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Community Service Program at PARTALI TORUAN
By : Marlata1, Dewi2, Jelita3, Rachelia4, Agnes5, Naomy6, Yusnita7

Department of Foreign Languages, German Education Study Program, Faculty of Languages
and Arts
Department of Mathematics, Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Family Welfare Education, Catering Education Study Program, Faculty of
Department of Family Welfare Education, Catering Education Study Program, Faculty of
Department of Building Engineering Education, Building Engineering Education Study
Program, Faculty of Engineering
Department of Economics, Office Administration Education Study Program, Faculty of
Department of Economics, Office Administration Education Study Program, Faculty of
E-mail :
Mobile phone : 082277420423

Partali Toruan Village, is located on Jalan Raja Johannes Hutabarat, Hutatoruan X,
Tarutung District, North Tapanuli Regency. This village has many rice fields and a large
river called the Sitamandi river, there are hot springs or sources, so many people make this
tourist attraction a livelihood by opening a hot spring business, there is also a Siboru
Natumandi Liang (cave) as one of the ancestral monuments. local community. The
implementation of KKN aims to develop student competencies in applying the knowledge, skills and
attitudes that they already have, so they are able to design and implement programs that can
prevent the spread and handling of the impact of Covid-19 in society based on their fields of
knowledge. The existing programs in the Partali Toruan Village are programs for the development,
development and maintenance of environmental facilities/infrastructure; posyandu and
immunization activities; elderly gymnastics; mutual cooperation; 9 years of compulsory education
and family planning. The work program that is planned to develop the potential that exists in the
party toruan village is the promotion of MSMEs for the party toruan community, especially in the
tourism sector through digital marketing. The implementation of KKN is carried out from the end of
July to August. The implementation of this KKN involves four components, namely students,
community, local government and Unimed. The method of implementing KKN starts from
observation and going into the field. The results achieved from the implementation of KKN are the
achievement of a work program prepared by KKN participants which provides opportunities for
students to learn from the community, also has a positive influence on the development of the
potential of the Partali Toruan sub-district. In the implementation of KKN there are several obstacles
experienced but can be overcome properly. also has a positive influence on the development of the
potential of the Partali Toruan sub-district. In the implementation of KKN there are several obstacles
experienced but can be overcome properly. also has a positive influence on the development of the
potential of the Partali Toruan sub-district. In the implementation of KKN there are several obstacles
experienced but can be overcome properly.
Keywords: KKN, Toruan Party, Society, Pandemic

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