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University of Antique


Sibalom, Antique

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Math and Science Adaptations and Strategies

for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
and Emotional and Behavioral Disorder

Emotional and Behavioral Disorder

Students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD) struggle in the area of
academics as well as behavior, and these academic difficulties manifest a great deal in
mathematics and also in science. Teaching students with EBD is not easy; the teaching
and learning process could be difficult and challenging. Students with EBD are reported
to have the most dismal outcomes of any other group of students with disabilities
including the lowest grades, the most failing grades, higher retention rates, the highest
dropout rate, and the lowest graduation rate.

Math Adaptations and Strategies

The academic difficulties documented to be the most challenging to students with

EBD are in the areas of reading, mathematics, and spelling. However, the area of the
most concern to teachers is students’ performance in mathematics. Many students with
EBD fail to master the basic skills in mathematics. For example, students demonstrate:
(1) low early numeracy and basic computation skills, including addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, and computation involving fractions and decimals; (2) difficulty
accessing semantic information conveyed by numerical symbols; and/or (3) difficulty
solving mathematics word problems.


 Give simple task directions: Use a visual aid with directions to illustrate each step
and help students better comprehend how to complete a task.
 Alter the amount of material: Adapt multiple choice questions by reducing the
number of choices.
 Extend the amount of time that a student is given to complete a particular
 Break down assignments into smaller ones. As students finish each mini-
assignment, build in reinforcement for task completion. Wait to distribute the next
assignment until students have been successful with the current one.
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Sibalom, Antique

 Break long presentations into shorter segments. At the end of each segment,
have students respond in some way.
 Reduce the number of practice items that a student must complete, once the
student has demonstrated mastery.
 When students make mistakes, help them learn from those mistakes. Be
careful not to “overcorrect,” or require compensation beyond the point where the
student can demonstrate mastery, and praise any progress toward the desired
behavior change.
 Follow low-interest activities with high-interest activities so that students get
breaks between difficult activities and those that are less challenging.
 Modifying tests and evaluation procedures to account for differences in
 Use time-out sessions to cool off disruptive behavior and as a break if the
student needs one for a disability-related reason.
 Enforce classroom rules consistently.
 Monitor the student's self-esteem. Assist in modification, as needed.


 The Schema-Based instructional approach; the purpose of this strategy is to

help learners understand the structure of mathematical word problems. During
the teaching and learning process, students break mathematical problems into
specific parts to determine the most appropriate solution procedures. For
instance, using semantic cues (both yellow pencils and blue pencils are pencils)
and schematic diagrams, schema-based instruction shows the relationship
between objects in the problem text (‘yellow pencils’ and ‘blue pencils’ are
subsets, and ‘all pencils’ is a superset). Understanding this relationship is critical
to setting up the mathematical model (e.g., n yellow pencils + m blue pencils = x
pencils) and selecting an appropriate mathematical operation to solve the
problem (adding to solve for the superset or subtracting to solve for the subset.
The schema-based model incorporates other research-supported instructional
practices that special education encourages for the teaching of students with
 The inquiry-based teaching approach; Inquiry-based teaching is another
effective way of engaging students in the learning process The inquiry-based
teaching approach is a student centered instructional strategy that involves
students solving problems in groups. Mathematical problems are ones that
require students with EBD to apply a variety of mathematical skills in real-world
contexts Inquiry-based teaching emphasizes the conceptual understanding of
mathematics over the memorization of facts and the application of algorithms.
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Sibalom, Antique

Teachers are able to use this method to help “students make, refine and explore
conjectures on the basis of evidence and the use of a variety of reasoning and
proof techniques to confirm or disprove those conjectures”. This model also
allows students to become flexible and resourceful problem-solvers during the
learning process. An advantage of the inquiry-based teaching strategy is that it
promotes student motivation and develops active engagers in mathematical
thinking in the classroom.
 Cognitive strategy, allows students with EBD to focus on the necessary steps
for solving mathematical word problems. Elementary school students could use
cognitive strategy to “say, ask, and check” to ensure that they are thinking
through mathematical problems and checking their work. Other researchers
described cognitive strategy as a heuristic or guide that serves to support
students as they “develop the internal procedures that enable them to perform
higher level operations”. The idea behind cognitive strategy instruction is to instill
in students the ability to interact with a problem, so that “learning becomes more
deliberate, self-directed, and self-regulated”. The difference between the
cognitive strategy of instruction and schema-based instruction 17 is that in
cognitive strategy, teachers do not require students to diagram the steps involved
in solving problems.
 The peer tutoring instruction strategy is defined as “pairs of students working
collaboratively on structured, individualized activities”. The efficacy of peer
tutoring for students with EBD is supported in scientific literature (Spencer,
2006). Peer tutoring is reported to improve academic and behavioural deficits in
students with EBD, and to increase student engagement and response rates.
Peer interaction has a great outcome on academic motivation and achievement.
This instructional strategy can be used at different ability levels within the same
classroom, thereby enhancing the instructional time for all students (Spencer,
2006). Peer tutoring may come in different forms and names: peer assisted
learning, reciprocal peer tutoring, peer monitoring, peer facilitation, peer
mediated instruction, or class-wide peer tutoring (Niesyn, 2009; Miller, 2005).
The few research studies available on peer tutoring were contested to test the
effectiveness of using the strategy to improve academic deficits (Miller, 2005).
 The student choice strategy; student choice is used to increase the time
students with EBD spent on class assignments to decrease their level of
disruptive behavior. The student choice strategy affords students a choice of
instructional materials which incorporate students’ interests into curricular
activities. For example, students are given the choice to select from a variety of
mathematics worksheets to complete for a particular assignment. Research
indicates that those students who are allowed the option to select academic
activity to complete from other options for independent work time are able to
show greater on-task behavior.
University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

 Direct instruction refers to the presentation of academic material through the

use of lectures, demonstrations, discussions or the elaboration on students’
ideas. Though the effect of direct instruction on student behaviour is still not very
clear, research suggests that the use of this strategy to deliver new information to
students with EBD brings the most benefit to students and teachers.
Furthermore, it has been shown that students with EBD need direct and explicit
instruction to learn basic mathematics facts and problem solving skills. The six
components that make up this model are: (1) gaining students’ attention, (2)
reviewing past learning, (3) presenting new information, (4) assisting students to
perform task-guided practice, (5) evaluation of students’ independent
performance and (6) reviewing the lesson”. All instructional practices mentioned
above can be used alongside direct instruction. Direct instruction allows teachers
to increase the frequency and accuracy of students’ responses by letting
teachers supply students with the required information before students answer
questions about a lesson. Again, by using this model, teachers can delay student
independent work until they are confident that students will be able to complete
any task at 90% accuracy rate or more.
 Technology; Teachers also used technology to enhance instructional
effectiveness, such as allowing students the use of graphic calculators to “create
and test out mathematical models and conjectures”. The 21st century has seen a
growing number of technologies that have significantly changed the way society
conceptualizes technology integration. New technologies continue to be
developed that have the potential to enhance students’ learning outcomes in
mathematics if used effectively. The integration of technology with mathematics
should improve students’ ability to understand and apply mathematics in
successful ways. Also, the integration of technology into lessons to enhance
instructional presentation has been shown to increase student motivation in the
learning of mathematics.
 Teacher praise; Teacher praise has long been said to be an antecedent based
intervention that helps to reduce inappropriate behaviour exhibited by students
with EBD. Praise should be immediate and specific to increase desirable
behaviour in students. For example, teachers should also describe the behaviour
that is being rewarded to the student with. In addition, praise should be given on
a continuous basis every time appropriate behaviour is displayed by students.

Science Adaptations and Strategies

Many students struggle specifically in their science classes. Students with EBD,
however, have additional challenges that require specific evidence based practices and
supports in order to learn, retain, and generalize science content and practices. Science
proficiency encompasses the knowledge of science content (e.g., characteristics of
University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

rocks), the ability to engage in scientific practices (e.g., asking questions, collecting
data), and the ability to apply this knowledge to real world situations. A variety of factors
impact student success in the science classroom, including (a) reading and writing, (b)
math skills, (c) the ability to relate prior knowledge to new material, (d) academic
motivation, and (e) attentiveness. Students with disabilities, including EBD, often have
difficulty with these particular skills. It can be difficult for teachers to provide the
instruction and supports that ensure all students, including students with EBD, can
benefit from learning science content and practices.

 Keeping lesson objectives clear;

 Delivering lessons in a lively manner and making sure that students are
 Using concrete vocabulary and clear and succinct sentences;
 Giving all students immediate encouragement and specific feedback;
 Using meaningful materials and manipulatives, and providing examples
that students can relate to;
 Using interesting visual and auditory presentations to entice students to
attend to tasks
 Consider alternate activities/exercises that can be utilized with less
difficulty for the student, but has the same or similar learning objectives.
 Be sensitive when making team pairings for activities so that the student
with an emotional disorder is supported.
 Activity instructions should be simple but structured.
 Monitor carefully to ensure that the students without disabilities do not
dominate the activity or detract in any way from the successful
performance of the student with the behavioral disorder.
 Plan for successful participation in the laboratory activities by the students
with behavioral disorder. Success is extremely important to them.
 Every effort should be made to arouse the interest of such students in
laboratory activities, so they will learn to perform the activities with
success and pleasure.


 Inquiry-Based Instruction; for students with EBD, inquiry-based instruction with

supports is successful in teaching science content and concepts. Inquiry-based
instruction is a continuum with one end of the spectrum being pure discovery
learning and increased amounts of explicit supports. The NRC (2012) and
Therrien et al. (2014) suggested that inquiry-based approaches should
incorporate students using hands-on activities and conducting experiments
University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

aligned with the content. Students can also learn how to recognize data sources
and demonstrate the ability to collect and analyze different types of data. Inquiry-
based science instruction can also include students’ use of debate,
argumentation, and/or negotiation with peers to develop claims about science
and use data as evidence to support claims. Additional inquiry-based instruction
supports include student and teacher templates, graphic organizers, large and
small group discussion, teacher modelling, guided practice, multimodal
representations, and the use of manipulatives. Teachers are advised to use
these supports, either as individual strategies or strategy packages, when
engaging in inquiry-based instruction with students with EBD.

Key Components: Use of hands-on activities,

Use of data to make claims and support evidence, and
Use of student argumentation about scientific claims.

 Supplemental Mnemomic Strategies; using mnemomic devices to help

students remember information, facts or vocabulary is not new but only a few
studies have examined their use for science instruction for students with EBD.
Brigham and Brigham (2001) defined mnemonics as cues that are structured to
provide explicit recall strategies connected to important information. Keyword
mnemomic used to improve student retention of science factual knowledge and
vocabulary terms and definitions. Mnemomic Strategies are memory strategies
for learning content area vocabulary. Science content is heavy with vocabulary
and mnemonics can assist students with EBD in learning key terms. The use of
keyword mnemonics allows students to use a word they are familiar with and
sounds similar to a target word on a concept in an effort to provide memorable
association. Pegword mnemonics are words in a concept or idea that can be
associated with a corresponding rhyming number (e.g., eight and skate). Pairing
pegwords with visuals can strengthen associations. The use of letter mnemonics
is generally associated with the use of acronyms (i.e., the first letter of key terms
used to create another word to assist in remembering the key terms). For
example, N.E.W.S. associates the four directional words of north, east, west, and
south. Similar to an acronym, an acrostic uses the first letters of key terms as
words. As an example, the sentence, “My very educated mother just sent us
eight pizzas” can represent the ordered names of planets from the sun (i.e.,
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune).

Key Components: Keyword, Pegword and Letter,

Assists with vocabulary or science content recall, and
Allows students to make associations
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Sibalom, Antique

Supplemental Non-Mnemomic Strategies; Other strategies tools are effective

with students EBD.
 Therrien et al. (2014) identified use of response cards for learning science
vocabulary, peer-assisted learning strategies, and student-or teacher-
generated explanations as effective non-mnemonic strategies. Response
cards successfully used to review science vocabulary for students with
EBD. Students can engage in active learning when practicing science
vocabulary terms and definitions using response cards. This strategy was
more effective than passive vocabulary reviews, with the teacher reading
science definitions to students. In using response cards, teachers should
provide students with cards containing vocabulary words while actively
reciting vocabulary word definitions, allowing students to raise the card
with the appropriate response.
 Another effective non-mnemonic instructional strategy for learning
scientific concepts is teacher-or-student-generated explanations of
science facts. In a study that compared the use of explanations about
science phenomenon versus using only science facts, Scruggs,
Mastropieri, and Sullivan (1994) found that students remembered more
with explanations. Instead of giving students “just the facts,” teachers
should provide more explanation telling student the “why” of a
phenomenon that elaborates on the fact. For example, for the science fact
that frogs’ eggs sink to lake bottoms so that they are hidden from
 Finally, the use of peer-related strategies were examined to measure their
impact on science achievement and on task behavior. When using peer-
related learning strategies, Mastropieri, Scruggs, and Berkeley (2007)
suggested the following; (a) teaching students to be tutors, (b) making
sure partnerships made sense, (c) carefully selecting instructional
materials for peer tutoring, (d) supplying and reviewing procedures for role
switching, and (f) monitoring tutor and tutee progress.

Key Components: Peer Strategies, Response Cards, Generated Explanations

Best used to support inquiry-based instruction, and
Each encourage active student participation in instruction
University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

Math and Science Adaptations and Strategies

for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder


 Adapt how instruction is given to the learner. Although most people on the
autism spectrum are visually based, others may be kinesthetically oriented
or favor other senses for input of information. 

Use multisensory delivery 

Use color
Use visual cues 
Use guided notes 

 Minimize the amount of word problems that must be completed.

 Adapt the number of items the student is expected to learn or complete.
 Adjust the time allotted for learning, task completion, or testing.
 Matching the skill level of the child to the challenge of the work.
 Avoid sensory overloads.
 Keep Language concrete.


Researchers found that certain parts of the brain in children with autism are activated when solving math
problems, and that they tend to use different approaches when solving these problems when compared to
students without autism. In the study, the children with autism used decomposition when solving addition
problems twice as much as the typically developing students in the study. This strategy involves breaking
down each problem into smaller problems to find the answer.

Modified schema-based instruction (MSBI) is a strategy to teach mathematical word problem solving to
students with moderate and severe disabilities (MSD). Modified schema-based instructional (MSBI)
University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

strategy uses mathematical practices of a middle school student with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).The
student was taught to solve equal group, proportional, and percent of change word problems using MSBI.
Concrete evidence-based instruction is commonly used by teachers to overcome the constraints of learning
mathematics among students diagnosed with ASD (Green, 2014). With the use of visual aids, students
diagnosed with ASD respond well to mathematics topics such as identification, the use of calculators,
number recognition, calculations, algebra, money and geometry skills (Hughes & Yakubova, 2019).

Language strategies in math Don’t use yes-no responses with none or low verbal students with autism.
Their language errors may interfere with understanding of math. Use multiple-choice format rather than yes
or no questions.
Perceptual or cognitive strategies Conservation skills are not acquired for youngsters with autism, despite
their chronological age of 6 years – Strategies: Strength in rote counting (they respond to rhythms or music)
not to one to one correspondence.
Visual representation An evidence-based practice for assisting students in understanding mathematical
concepts and ideas. (Strickland & Maccini, 2010) are composed of concrete cues that provide information
about an activity, routine, expectation or skill. Students are introduced to a picture, diagram, chart or other
visual aid that has been developed to support them in achieving specific academic skill. Incorporating such
as visuals and other concrete supports individuals with ASD whose strengths include processing visual and
or written information (Marans, Rubins & Laurent, 2005.)
The power of effective praise Be sure to give your child praise when they learn a new skill or get a correct answer.
This helps motivate students and will help them associate math with good, positive feelings. Remember that for some
children with autism, facial expressions and other non-verbal cues are difficult to understand, so be sure you use
straightforward, direct language when expressing what a great job they did.


 Determine what and how to teach based on need.
 Be very specific when providing instructions to ensure that the student
knows what to do, how to do it and when to do it. Use their name in an
 Set up an organized classroom where there are places for resources,
stationary and personal belongings and teaching the students how to
access the resources in an appropriate manner;
 Providing feedback both during the learning experiences and after the
assignment is complete.
 Provide short sensory breaks to help the student refocus
 Keep language concise and simple, saying exactly what you mean, telling
the student exactly what to do.
University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

 Providing physical, visual, and auditory access in the classroom, in

laboratories, and during field experiences to ensure that all students have
safe physical access to materials and experiences.
 Talk and discuss with the students, about how much work they can do and
how much can be expected from them.
 Continuously evaluate the student’s achievements and challenges, and
make adjustments as necessary.


Inquiry-based instruction gives students with disabilities the opportunity to access information about
science and to construct an understanding of the natural world. Research results indicate that inquiry-
based science instruction benefits students’ achievement, including students with learning disabilities
(Mastropieri and Scruggs 1992; Scruggs, Mastropieri, and Boon 1998).
Direct Instruction of Social Skills: Most autistic students need to learn social interaction skills in much the
same way as they learn academic skills. They may need direct instruction of how to react in certain social
situations. Social stories written about specific social situations, how others may respond, and how the
student may respond has proven to be beneficial in helping students with autism learn to react in social
interactions. Teachers must target specific skills for explicit instruction and to provide support for using the
skills in social situations.
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) can benefit students with ASD and intellectual disabilities (IDs; Knight,
McKissick, & Saunders, 2013) in reading by (a) decoding and word identification (Coleman-Martin, Heller,
Cihak, & Irvine, 2005); (b) sentence construction (Yamamoto & Miya, 1999); and (c) basic reading skills
(Heimann, Nelson, Tjus, & Gillberg, 1995). Supported eText, a type of CAI, holds promise for promoting
access to science for all students.

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