Start now. A few minutes a day, with half an
practice. Try for at least 20 minutes a day. Twenty min- hour or more on weekends, can make a big difference
utes daily will do you much more good than two hours in your score.
on ­Saturday.

 S c h e d u l e A : T h e 3 0 - D a y Plan

If you have at least a month before you take the EMT-Paramedic exam, you have plenty of time to prepare—as
long as you don’t waste it! If you have less than a month, turn to Schedule B.

Time Preparation

Days 1–4 Skim over the written materials from your training program, particularly noting 1) areas
you expect to be emphasized on the exam and 2) areas you don’t remember well.
On Day 4, concentrate on those areas.

Day 5 Take the first practice exam in Chapter 3.

Day 6 Score the first practice exam. Use the outline of skills on the test given in Chapter 1
to determine your strongest and weakest areas. Identify two areas that you will
concentrate on before you take the second practice exam.

Days 7–10 Study the two areas you identified as your weak points. Don’t worry about the other areas.

Day 11 Take the second practice exam in Chapter 4.

Day 12 Score the second practice exam. Identify one area to concentrate on before you take the
third practice exam.

Days 13–18 Study the one area you identified for review. In addition, review both practice exams
you’ve taken so far, with special attention to the answer explanations.

Day 19 Take the third practice exam in Chapter 5.

Day 20 Once again, identify one area to review, based on your score on the third practice exam.

Days 20–21 Study the one area you identified for review.

Days 22–25 Take an overview of all your training materials, consolidating your strengths and
improving your weaknesses.

Days 26–27 Review all the areas that have given you the most trouble in the three practice exams
you’ve taken so far.

Day 28 Take the fourth practice exam in Chapter 6 and score it. Note how much you’ve improved!

Day 29 Review one or two weak areas.

Day before Relax. Do something unrelated to the exam and go to bed at a reasonable hour.
the exam

– The L ea rning E x p r ess T e st P r epar ati o n System –

 S c h e d u l e B : T h e 1 0 -Day Plan

If you have two weeks or less before you take the exam, you may have your work cut out for you. Use this 10-day
schedule to help you make the most of your time.

Time Preparation

Day 1 Take the first practice exam in Chapter 3 and score it using the answer key at the end.
Turn to the list of subject areas on the exam in Chapter 1, and find out which areas need
the most work, based on your exam score.

Day 2 Review one area that gave you trouble on the first practice exam.

Day 3 Review another area that gave you trouble on the first practice exam.

Day 4 Take the second practice exam in Chapter 4 and score it.

Day 5 If your score on the second practice exam doesn’t show improvement on the two areas
you studied, review them. If you did improve in those areas, choose a new weak area
to study today.

Day 6 Take the third practice exam in Chapter 5 and score it.

Day 7 Choose your weakest area from the third practice exam to review.

Day 8 Review any areas that you have not yet reviewed in this schedule.

Day 9 Take the fourth practice exam in Chapter 6 and score it. Brush up on any areas that are
still giving you trouble.

Day before Relax. Do something unrelated to the exam and go to bed at a reasonable hour.
the exam

– The L ea rning E x p r ess T e st P r epar ati o n System –

  t e p 4 : L e a r n t o M a n a ge Your
S ■ Don’t rush. Though you should keep moving,
­T i m e rushing won’t help. Try to keep calm and work
methodically and ­quickly.
Time to complete: 10 minutes to read, many hours of
Activities: Practice these strategies as you take the   tep 5: Learn to Use th e
sample tests in this book Process of ­E lim ination
Steps 4, 5, and 6 of the LearningExpress Test Prepara-
tion System put you in charge of your exam by show- Time to complete: 20 ­minutes
ing you test­-­taking strategies that work. Practice these Activity: Complete worksheet on Using the Process
strategies as you take the sample tests in this book, and of ­Elimination
then you’ll be ready to use them on test ­day. After time management, the next most important tool
First, you’ll take control of your time on the for taking control of your exam is using the process of
exam. EMT-Paramedic exams have a two-and-a-half- elimination wisely. It’s standard test­-­taking wisdom
hour time limit, which may give you more than enough that you should always read all the answer choices
time to complete all the questions—or may not. Here before choosing your answer. This helps you find the
are some tips. right answer by eliminating wrong answer choices.
And, sure enough, that standard wisdom applies to
■ Follow directions. If the directions are given your exam, ­too.
orally, listen to them. Ask questions before the Let’s say you’re facing a question that goes like this:
exam begins if there’s anything you don’t
understand. 13. Which of the following lists of signs and symp-
■ Read the entire question first. You should read toms indicates cardiac compromise?
the whole question first at least twice and for- a. headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion
mulate the answer in your head before you look b. dull chest pain, sudden sweating, difficulty
at the answer choices. If you look at the answer breathing
choices before you understand the question, c. wheezing, labored breathing, chest pain
you might choose incorrectly. d. difficulty breathing, high fever, rapid pulse
■ Look out for qualifiers. Take note of words like

except, always, never, or most appropriate. These You should always use the process of elimination
words limit the potential answers and can help on a question like this, even if the right answer jumps
you determine an answer more efficiently. out at you. Sometimes, the answer that jumps out isn’t
■ Keep moving. Don’t linger on one question for right after all. Let’s assume, for the purpose of this
too long. Remember, though, once you skip a exercise, that you’re a little rusty on your signs and
question you cannot come back to it ­later. symptoms of cardiac compromise, so you need to use
■ Do not make questions more complicated a little intuition to make up for what you don’t remem-
than they are. You should not bring elements ber. Proceed through the answer choices in order.
into a question that are not there. This will
cause you to overlook the basics, which is prob-
ably what the question is testing.

– The L ea rning E x p r ess T e st P r epar ati o n System –

So you start with choice a. This one is pretty easy Even when you think you’re absolutely clueless
to eliminate; none of these signs and symptoms is about a question, you can often use the process of
consistent with cardiac compromise. elimination to get rid of one answer choice. If so, you’re
On to the next. “Dull chest pain” looks good, better prepared to make an educated guess, as you’ll see
though if you’re not up on your cardiac signs and in Step 6. More often, the process of elimination allows
symptoms, you might wonder if it should be “acute you to get down to only two possibly right answers.
chest pain” instead. “Sudden sweating” and “difficulty Then you’re in a strong position to guess. And some-
breathing”? Check. Make the following mental note: times, even though you don’t know the right answer,
“Good answer, I might use this one.” you find it simply by getting rid of the wrong ones, as
Choice c is a possibility. Maybe you don’t really you did in the previous example.
expect wheezing in cardiac compromise, but you know Try using your powers of elimination on the ques-
“chest pain” is right, and let’s say you’re not sure whether tions in the Using the Process of Elimination worksheet
“labored breathing” is a sign of cardiac difficulty. In beginning on the next page. The questions aren’t about
your head, put a question mark next to c, meaning, paramedic work; they’re just designed to show you how
“Well, maybe.” the process of elimination works. The answer explana-
Choice d strikes you about the same, with “dif- tions for this worksheet show one way you might use
ficulty breathing” being a good sign of cardiac com- the process to arrive at the right ­answer.
promise. But wait a minute. “High fever”? Not really. The process of elimination is your tool for the
“Rapid pulse”? Well, maybe. This doesn’t really sound next step, which is knowing when to ­guess.
like cardiac compromise, and you’ve already got a bet-
ter answer picked out in choice b. If you’re feeling sure
of yourself, mentally put an X next to this one. If you
want to be careful, put a question mark.

In your head, your question looks like this:

13. Which of the following lists of signs and symp-

toms indicates cardiac compromise?
X a. headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion
✔ b. dull chest pain, sudden sweating, difficulty
? c. wheezing, labored breathing, chest pain
? d. difficulty breathing, high fever, rapid pulse

You’ve got just one good answer. If you’re pressed

for time, you should simply select choice b. If you’ve
got the time to be extra careful, you could compare
your good answer to your question mark answers to
make sure that it’s better.

Using the Process of ­Elimination

Use the process of elimination to answer the following questions.

1. Ilsa is as old as Meghan will be in five years. The 3. Smoking tobacco has been linked ­to
difference between Ed’s age and Meghan’s age a. increased risk of stroke and heart ­attack.
is twice the difference between Ilsa’s age and b. all forms of respiratory ­disease.
Meghan’s age. Ed is 29. How old is ­Ilsa? c. increasing mortality rates over the past ten
a. 4 ­years.
b. 10 d. juvenile ­delinquency.
c. 19
d. 24 4. Which of the following words is spelled
2. “All drivers of commercial vehicles must carry a a. incorrigible
valid commercial driver’s license whenever b. outragous
operating a commercial vehicle.” According to c. domestickated
this sentence, which of the following people d. understandible
need NOT carry a commercial driver’s ­license?
a. a truck driver idling his engine while waiting
to be directed to a loading ­dock
b. a bus operator backing her bus out of the
way of another bus in the bus ­lot
c. a taxi driver driving his personal car to the
grocery ­store
d. a limousine driver taking the limousine to her
home after dropping off her last passenger of
the ­evening

Here are the answers, as well as some suggestions as to how you might have used the process of elimination
to find ­them.

1. d. You should have eliminated choice a off the 2. c. Note the word not in the question, and go
bat. Ilsa can’t be four years old if Meghan is through the answers one by one. Is the truck
going to be Ilsa’s age in five years. The best driver in choice a “operating a commericial
way to eliminate other answer choices is to vehicle”? Yes, idling counts as “operating,” so
try plugging them in to the information given he needs to have a commercial driver’s
in the problem. For instance, for choice b, if license. Likewise, the bus operator in choice b
Ilsa is 10, then Meghan must be 5. The differ- is operating a commercial vehicle; the ques-
ence in their ages is 5. The difference tion doesn’t say the operator must be on the
between Ed’s age, 29, and Meghan’s age, 5, street. The limo driver in choice d is operating
is 24. Is 24 two times 5? No. Then choice b is a commercial vehicle, even if it doesn’t have a
wrong. You could eliminate choice c in the passenger in it. However, the cabbie in choice
same way and be left with choice d. c is not operating a commercial vehicle, but
his own private ­car.

Using the Process of ­Elimination (continued)

3. a. You could eliminate choice b simply because 4. a. How you used the process of elimination here
of the presence of the word all. Such abso- depends on which words you recognized as
lutes hardly ever appear in correct answer being spelled incorrectly. If you knew that the
choices. Choice c looks attractive until you correct spellings were outrageous, domesti-
think a little about what you know—aren’t cated, and understandable, then you were
fewer people smoking these days, rather than home free. Surely you knew that at least one
more? So how could smoking be responsible of those words was ­wrong!
for a higher mortality rate? (If you didn’t know
that mortality rate means the rate at which
people die, you might keep this choice as a
possibility, but you’d still be able to eliminate
two answers and have only two to choose
from.) And choice d is plain silly, so you could
eliminate that one, too. And you’re left with
the correct answer, choice a.

 S t e p 6 : K n o w W h e n to ­G ues s your “guessing intuition.” There are two things you need
to know about yourself before you go into the exam:
Time to complete: 20 ­minutes
Activity: Complete worksheet on Your Guessing Ability ■ Are you a risk­­taker?
Armed with the process of elimination, you’re ready to ■ Are you a good ­guesser?

take control of one of the big questions in test­­taking:

Should I guess? The first and main answer is yes. Some You’ll have to decide about your risk­-­taking quo-
exams have what’s called a “guessing penalty,” in which tient on your own. To find out if you’re a good guesser,
a fraction of your wrong answers is subtracted from complete the Your Guessing Ability worksheet that
your right answers—but the EMT-Paramedic exam begins on page 20. Frankly, even if you’re a play­-­it­-­safe
does not work like that. The number of questions you person with lousy intuition, you’re still safe in guessing
answer correctly yields your competency or incompe- every time. The best thing would be if you could over-
tency. So you have nothing to lose and everything to come your anxieties and go ahead and pick an answer.
gain by guessing. But you may want to have a sense of how good your
The more complicated answer to the question intuition is before you go into the ­exam.
“Should I guess?” depends on you—your personality and

Your Guessing Ability

The following are 10 difficult questions. You’re not supposed to know the answers. Rather, this is an assessment
of your ability to guess when you don’t have a clue. Read each question carefully, just as if you did expect to
answer it. If you have any knowledge at all of the subject of the question, use that knowledge to help you
eliminate wrong answer choices. Use this answer grid to fill in your answers to the ­questions.

Answer Grid
1. a b c d 5. a b c d 9. a b c d
2. a b c d 6. a b c d 10. a b c d
3. a b c d 7. a b c d
4. a b c d 8. a b c d

1. September 7 is Independence Day ­in 5. Which of the following is NOT one of the Five
a. India. Classics attributed to ­Confucius?
b. Costa ­Rica. a. the I ­Ching
c. Brazil. b. the Book of ­Holiness
d. Australia. c. the Spring and Autumn ­Annals
d. the Book of ­History
2. Which of the following is the formula for deter-
mining the momentum of an ­object? 6. The religious and philosophical doctrine that
a. p = ­mv holds that the universe is constantly in a strug-
b. F = ma gle between good and evil is known ­as
c. P = IV a. Pelagianism.
d. E = mc2 b. Manichaeanism.
c. neo­-­Hegelianism.
3. Because of the expansion of the universe, the d. Epicureanism.
stars and other celestial bodies are all moving
away from each other. This phenomenon is 7. The third Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme
known ­as Court ­was
a. Newton’s first ­law. a. John ­Blair.
b. the big ­bang. b. William ­Cushing.
c. gravitational ­collapse. c. James ­Wilson.
d. Hubble ­flow. d. John ­Jay.

4. American author Gertrude Stein was born ­in 8. Which of the following is the poisonous portion
a. 1713. of a ­daffodil?
b. 1830. a. the ­bulb
c. 1874. b. the ­leaves
d. 1901. c. the ­stem
d. the ­flower

Your Guessing Ability (continued)

9. The winner of the Masters golf tournament in How Did You ­Do?
1953 ­was You may have simply gotten lucky and actually known
a. Sam ­Snead. the answer to one or two questions. In addition, your
b. Cary ­Middlecoff. guessing was more successful if you were able to use
c. Arnold ­Palmer. the process of elimination on any of the questions.
Maybe you ­didn’t know who the third Chief Justice was
d. Ben ­Hogan.
(question 7), but you knew that John Jay was the first.
In that case, you would have eliminated choice d and
10. The state with the highest per capita personal
therefore improved your odds of guessing right from
income in 1980 ­was
one in four to one in ­three.
a. Alaska. According to probability, you should get 2 2

b. Connecticut. answers correct, so getting either two or three right

c. New ­York. would be average. If you got four or more right, you
d. Texas. may be a really terrific guesser. If you got one or none
right, you may be a really bad ­guesser.
 A  nswers Keep in mind, though, that this is only a small
Check your answers against the correct answers sample. You should continue to keep track of your
­below. guessing ability as you work through the sample
1. c. questions in this book. Circle the numbers of ques-
2. a. tions you guess on as you make your guess; or, if you
3. d. don’t have time while you take the practice tests, go
back afterward and try to remember which questions
4. c.
you guessed at. Remember, on a test with four answer
5. b.
choices, your chances of getting a right answer is one
6. b.
in four. So keep a separate “guessing” score for each
7. b.
exam. How many questions did you guess on? How
8. a. many did you get right? If the number you got right is
9. d. at least one-fourth of the number of questions you
10. a. guessed on, you are at least an average guesser,
maybe better—and you should always go ahead and
guess on the real exam. If the number you got right is
significantly lower than one-fourth of the number you
guessed on, you would be safe in guessing anyway,
but maybe you’d feel more comfortable if you guessed
only selectively, when you can eliminate a wrong
answer or at least have a good feeling about one of
the answer choices.

– The L ea rning E x p r ess T e st P r epar ati o n System –

  t e p 7 : R e a c h Yo u r P e ak
S Diet
P e rf o r m a n c e ­Z o n e First of all, cut out the junk. Go easy on caffeine and
nicotine, and eliminate alcohol and any other drugs
Time to complete: 10 minutes to read; weeks to from your system at least two weeks before the exam.
­complete What your body needs for peak performance is
Activity: Complete the Physical Preparation Check- simply a balanced diet. Eat plenty of fruits and vegeta-
list bles, along with protein and complex carbohydrates.
To get ready for a challenge like a big exam, you have Foods high in lecithin (an amino acid), such as fish and
to take control of your physical, as well as your mental, beans, are especially good “brain ­foods.”
state. Exercise, proper diet, and rest will ensure that The night before the exam, you might “carbo­-­
your body works with, rather than against, your mind load” the way athletes do before a contest. Eat a big
on test day, as well as during your ­preparation. plate of spaghetti, rice and beans, or whatever your
favorite carbohydrate ­is.
If you don’t already have a regular exercise program Rest
going, the time during which you’re preparing for an You probably know how much sleep you need every
exam is actually an excellent time to start one. And if night to be at your best, even if you don’t always get it.
you’re already keeping fit—or trying to get that way— Make sure you do get that much sleep, though, for at
don’t let the pressure of preparing for an exam fool you least a week before the exam. Moderation is important
into quitting now. Exercise helps reduce stress by here, too. Extra sleep will just make you ­groggy.
pumping ­wonderful good­-­feeling hormones called If you’re not a morning person and your exam
endorphins into your system. It also increases the oxy- will be given in the morning, you should reset your
gen supply throughout your body, including your internal clock so that your body ­doesn’t think
brain, so you’ll be at peak performance on test ­day. you’re taking an exam at 3 a.m. You have to start this
A half hour of vigorous activity—enough to raise process well before the exam. Here’s how it works: Get
a sweat—every day should be your aim. If you’re really up half an hour earlier each morning, and then go to
pressed for time, every other day is okay. Choose an bed half an hour earlier that night. Don’t try it the
activity you like and get out there and do it. Jogging other way around; you’ll just toss and turn if you go to
with a friend always makes the time go faster, or take an bed early without having gotten up early. The next
iPod or MP3 player. morning, get up another half an hour earlier, and so
But don’t overdo it. You don’t want to exhaust on. How long you will have to do this depends on
yourself. Moderation is the ­key. how late you’re used to getting ­up. Use the Physical
Preparation Checklist on page 24 to make sure you’re
in tip-top form.

– The L ea rning E x p r ess T e st P r epar ati o n System –

 S t e p 8 : G e t Yo u r A c t ­Toge ther you get up that early every day for a week before the
Time to complete: 10 minutes to read; time to com-
plete will ­vary Gather Your ­M aterials
Activity: Complete Final Preparations ­worksheet The night before the exam, lay out the clothes you will
You’re in control of your mind and body; you’re in wear and the materials you have to bring with you to
charge of test anxiety, your preparation, and your test­- the exam. Plan on dressing in layers; you won’t have
­taking strategies. Now it’s time to take charge of exter- any control over the temperature of the examination
nal factors, such as the testing site and the materials room. Have a sweater or jacket you can take off if it’s
you need to take the ­exam. warm. Use the checklist on the Final Preparations
worksheet on page 26 to help you pull together what
Find out Where the Test Is and you’ll ­need.
Make a Trial ­Run
The testing agency or your EMS instructor will notify Don’t Skip ­Breakfast
you when and where your exam is being held. Do you Even if you don’t usually eat breakfast, do so on exam
know how to get to the testing site? Do you know how morning. A cup of coffee ­doesn’t count. Don’t eat
long it will take to get there? If not, make a trial run, doughnuts or other sweet foods, either. A sugar high
preferably on the same day of the week at the same will leave you with a sugar low in the middle of the
time of day. Make note, on the Final Preparations exam. A mix of protein and carbohydrates is best:
worksheet on page 26, of the amount of time it will Cereal with milk or eggs with toast will do your body
take you to get to the exam site. Plan on arriving 10–15 a world of ­good.
minutes early so you can get the lay of the land, use the
bathroom, and calm down. Then figure out how early
you will have to get up that morning, and make sure

Physical Preparation Checklist

For the week before the test, write down 1) what physical exercise you engaged in and for how long, and 2)
what you ate for each meal. Remember, you’re trying for at least half an hour of exercise every other day (pref-
erably every day) and a balanced diet that’s light on junk food.

Exam minus 7 days Exam minus 3 days

Exercise: ______ for ______ minutes Exercise: ______ for ______ minutes
Breakfast: Breakfast:
Lunch: Lunch:
Dinner: Dinner:
Snacks: Snacks:

Exam minus 6 days Exam minus 2 days

Exercise: ______ for ______ minutes Exercise: ______ for ______ minutes
Breakfast: Breakfast:
Lunch: Lunch:
Dinner: Dinner:
Snacks: Snacks:

Exam minus 5 days Exam minus 1 day

Exercise: ______ for ______ minutes Exercise: ______ for ______ minutes
Breakfast: Breakfast:
Lunch: Lunch:
Dinner: Dinner:
Snacks: Snacks:

Exam minus 4 days

Exercise: ______ for ______ minutes

– The L ea rning E x p r ess T e st P r epar ati o n System –

S t e p 9 : D o ­I t ! Just one more thing. When you’re done with the

exam, you will have earned a reward. Plan a celebration.
Time to complete: 10 minutes, plus test­-­taking ­time Call up your friends and plan a party, have a nice dinner
Activity: Ace the EMT-Paramedic exam! for two, or go see a good movie—whatever your heart
Fast-forward to exam day. You’re ready. You made a desires. Give yourself something to look forward ­to.
study plan and followed through. You practiced your And then do it. Go into the exam, full of confi-
test­-­taking strategies while working through this book. dence, armed with test­-­taking strategies you’ve prac-
You’re in control of your physical, mental, and emo- ticed till they’re second nature. You’re in control of
tional states. You know when and where to show up yourself, your environment, and your performance on
and what to bring with you. In other words, you’re bet- the exam. You’re ready to succeed. So do it. Go in there
ter prepared than most of the other people taking the and ace the exam. And look forward to your career as
EMT-Paramedic exam. You’re ­psyched. a paramedic!

Final Preparations

Getting to the Exam Site

Location of exam site:


Departure time:

Do I know how to get to the exam site?   Yes    No    (If no, make a trial run.)

Time it will take to get to exam site:

Things to Lay Out the Night Before

Clothes I will wear



Two forms of ID
(at least one photo ID)

Four #2 pencils

Other Things to Bring/Remember

C h a p t e r

3 Paramedic
Practice Exam 1

Chapt er S ummary
This is the first of four practice exams in this book based on the
National Registry EMT-Paramedic cognitive exam. Use this test to find
out how much you remember from your training program and where
your strengths and weaknesses lie.

L ike the other tests in this book, this test is based on the National Registry’s cognitive exam
for Paramedics. See Chapter 1 for a complete description of this exam.
     Take this first exam in as relaxed a manner as you can, without worrying about timing.
You can time yourself on the other three exams. You should, however, make sure that you have enough time
to take the entire exam in one sitting, at least two hours. Find a quiet place where you can work without
being interrupted.
The answer sheet you should use is on the following page, and then comes the exam. The correct
answers, each fully explained, come after the exam. When you have read and understood the answer expla-
nations, turn to Chapter 1 for an explanation of how to score your exam.

– ans w e r sh e e t –

Exam 1

1. a b c d 46. a b c d 91. a b c d
2. a b c d 47. a b c d 92. a b c d
3. a b c d 48. a b c d 93. a b c d
4. a b c d 49. a b c d 94. a b c d
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– A ns w e r sh e e t –

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– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

 P a r a m e d i c E x a m 1 Answer questions 5 and 6 on the basis of the following

1. During the initial phase of an acute stress reac-
tion, which of the following physiological You arrive on the scene and find an elderly male
responses will occur? complaining of severe abdominal and back pain.
a. normal vital signs that remain unchanged Upon further questioning, he states that the pain is
b. increased vital signs that quickly return to “all over the left side.” On palpation, you feel a pul-
normal sating mass in the abdomen.
c. increased pulse rate and pupillary dilatation
d. lowered pulse rate and pupillary 5. This patient is most likely suffering from
­constriction a. pulsating diaphragm lesions.
b. acute arterial occlusion.
2. You use an end-tidal carbon dioxide detector as c. acute pulmonary embolism.
a tool to determine if endotracheal intubation d. abdominal aortic aneurysm.
has been correctly obtained. The absence of
carbon dioxide in exhaled air after six ventila- 6. This patient’s vital signs have been worsening
tions indicates that the endotracheal tube steadily throughout the time he has been under
has been your care. Treatment for this patient should
a. correctly placed. include
b. placed in the esophagus. a. cardiac monitoring.
c. placed in the right mainstem bronchus. b. two liters of crystalloid solution.
d. placed in the left mainstem bronchus. c. dopamine administration.
d. PASG/MAST application.
3. In which of the following situations should a
paramedic perform an initial assessment first? 7. The hypoxic drive is regulated by
a. during cardiac arrest at a swimming pool a. low PaO2.
b. when the patient is in a toxic environment b. high PaO2.
c. when the scene is not yet secured by law c. high oxygen saturation percentage.
enforcement d. low oxygen saturation percentage.
d. during a rescue from a fully involved struc-
ture fire 8. The posterior tibial pulse can be palpated
near the
4. The focused history and physical examination a. arch of the foot.
of a patient begins after you have b. medial ankle bone.
a. controlled immediate threats to the c. posterior knee.
patient’s life. d. top of the foot.
b. transported the patient to the hospital.
c. secured the scene and gained access to the
d. contacted medical control for direction.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

9. Progressively deeper, faster breathing alternat- 13. Which of the following patients is most critical
ing gradually with shallow, slower breathing is in terms of age and mechanism of injury?
called a. an 86-year-old female with a fractured clavicle
a. agonal respirations. b. a 28-year-old male with a fractured femur
b. Cheyne-Stokes respirations. c. a 43-year-old female with a fractured rib
c. Kussmaul’s respirations. d. a 56-year-old male with a pelvic fracture
d. Biot’s respirations.
14. An unconscious patient who has one dilated
10. Which patient should be transported immedi- pupil that is reactive to light is showing early
ately, with minimal on-scene care and any signs of
attempts at stabilization performed en route to a. transient ischemic attacks.
the hospital? b. cerebral artery aneurysm.
a. female, age 45, pulse 132, systolic BP 78 c. status epilepticus.
b. male, age 60, pulse 115, respiratory rate 12 d. increased intracranial pressure.
c. female, age 28, systolic BP 96, respiratory
rate 18 15. Using your sense of touch during a physical
d. male, age 54, pulse 98, diastolic BP 80 examination is called
a. palpation.
11. The collective change in vital signs associated b. percussion.
with the late stages of increasing intracranial c. palpitation.
pressure consists of d. auscultation.
a. increasing pulse rate, shallow respirations,
increasing blood pressure. 16. A harsh upper-airway sound that can be heard
b. slowing pulse rate, deep or erratic respira- when the patient inhales is called
tions, increasing blood pressure. a. stridor.
c. rapid and shallow pulse, deep respirations, b. restriction.
decreasing blood pressure. c. dyphonia.
d. quickening pulse rate, shallow respirations, d. dyspnea.
decreasing blood pressure.
17. You suspect that a patient has a complete air-
12. If your patient has an open abdominal wound way obstruction when he
with a loop of bowel obtruding, you should a. cannot swallow.
treat this with b. cannot cough.
a. a trauma dressing secured with triangular c. can only whisper.
bandages. d. can exhale only with significant effort.
b. an occlusive dressing secured on only three
sides. 18. No breath sounds in one lung field may indi-
c. wet sterile dressing and an occlusive
a cate which of the following conditions?
dressing. a. pneumothorax
d. a clean gauze dressing secured with sterile b. partial airway obstruction
tape. c. flail chest
d. pulmonary embolism

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

19. Why is ventilation of the pediatric patient with 24. Your patient is a 28-year-old diver who has
a bag-valve mask more difficult than ventilat- been using scuba equipment. His diving part-
ing an adult? ner states that he was unconscious when he
a. The infant is more combative. surfaced after a dive. You should suspect
b. The infant needs a lower concentration of a. type I decompression sickness.
oxygen. b. type II decompression sickness.
c. It is more difficult to create a good seal in an c. air embolism.
infant. d. pneumomediastinum.
d. The glottic opening is smaller in an infant.
25. Drug dosages are lower in elderly patients than
20. The pharyngo-tracheal lumen airway should be in young adults primarily because elderly
removed if the patient patients
a. vomits. a. weigh less on average than younger patients.
b. becomes tachycardic. b. have a slower rate of elimination of drugs.
c. regains consciousness. c. forget they took their medication and
d. has poor compliance. overdose.
d. do not respond to drugs as well as the
21. What do orthostatic vital sign changes suggest young.
for a patient with acute abdominal pain?
a. The patient has appendicitis. 26. Which statement about the pain that accompa-
b. The patient is hypovolemic. nies a myocardial infarction is incorrect?
c. The patient has peritonitis. a. Patients often describe the pain as
d. The patient is a diabetic. ­“crushing.”
b. The pain is present only during exertion or
22. A patient with an acute abdomen who shows stress.
no signs of hemorrhage and has stable vital c. The pain is relieved by sublingual
signs should be positioned ­nitroglycerin.
a. in whatever position is most comfortable d. Pain due to AMI radiates like anginal pain.
for the patient.
b. in a fetal position with both legs bent. 27. Which set of vital signs is consistent with left
c. in shock position with both lower legs heart failure?
­elevated. a. BP 100/60, P 48 and regular, R 8 and shallow
d. sitting upright in a high Fowler’s position. b. BP 130/80, P 68 and irregular, R 14 and
23. Focused examination of the abdomen of a c. BP 160/100, P 108 and irregular, R 26 and
patient who is complaining of abdominal pain labored
should consist of d. BP 170/110, P 76 and irregular, R 22 and
a. percussion on the entire abdomen. shallow
b. auscultation of the area of discomfort.
c. gentle palpation of the entire abdomen.
d. repeated tests for rebound tenderness.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

28. Which of the following conditions would NOT 32. You auscultate the patient’s chest. What lung
result in an increase in a patient’s PaCO2? sounds would you would expect to hear from
a. airway obstruction this patient?
b. hypoventilation a. basilar wheezes in all lung fields bilaterally
c. hyperventilation b. rales and/or rhonchi mainly in the lower
d. physical exertion lobes
c. clear but diminished sounds in the upper
29. The volume of air normally inhaled and lobes
exhaled during each respiration is called the d. rubs with chest wall expansion in the bases
a. tidal volume.
b. total lung capacity. 33. Which of the following best describes the
c. minute volume. pathophysiology of CHF?
d. inspiratory reserve. a. cardiac muscle failure resulting in pulmo-
nary edema
Answer questions 30–33 on the basis of the following b. aortic valve failure resulting in pulmonary
information. edema
c. pneumonia resulting in pulmonary edema
You are called to the home of an elderly female who d. superior vena cava failure resulting in pul-
is having difficulty breathing. She has a history of monary edema
chronic congestive heart failure.
34. What is the purpose of performing the Sellick’s
30. Which vital sign pattern is most likely for this maneuver?
patient? a. to visualize the upper-airway structures dur-
a. shallow rapid respirations; decreased pulse ing BVM
rate; cool, clammy skin b. prevent the tongue from blocking the
b. deep labored respirations; decreased pulse airway
rate; hot, dry skin c. to protect a patient with possible spinal
c. shallow rapid respirations; increased pulse injury
rate; cool, clammy skin d. to prevent vomiting during attempts at
d. increased respiratory rate; decreased pulse ­intubation
rate; flushed, dry skin
35. Overinflating the pilot balloon in an endotra-
31. Which of the following are common medications cheal tube can cause
associated with patients with chronic CHF? a. displacement of the tube.
a. thiamine, nitroglycerine, and albuterol b. return of the gag reflex.
b. cortisone, digoxin, and theophylline c. ischemia of the tracheal wall.
c. furosemide, calcium, and nitroglycerine d. damage to teeth and gums.
d. diuretics, potassium, and digoxin

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

36. To ensure proper placement of the endotracheal 40. Your patient exhibits cold, clammy skin; air
tube, you should hunger; distended neck veins; tracheal dis-
a. confirm placement of the tube by two differ- placement; and absent breath sounds on one
ent methods. side. You should suspect
b. suction the end of the tube and observe for a. tension pneumothorax.
vomitus or blood. b. flail chest.
c. check breath sounds in the chest before and c. massive hemothorax.
after placement. d. pericardial tamponade.
d. visualize the open glottis and remove stylet
before tube placement. 41. What are the signs of circulatory overload in a
patient who is receiving IV fluids?
37. The digital intubation method is used for a. dyspnea, rales, and rhonchi
patients who b. agitation and clammy skin
a. have short anterior cords. c. falling blood pressure
b. are very old or very young. d. Trauma Score lower than 10
c. have arthritis in the neck.
d. have suspected spinal injury. 42. What is your first action for an adult patient
who is conscious but who has a complete air-
38. Distended neck veins, diminishing unilateral way obstruction?
breath sounds, and progressively worsening a. Deliver rapid abdominal thrusts until
compliance are indications of cleared or unconsciousness results.
a. esophageal intubation. b. Use the jaw-thrust/chin-lift technique to
b. endobronchial intubation. confirm the obstruction.
c. tension pneumothorax. c. Pinch the patient’s nostrils and attempt to
d. hemopneumothorax. give two ventilations.
d. Ask the patient to lie down on the ground
39. When suctioning a patient, you should always and attempt finger sweeps.
a. begin suctioning after the catheter is placed
in the airway. 43. What is the treatment for someone who is suf-
b. limit suctioning attempts to no more than fering an exacerbation of either emphysema or
45 seconds each. chronic bronchitis and is not too hypoxic?
c. hyperventilate the patient after every three a. Transport this patient to the hospital rapidly,
suction attempts. as there is little care that can be rendered for
d. insert the catheter while the suctioning this condition in the prehospital setting.
apparatus is turned on. b. Administer high-flow oxygen, establish an
IV lifeline, place the patient on an EKG
monitor, and administer bronchodilators.
c. Establish an airway, position the patient
seated or semi-seated, administer low-flow
oxygen, establish an IV lifeline, and transport.
d. Establish an airway, administer oxygen at
the highest possible concentration, establish
an IV lifeline, and transport rapidly.
– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

44. What is the most commonly used drug in the 47. To perform a needle cricothyrotomy, you
prehospital setting for patients with asthma? should place the patient
a. IV or IM corticosteroid a. supine with head and neck in a slightly
b. nebulized or SC epinephrine flexed position.
c. inhaled or nebulized albuterol b. in the lateral recumbent position with head
d. IM or IV terbutaline and neck hyperextended.
c. in the lateral recumbent position with head
45. Which one of the following methods is recom- and neck in neutral position.
mended when measuring respiratory rate? d. supine with head and neck hyperextended.
a. Use a Wright Meter to determine peak expi-
ratory flow rate. 48. Which of the following conditions best sug-
b. Tell the patient to remain quiet while you gests respiratory failure?
count his or her respirations. a. change in mental status
c. Carry on a conversation with the patient to b. loud, audible stridor
distract him or her while you count. c. diaphoresis
d. Count respirations while pretending to take d. tachycardia (> 130)
a redial pulse.
49. Which of the following can complicate ventila-
Answer questions 46 and 47 on the basis of the follow- tion in a pediatric patient?
ing information. a. hyperextension of the neck
b. cricoid pressure
You respond to a college fraternity where you c. a bag-valve mask without a pop-off valve
encounter a 19-year-old male with a partially d. ventilatory pressure that is higher than is
obstructed airway. According to witnesses, he was used for adults
eating pizza and drinking beer when he began to
cough and grab his throat. The patient is able to 50. One breathing pattern is characterized by peri-
speak in a hoarse whisper only, and he has been ods of apnea followed by periods in which res-
coughing repeatedly for about 20 minutes. pirations first increase then decrease in both
depth and frequency. This pattern is called
46. What is the best treatment for this patient? a. central neurogenic hyperventilation.
a. Perform abdominal thrusts without b. apneustic respirations.
back blows. c. Cheyne-Stokes breathing.
b. Administer back blows and chest thrusts. d. diaphragmatic respirations.
c. Remove the obstruction with forceps.
d. Do nothing as the patient is moving air. 51. What condition is the pathophysiological result
of near drowning in sea water?
a. ventricular fibrillation
b. pulmonary edema
c. pulmonary embolism
d. metabolic alkalosis

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

Answer questions 52–56 on the basis of the following 54. Treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning
information. should include which of the following?
a. nasal cannula (low-flow) oxygen
You respond along with fire units to the scene of a b. IV drip of sodium bicarbonate
structure fire. Firefighters have rescued a 25-year-old c. transport to a hyperbaric facility
female who is unconscious and unresponsive to ver- d. position of comfort transport
bal or painful stimuli. The victim was located in a
smoke-filled bedroom on the floor above the actual 55. Signs of CO exposure include all of the follow-
fire. Vital signs are: blood pressure 146/80; pulse 128, ing except
strong and regular; and respiratory rate 40. The a. cyanotic skin.
ECG monitor shows sinus tachycardia. Auscultation b. cherry-red skin.
reveals generally clear lung sounds and mild expira- c. chest pain.
tory wheezing. You note no burn injuries to the skin d. hyperactivity.
or clothing.
56. Which of the following is a common source
52. What would account for the patient’s level of of CO?
consciousness? a. engine exhaust
a. She has a drug overdose resulting in b. cellular respiration
­unconsciousness. c. cellular metabolism
b. She has heat stroke from the hot d. well-ventilated space heaters
c. She is suffering from carbon monoxide 57. You have arrived on scene to find a 75-year-old
­poisoning. female in respiratory distress. Your assessment
d. She is suffering from carbon dioxide reveals: BP 138/90, pulse 136/minute, and RR
­poisoning. 34. Upon auscultation, you note diffuse bilat-
eral wheezes in the apices and diminished
53. Pulse oximetry readings should be scrutinized breath sounds in the bases. Pulse oximetry is
closely because elevated 82% on room air, and the patient appears
a. carbon monoxide levels can cause an inac- fatigued. Which of the following treatment
curately high reading of the percentage of guidelines should you follow for this patient?
oxygen saturation. 1. Establish an IV at a KVO rate.
b. carbon monoxide levels can cause an inac- 2. Give two 20 cc/kg boluses before establishing
curately low reading of the percentage of an IV at a KVO rate.
oxygen saturation. 3. If possible, ventilate via BVM at a rate of 24/
c. carbon dioxide levels can cause an inaccu- min to maximize oxygenation.
rately high reading of the percentage of 4. Attempt orotracheal or nasotrachel intuba-
oxygen saturation. tion.
d. carbon dioxide levels can cause an inaccu- 5. Provide oxygen via a nonrebreather mask at
rately low reading of the percentage of 10 lpm.
oxygen saturation. a. 1, 3, and 5
b. 2, 3, and 4
c. 1, 3, and 4
d. 1, 3, 4, and 5
– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

58. Which of the following is a disease that is asso- 62. Care for the patient with cardiac contusion is
ciated with cigarette smoking and is related to, similar to care for the patient with which of the
but distinct from, emphysema? following conditions?
a. chronic bronchitis a. closed abdominal trauma
b. congestive heart failure b. pericardial tamponade
c. simple pneumothorax c. tension pneumothorax
d. spontaneous empyema d. myocardial infarction

59. What is the primary drug for the management 63. Which statement about use of Nitronox in the
of acute anaphylaxis? field is correct?
a. diphenhydramine HCL a. Nitronox is a short-acting agent that is
b. methylprednisolone administered via inhalation.
c. terbutaline b. Nitronox is used to manage pain in patients
d. epinephrine with COPD and asthma.
c. Nitronox may be given to patients with
60. You have just started an IV lifeline, but the fluid acute abdominal distension.
is not flowing properly. What is the first thing d. Nitronox may be safely used for patients
you should do to troubleshoot this situation? with head injury.
a. Remove the cannula and try another site.
b. Make sure the constricting band has been 64. The most common cause of upper-airway
removed. obstruction is
c. Ensure that the right-size drip-set is a. anaphylaxis.
attached. b. croup.
d. Lower the IV bag below the level of the c. epiglottitis.
patient’s arm. d. relaxation of the tongue.

61. Which of the following patients would benefit 65. Which of the following statements regarding
most from the application of the PASG/MAST? treatment for the care of a patient who is
a. 10-year-old male, suspected spinal fracture, suffering from complications of dialysis is
no blood loss correct?
b. 72-year-old female, suspected cardiogenic a. If possible, obtain a blood pressure reading
shock, no blood loss on the arm on which the shunt is located.
c. 40-year-old male, suspected lower extremity b. Watch for narrow complex tachycardia to
fracture, low blood pressure develop as the patient becomes hypoxic.
d. 67-year-old female, suspected ankle sprain, c. Monitoring for dysrhythmias is frequently
high blood pressure unnecessary in a hemodialysis patient.
d. To prevent exacerbation of the problem,
start an IV only if ordered by medical

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

66. Knee, femur, and hip dislocation and fracture 70. What does the treatment for a patient whose
caused by the knees hitting the firewall and ECG shows premature atrial contractions
absorbing initial impact are common in frontal include?
collisions with a a. observation only as long as the patient
a. “down and under” pathway. remains asymptomatic
b. “down and back” pathway. b. vagal maneuvers and 6 mg adenosine rapid
c. “up and over” pathway. IV push over 1–3 seconds
d. “up and back” pathway. c. 1–1.5 mg/kg lidocaine via slow IV push, and
consider sedation
67. A single-lead ECG tracing is useful for obtain- d. immediate synchronized cardioversion with
ing information about the heart. Which of the 50–100 joules
following can be determined from a single-lead
ECG tracing? 71. Traumatic aortic rupture usually occurs as a
a. mechanical response of ventricles result of transection of the aorta at the
b. cardiac output and stroke volume a. pulmonary artery.
c. timing of electrical impulse travel b. ligamentum teres.
d. the presence of a myocardial infarct c. ligamentum nuchae.
d. ligamentum arteriosum.
68. What does the actual drawing of the QRS com-
plex on an ECG tracing show? 72. What is the clinical significance of a first-
a. only ventricular repolarization degree AV block?
b. ventricular depolarization and atrial a. It signals the onset of rapid cardiovascular
repolarization decompensation.
c. ventricular repolarization and atrial b. It indicates that the heart rate may drop if
depolarization action is not taken.
d. impulse travel through the atrioventricular c. It can lead to syncope and angina if not cor-
junction rected quickly.
d. It may foreshadow development of a more
69. A QRS complex is considered abnormal if it advanced dysrhythmia.
lasts longer than how many seconds?
a. 0.04 seconds 73. Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome is
b. 0.08 seconds characterized by which of the following wave-
c. 0.10 seconds form abnormalities?
d. 0.12 seconds a. QRS complex shorter than 0.12 seconds
b. short P-R interval and long QRS complex
c. lengthened and bizarre QRS complex
d. inverted P waves and normal QRS complex

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

74. In which situation would you consider having 78. What does a carotid artery bruit indicate?
the patient perform a Valsalva maneuver to a. good peripheral perfusion
slow the heart rate? b. obstruction of blood flow
a. male, age 34, paroxysmal junctional c. jugular vein distention
tachycardia d. congestive heart failure
b. male, age 68, idioventricular escape rhythm
c. female, age 74, premature ventricular 79. Hyperextension of the neck, followed by hyper-
contractions flexion, is common in
d. female, age 39, ventricular tachycardia a. rear-end impacts.
b. rotational impacts.
75. Which rhythm is likely to foreshadow c. frontal impacts.
the development of other, more serious d. lateral impacts.
a. atrial fibrillation 80. The pain of stable angina is brought on by
b. isolated premature atrial contractions a. exercise or stress.
c. accelerated junctional rhythm b. imminent AMI.
d. sinus dysrhythmia c. difficulty breathing.
d. overuse of nitroglycerin.
76. What does a prolonged sinus tachycardia
accompanying an acute myocardial infarction 81. In the care of a cardiac arrest patient, epineph-
suggest? rine is used to
a. Cardiogenic shock may develop. a. decrease the container size to increase BP.
b. Damage to the heart is minimal. b. increase ventricular fibrillation amplitude.
c. Hypervolemia is the underlying cause. c. prevent anaphylaxis from lidocaine
d. The diagnosis of MI is incorrect. ­reactions.
d. increase the effects of the other drugs.
77. How should you position the patient to check
for jugular vein distention? 82. A patient’s signs and symptoms include ortho-
a. lying flat on his or her back pnea, spasmodic coughing, agitation, cyanosis,
b. sitting upright near 90° rales, jugular vein distention, and elevated
c. standing up in anatomical position blood pressure, pulse, and respirations. What
d. seated at a 45° angle condition should you suspect?
a. left heart failure
b. right heart failure
c. myocardial infarction
d. cardiogenic shock

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

83. Your patient is exhibiting the signs and symp- 87. The P wave on an ECG strip reflects what event
toms of right-sided heart failure. There is no inside the heart?
evidence of left-sided failure. In addition to a. atrial depolarization
ECG monitoring and high-flow oxygen, what b. atrial repolarization
additional treatments should he or she receive? c. ventricular depolarization
a. IV of D5W with minidrip set, dopamine, d. ventricular repolarization
and norepinephrine, and rapid transport
b. IV of D5W with macrodrip set, morphine 88. What does treatment for a patient who is expe-
sulfate, and furosemide, and rapid transport riencing stable angina consist of?
c. IV of D5W with minidrip set, monitor vital a. oxygen and defibrillation if the QRS com-
signs closely, and normal transport plex is wide
d. IV of D5W with macrodrip set, shock posi- b. rest, oxygen, and nitroglycerin admin­istration
tion, PASG, and normal transport c. reassurance, oxygen, ECG monitoring, and
morphine sulfate
84. What is sodium nitroprusside (Nipride) used d. seating patient upright and starting IV, ECG,
in the treatment of? and furosemide
a. deep venous thrombosis
b. myocardial infarction 89. The wheezing associated with left-sided heart
c. hypertensive emergency failure results from
d. cardiogenic shock a. fluid in the lungs.
b. chronic bronchitis.
85. Which of the following drugs is an antidys- c. chest muscle tightness.
rhythmic agent? d. chest wall expansion.
a. furosemide
b. lidocaine 90. A patient is found in a back bedroom lying
c. nitroglycerin supine on the bed with a hunting knife embed-
d. isoproterenol ded in her anterior chest, midline below the
right breast. The patient is in obvious respira-
86. In performing emergency synchronized cardio- tory distress. She is cold, clammy, and diapho-
version, you would synchronize the electrical retic with flat neck veins. You hear no breath
shock with which of the following wave forms? sounds on the right side. This patient most
a. P wave likely is suffering from
b. R wave a. pneumothorax.
c. P-R interval b. pericardial tamponade.
d. QRS complex c. tension pneumothorax.
d. hemothorax.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

91. A primary reason for administering oxygen to a 95. Due to his rapid ascent, this patient may also be
patient with AMI is to suffering from which other diving-related
a. help limit the infarct size. emergency?
b. prevent pulmonary edema. a. nitrogen narcosis
c. reduce anxiety and fear. b. acute pulmonary edema
d. treat ventricular dysrhythmias. c. decompression sickness
d. pneumonia
92. Which of the following is the most appropriate
treatment for an adult patient who has a head 96. What is an additional possible problem associ-
injury and is seizing? ated with this injury?
a. 5.0 mg of diazepam IM a. an increased level of carbon dioxide in the
b. 5.0 mg of diazepam IVP interstitial spaces
c. nasal intubation with a 6.5 endotracheal tube b. nitrogen bubbles entering tissue spaces and
d. direct laryngoscopy and intubation with a smaller blood vessels
7.5 endotracheal tube c. an increase in oxygen levels in the tracheal-
bronchial tree
Answer questions 93–96 on the basis of the following d. excess accumulation of lactic acid collecting
information. in the alveolar space

You respond to a 22-year-old male who is complain- 97. The normal gestational period is
ing of rapid onset of chest pain. The patient states a. 50 weeks.
that the pain is tearing and sharp and that it started b. 40 weeks.
when he surfaced from a scuba dive from 60 feet c. 30 weeks.
down. The patient’s diving partner states that the d. 20 weeks.
patient surfaced too rapidly.
98. During delivery, a loop of umbilical cord pres-
93. What is this patient most likely suffering from? ents from the birth canal. You should
a. acute pulmonary edema a. cover the cord with a moist and sterile dressing.
b. nitrogen narcosis b. have the mother stand to assist in delivery.
c. decompression sickness c. clamp the cord if possible and cut it.
d. pulmonary embolism d. reinsert the cord into the vaginal opening.

94. What does treatment for this patient consist of? 99. For which of the following conditions would
a. IV, high-flow oxygen, and rapid transport to you be likely to receive an order to administer
the nearest emergency department intravenous thiamine?
b. IV, high-flow oxygen, and rapid transport to a. in status epilepticus
a recompression chamber b. in metabolic shock
c. IV, orotracheal intubation, and transport to c. hyperventilation
the nearest emergency department d. profound intoxication
d. IV, orotracheal intubation, and transport to
a recompression chamber

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

100. During delivery, you notice that the amniotic 104. Your patient has a chemical burn to her face
fluid is discolored and has a foul odor. What and eyes. How should you treat this?
should you do first? a. Cover the eyes and face with a dry sterile
a. Suction the upper airway using a meconium dressing.
aspirator. b. Apply a paste made of baking soda and alco-
b. Intubate the child and give positive pressure hol to the eyes.
ventilations. c. Apply a neutralizing agent to counteract any
c. Dry, warm, position, suction, and stimulate chemical reaction.
the child to breathe. d. Brush the chemical away and then flush the
d. Provide five back blows and then five chest area with copious amounts of clean cool
thrusts. water.

101. How should you control bleeding after the nor- 105. The first step in managing a burn patient is to
mal delivery of an infant? a. estimate the percentage and degree of burns.
a. Pack the vagina with sterile gauze. b. assess airway and breathing status.
b. Apply direct pressure to the genitalia. c. prevent contamination by applying sterile
c. Elevate the pelvis. burn dressings.
d. Perform fundal massage. d. stop the burning process.

102. A greenstick fracture is one that is 106. A burn wound that blisters is an example of a
a. open. a. first-degree burn.
b. impacted. b. second-degree burn.
c. partial. c. third-degree burn.
d. comminuted. d. chemical burn.

103. What should you do to care for a patient with a 107. An adult who has burns over both sides of one
suspected pelvic fracture? arm and both sides of one leg would be esti-
a. Apply the PASG/MAST, titrate two IVs to mated to have total burns over what percentage
effect, and monitor for signs of shock. of body surface area?
b. Immobilize the patient to a long spine board, a. 9%
start two IVs, and transport immediately. b. 18%
c. Gently align lower limbs, soft splint with a c. 27%
blanket and cravat, and administer d. 36%
d. Do not immobilize, monitor distal pulse and
sensation, and transport immediately.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

108. Your patient is a comatose 56-year-old male. 112. A patient presents with symptoms of flushing,
His breath smells fruity and sweet, and his res- itching, hives, difficulty breathing, decreased
pirations are very deep and rapid. After the ini- blood pressure, and dizziness. What should you
tial assessment, you should provide which of suspect?
the following treatments? a. diabetic coma
a. Draw blood, start an IV of 0.9% NaCl, and b. anaphylaxis
give a 500 ml fluid bolus. c. acute appendicitis
b. Draw blood, start an IV of normal saline, d. stroke
and administer IM glucagon.
c. Administer oxygen, start an IV of D5W, and 113. After administration of epinephrine, what may
transport immediately. be given to help epinephrine stop an allergic
d. Administer oxygen, monitor vital signs, and reaction?
give 25 gm IV Dextrose 50%. a. oxygen
b. diphenhydramine
109. Signs of hypoglycemia include which of the c. albuterol
following? d. terbutaline
a. nausea and vomiting; tachycardia; abdomi-
nal pain; deep, rapid respirations 114. What is the reason for giving inhaled beta ago-
b. weak, rapid pulse; cold, clammy skin; head- nists to patients with severe allergic reactions?
ache; irritability; coma a. to increase heart rate and contractile force
c. shallow, rapid breathing; low blood pres- b. to block histamine receptors so edema is
sure; warm, dry skin; irritability lessened
d. decreased blood pressure, pulse, and respira- c. to help suppress the inflammatory response
tions; loss of consciousness d. to reverse bronchospasm and relax airways

110. Naloxone is given to patients who are suspected 115. A patient is covered with alpha-radioactive
of having which of the following conditions? material after an accidental spill. An adequate
a. narcotic overdose level of shielding would be
b. Wernicke’s syndrome a. a lead apron.
c. Korsakoff ’s psychosis b. a concrete wall.
d. increased intracranial pressure c. a cloth uniform.
d. aluminum foil.
111. Patients who are found in a hazardous-materials
incident should be initially treated in which 116. What are the classic symptoms of narcotic
containment zone? overdose?
a. hot a. altered mental status, euphoria, and dilated
b. warm pupils
c. cold b. excitability, hyperactivity, and hypertension
d. moderate c. respiratory depression and constricted
d. cardiac dysrhythmias and altered mental

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

117. Your patient is a farmer who has employed a 122. Signs and symptoms of radiation sickness
crop duster to spray his fields.The fields were include
sprayed earlier today and now the farmer has a. severe headache.
teary eyes, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and b. excessive thirst.
excessive salivation. What was he most likely c. hair loss.
poisoned with? d. hearing problems.
a. organophosphates
b. nitrogen-based fertilizer 123. Your patient is a 46-year-old male with a long
c. cyanide history of mental illness. He appears depressed
d. carbon monoxide and withdrawn. Suddenly, he begins to sob
uncontrollably. What should you do?
118. Shivering ceases in a hypothermic patient when a. Administer a sedative to help him calm his
the body temperature drops below emotions.
a. 80° F. b. Attempt to calm him by putting your arms
b. 86° F. around him.
c. 90° F. c. Maintain a quiet, listening, and
d. 95° F. ­non­judgmental attitude.
d. Motion to your partner to go to the unit and
119. Which patient presents the signs and symp- get the restraints.
toms of moderate hypothermia?
a. male, age 34, core temperature 85.8° F 124. Depression is an example of a(n)
b. female, age 28, core temperature 88.8° F a. psychiatric illness.
c. female, age 47, core temperature 95.8° F b. psychosis.
d. male, age 39, core temperature 96.4° F c. mood disorder.
d. organic disease.
120. What is the correct field treatment for a frost-
bitten body part? 125. What would be the reason for a paramedic to
a. Transport the patient to the hospital. give Benadryl (diphenhydramine) to a schizo-
b. Rub the affected part with crushed ice or phrenic patient in the field?
snow until warmed. a. to help control his or her manic symptoms
c. Warm the affected part in water maintained b. to help counteract catatonic symptoms
at 100–106° F before transporting. c. to raise blood pressure and respiratory rate
d. Cover the frozen part tightly in wet occlusive d. to counteract adverse medication reactions
126. Which of the following represents a significant
121. Which of the following areas of physical exami- mechanism of injury?
nation of an elderly patient is often the most a. A small child is in a 40 mph car accident.
difficult to accurately perform? b. An adult falls from a 6-foot-high ledge.
a. examination of the abdomen c. An adult pedestrian is hit by a bicycle.
b. auscultation of the lungs d. A child falls from a 6-foot-high ledge.
c. blood pressure measurement
d. examination of mental status

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

127. Your patient is a 10-year-old boy who has fallen 130. If this child is on medication, why did he have
off his bicycle. What should you do when this episode at school?
obtaining the history of the accident? a. Medications only limit the number of sei-
a. Insist on speaking only to the responsible zures a person has; they do not always elimi-
adult. nate the seizures.
b. Suspect child abuse until the possibility is b. Medication for this disorder does not con-
eliminated. trol the amount of glucose available for cel-
c. Suspect abnormal musculoskeletal lular metabolism.
­development. c. This child may have had too much to eat,
d. Obtain as much information as possible overriding the medication’s ability to regu-
from the child. late blood sugar.
d. The school nurse must have been mistaken
Answer questions 128–132 on the basis of the follow- in administering the medication to the child
ing information. at lunch.

You arrive to find a 6-year-old boy on the floor of 131. Treatment for this patient should include
his classroom, unconscious, incontinent, and respon- a. a 50% dextrose solution.
sive to pain only. The school nurse states that the b. a 25% dextrose solution.
child shook violently for approximately two min- c. diazepam (Valium).
utes and has been unconscious ever since. She knows d. oxygen and monitoring.
that he takes phenobarbital because she gave him
one at lunch, but she is unable to provide further 132. This patient should be transported to a hospital
medical history. because
a. he needs a lumbar puncture to determine if
128. This child most likely suffers from he has meningitis.
a. diabetes mellitus. b. medication levels need to be determined by
b. diabetes insipidus. laboratory analysis.
c. seizure disorder. c. glucose levels need to be determined by lab-
d. status asthmaticus. oratory analysis.
d. repeat episodes will continue without
129. Phenobarbital is an example of what class or ­hospitalization.
type of medication?
a. synthetic form of insulin 133. The ideal helicopter landing zone should
b. sedative or anticonvulsant a. contain a slope of no more than 15°.
c. hypoglycemic medication b. be an area of at least 100 feet by 100 feet.
d. beta agonist agent c. be an area of at least 90 feet by 90 feet.
d. be in a fenced area for safety against onlookers.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

134. What is the approximate weight of the average 139. Assessment and care of a patient who is a vic-
6-year-old? tim of sexual assault should include which of
a. 45 pounds, or 20 kg the following?
b. 56 pounds, or 25 kg a. Perform a complete vaginal exam.
c. 70 pounds, or 32 kg b. Ask detailed questions about the assault.
d. 75 pounds, or 34 kg c. Place sterile dressings on any wounds.
d. Allow the patient to bathe and douche.
135. What is the paramedic’s primary goal in cases
of suspected child abuse? 140. A patient begins to have a generalized seizure
a. Gather up any physical evidence to take to while running a marathon on a hot day. Which
the hospital. of the following procedures should you do first?
b. Ensure the abuser is arrested upon arrival at a. Move the patient into the ambulance.
the hospital. b. Administer 5 mg of diazepam intravenously.
c. Ensure that the child is removed from family c. Establish an airway and ventilate the patient.
custody. d. Place cold packs around the neck and under
d. Make sure that the child receives necessary the arms.
141. Which statement characterizes normal physio-
136. All pediatric patients who have had seizures logic changes that occur in vital signs during
should be pregnancy?
a. given diazepam rectally or IV or IM. a. Blood pressure falls; pulse rate rises.
b. transported to a hospital for evaluation. b. Blood pressure falls; pulse rate falls.
c. evaluated for signs of abuse or neglect. c. Blood pressure rises; pulse rate rises.
d. given acetaminophen to correct fever. d. Blood pressure rises; pulse rate falls.

137. Your patient is 10 months old. He has tachyp- 142. You are recording vital signs for a 34-year-old
nea and wheezing and a fever of 100.6° F. What woman who is eight months pregnant. Her
do you suspect is wrong with your patient? blood pressure is 100/70, pulse rate is 80, and
a. asthma respirations are 17 per minute and normal.
b. epiglottitis Upon ­auscultation of her chest, you hear a mild
c. bronchiolitis ­systolic flow murmur. How should you treat
d. croup this patient?
a. Transport her immediately to a facility with
138. Cardiac arrest in young children is most com- ob/gyn services for her imminent delivery.
monly associated with which of the following? b. Establish an IV, administer high-flow
a. respiratory problems or diseases oxygen, and monitor vital signs every two
b. trauma from automobile accidents minutes.
c. burn trauma from house fires c. The murmur is not a finding of concern;
d. underlying cardiac disease processes document these findings on the patient-care
d. Continue to assess the patient for additional
signs or symptoms of left-sided heart failure.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

143. Your patient is a 29-year-old woman who is 146. You are assessing a neonate who has a pink
nine months pregnant with her third child. She body and blue extremities, a pulse rate of 90,
reports the onset of painless bright red vaginal positive grimace response, active motion, and
bleeding in the last half hour. How should you irregular respiratory efforts. What is the Apgar
treat this patient? score for this infant?
a. Perform a vaginal exam to determine if this a. 4
is a placental abruption. b. 6
b. Check for crowning, perineal bulging, or c. 8
other signs of impending delivery. d. 10
c. Wait for delivery and then transport both
mother and child to the hospital. 147. What is the order of care for a newborn born
d. Treat her for signs and symptoms of shock with evidence of meconium staining?
and transport immediately. a. Suction with the bulb syringe first, then
remove remaining meconium under direct
144. Your patient is a 35-year-old woman who is visualization.
eight months pregnant. You note that her b. Suction with bulb syringe, then follow that
blood pressure is 140/90 and edema is present with resuscitation with the bag-valve-mask
all over her body. The patient is anxious and unit.
complains of seeing spots and having a head- c. Report the presence of meconium to the
ache. From this information, what condition medical control physician while administer-
should you suspect is present? ing oxygen.
a. gestational diabetes d. Deep suction the newborn with a nasogas-
b. preeclampsia tric tube, followed by administration of
c. eclampsia high-flow oxygen.
d. hypertensive crisis
148. Which of the following characteristics is the
145. You are assisting in a delivery in the field. As criterion for administering positive pressure
the baby’s head is born, you realize that the ventilations to a newborn?
umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby’s a. Apnea was corrected with blow-by oxy-
neck. What is your first step in the manage- gen use.
ment of this problem? b. The heart rate rose from 90 to 110 in two
a. Attempt to slip the cord over the baby’s head. ­minutes.
b. Apply two clamps and cut the cord c. Central cyanosis persists while oxygen is
­immediately. given.
c. Moisten the cord and transport immediately. d. Meconium staining was noted during
d. Position the patient as for a prolapsed cord. ­delivery.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

Answer questions 149–151 on the basis of the follow- 152. The term ethics refers to
ing information. a. professional standards of care.
b. rules, standards, and morals.
You respond to the home of a 2-year-old girl who is c. upgrading standards of care.
experiencing labored and difficult breathing. The d. moral code of conduct.
child’s mother states that she has had a cold for the
past several days and a seal-like bark for the past 20 153. A tiered response system is one that does which
minutes. Physical exam reveals she has a fever of of the following?
102° F and hot, dry skin. Inspiratory stridor is heard a. dispatches responders at various levels,
upon auscultation of lung sounds. Vital signs are depending on the incident
blood pressure 100/70, pulse rate of 100, and respi- b. dispatches ALS responders to arrive first to
ratory rate of 40 that is labored and with sternal all medical emergencies
retractions noted. c. has ALS responders respond on fire trucks
instead of ambulances
149. This patient is most likely suffering from d. uses chase vehicles staffed with ALS provid-
a. upper-airway obstruction. ers to drive ambulances
b. epiglottitis.
c. aspiration pneumonia. 154. A victim is unresponsive after possible expo-
d. croup. sure to carbon monoxide in a closed garage.
Which of the following procedures should you
150. What is the appropriate treatment for this child? do first?
a. examination of the oropharynx with a a. Wait for properly trained personnel to enter
tongue blade and evacuate the garage.
b. direct visualization of the vocal cords for b. Open the windows of the garage to ventilate
swelling the environment.
c. nebulized albuterol and cooling measures c. Provide high-flow oxygen to the patient via
en route positive pressure ventilations.
d. saline given by nebulizer treatment and d. Remove the patient from the environment.
155. With whom does ultimate responsibility for
151. A related disease or condition that can result in patient care in the field always rest?
rapid and total airway obstruction is a. the highest trained provider on scene
a. bronchitis. b. the regional or state EMS director
b. epiglottitis. c. the medical control physician
c. bronchiolitis. d. whomever provides online direction
d. laryngitis.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

Figure 3.1

156. The rhythm that appears in the ECG shown in 159. Your radio report to the hospital about the
Figure 3.1 is which of the following? patient’s medical condition should include
a. first-degree AV block which of the following?
b. second-degree AV block type I a. the complete medical history
c. second-degree AV block type II b. name, age, race, sex, and weight
d. third-degree AV block c. the chief complaint
d. estimated time of arrival on the scene
157. Which of the following situations represents
expressed consent? 160. What is the function of a safety officer at a
a. The patient says, “Help me. My chest hurts.” multicasualty incident?
b. The patient is eight years old with no parent a. to teach the unit members to work together
present. safely
c. The patient is unconscious and b. to decide when a scene is safe enough to
un­responsive. enter
d. The patient says, “I don’t need any help. Just c. to stand in for the transportation officer as
let me die.” necessary
d. to ensure patient safety before the BLS unit
158. An intoxicated person refuses treatment or arrives
transport. How should you proceed?
a. Do as the patient wishes and leave the scene 161. Patients who have overdosed and have altered
immediately. mental status are best transported
b. Try to find a family member to get consent a. supine.
for treatment. b. prone.
c. Try to persuade the person to accept your c. left-lateral recumbent.
assistance. d. full Fowler’s.
d. Immediately document the refusal, then
leave the scene.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

162. At a mass-casualty incident (MCI), which sector 166. The three primary parameters assessed when
should the incident commander establish first? using the START triage system are
a. triage sector a. airway, breathing, and circulation (ABC).
b. treatment sector b. respiration, perfusion, mentation (RPM).
c. supply sector c. appearance, respiration, mentation (ARM).
d. transportation sector d. pulse, perfusion, perspiration (PPP).

163. Which sector officer will coordinate with police 167. Continual reexperiencing of a traumatic event
to block streets and provide access at an MCI? is a characteristic of which of the following?
a. triage officer a. an anxiety disorder
b. transportation officer b. stress and burnout
c. supply officer c. cumulative stress reaction
d. staging officer d. delayed stress reaction

164. What is the purpose of the START method? 168. What communications system has the capabil-
a. to coordinate the efforts of multiple ity to send and receive voice and telemetry
response units to a MCI simultaneously?
b. to ensure safe access of responding units to a. VHF
the MCI site b. multiplex
c. to rapidly triage large numbers of patients c. UHF
quickly and efficiently d. duplex
d. to communicate with medical personnel as
efficiently as possible 169. Which of the following correctly describes pul-
sus paradoxus?
165. The first step in triage at an MCI is to a. an abnormal decrease in the systolic pres-
a. direct the walking wounded away from the sure during inspiration compared with expi-
scene. ration
b. assess the victims’ respiratory status and b. an abnormal increase in the systolic pressure
pulse rate. during inspiration compared with expira-
c. assess the victims’ hemodynamic status and tion
AVPU. c. an abnormal decrease in pulse rate between
d. evaluate the victims’ mental status and the radial and carotid pulses during inspira-
ABCs. tion compared with expiration
d. an abnormal increase in pulse rate between
the radial and carotid pulses during inspira-
tion compared with expiration

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

170. Ventilating a patient at 30 breaths per minute Answer questions 174–175 on the basis of the follow-
with a bag-valve mask and high-flow oxygen ing information.
may result in
a. an increase in intracranial pressure. You respond to a 25-patient mass-casualty incident
b. a decrease in the normal serum blood pH. at a store. The 911 caller stated that she smelled
c. alkalizing the bloodstream. something “funny” and then started to feel weak
d. production of a tension pneumothorax. and ­nauseous. You are the second unit on the scene.
The initial unit is nowhere to be seen, and they do
171. You can reduce gastric distention during artifi- not answer their radios.
cial ventilations by
a. pressing on the stomach during ventilations. 174. What should you determine first in this situation?
b. providing ventilations deep enough to cause a. whether the other crew is treating patients
chest rise only. inside and needs your help
c. positioning the patient at a 15° sideways b. whether this is a potential hazardous-­
incline during ventilations. materials incident in progress
d. squeezing the bag-valve mask quickly dur- c. whether the other crew has been overcome
ing ventilations. and needs your immediate assistance
d. whether you need more oxygen and supplies
172. To adequately ventilate a patient with a partial than your ambulance carries
laryngectomy through a stoma, you should
a. use more pressure to produce adequate 175. After you are instructed by the HAZMAT team
chest rise. to begin treating decontaminated patients, you
b. pinch the nose and close the mouth. should
c. suction the stoma with a soft-tip suction a. take universal precautions and wear protec-
catheter first. tive equipment.
d. use a special bag-valve mask designed to b. begin your efforts with the least symptom-
ventilate a stoma. atic patient first.
c. get ready to treat the patients as you would
173. Which patient is most likely to require immedi- at any other scene.
ate transport? d. thoroughly question the first patient for
a. 25-year-old male, fractured wrist purposes of documentation.
b. 45-year-old male, fractured pelvis
c. 38-year-old female, fractured tibia 176. For which of the following procedures is a
d. 52-year-old female, fractured humerus gown most necessary?
a. emergency childbirth
b. drawing blood
c. suctioning the airway
d. cleaning instruments

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

177. Which of the following requires intermediate- 179. What is a major concern when dealing with a
level disinfection through the use of a solution patient with organophosphate poisoning?
of bleach and water? a. exposure of rescuers to the poison
a. routine housecleaning measures in your sta- b. life-threatening dysrhythmias
tion and bunkroom c. explosion or fire hazard
b. any items that have come into contact with d. CVA or neurological effects
mucous membranes
c. any instruments that were used in any inva- 180. Which of the following medications is com-
sive procedures monly used to treat patients who are victims of
d. all items that have come into contact with organophosphate poisoning?
intact skin a. adenosine
b. atropine sulfate
178. Which infection is transmitted through contact c. calcium chloride
with blood or body secretions? d. flumanzenil
a. hepatitis A
b. hepatitis B
c. varicella
d. tuberculosis

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

 A n s w e r s rected hypovolemia. PASG/MAST may be

indicated for treatment of AAA in some
1. c. Both good stress (eustress) and bad stress jurisdictions; however, it is not a standard-
(distress) will initially cause sympathetic ized treatment.
stimulation such as increased heart and 7. a. COPD patients can no longer rely upon nor-
respiratory rate, bronchodilation, dilated mal regulatory mechanisms to control their
pupils, and increased blood flow to the skele- respirations. The hypoxic drive measures for
tal muscles. low levels of oxygen in the bloodstream to
2. b. No carbon dioxide after six ventilations indi- increase respiratory rate.
cates either that the tube is in the esophagus 8. b. The posterior tibial pulse is assessed just
or that the patient has been dead long below and posterior to where the ankle bone
enough that no carbon dioxide is being protrudes medially. The pulse located on the
produced. top of the foot is the dorsalis pedis. The
3. a. Before assessing airway, breathing, and circu- popliteal pulse is located behind the knee.
lation, it is necessary to remove the patient 9. b. Biot’s breathing is an irregular pattern.
(and yourself) to a place of relative safety. Cheyne-Stokes respirations are regular and
4. a. The purpose of the focused history and deep.
physical is to detect additional problems after 10. a. Indications for immediate transport include
you have controlled immediate threats to the any signs or symptoms of shock; sustained
patient’s life. The ongoing assessment is typi- pulse rate greater than 120 or less than 50;
cally performed during transport. Medical systolic BP less than 90; and respiratory rate
control may be consulted anytime during the less than 10 or greater than 29. Based only on
call when you feel it is appropriate or when- these vital signs, the first patient appears to
ever your protocols and standing orders already be in shock.
require it. 11. b. This change in vital signs comprises Cush-
5. d. This patient is exhibiting the classic signs ing’s reflex, a sign of increasing intracranial
and symptoms of an abdominal aortic aneu- pressure. Cushing’s reflex is also sometimes
rysm. Further palpation may cause the aneu- called Cushing’s triad or Cushing’s response.
rysm to rupture, so be very careful in 12. c. The most appropriate dressing for an eviscer-
assessing this patient. The other choices will ation is the application of a wet sterile dress-
not cause abdominal pulsations to occur. ing (which keeps the organs moist) and an
6. a. Cardiac monitoring should always be per- occlusive dressing (which provides a barrier
formed when you suspect an aneurysm is against further contamination and heat loss).
present. Rapid infusion of crystalloid solu- 13. d. Each fracture has a potential blood loss of
tion is often indicated in the treatment of one or more units per fracture site. Because
shock, but the fluid must be titrated to of its ring shape, the pelvis frequently has
patient response. Dopamine is indicated for two or more fractures present. In addition,
cardiogenic shock. Shock in this patient nerve and blood vessel damage and injury to
would be due to hypovolemia. Dopamine is genitourinary organ injuries can complicate
contraindicated in the presence of uncor- the severity of this injury. Patients with pelvis
fractures are always considered high-priority

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

patients and should be rapidly stabilized and value to your overall treatment regimen.
transported. If a patient has bilateral femur Correctly performed percussion requires a
fractures, he or she is also a high-priority relatively quiet environment and an experi-
patient. enced hand to be of any diagnostic value.
14. d. A unilaterally dilated pupil may be an early Continued assessment for rebound tender-
sign of increased intracranial pressure. As ness will aggravate the patient’s discomfort
swelling increases in the brain, it puts pres- and is unnecessary once you have deter-
sure on the optic nerve that is located near mined the patient has abdominal distress.
the area of swelling. 24. c. Air embolism presents as neurological deficit
15. a. The technique of palpation is using touch (including unconsciousness) during or after
during a physical examination to gather ascent from a dive, or as sharp pain in the
information. Auscultation is listening with a chest.
stethoscope; percussion is using gentle tap- 25. b. The dosage of many common medications is
ping in order to identify the presence of air up to 50% lower in elderly adults primarily
or fluid in body tissues; palpitations are because of a decreased rate of elimination of
heartbeat sensations that feel like your heart the drug by the liver and kidneys.
is pounding or racing. 26. c. The pain of MI is not generally relieved by
16. a. Stridor can usually be heard without a sublingual nitroglycerin, and intravenous
stethoscope and emanates from the area of morphine or nitroglycerin, is usually neces-
the throat. sary. It may have all of the same characteris-
17. b. Choices c and d both indicate some air tics of angina, making a diagnosis by EMS
exchange. Choices a has no relation to the air providers relatively difficult.
passageway. 27. c. A patient with left heart failure will present
18. a. The other three choices, while serious, gener- with elevated blood pressure, elevated and
ally do not cause complete collapse of a lung. sometimes irregular pulse, and labored
19. c. The bridge of the nose in a pediatric patient respirations.
may make a mask seal more difficult to 28. c. PaCO2 measures carbon dioxide levels in the
achieve. Additionally, the mask size needed blood, which are influenced by alterations in
to fit the pediatric patient’s face may not be CO2 production or elimination. Such levels
available. would be increased by physical exertion of
20. c. If the patient is unconscious and vomits, the muscles, by hypoventilation, or by an airway
PTL will help prevent aspiration. Instead, if a obstruction.
gag reflex returns, the PTL will have to be 29. a. Tidal volume is the amount of air that moves
removed before the patient vomits. into and out of the lungs during the respira-
21. b. A positive tilt test in a patient with acute tory cycle; minute volume is the total
abdominal pain suggests that the patient is amount of air exchanged in the lungs in one
hypovolemic and may have impending minute; inspiratory reserve is the extra air
shock. that could be inspired in addition to the tidal
22. a. Medical patients who are stable should be in volume; total lung capacity is the sum of the
a position of comfort. inspiratory reserve, tidal volume, expiratory
23. c. Use only gentle palpation in the field. Prop- reserve, and residual volume.
erly performed auscultation for bowel
sounds takes several minutes and is of little

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

30. c. The vital signs given in this choice are most This system may remain turned on at all times
likely for a patient with CHF who is com- as long as you monitor closely when suction is
plaining of difficulty breathing. actually being applied to the patient.
31. d. Diuretics, potassium, and digoxin are the 40. a. The signs and symptoms of tension pneu-
common medications used to treat CHF. mothorax, the presence of air in the pleural
32. b. The pulmonary edema associated with CHF space and medialstinal shifting, are listed.
commonly results in rales and/or rhonchi, 41. a. Dyspnea, rales, and rhonchi are classic signs
especially in the lower lobes. of fluid overload, which is usually first mani-
33. a. CHF results from the cardiac muscle’s inabil- fested as pulmonary edema.
ity to pump efficiently. 42. a. For the conscious patient, your first action
34. d. Sellick’s maneuver is used to prevent patients would be abdominal thrusts.
from vomiting during intubation. 43. c. Low-flow oxygen is appropriate for this
35. c. Excessive pressure against the delicate soft patient if he or she is not too hypoxic. If a
tissue of the lower airway may reduce blood patient with emphysema or chronic bronchi-
flow to the site, causing ischemia. tis is hypoxic, he or she needs more oxygen.
36. a. To ensure proper placement, always confirm 44. c. Albuterol, a bronchodilator sold under the
by two different methods: After watching the trade names Proventil and Ventolin, is fre-
tube pass through the vocal cords, assess the quently given via inhaler or nebulizer in the
chest for breath sounds in numerous loca- field.
tions and chest expansion, then check the 45. d. Place your hand on the patient’s wrist as if
proximal end of the tube for breath conden- you were measuring his or her pulse and
sation. You may also use one of several com- count for 30 seconds. This will prevent the
mercial confirmation devices that monitor patient from consciously changing the respi-
end-tidal CO2 or provide an audible whis- ratory rate. Placing the wrist and hand over
tling sound to confirm air movement. the patient’s chest wall is called the pledge of
37. d. Because the digital method does not require allegiance method.
hyperextending the patient’s neck, it is used 46. c. AHA standards dictate that a conscious
for patients with suspected spinal or cervical patient with a partial obstructed airway
injury. should be dealt with by encouraging cough-
38. c. Excessive pressure inside the thoracic cavity ing and continuous monitoring of patient
due to the tension pneumothorax will result status. Interventions like the Heimlich
in all of the described symptoms. maneuver are considered ­counterproductive,
39. a. Attempts at suctioning should be limited to as they may actually worsen the obstruction.
no more than 5–10 seconds (depending 47. d. A hyperextended position will place the ana-
upon the level of consciousness). You should tomical structures into a position that can be
ventilate the patient after each attempt, and easily identified by palpation.
you should not turn on the apparatus until 48. a. A patient in respiratory distress is compen-
the catheter is placed properly. In the case of sating for the underlying condition, thereby
a suction catheter that has a hole in the sys- preserving oxygenation to the brain. Once
tem that allows you to control if suction is compensatory mechanisms have collapsed,
being applied or not by occluding the opening, the loss of gas exchange at the brain will
you should only suction upon withdrawal. result in a change in mental status.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

49. a. Hyperextending the neck of a small child 55. d. Hyperactivity is not a sign of carbon monox-
may result in a unintentional closure of the ide exposure. Generally, patients are lethargic
airway, due to the softer cartilage rings sup- due to being hypoxic.
porting the trachea. 56. a. Engine exhaust is a common source of car-
50. c. Cheyne-Stokes respirations are characterized bon monoxide. Improperly ventilated space
by periods of apnea lasting 10–60 seconds, heaters are another source. Cellular metabo-
followed by periods in which respirations lism and cellular respiration result in the for-
gradually decrease, then increase, in depth mation of carbon dioxide.
and rate. 57. c. Because the patient appears fatigued, respira-
51. b. Because sea water is hypertonic, fluid is tory failure is imminent. Inadequate tidal
drawn from the bloodstream into the alveoli, volume may not permit good gas exchange
causing ­pulmonary edema. Because of this, without manual support.
all ­near-drowning patients should be hospi- 58. a. In addition to emphysema, chronic bronchi-
talized and monitored for a short time. tis is associated with cigarette smoking.
52. c. This victim of smoke inhalation is exhibiting Either condition can lead to CHF. A simple
the classic signs and symptoms of carbon pneumo­thorax can be caused by cigarette
monoxide poisoning. smoking, especially in young and thin males,
53. a. This is a common finding with the use of but the disease process is unrelated to
pulse oximetry in carbon monoxide poison- emphysema.
ing. The CO molecule, which has a high 59. d. To manage acute anaphylaxis, epinephrine is
affinity for hemoglobin, is bound to the mol- the first medication used, followed by
ecule and is present for detection as “oxygen” diphenhydramine. Epinephrine is a potent
in blood passing through the capillary beds, antihistamine and immediately reverses the
resulting in fairly normal pulse oximetry physiological effects of the reaction (vasodi-
readings. However, little, if any, of the oxygen lation, bronchoconstriction, and airway
is off-loaded from the hemoglobin molecule swelling), while diphenhydramine slows and
for use by the tissues. stops the reaction itself.
54. c. If a hyperbaric chamber is available, this 60. b. Proper flow cannot be achieved if the con-
patient should be transported there immedi- stricting band (tourniquet) is not removed.
ately for ­“diving.” Hyperbaric oxygen can 61. c. Indications for use of the PASG are to control
dramatically improve outcomes for CO poi- bleeding, stabilize fractures, and raise blood
soning by reducing the time it takes for the
pressure. Although its use is currently contro-
CO molecule to unbind from the hemoglo-
versial, of the choices listed, choice c has the
bin molecule. Low-flow oxygen and sodium
bicarbonate are not indicated for carbon indications called for if PASG is to be used.
monoxide poisoning. The patient is uncon- 62. d. Patients with cardiac contusion can present
scious, so position of comfort is not an issue. with the symptoms of myocardial infarc-
If you suspect the possibility of spinal injury, tion, including life-threatening dysrhyth-
you should immobilize this patient to the mias. Care is similar to care of any cardiac
long backboard. patient.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

63. a. Nitronox is a short-acting agent that the 71. d. Ligamentum arteriosum is the most com-
patient self-administers by mask. Its use is mon area for an aortic rupture secondary to
limited to patients who do not have the trauma.
potential for having air-filled spaces within 72. d. First-degree AV block in itself calls for obser-
their tissues, thus eliminating patients with vation only; however, it may indicate the
COPD, pneumothoracies, or air-filled ­development of a more advanced heart
abdominal organs. block.
64. d. The lost of lingual control during uncon- 73. b. Wolff-Parkinson-White, a pre-excitation
sciousness occurs more commonly than the syndrome, is characterized by a short P-R
other conditions. interval and lengthened QRS complex.
65. d. Fluid administration in dialysis patients Often, a delta wave is present as well. This
should be under the direct authority of med- condition occurs in 3 of 1,000 individuals.
ical control. Dysrhythmias are common and 74. a. When PJT is caused by stress or excessive caf-
if present, are generally caused by electrolyte feine intake in a patient with no history of
imbalances. To prevent accidental damage to heart disease, the Valsalva maneuver can be
the shunt, a BP should never be assessed on successful at slowing the heart rate.
the arm with the shunt. 75. c. Because the underlying cause is usually isch-
66. a. “Up and over” refers to injuries sustained in emia, accelerated junctional rhythm can
the head, neck, and chest region. In the deteriorate into more serious dysrhythmias.
“down and under” pathway, the body slides 76. a. In a patient with acute MI, sinus tachycardia
forward and downward. This can be limited suggests that cardiogenic shock may develop.
by the correct use of seat belts. 77. d. Check for jugular vein distention with the
67. c. A single-lead ECG, used for routine moni- patient elevated at a 45° angle. Most patients
toring, can be used to determine the heart will have observable jugular veins when
rate, ­regularity, and the length of time it supine.
takes for the impulse to travel through the 78. b. A bruit, noisy blood flow in a vessel, indi-
heart. It tells you nothing about the mechan- cates partial obstruction due to plaque
ical response of the heart, of which stroke buildup or the presence of an embolus.
volume is a part. You need additional lead 79. a. A strong force striking the car from behind
views to verify the presence of an MI. causes the head to move backward. If the
68. b. The QRS complex reflects the underlying head restraint is not properly placed, it can
ventricular depolarization and buried within actually act as a fulcrum, causing the neck to
it is the artial repolarization. hyperextend. Then the head snaps forward,
69. d. The QRS complex normally lasts 0.04 to 0.12 with the chin pointing toward the chest. This
seconds; anything longer than 0.12 seconds is results in a severe hyperflexion of the neck.
considered to be abnormal. 80. a. Attacks of stable angina are brought on by
70. a. If the patient is asymptomatic, this arrhyth- exercise or by stress and are usually easily
mia requires observation only. Other treat- managed.
ments described are for patients with varying
degrees of supraventricular tachycardia.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

81. b. Epinephrine is used to coarsen dysrhythmias 93. d. A too-rapid ascent from a scuba dive may
such as ventricular fibrillation, improving result in a pulmonary embolism due to lung
the chance of converting to a more viable overinflation.
rhythm. 94. b. An IV, 100% oxygen via a nonrebreather
82. a. Listed are classic signs and symptoms of left mask, and transport to a recompression
heart failure with pulmonary edema. chamber are essential for this patient.
83. c. Right heart failure, unless it is accompanied 95. c. Due to the depth of the dive and the rapid
by left heart failure with pulmonary edema, ascent, this patient may also be suffering
is not a true medical emergency and does not from decompression sickness.
require rapid transport. 96. b. In this patient, nitrogen gas bubbles may
84. c. Sodium nitroprusside is used in the treat- have entered tissue spaces and blood vessels.
ment of hypertensive emergency. 97. b. Full-term delivery usually occurs within the
85. b. Lidocaine is a first-line drug in the treatment 40th week of pregnancy.
of dysrhythmias. 98. a. Covering the exposed cord will minimize
86. b. Emergency synchronized cardioversion is drying of the cord. Additionally, you should
synchronized with the R wave in order to try to insert two fingers into the birth canal
avoid ­firing during the relative refractory and try to keep pressure from the baby’s head
period, which could induce ventricular away from the cord.
tachycardia. 99. d. Intravenous thiamine is used to reverse the
87. a. The P wave reflects atrial depolarization at effects of acute thiamine deficiency, which
the beginning of the cardiac cycle. may lead to seizures and encephalopathy in
88. b. The correct protocol for stable angina is rest, alcoholics.
oxygen, and nitroglycerin. 100. a. Suction the newborn before stimulating it to
89. a. The wheezing, due to bronchoconstriction of breathe. Endotracheal suctioning may be
smooth muscle in the lung, is a reaction to warranted if meconium is noted in the upper
fluid in the lung spaces. airway.
90. d. Flat neck veins while the patient is supine 101. d. Massaging the top of the uterus stimulates it
indicate a lower than normal pressure inside to contract, and promotes control of normal
the vasculature, most likely due to blood postpartum bleeding.
loss. This would indicate a hemothorax as 102. c. A greenstick fracture is a partial fracture that
the primary cause of the described signs and is on only one side of the long bone. These
symptoms. fractures are noted most frequently in chil-
91. a. Oxygen can help limit the size of the infarct dren but may also be seen in adults.
by increasing oxygen delivery to the heart 103. a. This is the current field treatment regimen
­muscle. for pelvic fractures. The PASG/MAST is used
92. b. Diaxepam given through the IM route is as an air-splint to contain the fractured pel-
ineffective. Oral intubation may be difficult vis and prevent further injury.
to achieve through clenched teeth. Nasal 104. d. The correct treatment for most chemical
intubation may raise intracranial pressure burns is to flush the area with cool water
even higher. immediately and to continue this treatment
even during transport.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

105. d. The first step in managing a burn is to stop 115. c. Alpha particles carry very little energy. A
the burning process or the burn will con- uniform is adequate protection against such
tinue to destroy more tissue. Then attention a contaminant.
should turn toward ensuring and maintaining 116. c. Respiratory depression and constricted
an adequate airway. pupils (“pinpoint pupils”) are classic symp-
106. b. Blister formation is characteristic of second- toms of narcotic overdose.
degree burns. 117. a. The symptoms of organophosphate absorp-
107. c. Using the rule of nines, this patient has burns tion are described by the acronym SLUDGE:
over 27% of her body surface area (both excessive salivation, lacrimation, urination,
sides of one arm = 9%; both sides of one leg diarrhea, gastrointestinal distress, emesis.
= 18%). 118. b. Shivering is the body’s attempt to regulate
108. a. This patient is showing signs and symptoms body temperature. Shivering continues until
of diabetic ketoacidosis. Avoid the use of the core body temperature reaches about 86° F.
glucose administration if at all possible. At Lack of shivering in a hypothermic patient
the minimum, you should obtain a glucometer indicates significant hypothermia.
reading before adminstering any glucose- 119. b. Moderate hypothermia is characterized by a
containing solutions. The fluid bolus will help core temperature between 86° F and 94° F.
dilute the glucose contained within his blood. 120. a. The correct treatment is gradual warming in
109. b. This option lists the classic signs of a water bath maintained between 100° F and
hypoglycemia. 106° F, although this treatment should not be
110. a. Naloxone (Narcan) is a narcotic antagonist attempted in the field because of the danger
given to patients suspected of narcotic of refreezing. Pain management is essential
ingestion. because the procedure is extremely painful.
111. b. Major decontamination and treatment for 121. d. Assessing the mental status of an elderly
life-threatening conditions should be con- patient is often difficult. It is often necessary
ducted by properly protected personnel in to enlist the help of family and caregivers to
the warm zone. accurately determine if a patient’s mental
112. b. Hives, accompanied by difficulty breathing, status is different from the norm.
strongly suggest anaphylaxis. 122. c. Hair loss, nausea, and vomiting are common
113. b. Epinephrine is the first-line drug for patients signs and symptoms of radiation sickness.
with severe allergic reactions. Oxygen, 123. c. Allow the patient to express emotion and do
albuterol, and turbutaline are all respiratory not interrupt his expression with questions
drugs, but they do not have any antihista- or comments. You should always be on your
mine properties. Diphenhydramine guard for safety issues when on a scene, but
(Benadryl) is an antihistamine and will stop restraints are not necessary in this situation.
the production of histamine, the chemical It would not be advisable to touch this
responsible for the exaggerated immune patient too closely as this may be perceived
response. by him as an invasion of his space or privacy
114. d. Beta agonists such as albuterol help in the and is not a safe gesture.
treatment of severe allergic reactions by 124. c. Depression is a mood disorder; depressed
relaxing the airway and thus relieving patients feel hopeless and helpless and mani-
bronchospasm. fest many physical symptoms as well.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

125. d. Benadryl is used to counter extrapyramidal 135. d. In many states, medical personnel are legally
reactions in patients who are taking anti­ required to report all cases of suspected
psychotic drugs. Effects noted are involun- abuse and neglect, but a paramedic’s first
tary movement, changes in muscle tone, and responsibility is to ensure that the child is
abnormal posture. transported to the hospital to receive neces-
126. a. A 40 mph car accident is a significant mecha- sary treatment.
nism of injury for a child but not for an adult 136. b. The cause of seizure activity can be deter-
unless other significant findings (lack of mined only in the hospital.
seatbelts, another person killed in the same 137. c. Wheezing and tachypnea in a child younger
car) are present. than age 1 is most often due to bronchiolitis
127. d. With a child of this age, obtain as much brought on by the RSV virus. Asthma in chil-
information as possible from the patient dren this young often presents as coughing.
him- or herself; this will allow the child to Epiglottitis will often have a fever higher
feel respected and mature. The adult care- than 100.6° F, and the epiglottitis patient will
taker can fill in relevant details. be drooling as respiratory distress worsens.
128. c. The clinical presentation is one of seizures Croup will present with junky-sounding air-
that could occur for a variety of reasons, ways and the classic seal-barking cough.
including diabetes. However, the use of the 138. a. Most childhood cardiac arrests are the result
drug phenobarbital is commonly associated of preventable accidents that result in respi-
with seizure disorders. ratory compromise.
129. b. Phenobarbital is a sedative/anticonvulsant. 139. c. Do not perform a vaginal exam, ask detailed
130. a. Anticonvulsants serve to limit the number of questions about the assault in the field, or
seizures a patient has, but they do not stop allow the patient to change clothes or bathe.
them from occuring altogether. You should not overly clean any wounds you
131. d. The medications listed in choices a, b, and c encounter, but instead wrap them up with
are not indicated for postictal patients who dry sterile dressings. Place any clothing or
have stopped seizing. other evidence removed from the patient in a
132. b. This patient needs to be transported to a clean paper bag and take it with you to the
hospital because medication levels should be hospital.
assessed by laboratory methods. Seizures 140. c. While the other procedures are applicable to
may or may not continue to occur. the treatment of a possible heat stroke vic-
133. c. The ideal helicopter landing zone should be tim, securing the airway and ensuring respi-
at least 100 feet by 100 feet square. Larger rations should occur first.
helicopters may require more room, so 141. a. During pregnancy, a woman’s blood pressure
consult local air medical services if you are usually falls during the first two trimesters
unsure of the size of aircraft used in your and her pulse rate rises.
area. The ground slope should be no more 142. c. A mild systolic murmur in a pregnant
than 10° and the area should be clear of patient whose vital signs are normal is not a
debris, fences, wires, or other obstructions. cause for concern.
134. a. The average 6-year-old weighs about 45

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

143. d. Bright red bleeding in late pregnancy is 153. a. In a tiered system, responders are dispatched
assumed to be placenta previa, which is a true to calls depending upon the nature of the
medical emergency that is life threatening to incident as stated by the 911 caller and evalu-
both mother and baby. Treat the mother for ated by the dispatcher.
shock and transport immediately. 154. a. Safety first! Of the three extrication options,
144. b. The patient shows signs and symptoms of properly trained and protected rescuers can
preeclampsia (or toxemia of pregnancy) and remove the patient safely.
should be transported to the hospital. The dis- 155. c. No matter who is actually providing care or
tinction between eclampsia and preeclampsia giving directions to the responder, ultimate
is the presence of seizures and/or coma. responsibility always rests with the medical
145. a. First, attempt to slip the cord over the baby’s control physician.
head. If this is impossible, you should clamp 156. d. The rhythm identified in Figure 3.1 is third-
the cord in two places and carefully cut it degree AV block.
between the clamps, then continue with the 157. a. Expressed consent means that the patient
delivery. gives you permission to treat him or her,
146. b. The score would consist of one point each either verbally or in writing.
for appearance, pulse rate, grimace, and 158. c. If a person who needs help refuses to accept
respiratory effort, and two points for activity. it, you should try to persuade the person to
147. a. Do not resuscitate or stimulate further until accept aid and explain the consequences of
the meconium is cleared from the respiratory refusing it. Only after doing so should you
tree by direct visualization of the cords. accept and document the refusal of care.
148. c. Apnea and tachycardia may initially be pres- 159. c. Although some details of the medical history,
ent in the newborn, but once they are cor- such as allergies, surgeries, and medications,
rected, you do not need to continue to are relevant, a detailed history is not. Do not
progress further into the inverted pyramid. say the patient’s name over the radio. Esti-
Meconium staining is treated first with suc- mated arrival at the hospital is important, but
tion. The child may or may not require venti- the time of your arrival on the scene is gener-
latory support once it is cleared away. ally not important.
149. d. This patient is exhibiting the classic signs 160. b. The function of the safety officer is to evalu-
and symptoms of croup. ate the scene and make the “go/no go” deci-
150. d. A nebulized saline mist is the appropriate sion for the operation. The safety office is
treatment for croup. Do not interfere with also responsible for continuing to monitor
the airway in case there is any tissue swelling scene safety ­during the operation.
present. 161. c. There is significant opportunity for the loss
151. b. Epiglottitis, a condition whereby the patient’s of airway control for this patient. A lateral
airway can become totally obstructed, is recumbent position will allow passive drain-
related to croup. ing of the airway in case of vomiting, as well
152. b. Ethics refers to rules, standards, and morals as easy access for suctioning.
that govern actions in a profession.

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

162. a. Triage must be done before treatment can be asthma, COPD, pericardial tamponade, pul-
properly performed. In many cases, triage monary embolism or tension pneumotho-
and scene-assessment activities are in prog- rax, the systolic pressure may decrease 10 to
ress by the crew of the first arriving unit. If it 20 mmHg or more during inspiration.
is not ongoing, triage should be established 170. c. Hyperventilation may result in respiratory
first. alkalosis, a harmful condition to the patient.
163. d. The staging officer’s responsibilities include 171. b. Quickly squeezing a BVM may cause enough
coordinating with police, ensuring access for pressure to force air into the esophagus.
vehicles, maintaining a log of available units, Pressing on the stomach may in fact compro-
and coordinating requests for resources. The mise the airway by causing vomiting to
transportation office will establish the stag- occur.
ing area if the incident commander has not 172. b. A patient with a partial laryngectomy has an
already ordered one. ability to exhale through the mouth and
164. c. START stands for Simple Triage And Rapid nose. Therefore, you will have to close them
Treatment and is designed to triage large in order to direct air into the lungs while
numbers of patients as quickly as possible. providing artificial ventilations.
165. a. Regardless of the triage method utilized, the 173. b. Because of the possibility of severe blood
first step is to direct the walking wounded to loss, patients with fractures of the pelvis are
a safe place where they can be cared for and most likely to need immediate transport.
reassessed. 174. b. This is a hazardous-materials incident until
166. b. Using the START triage system, the three pri- proven otherwise. Do not rush in after fallen
mary parameters assessed are respiration, rescuers because you may become a victim, too.
perfusion, and mentation (RPM). The 175. a. Always wear personal protective equipment
parameters are a respiratory rate over or to help avoid becoming personally contami-
under 30 per minute, capillary refill under or nated. Unless you are trained to work in the
over two seconds or presence of a radial hot zone, you should not treat anyone until
pulse, and mentation (e.g., whether the they are properly decontaminated.
patient is able to follow basic commands). 176. a. Wearing a gown is considered part of your
167. d. Delayed stress reaction, or post-traumatic stress BSI precautions with emergency childbirth.
disorder, is characterized by reexperiencing It may be recommended in some circum-
of the traumatic event and diminished stances when cleaning instruments or draw-
responsiveness to everyday life, as well as ing blood, but is not generally needed.
physical and cognitive symptoms. 177. d. Intermediate-level disinfection is used for all
168. b. Duplex can send and receive voice only. UHF instruments and supplies that have come
and VHF are bandwidth frequencies. into contact with intact skin.
169. a. Pulsus paradoxus is an abnormal decrease in 178. b. Hepatitis B is a blood-borne disease that is
systolic blood pressure that drops more than transmitted through contact with blood or
10 to 15 mmHg during inspiration com- body secretions.
pared with expiration. Normally, the systolic
pressure decreases 5 to 10 mmHg during
inspiration, however, in patients with

– Pa r ame d ic P ractic e E xam 1 –

179. a. Exposure to organophosphate is a major 180. b. A large dose of atropine sulfate is used to
concern. Proper isolation procedures are counter­act cholinergic poisoning from
paramount to rescuer safety. Dispose of all organo­phosphates and carbamates.
patient clothing according to Environmental
Protection Agency guidelines.

C h a p t e r

4 Paramedic
Practice Exam 2

Chapt er S ummary
This is the second of four practice exams in this book based on the
National Registry EMT-Paramedic written exam. Having taken one
exam already, you should feel more confident in your ability to pick the
correct answers. Use this test to see how knowing what to expect
makes you feel more prepared.

L ike the first exam in this book, this test is based on that of the National Registry of EMTs.
It should not, however, look just like the first test you took, because now you know more about
how the test is put together. You have seen how different types of questions are presented and
are perhaps beginning to notice patterns in the order of questions. You see that questions on each area are
grouped together. This pattern will help you develop your own test-taking strategy.
If you’re following the advice of this book, you’ve done some studying between the first exam and this
one. This second exam will give you a chance to see how much you’ve improved. We recommend that you
review some more following the grading of this test as well. Don’t just con­centrate your efforts on the mate-
rial you are weak in—factually dense material such as that on the NREMT-Paramedic exam calls for com-
prehensive ­reinforcement.
For this second exam, pay attention to the different types of questions and the relationship between
questions on the same topic. (Also, you might want to try timing yourself to get an idea of how long the
actual test might take you.) The answer sheet follows this page, and the test is followed by the answer key.
Pay attention to the answer explanations in the key, especially for the questions you missed.

– ans w e r sh e e t –

Exam 2

1. a b c d 46. a b c d 91. a b c d
2. a b c d 47. a b c d 92. a b c d
3. a b c d 48. a b c d 93. a b c d
4. a b c d 49. a b c d 94. a b c d
5. a b c d 50. a b c d 95. a b c d
6. a b c d 51. a b c d 96. a b c d
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9. a b c d 54. a b c d 99. a b c d
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14. a b c d 59. a b c d 104. a b c d
15. a b c d 60. a b c d 105. a b c d
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33. a b c d 78. a b c d 123. a b c d
34. a b c d 79. a b c d 124. a b c d
35. a b c d 80. a b c d 125. a b c d
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– A ns w e r sh e e t –

1 a b c d 51.
1 a b c d 66.
1 a b c d
137. a b c d 152. a b c d 167. a b c d
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– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

 P a r a m e d i c E x a m 2 5. With the START triage method, several vital

signs are quickly assessed to determine the
1. Your patient is a 27-year-old male who has order to care for and transport patients.
fallen from a 24-foot ladder. As you are According to the START method, which of the
approaching and forming your general impres- following patients would receive immediate
sion, you note that he is conscious and talking. treatment to support hemodynamic status
What should you do first? without further assessment?
a. Look at his chest to begin assessing the a. male, radial pulse present, skin warm and dry
airway. b. female, radial pulse present, capillary refill
b. Manually stabilize his neck in a neutral time 1 sec
­position. c. male, radial pulse present, skin pale, and
c. Palpate for a radial pulse in an uninjured arm. cyanotic
d. Palpate for a carotid pulse on one side of d. female, radial pulse present, capillary refill
his neck. time 0.5 sec

2. In a motor vehicle crash, which of the follow- 6. A patient in compensatory hemorrhagic shock
ing would be most important to understand in would most likely present with which set of
relation to the force of collision and the poten- vital signs?
tial for injury? a. pulse 120 and BP 122/86 mmHg
a. speed at time of impact b. pulse 80 and BP 118/70 mmHg
b. weight of the vehicle c. pulse 64 and BP 72/50 mmHg
c. road conditions at the scene d. pulse 58 and BP 212/120 mmHg
d. condition of the vehicle’s tires
7. A patient has fallen off a 20-foot ladder, strik-
3. You note snoring sounds during your initial ing his back on a railing. He is experiencing
assessment of a semiconscious trauma patient. pain at the injury site and a loss of bladder con-
What is your next step? trol. Which part of the spinal cord is most like
a. Manually stabilize the cervical spine. affected by this mechanism?
b. Perform the chin-lift/jaw-thrust maneuver. a. coccyx
c. Perform the head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver. b. cervical
d. Measure and insert an oropharyngeal airway. c. sacral
d. lumbar
4. A patient with left shoulder pain may have a
a. bowel obstruction.
b. pelvic fracture.
c. pneumothorax.
d. ruptured spleen.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

8. An unrestrained driver of a small car struck a 11. Which of the following is a predisposing factor
tree at high speed. He has a distended abdomen for this patient’s condition?
that is tender when palpated. Vital signs are a. hypotension
pulse, 120 beats per minute; respirations, 20 b. hypertension
per minute; and blood pressure, 116/90 mmHg. c. angina pectoris
What would be the most likely cause of the d. myocardial infarction
abdominal tenderness?
a. bacterial peritonitis 12. Which of the following medications may be
b. abdominal muscle strain ordered by medical control to treat this patient?
c. organ damage a. dopamine
d. seatbelt injury b. atropine sulfate
c. morphine sulfate
9. Where would you expect to see a wound that is d. isoproterenol
described as distal to the knee?
a. hip 13. Progression of this condition may cause
b. stomach a. stroke, pericardial tamponade, acute myo-
c. thigh cardial infarction.
d. calf b. acute arterial occlusion, acute pulmonary
embolism, encephalitis.
Answer questions 10–13 on the basis of the following c. deep venous thrombosis, varicose veins,
information. arterial atherosclerotic disease.
d. arterial atherosclerotic disease, pulmonary
You respond to a 63-year-old male who is complain- embolism, acute arterial occlusion.
ing of sudden onset of extreme substernal chest pain
that, he says, “feels like my insides are tearing.” The 14. Your patient has survived a vehicle rollover in
patient states that the pain radiates to the middle of which another passenger in the vehicle died. He
his back between his shoulder blades. is alert and not complaining of pain. His vital
signs are: pulse, 100; systolic BP, 90; respira-
10. Which condition is this patient most likely suf- tions, 28. What additional procedures are
fering from? required prior to initiating transport?
a. dissecting aortic aneurysm a. Complete a detailed physical exam and sta-
b. abdominal aortic aneurysm bilize his injuries, and then transport.
c. acute arterial occlusion b. Quickly immobilize him using the long
d. acute pulmonary embolism backboard as a splint, and then transport.
c. Perform a focused physical exam, splint all
extremity fractures, and then transport.
d. Immobilize first, complete a focused physi-
cal exam of any injuries, and then transport.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

15. Which statement about motorcycle crashes is 19. Your trauma patient opens her eyes, pulls her
correct? hand away when pinched, and speaks only in
a. They seldom result in severe trauma, unless garbled sounds. What is her Glasgow Coma
the motorcycle is operated at high speeds. Scale score?
b. Helmet use can reduce the incidence and a. 5
severity of head injury. b. 7
c. Helmet use can reduce the incidence and c. 9
severity of spinal injury. d. 11
d. Leather clothing cannot protect the rider
against soft-tissue injury. 20. Your trauma patient is agitated and apprehen-
sive. She is increasingly cyanotic, and breath
16. What is a positive Battle’s sign an indication of? sounds are rapidly diminishing over her left
a. basilar skull fracture lung. She is exhibiting signs and symptoms of
b. orbital skull fracture shock. You should suspect
c. subarachnoid hemorrhage a. hemothorax.
d. cervical spinal trauma b. tension pneumothorax.
c. cardiac tamponade.
17. A contrecoup contusion is a brain injury that d. flail chest.
a. results from cerebral edema at the site of
impact. 21. A child has third-degree burns over the front of
b. causes subdural or epidural hematoma her trunk and the entire front of her right leg.
formation. According to the rule of nines, what percentage
c. is on the opposite side of the head from the of her body surface area is affected?
impact site. a. 18 21 %
d. results from open skull fracture and brain b. 22 21 %
c. 25%
d. 27%
18. Your patient is a car-crash victim who was
unconscious prior to your arrival but is now
22. Your patient is a 34-year-old woman who has
awake. As you examine the patient, you notice
been in an automobile crash. Her respiratory
that he is becoming disoriented. What should
rate is 34 with normal chest wall expansion;
you suspect?
systolic blood pressure is 78; capillary refill is
a. basilar skull fracture
delayed; and her Glasgow Coma Scale score is
b. epidural hematoma formation
10. This patient’s Revised Trauma Score score is
c. concussion with awakening
a. 5.
d. inner-ear injury
b. 6.
c. 9.
d. 10.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

23. Which group of vital sign changes is associated 26. When caring for a patient with a pulmonary
with Cushing’s reflex? contusion, it is essential not to
a. decreased blood pressure, decreased pulse a. place the patient in a supine position.
rate, decreased respiratory rate, decreased b. overinflate the patient’s lungs.
temperature c. overload the patient with IV fluids.
b. increased blood pressure, decreased pulse d. perform an endotracheal intubation.
rate, decreased respiratory rate, increased
temperature 27. What does ascites refer to?
c. decreased blood pressure, increased pulse a. chronic alcoholism
rate, increased respiratory rate, decreased b. fluid in the abdomen
temperature c. severe abdominal pain
d. increased blood pressure, increased pulse d. a ruptured aortic aneurysm
rate, increased respiratory rate, increased
temperature 28. Which type of hepatitis is spread via the fecal
or oral route?
24. Which of the following is the best way to exam- a. hepatitis A
ine a patient with abdominal pain? b. hepatitis B
a. Begin palpation at the spot indicated as c. hepatitis C
being the most painful. d. hepatitis D
b. Begin palpation of all four quadrants ending
with the painful area. 29. Your patient is a 60-year-old woman who has
c. Begin auscultation and percussion away fallen down her front steps and has possibly
from the site of the pain. fractured her ankle. Which assessment finding
d. Begin auscultation and percussion at the site may be considered abnormal in this patient?
of the pain. a. altered mental status
b. respirations regular
25. You suspect that a trauma patient has a pelvic c. pulse 68 and regular
injury. She is cool and diaphoretic, with a heart d. blood pressure 128/86
rate of 134 and blood pressure of 100/72. Which
of the following procedures is most appropriate 30. Which of the following drugs does not
in the management of her condition? commonly cause toxicity in elderly patients?
a. two large bore IVs run wide open a. lidocaine
b. application of the PASG b. nitroglycerin
c. Transport in a position of comfort. c. digitalis
d. Perform the detailed assessment prior to d. theophylline

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

31. Which dysrhythmia is considered normal in an 35. Which of the following factors would normally
athletic adult? cause a decrease in a patient’s respiratory rate?
a. sinus bradycardia a. anxiety
b. sinus arrest b. sleep
c. atrial fibrillation c. fever
d. first-degree AV block d. hypoxia

32. Which statement about the vital signs of a 36. While ventilating a patient with a bag-valve
patient with an AMI is correct? mask, you note decreasing compliance. How
a. Respiratory and pulse rates will be elevated, should you react to this finding?
while blood pressure will be depressed. a. Stop using the bag-valve mask and intubate
b. Vital signs are insignificant because manage- the patient.
ment depends on the underlying heart b. Request permission to sedate the patient
rhythm. with morphine.
c. Vital signs vary greatly since they are related c. Assess the cause of this finding and try to
to the area and extent of cardiac damage. correct it.
d. Elevated respiratory and pulse rates are gen- d. Continue ventilation with BVM; this is a
erally associated with a favorable prognosis. normal finding.

33. A patient has been stabbed in the back. Which 37. What would a pulse oximetry reading of 88%
of the following signs would most likely make indicate for your patient with acute respiratory
you suspect that the patient has a kidney distress?
injury? a. normal oxygenation
a. abdominal tenderness b. mild hypoxia
b. hematuria c. moderate hypoxia
c. thirst d. severe hypoxia
d. ecchymosis to the flank
38. The primary use of the Magill forceps in the
34. Your patient is a 24-year-old female who shows field is to
signs and symptoms of pelvic inflammatory a. directly remove a visible foreign-body
disease. What is the goal of prehospital care for obstruction.
this patient? b. open the airway of a patient with suspected
a. Begin definitive therapy on the scene prior neck trauma.
to initiating your transport. c. move the tongue aside during attempts at
b. Perform a complete physical exam to iden- intubation.
tify associated medical problems. d. aid in removal of an esophageal obturator
c. Make the patient as comfortable as possible airway in the field.
and transport to the hospital.
d. Begin the identification of all the patient’s
previous sexual contacts.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

39. Which of the following signs most likely indi- 43. A pregnant patient complains of painful, irreg-
cates imminent birth? ular labor contractions. The patient states that
a. painful uterine contractions she is 37 weeks pregnant and her amniotic
b. urge to have a bowel movement membranes ruptured two days ago. Based on
c. ruptured membranes this information, you would
d. dilation of the cervix a. perform a field delivery.
b. initiate immediate transport.
40. Which of the following is a sign of esophageal c. inform the patient that she is experiencing
intubation? Braxton-Hicks contractions.
a. air leak heard over the trachea d. tell the patient to call when her contractions
b. breath sounds absent on the left become regular.
c. bilateral chest wall expansion
d. abdominal movement with ventilation 44. What is the primary treatment of metabolic
Answer questions 41 and 42 on the basis of the follow- a. having the patient rebreathe his or her own
ing information. carbon dioxide
b. ventilating the patient adequately with
You are called to the home of a 68-year-old female ­oxygen
who is complaining of severe dyspnea. She states c. administering sodium bicarbonate IV 1.0
that it started about 45 minutes ago and has been mEq/kg
getting progressively worse. She has a cardiac his- d. determining and treating the underlying
tory but denies chest pain at this time. Her breath- cause
ing is very congested. During your assessment, you
notice accessory muscle use and rales bilaterally. 45. Which drug is an example of a beta 2 agonist?
a. aminophylline
41. Which of the following conditions is this b. ipratropium
patient most likely suffering from? c. labetalol
a. pulmonary embolism d. albuterol
b. acute pulmonary edema
c. pneumonia 46. What is the condition that is present when the
d. lung cancer pleural space expands because air enters from
an interior wound?
42. In addition to oxygen, this patient should also a. a closed pneumothorax
be treated with which of the following b. an open pneumothorax
­medications? c. a tension pneumothorax
a. albuterol d. traumatic asphyxia
b. dopamine
c. lidocaine
d. morphine sulfate

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

47. Which of the following statements is true in 50. What is the primary treatment for a patient
regard to the prehospital management of a very with chronic emphysema who is not
ill neonate? severely hypoxic?
a. Early placement of a tracheal tube is critical a. ventilating with high-flow oxygen via mask
in early respiratory distress. b. administering low-flow oxygen via cannula
b. High-flow oxygen carries a risk of oxygen c. nasotracheal intubation and high-flow ­oxygen
toxicity. d. orotracheal intubation and high-flow oxygen
c. Interventions should be reassessed at
30-second intervals. 51. Epinephrine 1:1,000 may be indicated in
d. Allow the parent to hold the infant during a. asthma.
treatment. b. epiglottitis.
c. pertussis.
48. What does the term stridor refer to? d. emphysema.
a. a rattling sound associated with fluid in the
upper airway 52. You are on the scene of a vehicle crash involv-
b. a whistling sound heard upon expiration in ing a bus. As triage officer, the first patient you
asthma patients encounter is sitting on the ground, conscious,
c. a gurgling sound resulting from fluid in the confused, and breathing 40 times per minute.
lower airways She states that she was thrown out of her seat
d. a high-pitched sound upon inspiration from and struck the side of her head. Your next
airway obstruction action would be to
a. apply oxygen by nonrebreather mask.
49. A patient who is 37 weeks pregnant is having b. check the radial pulse rate.
contractions and states that her water broke c. classify the patient as “Immediate” (red).
about 20 minutes ago. The vaginal exam reveals d. apply a “Hold” (green) triage tag.
that the baby’s foot is present in the birth canal.
Your next action would be to Answer questions 53–55 on the basis of the following
a. move the patient to the cot and initiate rapid information.
b. turn the mother onto her stomach and pre- You are called to the home of a 17-year-old female
pare for a field delivery. who was found by her parents hanging from a rope
c. apply downward pressure on the symphysis in the garage. The patient was cut down by her
pubis to delay delivery. father approximately six minutes prior to your
d. place the mother on her left side and pre- arrival, but she is unconscious and unresponsive to
pare for a field delivery. pain or voice. She is breathing spontaneously but
has coarse inspiratory stridor.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

53. What is the most probable cause of the inspira- 57. A critically traumatized 18-year-old male is
tory stridor? entrapped. It will be at least 15 minutes before
a. a trachea that is crushed or torn he is freed. The community hospital is 20 min-
b. a cervical spine lesion from trauma utes away by ground. A medical helicopter can
c. bronchoconstriction due to trauma be to the scene in eight minutes. A Level I
c. a foreign-body airway obstruction trauma center is one hour away by ground.
Given the situation, which is the best mode of
54. Upon examination of the patient’s upper chest transport for this patient?
and neck, you note the presence of a large swol- a. Transport the patient by ground to the com-
len area that extends from her throat to her munity hospital, and then transfer the
shoulder. When you press on this area, you feel patient to the trauma center by air.
crackles under the skin. What is this condition b. Transport the patient by ground to the
called? Level I trauma center.
a. traumatic asphyxia c. Fly the patient from the scene to the com-
b. laryngeal crepitus munity hospital.
c. subcutaneous emphysema d. Fly the patient from the scene to the Level I
d. subcutaneous embolism trauma center.

55. Which of the following is an appropriate treat- 58. What is the first sign of laryngeal edema in a
ment for this patient? patient suffering from anaphylaxis?
a. crychothyrotomy or trastracheal jet a. wheezing
­insufflation b. coughing
b. airway management by the least invasive c. hoarseness
means d. dyspnea
c. larygoscopy to determine the extent of
­damage 59. What does the disease process of emphysema
d. administer epinephrine to reverse airway cause within the lung tissues?
swelling a. a buildup of fluid due to increased capillary
56. Your partner and you are evaluating a patient b. deflation of a portion of the lung due to the
experiencing a behavioral emergency. Your rupture of a bleb
patient is visibly upset and is pacing back and c. bronchoconstriction due to increased airway
forth. He is verbally confrontational, and his resistance
hands are in fists. At times, he displays aggres- d. a loss of elasticity in the alveoli due to pro-
sive actions, both physical and verbal. Which of longed insult
the following actions is most appropriate for
this situation?
a. Observe the scene for danger.
b. Conduct a patient assessment.
c. Obtain information from bystanders.
d. Physically restrain the patient.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

Answer questions 60–65 on the basis of the following 62. A patient with the symptoms and history
information. described may exhibit which of the following
symptoms prior to an acute onset?
You are called to the home of a 78-year-old male a. orthostatic hypotension
who is having difficulty breathing. The patient is b. paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
sitting upright in a tripod position and you note c. cough and fever
profound accessory muscle use. His skin is pale, cool, d. headache
and clammy. Vital signs are: blood pressure, 180/72;
heart rate, 90; and respiratory rate, 40. Breathing is 63. Priorities for the management of this patient
shallow and labored with a coarse rattling sound include all of the following except
during expiration. Auscultation reveals coarse rales a. decreasing venous return to the heart.
to the nipple line with no air movement in the bases. b. increasing venous return to the heart.
The patient can speak only in one- or two-word sen- c. decreasing myocardial oxygen demand.
tences. Family members inform you that the patient d. improving oxygenation and ventilation.
was sleeping when this episode began and that this
has happened several times since his AMI one year 64. This patient would most likely benefit from
ago. He has mild pedal edema and neck veins are which of the following?
nondistended. His family first noticed the patient a. moving him to a supine position
having dyspnea about 25–30 minutes ago. b. assisting him in walking to the ambulance
c. having him breathe deeply into a paper bag
60. This patient is exhibiting the signs and symp- d. giving him intermittent positive pressure
toms of which of the following diseases? ventilation
a. chronic bronchitis
b. emphysema 65. If this patient were experiencing right-side
c. congestive heart failure heart failure, you would expect to find all of the
d. status asthmaticus following symptoms except
a. tachycardia.
61. Which of the following medication should be b. profound peripheral edema.
used for this patient? c. jugular venous distention.
a. albuterol d. syncope.
b. nitrous oxide
c. dobutaine 66. When performing water-related rescues, use of
d. morphine sulfate personal flotation device is required when
a. the water is greater than three feet deep.
b. rough water is present.
c. the rescuer weighs less than 150 pounds.
d. the rescuer enters any and all water.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

67. An isotonic solution is one that 71. An injury to the ligaments surrounding a joint
a. has an electrolyte composition like that of that is marked by pain, swelling, and bruising
blood plasma. is called
b. is used only in patients who are severely a. a sprain.
dehydrated. b. a strain.
c. has a higher solute composition than the c. a dislocation.
body cells. d. arthritis.
d. has a lower solute composition than the
body cells. 72. When administering IV fluids to a trauma
patient, it is critical to continuously monitor
68. What is the most common cause of cardiogenic which vital sign?
shock? a. breath sounds
a. cervical spinal cord injury b. capillary refill
b. severe allergic reaction c. blood pressure
c. left ventricular failure d. pupillary response
d. internal or external hemorrhage
73. Why is morphine sulfate used in the manage-
69. The use of PASG/MAST is indicated for which ment of AMI patients?
of the following conditions? a. to help distinguish between angina pectoris
a. to control uterine bleeding in a pregnant and AMI
patient with abruptio placentae b. to relieve pain and reduce myocardial oxy-
b. to prevent shock in a patient with uncon- gen demand
trollable bleeding in the neck c. to decrease the likelihood of ventricular
c. to support the respiratory efforts of a dysrhythmias
patient with severe dyspnea d. as an alternative therapy for patients allergic
d. to stabilize lower-extremity fractures in a to lidocaine
hypotensive patient
74. Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND) is
70. A patient has been violently beaten. Which of ­commonly a sign of which of the following
the following statements is true surrounding ­conditions?
the care provided by EMS? a. myocardial infarction
a. Evidence preservation is the first priority. b. ruptured aortic aneurysm
b. Latex gloves will prevent you from smudg- c. left-side heart failure
ing fingerprints. d. right-side heart failure
c. Statements made by the patient should be
recorded in the report.
d. Bloody clothing should be placed in plastic

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

75. Management of left-side heart failure includes 79. A 52-year-old male has been ejected from a car.
high-flow oxygen, IV of crystalloid solution, He is apneic, with a slow pulse palpated at the
ECG monitoring, and the administration of femoral artery. Which of the following proce-
which pharamcological agents? dures would best manage this patient’s airway?
a. beta blockers and furosemide a. Nasotracheally intubate the patient.
b. morphine sulfate and nitroglycerin b. Ventilate with the bag-valve mask and attach
c. nifedipine and sodium nitroprusside to high-flow oxygen.
d. labetalol and norepinephrine c. Apply a nonrebreather mask with high-flow
76. You are inserting the tracheal tube when you d. Perform immediate orotracheal intubation.
begin to hear the sound of the patient’s breath-
ing. Your next action would be to 80. Vagal maneuvers are used to treat which type
a. inflate the distal cuff and secure the tube. of dysrhythmias?
b. wait for the patient to inhale and insert the a. premature atrial contractions
tube farther. b. ventricular tachycardia
c. pull back on the tube and secure with tape. c. atrial fibrillation or flutter
d. attach an end-tidal CO2 detector to confirm d. paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
81. Which part of the ECG tracing reflects repolar-
77. What is the initial electrical treatment for a ization of the ventricles?
patient with third-degree AV block who is a. P wave
symptomatic? b. QRS complex
a. insertion of a demand pacemaker c. R wave
b. unsynchronized cardioversion d. T wave
c. transcutaneous cardiac pacing
d. synchronized cardioversion 82. The length of the normal P-R interval is
a. 0.04–0.12 seconds.
78. A patient suspected of having an abdominal b. 0.12–0.20 seconds.
aortic aneurysm will receive oxygen, an IV, c. 0.20–0.28 seconds.
ECG monitoring, and rapid transport as part d. 0.28–0.36 seconds.
of his or her treatment. What else should you
do when treating such a patient? 83. A 3-year-old female is unresponsive and not
a. apply the PASG/MAST garment breathing. Parents state that she was eating
b. carefully palpate the abdomen grapes when she suddenly made a high-pitched
c. administer dopamine or dobutamine whistling noise and turned blue. Your immedi-
d. administer SL nifedipine ate action would be
a. provide back blows and chest thrusts.
b. start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
c. perform endotracheal intubation.
d. perform abdominal thrusts.

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84. While assessing a patient complaining of diffi- 89. Which of the following is often the first sign of
culty breathing, you note an altered mental sta- the onset of the development of a potentially
tus, stridor, chest tightness, and tachycardia. lethal dysrhythmia in an MI patient?
Based on these symptoms, you should suspect a. changing pulse rate
which of the following conditions? b. increasing pain
a. cerebrovascular accident c. loss of consciousness
b. emphysema d. narrowing pulse pressure
c. an asthma attack
d. anaphylaxis 90. Why are easing anxiety and relieving pain con-
sidered major goals for prehospital care of MI
85. In a patient with ventricular tachycardia, the patients?
QRS complex is a. The onset of either may signal the develop-
a. absent during the cardiac cycle. ment of a lethal dysrhythmia.
b. 0.04 and 0.12 seconds in duration. b. Anxiety and pain often mask underlying
c. greater than 0.12 seconds and bizarre in shape. symptoms of cardiogenic shock.
d. shorter than 0.04 seconds and flattened. c. They may prevent the patient from cooper-
ating with additional treatments.
86. A patient with nonperfusing ventricular tachy- d. Both anxiety and pain increase heart rate
cardia would receive the same treatment as a and myocardial oxygen demand.
patient with which other rhythm?
a. ventricular fibrillation 91. Dopamine can be used to
b. perfusing ventricular tachycardia a. decrease oxygen demand.
c. atrial tachycardia b. increase cardiac output.
d. asystole c. reduce blood pressure.
d. prevent dysrhythmias.
87. Which of the following indicates that an AMI
patient is developing cardiogenic shock? 92. A patient is short of breath after impact with
a. increasing pain the steering wheel in a motor vehicle crash.
b. narrowing pulse pressure Breath sounds are diminished on the left.
c. falling blood pressure Which of the following conditions is most
d. sinus bradycardia likely the cause of the patient’s complaint?
a. simple pneumothorax
88. Which of the following are signs and symp- b. tension pneumothorax
toms of right-side heart failure? c. pulmonary contusion
a. tachycardia, peripheral edema, and jugular d. cardiac tamponade
vein distention
b. bradycardia, carotid bruits, and falling blood
c. respiratory distress, hypoxia, and cyanosis
d. chest pain, pulmonary edema, and anxiety

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

93. Which of the following is a possible cause of 97. In addition to oxygen, what is the first-line
pulseless electrical activity? pharmacologic agent used for the treatment of
a. right-side heart failure malignant PVCs?
b. tachycardia a. lidocaine
c. hypovolemia b. bretylium
d. hypokalemia c. procainamide
d. magnesium sulfate
94. Some treatments for suspected MI patients
mask the elevated cardiac enzyme levels that 98. Which of these following rhythms might indi-
are used to diagnose MI in the hospital setting. cate a need for cardioversion?
To prevent this, you should not administer a. atrial fibrillation at a rate of 120
a. transcutaneous pacing. b. junctional tachycardia at a rate of 120
b. any drugs via the IM route. c. wandering atrial pacemaker at a rate of 120
c. any nebulized beta agonists. d. ventricular tachycardia at a rate of 120
d. diazepam or morphine sulfate IV.
99. Your patient, who has had a recent tracheos-
95. Your patient is a 67-year-old male who is com- tomy, tried to remove himself from the ventila-
plaining of chest pain. The chest pain contin- tor and dislodged the trach cannula.
ues after two doses of nitroglycerin. He reports Subcutaneous emphysema is now evident.
a history of angina and says that all his previ- What should you do next?
ous attacks have been relieved by nitroglycerin. a. Remove the tracheostomy and attempt to
How should you treat this patient? reinsert it.
a. Take a detailed history to determine why b. Remove the tracheostomy tube and insert an
this episode is different. endotracheal tube.
b. Treat the patient as though he is having an c. Deflate the tracheostomy cuff and ventilate
AMI and transport rapidly. around it with a BVM.
c. Look for signs and symptoms of decreased d. Continue to ventilate the patient through
perfusion or cardiogenic shock. the tracheostomy tube.
d. Assume that his medication has expired and
give two more doses from yours. Answer questions 100–102 on the basis of the follow-
ing information.
96. What is the most common complication of an
acute myocardial infarction? You are called by the police department to a
a. the onset of cardiogenic shock neighbor­hood where you encounter a male patient
b. occurrence of unstable angina approximately 20–30 years old. The police officer
c. the onset of a dysrhythmia states that neighbors called because the patient was
d. increased intermittent chest pain “freaking out.” Witnesses say they saw him smoking
something just before he started acting in a bizarre
manner. During your assessment, you notice that
the patient is hyperactive and anxious. His pupils
are dilated, and he is hypertensive and tachycardic.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

100. This patient is most likely experiencing 104. A patient is complaining of chest pressure and
a. insulin shock. shortness of breath. He has jugular venous
b. cocaine inhalation. distension and pedal edema. His lung sounds
c. narcotic inhalation. are clear and equal. Which of the following
d. delirium tremens. conditions most likely cause these findings?
a. left-side heart failure
101. The appropriate treatment for this patient con- b. right-side heart failure
sists of oxygen, IV, ECG monitoring, and c. pulmonary embolus
a. transport. d. cardiac asthma
b. naloxone.
c. activated charcoal. 105. Your patient has a suspected hand injury. How
d. syrup of ipecac. can you best immobilize the hand in the posi-
tion of function?
102. When treating this patient, you should be pre- a. Tape it flat against the chest with the fingers
pared for which of the following complications? extended outward together.
a. tachycardia and septic shock b. Put the arm into a sling and swathe and
b. CNS depression and hypoglycemia allow the hand to dangle naturally.
c. dysrhythmias and seizures c. Place a roll of gauze bandage into the palm
d. bradycardia and tachypnea and secure the hand to a splint.
d. Secure the hand to a padded splint with the
103. Your patient is in respiratory distress. He is hand clenched into a fist.
exhibiting jugular venous distension. Crackles
are auscultated throughout his lung fields. He 106. When splinting a limb with a suspected frac-
is tachycardic, hypertensive, and tachypneic. ture, one caregiver applies the splint while
Which of the following sets of treatment is another
indicated for this patient’s presentation? a. holds the limb and monitors distal pulse,
a. oxygen, morphine sulfate IM, intravenous motor, and sensation.
line at 30 cc/hour, and 40 mg furosemide IV b. calms, reassures, and provides emotional
b. oxygen, intravenous line at 30 cc/hour, support to the patient.
nitroglycerin sL, and 40 mg furosemide IV c. checks for limb alignment and administers
c. oxygen, saline lock, and 2 mg morphine sul- high-flow oxygen.
fate IV d. gets the stretcher or other supplies and
d. oxygen, sublingual nitroglycerin, and 40 mg monitors vital signs.
furosemide IM

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107. You are caring for a patient whose finger was 111. Diabetic patients may develop hypoglycemia if
just cut off in an accident. What should you do they take too much insulin or if they
with the amputated finger? a. exercise too much with limited food intake.
a. Place the severed finger in a plastic bag and b. overeat and do not exercise enough.
immerse the bag in cold water. c. sit in a chair for prolonged periods of time.
b. Immerse the severed finger directly into a d. inject their insulin directly into a vein.
pail of ice-cold normal saline solution.
c. Bandage the severed finger in sterile gauze 112. With which of the following conditions is cen-
and place it in a plastic bag with ice. tral neurogenic hyperventilation commonly
d. Bandage the hand with the severed finger associated?
placed back into its normal position. a. diabetes mellitus
b. CNS trauma
108. Which of the following is not characteristic c. pulmonary edema
of a mild or moderate pit viper envenomation? d. COPD
a. bruising located around the wound site
b. systemic effects like nausea or vomiting 113. A patient is in respiratory distress. She has a
c. localized edema at the wound site valid DNR order. Which of the following treat-
d. little or no pain felt by the patient ments is correct?
a. Nothing should be done to the patient in
109. How should you treat a patient who has sus- this situation.
tained dry lime burns to the hand and arm? b. Provide oxygen and a nebulized albuterol
a. Use a neutralizing acid to offset the effect of treatment.
the chemical burn. c. Administer 2 L of oxygen via a nasal cannula.
b. Brush the lime away and then flood the skin d. Initiate a direct laryngoscopy and intubation.
with cool water.
c. Immediately immerse the injured limb in a 114. You have secured the airway and immobilized
pail of cold water. the cervical spine for your patient with an
d. Use alcohol to dissolve the lime, and then altered mental status. What is your next prior-
flood with cool water. ity of care?
a. Draw blood for glucose assessment and
110. A patient in a very early stage of hypoglycemia establish an IV.
may complain of b. Assess DCAP-BTLS, looking for any hidden
a. drowsiness. injuries.
b. dry mouth. c. Administer naloxone via the IV and IM glu-
c. nausea. cagon.
d. hunger. d. Hyperventilate with O2 and administer

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

115. You are called to the home of a 36-year-old man 118. Which of the following patients is considered
who is having a seizure. His wife reports that he to be at high risk for a heat-related emergency?
has not taken his “seizure pills” lately and that a. 29-year-old amputee
he has now had three seizures in a row without b. 48-year-old police officer
regaining consciousness. You have secured the c. 17-year-old athlete
airway and are now ventilating with the bag- d. 78-year-old diabetic
valve mask. What should you do next?
a. Draw blood, administer dextrose, and trans- 119. A late sign of hypoxia in children is
port immediately. a. tachypnea.
b. Monitor blood glucose level and administer b. hypotension.
naloxone and thiamine. c. tachycardia.
c. Secure the patient to a long spine board d. bradycardia.
until the seizures are over.
d. Begin an IV, monitor cardiac rhythm, and 120. What is the most important treatment consid-
administer diazepam. eration for a patient who is suffering from
decompression sickness?
116. What is the primary treatment for severe ana- a. Have suction equipment ready because
phylaxis in an adult? vomiting is common.
a. 0.3–0.5 mg of epinephrine 1:10,000 given b. Monitor the ECG and be prepared to defi-
intravenously brillate as necessary.
b. 0.1–0.3 mg of epinephrine 1:10,000 given c. Provide high-concentration oxygen with a
subcutaneously nonrebreather mask.
c. 0.3–0.5 mg of epinephrine 1:1,000 given d. Administer Nitronox or morphine sulfate as
intravenously needed to control pain.
d. 0.1–0.3 mg of epinephrine 1:1,000 given
subcutaneously 121. When interviewing patients who are distraught
or potentially violent, you should do all of the
117. An adult patient has overdosed on an unknown following except
medication in a suicide attempt. She is alert, a. remove the patient from the crisis situation
oriented, and refusing treatment and transport. as quickly as possible.
What is your most appropriate next action? b. encourage the patient to explain the situa-
a. Obtain a signed refusal from the patient. tion in his or her own words.
b. Advise the patient that she will die if not c. firmly tell the patient whenever he or she is
treated. distorting reality.
c. Restrain her and transport to the emergency d. avoid arguing with or shouting at the person
department. who is distraught.
d. Consult with medical direction to transport
the patient.

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122. What term best describes a patient who talks Answer questions 126 and 127 on the basis of the fol-
nonstop and is restless and overactive? lowing information.
a. manic
b. depressed You respond to a 56-year-old male who appears to
c. demented be intoxicated. He is belligerent and disoriented and
d. schizophrenic has a laceration on his forehead. You have made
several attempts to convince him of the need for
123. Lifting improperly may most likely result in an treatment, but he refuses treatment or transport.
injury to which part of the back?
a. cervical 126. Given this situation, you should
b. thoracic a. let him sign a refusal form and return to
c. lumbar ­service.
d. sacral b. call medical direction for advice and
124. After experiencing a sudden syncopal episode, c. transport the patient against his will in
a 41-year-old female is complaining of pleuritic restraints.
chest pain and shortness of breath. Her vital d. bandage the laceration, then leave the scene.
signs are RR = 28, P = 126, and BP = 88/60.
The pulse oximeter reads 89% on high-flow 127. Regardless of any of the options considered in
oxygen. Her breath sounds are clear. Which of the previous question, the patient continues to
the following conditions best describes the insist he does not need medical attention. In
patient’s signs and symptoms? this situation, which of the following is most
a. pulmonary embolism important?
b. pulmonary edema a. Obtain a signed refusal form and return to
c. chronic bronchitis service as soon as possible.
d. acute asthma b. Continue to insist that the patient accom-
pany you to the hospital for care.
125. What is the management for a patient with a c. Properly document your advice to the
head injury and an unusual respiratory pattern? patient and his continued refusal.
a. positioning in the left lateral recumbent d. Restrain the patient in the supine position
position and transport him immediately.
b. administration of oxygen and
c. rapid transport because of possible brain
stem injury
d. intubation and hyperventilation to
reduce ICP

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

Figure 4.1

128. You are called to treat a patient who is uncon- 130. A 64-year-old male complains of weakness and
scious and responsive to painful stimuli only. dizziness. He is anxious, with a patent airway
Which of the following treatment modalities is with adequate breathing. The pulse is rapid and
appropriate for this patient? skin cool and diaphoretic. Auscultation of the
a. 25 gm of 50% dextrose slow IV push, 2 mg lung reveals bilateral rales. His vital signs are
naloxone IV, and transport to a detoxifica- pulse, 156; respirations, 28 per minute; blood
tion center pressure, 82/60 mmHg; and SpO2 92%. His
b. blood glucose test, dextrose (if indicated), ECG is depicted in Figure 4.1.
thiamine, monitor, oxygen, IV, and rapid The best treatment for this patient is to
transport a. decrease the atrial rate.
c. oxygen, IV fluid bolus titrated to a systolic b. restore a normal sinus rhythm.
BP of 100–110 mmHg, naloxone, and rapid c. decrease the ventricular rate.
transport d. increase cardiac contractility.
d. 1,000 cc Ringer’s lactate IV, oxygen, ECG
monitoring, and transport to an emergency 131. Which of the following statements regarding a
department spontaneous pneumothorax is true?
a. It usually requires prehospital chest
129. During a basketball game, an 18-year-old male decompression.
is complaining of sudden shortness of breath b. It is usually limited to only 20% of the lung
and sharp chest pain that increases with inspi- and is well tolerated by the patient.
ration. He is alert, warm, and diaphoretic. His c. It often progresses to a tension pneumothorax
vital signs are RR = 24, P = 100, and BP = if not relieved.
122/84. His breath sounds are diminished in d. It usually occurs in individuals more than
the lower right lung field. He denies any medi- 50 years of age who are otherwise healthy.
cal history, does not smoke, and takes no medi-
cation. Which of the following conditions best
describes the patient’s signs and symptoms?
a. pulmonary embolism
b. simple pneumothorax
c. asthma
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132. The best place to assess for cyanosis in an 135. What is your first course of action for this
infant or child is the patient?
a. oral mucosa. a. Place her on the stretcher in high Fowler’s or
b. nail beds. comfortable position and examine her for
c. soles of the feet. crowning.
d. area around the eyes. b. Place her in the left-lateral recumbent posi-
tion, apply oxygen, and transport her
133. Your patient is a 4-year-old girl who awoke in ­immediately.
the middle of the night with a cough that her c. Call her obstetrician and advise him or her
mother describes as sounding “like a seal bark- that the birth is imminent.
ing.” The patient feels more comfortable sitting d. Place her in position of comfort with a sani-
up. Vital signs are: respirations, 26/min; pulse, tary napkin over her vagina and transport
100; temperature, 101° F. On physical exam, you rapidly.
hear stridor on inspiration. From this scenario,
you should suspect which condition? 136. Your patient suddenly tells you she feels some-
a. airway obstruction thing slippery between her legs. Upon visual
b. croup examination, you notice a two-inch segment of
c. epiglottitis the umbilical cord protruding from the vagina.
d. asthma What is this condition called?
a. prolapsed cord
134. What volume of fluid bolus should be given b. abruptio umbilicus
initially to a severely dehydrated child? c. placenta previa
a. 20 mL/kg d. abruptio previa
b. 30 mL/kg
c. 40 mL/kg 137. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate
d. 50 mL/kg treatment option for this patient?
a. Provide high-flow oxygen and rapidly trans-
Answer questions 135–138 on the basis of the follow- port the mother in the knee-chest position.
ing information. b. Take pressure off the cord by placing your
fingers into the vagina and gently lifting the
You are called to the home of a 21-year-old female infant.
in active labor. She is two weeks from her expected c. Wrap the cord in a moist sterile dressing,
due date and is having contractions of 1.5 minutes provide supplemental oxygen, and transport
duration, which are three minutes apart. This is her quickly.
second pregnancy. Her first child was delivered vag- d. Place the mother in the right-lateral recum-
inally at full term. bent position, and ­transport immediately.

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138. You are ready to transport this patient. If the 141. What does the term effacement refer to?
umbilical cord is still exposed, how can you use a. the direction the fetus is facing during the
it to evaluate the infant’s perfusion? birth
a. Gently feel the cord for pulsations to deter- b. the position of the fetus in the uterus prior
mine the infant’s heart rate. to birth
b. Determine the infant’s temperature by feel- c. thinning of the cervix during the first stage
ing the cord for changes. of labor
c. Look at the umbilical cord for color changes, d. opening of the cervix during the last stage of
with blue indicating hypoxia. labor
d. Attach a pulse oximetry lead to the cord and
determine the oxygen saturation. 142. Your patient is a 33-year-old woman who is
nine months pregnant. She complains of severe
139. You arrive at the scene of an imminent delivery abdominal pain and abdominal tenderness. She
in the field. The first responder, who called for reports there is no vaginal bleeding at this time.
assistance, reports that the patient is a 32-year- What should you should suspect?
old female who is “G4, P3.” What does this mean? a. abruptio placentae
a. The patient is pregnant for the seventh time b. placenta previa
and has three living children. c. threatened abortion
b. The patient’s cervix has dilated a total of d. preeclampsia
four centimeters in three hours.
c. The patient has been pregnant four times 143. Which of the following signs and symptoms
and delivered three live children. would be present in a pregnant patient with
d. The patient has had four rounds of contrac- preeclampsia?
tions timed three minutes apart. a. high blood pressure, normal pulse rate, and
respiratory rate
140. Your patient is a 28-year-old female who b. high blood pressure, headaches, edema, and
reports that she is nine weeks pregnant. She is visual disturbances
complaining of severe abdominal pain, shoul- c. high blood pressure, edema, excessive weight
der pain, and vaginal bleeding. Vital signs are gain, and seizures
within normal limits, and a physical exam d. high blood pressure, abdominal pain, and
reveals tenderness in the lower-left quadrant. bright-red bleeding
What should you suspect is occuring?
a. uterine rupture 144. When does the third stage of labor begin?
b. ectopic pregnancy a. when contractions are five minutes apart
c. spontaneous abortion b. when the cervix is fully dilated
d. abruptio placentae c. immediately upon the birth of the baby
d. as the placenta is delivered

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145. What is the correct procedure for cutting the Answer questions 150–152 on the basis of the follow-
umbilical cord after the birth of the baby? ing information.
a. Milk the cord of all blood and cut it no
more than 5 cm from the infant. You respond to a 2-year-old female who is postictal
b. Clamp the cord close to the infant and cut it following seizure activity. The patient’s parents
between the infant and the clamp. report that the child was sleeping when she began
c. Clamp the cord in two places and cut it near to shake and turn blue. She has had a runny nose,
the infant and near the placenta. but she has had no medications lately. There is no
d. Clamp the cord in two places 5 cm apart and history of seizures.
cut it between the clamps.
150. This patient is most likely suffering from which
146. What is the appropriate range for the heart rate condition?
of a healthy neonate immediately after birth? a. juvenile diabetes
a. 80–100 beats per minute b. a hypoglycemic seizure
b. 100–120 beats per minute c. an anaphylactic seizure
c. 120–150 beats per minute d. a febrile seizure
d. 150–180 beats per minute
151. Which of the following vital signs would you
147. What does the presence of meconium on the expect this patient to have?
neonate or in the amniotic fluid indicate? a. increased body temperature, tachycardia,
a. The infant may have been distressed. and tachypnea
b. The infant was born prematurely. b. normal temperature, normal blood pressure,
c. The infant will need resuscitation. and bradycardia
d. The infant has congenital anomalies. c. increased temperature, increased blood
pressure, and bradycardia
148. You would perform chest compressions on any d. normal body temperature, tachycardia, and
newborn whose heart rate is less than how bradypnea
many beats per minute?
a. 120 152. What would be the appropriate treatment if this
b. 100 patient continues in a prolonged postictal state?
c. 80 a. Obtain blood glucose readings and adminis-
d. 60 ter 25% dextrose as needed.
b. Apply ice packs to the armpits and groin.
149. Medications and drugs are most often delivered c. Remove the child’s excess clothing, adminis-
to a newborn through the use of which circula- ter oxygen and an IV, and transport.
tory vessel? d. Administer high-concentration oxygen,
a. umbilical artery diazepam, and naloxone, and transport.
b. umbilical vein
c. ductus arteriosus
d. jugular vein

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Figure 4.2

153. You are caring for a 63-year-old male patient 155. A patient with a PMH of emphysema experi-
with renal failure. He is pulseless and apneic. ences a sudden onset of respiratory distress and
Figure 4.2 depicts his ECG. Appropriate treat- sharp chest pain. His skin is warm and dry. His
ment for this patient would include all of the breath sounds are diminished on the left side.
following EXCEPT Your strongest suspicion is
a. immediate defibrillation. a. pulmonary embolism.
b. administration of dextrose and sodium b. pneumonia.
bicarbonate. c. pneumothorax.
c. administration of lidocaine or amiodirone. d. chronic bronchitis.
d. administration of sodium bicarbonate and
calcium gluconate. 156. You are called to a physician’s office to care for
a patient who is experiencing symptoms of a
154. Which situation would constitute a moral myocardial infarction. The physician tells you
dilemma for a paramedic? that she will stabilize the patient herself and that
a. a female rape victim who insists on being she is assuming responsibility for care. She does,
cared for only by a female paramedic or EMT however, wish for you to transport the patient to
b. a patient who has sustained a potentially seri- the hospital. How should you proceed?
ous head injury but refuses care or transport a. Defer to the on-scene physician and take her
c. a patient who signed a Do Not Resuscitate to the hospital with you.
order who is now unconscious and dying b. Request online medical direction from your
d. a patient who is found unconscious with no jurisdictional physician.
family member present to authorize care c. Ignore her request and assume responsibil-
ity for the patient immediately.
d. Insist that the on-scene physician communi-
cate with medical control.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

157. What does a type II ambulance usually 162. You are caring for a female patient who was
consist of? struck by an automobile. She opens her eyes to
a. conventional cab-and-chassis truck voice command only, localizes pain when you
b. standard van usually with a raised roof pinch her arm, and is awake but confused. Her
c. special cab-forward van with an integral Glasgow Coma Scale is
body a. 6.
d. modified suburban vehicle that can provide b. 8.
­transport c. 12.
d. 14.
158. What do you call a legal document that speci-
fies what type of treatment a patient does and 163. You are the first paramedic unit to arrive on the
does not want to receive? scene of a multi-injury bus crash. What is your
a. a Do Not Resuscitate order first responsibility?
b. a living will a. Assume command of the incident and give a
c. an advance directive preliminary report to dispatch.
d. a durable power of attorney b. Wait until an incident commander arrives on
scene and then follow his or her direction.
159. At what age is a person considered capable of c. Extract patients from the bus and triage
giving consent to treatment? them into categories by color or priority.
a. 15 d. Review and evaluate the efficiency of site
b. 16 operations up until your arrival.
c. 18
d. 21 164. A patient presents with shallow breaths at a rate
of six per minute. What should you do next?
160. An unconscious patient has snoring respirations. a. Initiate IV therapy.
When should this condition be corrected? b. Check for carotid and radial pulses.
a. simultaneously with the physical exam c. Administer positive-pressure ventilation
b. on completion of the initial assessment with a BVM.
c. on assessing for the presence of a pulse d. Identify the specific cause of the respiratory
d. before evaluating the respiratory status distress.

161. What is the process of transmitting physiologi- 165. Under the START triage method, which patient
cal data from the field to the hospital over the would receive immediate respiratory treatment
phone lines called? without further assessment?
a. modulation a. male, no respiratory effort
b. biotelemetry b. female, respirations, 12/min
c. multiplexing c. male, respirations, 28/min
d. trunking d. female, respirations, 38/min

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166. What does a red tag mean in the METTAG tri- 170. Which patient is likely to need rapid transport
age system? to a trauma center rather than assessment and
a. The victim is dead. stabilization on the scene?
b. The victim has critical injuries. a. male, age 56, ejected from a crashed vehicle
c. The victim has minor injuries. with a flail chest
d. The victim has serious injuries. b. female, age 60, burns to 10% BSI on her
chest and abdomen
167. Your friend experiences severe anxiety when c. male, age 28, fell 10 feet from a platform
crossing bridges. She refuses to cross any onto a pile of mulch
bridges and alters her travel routes accordingly. d. female, age 46, struck by car traveling
This is an example of which of the following 10 mph, no penetrating injuries
a. psychosis 171. A male patient is complaining of crushing
b. neurosis chest pressure and shortness of breath. His vital
c. delirium signs include RR = 20, P = 54, and BP = 132/74.
d. phobia The EKG shows a sinus bradycardia with a
first-degree AV block. Which of the following
168. What is the difference between bulimia and treatments would be most appropriate?
anorexia nervosa? a. atropine 0.5 mg IV
a. They are basically the same disorder. b. transcutaneous pacing
b. Bulimia is an intense fear of obesity, whereas c. nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sL
anorexia is the insatiable craving for food. d. dopamine 10 mcg/kg/min
c. Anorexia is less severe and rarely life
threatening. 172. For which procedure is it necessary to wear a
d. Bulimia is more often associated with binge mask and protective eyewear?
eating. a. endotracheal intubation
b. starting a peripheral IV
169. On reaching the scene of a single-motor-vehicle c. giving an IM or SC injection
accident, you note that the driver is pinned d. cleaning a contaminated ambulance
behind the steering wheel. You also note the
presence of two sets of spiderweb patterns on 173. What is the most common job-related source
the windshield. What does this alert you to? of HIV infections among healthcare workers?
a. Look for a second victim in this accident. a. assisting at emergency childbirth
b. Suspect multiple injuries for this driver. b. direct contact with a patient’s skin
c. Assume a high-speed collision has occured. c. an accidental needle stick
d. Expect that hit-and-run injuries have d. breathing contaminated air

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174. What is the leading cause of death among the 178. There are many factors to consider when
elderly? assessing a patient for suicide risk. Which of
a. metastatic cancer the ­following accurately accounts for one sui-
b. respiratory disease cide risk factor?
c. accidents and falls a. Young women commit suicide more often
d. cardiac disease than young men do.
b. Generally, men attempt suicide more often
175. What should you do when confronted with a than women do.
patient whom you suspect to be a victim of c. Caucasian males over 85 years of age have
elder abuse? the highest suicide rate.
a. Ask the patient if he or she wants or needs d. Suicide is the leading cause of death in His-
your help. panic women under 30.
b. Quietly confront the family with your
suspicions. 179. What sort of communication system would
c. Report your suspicions to the appropriate you need to be able to carry on a two-way con-
authority. versation with a physician while also transmit-
d. Search the family’s medical records for prior ting telemetry?
signs of abuse. a. simplex transmission system
b. duplex transmission system
176. Your patient is 2 years old. How can you reas- c. multiplex transmission system
sure her before listening to her chest with your d. quadriplex transmission system
a. Explain in detail exactly how the stethoscope 180. Which of the following is not a component of
works. the start triage method?
b. Gain her trust by letting her listen to your a. circulation assessment
chest first. b. respiration assessment
c. Hold up the stethoscope so she can see it c. mentation/level of consciousness
won’t hurt her. d. neuromuscular function
d. Let her take the stethoscope apart so she
isn’t afraid.

177. Battle’s sign and periorbital ecchymosis are

classic signs of which of the following
a. a basilar skull fracture
b. intracerebral hemorrhage
c. a subdural hematoma
d. a depressed skull fracture

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

 A n s w e r s brain. One way to maintain this condition is

to increase heart rate. Choice a satisfies both
1. b. The airway is always given first priority, but of these conditions.
in this case, since the patient is talking, the 7. c. Nerves that assist in bladder control exit from
first step in his assessment and care would be the sacral spine, located above the coccyx.
to stabilize the cervical spine as you begin 8. c. Organ damage from the mechanism of
your ABC assessment. injury may result in inflammation and bleed-
2. a. Kinetic energy = mass (weight)  velocity ing, resulting in the compensatory vital signs.
(speed)2/2. This means that speed plays a 9. d. Distal refers to a location that is further from
greater role in the force changes during a the trunk of the body than the reference point.
motor vehicle crash. While the other items 10. a. This patient is exhibiting classic signs and
are important when evaluating an accident symptoms for a dissecting aortic aneurysm.
scene, speed has the greatest influence on the The tearing sensation occurs as the intimal
potential for damage and injury. linings of the aorta are separated as blood
3. b. Snoring indicates that the airway is partially collects between the tissues.
obstructed by the patient’s tongue. Clear the 11. b. Hypertension is present in 75–85% of dis-
­airway first by positioning with the chin- secting aortic aneurysm cases.
lift/jaw-thrust maneuver or by inserting a 12. c. Morphine sulfate is the appropriate medica-
nasopharyngeal airway. An oropharyngeal tion for this patient. Medications that
airway is not indicated due to the patient’s increase cardiac rate, output, function, or
LOC. Cervical stabilization takes place prior contractile force are contraindicated while
to beginning your ABC assessment and head the dissection is occuring.
tilt/chin lift is not advisable due to the possi- 13. a. These are all consequences of further dissec-
bility of c-spine injury. tion. Other conditions also include syncope,
4. d. Bleeding within the abdominal cavity can heart failure, and absent or reduced pulses
irritate the abdominal surface of the dia- and death.
phragm, causing referred pain to the shoul- 14. b. Even though the patient’s condition appears
der. to be stable, the mechanism of injury indi-
5. c. The START method quickly reviews three cates that serious underlying injuries, such as
categories to determine patient priority: res- internal bleeding, may be present. Immobi-
pirations, pulse, and mental status. After lize him quickly using the long board as a
respiratory status is assessed, the basis for full-body splint. Transport immediately in
judging a patient’s hemodynamic status is this case. You can perform additional assess-
presence or absence or a radial pulse or skin ments or treatments while en route.
color and temperature. This patient is show- 15. c. Use of a helmet can protect the rider against
ing signs of shock. head injury but not against spinal injury.
6. a. By definition, compensatory shock means Leather clothing is helpful in reducing the
that in the presence of a hypoperfusing state, amount of soft tissue injury. Because the
the body maintains its blood pressure to the energy of the accident is mostly absorbed
into the rider, severe trauma is noted even
with low-speed crashes.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

16. a. Battle’s sign is noted as discoloration of the 25. b. The use of the MAST/PASG as a splint in the
mastoid area behind the ear. It is an indica- stabilization of suspected pelvic fractures is
tion that blood has collected there following indicated for this patient. Since the systolic
a basal skull fracture. Periorbital ecchymosis blood pressure is greater than 90–100
(raccoon’s eyes) is noted with facial and mmHg, any IV fluid should be restricted to a
orbital trauma and fractures. Subarachnoid slow, or “keep open,” rate. This may reduce
bleeding may have no ­external manifesta- any additional bleeding from the dilution of
tions or signs. clotting factors.
17. c. A contrecoup injury is an injury to the brain 26. c. Pulmonary contusion involves bruising of
opposite the impact site; it results from the the lung tissue. It is essential not to overload
brain’s rebounding movement against the a patient suffering from pulmonary contu-
skull wall following the initial impact. The sion with fluids, as this can quickly lead to
coup injury is noted at the site of the actual pulmonary edema. The patient should be
impact. given high-flow oxygen and intubated if
18. b. The symptoms are indicative of a mass- necessary. Immobilization on a backboard
forming lesion in the head, such as an epidu- may be necessary depending on the mecha-
ral or subdural hematoma. When a patient nism of injury. If so, the head of the board
has a simple concussion, his or her mental may be elevated slightly to improve respira-
status will continue to improve with time. tory effort.
19. c. The score is 9: 2 points for eye opening, 5 27. b. Ascites refers to an accumulation of fluid in
points for motor response, and 2 points for the abdomen.
speech. 28. a. Hepatitis A is spread by the fecal-oral route
20. b. The signs and symptoms of tension pneu- and is most commonly acquired from eating
mothorax are given. contaminated food. Hepatitis B, C, and D are
21. c. According to the rule of nines as applied to all blood-borne diseases.
pediatric injuries, the front or back of the 29. a. Altered mental status is an abnormal finding
trunk each represents 18% of the body sur- in healthy elderly patients. The pulse rate
face and the front of one leg represents 7% does decrease somewhat with age but should
with the entire leg counting for 14%. remain within the normal range of 60–100.
22. c. Using the Revised Trauma Score, 3 points for Blood pressure often increases with age and
the GCS, 3 points for the systolic blood pres- respiration rates increase sightly as patients
sure, and 3 points for the respiratory rate. use less of their lung tissues.
23. b. This option lists the vital sign changes associ- 30. b. All the other drugs listed are commonly
ated with Cushing’s syndrome. associated with toxicity in elderly patients.
24. b. Palpate all quadrants of the abdomen, end- 31. a. Sinus bradycardia, or a heartbeat slower than
ing where the patient says it hurts. Because of 60 BPM, is often considered normal, particu-
the need for a quiet environment and several larly in an athletic adult.
minutes to perform this successfully, you 32. c. Vital signs in MI patients depend on the
should not perform abdominal auscultation location and extent of underlying heart dam-
or percussion in the field. age and the patient’s response to the insult.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

33. b. Frank blood in the urine is a strong sign of 40. d. Right-side-only breath sounds are a sign of
injury to the kidney. Abdominal tenderness right mainstem intubation, ruling out choice
is unlikely, since the kidneys are located in b. Air leak over the trachea may be the sign
the retroperitoneal space. Bruising may pro- of an improperly inflated cuff, ruling out
vide indirect information about organ involve- choice a. Bilateral chest wall expansion is a
ment but is not as specific as hematuria. normal finding, ruling out choice c. These
34. c. The goal of prehospital care for patients with findings point to the need to have a good
PID is to provide comfort. There is no need baseline assessment of lung sounds and
to ­perform a vaginal exam or ask any ques- respiratory status prior to performing any
tions regarding sexual contacts. interventions.
35. b. A patient will breathe more slowly when 41. b. Rapid onset, rales, accessory muscle use, and
asleep than when awake; all the other factors dyspnea are classic symptoms for a patient
listed increase respiratory rate. with acute pulmonary edema.
36. c. Compliance refers to how easily air flows 42. d. Morphine sulfate would be an appropriate
into and out of the lungs. If compliance is treatment for acute pulmonary edema. It
decreasing, look for the cause by first reas- increases peripheral venous capacitance and
sessing (with look, auscultate, and feel) the decreases venous return, improving ventila-
airway and head position and then looking tion and decreasing myocardial oxygen
for signs that the patient is developing a ten- demand.
sion pneumothorax; once you find the cause, 43. b. Immediate transport is indicated for this
try to correct it. patient’s condition. Without the intact
37. d. A pulse oximetry reading around 90% for a protective amniotic sac, the fetus is at risk
patient in a normal atmosphere indicates of being infected.
that severe hypoxia is present. It corresponds 44. b. Treatment of metabolic acidosis consists
to a PaO2 reading of around 60 mmHg. mainly of adequate ventilation. Administra-
Normal PaO2 is between 80 and 100 mmHg. tion of sodium bicarbonate is rarely needed.
Normal pulse oximetry readings are from Rebreathing CO2 is a treatment for respira-
93% to 100%, with 93–95 considered the tory alkalosis caused by simple hyperventila-
lower end of normal. tion. Identification of the cause of acidosis is
38. a. Magill forceps are used to remove an not as critical as identifying that it is present
obstructing foreign body that is visible dur- and beginning corrective measures to pre-
ing laryngo­scopy after abdominal thrusts vent its worsening.
have been unsuccessful. 45. d. Albuterol is a beta agonist that is used to
39. b. When the fetus is close to the entrance of the cause bronchodilation in patients with
birth canal, the head presses down on the asthma and other respiratory emergencies.
internal anal sphincter, resulting in the urge Aminophylline is a methylxanthine in the
to have a bowel movement. Painful uterine same class as theophylline. Ipratropium is an
contractions can start well in advance of anticholinergic bronchodilator. Labetalol is
physical delivery. an alpha and beta adrenergic blocker.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

46. a. Closed pneumothorax occurs when air 55. b. It will be difficult to determine the actual
enters the pleural space from an interior extent of injury, so the least invasive airway
wound. An open pneumothrax occurs when technique is appropriate. Monitor vital signs
the chest wall is open so that air can enter and pulse oximetry readings to determine if
directly into the chest from the outside. A perfusion is adequate.
tension pneumothorax develops when a sim- 56. a. Given the circumstances, not enough per-
ple pneumothorax becomes large enough to sonnel are available to restrain this patient if
cause pressure and structural changes within he becomes violent. Conducting a hands-on
the chest. assessment may not be possible given the
47. c. Interventions during a neonatal resuscitation state of the patient’s behavior. Constantly
should be assessed often, so that changes are being aware of your surroundings will pro-
noted as soon as they occur. The parents vide the greatest level of safety.
should not hold the infant, although it may 57. d. Aeromedical transport offers the advantage
be helpful to have them close by. of rapid transport to specialized facilities
48. d. Stridor is a sound made during inspiration such as the Level I trauma center. The
and is associated with croup and upper- amount of time needed to extricate the
airway obstruction. patient, coupled with the time to transport
49. a. A single-limb presentation is considered the patient to either the closest hospital or
nondeliverable vaginally and requires rapid the trauma center by ground, is too much.
cesarean section to successfully deliver the Flying the patient directly to the trauma
infant. Rapid transport is indicated. center is most appropriate.
50. b. Patients with emphysema or chronic bron­ 58. c. The first sign of laryngeal edema is usually a
chitis benefit from administration of low- hoarse voice.
flow oxygen and constant monitoring. 59. d. Patients with emphysema have a loss of
51. a. As a bronchodilator, epinephrine 1:1,000 is elasticity in the alveoli due to prolonged
sometimes indicated in younger (< 35 years insult. Bleb formation results in decreased
old) asthma patients. ability of the alveoli to expand and contract
52. c. A patient who is conscious and breathing and an overall decreased surface area of the
over 30 times per minute is classified as lungs. Ruptured blebs do not result in lung
“Immediate.” There is no need to check for “deflation.”
the presence or rate of the pulse. While she 60. c. This patient is exhibiting the classic signs
may need oxygen therapy, now is not the and symptoms of congestive heart failure.
time to do so. His history of AMI indicates that he may
53. a. The inspiratory stridor most likely indicates have permanent damage to the heart and
an edematous crushed or torn trachea. raises the possibility that he is now having an
54. c. This patient’s symptoms indicate subcutane- acute episode of failure.
ous emphysema. 61. d. Oxygen, morphine, nitroglycerin, and furo­
semide are all used in the treatment of CHF

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

62. b. Proxysmal nocternal dyspnea (PND), dysp- 72. a. Breath sounds are particularly important to
nea upon exertion, and increased dyspnea monitor during IV fluid administration
are all signs of worsening CHF. because of the danger of fluid overload,
63. a. Priorities for managing this patient are indi- which will initially manifest as pulmonary
cated by choices b, c, and d. edema.
64. d. Increased ventilatory pressures assist in driv- 73. b. Morphine relieves pain, decreases venous
ing off some of the pulmonary edema. return, and reduces the oxygen demand of
65. d. Choices a, b, and c are all typically associated the myocardium.
with CHF; syncope is not. 74. c. Left-side heart failure with pulmonary
66. d. No matter the competency level of the res- edema is often associated with PND. PND
cuer, personal safety is absolute. manifests as difficulty breathing when the
67. a. Isotonic solutions such as Ringer’s lactate or patient lies flat. As the condition worsens,
normal saline have electrolyte compositions many patients will report the need to sleep
similar to that of blood plasma although they sitting up in a recliner.
lack the large protein molecules found 75. b. The accepted protocol for management of
within blood. left-side heart failure is given.
68. c. Cardiogenic shock results most often from 76. b. As the tip of the nasotracheal tube reaches
left ventricular failure following acute MI. the glottic opening, you should hear the
69. d. Third-trimester pregnancy, impaled objects, respiratory effort of the patient. Insertion of
and dyspnea are all contraindications for use the tube past the vocal cords is timed to the
of the PASG/MAST. In addition, the PASG/ inhalation phase in order to minimize resis-
MAST is contraindicated with any uncon- tance against the tube itself.
trolled bleeding occuring above the site of 77. c. The preferred field treatment is trans-
the garment. cutaneous pacing. Definitive treatment is
70. c. Managing the patient’s injury is the first pri- pacemaker insertion. Drug therapy indicated
ority of the EMS provider. Any statements for this patient is aimed at increasing cardiac
made by the patient should be recorded as output by improving contractility, force of
possible evidence of the crime. contractions, or increasing rate.
71. a. A sprain is a partial tearing of a ligament 78. a. Treat the patient for shock and transport
caused by a sudden twisting or stretching of rapidly. Do not palpate the abdomen. This is
a joint beyond its normal range of motion. It one of the few medical conditions that may
results in swelling and discoloration caused still ­benefit from the use of PASG/MAST as
by bleeding into the tissue. A strain is an the garment may tamponade any bleeding
injury to the muscle or tendon and usually that may be occurring. Medications which
does not result in discoloration. A disloca- stimulate the cardio­vascular system should
tion occurs when the normal articulation of be avoided.
two bones is disrupted. Arthritis is inflam- 79. b. This patient needs immediate oxygenation
mation of joints characterized by pain and and ventilation. Using a bag-valve mask will
swelling but does not result in discoloration. accomplish this task most effectively.

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80. d. PSVTs (paroxysmal supraventricular tachy- cardiogenic shock in an AMI patient. Reflex
cardia) may be managed by vagal maneuvers, tachycardia may develop as the patient’s
such as the Valsalva maneuver or ice-water body attempts to compensate for the shock.
immersion. 88. a. The classic signs and symptoms of right-side
81. d. The T wave reflects repolarization of the heart failure are given.
ventricles. 89. a. A change in the pulse rate may be the first
82. b. The length of a normal P-R interval is 0.12– sign that a dysrhythmia is developing; this is
0.20 seconds, or 3–5 small boxes on the ECG why recording baseline vital signs is particu-
strip. larly important.
83. b. The high-pitched whistling noise and cyano- 90. d. Anxiety and pain can increase the heart
sis indicates the patient is suffering from an rate and, therefore, the oxygen demand of
airway obstruction. Back blows and chest the myocardium.
thrusts are performed only on infants. Since 91. b. Dopamine is a potent sympathomimetic
the patient is unresponsive, your immediate agent, and in cases of cardiogenic shock, it
step should be to start CPR. Abdominal may be used to increase cardiac output.
thrusts are performed only on conscious 92. a. The question does not provide any indica-
choking victims. For unresponsive victims tion of a tension pneumothorax. A pulmo-
suspected of having an airway obstruction, nary contusion or cardiac tamponade should
you should begin CPR but look in the mouth affect lung sounds.
to see if you visualize the object prior to each 93. c. Pulseless electrical activity may occur sec-
ventilation attempt. ondary to a variety of conditions and carries
84. d. Stridor indicates an upper-airway obstruc- a grave prognosis. Comon causes, as listed in
tion, in this case most likely from an allergic the AHA PEA algorithm, include pulonary
reaction. A patient with emphysema would embolus, tension pneumothorax, acidosis,
exhibit difficulty breathing with wheezing cardiac tamponade, hypovolemia, hypoxia,
and rhonchi; a patient with asthma will hypothermia, hyperkalemia, AMI, and drug
exhibit wheezing respirations; a patient suf- overdose. Hypokalemia may cause dysrhyth-
fering from a CVA would have an altered mias but does not usually cause PEA. Tachy-
mental status but would not have stridor. cardia is not considered a cause of PEA
85. c. Patients with ventricular dysrhythmias simply because the definition of PEA is a
often manifest lengthened and bizarre pulseless patient with a rhythm that you
QRS complexes. would normally expect to find a pulse with.
86. a. Treatment for both conditions consists of (In other words, tachycardia without a pulse
immediate defibrillation; continued treat- is PEA.)
ment includes CPR and drugs. Additional 94. b. Intramuscular injections can injure muscle
therapy depends upon whether a normal tissues, causing the release of enzymes that
rhythm is ­initiated. may mask the cardiac enzymes that are
87. c. Falling blood pressure, especially a systolic looked for to confirm a diagnosis of MI.
pressure lower than 80 mmHg together with 95. b. A patient with angina whose pain does not
decreasing level of consciousness, is a sign of respond to nitroglycerin is most likely suffer-
ing from MI and should be transported
without delay.

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96. c. The most common complication of MI is 103. b. This patient appears to be experiencing acute
dysrhythmia, and some dysrhythmias are or pulmonary edema. Of the choices provided,
become life threatening. Cardiogenic shock choice b has both the correct doses and
may develop following an AMI, especially routes of the indicated medications.
when the site of infarction is the left ventri- 104. b. Reduced pumping capacity of the right ven-
cle. Angina is a complication of artersclerosis tricle causes blood flow to “back up” into the
and coronary artery vasoconstriction or systemic vascular system, causing congestion
vasospasm. as evidenced by the pedal edema and JVD.
97. a. Lidocaine is the first drug used to treat Lung fields that are past the cardiac insuffi-
malignant PVCs or nonmalignant PVCs in ciency remain free from fluid.
patients who are symptomatic or who have a 105. c. The neutral position, or position of function,
history of cardiac disease. All the other agents for the hand is achieved by using a gauze
are used if V fib or V tach develops, or they roller bandage (or similar material) placed
may be used to treat PVCs after a trial of inside the palm with the fingers curled
lidocaine has been unsuccessful. around it. The hand, wrist, and forearm
98. d. Based on rhythm alone, ventricular tachycar- should then be splinted with a board, wire
dia is the most likely to require cardiover- ladder, or vacuum-type splint.
sion. The other rhythms most likely will 106. a. Immobilization of a suspected fracture is
remain asymptomatic at a heart rate of 120. best accomplished with two rescuers. After
99. b. If the trach tube has been dislodged, it may positioning the limb properly, one EMS pro-
not be easy to reinsert, so rest it in its original vider applies the splint, while the other holds
position. Placing an endotracheal tube into the limb in position and monitors the distal
the stoma and inflating the cuff will help pulse, motor, and sensory responses.
rapidly establish a patient’s airway. 107. a. Do not allow the severed digit to get wet
100. b. Dilated pupils, hyperactivity, tachycardia, because the tissues will begin to draw in the
and hypertension are classic signs of cocaine hypotonic fluid and will swell up, which may
use. Narcotic use would result in lethargy, make reimplantation impossible. The cold
stupor, and respiratory depression. environment will help reduce oxygen
101. a. Transport is the only other treatment demand by the cells of the severed digit and
required for this patient. Be prepared to pro- will help keep it alive longer.
vide respiratory support if needed. Naloxone 108. d. Pit viper envenomation is generally very
is used with narcotic ingestion to restore res- painful. Little or no pain is characteristic of
pirations and is not indicated in this patient. coral snake (neurotoxic) envenomation.
Activated charcoal and ipecac are indicated 109. b. Brush away as much of the lime as possible,
for poisoning or overdose via the oral route. then flood the burned area with water. Neu-
This patient was reported to have inhaled tralizing chemicals are generally not recom-
(smoked) something that appears to be a mended because the use of one chemical to
stimulant. neutralize another usually results in the
102. c. Dysrhythmias and seizures are both serious release of heat and the formation of a third
possible complications of stimulation effects chemical.
from cocaine use.

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110. d. The earliest manifestations of hypoglycemia 120. c. Provide oxygen at 100% concentration and
are hunger, anxiety, and restlessness. intubate if the patient is not breathing
111. a. Hypoglycemia develops in patients with dia- spontaneously.
betes when they take too much insulin or get 121. c. The purpose of the interview is to calm the
too much exercise for the amount of food patient and to obtain as much information
they eat. as possible, not to tell the patient what you
112. b. Central neurogenic hyperventilation is char- think. There is a time to reorient patients to
acterized by rapid, deep, noisy breathing and reality, but first you must work to calm them
is associated with lesions of the central ner- down and gain their trust.
vous system. Cheyne-Stokes is the pattern 122. a. A patient who is displaying manic symptoms
commonly seen with diabetic emergencies. is restless or extremely active and talks con-
113. b. “Do Not Resuscitate” is not the same as “do stantly. The patient may be extremely
not treat.” Under these conditions, manage- ­suspicious or violent. If the patient has
ment of the condition is warranted. bi­polar disorder, he or she may swing
114. a. The first priority for patients with altered between periods of mania and depression.
mental status of unknown cause is a blood 123. c. The lumbar spine will be most impacted
glucose determination to rule out hypoglyce- from an unevenly distributed load; the
mia as a potential cause. ­cervical spine is also at risk for injury,
115. d. For a patient in status epilepticus, treatment although such injuries are less likely.
consists of establishing an IV, monitoring 124. a. The patient’s presentation points to a pul-
cardiac rhythm, and administering diazepam monary embolism as the likely cause. The
to stop the seizures. other conditions are not normally associated
116. a. This is the standard adult dosage and route with sudden syncope, and adventitious lung
for a patient with severe anaphylaxis. The SC sounds like crackles or wheezes should be
route is recommended unless the patient is evident, unlike the patient’s clear ones.
in life-threatening distress. Services may rec- 125. c. Unusual respiratory patterns indicate the
ommend the use of 1:1,000 instead 1:10,000. possibility of brain stem injury and call for
117. d. This patient may not have the right to refuse rapid transport of the patient. Hyper­
treatment and transport due to the actions ventilation should be used only when you
she has taken. Consulting with medical strongly suspect herniation is occuring. It is
direction on how to best approach this not indicated for the routine treatment of
patient may be helpful. increasing ICP. You should ventilate the
118. d. The very young, the very old, those under- patient at a normal rate with 100% oxygen.
nourished, and those with chronic illness are
all predisposed to heat illnesses for a variety
of reasons.
119. d. Bradycardia in a child is an ominous sign of
a hypoxic brain.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

126. b. Medical direction should be sought if at all 131. b. A spontaneous pneuothorax occurs when a
possible for any suspected substance-abuse bleb (cystic lesion on the lobe of the lung)
patient refusing treatment or transport. ruptures, allowing air to enter the pleural
Because you are required to be an advocate for space from within the lung. It usually occurs
the patient, it is never advisable to simply in otherwise healthy individuals ages 20 to
transport someone against his or her will, even 40. They are usually well tolerated and
if you suspect impairment due to drug or occupy less than 20% of a lung.
alcohol use. It is also not advisable to allow 132. a. The best place to assess for cyanosis in an
him or her to sign a refusal form when it is infant or child is the oral mucosa, lips, or
obvious that they are in need of medical atten- tongue. Nail beds of an infant may not be an
tion. Treating the patient, then leaving the accurate indicator of central circulation sta-
scene without transport, leaves you open to tus even when they appear cyanotic.
legal liability and a possible charge of 133. b. The signs, symptoms, and assessment find-
abandonment. ings of croup are described. The seal-bark
127. c. It is important in this situation to make a cough is a classic presentation with croup.
complete documentation of the patient’s 134. a. Give a severely dehydrated child an initial
refusal to accept treatment. Documentation bolus of 20 cc/kg of normal saline or Ringer’s
should include the steps you took to con- solution. Reassess for response and repeat
vince him to seek medical attention, the with 10 or 20 cc/kg boluses as long as the
potential consequences of his refusal, and child continues to improve and you do not
your assessment findings. detect any signs of fluid overload.
128. b. This choice gives the most appropriate treat- 135. a. In this situation, the first step would be to
ment protocol for this patient. Because he is examine the patient for crowning to deter-
unconscious, he may be treated under mine if you need to assist with delivery on the
implied consent. Treatment in this case is scene or if you can attempt to transport her.
aimed at ­ruling out the most treatable cause 136. a. The protruding umbilical cord is known as a
for coma—diabetes. prolapsed cord.
129. b. While it is possible that he could have a pul- 137. d. Choices a, b, and c are all appropriate treat-
monary embolism, the more likely culprit is ment options for this patient. If you opt to
a simple pneumothorax. He has few risk fac- ­position the patient for transport, you
tors for a PE, and lung sounds usually remain should place her in the left-lateral recumbent
present unless a large area of pulmonary tis- position to improve uterine blood flow and
sue is not perfused for some period of time. return.
130. a. The patient is experiencing an unstable atrial 138. a. The umbilical vein, found within the umbili-
fibrillation. He is hypotensive and tachyp- cal cord, provides oxygenated blood to the
neic. In this situation, it is imperative to infant. The vein is large enough for you to
capture the atrial rate as soon as possible. feel the pulsations as blood flows from the
The ventricular rate will decrease once the placenta to the fetus. If the cord cools down,
atria are under control. an arterial vaso­spasm may occur, resulting in

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

the cessation of blood flow to the infant, but 145. d. Clamp the cord in two places, approximately
the cord temperature does not correlate to the 5 cm apart, and cut the cord between the
infant’s ­temperature, ruling out choice b. clamps. Generally, you want to place the first
The umbilical cord has various color grada- clamp several (5–7) inches away from the
tions from red to purplish and the relationship infant.
between color and oxygen level is difficult to 146. d. Heart rate at birth is normally 150–180 beats
determine, ruling out choice c. Pulse oxime- per minute, slowing to 130–140 within a few
try is not appropriate for fetal monitoring in minutes.
the method described, ruling out choice d. 147. a. The presence of meconium indicates that the
139. c. G4, P3 refers to a woman who has been fetus may have been distressed before birth.
pregnant four times and delivered three live 148. d. Chest compressions are required when a
infants. newborn’s heart rate is less than 60, or
140. b. The signs and symptoms of an ectopic preg- between 60 and 80 after 30 seconds of
nancy are given. Most ectopic pregnancies positive-pressure ventilation. Remember to
implant within the fallopian tube and have perform each intervention for approximately
attained a large enough size around nine 30 seconds, then reassess for the need to
weeks to rupture the tube, resulting in continue resuscitation.
intense pain and bleeding. The bleeding may 149. b. The umbilical vein, located in the umbilical
or may not be present from the vagina. Most cord, is used for this purpose. If the cord is
cases of spontaneous abortion are unde- left untreated at the hospital, it may be can-
tected by the mother, who often doesn’t even nulated for a week or even longer. It enters
know she is pregnant, and present as an immediately into the hepatic circulation.
“abnormal menstrual cycle.” 150. d. Fever-induced seizures are common in
141. c. Effacement refers to the stretching and thin- young children with only minor illnesses.
ning of the cervix, which occurs during the Once a child has a febrile seizure, he or she is
first stage of normal labor. prone to repeat episodes, which can occur at
142. a. The signs and symptoms of abruptio placen- lower temperatures than the first seizure.
tae, or premature separatation of the pla- 151. a. Increased body temperature, tachycardia,
centa, are given. and tachypnea are common in a child who is
143. b. Patients with preeclampsia (or toxemia recently postictal from febrile seizures.
of pregnancy) manifest all the signs and 152. c. Oxygen, an IV, and transport is an appropri-
symptoms of the hypertensive disorders of ate treatment for this patient. Remove excess
pregnancy except seizures. Once the patient clothing from the patient to passively cool
begins to experience seizures, the condition him or her, but do not allow the patient to
has changed from preeclampsia to eclampsia. get chilled. Sponge the child with room-
144. c. The third stage of labor begins with the birth temperature water if the temperature is
of the fetus and ends with the delivery of the excessively high. Never use alcohol on the
placenta. skin as a cooling agent. Alcohol can be
absorbed directly through the skin.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

153. d. This patient is in cardiac arrest with a cardiac 159. c. In most states, consent for treatment must be
rhythm of Ventricular Tachycardia (VTach). obtained from all patients who are 18 years old
Because the patient has renal failure, the or older. This can be modified in situations of
initial approach should consist of rapid extenuating circumstances, such as when an
defibrillation and antidisrhythmics. All such underage minor is pregnant or has legal cus-
patients should be assumed to be hyperkalemic tody of a minor child in his or her care.
and should be treated with a combination of 160. d. Snoring respirations are indicative of an air-
sodium bicarbonate and calcium gluconate, way issue and should be corrected before
which work together to move the potassium further assessment is completed.
into cells and out of the bloodstream. 161. b. Transmitting physiological data over phone
154. b. This situation constitutes a dilemma lines is called biotelemetry.
because the paramedic would have to 162. c. The GCS for this patient is 12: three points
choose between the duty to provide care and for opening her eyes to verbal stimuli, five
the duty to obtain consent. If a patient has a points for localizing pain, and four points for
signed DNR order, you should honor his or speaking clearly although her thought pro-
her order. When a patient is unconscious, cesses is confused.
you treat him or her under the doctrine of 163. a. The first paramedic unit to arrive at the
implied consent. The rape victim is simply scene of a mass-casualty incident would
requesting an all-female crew, and you immediately assume command and transmit
should try to accommodate her wishes. a report to dispatch, alerting them to the
155. c. The patient’s rapid onset reduces the possi- need for more units. As other units begin to
bility of pneumonia. No information indi- arrive, they may be detailed to perform triage
cates any other medical condition such as or some other duty.
asthma or chronic bronchitis. Patients with 164. c. The respiratory rate is too slow and must
emphysema are prone to experiencing simple be corrected immediately with ventilatory
pneumothorax. assistance.
156. a. Paramedics should defer to a physician who 165. d. In the START system, a patient with respira-
is present on scene provided this individual tions greater than 30 per minute would
is assuming responsibility for the continued receive immediate attention. Patient a would
care of this patient. Make sure you know the not receive any care beyond the initial open-
rules and regulations for your jurisdiction ing of the airway. Patients b and c would
regarding on-scene physicians. receive additional assessment before
157. b. A type II ambulance is an integral unit con- treatment.
sisting of a standard van, usually with a 166. b. When using the METTAG system, a red tag
raised roof. indicates a patient with critical injuries who
158. c. The living will and DNR order are both needs rapid transport.
­examples of legal documents called advanced 167. d. An intense fear of something is called a pho-
directives. They specify the kind of health- bia. A phobia can be disabling and its cause is
care a person does and does not want to often unknown.
receive in the event of their imminent death.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 2 –

168. d. Bulimia and anorexia nervosa are both 175. c. Report your suspicions promptly. Many
common eating disorders. They both have states have laws requiring you to report any
similar features such as misperceptions of suspicions of child abuse, elder abuse, or
body image. Bulimia is characterized by domestic violence.
binge eating followed by self-induced 176. b. Toddlers can often be reassured by being
vomiting. allowed to handle unfamiliar objects. They
169. a. The spiderweb pattern is made when a will not understand detailed explanations
victim’s head hits the windshield. Two and should not be allowed to disassemble
spiderweb patterns indicate that there is a equipment.
second victim somewhere on the scene. 177. a. Battle’s sign is the black-and-blue discolor-
170. a. All the others do not have critical mecha- ation just behind the ears. Periorbital ecchy-
nisms, so they should not receive rapid trans- mosis is black-and-blue discoloration
portation. around the eyes, also known as raccoon eyes.
171. c. Although his heart rate is slow, the patient is Both are classic signs of a basilar skull frac-
not hypotensive. The other three answer ture.
choices address symptomatic bradycardia, 178. c. Women attempt suicide more often, but men
not the situation this patient presents in. are more successful at it. Also, men choose
172. a. Commonly accepted infection-control more deadly means. About 60% of the peo-
guidelines call for all personnel to wear ple who ­successfully commit suicide have a
masks and ­protective eyewear for any proce- history of previous attempts.
dure that carries the risk of splashing of 179. c. A multiplex system allows for a two-way
blood, vomitus, or other fluids. conversation and simultaneous transmission
173. c. Accidental needle sticks are the most of telemetry readings.
common source of work-related HIV and 180. d. Neuromuscular function is not part of the
hepatitis B infections in healthcare workers. START algorithm. START assesses respira-
174. d. Because cardiac disease is so common, you tions, pulse, and mental status.
should administer medications commonly
prescribed for other types of emergencies
with extreme caution.

C h a p t e r

5 Paramedic
Practice Exam 3

Chapt er S ummary
This is the third of four practice exams in this book based on the
National Registry EMT-Paramedic written exam. Use this test to iden-
tify which types of questions are still giving you problems.

Y ou are now becoming very familiar with the format of the National Registry EMT-Paramedic
exam. Your practice test-taking experience will help you most, however, if you have ­created a
situation that closely mirrors the day of the official test.
For this third exam, simulate a real test. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Have with
you two sharpened pencils and a good eraser. Complete the test in one sitting, setting a timer or a stopwatch.
You should have plenty of time to answer all of the questions when you take the real exam, but you want to
practice working quickly without rushing.
The answer sheet you should use is on the next page. After the exam is an answer key, which will help
you see where you need to concentrate further study. When you’ve finished the exam and scored it, turn
back to Chapter 1 to see which questions correspond to which areas of your paramedic training—then you’ll
know which parts of your textbook to concentrate on before you take the fourth exam.

– A ns w e r sh e e t –

Exam 3

1. a b c d 46. a b c d 91. a b c d
2. a b c d 47. a b c d 92. a b c d
3. a b c d 48. a b c d 93. a b c d
4. a b c d 49. a b c d 94. a b c d
5. a b c d 50. a b c d 95. a b c d
6. a b c d 51. a b c d 96. a b c d
7. a b c d 52. a b c d 97. a b c d
8. a b c d 53. a b c d 98. a b c d
9. a b c d 54. a b c d 99. a b c d
10. a b c d 55. a b c d 100. a b c d
11. a b c d 56. a b c d 101. a b c d
12. a b c d 57. a b c d 102. a b c d
13. a b c d 58. a b c d 103. a b c d
14. a b c d 59. a b c d 104. a b c d
15. a b c d 60. a b c d 105. a b c d
16. a b c d 61. a b c d 106. a b c d
17. a b c d 62. a b c d 107. a b c d
18. a b c d 63. a b c d 108. a b c d
19. a b c d 64. a b c d 109. a b c d
20. a b c d 65. a b c d 110. a b c d
21. a b c d 66. a b c d 111. a b c d
22. a b c d 67. a b c d 112. a b c d
23. a b c d 68. a b c d 113. a b c d
24. a b c d 69. a b c d 114. a b c d
25. a b c d 70. a b c d 115. a b c d
26. a b c d 71. a b c d 116. a b c d
27. a b c d 72. a b c d 117. a b c d
28. a b c d 73. a b c d 118. a b c d
29. a b c d 74. a b c d 119. a b c d
30. a b c d 75. a b c d 120. a b c d
31. a b c d 76. a b c d 121. a b c d
32. a b c d 77. a b c d 122. a b c d
33. a b c d 78. a b c d 123. a b c d
34. a b c d 79. a b c d 124. a b c d
35. a b c d 80. a b c d 125. a b c d
36. a b c d 81. a b c d 126. a b c d
37. a b c d 82. a b c d 127. a b c d
38. a b c d 83. a b c d 128. a b c d
39. a b c d 84. a b c d 129. a b c d
40. a b c d 85. a b c d 130. a b c d
41. a b c d 86. a b c d 131. a b c d
42. a b c d 87. a b c d 132. a b c d
43. a b c d 88. a b c d 133. a b c d
44. a b c d 89. a b c d 134. a b c d
45. a b c d 90. a b c d 135. a b c d

– A ns w e r sh e e t –

1 a b c d 51.
1 a b c d 66.
1 a b c d
137. a b c d 152. a b c d 167. a b c d
138. a b c d 153. a b c d 168. a b c d
139. a b c d 154. a b c d 169. a b c d
140. a b c d 155. a b c d 170. a b c d
141. a b c d 156. a b c d 171. a b c d
142. a b c d 157. a b c d 172. a b c d
143. a b c d 158. a b c d 173. a b c d
144. a b c d 159. a b c d 174. a b c d
145. a b c d 160. a b c d 175. a b c d
146. a b c d 161. a b c d 176. a b c d
147. a b c d 162. a b c d 177. a b c d
148. a b c d 163. a b c d 178. a b c d
149. a b c d 164. a b c d 179. a b c d
150. a b c d 165. a b c d 180. a b c d

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

 P a r a m e d i c E x a m 3 5. What are the components of the focused his-

tory and physical exam?
1. Which organs are contained in the right upper a. ABC and LOC assessment and vital signs
quadrant of the abdomen? b. SAMPLE history and focused examination
a. spleen, tail of pancreas, stomach, left kidney, c. head-to-toe check and treatment of injuries
and part of the colon d. vital signs and detailed physical exam
b. liver, gall bladder, head of pancreas, part of
duodenum, and part of the colon 6. What does pulse pressure refer to?
c. appendix, ascending colon, small intestine, a. diastolic blood pressure reading  the sys-
right ovary, and fallopian tube tolic reading
d. small intestine, descending colon, left ovary, b. systolic  the diastolic blood pressure
and fallopian tube reading
c. difference between the systolic and diastolic
2. Chest pain associated with stable angina may readings
be caused by d. systolic blood pressure as measured by a
a. a buildup of lactic acid and CO2. Doppler device
b. an occluded coronary artery.
c. cardiac dysrhythmias. 7. A 56-year-old male experienced a syncopal
d. cardiac cell death. episode and is now complaining of intense chest
pressure. His vital signs are RR = 26, P = 110, and
3. Your patient is a 65-year-old female complain- BP = 80/64. Crackles can be auscultated in both
ing of chest pressure. The EKG shows a wide lower lung fields. Which of the following condi-
complex tachycardia at a rate of 200 beats per tions best defines the patient’s presentation?
minute. The patient’s vital signs are P = 200, a. congestive heart failure
RR = 26, and BP 90/60. Which of the following b. cardiogenic shock
answers is the best treatment for this patient? c. cardiac arrest
a. lidocaine 0.5–1.0 mg/kg IVP d. malignant hypotension
b. synchronized cardioversion at 100 joules
c. defibrillation at 200 joules 8. An elderly male is complaining of a sudden
d. amiodarone 150 mg IVP, push slowly onset of severe pain in his right leg. The
affected extremity is cool to the touch and pale.
4. What does the P of the AVPU acronym mean? The temperature and pulse in the patient’s left
a. response to painful stimuli leg is normal. You suspect
b. perception of the environment a. varicose arteries.
c. level of pain they are feeling b. arterial occlusion.
d. radial pulse rate and rhythm c. pulmonary embolism.
d. deep-vein thrombosis.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

Answer questions 9–11 on the basis of the following 12. Your patient, a car accident victim, complains
information. of seeing “a dark curtain” in front of one eye.
What should you suspect?
You arrive at a golf course to find a 45-year-old male a. optic nerve damage
unconscious and responsive to pain but only with b. retinal detachment
movement. The patient was struck in the head by a c. orbital fracture
golf ball traveling at high velocity. His eyes are closed; d. conjunctival hemorrhage
pupil examination reveals his left pupil is 2 mm, and
the right is 8 mm and not reactive to light. This 13. Treatment for a patient in cardiogenic shock
patient moves upper extremities to localized pain and who is complaining of chest pressure should
moves lower extremities spontaneously. He is breath- include
ing full deep respirations at a rate of 24 per minute. a. adenosine IV push.
b. furosemide IV push.
9. You would expect the vital signs of this patient c. dopamine infusion.
generally to follow which of the following d. nitroglycerin sL.
a. RR increased, HR decreased, BP decreased 14. Signs and symptoms of traumatic asphyxia
b. RR increased, HR decreased, BP increased includes which of the following?
c. RR decreased, HR decreased, BP decreased a. paradoxical chest motion, pain on inspira-
d. RR decreased, HR increased, BP increased tion, and increased respiratory rate
b. dyspnea, bloodshot eyes, distended neck
10. Treatment of this patient would include which veins, and a cyanotic upper body
of the following? c. agitation, air hunger, distended neck veins,
a. spinal immobilization to a long board with shock, and tracheal displacement
cervical collar d. shock, cyanosis, absent breath sounds over
b. IV fluid boluses titrated to a systolic BP of one lobe, and flat neck veins
100–110 mmHg
c. opening the patient’s airway using the head- 15. An adult patient has burns covering her head
tilt/chin-lift technique and upper back. Using the rule of nines, this
d. placing the patient in the sniffing position to patient’s burns cover what percentage of her
facilitate airflow body surface area?
a. 9%
11. A patient with a closed head injury should be b. 18%
closely monitored for all of the following c. 27%
except d. 36%
a. hypovolemic shock.
b. respiratory alkalosis. 16. How would you classify a burn that is pearly
c. hypoxic seizures. white and almost painless?
d. hemopneumothorax. a. first-degree burn
b. second-degree burn
c. third-degree burn
d. chemical burn

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

Figure 5.1

17. Which of the following conditions indicates the a. diverticulitis

need for rapid transport? b. gastritis
a. isolated penetrating trauma by a knife in the c. peptic ulcer
upper forearm d. appendicitis
b. a pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle trav-
eling about 10 mph 20. A 42-year-old male complains of sudden, intense
c. first-degree and second-degree burns to the pain that is centered in his lower back. He is pale,
anterior chest cool, and diaphoretic, especially below the level
d. a pulse rate, 130; blood pressure, 90/60; and of his umbilicus. He is tachycardic and hypoten-
respiratory rate, 36/min sive. Which of the following conditions best
describes the patient presentation?
18. What is the Glasgow Coma Scale Score for a a. myocardial infarction
patient who opens her eyes in response to pain, b. abdominal aortic aneurysm
speaks incomprehensibly, and withdraws in c. pancreatitis
response to pain? d. kidney stones
a. 6
b. 7 21. Your patient is an 76-year-old male who is
c. 8 complaining of malaise. He has no medical his-
d. 9 tory and takes no medications. His BP is
112/70, pulse is 60 and irregular, respirations
19. Your patient is a 23-year-old man who com- 20, lungs clear and equal bilaterally, skin is
plains of abdominal pain. The patient states warm and dry. Figure 5.1 depicts his ECG. Pre-
that the pain began suddenly and was originally hospital management of this patient includes
located only in the area around the umbilicus. which of the following?
Now, however, it has moved to the right lower a. oxygen and monitoring only
quadrant. The patient also complains of nausea b. oxygen and IV atropine
and vomiting, and he has a fever of 102° F. c. oxygen and transcutaneous pacing
Examination displays rebound tenderness. d. oxygen, atropine, and transcutaneous pacing
What condition should you suspect?

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

22. What does the initial symptom of infection 26. Which breathing pattern is characteristic of
with HIV primarily consist of? diabetic ketoacidosis or other types of meta-
a. mild fatigue and fever bolic acidosis?
b. encephalopathy a. ataxic breathing
c. Kaposi’s sarcoma b. Biot’s breathing
d. pneumocytis carinii c. Cheyne-Stokes breathing
d. Kussmaul’s breathing
23. A 63-year-old male is complaining of substernal
chest pain radiating to his left arm and jaw. He 27. Normal vesicular breath sounds are usually
is diaphoretic and cool to the touch. The cardiac described as having which of the following
monitor shows sinus tachycardia. The patient’s characteristics?
vital signs are BP = 136/70, P = 118, and a. medium pitch, medium loudness, with
RR = 16. You have administered oxygen and equal inspiratory and expiratory phases
established an IV. What should you do now? b. high pitch, soft, with a long inspiratory
a. Defibrillate immediately with 200 joules. phase and a long expiratory phase
b. Prepare to administer atropine IV push. c. low pitch, soft, with a long inspiratory phase
c. Sedate the patient and then proceed with and a short expiratory phase
synchronized countershock at 50 joules. d. medium pitch, soft, with a short inspiratory
d. Administer sublingual nitroglycerin and phase and a long expiratory phase
evaluate the patient’s response to the
medication. 28. What is the purpose of the OPQRST mne-
24. Your patient is a 78-year-old woman who is a. to obtain the medical history
complaining of diffuse abdominal pain, nausea, b. to assess the neurologic status
and vomiting. Physical examination reveals c. to assess the respiratory status
abdominal distention and absent bowel d. to define the major complaint
sounds. You should suspect she has which of
the following conditions? 29. Your patient is a 70-year-old male. He
a. bowel obstruction complains of chest pain that began while he
b. aortic aneurysm was raking leaves. You perform an initial assess-
c. esophageal varices ment and a focused history and physical exam-
d. gastrointestinal bleeding ination and administer oxygen and
nitroglycerin. The patient then states that he
25. Atypical signs and symptoms of myocardial feels much better. What is he most likely
infarction that are commonly seen in elderly suffering from?
patients include all of the following except a. stable angina
a. confusion and fatigue. b. unstable angina
b. syncope. c. myocardial infarction
c. tearing chest pain. d. cardiac arrest
d. neck pain.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

30. A 25-year-old female complains of diffuse 34. The physiological cause of the anxiety and rest-
lower-abdominal pain, vaginal discharge, and lessness that make up the classic early signs of
low-grade fever. Which of the following condi- shock are a direct result of which of the follow-
tions best describes the patient’s presentation? ing phenomena?
a. pelvic inflammatory disease a. the release of catecholamines
b. ectopic pregnancy b. the decrease in cardiac output
c. kidney infection c. the rise in blood pressure
d. ovarian cyst d. the constriction of arterioles

31. What do the signs and symptoms of hyperten- Answer questions 35–37 on the basis of the following
sive crisis include? information.
a. pitting edema, tachycardia, tachypnea, and
venous congestion You arrive to find a 65-year-old male in acute respi-
b. paralysis, seizures, headache, and altered ratory distress. You hear wheezes from across the
level of consciousness room, and you note extreme accessory muscle use.
c. severe respiratory distress, apprehension, The patient has assumed a tripod position and is
cyanosis, and diaphoresis breathing through pursed lips. Your physical exam
d. restlessness, confusion, blurred vision, nau- reveals a barrel chest and stained fingernails. Vital
sea, and vomiting signs are blood pressure, 160/90; pulse, 100, strong
and irregular with atrial fibrillation on the cardiac
32. Why are vital sign changes not a good early monitor; and respiratory rate, 40, with shallow and
indicator of shock in a young healthy adult? labored breathing. Ausculation of the chest reveals
a. Patients often display false-positive vital sign wheezes and diminished lung sounds throughout
readings during shock. all fields.
b. The vital signs are often too low to be mea-
sured accurately during shock. 35. What is this patient most likely suffering from?
c. The body attempts to compensate by main- a. chronic bronchitis
taining normal vital signs. b. anaphylaxis
d. Signs and symptoms of shock are based on c. asthma
neurological findings only. d. emphysema

33. During an emergency delivery, the newborn’s 36. Which of the following medications would
head presents in the canal. After suctioning, not be used to treat this patient’s condition?
how can you assist with the delivery of the a. methylpredniosolone
anterior shoulder? b. epinephrine 1:1,000
a. Gently pull on the infant’s head. c. meperidine
b. Gently guide the infant’s head upward. d. metaproterenol
c. Gently guide the infant’s head downward.
d. Rotate the infant’s head to the transverse

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

37. Why is this patient breathing through pursed 41. What is bronchiolitis caused by?
lips? a. either infection or allergy
a. to provide positive pressure to inflate the b. mycobacterium tuberculosis
alveoli c. the respiratory syncytial virus
b. to minimize mouth movement during ven- d. an exacerbation of asthma
c. to try and retain carbon dioxide in the lung Answer questions 42–44 on the basis of the following
fields information.
d. to “blow off ” carbon dioxide to increase
blood pH Your patient is a 30-year-old female who is com-
plaining of a generalized rash and dyspnea after eat-
38. Under what circumstance could the pulse oxi- ing shellfish. The patient has small itchy, red welts
metry reading show a falsely elevated reading all over her body and says her tongue feels like it is
in a patient? swollen. She complains of difficulty moving air in
a. when the patient is exposed to radioactivity and difficulty catching a full breath. This patient’s
b. when the patient is exposed to carbon vital signs show a blood pressure of 110/60; a pulse
monoxide of 100, strong and regular; and a respiratory rate of
c. when the patient is exposed to pyrexins 36. Her breathing is somewhat shallow and
d. when the patient is exposed to carbon labored.
42. This patient is exhibiting the signs and
39. Which statement about airway obstruction symptoms of
caused by the tongue is incorrect? a. an allergic reaction.
a. The tongue is the most common cause of b. a partial airway obstruction.
airway obstruction in an unconscious c. anaphylactic shock.
patient. d. epiglottitis or croup.
b. Airway blockage does not depend on the
position of the patient’s head, neck, and jaw. 43. Medications used to treat this patient may
c. The esophagus and epiglottis can contribute include which of the following?
to airway blockage in an unconscious a. isoproterenol
patient. b. haloperidol
d. The tongue can block the airway only when c. hydroxyzine
the patient is recumbent or supine. d. dopamine

40. Which technique should you use to open the 44. This patient needs close monitoring because
airway of a trauma patient? she could progress into which of the following
a. the head-tilt/chin-lift conditions?
b. the jaw thrust a. bradycardia
c. the head tilt/neck-lift b. complete airway obstruction
d. the sniffing position c. anaphylactic shock
d. respiratory distress

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

45. After placing an endotracheal tube, you note 49. The term tracheal tugging refers to which of the
that breath sounds are much stronger on the following?
right side of the chest than on the left. What a. the use of accessory muscles during
does this suggest? respiration
a. The ET tube has been inserted into the right b. retraction of intercostal muscles during
mainstem bronchus. inspiration
b. The patient has developed a pneumothorax c. cyanosis and nasal flaring with exhalation
on the right side. d. retraction of neck tissues during respiration
c. The ET tube has not been inserted far
enough into the trachea. 50. A dull sound heard during chest percussion
d. The patient has probably aspirated vomitus may be associated with which condition?
into the trachea. a. pneumothorax
b. emphysema
46. You have just delivered a baby girl. Evaluation c. pneumonia
reveals that the infant cries loudly and has a d. bronchitis
heart rate of 140, her body is pink but the
extremities are blue, and she is actively moving 51. Pulse oximetry allows you to continuously
all extremities. Her APGAR score is record which of the following?
a. 7. a. pulse rate and oxygen saturation
b. 8. b. respiratory rate and oxygen saturation
c. 9. c. pulse rate and hemoglobin level
d. 10. d. respiratory rate and hemoglobin level

47. Causes of third-trimester bleeding include 52. Your patient is a 66-year-old man who is
a. ectopic pregnancy, preeclampsia, uterine extremely thin but has a noticeably distorted
rupture. barrel-shaped chest. He reports a history of
b. eclampsia, spontaneous abortion, placenta dyspnea that has recently gotten worse. You
previa. note that he purses his lips when breathing, but
c. ectopic pregnancy, uterine rupture, pelvic hypoxia is not apparent. In addition to moni-
inflammatory disease. toring vital signs, breath sounds, and the ECG,
d. abruptio placentae, placenta previa, uterine starting an IV, and transporting the patient,
rupture. what other treatments should you give to this
48. What is an assessment finding of pulsus para- a. Administer high-flow oxygen via BVM
doxus associated with? ­ventilation.
a. emphysema b. Administer low-flow oxygen and a
b. congestive heart disease broncho­dilator.
c. COPD c. Administer oxygen via nonrebreather mask
d. myocardial infarction and furosemide.
d. Orally intubate the patient and assist

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

53. A 28-year-old woman is complaining of a sud- 57. Your patient is a 6-year-old child who is con-
den onset of severe abdominal pain that radiates scious but not breathing because of an airway
to her shoulder. Her BP = 88/60, P = 110, and obstruction. What is the first thing you should
R = 20. Her skin is cool, pale, and clammy. She do for this patient?
states that her last normal menstrual period was a. Give five back blows followed by five chest
6–8 weeks ago. Which of the following condi- thrusts.
tions best describes the patient presentation? b. Visualize the airway and perform a finger
a. uterine rupture sweep.
b. ectopic pregnancy c. Perform subdiaphragmatic abdominal
c. abruptio placentae thrusts.
d. perforated uterus d. Open the airway with a head-tilt/chin-lift.

54. What respiratory pattern is characteristic of 58. You should attempt to remove foreign material
Kussmaul’s respiration? from a patient’s airway with forceps only in
a. an increase in both rate and depth what situation?
b. an increase in respiratory rate only a. You do not have access to laryngoscopy
c. a decrease in both rate and depth equipment.
d. decrease in respiratory rate only b. You have tried but failed to suction the
55. Which of the following factors increases the c. You are unable to insert an endotracheal
amount of energy necessary for the patient to tube.
expend for respiration? d. You are able to visualize the obstruction
a. loss of pulmonary surfactant directly.
b. decrease in airway resistance
c. increase in pulmonary compliance Answer questions 59–63 on the basis of the following
d. a decrease in body temperature information.

56. What does it mean if the pH of normal urine is Your patient is a 29-year-old female complaining of
6.0 and the pH of distilled water is 7.0? the sudden onset of severe shortness of breath and
a. Urine is twice as acidic as distilled water. chest pain. She indicates that she is recovering from
b. Urine is 10 times as acidic as distilled water. surgery to her left femur after an automobile crash.
c. Urine is twice as alkaline as distilled water.
d. Urine is 10 times as alkaline as distilled 59. What is this patient most likely suffering from?
water. a. medication reaction
b. myocardial infarction
c. pneamothorax
d. pulmonary embolism

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

60. You would expect to find which of the follow- 65. A patient suspected of showing early signs of
ing in this patient? shock should usually be placed supine with his
a. tracheal deviation or her feet elevated. When is this position
b. bradycardia contraindicated?
c. pulses paradoxes a. when a head injury is suspected
d. bradypnea b. if shock is due to hypovolemia
c. if you suspect respiratory alkalosis
61. This patient’s physiological problems are most d. if respirations are inadequate
likely due to what cardiac problem?
a. the right side of the heart pumping against 66. Which statement about deflation of the PASG/
increased resistance MAST in the field setting is correct?
b. the left side of the heart pumping against a. Deflation should be accomplished rapidly in
decreased resistance the field.
c. the right side of the heart pumping against b. Deflate the legs first and then the abdominal
decreased resistance compartment.
d. the left side of the heart pumping against c. Deflate the garment if the patient begins to
increased resistance experience dyspnea.
d. Deflation should not be attempted in the
62. Proper management of this patient includes field without medical direction.
which of the following?
a. IV fluid boluses 67. Which of the following statements is true
b. low-flow oxygen regarding a single limb presentation during an
c. ventilatory assistance emergency delivery?
d. transport in shock position a. Grasp the presenting part of the baby and
gently rotate it so the baby will deliver.
63. Which of the following conditions is a com- b. This is a nondeliverable presentation and
mon cause of this patient’s problem? requires immediate transport to an appro-
a. placement of a central line priate receiving facility.
b. ruptured cerebral aneurism c. Assist the mother in delivering the baby by
c. myocardial tissue damage applying gentle traction to the limb.
d. taking anticoagulant drugs d. Apply firm pressure to the presenting part to
delay birth until the patient is transferred to
64. Which of the following combinations are the the emergency department staff.
only two situations in which a prehospital pro-
vider should place a gloved hand into the 68. When responding to the scene of a hazardous-
vagina? materials incident, the EMS crew should
a. shoulder dystocia and prolapsed cord approach from
b. prolapsed cord and breech presentation a. downhill and downwind.
c. placental abruption and breech presentation b. downhill and upwind.
d. breech presentation and postpartum c. uphill and downwind.
hemorrhage d. uphill and upwind.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

69. How should you position a patient with a sus- 73. Normal atrial depolarization is seen on the
pected CVA and no other pertinent history? Lead II ECG strip as which of the following
a. supine with the head raised 15° waveforms?
b. in the left-lateral recumbent position a. a negative rounded P wave
c. supine with the feet raised 15° b. a positive rounded P wave
d. in the right-lateral recumbent position c. a flattened P wave
d. a biphasic P wave
70. The vital signs of a patient experiencing the
later stages of increased intracranial pressure 74. Which of the following is an abnormal finding
will be characterized by which of the following? on an ECG strip?
a. increased blood pressure, decreased pulse a. a P-R interval of 0.16 sec
and respiratory rate b. a P-R interval of 0.10 sec
b. increased blood pressure, pulse, and respira- c. a QRS complex of 0.10 sec
tory rate d. a QRS complex of 0.08 sec
c. decreased blood pressure, increased pulse
and respiratory rate 75. An EMS crew attempts to resuscitate a 50-year-
d. decreased blood pressure, pulse, and respira- old male in cardiac arrest and is not successful.
tory rate The family sues the EMS organization for neg-
ligence. The crew will need to prove that its
71. The T wave on an ECG tracing represents actions during the resuscitation
which of the following events? a. were extraordinary and heroic.
a. repolarization of the ventricles b. were not within their duty to act.
b. depolarization of the atria c. exceeded the standards set forth by the
c. depolarization of the ventricles American Heart Association.
d. repolarization of the atria d. were similar to the actions a reasonably
prudent person would do under similar
72. You are analyzing a patient’s heart rate on an circumstances.
ECG strip. You note that there are 13 complexes
within one 6-second interval. You would record 76. How does the Valsalva maneuver improve a
the heart rate as which of the following? too-rapid heartbeat?
a. 6 a. It forces the patient to slow down his or
b. 13 her respirations.
c. 78 b. It stimulates the vagus nerve to slow the
d. 130 heart rate.
c. It inhibits the release of acetylcholine,
slowing the heart.
d. It stimulates the carotid artery, slowing
blood return.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

77. Which dysrhythmia may be a sign of digitalis 81. During a multicasualty incident, the first two
toxicity? arriving paramedics should assume which
a. atrial fibrillation with a ventricular rate of roles?
less than 60 a. triage and treatment officers
b. premature junctional contractions leading b. medical group supervisor and communica-
to tachycardia tions officer
c. acute onset paroxysmal supraventricular c. medical group supervisor and triage officer
tachycardia d. triage and transport officers
d. atrial flutter with a ventricular rate greater
than 120 82. All of the following are components of an inci-
dent command system EXCEPT
78. Your patient is a 67-year-old man who has a a. triage.
pulse and whose ECG strip shows ventricular b. finance.
tachycardia. What should you do after adminis- c. logistics.
tering oxygen and placing an IV line? d. command.
a. Administer 6 mg of adenosine via rapid IV
push. 83. Why are patients who present with pulmonary
b. Administer 2.5–5.0 mg of verapamil via IV. edema usually assumed to have had a myocar-
c. Sedate and perform synchronized dial infarction?
cardio­version. a. An AMI is often the underlying cause of
d. Administer 1.0–1.5 mg/kg lidocaine via IV. right heart failure.
b. An AMI is frequently a common cause of
79. Which of the following is a risk factor for the left ventricle failure.
formation of atherosclerosis? c. An AMI decreases the oxygen-carrying
a. alcoholism capacity of the blood.
b. excessive exercise d. An AMI can result in the formation of a pul-
c. diabetes mellitus monary embolism.
d. cancer
84. What is the primary goal of management for a
80. The pain caused by myocardial infarction is patient with left ventricle failure and pulmo-
usually relieved only by the use of which of the nary edema?
following medications? a. decrease cardiac output
a. nitroglycerin b. initiate thrombolytic therapy
b. acetaminophen c. decrease venous return
c. oxygen d. prevent serious dysrhythmias
d. morphine

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

85. Your patient is a 68-year-old male with a his- 88. Which of the following are signs and symp-
tory of two prior AMIs. Your assessment find- toms of acute pulmonary embolism?
ings include a pulse rate of 124, peripheral a. rapid labored breathing and tachycardia
edema, and jugular vein distention. The patient b. slow labored breathing and cyanosis
denies any chest pain or breathing difficulty. c. acute abdominal pain and anxiety
What condition should you suspect? d. pallor, chest pain, and tachycardia
a. left ventricular failure
b. right ventricular failure 89. Your patient is a 67-year-old female who com-
c. pulmonary embolism plains of increasing leg pain and tenderness.
d. myocardial infarction The skin over the affected area is warm and red,
and Homan’s sign is positive. Vital signs are
86. Your patient is an 82-year-old female with a unremarkable. How should you treat this
suspected MI. While en route to the hospital, patient?
you note that her systolic blood pressure, which a. Massage the affected area to relieve the pain
had been stable, has started to drop, and that and restore circulation.
she is becoming confused. At the same time, b. Elevate the leg and transport the patient for
her heart rhythm converts to sinus tachycardia. further evaluation.
What should you should suspect is happening? c. Give IV fluid boluses to treat the signs and
a. She is developing cardiogenic shock. symptoms of shock.
b. She is going into sudden cardiac arrest. d. Have the patient walk to the ambulance to
c. Pulmonary edema is causing heart failure. promote blood flow.
d. She has thrown a pulmonary embolus.
90. In general, the court deems an emancipated
87. Your patient is a 65-year-old male who is com- minor to be one who
plaining of pain in his abdomen, back, and 1. is married.
flanks. His blood pressure is 90/60. On exami- 2. is economically independent.
nation, you note that the femoral pulses are 3. maintains a separate home.
markedly weaker than the radial pulses. What 4. is in the military.
should you do next? a. 1, 2
a. Palpate the abdomen gently for a pulsatile b. 1, 4
mass. c. 2, 3, 4
b. Administer dopamine to increase cardiac d. 1, 2, 3, 4
c. Treat for hypovolemia and transport rapidly. 91. What is the initial energy setting for defibrilla-
d. Administer lasix, morphine, nitroglycerine, tion in an adult cardiac arrest patient?
and oxygen. a. 100 joules
b. 200 joules
c. 300 joules
d. 360 joules

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92. Carotid sinus massage is used for patients with 97. Which set of vital signs is suggestive of left ven-
which dysrhythmia? tricular heart failure with pulmonary edema?
a. nonperfusing ventricular tachycardia a. BP elevated, pulse slow and irregular, respi-
b. refractory ventricular fibrillation rations slow and labored
c. paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia b. BP diminished, pulse slow and irregular, res-
d. second-degree AB block (Mobitz II) pirations rapid but easy
c. BP diminished, pulse fast and regular, respi-
93. External cardiac pacing is used for which of the rations rapid and labored
following rhythms? d. BP elevated, pulse fast and irregular, respira-
a. ventricular fibrillation tions rapid and labored
b. symptomatic bradycardia
c. PVCs occuring from irritability Answer questions 98–103 on the basis of the following
d. PVCs occuring as escape beats information.

94. What is the usual dosage and route of adminis- You respond for a 44-year-old male diabetic who is
tration of diazepam given before synchronized complaining of a general feeling of weakness. Dur-
cardioversion? ing your questioning, you learn that he has been
a. 2–5 mg given intramuscularly “constantly thirsty and hungry.” His breath has a
b. 5–10 mg directly into the vein fruity odor, and his level of consciousness appears
c. 5–15 mg by slow IV push to be diminishing.
d. 15–10 mg administered rectally
98. Which diabetic emergency is this patient most
95. Which drug is used in management of conges- likely suffering from?
tive heart failure? a. diabetic ketoacidosis
a. dobutamine b. diabetes mellitus
b. isoproterenol c. hypoglycemia
c. bretylium d. hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic
d. verapamil coma (HHNK)

96. Which heart sounds are normal findings on 99. Which vital signs would you expect from this
auscultation? patient?
a. S1 and S2 a. cool, clammy skin; bradycardia; increased
b. S2 and S3 respirations
c. S3 and S4 b. warm, dry skin; tachycardia; increased
d. S2 and S4 respirations
c. warm, dry skin; bradycardia; decreased
d. cool, clammy skin; tachycardia; decreased

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

100. This patient’s symptoms are most likely due to 104. After a critical incident, a “defusing” should be
which condition? done
a. high levels of insulin a. 1–2 hours after the event.
b. low levels of insulin b. 8–10 hours after the event.
c. low levels of glucose c. 24–48 hours after the event.
d. dehydration d. 60–72 hours after the event.

101. Which of the following statements is the most 105. Asymmetrical movement during respiration
accurate with regard to this patient? typically suggests which condition?
a. He has not eaten in a while, resulting in a. COPD
hypoglycemia. b. flail chest
b. He has taken too much insulin, resulting in c. brain damage
hyperglycemia. d. hemothorax
c. He has not taken his correct dose of insulin
or is ill. 106. Your patient suffers a head trauma that results
d. He has taken his insulin but did not regulate in a transient loss of consciousness followed by
his fluid intake. a complete return of function. What is the term
for this condition?
102. During transport, this patient slips into uncon- a. cerebral contusion
sciousness, and his breathing becomes very b. epidural hematoma
deep and rapid. What is this pattern called? c. contrecoup injury
a. Kussmaul’s respirations d. cerebral concussion
b. HHNK respirations
c. Cheyne-Stokes respirations 107. What is the proper procedure for aligning a
d. Christianson’s respirations fractured long bone?
a. Stabilize the entire limb in the position in
103. What does appropriate treatment for this which it is found, and then immobilize.
patient include? b. Immobilize the limb with all the joints in
a. an IV of D5W or Ringer’s lactate, oxygen, the position of function.
and IM glucagon c. Immobilize the distal portion of the limb,
b. a blood glucose test, IV normal saline, and a and then move the proximal portion.
fluid bolus d. Stabilize the proximal portion, and then
c. a blood glucose test, 25 gm of dextrose 50%, bring the distal portion into alignment.
and limited fluids
d. hyperventilation, limited fluids, and sodium

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108. When would you bandage and splint limb inju- 112. What is the primary reason that diazepam is
ries on scene? given to a seizure patient?
a. only if the patient does not need rapid a. to help relieve any anxiety that may be
­transport caused from having a seizure
b. if the transport time will be longer than one b. to suppress the spread of electrical activity
hour in the brain and relax muscles
c. after treating any life-threatening injuries c. to prevent hypoglycemia by allowing the
first brain to effectively use insulin
d. if the fracture has neurovascular d. to help increase the blood pressure by lower-
­compromise ing the seizure threshold

109. What should you always do if your examina- 113. What is the correct dosage and route of admin-
tion of a limb suggests that it is fractured? istration of epinephrine for a patient in
a. Apply traction to align the ends of long ­anaphylaxis?
bones and position the joints. a. 0.3–0.5 mg epinephrine 1:10,000, adminis-
b. Treat it as if a fracture exists and immobilize tered intravenously
it to prevent further injury. b. 0.1–0.3 mg epinephrine 1:10,000, adminis-
c. Check the proximal pulse, motor, and sensa- tered intravenously
tion, and adjust the position. c. 0.3–0.5 mg epinephrine 1:1,000, adminis-
d. Transport the patient as quickly as possible tered subcutaneously
to preserve function of the limb. d. 0.1–0.3 mg epinephrine 1:1,000, adminis-
tered subcutaneously
110. Which type of wound would most likely
require a tourniquet? 114. What is the role of beta agonists like albuterol
a. amputation of the hand at the forearm in the treatment of anaphylaxis?
b. bilateral open fractures of the femurs a. to relieve anxiety
c. below-the-knee amputation by a machine b. to prevent shock
d. tearing injury of the upper arm c. to raise blood pressure
d. to reverse bronchospasm
111. A patient with hypoglycemia may present with
which of the following signs or symptoms? 115. During a multicasualty incident, a conscious
a. bizarre behavior patient presents with a fractured femur, a pal-
b. blurred vision pable radial pulse, and a respiratory rate of 24/
c. gradual onset min. According to START, this patient would
d. bradycardia be placed into what triage category?
a. minor/green
b. delayed/yellow
c. immediate/red
d. deceased/black

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116. What do the symptoms of acetaminophen 120. Which of the following patients shows signs
overdose include? and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
a. nausea, vomiting, malaise, diaphoresis, and a. male, age 34: severe muscle cramps in legs
right-upper-quadrant pain and abdomen; fatigue; and dizziness
b. nausea, vomiting, confusion, lethargy, sei- b. female, age 45: rapid; shallow respirations;
zures, and dysrhythmias weak pulse; cold, clammy skin; dizziness
c. altered mental status, hypotension, slurred c. male, age 42: deep respirations; rapid strong
speech, and bradycardia pulse; dry, hot skin; loss of consciousness
d. nausea, dilated pupils, rambling speech, d. female, age 70: shallow respirations; weak,
lethargy, headache, and dizziness rapid pulse; dilated pupils; seizures

117. Prehospital administration of sodium bicar- 121. Which of the following activities are performed
bonate may be ordered for a patient who has by the EMT-Paramedic in the field?
overdosed on which of the following drugs? 1. maintaining and preparing of emergency-
a. acetaminophen care equipment and supplies
b. benzodiazepines 2. directing and coordinating patient transport
c. narcotics by selecting the best methods
d. antidepressants 3. assigning priorities of emergency treatment
4. initiating and continuing emergency
118. Your patient is a 19-year-old female who has treatment
been stung by a stingray while swimming. a. 1, 2
What should you do after ensuring airway b. 2, 3
breathing and circulation are intact? c. 1, 3, 4
a. Apply a tight constricting band between the d. 1, 2, 3, 4
wound and the heart.
b. Apply heat or warm water to reduce pain 122. Which of the following statements about care
and detoxify the poison. of a near-drowning victim is correct?
c. Use an icepack wrapped in a towel to relieve a. The Heimlich maneuver should be used to
pain and swelling. clear the airway.
d. Administer morphine sulfate IM or IM b. Ventilation should not be provided until the
titrated to relieve pain. patient is clear of the water.
c. The patient should be admitted to the hos-
119. Which drug can cause users to behave violently pital for observation.
and aggressively? d. Near-drowning victims seldom experience
a. Elavil head or neck injury.
b. phenobarbital
c. PCP
d. LSD

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123. Which of the following are the signs and symp- 126. What is the primary goal in treating this
toms of air embolism? patient?
a. pruritus, skin pallor and cyanosis, pitting a. correct hypoxia, reverse bronchospasms,
edema in the ankles and decrease inflammation
b. sharp chest pain with sudden onset, dyspnea b. decrease respiratory drive, decrease heart
with coughing rate, and increase blood pressure
c. dizziness, auditory and vestibular distur- c. increase heart rate, decrease respiratory rate,
bances, headache and correct carbon dioxide levels
d. fatigue, pain in chest and lower abdomen, d. correct carbon dioxide levels, decrease
nausea, and vomiting inflammation, and increase heart rate

124. You are interviewing a 43-year-old woman 127. This patient’s condition might have been trig-
with a long history of schizophrenia. She gered by any of the following except
appears to try to cooperate, but there are long a. warm air.
periods of silence in your conversation while b. allergens.
she listens to her “voices.” How should you c. exercise.
respond during her silence? d. medications.
a. Repeat your last question.
b. Restate her last response. 128. Treatment for this patient includes which of
c. Remain quietly attentive. the following medications?
d. Tell an interesting story. a. versed, epinephrine, and diazepam
b. albuterol, aminophylline, and atropine
125. A patient with bipolar disorder usually suffers c. albuterol, terbutaline, and steroids
from which of the following? d. terbutaline, steroids, and verapamil
a. frequent hallucinations
b. delusional behavior 129. Diazapam and lorazepam are examples of
c. wide mood swings which of the following?
d. psychotic thoughts a. antipsychotics
b. phenothiazines
Answer questions 126–128 on the basis of the follow- c. tricyclic antidepressants
ing information. d. benzodiazepines

You respond to a 12-year-old male who is wheezing 130. Starting an IV on an alert patient who refuses
and having difficulty breathing. The patient has a one could result in your being held liable for
long history of asthma and states that he used his which of the following?
inhaler but that it didn’t help much. Upon examina- a. assault
tion, you discover that the patient is tachycardic and b. battery
tachypneic with a nonproductive cough. c. libel
d. slander

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131. A 5-year-old male has multiple injuries in vari- Answer questions 134–138 on the basis of the follow-
ous stages of healing, including raccoon eyes ing information.
and a new suspected broken leg. On question-
ing, his mother states that he fell out of his You respond to the residence of a 4-year-old male
bunk bed, but his sister, age 9, says that “Daddy who was found in his backyard, head down in a
beat him.” The mother insists that her husband 5-gallon bucket of water. The child, according to
will take the child to the hospital when he gets the mother, was in the water for approximately four
home from work. How should you proceed? minutes. The child is cyanotic, pulseless, and apneic.
a. Document your findings, convince the mother The ECG shows he is in asystole. The child weighs
that transport to the hospital is necessary, and approximately 40 pounds.
report your suspicions of child abuse.
b. Make sure his condition is stable, grant the 134. A physician at the scene of an incident instructs
mother’s request for delayed transport, and you to provide care for a patient that you know
follow up that evening to confirm that treat- to be inappropriate given the patient’s present
ment was sought. condition. Your best course of action will be to
c. Confront the mother with your suspicions, a. contact the medical control physician and ask
transport the child immediately and call the him to speak with the on-scene physician.
police. b. inform the on-scene physician that you dis-
d. Remove both children from the home agree with his instructions and ask him to
immediately and transport both of them to perform the procedures himself.
the hospital for a complete evaluation. c. politely inform the physician that his
instructions are inappropriate and ask him
132. Until ruled out by a physician, documented to leave the room.
fever in an infant younger than three months d. ignore the on-scene physician’s order, load the
old is always considered to result from which of patient in the ambulance as quickly as possi-
the following? ble, and transport rapidly to the hospital.
a. epilepsy
b. Reye’s syndrome 135. Which of the following would be the most
c. epiglottitis ­reliable method for determining the proper
d. meningitis medication dosing for this pediatric patient?
a. Give no more than −12 the adult dose for all
133. What does appropriate management of a child medications.
with epiglottitis consist of? b. Give −13 t he adult dose for all medications
a. visualization of the airway and insertion of except atropine.
an endotracheal tube c. Use the Broselow Tape or another length-
b. administration of racemic epinephrine and weight measuring system.
nebulized albuterol d. Estimate the patient’s kilogram weight by
c. airway maintenance and administration of dividing by 2.2.
humidified oxygen
d. administration of bronchodilators and

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

136. All of the following medications can be given 141. Your patient is a 5-year-old girl who presents
through the endotracheal tube to pediatric with breathing difficulty of rapid onset. She is
patients except sitting upright and drooling. Her temperature
a. lidocaine. is 104.6° F. What should you suspect?
b. epinephrine. a. bronchiolitis
c. atropine. b. asthma
d. Valium. c. croup
d. epiglottitis
137. After endotracheal intubation of this patient,
which of the following steps should be done first? 142. An injury to the brain opposite the site of a
a. Confirm the ETT placement. blunt force impact is called
b. Inflate the cuff to prevent air leakage. a. contralateral.
c. Dilute all ETT medication to 10 cc. b. concussion.
d. Tape the tube to the patient’s maxilla. c. contrecoup.
d. coup force.
138. After the first round of ACLS drugs, the patient
converts to a sinus bradycardia at a rate of 40 143. One way to determine the size of the endo­
beats per minute. What is the drug of choice tracheal tube to use in a child is to use the
for managing this patient’s bradycardia? ­following equation: 16 + the child’s age divided
a. epinephrine by 4. Another consideration is the size of the
b. atropine child’s
c. isoproterenol a. glottic opening.
d. dobutamine b. pleural space.
c. pharynx.
139. Knee injuries and hip dislocations that occur d. cricoid ring.
during a motor vehicle crash are often the
result of which pathway of energy transfer? 144. What should you do in order to preserve physi-
a. “down and under” cal evidence in cases of suspected sexual
b. “down and back” assault?
c. “up and over” a. Examine the patient’s perineal area carefully.
d. “up and back” b. Bag all soiled articles of clothing together.
c. Avoid cleaning wounds and handling
140. A high-velocity bullet passes through the body. ­clothing.
Besides the direct damage caused by the bullet, d. Have the patient change clothes and bathe
what other related condition could cause harm before transport.
to the patient?
a. the type of metal used to make the bullet
b. the internal opening created by cavitation
c. the gunpowder residue
d. the length of the bullet

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145. A 17-year-old male complains of a steadily 149. Which of the following is a differential sign or
worsening headache several days after being symptom of spinal shock associated with
struck in the head during football practice. trauma?
Which of the following injuries best describes a. an elevated heart rate
this patient’s presentation? b. decreasing blood pressure
a. a concussion c. anxiety or sense of doom
b. subdural hematoma d. warm, dry skin distal to the injury site
c. epidural hematoma
d. subarachnoid bleed 150. During a normal delivery, you would tell the
mother to stop pushing when what occurs?
146. When should you examine a woman who is a. crowning begins
about to give birth for crowning? b. the head is delivered
a. during a contraction c. delivery of the infant is complete
b. between contractions d. the placenta is delivered
c. during an internal pelvic exam
d. only when time permits 151. What is the appropriate treatment for a pro-
lapsed cord?
147. Your patient is a 32-year-old woman who a. Attempt to push the cord back into the
reports that she is 14 weeks pregnant. She com- vagina and deliver the infant normally.
plains of abdominal cramping and vaginal b. Place two fingers on either side of the baby’s
bleeding. How should you proceed? nose and mouth and lift the head until it is
a. Perform an internal vaginal exam and treat delivered.
her for any signs of ectopic pregnancy. c. Place two fingers to raise the presenting part
b. Administer high-flow oxygen, monitor fetal of the fetus off the cord, place the mother in
heart tones, and transport immediately. knee-chest position, administer oxygen, and
c. Treat for signs and symptoms of hypov- transport.
olemia, provide emotional support, and d. Assist and support the mother for a normal
transport. vaginal delivery.
d. Position the patient supine, open an OB kit,
and prepare for emergency delivery in the 152. Immediately after delivery, how should you
field. position the neonate?
a. higher than the mother’s vagina, with its
148. What is the cause of the supine-hypotensive head slightly elevated
syndrome in the pregnant patient? b. at the level of the mother’s vagina, with its
a. pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena head slightly lower than the body
cava c. lower than the mother’s vagina, with the
b. normal volume depletion during pregnancy head at the same level as the body
c. the occurance of abruptio placentae d. at the level of the mother’s vagina, with the
d. abnormal fetal presentation or positioning head slightly elevated

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

153. A patient who complains of a sudden and pain- 157. A patient was hit several times in the left chest
less complete loss of vision in one eye is most with the large end of a pool cue. The patient is
likely suffering from in severe respiratory distress with tachycardia
a. acute retinal artery occlusion. and tachypnea. Crepitus can be felt over the left
b. retinal detachment. anterior fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh rib
c. conjunctival hemorrhage. area. Lung sounds are clear and equal, but
d. hyphema. diminished. Which of the following conditions
best describes the patient’s presentation?
154. The first step in the resuscitation of a distressed a. flail chest segment
neonate is to b. tension pneumothorax
a. ventilate with 100% oxygen for 15–30 seconds. c. pericardial tamponade
b. administer Narcan. d. pulmonary contusion
c. evaluate the respiratory rate and breath
sounds. 158. Which statement describes a tiered EMS system?
d. initiate chest compressions. a. Paramedics are the prehospital team leaders
and they supervise lower-level BLS providers.
155. All but which of the following statements about b. Physicians directly supervise all aspects of
supplying supplemental oxygen to a neonate is care provided by prehospital personnel.
correct? c. Varying levels of resources are dispatched to
a. Do not withhold oxygen from a neonate in calls, depending on the nature of the incident.
the prehospital setting. d. After they arrive at the hospital, patients are
b. Oxygen toxicity in the prehospital setting is assigned a priority for care by a triage nurse.
a serious concern.
c. Administer supplemental oxygen by blowing 159. A patient is found lying supine on the floor with
it across the neonate’s face. a stab wound to her right anterior chest, just
d. Oxygen should be warmed if possible prior below the breast. The patient is having difficulty
to administration. breathing, with cool, clammy skin signs. No JVD
is noted. Breath sounds are absent over the right
156. How much intravenous fluid should you side. This patient most likely is experiencing a
administer to a distressed neonate who weighs a. pneumothorax.
2 kg? b. pericardial tamponade.
a. 10 mL c. tension pneumothorax.
b. 20 mL d. hemothorax.
c. 30 mL
d. 40 mL

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

160. Which activity is an example of indirect medi- 163. A male patient is found to have a respiratory
cal control? rate of 38. This would place him in which of
a. A licensed physician who does not work in the following categories?
the EMS system assumes control at an acci- a. delayed
dent scene. b. immediate
b. A paramedic administers nitroglycerin to a c. nonsalvageable
patient with chest pain under standing d. critical
medical orders.
c. A mobile intensive care nurse communicates 164. Another male patient is found to have a respira-
orders to paramedics while en route to the tory rate of 28 and a radial pulse of 84. He is
hospital. confused about the incident. This patient would
d. An EMS physician tells a paramedic on the be placed in which of the following categories?
radio to administer morphine sulfate to a a. delayed
patient. b. immediate
c. nonsalvageable
Answer questions 161–165 on the basis of the follow- d. critical
ing information.
165. A female patient is found to have no spontane-
You respond to reports of a bus collision. Upon arrival, ous respirations. What should you do next?
it appears that you have approximately 35 patients. a. Use a bag-valve mask and ventilate with
100% oxygen.
161. What is your first priority? b. Assess for a pulse.
a. Set up the triage area close to the treament c. Reposition the airway and check her again
and transport areas. for respirations.
b. Establish the morgue area away from the d. Start CPR and call for immediate removal to
view of the patients. the treatment area.
c. Begin rapid treatment of the most seriously
injured patients. 166. A person with a serious illness can delegate the
d. Separate the walking wounded from the right to make medical decisions to someone
more severely injured. else by enacting which of the following legal
162. The first parameter to assess when using the a. living will
START triage algorithm should be b. durable power of attorney for healthcare
a. blood pressure. c. Do Not Resuscitate order
b. breathing/airway. d. Right To Die order
c. circulation.
d. level of consciousness.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

167. What is the legal term for an intentional devia- 170. A wrestler feels his shoulder “pop” when his
tion from the accepted standard of care that opponent twists his arm during a hold. There is
results in harm to a patient? immediate pain and loss of range of motion in
a. negligence the shoulder. What is the patient’s likely injury?
b. liability a. subluxation
c. res ipsa loquitur b. muscle strain
d. abandonment c. torn ligament
d. torn rotator cuff
168. You are acting under the doctrine of implied
consent when you treat which of the following 171. All of the following are correct statements
patients? about the care of patients who are contami-
a. a person who is drunk and refuses treatment nated by hazardous material EXCEPT
b. a confused elderly man whose adult child is a. trained personnel should immediately
with him remove nonambulatory patients from the
c. a small child whose parent is not present “hot zone.”
d. a person who is upset and mentally b. decontamination activities should be carried
distraught out while the patient is in the “warm zone.”
c. intravenous therapy and invasive procedures
169. Your patient is a 28-year-old man who is suffer- should begin only under specific physician
ing a seizure. You monitor his condition during direction.
the seizure and throughout the postictal period, d. An initial assessment should be done while the
but when the patient recovers, he refuses trans- patient is located within the “hot zone.”
port or further treatment. What should you do
next? 172. Your unit is the first to arrive at the scene of a
a. Explain the risks of refusing care and bombing at a large office building. The purpose
then restrain the patient before you begin of your initial size-up of the incident is to
treatment. a. determine what additional resources will be
b. Call for police assistance to help you convince needed.
the patient to go to the hospital. b. decide how seriously injured each patient is.
c. Sedate the patient and transport him to the c. assess whether the building can be salvaged.
hospital while he is unconscious. d. help the police look for clues about who
d. Consult with medical control, explain the placed the bomb.
risks of refusing care, and document the
patient’s refusal.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

173. At a major incident response, which of the 176. You have responded to a home for an unknown
­following is the responsibility of the staging emergency. Your patient, a 74-year-old male
officer? named George Evans, has been found at home
a. Establish the triage, treatment, and trans- in rigor mortis with dependent lividity. The
portation sectors in the most appropriate best thing to tell his family initially is
sites. a. “Mr. Evans is no longer with us.”
b. Evaluate what resources are needed for treat- b. “I’m sorry to tell you that Mr. Evans has died.”
ment and report this to incident command. c. “It’s obvious that Mr. Evans is long gone.”
c. Collect and assess patients with minor inju- d. “I think it’s possible that Mr. Evans passed in
ries and remove them from the treatment his sleep.”
d. Maintain a log of units available and an 177. All but which of the following statements about
inventory of special equipment. use of disposable gloves and infection control
are true?
174. Which statement about the triage operation at a. Gloves should be worn for every patient
a mass-casualty incident is correct? ­contact.
a. Each patient’s triage and initial assessment b. Gloves should be changed for each new
should take less than 60 seconds. patient contact.
b. A detailed physical exam of the walking c. Gloves cannot protect healthcare workers
wounded is part of the basic triage ­operation. from needle sticks.
c. Triage assessment of each individual patient d. Gloves should be worn while eating or
takes approximately one to two minutes. drinking in the ambulance.
d. Triage personnel at a mass-casualty incident
should have the highest level of training. 178. A 72-year-old man trips and falls while walking
to his bathroom. Physical findings include a
175. Using the START triage method at a multiple- lateral rotation of the left foot and knee. The
casualty accident scene, you encounter a patient has tenderness and a protrusion in the
patient who is making no spontaneous respira- left groin area. You suspect
tory effort despite attempts at repositioning. a. distal femur fracture.
What should you do next? b. anterior dislocation of the hip.
a. Tag the patient as unsalvageable and move on. c. ischeal tuberosity fracture.
b. Request medical backup from the treatment d. posterior dislocation of the hip.
c. Begin mouth to mask or bag-valve mask
d. Move the patient to the care area and

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

179. When is use of “reasonable” force or use of 180. Tertiary injuries from a blast include
restraints permissible for a patient? a. extremity fractures.
a. The patient is alert, cooperative but anxious. b. organ lacerations.
b. The patient has altered level of conscious c. impaled objects.
caused by injury, substance abuse, or illness. d. lung injuries.
c. It is never appropriate to use any force on a
d. This is at the discretion of the paramedic or
the crew’s officer.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

 A n s w e r s 8. b. A sudden loss of blood flow to the leg within

the arterial bed would account for the sud-
1. b. This choice lists the organs that can be pal- den change in skin color and temperature.
pated in the right upper quadrant (liver, gall 9. b. This set of vitals, known as Cushing’s triad
bladder, head of pancreas, part of duode- (respiratory rate increased, heart rate
num, and part of the colon). decreased, blood pressure increased), is
2. a. Stable angina is caused by a temporary low- common in closed head injuries.
flow state in the coronary arteries that does 10. d. Placing the victim in the sniffing position
not lead to cell injury or death (infarction). manipulates the head and neck, facilitating
During hypoperfusion, lactic acid and exces- airflow.
sive carbon dioxide are not carried away, 11. d. Choices a, b, and c are all common in closed
causing irritation and pain. head injuries; choice d (hemopneumothorax)
3. b. Due to the low blood pressure, this patient is not.
would be classified as unstable. Immediate 12. b. A patient with a detached retina will often
intervention will be needed to correct this complain of seeing a dark curtain in front of
condition. Delivering medications may take part of the field of vision.
too long to administer. Defibrillation may 13. c. Although the patient may be complaining of
invoke ventricular fibrillation. chest discomfort, administering nitroglyc-
4. a. In the AVPU acronym, used to assess level of erin would only worsen an already low blood
consciousness, the P stands for the patient’s pressure. Even with fluid leaking into the
response to painful stimuli. interstitial lung tissue secondary to the low
5. b. The focused history and physical exam, blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation,
undertaken only after immediate threats to a diuretic would also carry the same risk of
life have been corrected, consists of ascer- reducing pressure even more. This patient
taining the nature of illness or injury, previ- requires a vasoactive medication such as
ous history (via SAMPLE), vital signs, and dopamine to increase blood pressure.
focused exam. 14. b. Traumatic asphyxia occurs when serious rib
6. c. Pulse pressure refers to the difference injury pushes the chest wall inward, resulting
between the diastolic and systolic blood pres- in severe hypoventilation and backflow of
sure readings. A narrowing pulse pressure venous blood. Important signs and symp-
indicates increasing diastolic pressure and toms of this include dyspnea, bloodshot
decreasing systolic pressure. Perfusion will eyes, distended neck veins, and a cyanotic
stop once both pressures come together. upper body.
7. b. The patient’s heart is not pumping efficiently, 15. b. The head and upper back are each equal to
possibly due to an MI. This would result in a 9% of body surface area.
loss of blood pressure throughout the cardio- 16. c. This is often the appearance of a third-degree
vascular system, including the pulmonary burn, which is painless because of destruc-
vessels. The lack of pressure causes plasma to tion of nerve cells.
leak into the interstitial space of the lungs,
causing the adventitious breath sounds.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

17. d. The vital signs listed in choice d indicate the 26. d. Kussmaul’s breathing is characteristic of dia-
presence of shock. An isolated injury of pen- betic ketoacidosis.
etrating trauma to the upper arm is not gen- 27. c. The correct description of normal vesicular
erally life threatening. A 10-mile-per-hour breath sounds (low in pitch, soft, with a long
impact to a pedestrian is not generally a sig- inspiratory phase and a short expiratory
nificant MOI. Burns to the entire chest cover phase) is given.
a body surface area of approximately 9%; 28. d. The OPQRST mnemonic is used to define
this would not in itself require rapid trans- the chief complaint associated with medical
port unless other problems existed. conditions such as pain, dyspnea, dizziness,
18. c. Eye opening = 2; verbal response = 2; motor and vague sensations. It is not usually used in
response = 4. trauma or actual unconsciousness.
19. d. The classic signs and symptoms of appendi- 29. a. The pain of stable angina is brought on by
citis are given. ­exertion and relieved by rest, oxygen, and
20. b. The abdominal aorta is located in the retro- nitroglycerin.
peritoneal space. A sudden loss of pressure 30. a. PID causes lower-abdominal discomfort that
due to an aortic aneurysm will result in loss is difficult to localize and often has an associ-
of perfusion below the site of injury. ated fever. Pain associated with an ectopic
21. a. This patient is suffering from second-degree pregnancy is more localized, as is the pain
AV block type 1 (Wenckebach), which is an associated with solid organ involvement.
intermittent block at the AV node. There is 31. d. The most common signs and symptoms of
generally no treatment necessary for stable hypertensive emergency (restlessness, confu-
patients with second-degree AV heart block sion, blurred vision, nausea, and vomiting)
type I other than oxygen and monitoring. are given.
22. a. Although symptoms of full-blown AIDS 32. c. The body’s physiological mechanisms com-
include Kaposi’s sarcoma and opportunistic pensate for the insult that causes shock.
infections, initial symptoms of infection with Therefore, although changes in vital signs are
the AIDS virus often consist only of mild ominous late signs in patients with poor tis-
fatigue and fever. sue perfusion, they are unlikely to occur in a
23. d. The patient’s heart rate is not fast enough to young healthy adult who has just entered a
be the primary source of the chest pain. state of shock.
Therefore, administration of nitroglycerin 33. c. The head will tend to drop down as the
may resolve the chief complaint, which in shoulders begin to pass through the birth
turn may slow the heart rate down. canal. The paramedic can gently guide the
24. a. The patient is displaying signs and symp- head to help with the process.
toms of bowel obstruction. 34. a. The release of catecholamines that results
25. c. There are many atypical signs and symptoms from the initial drop in blood pressure causes
of MI in elderly patients; choices a, b, and d the feelings of anxiety and restlessness.
list three of them. A tearing sensation in the 35. d. This patient is exhibiting the classic signs
chest generally indicates a dissecting aneu- and symptoms of emphysema.
rysm is occuring. 36. b. Epinephrine 1:1,000 is not indicated for this

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

37. a. Breathing through pursed lips is a common 48. c. Pulsus paradoxus, or a drop in blood pres-
compensatory mechanism COPD patients sure with each respiratory cycle, is associated
use to provide positive end-expiratory pres- with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
sure, which forces more alveoli to inflate. (COPD).
38. b. Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause a 49. d. Tracheal tugging refers to retraction of neck
falsely high pulse oximetry reading. tissues during respiratory effort.
39. d. Blockage of the airway by the tongue can 50. c. A dull sound on chest percussion may be
occur when the patient is in any position. ­associated with pneumonia, hemothorax, or
40. b. The jaw thrust is used to open the airway of pulmonary edema.
patients with suspected cervical spine injury. 51. a. Once it is attached to the patient’s finger, the
Any trauma patient with questionable or pulse oximeter will continuously record the
unknown mechanism of injury should be pulse rate and oxygen saturation level.
assumed to have a cervical spine unjury until 52. b. The patient is showing signs and symptoms
it is ruled out. of emphysema. Administer low-flow oxygen
41. c. The respiratory syncytial virus, which causes to preserve his hypoxic drive.
only mild upper-respiratory infections in 53. b. A sudden rupture of an ectopic pregnancy
older persons, causes bronchiolitis, a serious would result in a loss of blood that would
respiratory infection, in infants and young place the patient in compensatory shock.
children. 54. a. Kussmaul’s respirations, which are associated
42. a. This patient’s blood pressure is still compen- with diabetic ketoacidosis, are characterized
sating for the allergic reaction; therefore, the by increased rate and depth of respirations.
patient is not in anaphylactic shock. 55. a. Loss of pulmonary surfactant, which can
43. c. Isuprel, haldol, and dopamine are not occur in pneumonia and other conditions,
­indicated for this patient. Hydroxyzine is an increases the tendency of the alveoli to col-
anti­histamine that can be used to treat the lapse and, thus, increases the work necessary
puritis (itchy red welts). for respiration.
44. c. This patient needs to be monitored for possi- 56. b. Hydrogen ion concentration, or pH, is mea-
ble anaphylactic shock. sured on a scale of 1 (highly acidic) to 14
45. a. If breath sounds are stronger on one side (highly alkaline), with 7 being neutral. For
than on the other, or absent on one side, this each unit on the scale, the solution is ten
suggests that the tube has been inserted too times more acidic or alkaline. These mea-
far and is resting in one bronchus. surements are very important in the consid-
46. c. With the exception of the blue extremities, eration of the oxygen-diffusing capacity of
the infant scores a “2” on Activity, Pulse, Gri- the blood, where very small changes in pH
mace, and Respirations. Her “Appearance” are highly significant.
scores as a 1. 57. c. The first step in treating a conscious child of
47. d. A ruptured ectopic pregnancy usually occurs this age with a complete airway obstruction
within the first trimester. Eclampsia and PID is to perform the Heimlich maneuver (i.e.,
are not associated with bleeding. subdiaphragmatic abdominal thrusts). Con-
tinue until the obstruction is relieved or the
child becomes unconscious.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

58. d. To prevent tissue damage, you should 69. a. The patient should be supine with the head
attempt to physically remove foreign mate- elevated to enhance venous return. If conges-
rial only if you can actually see the obstruc- tive heart failure is present, the patient
tion with a laryngoscope. should be positioned at least semi-Fowler’s
59. d. This patient has symptoms of a pulmonary (sitting up at least 45°).
embolism. 70. a. These changes (increased blood pressure,
60. b. You would expect to see this patient in decreased pulse and respiratory rate) are
­tachycardia rather than bradycardia due to characteristic of patients with increased
the increasing dyspnea and hypoxia resulting intercranial pressure.
from the pulmonary embolism. 71. a. The T wave on the ECG reflects the repolar-
61. a. The pulmonary embolism has caused the ization of the ventricles.
right side of the heart to have to pump 72. d. Calculate the rate by multiplying the number
harder against a resistance caused by the par- of complexes in a 6-second interval by 10.
tial blockage. This results in the severe short- The heart rate is 130.
ness of breath and hypoxia. 73. b. Normal atrial depolarization is represented
62. d. This patient should be transported in the in Lead II as a positive rounded P wave.
position in which it is easiest for her to 74. b. A normal P-R interval is 0.12–0.20 seconds; a
breathe (i.e., the shock position). normal QRS complex lasts 0.04–0.12 seconds.
63. a. Myocardial infarction, ruptured aneurism, 75. d. The “reasonable person” standard sets a min-
and anticoagulant use are not common imum guideline for what similarly trained
causes of pulmonary embolism. personnel would do under similar circum-
64. b. In both of these cases, relieving pressure off stances, in this case, a cardiac arrest. As
the trapped umbilical cord (prolapsed) or long as the crew could demonstrate that
the face and airway passages (trapped its actions were reasonable and expected to
breech) may be the life-saving measure pro- be done by other prehospital-care providers
vided by the paramedic. in a similar situation, this would avoid a
65. a. The shock position is used only if head negligence allegation.
injury is not suspected. 76. b. The Valsalva maneuver (bearing down
66. d. Because the PASG corrects a symptom and against a closed glottis) stimulates the vagus
not the underlying problem, deflation should nerve, which innervates the heart.
be attempted only in the hospital after the 77. a. Atrial fibrillation with a low ventricular rate
underlying hypovolemia is corrected. is suggestive of digitalis toxicity.
67. b. A limb presentation during delivery requires 78. d. Lidocaine is the first-choice drug for perfus-
a cesarean section to complete the delivery. ing ventricular tachycardia.
Provide high-flow oxygen and care to the 79. c. Risk factors for atherosclerosis include dia-
mother during transport. betes, advanced age, obesity, lack of exercise,
68. d. The rule of thumb when approaching a hypertension, and smoking.
hazardous-materials situation can be 80. d. The pain of myocardial infarction is not
remembered as being “up, up, and away.” relieved by nitroglycerin, acetaminophen, or
This will help minimize risk exposure to oxygen; morphine is usually needed.
the crew.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

81. c. The medical group supervisor will need to 91. b. Initial attempts in an adult patient typically
establish overall responsibility for the medical use 200 joules; this is gradually increased to
section, interacting with other lead officers 360 joules.
such as police, fire, and public works. The tri- 92. c. Carotid sinus massage can convert PSVTs by
age officer will need to establish the increasing vagal tone and decreasing heart
number of severity of victims as early rate.
as possible. 93. b. External cardiac pacing is used to correct
82. a. C-FLOP is a mnemonic used to describe the symptomatic bradycardias by directing the
components of an ICS system: command— heart’s electrical system.
finance, logistics, operations, planning. 94. c. Five to 15 mg by slow IV push is the
83. b. Myocardial infarction is a common cause of correct dosage and route when diazepam is
left ventricular failure, which is closely asso- used to relax the patient and cause amnesia
ciated with pulmonary edema. before cardioversion.
84. c. The primary goal for patients with left ven- 95. a. Dobutamine is used in patients with conges-
tricular failure and pulmonary edema is to tive heart failure to increase stroke volume
reduce venous return to the heart, or pre- and in that way increase cardiac output.
load, and thus reduce pressure on the pul- 96. a. S1 and S2 are normal sounds; extra sounds
monary circulation. are abnormal findings.
85. b. The patient’s history, signs, and symptoms 97. d. These vital signs (BP elevated, pulse fast and
suggest right ventricular failure. irregular, respirations rapid and labored) are
86. a. Signs of cardiogenic shock include a sudden consistent with left ventricular failure with
drop in systolic blood pressure and increas- pulmonary edema.
ing confusion. 98. a. These are symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis.
87. c. The patient is showing signs and symptoms 99. b. Warm, dry skin; tachycardia; and increased
of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Do not pal- respirations are common vitals seen in keto­
pate the abdomen unnecessarily; treat acidotic patients.
decreased tissue perfusion and transport. 100. b. Ketoacidotic patients have low levels of
88. a. The most common signs of a pulmonary insulin.
embolism (rapid labored breathing and 101. c. Most likely, this patient has not taken his
tachycardia) are given; onset is usually insulin or has an infection that upset the
­sudden, and there may or may not be glucose-insulin balance.
chest pain. 102. a. Kussmaul’s respirations are very deep and
89. b. The clinical picture suggests deep venous rapid and represent the body’s attempt to
thrombosis. The correct action is to elevate compensate for the metabolic acidosis pro-
the leg and transport the patient for further duced by the ketones and organic acids in the
evaluation. Do not massage the area or allow blood.
the patient to walk, since pulmonary emboli 103. b. The appropriate treatment for this patient
may be provoked. would be a blood glucose test; an IV of iso-
90. d. Each of the answers defines an emancipated tonic crystalloid solution like normal saline,
minor. Ringer’s lactate, or D5W; and an initial fluid
bolus of 500 ml.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

104. b. A defusing is different from a debriefing in 114. d. Beta agonists such as albuterol are most fre-
that they are held 8–10 hours after the event, quently used in the treatment of reactive air-
rather than 24–48 hours. Defusings are more way disease (asthma). They are also used to
informal than a debriefing as well. prevent or relieve bronchospasm and laryn-
105. b. Asymmetrical movements during respiration geal edema in patients with anaphylaxis. Beta
suggest injury to the chest wall. blockers are often used to control hyperten-
106. d. A concussion is a brief loss of consciousness sion, but beta agonists are not given to raise
in response to head trauma. blood pressure, making choice c incorrect.
107. d. Use gentle traction to bring the distal part of 115. b. According to START triage principles, trans-
the limb into alignment with the proximal port of this patient to definitive care can be
part. delayed. He is breathing spontaneously, has a
108. a. If the patient’s condition is such that rapid radial pulse, and is conscious. The fractured
transport is necessary, you would care for femur is not factored into the evaluation of
limb injuries while en route, rather than transport status.
completing a detailed physical exam and 116. a. The most common symptoms of acetamino-
bandaging and splinting on scene. phen overdose (nausea and vomiting, mal-
109. b. You cannot harm a patient by immobilizing aise, diaphoresis, right-upper-quadrant pain)
a limb properly, but you may possibly cause are listed.
further injury by failing to immobilize a 117. d. Sodium bicarbonate is sometimes ordered in
fracture. Always assess the distal pulse before the field for ingestions of tricyclic antide-
and after splinting. pressants with cardiac symptoms (wide-
110. d. Because a tearing wound can tear multiple complex tachycardias).
large blood vessels, bleeding may be particu- 118. b. Heat will cause the poison to break down
larly difficult to control, and a tourniquet and lessen the harm to the patient.
may be necessary. Clean amputations often 119. c. PCP can cause bizarre delusions as well as
do not require a tourniquet. violent and uncontrollable behavior.
111. a. Changes in behavior are the most common 120. b. Rapid, shallow respirations, weak pulse, cold,
signs of hypoglycemia. Other signs and clammy skin; and dizziness are signs and
symptoms include diaphoresis, tachycardia, symptoms of heat exhaustion. Patients c and
and ­headache. d show signs and symptoms of heat stroke,
112. b. Although diazepam (Valium) does reduce and patient a shows signs of heat cramps.
anxiety, it is given to seizure patients to sup- 121. d. All of the activities are related to the practice
press the spread of electrical activity through of the paramedic.
the brain, as well as to relax the muscles. 122. c. Due to the chance of postevent pulmonary
113. a. The correct dosage and route of adminis­ edema, all near-drowning victims should be
tration (0.3–0.5 mg epinephrine 1:10,000, admitted to the hospital for observation.
­administered intravenously) is given. 123. b. All other options list signs and symptoms of
decompression sickness; only choice b
includes signs of air embolism (sharp chest
pain with sudden onset; dyspnea with

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

124. c. During silences, remain relaxed and attentive 135. c. Using the Broselow Tape or another
and wait to hear what the patient has to say. length-weight measuring system is the most
This will encourage the patient to talk. appropriate way to determine proper medi-
125. c. A patient with bipolar disorder (manic- cation for a pediatric patient.
depressive disorder) suffers from wide 136. d. Valium is usually given orally or rectally.
mood swings from euporhia to debilitating 137. a. Your first step following placement of the ET
depression. tube is to confirm its placement in the tra-
126. a. The goal with this asthma patient would be chea. After confirmation of placement,
to correct hypoxia, reverse bronchospasms, secure the tube with tape or using a commer-
and decrease inflammation. cial device to help prevent dislodging of the
127. a. Cold air, not warm air, is a common trigger tube. Pay especially close attention to these
for asthma. Choices b, c, and d are also tubes as they are easily displaced, even when
triggers. secured. Depending upon which size tube
128. c. Albuterol, terbutaline, and/or steroids are you use, it may or may not be a cuffed tube.
commonly used in the treatment of asthma. Medication administration will ­follow after
129. d. Diazepam (Valium) and lorazepam (Ativan) confirmation of placement and securing the
are benzodiazepines, which have sedative tube.
effects and are prescribed for patients who 138. a. Epinephrine is indicated for pediatric brady-
suffer from acute anxiety attacks. cardia in this situation.
130. b. Battery is the unlawful touching of an individ- 139. a. During a frontal crash, the “down and
ual without consent. Assault is the threat of under” pathway causes the knees to strike the
bodily harm. Libel is saying something that is lower dashboard violently, causing the
not true. described injury pattern.
131. a. In cases of suspected child abuse, your 140. b. Cavitation caused by the pressure wave of
responsibility is to ensure that the patient the bullet’s forces creates both temporary
receives ­necessary care immediately and and permanent openings within the tissues.
report your ­findings. Tremendous forces are transferred from the
132. d. Fever in a child younger than three months velocity of the bullet to the tissues, causing
old is considered to be meningitis unless damage.
proven otherwise; transport all infants with 141. d. The signs and symptoms of epiglottitis are
fever promptly. given.
133. c. Management of epiglottitis consists of airway 142. c. During significant force to the head, the
maintenance, oxygen, and prompt transport. brain can shift and strike the opposite side of
134. a. The medical control physician should be able the skull away from the original force. This
to engage with the on-scene physician in dis- mechanism can cause a contracoup injury.
cussion with the patient’s condition, the level 143. d. In addition to the child’s age, the size of the
of care that will be provided by the EMS per- endotracheal tube should be based on the
sonnel, and the transportation destination size of the cricoid ring, which is the narrow-
decision. est part of a child’s airway.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

144. c. To preserve physical evidence, avoid handling 153. b. The retina captures the image that is pro-
clothing and cleaning or bandaging wounds, jected by the lens of the eye. It can spontane-
unless there is hemorrhage. Do not allow the ously separate from the inner surface of the
­victim to bathe, comb her hair, or change her eye, causing sudden and painless loss of
clothing. Do not subject the patient to any vision.
unnecessary physical examinations. 154. a. Ventilate with 100% oxygen, and then evalu-
145. b. A subdural bleed occurs when a small vein ate the heart rate and initiate chest compres-
bleeds into the area below the dura mater. It sions if necessary.
may take some time before pressure from the 155. b. Oxygen toxicity occurs only if oxygen is
bleeding is high enough to cause clinical administered for several days; do not with-
signs and symptoms. hold oxygen in the prehospital setting.
146. a. Look for crowning, or the appearance of the 156. b. Fluid therapy for a neonate consists of 10
baby’s head at the opening of the vagina, mL/kg (= 20 mL for a 2-kg neonate), admin-
only during a contraction. istered via syringe over a 5- to 10-minute
147. c. The patient is most likely suffering a miscar- period.
riage. Treat her for signs and symptoms of 157. a. Flail segment is very possible in this case, due
shock due to blood loss, provide emotional to the mechanism of injury. The lack of other
support, retain any clumps of tissue she signs or symptoms such as jugular venous
passes, and transport. distension or unequal or absent breath
148. a. Supine-hypotensive syndrome, a normal sounds minimizes the possibilities of a pneu-
occurrence during late pregnancy, is caused mothorax or tamponade.
by the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the 158. c. A tiered EMS system is one in which varying
inferior vena cava when the patient is supine. levels of resources are dispatched to calls
149. d. While the other answers are signs and symp- depending upon the nature of the incident as
toms of shock, only choice d reflects a specific determined by the 911 dispatcher.
sign that points directly to the underlying 159. d. The lack of jugular venous distension in the
cause of hypoperfusion. supine position is very telling; it suggests a
150. b. To avoid a precipitous delivery, tell the large loss of volume from the circulatory
mother to stop pushing after the head is system.
delivered. 160. b. Indirect (or offline) medical control is any
151. c. A prolapsed cord should be treated by plac- EMS activity that involves medical (physi-
ing two fingers of a gloved hand to raise the cian) input either before or after (but not
­presenting part of the fetus off the cord; then during) the care of the patient (e.g., standing
place the mother in Trendelenburg or knee- orders, run critiques, quality improvement).
chest position, administer high-flow oxygen, 161. d. Using START triage, separating out the walk-
and transport immediately. ing wounded from the more severely injured
152. b. Position the neonate at the level of the patients is the first step in triaging large
mother’s vagina, with his or her head numbers of patients.
slightly lower than the body to facilitate 162. b. Breathing/airway is the first parameter that
drainage of secretions. should be assessed, followed by pulse and
mental status.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 3 –

163. b. The START triage acronym dictates that 172. a. The purpose of the initial scene size-up at a
patients with respiratory rates above 30 be mass-casualty incident is to determine what
classified as immediate. addi­tional resources will be needed.
164. b. The decreased level of consciousness places 173. d. The staging officer is primarily responsible
the patient in the immediate category. Once for assembling all available vehicles to make
he is moved to the treatment area, he may be sure they are ready for deployment as
monitored for a while or transported quickly. needed.
165. c. Reposition the head and examine for sponta- 174. a. START and METTAG, systems used at
neous respirations. If they are immediately mass-casualty incidents, are designed to be
present, categorize the patient as immediate. carried out very quickly by minimally
If they are absent, categorize the patient as trained personnel.
dead/unsalvageable and move on to the next 175. a. If a patient continues to remain apneic fol-
patient. lowing a second attempt to open the airway,
166. b. A durable power of attorney for healthcare he or she is considered unsalvageable.
delegates the right to make medical decisions 176. b. Inform the family that the patient has died in
to someone else in the event that the patient plain, simple language. This avoids any mis-
becomes disabled or incompetent. Choices a, understanding and prevents any false hopes
b, and c are all examples of advanced­direc- that may arise from a misunderstanding.
tives, stating one’s will regarding medical Always deliver this news with compassion
interventions. and respect.
167. a. Negligence refers to an intentional deviation 177. d. Gloves cannot protect you from food- or
from the accepted standard of care that ­airborne-infectious agents (and personnel
results in harm to a patient. should not eat or drink inside the ambulance).
168. c. Implied consent covers situations in which 178. b. The outward rotation of the left extremity
the patient is not capable of consenting to along with the deformity in the groin area
treatment but a reasonable person would points to an anterior dislocation injury.
do so. 179. b. If the patient is altered and is placing himself
169. d. If a competent adult patient refuses treat- or others in harm’s way, the EMS provider
ment and transport, you should consult with should use any method within reason to con-
medical control, explain to the patient the trol the patient’s actions.
risks of refusal in detail, document the 180. d. Tertiary blast injuries are caused by the victim
informed refusal, and, if possible, have the being propelled away from the blast and into
refusal witnessed by someone who is not an objects on the ground. Injuries from this are
EMS employee. similar to those sustained from ejection from
170. a. A subluxation of the shoulder is a partial dis- an automobile. Primary blast injuries result
location of the joint, due to injuries sus- from compression of hollow organs such as the
tained by the rotator cuff during a severe lungs. Secondary blast injuries are caused by
twisting force to the joint. flying debris propelled by the force of the blast.
171. d. Only absolutely essential care, such as ABCs
and spinal immobilization, should be done
in the “hot zone.”

C h a p t e r

6 Paramedic
Practice Exam 4

Chapt er S ummary
This is the last of four practice exams in this book based on the
National Registry EMT-Paramedic written exam. Using all of your expe-
rience and strategies that you gained from the other three, take this
exam to see how far you have come since your first one.

A lthough this is the last practice exam in this book, it is not designed to be any harder or
trickier than the other three. It is simply another representation of what you might find
on the real test. There shouldn’t be anything here to surprise you. Because you have worked
hard taking practice tests, that should be true of the real test, too—you will be prepared and you won’t
be surprised. You may also take this practice test online. Turn to the scratch card at the back of this book for
information on accessing LearningExpress’s online test center.
For this last test, pull together all the tips you’ve been practicing since the first test. Give yourself the
time and the space to work. Select an unfamiliar location to take the test since you won’t be taking the real
test in your living room—the public library would be a good choice, as long as your branch is not excessively
noisy. You should draw on what you have learned from reading the answer explanations. If you come across
a question that you find puzzling, think back to those explanations and see if they can help you zero in on
the correct answer.
Most of all, relax. You have worked hard and have every right to be confident!

– A ns w e r sh e e t –

Exam 4

1. a b c d 46. a b c d 91. a b c d
2. a b c d 47. a b c d 92. a b c d
3. a b c d 48. a b c d 93. a b c d
4. a b c d 49. a b c d 94. a b c d
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10. a b c d 55. a b c d 100. a b c d
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14. a b c d 59. a b c d 104. a b c d
15. a b c d 60. a b c d 105. a b c d
16. a b c d 61. a b c d 106. a b c d
17. a b c d 62. a b c d 107. a b c d
18. a b c d 63. a b c d 108. a b c d
19. a b c d 64. a b c d 109. a b c d
20. a b c d 65. a b c d 110. a b c d
21. a b c d 66. a b c d 111. a b c d
22. a b c d 67. a b c d 112. a b c d
23. a b c d 68. a b c d 113. a b c d
24. a b c d 69. a b c d 114. a b c d
25. a b c d 70. a b c d 115. a b c d
26. a b c d 71. a b c d 116. a b c d
27. a b c d 72. a b c d 117. a b c d
28. a b c d 73. a b c d 118. a b c d
29. a b c d 74. a b c d 119. a b c d
30. a b c d 75. a b c d 120. a b c d
31. a b c d 76. a b c d 121. a b c d
32. a b c d 77. a b c d 122. a b c d
33. a b c d 78. a b c d 123. a b c d
34. a b c d 79. a b c d 124. a b c d
35. a b c d 80. a b c d 125. a b c d
36. a b c d 81. a b c d 126. a b c d
37. a b c d 82. a b c d 127. a b c d
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43. a b c d 88. a b c d 133. a b c d
44. a b c d 89. a b c d 134. a b c d
45. a b c d 90. a b c d 135. a b c d

– A ns w e r sh e e t –

1 a b c d 51.
1 a b c d 66.
1 a b c d
137. a b c d 152. a b c d 167. a b c d
138. a b c d 153. a b c d 168. a b c d
139. a b c d 154. a b c d 169. a b c d
140. a b c d 155. a b c d 170. a b c d
141. a b c d 156. a b c d 171. a b c d
142. a b c d 157. a b c d 172. a b c d
143. a b c d 158. a b c d 173. a b c d
144. a b c d 159. a b c d 174. a b c d
145. a b c d 160. a b c d 175. a b c d
146. a b c d 161. a b c d 176. a b c d
147. a b c d 162. a b c d 177. a b c d
148. a b c d 163. a b c d 178. a b c d
149. a b c d 164. a b c d 179. a b c d
150. a b c d 165. a b c d 180. a b c d

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

 P a r a m e d i c E x a m 4 2. Of the following options, what would be your

initial priority in managing this patient’s
Answer questions 1–4 on the basis of the following condition?
information. a. Get additional medical history from the
You respond code 3 to a “shortness of breath” call. b. Instruct first responders to reduce the liter
Upon arrival, you find the first responders placing flow from 15 to 10 lpm to allow the reservoir
a 70-year-old male patient on a nonrebreather mask, to collapse.
running the oxygen flowmeter at 15 lpm. Family c. Instruct first responders to assist the
members state that the patient came back from the patient’s ventilations with a BVM and 100%
store approximately 45 minutes ago, complaining of oxygen.
moderate respiratory distress. He has a history of d. Begin an IV of normal saline.
“some sort of lung disease,” for which he uses an
inhaler. The family does not know what type of 3. What airway adjunct(s) might you consider
medication the patient is taking. There is no history first for this patient?
of fever or recent illness. a. bag-valve mask
You observe that the patient is cyanotic. The b. nasal tracheal intubation
oxygen reservoir on the mask does not appear to c. CPAP
collapse, even though the liter flow is set correctly. d. oral pharyngeal airway
Although he is sitting on the edge of the bed, his
eyes are closed and he does not respond to verbal 4. Which of the following medications may
commands. There is accessory muscle use evident, be used in the management of this patient’s
with intercostal muscle retractions. condition?
His breath sounds are diminished in all fields and a. morphine sulfate
absent in both bases. Faint expiratory wheezing is b. albuterol
auscultated at only the apices. His heart rate is 140, c. adenosine
respiratory rate 42, and BP 106/72. The pulse oxi- d. epinephrine
meter registers an SpO2 of 75%. The rest of his
physical exam is unremarkable. 5. Which patient’s vital signs are considered nor-
mal for the age and sex described?
1. Based on the information given, what might be a. male, age 76: P 88, R 26, BP 160/100
a suspected assessment? b. female, age 40: P 72, R 18, BP 130/80
a. toxic inhalation c. male, age 14: P 62, R 12, BP 90/60
b. emphysema d. female, age 3: P 130, R 40, BP 110/70
c. foreign-body obstruction
d. pneumonia 6. When using the OPQRST mnemonic to assess
a patient’s pain, you would assess the R portion
of the mnemonic by asking
a. “When did it start hurting you?”
b. “Does the pain move anywhere?”
c. “What makes it feel better?”
d. “Does the pain feel sharp or dull?”

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

7. Which set of signs and symptoms is character- 11. Your patient, a middle-aged female, was a
istic of a patient in compensated shock? pedestrian struck by a car. She opens her eyes
a. lethargy; confusion; pulse and blood pres- only in response to pain and makes no verbal
sure normal to slightly elevated; skin cool; response; her best motor response is with-
and capillary refill delayed drawal in response to pain. The Glasgow Coma
b. coma; pulse and blood pressure very low; Scale score for this patient is
skin pale, cold, and clammy with delayed a. 3.
capillary refill time b. 5.
c. lapsing into unconsciousness; pulse and c. 7.
blood pressure moderately elevated; mot- d. 9.
tling of extremities; and cyanosis around
lips 12. Your patient, the victim of an assault, is experi-
d. unconsciousness; bradycardia; blood pres- encing malocclusion and numbness to the chin.
sure dropping; extremities cold; capillary There is also a suspected nasal fracture, and
refill delayed; and absent radial pulses significant facial bleeding and bruising. What
treatment is appropriate for this patient?
8. A driver who follows a “down and under” path- a. Secure the airway with a nasopharyngeal
way of injury after a collision is most likely to airway, control bleeding, and transport with
have which type of injury? the patient sitting upright.
a. fractured ribs b. Secure the cervical spine, control the airway
b. ruptured diaphragm but avoid the use of a nasopharyngeal air-
c. fractured femur way, control bleeding, and transport.
d. lacerated liver or spleen c. Treat for signs and symptoms of shock, con-
trol the airway with nasal intubation and
9. The paper bag effect occurs when the occupant suction, and transport.
of a car takes a deep breath just before a colli- d. Secure the cervical spine, attach ECG moni-
sion, resulting in which of the following inju- tor, apply PASG, and control the airway, but
ries? avoid the use of a nasopharyngeal airway.
a. pneumothorax
b. pulmonary embolism 13. The presence of marked purplish-red raccoon
c. shearing of the aorta eyes on a patient in the prehospital environ-
d. lung laceration ment should lead you to suspect which of the
10. A conscious adult who falls a distance of 20 feet a. sinus injury
is most likely to land on his or her b. recent cervical spine trauma
a. head. c. a significant mechanism of injury
b. hands. d. significant previous head injury
c. back.
d. feet.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

14. Stroke volume can be increased by all of the Answer questions 17–19 on the basis of the following
following EXCEPT information.
a. increasing venous dilation.
b. increasing venous return. Your unit is dispatched to a single-automobile crash.
c. increasing contractile force. The patient’s car hit a large tree head-on. The
d. decreasing afterload. patient, a young adult woman, is found conscious
and alert but trapped in the car. The air bag deployed
15. Your patient is a middle-aged female who has and she denies any head or neck pain, although she
been in a car accident. Because the initial does complain of hip and left leg pain. After a dif-
assessment showed no immediate life threats, ficult 20-minute extrication, the patient is finally
you are now treating her most serious injuries, released from the car. Suddenly your patient’s vital
which include a suspected broken femur and signs begin to collapse.
kneecap. After stabilizing the injured leg and
rechecking the pulse, motor responses, and 17. This patient is most likely transitioning from
sensation, you should a. decompensated shock to hypovolemic
a. repeat the initial assessment. shock.
b. stabilize the cervical spine. b. cardiogenic shock to hypovolemic shock.
c. check the proximal pulse. c. compensated shock to decompensated
d. apply the PASG and transport. shock.
d. decompensated shock to compensated
16. Your patient is a 26-year-old construction shock.
worker who has fallen approximately 35 feet
and suffered multiple injuries. The Glasgow 18. The patient has a closed fracture of the left
Coma Scale score is 9, respiratory rate is 32, ankle and the pelvis is stable. There is no pene-
respiratory expansion is normal, the blood trating trauma noted in the chest or abdomen,
pressure is 100/70, and capillary refill is and the patient denies pregnancy. Which of the
delayed. What score should this patient receive following chambers of the PASG should be
if you are using the Revised Trauma Score? inflated?
a. 15 a. both legs and the abdominal compartment
b. 13 b. the right leg and the abdominal compartments
c. 11 c. the left leg and the abdominal compartments
d. 9 d. None. PASG is not indicated in this patient.

19. You start a large bore IV of normal saline.

Which of the following medications should
you administer?
a. lidocaine
b. morphine
c. dopamine
d. None. Medication is not indicated.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

20. A patient who complains of pain in the left 24. Your patient is a 67-year-old male who smokes
upper abdominal quadrant may be suffering cigarettes and has a history of previous MI. He
from which of the following? complains of sudden-onset severe pain in his
a. pancreatitis right leg. He also relates numbness and dimin-
b. appendicitis ished motor function in the right leg. Other
c. hepatitis assessment findings are diminished pulse, pal-
d. diverticulitis lor, and lowered skin temperature in the right
leg. You should suspect which of the following?
21. The signs of uremia resulting from chronic a. femoral artery aneurysm
renal failure include which of the following? b. occlusion of the femoral artery
a. pale skin, diaphoresis, and edematous c. deep venous thrombosis
extremities d. hypertensive encephalopathy
b. pasty, yellow skin and wasting of the
extremities Answer questions 25–28 on the basis of the following
c. anxiety, delirium, nausea, and hallucinations information.
d. anorexia, watery diarrhea, nausea, and
vomiting You respond to a 41-year-old male who has been
injured in an explosion at an illegal chemistry (drug)
22. Your patient is a 75-year-old man. His wife laboratory. During your assessment, you notice a
called EMS because he “has a terrible headache spinal deformity and a possible closed head injury.
and is very confused.” Vital signs: respirations, Your patient also has ruptured tympanic mem-
26; pulse, 78; and blood pressure, 200/120. The branes and sinus injuries.
primary problem you must address is most
likely which of the following? 25. Which of the following is not a phase of blast
a. hypertensive emergency injury?
b. senile dementia a. alpha
c. cardiac tamponade b. primary
d. cerebrovascular accident c. secondary
d. tertiary impact
23. Which assessment findings are consistent with
cardiogenic shock in a patient who is suffering 26. This patient’s sinus injuries most likely
a presumed AMI? occurred during which blast phase?
a. respirations 26, BP 100/70, and cyanosis a. alpha
b. respirations 10, BP 160/100, and diaphoresis b. primary
c. respirations 36, BP 90/60, and cyanosis c. secondary
d. respirations 18, BP 140/90, and cool, dry skin d. tertiary impact

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

27. Your victim has first- and second-degree burns 30. Your patient is an 84-year-old man with
to his face. These are flash burns from the extreme difficulty breathing, apprehension,
explosion. Witnesses deny that the patient’s cyanosis, and diaphoresis. Assessment findings
clothes were on fire. You should suspect what include elevated pulse and blood pressure.
injury? Rales and rhonchi are heard on auscultation.
a. extensive lung tissue burns There is no chest pain. What condition should
b. extensive airway burns you treat this patient for?
c. aspiration pneumonia a. right-side heart failure
d. limited airway burns b. cardiogenic shock secondary to MI
c. dissecting aortic aneurysm
28. During your assessment, you notice a rigid, d. left-side failure secondary to MI
very tender abdomen. If this injury occurred in
the secondary phase, it would be due to which 31. Which of the following patient presentations
of the following? would best be managed by a nasal intubation?
a. thermal burns to the stomach a. The patient is unconscious, and apneic with
b. flying debris and propelled objects a pulse.
c. deceleration impact with a hard surface b. The patient is unconscious, apneic, and
d. compression of air-containing organs pulseless.
c. The patient is unconscious, is breathing
29. Your patient is a 27-year-old male who is slowly, and has a gag reflex.
found unconscious on a bathroom floor. He is d. The patient is semiconscious, is breathing
not breathing, has pinpoint pupils, and has a slowly, and has a pulse.
fresh puncture wound to his right forearm. He
has multiple scars that form a bluish streak 32. After you orally intubate a patient, your part-
over the veins on the backs of both hands. This ner ventilates the patient with a bag-valve
patient is most likely suffering from which of device. You auscultate the lung sounds to con-
the following? firm placement. No sounds are heard over the
a. a seizure disorder epigastrium; breath sounds are present on the
b. multiple spider bites right side of chest and are decreased over the
c. a narcotic overdose left. What should you do next?
d. anaphylactic shock a. Hyperventilate the patient and prepare for a
b. Withdraw the tube after deflating the cuff,
insert an oropharyngeal airway, and venti-
late the patient with a bag-valve device.
c. Withdraw the tube slightly after deflating
the cuff, reinflate the cuff, and reevaluate
lung sounds.
d. Insert a large diameter needle into the fourth
or fifth intercostal space, midaxillary line.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

33. Your patient has a partial airway obstruction 36. After inserting a blind-insertion-airway device,
but adequate air exchange. You should what step should you take before inflating the
a. perform the Heimlich maneuver as though a balloon to ensure that the tube is properly
complete airway obstruction exists. positioned?
b. intubate the patient nasally in an attempt to a. Measure the amount of the device outside
bypass the area of obstruction in the lungs. the mouth.
c. monitor the patient closely while he or she b. Hyperventilate the patient with 100% oxygen.
­continues trying to clear the airway him- c. Look for chest rise and auscultate the lungs
orherself. and abdomen.
d. intubate the patient orally, administer high- d. Auscultate in the midaxillary line for only
flow oxygen, and transport immediately. bilateral breath sounds.

34. You are caring for a 77-year-old female who is 37. An endotracheal tube that has been advanced
in moderate respiratory distress. She is sitting too far is prone to enter which of the following
in a tripod position with two-word dyspnea. structures?
She has a recent cold with increasing dyspnea a. esophagus
and a productive cough with yellow sputum. b. trachea
She denies chest pain. She has been smoking c. left main bronchus
cigarettes for the past 40 years. Vital signs are d. right main bronchus
BP 150/80, pulse 100, respirations 36 and
labored. Her skin is cyanotic and she has pit- Answer questions 38–43 on the basis of the following
ting edema in the legs. You hear expiratory information.
wheezing upon auscultation of the lungs. Her
pedal edema is most likely caused by which of You are called to a nursing home and find a bed-
the following? ridden 78-year-old male with insulin-dependent
a. left-side heart failure diabetes who is in acute respiratory distress. The
b. acute pulmonary edema staff reports that the patient has been ill for the last
c. peripheral vasoconstriction few days and has had a persistent productive cough
d. cor pulmonale with thick yellow sputum. His blood pressure is
168/72. His respiratory rate is 40 and labored with
35. An important disadvantage in using both nasal- coarse rhonchi upon auscultation of lung sounds.
and oropharyngeal airway adjuncts is that they Lung sounds are absent in the lower third of his
a. are unable to protect the lower airway from lung fields. The patient is also febrile with hot, dry,
aspiration. flushed skin.
b. may become obstructed by aspirated
­material. 38. This patient is most likely suffering from which
c. can be used only in patients whose gag reflex condition?
is intact. a. chronic bronchitis
d. are not made in a wide enough range of b. right-side heart failure
sizes to fit all patients. c. emphysema
d. pneumonia

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

39. Treatment of this patient should include which 44. Which of the following drugs is administered
of the following medications? only by inhalation?
a. albuterol a. albuterol
b. methylprednisolone b. terbutaline sulfate
c. oxygen c. aminophylline
d. bronchodilators d. epinephrine 1:10,00

40. What common infectious disease does this 45. Prehospital care of an open pneumothorax
patient’s clinical presentation mimic? includes
a. meningitis a. high-flow oxygen, monitoring for signs of
b. HIV/AIDS tension pneumothorax, and intubation.
c. tuberculosis b. needle decompression, ventilatory support,
d. hepatitis B and rapid transport.
c. occlusive dressing, high-flow oxygen, and
41. What is most likely the cause of his decreased rapid transport.
lung sounds? d. airway maintenance, creation of a one-way
a. complications from diabetes mellitus valve, and fluid boluses.
b. atelectasis from inactivity
c. congestive heart failure 46. You are called for a 55-year-old man who
d. pulmonary hypertension “suddenly collapsed.” He is apneic and pulse-
less. Initial management of this patient’s airway
42. If this patient required tracheal suctioning, should include
which of the following steps should be followed? a. assisted ventilation with a bag-valve mask at
a. Suction upon insertion of the suction 6–10 L/min.
catheter. b. immediate endotracheal intubation and
b. Sterile technique is required for suctioning ventilation with a bag-valve device.
this patient. c. assisted ventilation with a nonrebreather
c. Wearing gloves is the only BSI required. mask at 10–15 L/min.
d. Hyperventilate the patient only after d. insertion of an oropharyngeal airway and
­suctioning. ventilation with bag-valve mask.

43. How should this patient be positioned for 47. A whistling or musical sound heard on exhala-
transport? tion is referred to as what abnormal breath
a. high Fowler’s position sound?
b. supine a. snoring
c. left-lateral recumbent b. wheezing
d. prone c. stridor
d. friction rub

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

48. Your patient is an adult female whom you ­suspect 51. What is the correct dosage of methylprednisolone
is unconscious as a result of an ­upper-airway for a patient who is experiencing a severe
obstruction. You use the head-tilt/chin-lift asthma attack?
method to open her airway and then attempt to a. 300–500 mg, given subcutaneously or intra-
give two ventilations, which are un­successful. muscularly
What is the next thing you should do? b. 125–250 mg, given via IV or intramuscularly
a. Give five thrusts on her abdomen. c. 275 mg, given intramuscularly, followed by
b. Give five chest thrusts on her sternum. 1 gram IM 2 hours later
c. Finger-sweep from cheek to cheek. d. 200–300 mg, diluted in 2–3 mL normal
d. Reposition and attempt to ventilate again. saline, via nebulizer

49. Your patient is a 67-year-old male who reports 52. Hyperventilation syndrome most often occurs
a 45-pack-a-year smoking history, frequent in a patient who is
respiratory infections, and a chronic cough. He a. anxious and upset.
is overweight and has peripheral cyanosis. Aus- b. asthmatic.
cultation of the chest reveals rhonchi. There is c. in shock from trauma.
also noticeable jugular vein distention. What d. a heavy smoker.
disease process should you suspect?
a. emphysema 53. Your patient is a 51-year-old male with a his-
b. status asthmaticus tory of COPD. He states that he has called EMS
c. chronic bronchitis because he “can hardly breathe.” On initial
d. lung cancer assessment, you determine that the patient is in
obvious respiratory distress but not too
50. When using a peak flow meter to measure peak hypoxic. You should
expiratory flow, the correct procedure is to a. administer high-flow oxygen and prepare to
a. ask the patient to inhale deeply, then exhale intubate.
once as quickly as possible, taking one b. withhold oxygen to avoid decreasing the
­reading. hypoxic drive.
b. ask the patient to inhale normally and c. administer oxygen at a rate of 10–15 L/min
exhale twice, recording the lowest reading. via nonrebreather mask.
c. ask the patient to inhale and exhale as hard d. administer low-flow oxygen at a rate of 2–6
and fast as possible, taking one reading only. L/min via nasal cannula.
d. ask the patient to inhale and exhale twice as
hard as possible, recording the highest

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

54. Your patient is an obese 77-year-old woman 56. This patient is most likely suffering from which
who has called EMS complaining of a sudden of the following conditions?
onset of dyspnea, coughing, hemoptysis, and a. pulmonary edema
diaphoresis. On examination, you note tachyp- b. upper-airway obstruction
nea and tachycardia, crackles and localized c. asthma
wheezing, and distended neck veins and vari- d. simple pneumothorax
cose veins. You should suspect
a. myocardial infarction. 57. Treating this patient with nebulized steroids
b. pulmonary embolism. would
c. aortic aneurysm. a. provide no immediate relief of the
d. status asthmaticus. bronchospasm.
b. reverse the effects of the bronchospasm in
55. How should you maintain respiratory isolation the lungs.
when transporting a patient suspected of hav- c. increase the severity of the bronchospasm.
ing tuberculosis? d. be potentially dangerous due to increased
a. Have the patient ride alone in the back of blood pressure.
the ambulance.
b. Have the patient wear an oxygen mask while 58. Which of the following medications should be
in the unit. used for the treatment of this patient?
c. Have EMS personnel wear HEPA- or OSHA- a. terbutaline sulfate
approved particle masks. b. epinephrine 1:1,000 IM
d. Have both patient and personnel wear the c. albuterol via nebulizer
appropriate masks. d. all of the above

Answer questions 56–61 on the basis of the following 59. This patient’s respiratory distress is due to
information. which of the following?
a. increased cardiac preload and afterload
You are called to the home of a 26-year-old male b. decreased left ventricle stroke volume
who is having difficulty breathing. Your assessment c. constriction of the trachea and bronchi
reveals a pulse rate of 100 with a strong and regular d. constriction of the smaller airways
radial pulse, a blood pressure of 132/78, and a respi-
ratory rate of 36, labored with audible wheezes. The 60. This patient’s disease is regarded as a(n)
patient’s skin is pale, moist, and at a normal tem- a. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
perature. He is having difficulty exhaling and says b. acute obstructive pulmonary disease.
that he has experienced this before. He rates this c. chronic inflammatory disease.
event as a 9 on a 1–10 severity scale. He states that d. acute inflammatory disease.
this event was unprovoked and that he has been
having dyspnea for 20–30 minutes.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

61. This patient’s respiratory distress may have 66. You are starting an IV, and your first cannula-
been caused by one of several triggers. These tion attempt is unsuccessful. The second
triggers include allergens, irritants, and which attempt should be made where?
of the following? a. inferior to the first
a. viral infections b. superior to the first
b. hot weather c. on a different limb
c. exercise d. in a central vein
d. bee stings
67. A 2-year-old female presents with lethargy and
62. Blood enters the right atrium of the heart poor feeding. The parent states that the patient
through which of the following structures? has had a moderate fever for the past seven
a. tricuspid valve days, with diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting for
b. right ventricle the past four days. She presents with pale, cool
c. left pulmonary arteries skin, a pulse rate of 180, and a respiratory rate
d. superior and inferior vena cava of 40. She cries weakly when a painful stimulus
is applied. The EKG shows a rapid narrow
63. What is the systolic blood pressure estimated to complex dysrhythmia. Based upon this infor-
be if a patient’s carotid pulse is palpable, but mation, what is the patient’s primary problem?
the radial and femoral pulse are not? a. respiratory distress
a. 40 mmHg b. respiratory failure
b. 60 mmHg c. hypoperfusion
c. 80 mmHg d. dysrythmia
d. 100 mmHg
68. What vasopressor drug is most commonly used
64. Simultaneous palpation of the apical impulse to treat cardiogenic shock in the prehospital
and the carotid pulse allows you to assess the environment?
relationship between the a. norepinephrine
a. heart and lungs. b. epinephrine
b. central and peripheral circulation. c. dopamine
c. pulse and blood pressure. d. dobutamine
d. ventricular contractions and pulse.
69. Your patient has suffered penetrating trauma to
65. A patient presents with a sudden onset of sharp the neck and is bleeding profusely from several
chest pain and respiratory distress. She has large vessels. You should
clear lung sounds, a pulse rate of 110 and regu- a. apply constant direct pressure over the
lar, BP of 112/76, and respirations of 28. Which ­clavicle.
of the following conditions best describes this b. apply an occlusive dressing, then apply
patient presentation? ­pressure.
a. psychogenic hyperventilation c. clamp the injured vessels and apply sterile
b. acute exacerbation of asthma plastic.
c. pulmonary embolism d. tamponade the vessels with gauze and 44s.
d. pulmonary edema

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

70. The signs and symptoms of cerebral hemor- 73. What are the predisposing factors for the devel-
rhage include which of the following? opment of hyperosmolar hyperglycemic
a. disorientation and confusion, decreased ­nonketotic coma (HHNK)?
pulse and blood pressure, and cyanosis a. old age, type II diabetes, coexisting cardiac
b. transient loss of consciousness, headache, or renal disease, and increased insulin
drowsiness, nausea, and vomiting requirements
c. leakage of cerebrospinal fluid, headache, and b. young age, type I diabetes, coexisting cardiac
bleeding from the nose or ears or respiratory disease, and decreased insulin
d. headache, Battle’s sign, confusion, lethargy, requirements
and rapid loss of consciousness c. obesity, type II diabetes, viral infections,
chronic alcoholism, and poor carbohydrate
71. An 18-month-old female presents with leth- metabolism
argy. The parent states that the patient began d. coexisting kidney disease, type I diabetes,
looking irritable a few hours ago and has narcotics use, and noncompliance with
become increasingly difficult to arouse. The insulin regimen
patient had exhibited poor feeding and vom-
ited once prior to your arrival. She presents 74. Myocardial infarction may go unrecognized in
with pale, cool skin, a pulse rate of 200, and a elderly patients. Why is this true?
respiratory rate of 40. She responds to painful a. They tend to have abnormal ECGs even in
stimuli with a weak cry. The EKG shows a the presence of an AMI.
rapid narrow complex tachydysrhythmia. b. They take prescription nitroglycerin to
What is the patient’s primary problem? relieve their symptoms.
a. respiratory distress c. They are not able to describe their symp-
b. respiratory failure toms clearly to the doctor.
c. hypoperfusion d. They lack typical symptoms such as fre-
d. dysrythmia quent chest pain or discomfort.

72. Which statement about hypoglycemia is 75. Blood flows from the pulmonary veins into
­correct? which structure?
a. Hypoglycemia may occur in nondiabetic a. left atrium of the heart
patients, especially in chronic alcoholics. b. right atrium of the heart
b. In nondiabetics, hypoglycemia usually c. capillaries of the lungs
results from taking too much food or d. right ventricle of the heart
c. Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia are
slow in onset and develop over several
d. In late stages of hypoglycemia, the patient
may complain of extreme hunger and thirst.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

Figure 6.1

76. A 12-year-old unconscious male is being 79. What does a normal P-R interval on an ECG
brought to the edge of the pool by two recording indicate?
lifeguards. He is apneic. How would you a. The interventricular septum has been depolar-
establish his airway? ized, and the impulse is now in the AV node.
a. manual cervical spine precautions, head-tilt/ b. The right and left ventricles have depolarized,
chin-lift sending the impulse to the Purkinje fibers.
b. manual cervical spine precautions, modified c. The ventricular myocardial cells have
jaw thrust re­polarized during the last part of ventricular
c. Either is appropriate. ­systole.
d. Neither is appropriate. d. The electrical impulse has been successfully
conducted through the atria and the AV node.
77. What is the effect of parasympathetic stimula-
tion on the heart? 80. What does a QRS complex that is longer than
a. an increased heart rate and increased stroke 0.12 seconds or bizarre in shape indicate?
volume a. An artifact is present on the ECG tracing.
b. a decreased heart rate and increased stroke b. a conduction abnormality in the ventricles
volume c. a pacemaker abnormality in the AV node
c. an increased heart rate and decreased stroke d. a conduction abnormality in the atria
d. a decreased heart rate and decreased stroke 81. Figure 6.1 indicates which of the following
volume rhythms?
a. Tjunctional escape
78. Unilateral wheezing in a 14-month-old child is b. second-degree heart block type I
suggestive of c. 60 cycle
a. asthma. d. idioventricular rhythm
b. aspiration of a foreign body.
c. heart failure.
d. croup.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

82. On the ECG tracing, dysrhythmias that 87. A patient with a suspected MI but without
­originate in the SA node share which of the respiratory compromise should receive oxygen
­following features in Lead II? by what rate and delivery device?
a. All P waves are similar in appearance. a. 3–4 L/min by nasal cannula
b. All QRS complexes are of normal duration. b. 5–10 L/min by simple face mask
c. All P-R intervals are shortened and irregular. c. 10–15 L/min by nonrebreather mask
d. The rhythm is usually regularly irregular. d. 15–20 L/min by bag-valve mask

83. What is the first treatment for a symptomatic 88. Which of the following factors would exclude a
patient with atrial fibrillation with a sustained patient from receiving thrombolytic therapy
ventricular rate greater than 150 beats per after an AMI?
minute? a. The patient is less than 75 years old.
a. vagal or Valsalva maneuvers b. The chest pain persists after nitroglycerin.
b. immediate cardioversion c. The chest pain lasts longer than 30 minutes.
c. administration of adenosine d. He or she has had recent ulcer or gastroin-
d. administration of lidocaine testinal bleeding.

84. Which of the following locations is most com- 89. If it is not treated, left ventricular failure results
mon area of cardiac infarct? in which of the following conditions?
a. anterior wall a. ischemic heart disease
b. inferior wall b. pulmonary edema
c. apical wall c. chronic hypertension
d. medial wall d. cor pulmonale

85. A 110-pound child is apneic and pulseless. The 90. Which of the following features distinguishes
monitor reveals ventricular fibrillation. CPR is dissecting aortic aneurysm from acute myocar-
in progress. Initial management of the child dial infarction?
will include an initial defibrillation of a. The pain of dissecting aortic aneurysm is
a. 25 joules. severe from the outset.
b. 50 joules. b. The pain of dissecting aortic aneurysm usu-
c. 100 joules. ally migrates to the right arm.
d. 200 joules. c. Patients with dissecting aortic aneurysm
have equal peripheral pulses.
86. A 5-year-old patient weighing 40 pounds was d. Patients with dissecting aortic aneurysm
struck by a car. He is hypotensive and tachy- show signs of pericardial tamponade.
cardic. You successfully start an IV in the
patient’s left antecubital vein. You should infuse
which of the following?
a. 260 ml of NS as a bolus
b. 360 ml of D5W as a drip
c. 800 ml of NS as a bolus
d. 360 ml of NS as a bolus

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

91. What is the prehospital treatment for patients c. upright P waves, normal P-R interval, nor-
with suspected deep venous thrombosis? mal duration of QRS complex
a. treatment for shock, including oxygen and d. P waves change from beat to beat or disap-
PASG pear entirely, normal QRS complex
b. administration of nitroglycerin and heparin
c. initiation of thrombolytic therapy to control 95. A 3-year-old male presents with a rapid narrow
the clot complex tachycardia with a rate of 260. He is
d. immobilization and elevation of the alert, clings to his parent, and has a strong
­extremity pulse. How should this patient be treated?
a. Do nothing, since tachycardia in children is
92. The presence of delta waves on an ECG is usually well tolerated.
indicative of b. Administer a 20 ml/kg fluid challenge, since
a. acute myocardial infarction. this is a shock condition.
b. new bundle branch block. c. Administer adenosine, since this is a
c. Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. stable SVT.
d. paroxysmal junctional tachycardia. d. Cardiovert the patient, since this is an unsta-
ble SVT.
93. Your patient is a 47-year-old male who is expe-
riencing paroxysmal junctional tachycardia. He 96. A transmural myocardial infarction is associ-
called EMS because of a sensation of palpita- ated with what kinds of changes on the ECG?
tions and lightheadedness. There is no previous a. Q wave changes
history of heart disease. The ventricular rate is b. P-R interval changes
approximately 130 per minute, BP is 100/70 c. T wave changes
and falling, and respirations are 32 and shallow. d. P wave changes
What should you do?
a. Do nothing, as this dysrhythmia is usually 97. Which of the following statements regarding
well tolerated. airway management in the pediatric patient is
b. Attempt vagal maneuvers to slow the heart correct?
rate down. a. The curved blade is preferred in infants and
c. Administer 6 mg Adenosine by rapid IV children.
bolus. b. The narrowest diameter of the airway in
d. Attempt synchronized cardioversion with 50 infants and children is just below the glottic
joules. opening.
c. Cuffed endotracheal tubes should be used in
94. Which of the following features is common to all children under the age of eight years.
dysrhythmias that originate in the AV junction? d. A 4.0 mm i.d. endotracheal tube is recom-
a. inverted P waves, shortened P-R interval, mended for an 18-month-old child.
normal duration of QRS complex
b. absent P waves with no P-R interval and
prolonged QRS complex

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98. What is the purpose of the body’s physiological 102. The next step in treating this patient is to start
response to a stressor? a normal saline or Ringer’s lactate IV and to
a. to signal the brain that danger is present give which of the following medications?
b. to decrease normal physiological functions a. epinephrine
c. to shut down the autonomic nervous system b. diphenhydramine
d. to prepare for the most efficient reaction c. albuterol
d. morphine sulfate
99. Anxiety may be best defined as which of the
following? 103. You respond to a scene where a 110-pound
a. a general feeling of uneasiness child has lost consciousness. The cardiac monitor
b. an unconscious reaction to a stressor displays a narrow QRS tachycardia at a rate of
c. a factor or event that causes stress 200 beats/minute. A weak pulse is present and
d. regulation of involuntary movement the blood pressure is 80/60. Capillary refill is
delayed. Oxygen is being administered and an
Answer questions 100–102 on the basis of the follow- IV has been established. Initial management of
ing information. this patient will include
a. synchronized countershock with 25 joules.
You respond to a 17-year-old female found uncon- b. synchronized countershock with 50 joules.
scious in her backyard by her parents. She has a c. unsynchronized countershock with 100
newly developing skin rash on her right arm and is joules.
­having difficulty breathing. You note that she is d. unsynchronized countershock with 200
wheezing. Her parents state that she has no history joules.
of respiratory problems or other medical disorders.
104. A 72-year-old male is found unconscious in his
100. Which of the following is a possible cause of front yard after working in the yard for five
her condition? hours without a break. He is tachycardic, with
a. anaphylaxis hot, dry skin and shallow respirations. Manage-
b. febrile seizures ment should include which of the following
c. status asthmaticus procedures?
d. epiglottitis a. Administer furosemide to increase the func-
tioning of the kidneys.
101. What is the first step in managing this patient? b. Administer high-flow oxygen.
a. Administer IM diphenhydramine. c. Establish an IV at TKO rate.
b. Give 2 liters of oxygen via NC. d. Preserve body heat to reduce chances of a
c. Aggressively manage the airway. seizure.
d. Administer morphine sulfate.

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105. Moving the outstretched forearm so that the 110. How will the skin over a second-degree burn
anterior surface is facing downward is called appear?
a. rotation. a. bright red
b. supination. b. mottled red
c. pronation. c. pearly white
d. extension. d. charred black

106. Before using nitrous oxide (Nitronox) for a 111. Which patient is most likely to need burn cen-
chest-injury patient, you should exclude the ter care versus trauma center care?
possibility that the patient has which of the fol- a. female, age 34, second-degree burn over
lowing injuries? 10% of BSA
a. cervical spine injury b. male, age 46, third-degree burn over a small
b. flail chest area of the back
c. pericardial tamponade c. female, age 52, second-degree burns to face
d. pneumothorax and right hand
d. male, age 27, second-degree burn over entire
107. Your patient is a 26-year-old male with a mid- left arm excluding hand
shaft femur fracture and no other apparent
injuries. The patient is alert and oriented, and 112. Prehospital care for a patient who has moder-
all vital signs are normal. The best way to ate to severe burns includes which of the
immobilize this fracture is to use which of the ­following?
following devices? a. wet dressings, one IV line held at a TKO
a. the PASG/MAST rate, IV antibiotics
b. a long spine board b. wet dressings, two IV lines with large-bore
c. a traction splint catheters
d. a softly padded board c. dry sterile dressings, one IV line held at a
TKO rate, epinephrine 1:1,000
108. In a patient with a thermal burn to the airway, d. dry sterile dressings, two IV lines with large-
it is critical to watch for signs and symptoms of bore catheters held at a TKO rate
the development of which of the following?
a. laryngeal edema 113. A 16-year-old male complains of a fever, sore
b. shock neck, nausea, vomiting, and headache. During
c. respiratory arrest transport, he begins to have a seizure. Which of
d. bronchiolitis the following would be your most likely field
109. An adult with burns over the front of both a. brain abscess
arms and the chest is burned over what per- b. cerebral neoplasm
centage of her body surface area (BSA)? c. meningitis
a. 9% d. sepsis
b. 13%
c. 18%
d. 27%

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114. A patient who experienced a seizure, rather 118. A 72-year-old male is complaining of difficulty
than a period of syncope, usually reports that breathing. His ECG shows a rhythm of 44 with
the episode corresponding pulses, a P-R interval of 0.18,
a. started when she was standing up. and normal R-R intervals. Vitals are blood
b. happened without any warning. pressure of 92/56 and respirations of 32. The
c. was associated with bradycardia. patient also states that he feels very nauseated
d. lasted only two to three minutes. and dizzy. Treatment for this patient should
115. What is included in the management of a a. atropine 0.5 mg.
patient in a postictal state? b. epinephrine 1:1,000 0.3 mg.
a. having the patient sit up, administering c. epinephrine 1:10,000 1 mg.
high-flow oxygen, and transporting d. isuprel 2–10 mcg/min.
b. placing the patient in shock position and 119. A 52-year-old male patient is experiencing
treating for signs and symptoms of shock chest palpitations and shortness of breath.
c. moving obstacles away from the patient, or Vitals are blood pressure 116/64, pulse 180 and
moving him or her to a safe location regular, and respirations 36. ECG shows a nar-
d. placing the patient in a recumbent position row complex rhythm at a rate of 200 and no
and administering supplemental oxygen discernible P waves. Which of the following
regimens is indicated for this patient?
116. General management for a patient with altered a. IV, O2, adenosine 6 mg
mental status should include which of the fol- b. IV, O2, atropine 0.5 mg
lowing procedures? c. IV, O2, lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg
a. Provide low-flow oxygen. d. IV, O2, verapamil 2.5 mg
b. Apply a 12-lead EKG.
c. Determine blood glucose levels. 120. A 58-year-old patient is experiencing shortness
d. Administer dextrose routinely. of breath. ECG shows a sinus tachycardia at
126; pulse is weak, and blood pressure is 82/52.
117. What are the two most common causes of Which medication and dose would be most
severe anaphylaxis? appropriate for this patient?
a. shellfish and roasted peanuts a. dopamine 5–10 mcg/kg/min
b. aspirin and synthetic opiates b. lasix 40 mg
c. egg whites and sesame seeds c. morphine sulfate 5 mg
d. penicillin and insect bites/stings d. nitrostat 0.4 mg SL

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121. Which finding is helpful in distinguishing 125. Which statement about suicide is correct?
­poisoning by spider venom from an acute a. People who talk about suicide rarely attempt
abdominal condition? it by deadly means.
a. abdominal rigidity with no palpable b. Suicidal patients are mentally ill and require
­tenderness institutionalization.
b. right-lower-quadrant pain in the absence of c. The suicide rate is lowest during holiday
fever seasons or birthdays.
c. diaphoresis accompanied by chills and fever d. There is a high correlation between suicide
d. the presence of multiple bite marks on the attempts and alcohol consumption.
Answer questions 126–128 on the basis of the follow-
122. Early symptoms of overdose of tricyclic antide- ing information.
pressants include which of the following?
a. tachycardia and a wide QRS complex You respond to a 4-year-old female who has taken an
b. nausea, vomiting, and severe diarrhea unknown quantity of children’s aspirin. Upon arrival,
c. psychosis and bizarre behavioral changes you find the patient conscious, crying, and lethargic.
d. altered mental status and slurred speech Her mother states that she found the child playing in
the bathroom. A flavored children’s aspirin bottle was
123. Which of the following patient scenarios is the found nearby with only a few tablets in it.
typical profile for a victim of classic heat stroke?
a. a healthy young adult who has been exercising 126. In this situation, you should make the assump-
in hot, humid weather tion that
b. someone sweating profusely and drinking a. the aspirin bottle was full and treat
large amounts of water without salt ­accordingly.
c. an elderly person with chronic illness who is b. the child couldn’t possibly have taken all the
confined to a hot room aspirin tablets.
d. an infant who is exposed to overly high c. there is a reason to suspect child abuse due
ambient temperatures indoors to neglect.
d. because of new packaging laws, the child is
124. Your patient is hypothermic with a body tem- not in danger of overdosing.
perature of 93° F. The patient is likely to exhibit
which of the following symptoms? 127. Children’s aspirin is in which of the following
a. severe shivering classes of medications?
b. impaired judgment a. tricyclics
c. respiratory depression b. acetaminophen
d. bradycardia c. salicylates
d. benzodiazepines

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128. Correct treatment for this patient may include 132. You are called to the scene of a possible drown-
a. IV, oxygen, naloxone, and NG tube ing at a local pool. Upon arrival, you discover
­insertion. that lifeguards have removed the patient from
b. IV, oxygen, ECG, and activated ­charcoal. the pool and are performing rescue ventilations
c. IV, ECG, sodium bicarbonate, and since the patient is apneic with a pulse. Upon
­epinephrine. placing the monitor, you discover a rapid
d. IV, naloxone, and activated charcoal. rhythm at 200 beats per minute, no P waves,
and a QRS complex of 0.16. Management
129. A 52-year-old female is complaining of chest should consist of
tightness with radiation to the back. Her EKG a. amiodarone 150 mg.
shows a sinus tachycardia with multifocal pre- b. cardioversion 100 joules.
mature ventricular contractions occurring ten c. defibrillation 200 joules.
times per minute. Her blood pressure is 112/68, d. lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg.
and her heart rate is 96 and irregular. Which of
the following medications would be indicated 133. You must perform chest compressions on a
for her condition? newborn infant if, after oxygenation and venti-
a. lidocaine lation, the heart rate persists in being less than
b. adenosine what number?
c. magnesium sulfate a. 60/min
d. nitroglycerine b. 80/min
c. 100/min
130. Children of which age group are in the greatest d. 120/min
danger from airway obstruction caused by
aspirated foreign objects? 134. Your patient is age 7 and has a suspected bro-
a. 1–12 months ken arm and numerous bruises. The mother
b. 1–3 years states that the child was hurt when he fell off
c. 3–5 years his bike in the morning. What finding would
d. 6–12 years lead you to suspect that the mother’s account
of the injuries is not true?
131. What is the usual pediatric dose of naloxone a. multiple fresh bruises on the child’s arm
for a child less than 5 years old? and leg
a. 0.01 mg/kg via IV bolus b. the child cries from pain when you palpate
b. 0.1 mg/kg via IV bolus c. the child clings to the mother during
c. 1 mg via IV bolus ­transport
d. 2 mg via IV bolus d. purplish, yellowish, and greenish bruises

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Answer questions 135–137 on the basis of the follow- 138. Patients with pelvic inflammatory disease often
ing information. complain of which of the following?
a. diffuse lower-abdominal pain
You respond to a 25-year-old female who is com- b. severe vaginal bleeding
plaining of vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. c. tearing pain in the uterus
The patient states that she is 33 weeks pregnant and d. itching upon urination
that this is her first pregnancy. She says that when
the pain started, it felt like “something was tearing.” 139. The two primary goals of prehospital care of a
She denies vaginal bleeding during the pregnancy sexual assault victim are to preserve the victim’s
prior to this event. Upon assessment, you notice privacy and dignity and to
what appears to be approximately 500 cc of dark, a. obtain a complete description of the assault.
almost black, blood. b. collect samples of body fluids from the
135. Which condition is this patient most likely suf- c. preserve all physical evidence for the police.
fering from? d. help the victim bathe and change her
a. abruptio placenta ­clothing.
b. placenta previa
c. uterine rupture 140. A 24-year-old female is complaining of chest
d. eclampsia pain and difficulty breathing. She has been up
for three days studying for finals and has been
136. This condition is dangerous to the life of taking ephedrine supplements to help her stay
a. the mother only. awake and alert. She also admits to drinking 12
b. the baby only. caffeinated soft drinks in the past day. Vitals are
c. neither patient. BP 80/40, P 180 carotid, and R 42. She is very
d. both patients. pale and lethargic. The ECG shows a narrow
QRS complex with regular R-R intervals, with
137. In addition to high-flow oxygen and continu- no discernable P or T waves at 200 beats per
ous monitoring of the mother’s vital signs and minute. The best treatment for this patient
the baby’s fetal heart tones, you should treat would include
this patient with a. adenosine 6 mg rapid IVP.
a. one or two large-bore IVs of normal saline b. cardioversion at 100 joules.
or Ringer’s lactate. c. vagal maneuvers.
b. one minidrip IV of normal saline and pito- d. verapamil 2.5 mg slow IVP.
cin or terbutaline.
c. one minidrip IV and PASG with all com- 141. What does it mean if a woman is described as
partments inflated. multipara?
d. Basic life support treatments are all that are a. She is pregnant and morbidly obese.
needed. b. She has delivered more than one baby.
c. She has never delivered a viable infant.
d. She is over 45 years old and pregnant.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

142. Your patient is a 32-year-old woman who 146. You are managing a patient with symptomatic
reports that she is nine weeks pregnant. She is bradycardia and multifocal PVCs. Suddenly,
complaining of severe abdominal pain, slight your patient slumps unconscious and goes into
vaginal bleeding, and shoulder pain. Abdomi- ventricular fibrillation. You confirm that your
nal examination reveals significant tenderness patient is pulseless. Your next action would be to
in the lower right quadrant. The patient is a. administer lidocaine 1.5 mg/kg.
somewhat agitated and tachycardic. You should b. begin CPR.
suspect developing shock resulting from which c. cardiovert at 200 joules.
of the following conditions? d. defibrillate at 200 joules.
a. ruptured appendix
b. abruptio placenta 147. What is the correct method to stimulate respi-
c. placenta previa rations in a neonate?
d. ectopic pregnancy a. Hold it by the feet while you slap the ­buttocks.
b. Slap the soles of the feet and rub the back.
143. What is the usual clinical presentation of placenta c. Let the cool air cause it to shiver a little.
previa? d. Rub the head but avoid touching the fontanel.
a. tearing pain and dark red bleeding
b. diffuse abdominal pain and slight bleeding 148. What is the greatest concern when a person
c. painless bright red bleeding experiences blunt force trauma to the head?
d. elevated blood pressure and diffuse pain a. It can interrupt the integrity of the blood
brain barrier.
144. Which of the following findings or factors b. It can cause a significant increase in intrac-
would make you opt for immediate transport ranial pressure.
of a pregnant woman rather than attempt c. It can cause significant ringing in the ears.
delivery in the field? d. It can lacerate the scalp, causing bleeding.
a. the mother’s urge to push
b. the presence of crowning 149. Why must your assessment be especially dili-
c. meconium-stained amniotic fluid gent in an intoxicated patient?
d. multiparity with explosive births a. Alcohol can decrease pain tolerance in the
145. During a normal delivery, you would suction b. Alcohol can mask signs and symptoms of
the infant’s mouth and nose just after injury.
a. the head is out of the vagina. c. Alcohol can increase the patient’s willing-
b. the entire infant is delivered. ness to cooperate.
c. the head and chest are delivered. d. Alcohol can decrease an injury’s effect on
d. you clamp the cord. the patient’s level of consciousness.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

150. What are the blood vessels in the umbilical cord? 154. If left untreated, this patient’s condition may
a. one artery and one vein worsen and she may begin to experience which
b. two arteries and two veins of the following?
c. one artery and two veins a. angina pectoris
d. two arteries and one vein b. necrosis of tissues
c. grand mal seizures
Answer questions 151–154 on the basis of the follow- d. labor pains
ing information.
155. Which of the following statements regarding
You respond to a 19-year-old female who is 25 weeks febrile seizures is true?
pregnant and is complaining of a severe headache a. Patients suffering from febrile seizures sel-
and blurred vision. Upon initial assessment, you dom need evaluation at the hospital.
notice that she has substantial edema, especially in b. Febrile seizures frequently occur in infants
her feet and hands. She states that she has not been with fevers.
under the regular care of a physician during this c. Febrile seizures signify serious brain disorders.
pregnancy. d. Febrile seizures occur because of a rapid rise
in skin temperature.
151. What abnormality would you expect to see in
this patient’s vital signs? 156. You are caring for a 69-year-old AMI patient
a. tachycardia using online medical control. A bystander, who
b. tachypnea identifies herself as a physician, looks at the
c. hypertension ECG, sees you beginning to administer epi-
d. hypotension nephrine, and requests that you substitute atro-
pine. What should you do?
152. This patient is most likely suffering from the a. Have the online physician consult directly
condition known as with the on-scene physician.
a. eclampsia. b. Follow the directions of the on-scene physi-
b. placenta previa. cian who has assumed care.
c. preeclampsia. c. Ignore the on-scene physician and follow
d. supine-hypotensive disorder. the directions of the online physician.
d. Leave the scene and the patient in the care of
153. Treatment for this patient includes rapid trans- the on-scene physician.
port without lights and sirens, an IV of normal
saline or Ringer’s lactate, and oxygen. It may 157. Bradycardia refers to a heart rate that is less
also call for the administration of which of the than how many beats per minute?
following medications? a. 30
a. magnesium sulfate b. 40
b. pitocin c. 50
c. terbutaline sulfate d. 60
d. naloxone

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

158. Which of the following statements regarding 161. In which of the following situations is an EMS
falls among the elderly is most accurate? provider required to make a report to law
a. The elderly have the highest incidence of falls. enforcement?
b. Fall-related injuries represent the leading a. suspected sexual assault
cause of accidental death among the elderly. b. alcohol-related trauma
c. Falls account for the highest percentage of c. MCV with entrapment
emergency department visits among the d. illegal drug possession
d. A majority of falls are primarily related to 162. Which patient may be legally placed in protec-
infrapatellar bursitis. tive custody by the police if he or she refuses
159. Scene size-up a. a competent 85-year-old man who has
a. is the responsibility of the driver of the EMS signed a DNR order at the nursing home
crew. b. a patient who is drunk and disorderly and
b. includes taking appropriate BSI measures. who refuses treatment for a head wound
c. should be performed immediately after the c. an epileptic patient who has just recovered
initial patient assessment. from a seizure but refuses transport
d. is necessary only when approaching a d. a diabetic who has just recovered from insu-
trauma scene. lin shock and wants to go home

160. Which of the following situations constitutes 163. You are dispatched to the home of a dying
abandonment? patient who has signed a Do Not Resuscitate
a. A paramedic yields control of a patient’s order. What should you do?
care to a physician who has just arrived on a. Contact medical control before providing
the scene. any patient care.
b. A paramedic yields control of a patient’s b. Give only emotional support to the patient
care to an EMT while the patient still needs and family members.
ALS-level care. c. Carry out all necessary care since such
c. An EMT yields control of a patient’s care to orders apply only to hospitals.
a paramedic even though the patient only d. Leave immediately without providing any
needs BLS-level care. care for the patient.
d. A patient refuses transport and the para-
medic leaves after obtaining a signature on a 164. Pharmacological management of postpartum
refusal of treatment form. hemorrhage may include which of the following?
a. oxytocin
b. magnesium sulfate
c. procainamide
d. amiodarone

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

165. Which of the following situations is most likely 169. Drawing a patient’s blood without her permis-
to be declared a major incident? sion may be an example of
a. an accident involving a school bus and car a. battery.
with five patients b. slander.
b. a fire at a chemical plant during working c. false imprisonment.
hours d. assault.
c. a water accident on a state line with two
people in the water 170. For which of the following procedures is it
d. a fire involving an isolated single-family ­necessary to wear gloves, gown, mask, and
residence ­protective eyewear?
a. starting an IV in a moving ambulance
166. What is the major responsibility of the finance b. bleeding control with minimal bleeding
sector at a major incident? c. assisting with an emergency childbirth
a. to document the number of personnel and d. administering an intramuscular injection
hours worked
b. to acquire resources needed to resolve the 171. Which form of hepatitis poses the lowest risk
incident to paramedics?
c. to predict future needs resulting from the a. hepatitis A
incident and provide for them b. hepatitis B
d. to define objectives for resolving the incident c. hepatitis C
d. hepatitis D
167. You are conducting triage using the START sys-
tem at a major incident. You encounter a 172. The use of alcohol-based hand wash is encour-
patient who is not breathing. After you position aged in the field setting when hot water and
the airway, the patient begins to breathe at a soap are not readily available. To be most effec-
rate of six respirations per minute. Into which tive, you should also do which of the following?
category would you now triage this patient? a. Allow the skin to stay wet with the alcohol
a. dead or dying for at least ten minutes.
b. immediate or critical b. Remove gross matter from your hands, since
c. delayed alcohol cannot penetrate protein.
d. urgent or noncritical c. Place your wet hands quickly into gloves to
allow the alcohol to penetrate fully.
168. The set of duties and skills that a paramedic is d. Quickly dry the alcohol approximately 30
permitted to perform during a medical situa- seconds after applying it.
tion is called
a. primary practice.
b. consent to practice.
c. scope of practice.
d. regional practice.

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173. When you are caring for more than one trauma 176. Which of the following is an example of
patient at a time, you should change your acknowledging and labeling the patient’s
gloves how often? ­feelings?
a. whenever time permits a. “Stop threatening me. I’ve never hurt you.”
b. for each new patient b. “You seem angry. Do you want to tell me
c. for each new procedure about it?”
d. whenever they become soiled c. “I get angry myself sometimes.”
d. “Anger is a hostile emotion. Let’s be more
174. You are interviewing Mrs. Rodriguez, age 87, positive.”
who called EMS but seems reluctant to state
her primary problem. Mrs. Rodriguez speaks Answer questions 177–180 on the basis of the follow-
English but is answering your questions slowly ing information.
and haltingly. Her 20-year-old grandson is also
present. In an attempt to obtain the necessary Your ambulance is the first on the scene of a sus-
information, you should pected radiation emergency. Dispatch has stated
a. direct your questions to the grandson only, that a box containing radioactive material was
since Mrs. Rodriguez is probably senile. found unattended and open in a park. No patients
b. ask the grandson to translate for Mrs. Rodri- have been identified yet, and the police department
guez since she does not understand you. is sealing off the area.
c. ask questions slowly, clearly, and respect-
fully, giving Mrs. Rodriguez time to respond. 177. When you approach the park, the three princi-
d. stop the interview and ask the grandson to ples of safety to keep in mind are
leave the room, then resume questioning. a. time, distance, and shielding.
b. distance, crowd control, and decontam­ination.
175. Which of the following is not typically a char- c. decontamination, clothing, and eye
acteristic of an abused elderly person? ­protection.
a. wealthy but refuses to give financial assis- d. gloves, eye protection, and shielding.
tance to relatives
b. multiple physical and mental impairments, 178. If you are asked to set up a staging area for
such as dementia additional responding rescue crews, which of
c. incontinent, mentally handicapped, and the following would be the best location?
over the age of 65 a. upwind, close visual range, in an open area
d. physically handicapped, over the age of 75, b. downwind, close visual range, in an open
and frail area
c. upwind, no visual range, in a building
d. downwind, no visual range, in a building

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179. In this situation, who has the responsibility for 180. Which type of radiation is the most serious?
decontamination of patients? a. alpha particles
a. first responding ambulance b. beta particles
b. first responding fire agency c. gamma rays
c. hazardous materials team d. delta rays
d. triage and treatment officer

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 A n s w e r s 6. b. In the OPQRST mnemonic, R stands for

­radiation. You should determine if the pain
1. b. The timing of the onset, medical history, and is radiating, referred, or causing any associ-
physical findings point to emphysema as the ated problems.
primary suspect. 7. a. The signs and symptoms given (lethargy,
2. c. This patient has begun to decompensate in confusion, pulse and blood pressure normal
terms of his ability to ventilate adequately, as to slightly elevated, skin cool, and capillary
evidenced by the decreased mental status and refill delayed) are characteristic of early, or
very poor skin signs. This patient will require compensated, shock. The single characteris-
aggressive airway management in order to tic signaling the change from compensated
be ventilated. to uncompensated shock is a drop in blood
3. a. The most immediate piece of ventilation pressure that remains below normal despite
equipment to use would be a CPAP. CPAP intervention and treatment. You should
eliminates the need for intubation. If CPAP never wait to see a decrease in BP to decide if
is not available, a BVM would be the next shock is present or not, since early in the
choice. The patient will need preoxygenation shock process, sympathetic stimulation dur-
before any attempt of intubation. In addi- ing compensation may result in a slight ele-
tion, as implied by the patient’s presenting vation of the diastolic blood pressure.
position, he will likely have an intact gag 8. c. The down-and-under pathway results in
reflex, making insertion of an OPA difficult, injury to the pelvis and legs rather than to
if not impossible. the abdominal and thoracic organs. These
4. b. A beta agonist like albuterol is indicated in injuries are caused as the patient’s knees
this situation. Morphine sulfate may worsen strike the lower part of the dashboard and
the patient’s condition by potentially energy forces travel along the femur to the
depressing respiratory drive. Adenosine is a pelvis and maybe even into the lower spine.
cardiac medication used to control supraven- 9. a. The paper bag effect or paper bag syndrome
tricular tachycardia. Epinephrine has signifi- is thought to be responsible for most
cant cardiac side effects, especially in older pneumo­thoraces that result from car crashes.
patients. During this event, the closed glottis traps
5. b. Only this patient’s vital signs are within pressurized air in the chest. When compres-
­normal limits for her age. Patient a has sion occurs during the crash against the
increased respirations and the systolic closed glottis, severe damage can occur to the
blood pressure is within the hypertensive hyperinflated alveoli and bronchioles, result-
range. Patient c has bradycardia (he is 14) ing in collapse.
and is at the lower end of normal for 10. d. Conscious adults who fall more than three
­respirations and blood pressure. Patient d is times their height tend to land on their feet;
dangerously hypertensive and the heart rate this tends to cause bilateral calcaneus frac-
and ­respiratory rate are above normal limits tures, hip dislocations, and compression
for that age range. fractures of the spinal column.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

11. c. Her score is 7 and is composed of 2 points 16. b. The score on the Glasgow Coma Scale trans-
for pain, 1 point for verbal response, and 4 lates into 4 points on the Revised Trauma
points for motor response. Score; the patient receives 3 points for respi-
12. b. Patients with facial fractures also have sus- ratory rate, 1 point for respiratory expansion,
pected spinal trauma and should be immobi- 4 points for blood pressure, and 1 point for
lized appropriately. Avoid the use of any delayed capillary refill.
nasopharyngeal airway manipulations in a 17. c. This patient’s body is showing signs that it
patient with facial fractures, as the device can no longer compensate for the damage
could be introduced directly into the brain by done by the traumatic event. In addition,
perforating through the area of the fracture. toxic metabolic products may have been
Cardiac (ECG) monitoring, pulse oximetry, trapped in the injured tissues and now be
and other monitoring devices are always circulating back toward the heart. These tox-
appropriate when you have a seriously injured ins may result in cardiac dysrhythmias or
patient. PASG is not indicated in this patient. cardiac arrest.
13. d. Periorbital ecchymosis, or raccoon eyes, 18. d. PASG is no longer indicated for routine man-
presents as bruises circling around the eyes. agement of shock patients. If this patient has
It often indicates basal or other skull frac- an unstable pelvis fracture in addition to the
ture, but when seen in the prehospital envi- presence of shock, PASG could be used as an
ronment, it suggests significant previous air splint to assist in stabilizing the fractured
injury because this condition takes time to pelvis. Because the pelvis is intact, it would be
develop after injury. The earliest finding you better to rapidly transport her (after full-
would note with a newly developing skull body and cervical spine immobilization) to a
injury is extreme swelling of the soft tissues well-padded long spine board. Shock can be
around each eye that may make it difficult managed with oxygen, positioning (elevate
even to open the eyes to check pupils. lower end of long board), rapid transport,
14. a. Preload can be increased by increasing and careful fluid administration. Some ser-
venous return, increasing the contractile force vices use pulmonary edema and penetrating
of the heart, or by decreasing afterload. chest trauma as the only contraindications to
15. a. Quickly repeat the initial assessment after the use of PASG. If that is the case in your
every significant intervention. You and your service area, then PASG could be used for this
partner have had your attention on her lower patient, but in that case, all compartments
extremity for a few minutes, and now you should be inflated. You would never inflate
should refocus and repeat an ABC assess- only one leg and then the abdominal section.
ment. Cervical immobilization with a collar Most likely, the garment would not help sta-
should be completed prior to treatment of bilize the ankle fracture and additional splint-
the leg. PASG/MAST is not indicated for this ing would be required.
patient. Proximal pulse check is part of the
reassessment survey that occurs immediately
after stabilizing and splinting the leg.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

19. d. Although your assessment of the pelvis was variety of causes, but in this case, it may be
negative, the mechanism of injury suggests connected to the hypertensive crisis. There is
this patient is most likely hemorrhaging not enough information to determine if
internally, resulting in hypovolemic shock. elder abuse or cardiac tamponade is present,
Medications are rarely used in the prehospi- but it is unlikely in this scenario. Another
tal management of hypovolemic shock. possibility for this patient is a stroke. If
Dopamine is indicated for cardio­genic shock stroke is occurring, prompt management of
and is never indicated with uncorrected the hypertensive crisis can reduce morbidity.
hypovolemic shock. Morphine sulfate may 23. c. In a patient with acute MI, signs of cardio-
help control pain, but its use for this patient genic shock result from cardiac insufficiency
is not advisable in the prehospital setting due from decreased coronary artery perfusion
to the unknown nature of all of her injuries. due to in­adequate pumping of the heart
Your treatment centers around improving (mainly the left ventricle). The signs and
oxygenation and prompt transport to the symptoms include low blood pressure,
appropriate defin­itive care facility. cyanosis or cool, clammy skin, and rapid
20. a. Pain in the left upper quadrant is most often breathing. Most of these patients have ade-
due to pancreatitis, gastritis, or diseases of quate blood volume and vascular system but
the left kidney. Appendicitis often results in an ineffective “pump.”
right-lower-quadrant pain, but the actual 24. b. The patient is displaying signs and symptoms
location of the area of the appendix that is of acute occlusion of the femoral artery.
inflamed may result in left-lower-quadrant Aneur­ysms generally do not occur in the
or even flank pain. Hepatitis results in dull femoral artery. If an aneurysm were present,
right-upper-quadrant pain that is indepen- the signs and symptoms would be different
dent of the presence of food in the GI tract. from those presented. Deep-vein thrombosis
Diverticulitis presents much like appendicitis, would result in vascular pooling distal to
but it is generally localized to the left lower the site of occlusion, and edema would be
abdomen. present or developing in the extremity, but
21. b. Signs of uremia are pasty, yellow skin and arterial circulation would be unaffected.
thin extremities; urea frost is a late sign. 25. a. Blast injury impact is divided into three
These signs result from jaundice, poor nutri- phases: primary, secondary, and tertiary. The
tion, and protein loss in the tissues. In primary phase occurs during the initial air
extreme cases, the potassium level can be blast and pressure wave. The secondary
dangerously elevated. Pericardial tamponade phase occurs when the patient is hit by debris
and uremic encephalopathy may also be propelled by the overpressure of the blast
present. Coupled with kidney failure, non- wave. The tertiary phase occurs when the
cardiac pulmonary edema, severe dyspnea, victim is thrown away from the blast into the
ascities, neck vein distension, and rales in the ground or other hard objects.
bases may also be seen. 26. b. During the primary blast, forces from the
22. a. Although the chief complaint was headache ­pressure wave and initial air blast result in
and confusion, it is likely that the primary compression of air-containing organs such
problem to address is hypertensive crisis. as the sinuses, auditory canals, stomach,
Senile ­dementia of new onset could have a lungs, and intestines.

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27. d. Often, burns are limited to the oro- and syncope, stroke, absent or reduced pulses,
nasopharynx in the upper airway. Worsening heart failure, pericardial tamponade, and/or
stridor or hoarseness indicates that edema is signs of AMI. If the ventricular failure worsens,
developing, which may lead to airway com- cardiogenic shock may develop. You will see
promise. Flash burns rarely result in exten- the systolic pressure drop dramatically (often
sive airway or lung tissue burns. Aspiration to less than 80 mmHg) when this occurs.
pneumonia is an infectious process that 31. c. There must be some spontaneous respiratory
develops following the introduction of a effort for the blind insertion to have a good
foreign body into the lungs. It is unlikely in chance of successful placement. The presen-
this ­scenario, and if it has occurred, there tation in choice d can probably be managed
will be no signs of infection yet. by basic airway maneuvers.
28. b. Compression of air-containing organs is 32. c. The original breath sounds indicated that the
common in the primary blast phase. Decel- tube was placed in the trachea, but perhaps
eration injuries occur during the tertiary too deep. Adjusting the depth of the tube so
phase and thermal burns can occur during that the distal end is sitting just above the
any phase of the blast, depending upon carina will likely resolve this situation.
whether the pressure wave is superheated, if 33. c. If a patient has a partial airway obstruction
flaming objects are striking the patient, or if but adequate air exchange, allow her to con-
the patient is thrown into a burning area. A tinue her spontaneous efforts to clear the air-
rigid, tender abdomen indicates there are way (coughing), but monitor her carefully.
internal injuries under the skin, and not sur- Your interference may actually worsen the
face injuries to the dermis from burns. This obstruction by making it complete. If air
injury was most likely caused by flying debris exchange becomes inadequate, treat her as if
or propelled objects striking the patient. the obstruction is total by performing the
29. c. Common signs of a narcotic overdose are Heimlich, intubation, suction, or other
described: Pinpoint pupils are characteristic efforts to relieve the obstruction.
of heroin and narcotic use, a fresh puncture 34. d. Patients with COPD maintain chronic high
wound over a vein indicates a recent injec- levels of CO2, which may result in pulmo-
tion site, and bluish scarring over the veins is nary hypertension and lead to right-sided
consistent with the presence of track marks. heart failure, or cor pulmonale.
30. d. The patient is displaying signs and symptoms 35. a. Neither the nasopharyngeal nor the
of left ventricular failure, which most often oropharygneal airway is long enough to pro-
occurs secondary to MI. Hypertension and tect the lower airway from aspirated material.
tachycardia is due in part to increased left Generally, the presence of vomitus or blood
atrial pressure that is transmitted to the pul- in the airway does not affect their use, since
monary vessels. Rales and rhonchi indicate suction is easily performed through and
that pulmonary edema is present. Right-side around these devices. The devices come in a
failure can lead to left-side failure, but such a wide variety of sizes and styles. Use of the
patient generally has dry lungs and dependent oropharyngeal airway is limited to patients
edema (usually pedal) as the presenting sign. A who do not have a gag reflex.
dissecting aneurysm will present with pain,

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

36. c. Regardless of which device you use, confir- 42. b. Because tracheal suctioning will be per-
mation of placement is generally advisable formed on this patient, sterile technique is
prior to inflation of any balloons on the required. Suction should be performed only
device by looking for chest rise and fall and upon withdrawal of the catheter. For protec-
listening for breath sounds in the chest and tion of the rescuer, gloves, eye protection,
abdomen. and face mask should be worn during the
37. d. Because of anatomical appearance of the dis- procedure. If the patient is being ventilated
tal trachea, it is most common for an ET you should hyperventilate before and after
tube that has been inserted too far to enter suctioning.
the right main bronchus, resulting in 43. a. Position of comfort is always the optimal
atelectasis and insufficiency of the left lung. transport position for nontraumatic patients
38. d. This patient shows signs and symptoms of when the patient is conscious and oriented.
pneumonia. The fever is the symptom that To facilitate breathing and maximize efforts,
provides the differential diagnosis between the best position for this patient would be
the ­various choices. high Fowler’s position.
39. c. In addition to oxygen, this patient needs 44. a. Albuterol (Ventolin) is administered only by
antibiotics. inhalation.
40. c. Active tuberculosis presents with fever, 45. c. The steps involved in management of this
flulike symptoms, and productive cough. injury are occlusive dressing, high-flow oxy-
Meningitis presents with high fever and gen, and rapid transport. Intubation is not
flulike symptoms, but does not have necessary for each patient. Needle decom-
respiratory involvement. HIV may not have pression is not necessary if tension pneu-
any symptoms, although AIDS can present as mothorax develops. If dyspnea worsens,
a variety of diseases, depending upon which open the dressing to relieve some of the pres-
opportunistic disease has caused infection. sure that is built up. An IV lifeline should be
Hepatitis B will present primarily with GI established but large volume fluid resuscita-
problems (nausea, vomiting, pain) and tion should be withheld.
upper-right-quadrant abdominal pain. 46. d. An apneic and pulseless patient is unlikely to
41. b. Diabetic patients heal more slowly from have an intact gag reflex, necessitating an
pneumonia when it occurs, but it is not a OPA to help control the upper airway. A
common ­disease for them. CHF and pulmo- BVM will need at least 10 lpm of oxygen flow
nary hyper­tension would certainly contrib- in order to adequately oxygenate the patient
ute to worsening his signs and symptoms, during ventilations.
but the most likely cause of absent or 47. b. Wheezing, a whistling sound heard on
decreased lung sounds in the lower lobes of a expira­tion, is generally associated with
sick elderly patient is incomplete expansion asthma. Snoring and stridor are upper-
and shallow respiration due to inactivity. airway obstructions and a friction rub
sounds like rubbing.

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48. d. During the initial resuscitation attempt, the 54. b. This patient displays many of the risk factors
next step after two unsuccessful attempts at for pulmonary embolism; her signs and
ventilation for an unconscious adult patient symptoms also fit. The rapid onset of the
is to reposition the head and try again. Once problem should lead you to hypothesize
you have confirmed obstruction, you do not acute pulmonary embolism.
need to repeat this step (repositioning) 55. d. Both the patient and all personnel who come
again. Perform the blind finger sweep follow- in contact with him or her should wear
ing the abdominal thrusts before attempting appropriate masks in order to maintain
ventilation each time. Chest thrusts for respiratory ­isolation. For your own legal pro-
relieving airway obstruction are reserved for tection and for the optimal patient care, you
obese and very pregnant adults. should never transport a patient unattended
49. c. The patient’s history, signs, and symptoms in your unit.
are consistent with chronic bronchitis. The 56. c. This patient shows the clinical symptoms of
“blue bloater” frequently has peripheral asthma. Due to the repeat nature of this epi-
edema, cyanosis, and JVD due to right-side sode, it is unlikely that this is pulmonary
heart failure in addition to the respiratory edema, upper-airway obstruction, or simple
problems. Emphysema patients present with pneumothorax. If he were suffering from
barrel chest and signs of wasting of the pulmonary edema, you would also expect
extremities. hemoptysis. A spontaneous (or simple)
50. a. The correct procedure is to have the patient pneumothorax would also present with a
inhale deeply and exhale quickly. Some sudden onset, but would most likely not also
meters ask you to repeat the procedure and have wheezing or a history of recurrence.
average your findings, but you would still 57. a. Nebulized steroids would provide no imme-
have the patient inhale deeply and quickly diate relief of this patient’s bronchospasm, as
exhale with each reading. they will not prevent or lessen attacks in
51. b. The correct dosage and route is 125–250 mg, progress. Steroid therapy is useful as a long-
given via IV or intramuscularly. term suppressive treatment.
52. a. Hyperventilation syndrome, which is charac- 58. d. Any of these medications can be used to treat
terized by rapid breathing, is most often this patient.
caused by anxiety, though it is also associated 59. d. Constriction of the smaller airways is caus-
with many organic diseases. ing air to be trapped in the alveoli.
53. d. Administer low-flow oxygen to patients with 60. c. Asthma is regarded as a chronic inflamma-
exacerbation of COPD. Do not ever withhold tory disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary
oxygen from any patient in respiratory dis- diseases commonly include emphysema and
tress. Use a pulse oximeter to monitor their chronic bronchitis.
SAO2 levels. If the patient becomes dizzy or 61. c. Allergens, exercise, and irritants are common
sleepy, monitor him closely and encourage triggers of asthma attacks. Cold weather,
him to take normal breaths. stress, and anxiety are lesser triggers.
62. d. Blood enters the right atrium through the
superior and inferior vena cava and is
pumped through the tricuspid valve into the

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

right ventricle. From there, it passes through 67. c. The history of diarrhea, nausea, and vomit-
the pulmonic valve into the pulmonary ing indicates a strong dehydration situation
arteries and into the lungs. resulting in the tachycardia and dyspnea.
63. b. If, on initial assessment, the carotid pulse is 68. c. Dopamine is the preferred drug for raising
palpable but the radial pulse is not, the blood pressure in patients in cardiogenic
patient’s ­systolic blood pressure is 60–80 shock. Note that it should never be adminis-
mmHg. (Cerebral blood flow stops below 60 tered if you suspect the reason for low blood
mmHg, so it cannot be lower than that.) pressure is hypovolemia. Once hypovolemia
When the radial is absent but the femoral is is corrected, dopamine can be administered.
present, the pulse is estimated to be around 69. b. Apply an occlusive dressing (a gloved hand
70 mmHg. When the radial pulse is present can be used in the interim until the occlusive
the systolic pressure is considered to be at dressing is applied), then attempt to stop the
least 80 mmHg. In light of the complete bleeding with constant, direct pressure, but do
description given, then, the best approxima- not clamp neck vessels. Medical control may
tion of the patient’s pulse is 60 mmHg. also direct tamponade with a gloved finger.
64. d. Determining the relationship between the 70. b. The common signs and symptoms of cere-
apical impulse and the carotid pulse may bral hemorrhage are transient loss of con-
give you the first indication of a cardiac sciousness, headache, drowsiness, nausea,
irregularity, such as a dysrhythmia. To assess and vomiting.
central and peripheral circulation, you 71. d. The relatively sudden onset of this condition
should assess carotid (central) and radial and lack of dehydration history points to a
(peripheral) pulses. Remember that the car- primary dysrhythmia as the underlying cause
diovascular system requires three factors to of her presentation.
work effectively: intact and functioning 72. a. Hypoglycemia may occur in nondiabetic
pump, an adequate circulating blood vol- patients, especially in chronic alcoholics who
ume, and a container (vascular vessels) of the have poor diet and the inability to properly
appropriate size to circulate the blood effec- metabolize carbohydrates. Except in cases of
tively. An apical pulse indicated the pump is alcoholism and prolonged lack of food
functioning, and a carotid pulse shows you intake, nondiabetics seldom have problems
that the circulating blood volume is reaching with hypoglycemia. Signs and symptoms of
target tissues. hypoglycemia have a rapid onset. In early
65. c. The lack of findings is almost as important as stages of hypoglycemia, the patient may
the reported ones. For example, not having complain of extreme hunger and thirst.
pedal edema, crackles, or wheezes in the lung 73. a. The most significant predisposing factors are
fields, or hypertension reduces the possibility old age, type II diabetes, coexisting cardiac
of pulmonary edema. The lack of medical or renal disease, and increased insulin
history or wheezes minimizes asthma as a requirements.
possible cause. 74. d. More than half of all elderly patients who
66. b. A second puncture attempt should be made ­suffer MI do not complain of chest pain;
superior to the first because there is a chance therefore, their AMI often goes unrecog-
of leakage from the first puncture site. nized. In the presence of chronic diseases

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

such as diabetes, ­neuropathy prevents them 81. a. The rhythm identified is a junctional escape
from sensing pain as unaffected individuals rhythm.
would. 82. b. In dysrhythmias originating in the SA node,
75. a. Oxygenated blood flows from the lungs, via the QRS complex is usually of normal dura-
the pulmonary veins, into the left atrium. tion because it is still conducting regularly
From there, it passes through the mitral through the AV node. Depending upon the
(bicuspid) valve into the left ventricle. It type of dysrhythmia, the P waves may or may
passes through the aortic valve then enters not be upright and similar, and the P-R inter-
into the aorta. val may or may not be of normal duration.
76. b. Since no information is presented about the 83. b. Cardioversion is the recommended treatment
exact nature of the patient’s condition, one for atrial fibrillation when the ventricular rate
assumes that there is a trauma mechanism is greater than 150 and the patient is symp-
involved and manual precautions must be tomatic. The other treatments listed are for
taken. A modified jaw thrust can open an nonsymptomatic patients or for when you
airway without disturbing the in-line align- are unclear if the rhythm is SVT or V tach.
ment of the cervical spine. 84. a. The most common location of infarct is the
77. b. Parasympathetic stimulation through the inferior wall, characterized by ST segment
vagus nerve acts to decrease the heart rate; elevation in leads II, III, and aVF.
this paradoxically increases stroke volume 85. c. The initial standard defibrillating dosage of
because the longer time interval between energy is 2 joules/kg body weight.
contractions allows the ventricles to fill more 86. d. The standard dose for fluid resuscitation is
efficiently. 200 ml/kg body weight.
78. b. Wheezing localized into one lung only 87. a. Patients with no respiratory compromise
minimizes the likelihood of asthma or benefit from low-flow oxygen to increase
other pulmonary disease. If a foreign body is comfort and limit the size of the infarct.
small enough to pass through the glottic Nasal cannula oxygen administration is
opening and carina, it will eventually lodge appropriate provided the pulse oximeter
somewhere in either the main bronchi or reading remains high (over 95%).
the bronchioles. If the obstruction is not 88. d. Any condition that would present a signifi-
complete, air moving past the restricted lung cant bleeding hazard excludes a patient from
passage will produce a wheeze. receiving thrombolytic therapy.
79. d. The P-R interval represents the conduction 89. b. Because the left ventricle fails to function as
of the electrical impulse through the atria an effective forward pump, left ventricular
and AV node, up to the instant of ventricular failure results in pulmonary edema as blood
­depolarization. backs up into the pulmonary circulation.
80. b. Abnormally long or oddly shaped QRS com- Left-side failure is common following an
plexes indicate that the impulse was formed acute myocardial infarction and can also lead
within the ventricles and that it then traveled to cardiogenic shock.
to the AV node. This delay in travel time is
shown as a widened QRS complex on the
ECG tracing.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

90. a. Patients with dissecting aortic aneurysm 98. d. All the components of the stress reaction—
describe their pain as extremely severe from release of ACTH, relaxation of the bronchial
the outset, whereas the pain of AMI tends to tree, slowdown of digestion, release of adren-
build slowly. aline—prepare the body to react to the stres-
91. d. Prehospital treatment is limited to elevation sor as efficiently as possible.
and immobilization of the extremity and 99. a. Anxiety is a general feeling of uneasiness or
transportation. apprehension that results from continued
92. c. Delta waves are characteristic of pre-excitation stress.
syndromes, of which Wolff-Parkinson-White 100. a. The environment she is in and the previously
is the most common. unseen rash, wheezing, difficulty breathing,
93. b. Because the patient does not seem to be and negative past history are keys to this
tolerating the rapid heart rate well, vagal being a case of possible anaphylactic shock.
maneuvers should be attempted first, followed 101. c. You should aggressively manage the airway.
by pharmacological therapy if necessary. If It may be necessary to carefully intubate this
the heart rate increases or the patient becomes patient, and you may get only one attempt.
unstable, synchronized cardioversion may Once the tube contacts the larynx, the vocal
be indicated. cords can spasm and completely shut off the
94. a. These features are characteristic of all dys- airway.
rhythmias that originate in the AV node. The 102. a. Epinephrine is a potent antihistamine and
P wave is inverted because of retrograde con- can reverse many of the effects of histamine
duction and is firing virtually simultaneously over­load. This patient is in extremis and
with the QRS, resulting in a short duration should first be treated with epinephrine. If
of the P-R interval (if it is present at all). respiratory distress continues once the epi-
95. c. This patient is alert enough to be considered nephrine has entered the patient’s system,
stable. However, a heart rate of 260 is diffi- you may try using diphenhydramine
cult for any patient to manage for any period (another antihistamine) or albuterol to bring
of time. Adenosine is indicated for this con- about bronchodilation. Morphine is not
dition. Volume replacement is not indicated; indicated in this situation.
there is no information in regard to dehydra- 103. a. This patient is an unstable patient secondary
tion or other fluid loss, and a heart rate of to supraventricular tachycardia. Synchro-
260 may not be able to tolerate large nized cardioversion is indicated to terminate
amounts of fluid. the dysrhythmia. The standard dose for
96. a. A transmural infarction is also referred to as synchronized cardioversion is 0.5 joules/kg
a Q-wave infarction because it is associated body weight.
with Q-wave changes. 104. b. This patient is experiencing a heat stroke and
97. b. Straight laryngoscope blades are preferred possible dehydration. It is important for him
in children. Uncuffed tubes are needed in to receive fluid, high concentration of oxy-
order to be firmly seated at the narrowing gen, and active cooling measures to reduce
of the trachea. his body temperature.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

105. c. Pronation is rotating the forearm so that the are being used with some success across the
anterior surface is facing down. Supination is country in various areas, but the standard of
the opposite movement. Rotation is the type care is still dry sterile ­dressing.
of movement required to reposition the 113. c. While the other answers are possible, based
extremity. Extension occurred when the arm upon the fever, vomiting, and headache com-
was moved out from the midline of the body. plaints, this is most likely meningitis.
106. d. Nitronox should not be used with patients 114. b. Seizures, unlike syncope, do not usually have
with head injury because it can increase warning signs such as a period of lightheaded-
intracranial pressure. It should not be used ness. Some seizures are preceded by a feeling
with patients who have pneumothorax or sensation of impending seizure called an
because the drug can move by diffusion to aura.
air spaces in the body. 115. d. Place the patient in the lateral-recumbent
107. c. In a stable patient, the PASG is unnecessary. position to prevent aspiration and adminis-
The long board will not adequately immobi- ter supplemental oxygen as needed; provide
lize this injury because the muscles of the leg privacy and transport.
will spasm and shorten the leg. A padded 116. c. Patients who present with altered mental sta-
board may not provide adequate traction to tus should be provided high-flow oxygen, IV
prevent muscle spasms either, so the traction access, and blood glucose levels measured.
splint is the best choice. D50 should be administered when hypogly-
108. a. A burn to the highly vascularized tissue of cemia is suspected.
the airway can lead to laryngeal edema and a 117. d. Injected antigens are likely to cause the most
blocked airway. severe reactions; penicillin and insect stings
109. c. Using the rule of nines, the front of each are the two most common causes of severe
arm equals 4 21 % BSA, and the anterior ­anaphylaxis.
chest equals 9%; the total burn covers 18% 118. a. This patient presents with symptomatic bra-
of the BSA. dycardia, which would most likely be relieved
110. b. The skin over a second-degree burn will by increasing the heart rate. Atropine would
most frequently appear mottled red and con- indirectly increase the heart rate by blocking
tain blisters. A first-degree burn will appear the parasympathetic nervous system. Epi-
bright red and a third-degree burn will be nephrine may be dangerous for this patient
charred or white. due to its cardiotonic side effects and the
111. c. Severe partial thickness or full thickness patient’s age.
burns to the face, hands, feet, and perineum 119. a. This patient presents in a stable, supraven-
often ­warrant burn center care, even if they tricular rhythm. Because the patient’s blood
are not extensive. pressure is not low, there is time to establish
112. d. Cover the burns with dry sterile dressings intravenous access and administer adenosine
and be ready to institute aggressive fluid to control the rate.
therapy as ordered. Wet dressings offer com- 120. a. The patient’s blood pressure is too low for
fort but lower the body temperature in a safe use of nitroglycerin, furosemide, or
severely burned patient. Gel-type dressings morphine sulfate.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

121. a. This finding is helpful in ruling out acute likelihood of ­overdose by accidental inges-
abdomen as the cause. Acute abdomen tion, this child’s decreasing LOC (level of
generally always has pain associated with consciousness) suggests there is a serious
rigidity, whereas a spider bite may be overdose situation here.
painless initially due to the neurotoxicity of 127. c. Salicylates is the correct class of drugs for
the venom. Spiders rarely bite more than aspirin.
once, ruling out choice d as a realistic clue. 128. b. The appropriate treatment is IV, oxygen,
122. a. Tachycardia with wide QRS complex is an ECG, and activated charcoal. Be prepared to
important early sign of toxicity. High doses treat dysrhythmias and to provide a fluid
of sodium bicarbonate IV drip will help challenge if ordered. Sodium bicarbonate
control dysrhythmias. may also be ordered by medical direction,
123. c. Although any of these individuals could suf- but epinephrine is not indicted for this situa-
fer from heat stroke, the elderly person rep- tion. Naloxone is not indicated in this over-
resents the typical profile of a victim of dose situation, but could always be given if
classic heat stroke. you are unsure of the substances ingested.
124. b. This patient is experiencing early to mod­ 129. a. It is rare to treat PVCs directly; the adminis-
erate hypothermia and is likely to manifest tration of oxygen and nitrates would be used
impaired judgment, slurred speech, normal to reperfuse the myocardial tissue, which in
blood pressure, and tachycardia. Severe shiv- turn may eliminate the PVCs. However, in
ering generally peaks around 95° F and con- this case, she is exhibiting more than six per
tinues to decrease in intensity until body minute, and they are originating from more
temperature reaches the high 80s; it then than one site. Lidocaine may be needed to
stops altogether. Respiratory depression and control these potentially malignant ectopic
bradycardia occur when the temperature beats.
drops into the mid 80s. 130. b. Children between 1 and 3, who tend to put
125. d. Alcohol is a CNS depressant. People who do things into their mouths, are in greatest
not frequently drink often do so before kill- danger of aspiration of foreign objects.
ing themselves; furthermore, alcoholics are 131. b. The pediatric dosage is 0.1mg/kg for a child
prone to commit suicide. Suicidal patients less than 5 and 2.0 mg for a child over 5 years
may or may not openly discuss suicide, but of age.
you should take seriously any discussion of it 132. c. This patient presents in pulseless ventricular
by your patient. Most suicidal patients are tachycardia, a lethal rhythm. Immediate defi-
depressed, not mentally ill. Holidays and brillation is indicated to terminate this event.
important personal times such as anniversa- 133. b. The threshold for bradycardia in a newborn
ries, birthdays, or death-days are high times infant is 80 beats per minute, and the range
for suicide. where you would consider the need for com-
126. a. Unless you know otherwise, always assume a pressions along with other treatments is
medication bottle was full. There is nothing between 60 and 80 BPM. Any infant with a
in this situation to indicate child abuse. heart rate less the 60 BPM should immedi-
Although today the quantity of pills pack- ately receive compressions, but if the rate
aged has been reduced, in order to lessen the remains between 60–80 and is not rapidly

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

increasing despite positive pressure ventila- 140. b. This patient presents in unstable supraven-
tion with 100% oxygen, you should perform tricular tachycardia. Her condition may dete-
chest compressions for 30 seconds, reassess, riorate quickly; therefore, immediate
and repeat as needed. synchronized cardioversion is indicated.
134. d. Although children are often uncoordinated 141. b. A multipara is a woman who has delivered
and subject to frequent falls, the presence of more than one live baby.
bruises in various stages of healing would 142. d. Signs and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy
lead you to suspect that this child had been include lower-abdominal pain that is often
injured on more than one occasion. Carefully referred to the shoulder, abdominal tender-
note the environment the child is living in ness, and rapidly developing shock. Although
and report any ­suspicions of abuse or neglect a ruptured appendix may be suspected, the
to the proper authorities. first ­problem to rule out (given the preg-
135. a. The tearing feeling and the dark-colored nancy history) is an ectopic pregnancy.
blood are classic signs and symptoms of 143. c. Placenta previa usually presents as painless
abruptio placenta. Placenta previa often has bright red bleeding that occurs in the third
bleeding that is contained within the uterus trimester of pregnancy. The blood may be
due to the placenta blocking the os (opening contained within the uterus.
or mouth) of the uterus. 144. c. Because meconium staining in the amniotic
136. d. Both lives are at stake. Oxygen is passed from fluid can indicate fetal distress, it may mean
the mother to the baby via the placenta. A that the best thing to do is to transport the
separation greatly decreases the blood supply mother immediately. Choices a, b, and d sug-
to the infant and the uncontrolled bleeding is gest that birth is imminent and transport is
dangerous to the mother. not advisable. If you must deliver the infant
137. a. Administering one or two large-bore IVs of when meconium staining is present, you
normal saline or Ringer’s lactate is appropri- should be prepared to provide immediate
ate when combined with rapid transport. suctioning of the trachea and to intubate the
You should titrate the BP to 100–110 so as child prior to stimulation, drying, warming,
not to overload the circulation, causing pul- or positioning.
monary edema and further compromising 145. a. Suction the infant’s mouth and nose imme-
the oxygen supply to the infant. diately after the head is delivered and you
138. a. The most common presentation of PID is can access the mouth and nose. Remember
diffuse, moderate to severe lower-abdominal to suction the mouth first, then the nose.
pain, which makes ambulation difficult. 146. d. Immediate defibrillation has been proven to
139. c. In order to preserve physical evidence of the be effective in terminating ventricular fibril-
assault, avoid cleaning wounds and do not lation. Even stopping for CPR in a witnessed
allow the victim to bathe or change her event such as this may be more harmful than
clothing. If clothing is removed during beneficial.
patient care, it should be placed in a brown
paper bag and handed over to police officers.
Maintain chain of custody carefully to pre-
serve the evidence.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

147. b. Stimulate a neonate by slapping the soles of the 157. d. Bradycardia refers to a heart rate of less than
feet and rubbing the back. The infant should 60 beats per minute.
not be allowed to lose any body heat, and you 158. b. Falls kill more elderly Americans annually
should avoid touching the head to keep from than any other trauma. It is important to
putting any pressure on the fontanel. carefully evaluate and manage these patients.
148. b. Increased ICP after blunt force trauma to the 159. b. Scene size-up includes taking BSI precau-
head is potentially lethal and will need close tions and scene safety. It should be done on
monitoring and management both prehospi- all calls and is the responsibility of all
tal and within the emergency department. responding providers.
149. b. As a mild anesthetic, ethanol can reduce the 160. b. Abandonment means that a healthcare
patient’s perception of pain. It will be impor- worker either terminates treatment inappro-
tant to carefully and completely examine the priately or turns care over to less qualified
patient for any unnoticed injuries. personnel.
150. d. The umbilical cord contains two arteries and 161. a. Most states require the reporting of abuse or
one vein; only the umbilical vein is used for neglect of children, spouses, or older adults;
vascular access. rape and sexual assault; gunshot and stab
151. c. This is toxemia, a hypertensive disorder of wounds; animal bites; and certain communi-
pregnancy. cable diseases.
152. c. This patient is most likely suffering from 162. b. Protective custody is used legally in cases of
preeclampsia. patients who are drunk, high on drugs, or a
153. a. Magnesium sulfate is the appropriate medica- danger to themselves and others, when it is
tion for the suppression of seizures in a preec- obvious that their condition is impairing
lampsia patient. Valium may help control their judgment.
seizures, but magnesium suppresses them. 163. a. Contact medical control about the specific
154. c. Seizures indicate that the patient’s condition situation before providing care; this will
has worsened. The condition is then called allow you to provide the type of care that is
eclampsia. palliative only. Some states have specific pro-
155. d. Febrile seizures occur in children because of tocols to follow with DNR patients and may
a rapid rise in temperature and not necessarily even provide various levels of care in a vari-
the severity of the fever itself. ety of circumstances.
156. a. Although the online medical control physi- 164. a. Oxytocin may help control postpartum
cian is ultimately responsible for the care the hemorrhage.
patient receives, it would be appropriate to 165. b. This incident has a hazardous-materials
allow the two physicians to communicate component along with the potential for lots
while you continue care of the patient per of patients. All the other incidents may be
your online direction. You should never leave severe but should not overwhelm the normal
the patient unless the on-scene physician can resources for the area.
be identified to your satisfaction and has
agreed to assume care of the patient and
medical direction has authorized you to
discontinue care.

– Pa r am e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

166. a. Finance is responsible for the financial of contracting this disease from accidental
accounting of the incident and may not be needle sticks. Hepatitis D occurs only in
needed in a small-scale incident. In addition individuals who currently have or had HBV
to tracking personnel, finance approves infection, and who therefore also pose a high
rental and purchase of any additional equip- risk to EMS providers.
ment needed for the incident. Logistics is 172. b. Alcohol can never take the place of thorough
responsible for acquiring resources, planning hand washing, but when hand washing is not
evaluates, and command sets goals and possible, it can offer some protection. To be
objectives. most effective, you should first remove debris,
167. b. When using the START triage system, you as ­alcohol cannot penetrate large protein
assess three parameters: respiration, pulse, molecules. ­Saturate your hands and use
and mental status (RPM). A patient with no friction to remove particulate matter. Let
respirations is considered dead or dying; if your hands air dry immediately, but do not
the rate is under 10 or over 30, the patient is wipe them dry, as this diminishes the effec-
immediate or critical. If the rate is between 10 tiveness of the alcohol.
and 30, additional assessment is needed (so 173. b. Changing gloves for each new patient con-
you would then assess pulse, and possibly also tact prevents cross-contamination.
mental status, before deciding on a category). 174. c. Treat Mrs. Rodriguez respectfully, and give
168. c. Scope of practice is generally defined by state her plenty of time to respond and plenty of
statute and defines what an EMS provider encouragement, before you turn to her
can perform. grandson for assistance or translation. If it
169. a. In most situations, unpermitted physical appears that she is nervous about her grand-
contact is a form of battery. Assault is the son being present, you may then decide to
threat of bodily harm. ask him to leave the room, but unless his
170. c. Childbirth can be extremely messy and presence is upsetting to the patient, it is okay
involve blood, amniotic fluid, urine, and for him to remain.
feces, so maximum precautions should be 175. a. The typical abused elder is generally poor
taken to include gloves, gowns, mask, and eye and dependent on the abuser.
protection. For routine IV starts and IM 176. b. This is one way to acknowledge what a
drug administration, gloves alone should be patient is feeling and to encourage him or
appropriate BSI. All of the precautions listed her to express those feelings without passing
are recommended by USFA (United States judgment or getting too personal.
Fire Administration) guidelines for bleeding 177. a. Limit your time of exposure, stay a good dis-
control with spurting bleeding but are not tance from the source, and place shielding
necessary with minimal bleeding. between you and the source. Personal and
171. a. Hepatitis A is enteric (or food-borne) and crew safety is always your first concern.
poses the least risk for healthcare providers. 178. c. Upwind in a building helps to provide fur-
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is the major occupa- ther shielding from the radioactive source.
tional blood-borne pathogen risk for para- Since you will be able to communicate via
medics. Hepatitis C occurs most frequently radio, being able to see the scene of the emer-
in IV drug abusers and paramedics are at risk gency is not important in this situation.

– Pa ram e d ic P ractic e E x am 4 –

179. c. Decontamination should only be performed 180. c. Gamma rays are the most serious type of
by specially trained hazardous-materials ionizing radiation.

C h a p t e r

7 EMT-Paramedic
Practical Exam

This chapter is based on the manual of the practical skills examination
produced by the National Registry of EMTs. If your state uses the
NREMT practical exam, this chapter states just what your practical
exam will be like. If your state has its own practical exam, you’ll still
learn a lot by reading this chapter, since you are likely to be tested on
many of the same skills.

T he EMT-Par ame d i c practical examination assesses 12 skills by placing the candidate in

lifelike scenarios, complete with simulated patients and medical equipment, and requiring him
or her to play the role of the EMT-Paramedic called to the scene.
The practical exam process is a formal verification of the candidate’s hands-on abilities and knowledge,
rather than a teaching, coaching, or remedial training session. In normal circumstances, any equipment
needed to complete the exercises will be provided by the testing agency. You should, however, be sure to
confirm that this is so at your site sufficiently far in advance of your test to give you time to secure the nec-
essary equipment, if needed.
In preparing, it will be helpful to look at the NREMT Skill Evaluation Instruments. These are
the scoring sheets that the examiner will use in evaluating your performance on the practical exam; there
is a separate sheet for each skill assessed. Check with your EMT-Paramedic teachers and with the National
­Registry to secure copies of these sheets.
All candidates are urged to review all practical examination criteria in the most recent issue of the
supplemental brochure Performance Standards for Advanced Level Practical Examination Candidates (avail-
able from the National Registry) prior to the exam.

A Note about Time

The examiner notes the time elapsed during the candidate’s performance on each section’s scoring sheet. For
some skills, the time it takes to ­perform the action is critical—for example, failing to establish a patent and
properly adjusted IO line on the pediatric mannequin within a six-minute limit in Skill 11 results in automatic
failure. You must familiarize yourself with such time limits as well as the steps to take for each skill and practice
until carrying the procedures out in the time allowed comes easily to you.

 P ractical Exam Content Outline 2. Ventilatory Management—Adult

Presented with a mannequin standing in for a patient
The candidate must demonstrate an acceptable level of who is not breathing but who has a palpable carotid
competence in each of the following 12 skills when pulse, the candidate must demonstrate his or her abil-
taking the entire practical skills exam. ity to use appropriate airway maneuvers and adjuncts,
bag-valve-mask device, and supplemental oxygen. The
1. Patient Assessment—Trauma EMT-Paramedic candidate must place an endotracheal
The candidate will be asked to make a physical assess- tube, demonstrate at least two methods of placement
ment and voice treatment of a moulaged simulated confirmation, and demonstrate the ability to suction
patient, assuming a scenario that the testing staff will through the endotracheal tube.
describe. (A moulaged simulated patient is one pre- The scoring sheet lists 26 steps in the manage-
pared with mock injuries.) This skill entails: ment of this situation. As the candidate works through
the regimen, the examiner will provide information
a. Scene Size-Up about how the situation is progressing. For example,
b. Initial Assessment/Resuscitation after the candidate takes body substance isolation pre-
c. Focused History and Physical Exam/Rapid cautions, manually opens the airway, and elevates the
Trauma Assessment tongue to insert a simple adjunct, the examiner will
d. Detailed Physical Exam provide the information that no gag reflex is present
and that the patient is accepting the adjunct device.
The scoring sheet (i.e., the skill evaluation instrument) You should know the correct procedure and practice
breaks each of these subskills down into its parts. You with classmates, one playing the role of the examiner
should prepare yourself to know exactly what will be and the other the role of the test taker.
expected of you on a trauma call by running through As on other skills, the scoring sheet for Ventilatory
this sheet over and over. In addition, the scoring sheet Management—Adult includes a list of possible critical
includes a list of possible critical mistakes at the bot- failures at the bottom, including such things as using
tom, including such things as failing to initiate or call teeth as a fulcrum. As before, you must know this list,
for transport of the trauma patient within the ten- as it amounts to a statement of what the minimum
minute time limit. Be sure you know the list of possible standard for care is.
critical mistakes, as it amounts to a statement of what
the minimum standard for care of a trauma patient is. 3. V
 entilatory Management—Dual
Lumen Airway Device
This skill is similar to the preceding one except that the
scenario calls for medical control to order insertion of

– EM T- Pa ram e dic P ractical E x am –

a dual lumen airway rather than intubation. There are treatment you call for; at the end, as on the other skills,
a total of 20 steps the candidate is expected to carry he or she will note down the time elapsed.
out, interspersed with information about the progress
of the call provided by the examiner. 6. Oral Station—Case A
As on other skills, the scoring sheet for Ventilatory 7. Oral Station—Case B
Management—Dual Lumen Airway Device includes a In both oral stations, the call is an ­out-of-hospital call
list of possible critical failures at the bottom, including and the candidate must manage all aspects of the situ-
such things as failing to voice and eventually ­supply ation. The sections on the scoring sheet are:
high oxygen concentrations. As before, you must know
this list, as it amounts to a statement of what the mini- a. Scene Management
mum standard for care is. b. Patient Assessment
c. Patient Management
4. C
 ardiac Management Skills— d. Interpersonal Relations
Dynamic Cardiology e. Integration (verbal report, field impression,
This part and the next part of the practical exam test transport decision)
the candidate’s ability to deal with cardiac arrhythmias
and interpret ECGs. In the Dynamic Cardiology sec- The scoring sheet for the oral stations lists two possible
tion, you will be expected to handle a cardiac arrest, critical failures at the bottom:
delivering actual electrical therapy. You will be expected
to verbalize everything about how you interpret the a. Failure to address anything that is considered
scenario you are presented with and what treatments mandatory in the given scenario
you give. This section will resemble a “megacode.” b. Performing or calling for any dangerous or
There are 20 steps that the examiner will check harmful actions
you on as you proceed. In addition, the scoring sheet
includes a list of possible critical failures at the bottom, Oral Stations in More Detail
including such things as failing to demonstrate accept- The idea is that the oral station will allow examiners to
able shock sequence. As before, you must know this list, assess the candidate’s ability to think critically and
as it amounts to a statement of what the minimum manage a specific patient situation.
standard for care is. As noted earlier, in both oral stations, the call is
an out-of-hospital call and the candidate must manage
5. C
 ardiac Management Skills— all aspects of the situation. The candidate sits across a
Static Cardiology table from the examiner, with a low barrier between
You will be presented with four prepared ECG trac- them so the examiner can write out of the candidate’s
ings, together with patient information for each one. field of vision. The candidate is given a paper with a
You must say how you interpret each rhythm and what short description of a scenario (background and dis-
treatments are called for. patch information) and is then expected to role-play
For this section, the scoring sheet consists of four with the examiner, who provides additional informa-
boxes, each representing one ECG strip. For each strip, tion as the candidate requests it. The candidate is
the examiner will write down the diagnosis and the allowed to take notes.

– EM T- Pa ram e dic P ractical E x am –

The candidate is told to play the role of team date asks for it, and will not attempt to mislead
leader and is also told that treatments and interventions candidates in any way.
are performed only if he or she calls for them. The
candidate must be as specific as possible (and as is 8. I V and Medication Skills—
­appropriate) in the questions he or she asks and in the Intravenous Therapy
procedures he or she calls for. The examiner will switch The examiner will describe a scenario to the candidate,
roles as necessary, at one point playing the role of the who will then establish a patent IV in a mannequin arm
person who called for help and at another playing the in a way that is appropriate in that scenario. The scoring
role of the patient, for example. The candidate will also sheet for IV Therapy lists 16 steps the candidate must
be required to complete a radio report of the case, just take in establishing the IV, and six possible ­critical fail-
as a paramedic in the field would do. Each oral station ures, including such things as failing to establish the
is timed and ends after 15 minutes, starting from when patent and properly adjusted IV within six minutes and
the examiner hands over the background and dispatch failure to properly dispose of the needle.
information. If the candidate passed his or her NREMT Inter-
The burden on the candidate is to ask for the mediate/99 practical exam within the 12 months
right information and to respond to it in the appropri- ­preceding the EMT-Paramedic practical exam, he or she
ate way by verbalizing what his or her next move is. Be will have already qualified on this skill and need not take
sure to follow these steps: it again. (See the section of this chapter on scoring.)

■ Say what you will do to start. 9. I V and Medication Skills—

■ Get the right information by asking for it Intravenous Bolus Medications
specifically. Building on the IV Therapy skill, the IV Bolus Medica-
■ Establish and maintain the right order in the tions skill requires the candidate to administer IV bolus
steps you take. medications in accordance with the given scenario
■ Say explicitly what you will do at each juncture. once the patent IV line is established. The scoring sheet
■ Maintain a compassionate manner. lists 13 steps the candidate must take in administering
■ Be thorough. the medications, and six possible critical failures,
■ Use good critical-thinking skills throughout. including such things as failing to adequately dispel air,
resulting in possible air embolism.
Some candidates find the experience of role-playing If the candidate passed his or her NREMT
without props unnatural—especially with the examiner Intermediate/99 practical exam within the 12 months
repeatedly switching roles. Be sure you practice these ­preceding the EMT-Paramedic practical exam, he or she
skills regularly before taking your practical exam so that will have already qualified on this skill and need not take
these artifacts of the test situation don’t throw you off. it again. (See the section of this chapter on scoring.)
NREMT strongly emphasizes the importance of
interpersonal relations; the ability to interact compas- 10. P
 ediatric Ventilatory
sionately and to communicate clearly with the Management
­characters in the scenario are important ingredients of This skill assesses the candidate’s management of a
success on the oral stations. The examiner will provide situation involving a patient under two years of age who
all the necessary information, as long as the candi- is not breathing. The infant (presented as a mannequin)

– EM T- Pa ram e dic P ractical E x am –

is said to have a palpable brachial pulse. The candidate The scoring sheet for Spinal Immobilization (Seated
must demonstrate how best to manage the situation Patient) lists 12 steps and 10 possible critical failures,
immediately using simple airway maneuvers and including such things as failing to immobilize the head
adjuncts, a bag-valve-mask device, and supplemental sufficiently. The scoring sheet for Spinal Immobiliza-
oxygen. As on the Ventilatory Management—Adult skill, tion (Supine Patient) lists 14 steps and nine possible
the EMT-Paramedic candidate must place an endo- critical failures, including such things as moving the
tracheal tube. Also as on that skill, the examiner will patient excessively. The scoring sheet for Bleeding Con-
provide information about how the patient is respond- trol/Shock Management lists 10 steps and five possible
ing as the candidate carries out the appropriate steps. critical failures, including such things as not applying
The scoring sheet lists 17 steps the candidate is a high ­concentration of oxygen.
expected to take (15 if the candidate elects to ventilate If the candidate passed his or her NREMT
initially with BVM attached to reservoir and oxygen), Intermediate/99 practical exam within the 12 months
and 12 possible critical failures, including such things preceding the EMT-Paramedic practical exam, he or she
as failing to take or verbalize body substance isolation will have already qualified on this skill and need not take
precautions. it again. (See the section of this chapter on scoring,)

11. P
 ediatric Intraosseous How Is the Practical Exam
Infusion Scored and What Do You Need to
Working with a pediatric IO mannequin, the candidate Do to Pass It?
will be asked to establish an intraosseous line. The The practical exam is scored on a Pass/Fail basis, with
scoring sheet lists 16 steps in doing this and nine pos- each skill scored separately. You might pass all of the 12
sible critical failures, including such things as failing to skills assessed the first time, in which case you are fin-
ensure ­correct needle placement before attaching the ished with the practical exam and that much closer to
administration set. becoming certified. Of course, you also might pass some
If the candidate passed his or her NREMT skills and fail others. If you pass at least seven out of 12
Intermediate/99 practical exam within the 12 months the first time when taking the entire test, you are entitled
­preceding the EMT-Paramedic practical exam, he or she to retest up to two times on just those skills you failed.
will have already qualified on this skill and need not take If you fail again on both retests (for even one skill), you
it again. (See the section of this chapter on scoring.) will be required to take remedial training over all 12 of
the skills and then to retest on all the skills on another
12. Random Basic Skills—One of date. In order to sign up to take the entire practical exam
the Following: again, you will have to provide documentation of reme-
Spinal Immobilization (Seated Patient); dial training, signed by the EMT-Paramedic Training
Spinal Immobilization (Supine Patient); Program Director or Physician Medical Director of
Bleeding Control/Shock Management training/operations for your program.
A note on retesting: Some facilities offer same-day
In this case, the candidate is faced with a real person retesting opportunities for candidates who fail five or
playing the role of the patient. It will be clear from fewer skills. Not all offer same-day retesting, however,
looking at the actor which situation you are faced with and offering it is not something the NREMT requires
and thus which EMT-Basic-level skill is being tested. of its testing agencies. Furthermore, the candidate is not
in a position to pick and choose which skills he or she

– EM T- Pa ram e dic P ractical E x am –

would like to retest on that or any other day: The can- ■ Ventilatory Management—Dual Lumen Airway
didate is required to schedule retesting on all the failed Device
skills for the same day. ■ Cardiac Management Skills—Dynamic

What does this mean for you? Suppose you Cardiology

passed everything but Trauma and Dynamic Cardiol- ■ Cardiac Management Skills—Static Cardiology

ogy the day you take the entire test for the first time. ■ Oral Station—Case A

Further, suppose that you really know what to do on a ■ Oral Station—Case B

trauma call, and that the only reason you failed the ■ Pediatric Ventilatory Management

practical for that skill was a foolish mistake that you

know you wouldn’t repeat. You might be tempted to For candidates who take this route (applying the four
retest on Trauma the very same day. However, suppose passed Intermediate skills to your EMT-Paramedic prac-
you also know that your grasp of how to handle a tical test), the rules for Pass/Fail are similar to those just
Dynamic Cardiology call is not all it could be and that ­outlined. However, if such a candidate fails the EMT-
you failed the practical for that skill because you really Paramedic practical for any skill, and fails both retests, he
weren’t ready to take it. In that case, don’t request an or she must undergo remedial training in all 12 skills.
immediate retest—even though you could pass the The candidate must then take the EMT-Paramedic
Trauma section right away, you would also have to practical exam again, but this time on all 12 skills.
retest on Dynamic Cardiology right away, and you No matter what the approach (testing on all 12
know that isn’t in your best interest. Instead, put off skills or only on the eight required of recent Intermedi-
your first retest until you have had time to study up on ate EMTs), failing six or more skills means the ­candidate
and practice Dynamic Cardiology calls. fails the entire practical exam. In that case, he or she must
Candidates for EMT-Paramedic certification document remedial training on all 12 skills before
who have already passed the NREMT-Intermediate/99 retesting. The maximum number of times a candidate
practical exam within the preceding 12 months do not may take the full practical exam is three (a full practical
have to take the whole EMT-Paramedic practical exam: exam being a test on all 12 skills with two opportunities
They can apply the results of the NREMT-Intermedi- for retesting on failed skills). Anyone who fails the full
ate/99 exam to their first full attempt of the NREMT- exam three times must again ­complete a state-approved
Paramedic exam for these four skills: EMT-Paramedic training program in order to test
■ IV and Medication Skills—Intravenous Therapy
■ IV and Medication Skills—Intravenous Bolus
Medications  A Final Note
■ Pediatric Intraosseous Infusion

■ Random Basic Skills

The NREMT-Paramedic practical exam has just one
purpose—to ensure that practicing paramedics are
That means such candidates will be required to take ready to provide quality emergency medical care in a
the EMT-Paramedic practical exam on only these eight compassionate and efficient manner to patients in the
skills rather than the 12 listed earlier: field. The examiners will do everything possible to
make sure that the standards of adequacy are suffi-
■ Patient Assessment—Trauma ciently high. They will also make every effort to ensure
■ Ventilatory Management—Adult that the test is clear and fair. The equipment you need

– EM T- Pa ram e dic P ractical E x am –

will be provided and extra equipment irrelevant to the practicing both the oral stations and practical skills
situation will not appear. No one is going to throw you with other students, and (iii) knowing by heart what
a curve ball. It is your responsibility to prepare ahead would count as a critical failure on any skill. If you do
of time by (i) becoming very well acquainted with the your part, the examiners will know it and you will pass
steps that you are expected to carry out on each skill, (ii) with flying colors. Good luck!

C h a p t e r

This chapter outlines EMT-Paramedic certification requirements for all
50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin
Islands. It also lists state EMT agencies you can contact for more
information about certification requirements.

T able 8.1 ident ifi e s some of the minimum requirements necessary to become certified as
an EMT-Paramedic in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. A complete listing of all state
certifying agencies is also provided along with contact information.
Some minimum requirements are fairly standard and, therefore, not listed in the table. For example,
one must be physically, mentally, and emotionally able to perform all the tasks of an EMT-Paramedic. It is
also necessary to have a high school diploma or GED prior to attending training, as is a clean criminal record.
Finally, successful completion of an approved EMT-Paramedic training program that meets the standards
set forth by the U.S. Department of Transportation as well as current ACLS certification are required for
sitting for state-certification and NREMT-certification exams.
The first column of the table, Time to Become Certified, means the amount of time one has between
completion of an approved EMT-Paramedic training program and successfully meeting the certification
requirements. If too much time passes between taking the course and passing the exam, one could end up
taking the entire EMT-Paramedic training program again! In some states, the exam comes immediately
following training. If this is the case, immediate is listed in this column.
States either use their own written and practical skills exams, exams from the NREMT, or a combination
of both. The entry under exam will be state, meaning the state has its own exam, NREMT for National Regis-
try, or an entry indicating a combination of both exams. Even when the state has its own exam, it will be
similar to the National Registry exam and therefore to the exams in this book. The federal government mandates
the curricula of the EMT-Paramedic courses nationwide, so exams are usually similar and based on the National

– State C e rtificatio n R e qui r e me nts –

Standard Curriculum for the EMT-Paramedic as well as the state if you are already certified by the National
the most current rules and regulations for ACLS. Registry; or with state, meaning that if you are certified
Each state has its own rules and regulations sur- by the NREMT, you can be certified in the state by tak-
rounding certification. Some states have residency ing the state’s written and practical skills exams. If the
requirements for certification/reciprocity. Some states entry under exam in the previous column is NREMT,
require NREMT certification for initial state certifica- then that state accepts the National Registry exam.
tion/licensure, but do not require the paramedic to The same idea follows under the Accepts Out-of-
maintain NREMT certification. Texas and Oregon State Certification; the state will either not accept certi-
require that paramedics possess a minimum of an A.A. fication from another state (reciprocity), does accept it,
degree in EMT/para-medicine prior to achieving licen- or accepts it only if you successfully complete their cer-
sure. If you are unaware of the requirements for your tification exams as well. Some states require that you be
state, it is strongly recommended that you thoroughly certified through NREMT if you are transferring in
research such requirements prior to completing your from another state. For these state, the entry will be With
initial paramedic training. Some states have time limits NREMT. In most cases, a state that accepts out-of-state
from the completion of a paramedic training program certification will insist that the training program and
to successfully passing the state/NREMT certification certification exams have met or exceeded its own stan-
exams. Should you miss these time limits, it may be dards, so whether or not a state accepts your credentials
necessary to retake a paramedic course in its entirety. for reciprocity may be made on an individual basis.
Better to know all the requirements upfront, as respon- Some states also have additional certification
sibility rests solely with the applicant—i.e., you. requirements for transferring paramedics, such as
While the information in Table 8.1 is deemed cor- background investigations, state residency require-
rect at the time of publication, it is recommended that ments, employment with an EMS agency in that state,
you contact the certifying agency in the state in which or mandatory refresher training. If you are certified in
you intend to work, to determine if there has been a another state, you will need to show proof of current
change to the certification process. Some states have certification when applying for reciprocity.
been looking at moving away from NREMT certifica- Some states have what is known as “legal recogni-
tion as a requirement in favor of administering their tion,” which means they will recognize and accept your
own cognitive exam due to complaints over the new training for a limited time period, often one year. This
CAT system used by the NREMT. The percentage of is similar to a temporary certification. During this
candidates “showing competency” (i.e., pass rates) on period, you must apply for official certification and
the first attempt have been reduced significantly since fulfill all necessary requirements. Once this process is
the CAT system was introduced in 2007. NREMT insists, complete, your certification will be good for the normal
however, that the testing system is accurate and ensures certification period. Check with the appropriate state
a higher level of confidence that those individuals who EMS-certification agency office for further details.
pass the CAT examination are those who show mini- The recertification column indicates the number
mum competencies to function as an EMT-Paramedic. of years a certification remains valid prior to the need
The next column in Table 8.1 lists whether a state for recertification. Recertification usually requires a
with its own certification exam also accepts the given number of hours of continuing education, dem-
National Registry exam. Under Accepts National Reg- onstration of continuing ability to perform necessary
istry, the possible entries are no, meaning the state skills, or both. Again, check with the certifying agency
requires successful completion of their own certifica- in the state you will be employed for further informa-
tion process; yes, meaning that you can be certified in tion on recertification requirements.

Time to Become Accepts Nat’l Accepts Out-of-State
State Certified Exam Registry Certification Recertification

Alabama 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 1 or 2 years

Alaska 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

Arizona 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT and 2 years

state refresher course

Arkansas 1 year NREMT Yes With NREMT and 2 years

state exams

California 2 years NREMT Yes Yes 2 years

Colorado 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 3 years

Connecticut Immediate NREMT Yes With NREMT 1 year

Delaware 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT with 2 years

certification process

District of Immediate NREMT and state Yes With NREMT and 2 years

Columbia state exam

Florida 1 year State Yes Yes 2 years

Georgia 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

Hawaii Immediate NREMT and state Yes With NREMT 2 years

Idaho 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

– State C e rtificatio n R e qui r e me nts –

Illinois 1 year NREMT or state Yes Yes 4 years

Indiana 1 year NREMT Yes With NREMT and 2 years

state exam

Iowa 1 year NREMT and state Yes With NREMT 2 years

Kansas 1 year NREMT or state Yes With NREMT 2 years

Kentucky 2 years State practical, Yes With NREMT and 2 years

NR written determination of
death course
Time to Become Accepts Nat’l Accepts Out-of-State
State Certified Exam Registry Certification Recertification

Louisiana 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

Maine 1 year NREMT Yes With NREMT 3 years

(can take up (from end
to 3 years, but of initial
time is taken away course)
from certification

Maryland Immediate NREMT With With NREMT and 2 years

and state state state ALS protocol exam

Massachusetts 2 years State Yes With state 2 years


Michigan 2 years State No Yes 3 years

Minnesota 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

Mississippi 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

Missouri 3 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 5 years

Montana 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

Nebraska 1 year NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

Nevada 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

– State C e rtificatio n R e qui r e me nts –

New Hampshire 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

New Jersey 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

New Mexico 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

New York 1 year State No Yes, if certified by 3 years

another state, with
NY state exam/
determined on
case-by-case basis
Time to Become Accepts Nat’l Accepts Out-of-State
State Certified Exam Registry Certification Recertification

North Carolina 1 year State Yes Yes 4 years

North Dakota 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

Ohio 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 3 years

Oklahoma 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

Oregon 2 years NREMT Yes Yes 2 years

Pennsylvania 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT None

Rhode Island 2 years NREMT Yes Yes 2 years

South Carolina 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 3 years

South Dakota 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

Tennessee 1 year State Yes Yes with state exam 2 years

Texas Immediate NREMT No Yes with or 4 years

without NREMT

Utah 6 months NREMT No NREMT since 2007 4 years

or state exam

Vermont 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 2 years

Virginia 2 years NREMT Yes With NREMT 3 years

Washington 6 months NREMT and state Yes NREMT or state exam 3 years
– State C e rtificatio n R e qui r e me nts –

West Virginia 2 years State No Yes with WV refresher 2 or 4 years

course and state exams

Wisconsin 2 years NREMT Yes NREMT/Determined 2 years

case by case

Wyoming 2 years State No With state exam/ 2 years

Determined case by case*
Table 8.1
* Wyoming does not have its own paramedic training program; it requires paramedics to go out of state to complete paramedic training. They do, however, provide certification exams and certification.
Some states have paramedic certifications; others have licensure. Most states require legal recognition/licensure in addition to NREMT certification in order to legally function as a paramedic.
Texas requires all paramedics seeking licensure to have a 2- or 4-year college degree in the EMS field. Oregon requires paramedics obtaining licensure after 1999 to possess an A.A.S. degree in paramedicine or the equivalent.
– State C e rtificatio n R e qui r e me nts –

 S t a t e E M T A g e n c i e s Arkansas
Division of Emergency Medical Services and
The following is a list of the agencies that control EMT Trauma Systems
certification in each state, along with mailing addresses, Arkansas Department of Health
phone numbers, and websites. Contact these organiza- 4815 W. Markham Street, Slot 38
tions for additional information about specific certifi- Little Rock, AR 72205
cation requirements.You can also visit the LearningExpress Telephone: 501-661-2262
EMS website for links and additional information at Website:
Alabama Emergency Medical Services Authority
Alabama Department of Public Health Office of 1930 9th St., Suite 100
EMS and Trauma Sacramento, CA 95811
The RSA Tower Telephone: 916-322-4336
201 Monroe St., Suite 750 Fax: 916-324-2875
Montgomery, AL 36104 Website:
Telephone: 334-206-5383
Fax: 334-206-5260 Colorado
Website: Colorado Department of Public Health &
Environment, EMS Division
Alaska 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. South
Emergency Medical Services Unit Denver, CO 80246-1530
Division of Public Health Telephone: 303-692-2980
Box 110616 Fax: 303-691-7720
Juneau, AK 99811-0616 Website:
Telephone: 907-465-3027
Fax: 907-465-4101 Connecticut
Website: Connecticut Department of Public Health
Office of Emergency Medical Services
Arizona 410 Capitol Avenue MS # 12 EMS
Arizona Department of Health Services PO Box 340308
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services & Hartford, CT 06134-0308
Trauma System Telephone: 860-509-7975
150 N. 18th Ave., Suite 540 Fax: 860-509-7987
Phoenix, AZ 85007 Website:
Telephone: 602-364-3150
Toll Free: 1-800-200-8523
Fax: 602-364-3568

– State C e rtificatio n R e qui r e me nts –

Delaware Hawaii
Division of Public Health, Department of Health State of Hawaii Department of Health
and Social Services Emergency Medical Services & Injury
Office of EMS Prevention System Branch
Blue Hen Corporate Center 3675 Kilauea Ave.
655 Bay Rd., Suite 4-H Trotter Building, Basement Level
Dover, DE 19901 Honolulu, HI 96816
Telephone: 302-744-5400 Telephone: 808-733-9210
Fax: 302-744-5429 Fax: 808-733-9216
Website: Website:
ems/ems.html family-child-health/ems

District of Columbia Idaho

Government of the District of Columbia Idaho EMS Bureau
Department of Health 590 W. Washington St.
Health Emergency Preparedness and Boise, ID 83720-0036
Response Administration Telephone: 208-334-4000
64 New York Ave., NE, Suite 5000 Fax: 208-334/4015
Washington, DC 20002 Website:
Telephone: 202-671-4222
Website: Illinois
Division of EMS and Highway Safety
Florida State Department of Public Health
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services 525 West Jefferson St.
Florida Department of Health Springfield, IL 62761
4052 Bald Cypress Way, Bin C-18 Telephone: 217-782-4977
Tallahassee, FL 32399 Fax: 217-782-3987
Telephone: 850-245-4440 Website:
Georgia Indiana State EMS Commission
Office of EMS/Trauma Indiana Government Center South
2600 Skyland Dr., Lower Level 302 W. Washington St., Room E-239
Atlanta, GA 30319 Indianapolis, IN 46204-2739
Telephone: 404-679-0547 Telephone: 317-233-0208
Fax: 404-679-0526 Fax: 317-232-3895
Website: Website:

– State C e rtificatio n R e qui r e me nts –

Iowa Maine
Iowa Dept. of Public Health Maine EMS
Bureau of EMS 152 State House Station
Lucas State Office Building Augusta, ME 04333
321 E. 12th St. Telephone: 207-626-3860
Des Moines, Iowa 50319 Fax: 207-287-6251
Telephone: 1-800-728-3367 Website:
Fax: 515-281-0488
Website: Maryland
Maryland Institute for EMS Services
Kansas 653 W. Pratt St.
Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services Baltimore, MD 21201-1536
Landon State Office Building Telephone: 410-706-3666
900 SW Jackson St., Suite 1031 Fax: 410-706-2367
Topeka, Kansas 66612-1228 Website:
Telephone: 785-296-7296
Fax: 785-296-6212 Massachusetts
Website: Department of Public Health, Office of EMS
Office of Emergency Medical Services
Kentucky Two Boylston St., 3rd Floor
Kentucky Board of EMS Boston, Massachusetts 02116
300 N. Main St. Telephone: 617-753-7300
Versailles, KY 40383 Fax: 617-753-7320
Telephone: 1-866-97KBEMS Website:
Fax: 859-256-3128
Website: Michigan
Michigan Department of Community Health
Louisiana EMS & Trauma Systems Section
Louisiana DHH/OPH, Bureau of EMS 201 Townsend St., 6th Floor
8919 World Ministry Blvd., Suite A Lansing, MI 48913
Baton Rouge, LA 70810 Telephone: 517-241-0179
Telephone: 225-763-5700 Fax: 517-241-9458
Fax: 225-763-5702 Website:
offices/?ID=220 Minnesota
MN EMS Regulatory Board
2829 University Ave.
SE Suite 310
Minneapolis, MN 55414-3222
Telephone: 651-201-2800
Fax: 651-201-2812

– State C e rtificatio n R e qui r e me nts –

Mississippi Nevada
Mississippi Department of Health Nevada Emergency Medical Services
EMS/Trauma Care System Address: 4150 Technology Way, Suite 200
PO Box 1700 Carson City, NV 89706
570 East Woodrow Wilson, Annex 309 Telephone: 775-687-7590
Jackson, MS 39215-1700 Fax: 775-687-7597
Telephone: 601-576-7380 Website:
Fax: 601-576-7373
Website: New Hampshire
New Hampshire Department of Safety
Missouri Division of Fire Standards and Training &
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Services
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
Services Richard M. Flynn Fire Academy
PO Box 570 33 Hazen Dr.
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570 Concord, New Hampshire 03305
Telephone: 573-751-6356 Telephone: 603-271-4568
Fax: 573-751-6348 Fax: 603-271-4567
Website: Website:
EMS & Trauma Systems Section New Jersey
MT Dept of Public Health & Human Services NJ Department of Health and Senior Services
PO Box 202951 Office of Emergency Medical Services
Helena MT 59620 PO Box 360
Telephone: 406-444-3895 Trenton, NJ 08625-0360
Fax: 406-444-1814 Telephone: 609-633-7777
Website: Fax: 609-633-7954
Nebraska Department of Health and Human New Mexico
Services—Regulation and Licensure NM EMS Bureau
Licensing & Regulatory Affairs 1301 Siler Rd., Bldg F
PO Box 94986 Santa Fe, NM 87507
Lincoln, NE 68509-4986 Telephone: 505-476-8200
Telephone: 402-471-2115 Fax: 505-476-8201
Fax: 402-471-3577 Website:

– State C e rtificatio n R e qui r e me nts –

New York Oklahoma

New York State Department of Health State Department of Health
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services EMS Division
433 River St., Suite 303 1000 North East 10th, Room 1104
Troy, New York 12180 Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Telephone: 518-402-0996 Telephone: 405-271-4027
Fax: 518-402-0985 Fax: 405-271-4240
Website: Website:
main.htm Emergency_Medical_Services/

North Carolina Oregon

NC Division of Health Service Regulation DHS, EMS & Trauma Systems
Office of Emergency Medical Services 800 NE Oregon St., Suite 465
2707 Mail Service Center Portland, OR 97232
Raleigh, NC 27699-2707 Telephone: 971-673-0520
Telephone: 919-855-3935 Fax: 971-673-0555
Fax: 919-733-7021 Website:
North Dakota Pennsylvania Bureau of EMS
North Dakota Division of Emergency Medical Health & Welfare Building
Services and Trauma 7th and Forster St., Room 1032
600 E Blvd Ave., Dept. 301 Harrisburg, Pa 17120
Bismarck, ND 58505-0200 Telephone: 717-787-8740
Telephone: 701-328-2388 Fax: 717-772-0910
Fax: 701-328-1890 Website:
Rhode Island
Ohio Division of EMS, Rhode Island Department of
Ohio Department of Public Safety Health
Emergency Medical Services 3 Capitol Hill, Room 105
PO Box 18273-1970 Providence, RI 02908
West Broad St. Telephone: 401-222-2401
Columbus, OH 43218-2073 Fax: 401-222-3352
Telephone: 614-466-9447 Website:
Fax: 614-351-6006 professions/ems/

– State C e rtificatio n R e qui r e me nts –

South Carolina Utah

SC DHEC, Division of EMS & Trauma Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
2600 Bull St. Utah Department of Health
Columbia, SC 29201 PO Box 142004
Telephone: 803-545-4204 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-2004
Fax: 803-545-4989 Telephone: 801-273-6666
Website: Fax: 801-273-4149
South Dakota
Emergency Medical Services Vermont
118 West Capitol Ave. Vermont Department of Health
Pierre, SD 57501 108 Cherry St.
Telephone: 605-773-4031 Burlington, VT 05402
Fax: 605-773-6631 Telephone: 802-863-7200
Website: Fax: 802-865-7754
Tennessee ems_index.aspx
Division of Emergency Medical Services
227 French Landing, Suite 303 Virginia
Heritage Place, Metro Center Virginia Department of Health
Nashville, TN 37243 Office of Emergency Medical Services
Telephone: 615-741-2584 109 Governor St., Suite UB-55
Fax: 615-741-4217 Richmond, VA 23219
Website: Telephone: 804-864-7600
Fax: 804-864-7580
Texas Website:
Bureau of Emergency Management
Texas Department of Health Washington
PO Box 149347 Washington Department of Health
Austin, TX 78714-9347 Office of Emergency Medical Services and
Telephone: 512-834-6700 (press option 2) Trauma System
Fax: 512-834-6714 PO Box 47853
Website: Olympia, WA 98504-7853
emstraumasystems/ Telephone: 360-236-2828
Fax: 360-236-2829

– State C e rtificatio n R e qui r e me nts –

West Virginia Wyoming

Office of Emergency Medical Services Wyoming Department of Health
West Virginia Dept. of Health EMS Program
350 Capitol St., Room 425 Hathaway Building 4th Floor
Charleston WV 25301-3714 Cheyenne, WY 82002
Telephone: 304-558-3956 Telephone: 307-777-7955
Fax 304-558-3856 Fax: 307-777-5639

Bureau of Local Public Health Practice and
Emergency Medical Services
1 West Wilson St., RM 133
Madison, WI 53701-2659
Telephone: 608-266-1568
Fax: 608-261-6392

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