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Exercise 3


INSTRUCTION: Read all specific instructions for each item. (Total points: 55 points)

1. Prepare a ripe banana. Peel it off and cut it into five (5) parts. Let it stay in open air for 15-30
minutes. Make sure that no fruit flies would come in contact to the fruit. After which, write your
observations below. (10 points)
Photo Documentation
(size of photo: 1.5” x 1.5”)
Before After What happens to the color of the banana? What
could have contributed to this change in
appearance of the banana?
 The color of banana turns into brown. It is
because when the fruit is cut or bruised, it
may damage the cellular structure of the fruit,
allowing the oxygen in the air to react with the
polyphenol oxidase enzyme. When exposed
to the air, these chemicals react in a process
known as oxidation.

2. There are different methods used for testing the presence of fats in a given food sample. Here, you are
going to perform a simple and easy experiment with the help of a brown paper called the Grease Spot

Materials needed
 Brown wrapping paper (or paper bag – not the very thick one)
 Sunlight or any other source of light.
 Food samples – (preferably cooking oil, a slice of uncooked meat, Cheese (if available), fried food (any),
potato chips or corn chips, muffins, cookies, biscuit, etc
1. Obtain a piece of brown wrapping paper.
2. Add a drop of cooking oil near a corner of the piece of brown paper.
3. Add a drop of water (this is your control) near the opposite corner of the same paper.
4. Let the fluids evaporate.
5. Look at the paper as you hold it up to a light.
6. Document by taking a photo of the paper.
7. Test other food products and solutions available in your homes in a similar way and record your results.
8. Do not forget to take a photo of each for documentation.

Results and Discussion (25 points)
Item Food Product Description of Grease- Photo documentation
spot reaction
1 Cooking Oil The smear of oil
became translucent
when held into sunlight

2 Muffin It is slightly translucent

when brought in
contact with sunlight.

3 Cooked Rice It is slightly translucent

when brought in
contact with sunlight.

4 Banana Chips A grease spot

appeared on the brown
paper and when the
paper was held against
the sunlight, the areas
covered with grease
became translucent.

5 Biscuit It is slightly translucent

when brought in
contact with sunlight.

3. Choose one (1) practical role of enzymes. Discuss its importance and relevance to the environment and
to the society. Answer in not more than 10 sentences. (10 points)
 One of the roles of enzymes is in the food industry. It is used in processing raw materials for the
production of numerous products such as meat products, fruit products, dairy products like cheese, milk
and yoghurt, drinks like beer and wine, bakery products like bread and cookies. It is beneficial to the
environment as it provides environment-friendly products to the people of the society through using less
energy, water and raw materials, and generating less waste. Enzymes are also biodegradable and help
to improve resource efficiency in the food chain by reducing processing losses. They also meet the
demands of the society without compromising health and safety. Through these products, aside from
providing nutrients to the people, it also help to the growth of economy of the society.


Know your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Height: 1.77 m
Weight: 51 kg
BMI: 16.2 (Underweight)
Applying your knowledge on the different biological molecules, what can you do to improve your
BMI? (5 points)
 Since I belong to underweight category, the most ideal and realistic way to improve my BMI is to eat
healthy foods such as vegetables, fish, peanuts, bread and meat which are the foods that we usually eat.
These foods contain carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids that is essential to have a healthy

Your references here: (5 points)

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