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First, I want to say thank you to Allah, who gave me a time to speak in this special moment.

Also, to prophet Muhammad, his families, and his friends.

The honorable to Mrs.Eva as an english lecturer.
my name is zainab. Today i’m going to present about healthy food
Consumption of healthy food is a necessity and a necessity for the body to stay healthy. That
way, the body can carry out activities properly. Healthy food will also make the body's organ
function well maintained. There are actually many healthy food choices.

Healthy food is food that contains various and complete nutrients according to the needs of the
body. The diet must be complete and contain adequate amounts of carbohydrates, protein,
vitamins, fiber, minerals, fat and water.

There are many kinds of healthy and nutritious food and easy to find. The following is an
explanation of the criteria for healthy and nutritious food that must be included in daily food
1. Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are a source of energy or a source of energy for the body. Most of the
body's daily calories come from carbohydrates. Not only from rice, this nutrient also
comes from wheat, corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, or cassava.
2. Protein
the body also needs protein in order to continue to be active. The function of protein in
the body is to build muscles, organs, skin and hair. This protein is divided into two types,
namely animal protein and vegetable protein. Animal protein can come from chicken, red
meat, and fish. While vegetable protein can come from tempeh, tofu, nuts, and so on.
3. Fat
Healthy and nutritious food should also have enough fat for the body. This fat is a source
of energy that the body needs. However, fat should not be consumed in excessive
amounts because it can lead to health problems such as obesity. Fats are divided into
saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fat comes from meat, coconut, milk. While
unsaturated fats come from fish, avocados, and nuts.
4. Vitamins
Vitamins keep the body fit and immunity is maintained. Sources of vitamins can be
obtained from vegetables and fruit. In addition, the body can actually produce its own
vitamins, such as vitamin D, for example, which can be produced by the body itself. It's
just that to activate vitamin D in the body needs special treatment such as sunbathing in
the morning.
5. Minerals
Minerals are also needed by the body to function properly. Minerals can be obtained from
a variety of green vegetables and seafood, such as fish and lobster. The minerals needed
by the body include iron, zinc, calcium, chloride, selenium, potassium, magnesium,
copper, and iodine.
6. Fiber
healthy nutritious food must also contain sufficient fiber. Fiber is needed by the body to
maintain the digestive process. Fiber is divided into soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. You
can get fiber from a variety of green fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, chickpeas, and
7. Water
The human body is composed of water up to 60%. The best water to drink every day is
water. At least the body needs eight glasses of water or about 2 liters of water. Lack of
water will cause various health problems such as constipation to kidney stones.

Finnally, this is the end of my presention, thanks for your attention.. see you next time
wasalammualaikum wr wb

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