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today I will be presenting this feature story: Inspired touch: how blind women

outdo doctors at finding breast cancer

Summary: so, as we can tell from the Headline, this story talks about Visually
impaired women in Colombia using their enhanced sense of feel to improve early
breast cancer detection.

I think in this story the headline does a better job than the lead so Let’s look at the
headline first (: “Inspired touch: how blind women outdo doctors at finding breast
I think it is very well-written because it quickly provides the reader with the idea of
the story and more importantly, it attracts the reader’s attention.

The two groups of people shown here: the blind and doctors, are not usually
combined with each other than their roles as patients and doctors. And in most of the
cases, we tend to regard the blind people as those inferior and in need because they
have visual disability, which means they have difficulties in ordinary things that are
simply piece of cakes for most of us who are physically fitness.
But here, the headline is saying that the blind women outdo doctors at finding breast
cancer, it interests the reader to klick the link and make them wander how blind
woman can outdo doctors.

Then, the lead. 图 “As a child, Francia Papamija started progressively
losing her eyesight due to a retinal detachment. Today, everything is
darkness for the 36-year-old – except for the job she holds in a clinic in
Cali, Colombia, where she contributes to the early detection of breast
I think it is a descriptive lead that enables the readers to picture the situation of this
blind woman and to be curious about that exception job.

The story begins by introducing one of these blind woman – papamijia (a term in
Colombian spanish): Papamija is a medical tactile examiner (MTE), a role created
especially for women who are blind and have higher sensitivity in their fingertips.
And then, the writer straightforward answers the question raised by the headline: how
can blind women outdo doctors? By the fact that “visually impaired women can detect
about 30% more tissue alterations than doctors. Moreover, those changes can be 50%
smaller than those usually identified by medics.”
That is an amazing achievement.
Then the writers talks about their daily life as MTEs and the process of examination.
图 meanwhile, being very specific, the story points out that they don’t make a
diagnosis or arrange more tests. they will arrange an appointment with the doctor If
any lumps are detected.

Then the story reveals the background information about breast cancer in Columbia
and around the world 说图文字 so from that we know about how series the situation

The last part of the story is about another MTE Leidy Garcia and her view about this
job and being a blind people, able to do something that can save other’s lives. 图
I think the purpose being conveyed in the article is very effective, that is, the blind
people can also do a good job by training and how we urgently need them.

This feature story displays 3 pictures to show how blind woman work as MTE: they
use adhesive strips marked in braille, so wherever they find a lump they can report to
the doctor its exact location. And No centimetre will be ignored.
The second picture shows that how Francia Papamija examines the breast of a
patient at La Rivera health centre.
The third one is Leidy Garica calls her next patient into her consulting room in the
Meléndez health centre in Cali.图 图 图

And the quotes using in the story is very effective. it shows the importance of the
blind MTEs for both groups. For patients, how they could be saved from early
detection, 第二段 and for the blind women, 第三段 “so this is a great
opportunity…” so it shows how they gain self-confidence and change social views by
this job, by breaking stereotypes against the blind people.

The numbers of blind MTEs and people who die from breast cancers are extreme, as
reflected in the feature story. In other words, what the story didn’t talk much about is
the potential discrimination in the job market for the blind.

And I think The ending is also powerful in a way that it shows how both sides can
help each other from mutual-trust. 图 so it is by doing this job, “people can see a blind
woman for what she does, not for what she lacks.” 图

Here’s my reference. Thank you.

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