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Recreation and Leisure Manifesto

Alexa McKinney

The Pennsylvania State University


Recreation and Leisure Manifesto on Yoga

I. Introduction to Yoga

An activity which I enjoy participating in and hope to learn more about myself is yoga.

Yoga is defined by Dr. Basavaraddi as “spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science,

which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body” and has been around for thousands

of years (Basavaraddi, 2015). Yoga is a practice which many people use in order to relax, clear

the mind, and for health benefits. Yoga studios are common as well as many gyms offer yoga

classes as well. Yoga comes in many forms often easily identified with poses and sketches. It is

an easily accessible activity for individuals to participate in.

II. Socio-economic background

Participants of yoga vary from one to another. A key component to note is that it has been found

about 20 million people participate in yoga accounting for around 7% of the population (Klein,

2021). With this large a number of individuals engaging in yoga it is not unexpected that there is

not a common theme when it comes to socio-economic backgrounds corresponding to yoga.

With some surveys however some findings include “very low-income brackets are somewhat

underrepresented in yoga, that people over 65 tend not to go to yoga classes as much, and that

the average practitioner has achieved a relatively high level of education” (Klein, 2021). While

these findings bring forward some socio-economic background it does not provide enough to put

a label on the socio-economic background of yoga participants. These factors are very varied and

differ from participant to participant.

III.Physical conditions

Yoga is an activity that promotes better health. Some ways in which yoga increases

health include decreasing stress with the decrease of the stress hormone being released. Anxiety

is also shown to decrease when participating in yoga. Inflammation involved in diseases

becomes less likely to obtain. Cardiovascular health is a lessened risk. Individuals tend to sleep

better. Chronic pain related to injuries to arthritis is reduced. Flexibility, strength, and balance is

improved through practice. Breathing is also better regulated from the practice of yoga (Link,

2017). All these physical outcomes were found from Healthline and are proven by research.

In reaction to physical locations and connecting to yoga all around the world yoga is a

commonly practiced recreation activity. Yoga came about years before record keeping had begun

leaving it unsure what physical location it has originated from (Basavaraddi, 2015). Regardless

of where it began it is now a worldwide practice.

IV. Cultural & demographic features

Looking at the reaction between culture and yoga it has been found that “Yoga does not

adhere to any particular religion, belief system or community” (Basavaradii, 2015). Culture does

not account for a determining factor on the participants of yoga.

Demographics relating to yoga have been collected in order to determine factoring

corresponding to yoga participants. Women account for over two thirds of the participants of

yoga. The number of men participating in yoga has been increasing however women remain

having a significant amount more of participants (Rakicevis, 2020). Another key demographic

feature to note is that yoga does not pertain to a certain age group (Rakicevis, 2020). It is great

for those of all ages. The health benefits offer opportunities for those of all ages to benefit.

V. Governance & political climate

In the yoga industry there are not many institutions, governing bodies, or organizations

associated. I was however able to discover an organization that works with promoting yoga and

making it more affordable. It works on teaching and training individuals to become instructors. It

also provides a network to be able to talk to other peers about yoga as well as information about

the recreational activity of yoga as well (Yoga Alliance, 2021). While there are not many

opportunities for governances and political climate in yoga, Yoga Alliance works to be able to

exposure all individuals to yoga whether they can afford it for not.

VI. Trends in the future

When thinking about the future of yoga I feel there are many opportunities for yoga to

expand. This activity has a great amount of potential to go even further than it already has.

One prediction I have is that yoga is going to become more common from men as it is

from women. I think that many men view yoga as “girly” or “feminine” and shy away from

trying it out due to the fear of appearing “feminine” or “girly” themselves. I predict this change

as I can see society changing. With these changes I feel men will begin to feel less pressure and

will be open to trying out yoga.

Another prediction I have is that I can see yoga becoming more popular in the youth.

When attending yoga classes, you do not often see young individuals (middle and high school

aged) in the classes. I feel this age group is going to begin to try yoga more. It is a common

activity in sports class, exposing more individuals to yoga, as well as a growing trend in youth. I

would not be surprised to see the youth begin to take up yoga.

A final prediction I have is I could see yoga classes becoming covered by insurance in

some cases. Yoga may begin to be seen as a form of treatment; it can help in cases such as

arthritis as well as releasing stress. I think that more individuals would try yoga and benefit from

yoga if they were able to get insurance to cover the bills to attend.


The Pennsylvania State University. (2021). In RPTM 220: Sustainability, Society, and

Wellbeing. Course offered at The Pennsylvania State University's World Campus.

Basavaraddi, Ishwar. V. (2015). Yoga: Its Origin, History, and Development. Ministry of

External Affairs. Government of India.


Klein, Alex. (2021). Who is the Yoga Community? YOGI TIMES.

Link, Rachael. (2017). 13 Benefits of Yoga That Are Supported by Science. Healthline.

Rakicevis, Mira. (2020). 31 Amazing Yoga Statistics: Find Out Why Its so Popular.


Yoga Alliance. (2021). Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance.

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