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Jelyne S.

BSED-Mathematics 3
September 09, 2020

What Media Literacy is Not

1. Criticizing the media is not, in and of itself, media literacy. However, being
media literate sometimes requires that one indeed criticize what one sees and
- Criticizing the media or telling something against media is not media literacy, it will not
also make a person literate about this matter. The media literacy does not require us to
always have something to say or to talk about, it is about what we understand and how
we used media. It is not said that we can’t say something against media because media
literacy is also about evaluating the media that we used. This definition of media literacy
is not means that we should not criticize media as media it is, instead we may criticize
or react to the things that we see or hear something from the different platform of media
because not all the things that on the media is not purely true that’s why if you are a
literate on this matter where you have the background and knowledge about it, you
know how it works.

2. Merely producing media is not media literacy although part of being media
literate is the ability to produce media.
- Not because you can do videos, write a news or create something that persuade
information you already a media literate person, somehow it is but to considered purely
media literate, a person should know how media works, or what are the process before
producing media.

3. Teaching with media (videos, presentations, etc.) does not equal media
literacy. An education in media literacy must also include teaching about media.
- The same situation in number two, not because you can use video presentation, or
you can produce written articles you immediately considered as media literate. A
teacher is media literate if he/she know how to teach media or what is media all about to
his/her student. If he/she can share to his/her student how media works and make
his/her students knowledgeable in that matter.
4. Viewing media and analyzing it from a single perspective is not media literacy.
True media literacy requires both the ability and willingness to view and analyze
media from multiple positions and perspective.
- A media literate person required to see or view media in different perspective and not
only a one sided. There are many perspectives to perceive what media is, so, a person
should be knowledgeable about those different perspective. We should understand that
media have many forms, a person may use blog site to write something that is useful or
he/she can make a video to show what she wanted to feature, and he can use social
media to promote what he/she wanted to be promoted.
5. Media literacy does not simply mean knowing what and what not to watch; it
does mean “watch carefully, think critically.”
-A media literate person is not solely about you are aware of what to do or not, what to
watch or not. To be literate person you should know how to assess or understand what
you are watching, what can you say about it and know what’s the worth of what you
watched. Is it useful or worth watching for? Or what it is effect to us. We should know
the meaning of what we are watching and apply it to real situation if possible, it also
makes us literate person if we can extract lesson from everything we watched.

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