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Fall 2021

STR128 Promotional Writing I - Alter

Assignment: Creative (Project) Brief writing

For the company you’ve selected, complete the Creative (Project) Brief by filling in
information in the categories below. Bullets and short sentences are acceptable; final brief
should be 1-2 pages in length. Excellent grammar and punctuation are still expected.

Company: Provide a few sentences on the company’s background/brand position and a link
to the company’s website.
Tesla is an innovative, electric-car manufacturer, that provides top-quality vehicles for its


What do we want to accomplish? What is the problem we’re trying to solve?

Tesla seeks innovation and advancement above all else. Tesla is the first major vehicle-manufacturer to

produce primarily electric-cars, and to promote green energy within the automotive industry. Developing

new technologies to provide its customers with amazing benefits found only in its products is a key

characteristic of Tesla. Consumers of Tesla's products will find luxurious and truly innovative features

found only in Tesla's vehicles. The current project is to develop an advertising campaign to promote

Tesla’s innovations. Such as its electric-charging system and smart-car capabilities, because these

innovations provide ample incentive to switch to an electric vehicle and truly know what it means to drive

a vehicle.

What do we need to do?
• Increase the output of vehicles
• Prepare for new wave of customers
• Expand advertising budget

Target Audience(s)
Who are we trying to reach? Primary? Secondary?
We are primarily trying to reach men and women in the age range of 30-70. This is
a large generous target-market, that encompasses many of the demographics, and
psychographics that may be interested in our products. Demographics such as
baby boomers and millennials who have both have sufficient disposable income

What do we want the target(s) to think or feel?
Innovative, Warm, knowledgable

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

What are the outcomes we hope to achieve? What is the call to action?
Fall 2021
STR128 Promotional Writing I - Alter

Number of new consumers using Tesla’s products.

• Achieve at least 55% return on investment

Insights & Information

What does the target think about the offering currently? What is the competition offering?
What are key features we want to highlight? What are the benefits to the target audiences?

It’s important for our potential customers to understand the key benefits that come with
owning a Tesla vehicle. A few notable benefits being our 100% electric power model, our
smart car features which enable a level of customization.

What campaign elements need to be included? What are the project specifications?
Website page about our new advertising project.

What are the project milestones? What is the final deadline?
We hope to complete the project in time for the new year, in the spirit of the
giving, we want to give the world a gift of less fossil-fuel vehicles.

Budget N/A

Approvals N/A

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