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Register Number :

Name of the Candidate :

1 5 4 3

( PART - III )

( PAPER - VI )


( Common with B.B.A. [ Computer Applications ]

& Double Degree & Lateral Entry )

May ] [ Time : 3 Hours

Maximum : 100 Marks

SECTION – A (10 × 2 = 20)

Answer any TEN questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1. What is marketing ?

2. What is consumer behaviour ?

3. List two functions of marketing research.

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2 5
4. What is market segmentation? √z] - ÷ (2 × 20 = 40)
5. What is branding? ∞º>–D ÷´ı| s™V¬Ô”¬z sÁ¶Bπ¬Ô.
∂Á™›m s™V¬Ô”¬zD ƒ\ \]©ÿ√ıÔ^.
6. List two objectives of distribution.
19. ƒÕÁ>lB_ ∂bzxÁ≈ÔÁ· skˆ.
7. What is sales promotion? 20. ƒÕÁ>lB_ g´VFflEl[ √ΩÔÁ· s·¬zÔ.
8. Define advertising. 21. OÔϺkVÏ Â¶kΩ¬ÁÔÁB #ı|D x¬˛B
ÔV´ËÔÁ· s·¬zÔ.
9. List two uses of advertising.
22. √˛ÏÁk› º>ÏÕÿ>|©√>uÔV™¬ ÔV´ËÔÁ·
10. List main two classification of the advertising. s·¬zÔ.
11. List two objectives of price decision.
12. What is retail sales?
SECTION – B (4 × 10 = 40)
Answer any FOUR questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
13. Explain importance of marketing.
14. Discuss the need for marketing research.
15. What are the elements of marketing mix?
16. What are the classification of product?
4 3
4. ƒÕÁ>lB_ ∏ˆ°Ô^ ®[≈V_ ®[™? 17. What are the functions of advertising?
5. x›]Á´ ®[≈V_ ®[™? 18. What are the types of sales promotion?
6. √˛Ïs[ ÷´ı| ºÂV¬Ô∫ÔÁ·¬ z§©∏|Ô.
SECTION – C (2 × 20 = 40)
7. su√Á™ ∂∏sÚ›] ®[≈V_ ®[™?
Answer any TWO questions.
8. s·D√´D ä kÁ´BÆ.
All questions carry equal marks.
9. s·D√´›][ ÷´ı| Â[Á\ÔÁ·¬ ÌÆÔ.
19. Explain approaches of marketing.
10. s·D´›][ x¬˛B\V™ ÷´ı| kÁÔÔÁ·¬ ÌÆÔ.
20. Explain the steps in marketing research.
11. sÁÈ WÏl›>o[ ÷´ı| ºÂV¬Ô∫ÔÁ·¬ ÌÆÔ.
12. E_ÈÁ≈ su√Á™ ®[≈V_ ®[™? 21. Enumerate the major factors influencing
consumer behaviour.
√z] - g (4 × 10 = 40)
∞º>–D ÂV[z s™V¬Ô”¬z sÁ¶Bπ¬Ô°D. 22. Examine the factors influencing the selection of
∂Á™›m s™V¬Ô”¬zD ƒ\ \]©ÿ√ıÔ^. a channel.
13. ƒÕÁ>lBo[ x¬˛B›mk›Á> skˆ.
14. ƒÕÁ>lB_ g´VFflEl[ º>ÁkÔÁ· skˆ.
√z] - ∂ (10 × 2 = 20)
15. ƒÕÁ>lB_ ÔÈ©∏[ cÆ©AÔÁ·¬ ÌÆÔ.
∞º>–D √›m s™V¬Ô”¬z sÁ¶Bπ¬Ô°D.
16. ÿ√VÚ^Ôπ[ kÁÔÔÁ·¬ ÌÆÔ. ∂Á™›m s™V¬Ô”¬zD ƒ\ \]©ÿ√ıÔ^.
17. s·D√´›][ √ËÔÁ·¬ ÌÆÔ. 1. ƒÕÁ>lB_ ®[≈V_ ®[™?
18. su√Á™ ∂∏sÚ›]l[ kÁÔÔÁ·¬ ÌÆÔ. 2. OÔϺkVÏ Â¶kΩ¬ÁÔ ®[≈V_ ®[™?
3. ƒÕÁ>lB_ g´VFflEl[ ÷´ı| √ËÔÁ·¬
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