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Negatives sides: Mobile devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets may lead to psychological and
physical issues. The most damaging effect is eyestrain, which might lead to short-sightedness or long-
sightedness. As a result, we can see many young people wearing glasses today. Using those devices may
also contribute to more serious health conditions, such as depression. The overuse of different
technologies and social media can result in constant sadness, lack of sleep, the feeling of loneliness and
isolation. Most everyday digital technologies encourage sedentary behaviour and promote a more
inactive lifestyle, which is known to have negative health effects, such as obesity or cardiovascular
diseases. When we’re using technology like computers, smartphones or TVs, we generally don‘t
exercise. For example, in a recent study covering college students in Thailand, researchers found that
students experiencing smartphone addiction participated in less physical activity compared to those
who moderated their use.

Positive sides: Nowadays, there are mobile applications for almost everything. For example, using them
a person can do the shopping, book a holiday, pay bills, take part in seminars or conferences and do
many other activities. Health is not an exeption, people download and use applications connected with
counting steps, taking blood pressure or pulse, different online workouts. What is more, online doctor
consultation has become more of a widespread practice delivering fast, accurate and informative
suggestions and prescriptive methods on how to deal with certain health issues. It is now possible to get
medical advice and solutions to health-related problems through online doctor consultations. This
removes the hassle of physically making appointments and going to a medical professional’s chamber.


Positive sides: Renewable energy, also known as ‘clean energy’, is energy that is collected from
renewable resources which are naturally replenished such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and
geothermal heat. Modern environmental technology has enabled us to capture this naturally occurring
energy and convert it into electricity or useful heat through devices such as solar panels, wind and water
turbines, which reflects a highly positive impact of technology on the environment. Electric vehicles such
as electric cars, motorbikes or scooters demonstrate a positive impact of technology on the
environment because they do not use fossil fuels, which produce carbon emissions, which contribute to
the ‘greenhouse effect’ and leading to global warming. Furthermore, they do not contribute to air
pollution, meaning they are cleaner and less harmful to human health, animals, plants, and water.

Negative sides: Air pollution occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of gases such as carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide are introduced into the earth’s atmosphere. The main sources all relate to
technologies which emerged following the industrial revolution such as the burning of fossil fuels,
factories, power stations, mass agriculture and vehicles. The consequences of air pollution include
negative health impacts on humans and animals and global warming, whereby the increased amount of
greenhouse gases in the air trap thermal energy in the Earth’s atmosphere and cause the global
temperature to rise. On the other hand pollution emitted in manufacturing electric cars is very high,
especially considering the increased amounts from producing batteries.
Labor market

Modern technologies gave people the possibility to work efficiently from home using their laptops or
computers, different applications such as zoom, meet. People

Flexibility and agility - home working enables more agility and flexibility in working arrangements. With
employees no longer tied to an office, they may be better placed and more willing to work flexible hours
such as earlier or later in the day or even at weekends. This may help you meet certain business needs
eg if you are trading with customers residing in a different time zone.

Home distractions - although home working removes the distractions that may occur in the office if a
worker doesn't have a suitably quiet dedicated working space at home they may get easily distracted by
household noises or other members of their household.

Negative impact on mental health - the switch to working from home may have a negative impact on
your worker’s mental health if they are unable to find a routine that works for them, are struggling to
separate work and home life or are feeling isolated.

Time saving

Robots, artifitial intelligence, computerisation, replace humans in different workplace, especially in

factories, which leads to work loss and unemployment.

Cluster 1: The role of work for individuals and society

#1. Individuals, work and society

#2. Addressing the situation and aspirations of youth

Cluster 2: Bringing an end to pervasive global women’s inequality in the workplace

#3. Addressing care for inclusive labour markets and gender equality

#4. Empowering women working in the informal economy

Cluster 3: Technology for social, environmental and economic development

#5. Job quality in the platform economy

#6. The impact of technology on the qu

The negative effect is that robots displace current workers from their occupations.

The need for more home health aides—as well as growth in other health-related occupations—is driven
largely by the aging baby boomer population entering retirement and by technological advances that
increase the effectiveness of care.

Research has shown that the need for basic data processing skills and manual labor will decline over the
next decade, while cognitive, social, and emotional skills will be more in demand. These skills—such as
solving complex problems, working in teams, giving advice, and demonstrating leadership—facilitate
more human interaction. Many growing health- and service-related jobs require skills that robots and
automation can’t replace.

Positive sides: Information is easily accessible: The internet search engines are a source of immense
information. They are now used as an effective tool for searching information. All this is possible in just
one or two clicks. Both teachers and students are benefited through this. Wikipedia is the ideal example,
around ten years ago, it didn’t even exist. Now, it is by far the world’s largest encyclopedia. It has
around 2.5 million entries: instantly available free, on the Web. Technology is a teaching tool:
Computers provide us with an interactive audio-visual medium. Animation software and Power Point
presentations are used to present information in an interactive way. Both teachers and students find it
helpful and interesting to use audio-visual tools. Teaching is sharing: The application of technology has
made education more collaborative. There are online forums where subject experts can meet and
discuss subject specific topics, review the syllabus and plan assessments to enhance the process of

Negative sides: Relevant research has proven that technology could change education negatively
through four paths: deteriorating students' competences of reading and writing, dehumanizing
educational environments, distorting social interactions between teachers and students and isolating
individuals when using technology. With the use of technology and advanced devices, the interaction
part is totally eliminated. The students only study the topics by themselves and do not discuss any topic.
This has a bad impact on the students. The advancement of technology is making the student lazy. It
gives them the power and the opportunity to control everything with a few clicks of the mouse.
Cheating is illegal, but technology has made it easy with all the resources contained in it. With the
advancement of technology, smartphones are provided with many developed features and with internet
accessibility so it becomes easy for the students to find the answers with the help of the internet.


Positive sides: Many people love to settle down with a good book, magazine, or newspaper. However,
you no longer have to go out and buy them because you can access them all online. From eBooks and
online magazines to online news reports and live news streaming, you can get everything you need
online. We all know how expensive it can be to go to the cinema to watch the latest movies. Well,
thanks to our advanced technologies,you can now all sit at home and enjoy access to a vast array of
movies as well as TV shows. (virtual museums galleries)

Negative sides: Vast use of tech solutions is likely to result in poor social skills. Business meetings are
held over Skype and kids chat in messenger rather than call on granny or meet up with a friend in
person. On the face of it, technology appears to create global network bringing people together. But in
fact, this replaces real-life communication and ends in social isolation. Moreover, strong social bonds are
replaced with a number of shallow “friends” in social networks. As a result, people might feel lonely and

Negative sides: Heavy use of social media has also been shown to negatively affect mental health.

The continuous upgrade of gadgets and interactive software programs makes people patronize the
latest communication regime. Thus, more populace is now being obsessed of using these types of
communication. A vast majority of individuals are frequently online to check notifications from various
applications that they use for communication, and they spent longer time on their gadgets than
socializing in person with their peers, workmates, and families. Consequently, their relationship with the
society and people are being ruined because of their isolation with the environment.

We have the ability to communicate with others, but we cannot see their body language or hear their
tone of voice. This hinders our ability to hear the primary message that they are trying to convey. The
type of communication we are accustomed to online (e-mail, texting, posting updates, etc.), can make
us less social and make us feel disconnected. The point of social media is to help us feel connected;
however, I think that the opposite occurs; the type of unanimated communication that takes place
compels us to feel lonely and unattached. We are often too busy looking at or playing with our portable
devices that we miss out on the face to

Online communication is different from face-to-face communication. Unlike face-to-face

communication, online communication more often than not bypasses universal social norms. The cloak
of anonymity that enshrouds online communication makes people feel freer to express their views.
Additionally, in online communication, people respond to the intellect of an individual than the
appearance or social standing. Unlike online communication, face-to-face communication is animated
by gestures, facial expressions, tonal variation and other non-verbal communication cues. These non-
verbal communication cues are very important because the art of communication does not only involve
the words, but also non-verbal cues. To meet this deficit in the online communication realms,
programmers have come up with different animations of non-verbal cues. However, I think that these
are not as effective as the natural non-verbal cues that we exude when communication face-to-face.

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