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1. How often do you take bath or shower?

I take a shower every day

2. How do you feel about capital punishment?
I think it's fine in case of terrorism.
3. How much money are you carrying with you now?
I am carrying a lot of money
4. How much money do you have (in the bank)?
I haven´t money in the bank
5. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
I have 6 pairs of shoes.
6. How much alcohol do you drink every week?
I don’t drink alcohol
7. How often do you clean your room?
I always clean my room
8. How much do you weight?
I Weight 62 Kilograms
9. How are you felling?
i'm feeling nervous
10. How many hours do you sleep a night?
I sleep few hours at night
11. How much do you spend on clothes?
I don't spend much on clothes
12. How are you your english classes going?
Very well
13. How often do you tidy your room?
I sometimes tidy my room
14. What colour underwear are you wearing today?
It is yellow
15. What are you carrying in your pockets now?
I am carrying toilet paper.
16. What do you think about when you get bored at work?
I think about my boyfriend
17. What do you usually do when you are on holiday?
I work from home
18. What do you usually do on your days off?
I go out with my Friends
19. What is your home computer doing right now?
It is helping me to give my interview.
20. What do you think about the president or Prime minister of country?
I think they shouldn’t be corrupt.
21. What are you thinking about?
I'm thinking about my interview
22. What are you looking forward to?
finish the interview
23. What projects are you working on at the home or at work right now?
In the home
24. what are you having for dinner tonight?
chicken soup
25. what is a friend of yours probably doing at the moment?

She is probably listening music

26. What´s happening in the news at the moment?
i'm not knowing
27. What are you wearing today?
a sweater
28. what do you wear in bed?
My sleeping clothes / my pijamas
29. Do you prefer a bath or shower?
I prefer a bath
30. Do you wear glasses to watch the tv/drive/read?
No, I don´t wear
31. Do you fell nervous when you have exams?
Yes, i do
32. Do you snore?
No, i don´t
33. Do you buy lottery tickets?
No, i don´t
34. Do you smoke?
No, i don´t smoke.
35. Are you feeling nervous about the next english test?
Yes, I am
36. Are you thinking of finding a new boyfriend?
no, i'm happy with my boyfriend
37. Are you carrying cigarrets with you?
No, i am not
38. Are you wearing make up?
No, i am not
39. Are you felling itchy?
No, i am not
40. Are you fellling hot?
No, i am not
41. Are you sweating?
No, i am not
42. Are you felling nervous?
Yes, i am
43. Are you reading a Good book at the moment?
No, i am not
44. Is your stomach making that noise?
No, it isn´t
45. Where did you buy the shoes that you are wearing now?
on the boulevard de Huaral
46. Where are you going after this class?
I am going to dinner
47. Where do you buy underwear?
in the underwear store
48. Why are you learning english?
to obtain my professional title
49. which perfume /aftershave are you wearing today?
I'm not wearing perfume
50. which part of the day do you enjoy most? Why?
51. Where are you from?
52. How do you usually spend your free time?
53. Do you have a full-time or a part-time job?
54. What can tourists do in your area?
55. Tell us about an interesting place near here? (de 26 para adelante)
The interesting place is the monument.
56. What job would you most dislike to do?
Work on nuclear bombs.
57. How often do you use the Internet?
Usually every day.
58. Do you enjoy playing games? Why (not)?
No, I do. Because my sight hurts.
59. Do you prefer mental or physical work? Why?
I prefer mental work. Because it is more difficult.
60. What do you do to relax at the end of the day?
Take a shower.
61. Do you like to dress up for special occasions?
Yes, I do.
62. How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
I do not celebrate anything.
63. What kind of restaurants do you prefer? Why?
I prefer the ones whit a bar to drink to death.
64. Do you like cooking? What do you usually cook?
No, I don’t.
65. Is there anything you would like to learn?
If all the languages of the world.
66. What sort of music do you listen to?
I like rock music.
67. Why are you learning English?
I want to participate for a scholarship.

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