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Blinded by fear

By Shannon Stacey Tuna

It is already past midnight, in an old boarding house in San Francisco Laguna a

college boy named Ares flipped the page of his Philippines History book and
began to read it loudly.

“Unfortunately, the Propaganda movement failed and was condemned as

subversive and heretical by the colonial authorities.”

He is supposed to be asleep by this time but he chose to study some

upcoming lessons. He stopped reading and sighed. His Dad had been gone for a
while and he’s wondering when he will comeback. He thinks that life is tough. His
Mom died when he was little and his dad is the only one providing for him and his
two sisters. Despite of the struggles, these doesn’t stop him to be a good son and
to do his best in school in fact, he’s very hands-on on his studies. He is desperate to
lift his family from poverty.

( Chattering noises coming from the students)

( A classmate approaches Ares on his desk )

Classmate: Hey, our exam is fast approaching. I bet you will get the highest score

Ares: Well, why do you think so?

Classmate: You always get a high grade so no doubt you’ll get the highest score
this time!

Ares: (Embarrassed) Well, thank you but were not yet sure about that!

( He grabs his phone and dials his Dad’s number )

Ares: Hello Dad, I’m just reminding you that are exam is approaching.
Father: Oh! So we will have to pay your for you’re tuition fee right?

Ares: (Confused) Yes, I won’t be able to take my exam if I’m not fully paid and I
can’t afford to miss it.

( Father grabs the remaining 300 pesos on his wallet )

Father: Off course Son!

( End of class period )

Ares spent the remaining days studying prior to his exam. He turned-off the lights
and laid on his bed. He is assured that he will ace his upcoming exam.

( Noise of babbling students )

( 1 day before the exam)

( Ares grabs his phone and calls his Dad)

Ares: Hey Dad, you already settled my fees right?

Father: (Apologetic) I’m sorry Son, the money I earned this month is still not
enough to settle your fees.

Ares: What? I have to take my exam! I can’t afford to miss it! Find a job ! You
have to pay for it, I cant afford being poor anymore. I studied very hard and you
can’t even work?

Father: (Voice breaking) I will do something Son. I am sorry your father is old
and tired. I can’t find a proper job at this age. If only your Mom is still here with
us but don’t worry I will settle your fees.

( Ends the phone call )

( Ares approaching his classmate )

Ares: (Voice breaking) Hey, can I ask a favor?

Classmate: Hey Ares! Yes what is it?

Ares: Can I borrow some money? I promise to pay you at the end of this month.
My Father is old and his money is not enough to pay my tuition. I can’t afford to
fail, I won’t be able to help my Dad and siblings.

Classmate: I have no problem with that Ares. I will lend you some money so don’t

Ares: Thank you very much!

( Ares contacts his Dad )

( Ares can’t contact his Dad )

( On his way home )

( People murmuring)

( High noises coming from the police cars and ambulance)

(Ares pokes the random person)

Ares: (confused) Excuse me what’s happening?

Random Person: Someone committed suicide in the old boarding house!

( Ares rapidly runs on the way to their house )

( Ares saw his two sisters crying )

Ares: ( In a crying voice) Dad, I already settled my bills you don’t have to worry
anymore. I am sorry this is all my fault. If only I am not blinded by my own fear.

End scene: (Ares on his knees crying)

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