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Close Reading Exercise: Fits

The passage from “Fits” briefly talks about a scene where Peg, an apparently youthful

woman – as provided for in one of her descriptions from this text, and Robert – a guy who

seemed to be with Peg in the scenario, receive eggs from another woman. It is further taken into

account in the text more descriptive physical outlook of the woman Peg. She appears to be a

reserved woman with impersonal tact. Robert meanwhile, the guy with Peg seems as if a flirt,

based on how he talks with Peg; commenting how she is rather self-contained and different from

other women Robert has been with. This brief passage seems to be having a theme – perhaps

among various others – wherein a guy (Robert) appears to be smitten with an unusual lady – Peg.

Further descriptive parts of the passage suggest that Peg works as a cashier in a store.

Upon a deeper reading of the passage, it can somehow be deduced that the family whom

Peg comes from is unlike her, unreserved; conversational; talkative. The mundane scenario upon

which Peg receives egg from a woman, and she is with Robert says something about whatever

maybe the relationship between these two characters. Such relationship may entail intimacy

since how else would both of them be together in a scene as ordinary as this. They could be

lovers or they could be married. However, there is an unusual behavior between the both of

them. This strangeness comes from the suggestion in the text in the way they both deliver there

dialogues with each other. Peg, coming off as reserved, and offering a transactional, impersonal

smile; and Robert suggesting openness with Peg as to him being rather flirtatious and a

womanizer of some sorts. Moreover, having a suggestively intimate relationship, these two

characters also suggest a contradicting take personally amongst themselves in such a way that

while they may be in an intimate relationship, they both seem to have one that isn’t open to each

other; isn’t as loving as one would expect from couples or people sharing an intimate connection.
On the other hand, the narration style as employed in the passage, albeit being brief, suggests a

mysterious underlying theme apart from Robert being smitten with Peg. Due to this mysterious

note engaged with in this story, it comes off as most appropriate and effective in its story-telling

the narration in which neither of the characters is involved. The language structure and style used

in the narration of the story is fitting for the emphasis of the strange and mysterious vibe of this


The closer understanding and reading of the passage amplifies well the first impression

upon a surface reading of the text in which it is personally supposed that Peg has an objective

and detached manner; Robert has a flirtatious side; and the general theme of the passage a

mysterious, strange one. While it cannot be fully ascertained the whole message or general

meaning and lesson of the text from the brief passage provided, sufficiently so, the narration

effectively suggests one of the story’s theme from perhaps the several ones in the entirety of the


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