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A Brief History Of


Leif Ericsson -
He sailed west and found Baffin Island, he
named Helluland. It was frozen there so he
went south and found Newfoundland and
Labrador. They wanted to make a permanent
settlement there and established a bad
relationship with the First Nations.

Bartolomeu Dias -
He sailed around Africa to get to Asia. He
claimed all the ports there for Portugal.

Christopher Columbus -
He was an Italian explorer sailing for
1497 Spain. He sail west to find Asia but ran
Giovanni Caboto - into the Caribbean instead.
He was an Italian explorer sailing for
Europe. He found Newfoundland were
they found great quantities of cod. They
returned only too fish. Giovanni da Verrazzano -
He was a pirate. He was sponsored by
King Francis I of France. He stole from
1534 Spain for France.

Jacques Cartier - 6003

He went on 3 voyages. On his third voyage he
returned with "gold". It was actually iron pyrite, Samuel de Champlain -
which , thanks to him, is now called fools gold. He made the first permeant
settlement in the New World. He
named it Port Royale

Henry Hudson -
He was in search of the north-west passage. He
thought he found it but the found Hudson's Bay.
They frozen in for the winter and he wanted to
keep going but his crew kicked him of with his 1934 
son and a bunch of sick people.
John Franklin -
He almost found the north-west passage.
Before he could find it him and his crew died of
lead poisoning. He's body was never found.

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