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Espartero, Remelyn D.



Globalization is SOLID.

The characteristic of being limited to one place. Solidity also refers to the persistence of
barriers that. Prevented free movement of people, information, and objects in that era.

Language barrier is the meaning or message that I want to explain. It is true that globalization is
really happening in our world today but language is one of the most common barrier that could
affect the smooth pacing flow of globalization. Imagine, some can exchange products and share
different matters about their country but others cannot. It’s because some are lack of the ability
to communicate to the other nationalities that results to declining of possible deals. I can say that
it is a solid metaphor if globalization since it prevents the movement of people to communicate
effectively with each other, misinterpret information that may result in misunderstanding, and
may control the objects that may go in and out due to lack of trust because some of them can’t
understand the different language being used. The language barrier that was portrayed in the
picture was like a stone, it is also hard to break.
Globalization is LIQUID.

Liquid, as state of matter, takes the shape of its. Container which means liquids are not
fixed, therefore, refers to the increasing ease of movement of people, things, information &
places in the contemporary world.

Businesses around the globe is like a liquid it fills every empty street that could raise possible
opportunities not just for the business itself but to its aspiring applicants and/ or employees.
Every business that was raise on that specific area has the reason why it must operate there. The
meaning was simple, it’s because they found out that the people out there need that kind of
product or service. So, apparently it means there is a possible flow of money which is income
and expenses. As long as there are businesses running in the world everything will flow just like
the strong current of water in the river. Even though there are some unfixable functionalities such
as the risk and problems encounter by businesses. Still, the business must operate and continue to
accommodate and fulfill the demands of each individuals at that specific area as well the people
around the globe. Depending on the shape of the container I am sure that it would be filled with
liquid that could help the factors affecting globalization. It may fill the container high sometimes
but there is also times that the liquid in the container was low. Same goes to the business
sometimes at the top and sometimes it was bring down below. But then, the business must go on
because everything works with it.
Globalization is FLOWING.

Globalization can be considered as a system of flows. Mainly asymmetrical flows taking

place to satisfy material demands ranging from raw materials to finished goods and all the
intermediate goods in between.

Money is commonly known as a medium of exchange. I used this as the representation to the last
metaphor of globalization which is flowing. We all know that money is the medium used to
bought things in every thing that we need and want. The ultimate example for this is the
economies of each countries in the world in which as the pandemic strikes huge funds of money
was used to accommodate and cater all the needs of individuals. Money is literally flowing from
the downfall of some economic financial status up to the slow but brave opening of businesses
despite of the situation. To further explain without the flow of money everything will be in
chaos. There would be a possible public protest that would blame the government for all the
unjustifiable things happen to their lives and maybe others would find it unfavorable to their
side. Slowly, I think everyone can adapt to this new normal. Money is like the flows of water in
waterfalls. It will never stop as long as there is an enough water that could help it flow
continuously. Money is a cycle that keeps coming back to fulfill the demands for satisfaction.

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