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Hello! My name is Kyla Mae M.

Jumarito but you can call

me Mika or Kaylee. I am turning 19 this September. My first name
was taken from my father while my second name was from my
mother. I have 1 older sibling. I do my cleaning task in our home and
I'm independent when it comes to our projects.

I consider myself to be a talented and ambitious young lady with dependable abilities. I
am driven and creative. I thrive on challenges and set goals for myself regularly so that I have
something to strive for. I'm not satisfied with mediocrity, and I'm always looking for ways to
improve and achieve greatness. I am a happy-go-lucky girl who is up for new experiences. I am
always upbeat and eager to pick up new skills and lessons. I am physically strong, especially
when confronted with problems or challenges. When it comes to my studies and life choices, I
am self-sufficient enough. I easily feel guilty about something that has to do with me, especially
if I have done something wrong to my parents or my brother. I never give up on something I
want, particularly when it comes to goals and dreams. I am a dreamer who dreams of something
inexplicable, a dream that is difficult to realize but is possible with faith and trust in God. I
always smile to put people at ease because I'm happy. Even though I was having a difficult time,
I smiled always. Life may be unfair at times for me, but I still consider myself blessed because
my family is complete, I have everything I need, I can eat and drink, and most importantly, I
have God.

One of my best Philosophies in life is "You are here to make good things happen!" This
is my Philosophy. If I believe, my life's purpose is to make good things happen for the people
around me, including those I love, those in my community, and those beyond it. I've come to
make the world a better place. I believe that unless I have a positive impact on those around me,
my life will not be well-spent. If I take on too much responsibility, I'll always feel like I'm not
doing enough, no matter what I do. And I'll exhaust myself.

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