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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation

p in the Celebration of the Eucharist

18 December 2021 CHRISTMAS NOVENA ă Third Day Year C

Holding on to God’s Promises

O n this third day of our Novena we are invited to reflect on yet
another instance of God’s faithfulness to His promise to send
a Savior who would be a descendant of Abraham and of David.
Today the focus is on Jesus as “the righteous shoot of David” who
will bring salvation and security to God’s people and will be the “Em-
manuel,” God in our midst.
God repeated His promise at a time of severe crisis, when the
people of Israel had forgotten the solemn promises He had made to
Abraham and David. But the Lord neither forgets His promises nor
is He unfaithful to them. Today, through the prophet Jeremiah, He
renews the promise of a Savior coming from the stock of David, and
in the Gospel He announces its fulfillment to Joseph, a descendant of
the great King.
God’s faithfulness should be a source of encouragement to all of us,
especially in moments of crisis and uncertainty. It should also be a reminder to readily cooperate
with His plan the way Joseph did.

P –Lord Jesus, you are the All –Glory to God in the

righteous shoot of David highest, and on earth peace
who does what is just and to people of good will. We
right. Lord, have mercy! praise you, we bless you, we
Entrance Antiphon All –Lord, have mercy! adore you, we glorify you, we
(To be recited only when no Entrance
Hymn is sung.) give you thanks for your great
P –Lord Jesus, you are the glory, Lord God, heavenly
Christ our King is com- son of the Virgin foretold King, O God, almighty
ing, he is the Lamb foretold by by the prophet Isaiah. Father.
John. Christ, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only
All –Christ, have mercy!
Greeting Begotten Son, Lord God,
P –Lord Jesus, you are our Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-
P –The grace of our Lord compassionate brother ther, you take away the sins
Jesus Christ, and the love of and fellow traveler. of the world, have mercy on
God, and the communion of Lord, have mercy! us; you take away the sins of
the Holy Spirit be with you all! All –Lord, have mercy! the world, receive our prayer;
All – And with your spirit! you are seated at the right
P –May almighty God have hand of the Father, have mer-
Penitential Act mercy on us, forgive us our cy on us. For you alone are
P –Coming together as sins and bring us to everlast- the Holy One, you alone are
God’s family on this third ing life. the Lord, you alone are the
day of our Novena, with con- All – Amen! Most High, Jesus Christ, with
fidence let us ask the Lord’s the Holy Spirit, in the glory of
forgiveness. (Pause) Gloria God the Father. Amen!

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Collect (Opening Prayer) * O God, with your judg- you are to name him Jesus, be-
ment endow the king, and with cause he will save his people
P –All powerful God, we are your justice, the king’s son. He from their sins.”
oppressed and weighed down shall govern your people with All this took place to ful-
by the ancient yoke of sin. justice and your afflicted ones fill what the Lord had said
Grant that the birth of your with judgment. R. through the prophet: “Be-
only Son, so long awaited, hold, the virgin shall be with
yet always new, may deliver * For he shall rescue the poor
when he cries out, and the af- child and bear a son, and they
us and set us free. flicted when he has no one to shall name him Emmanuel,
We ask this through our help him. He shall have pity which means ‘God is with
Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, for the lowly and the poor; the us.’ ” When Joseph awoke, he
who lives and reigns with you lives of the poor he shall save. did as the angel of the Lord
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, R. had commanded him and took
God for ever and ever. his wife into his home. He had
All – Amen! * Blessed be the Lord, the God no relations with her until she
of Israel, who alone does won- bore a son, and he named him
drous deeds. And blessed for- Jesus.
ever be his glorious name; may
the whole earth be filled with his The Gospel of the Lord!
glory. Amen! Amen! R. All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
1st Reading Jer 23:5-8 Gospel Acclamation
The prophet Jeremiah has Homily
All –Alleluia! Alleluia!
beautiful words of hope for O, Leader of the House of
the afflicted people of Judah: Israel, giver of the Law Prayer of the Faithful
a righteous descendant of King to Moses on Sinai: come
David – the Messiah – will lead P –God constantly cares for
to rescue us with your us and all that He does is for
them to days of peace, unity, mighty power!
and justice. our good. On this third day
Alleluia! Alleluia! of our Novena, let us entrust
R – A proclamation from the ourselves and the rest of all
Book of the Prophet Jer- Gospel Mt 1:18-25
God’s plan to make His mankind to His fatherly love,
emiah saying:
only Son a descendant of Da-
“Behold, the days are com- vid found a serious obstacle All– Lord, make us obedient to
ing,” says the Lord, “when I in Joseph’s decision to break You!
will raise up a righteous shoot his engagement with Mary.
to David. As king he shall reign But soon, things were put back C –For all Christians of all
and govern wisely, he shall do on course, thanks to Joseph’s
denominations: As we pre-
what is just and right in the perfect obedience.
pare to celebrate the birth of
land. In his days Judah shall
Jesus, may we ever more con-
P –The Lord be with you! centrate on what unites rather
be saved, Israel shall dwell in All – And with your spirit!
security. This is the name they
than on what divides us. Let
give him: ‘The Lord our jus- P –A proclamation from the us pray! R.
tice.’ ” holy Gospel according to C –For the Holy Father, our
“Therefore, the days will Matthew bishop, and the spiritual lead-
come,” says the Lord, “when All – Glory to you, O Lord! ers of our community: May
they shall no longer say, ‘As This is how the birth of Je- they constantly inspire their
the Lord lives, who brought sus Christ came about. When flocks with their zeal and
the Israelites out of the land his mother Mary was be- dedication. Let us pray! R.
of Egypt’; but rather, ‘As the trothed to Joseph, but before
Lord lives, who brought the they lived together, she was C –For all nations and inter-
descendants of the house of found with child through the national organizations: May
Israel up from the land of the Holy Spirit. Joseph her hus- the ideals of universal broth-
north,’ and from all the lands band, since he was a righteous erhood, solidarity, and frater-
to which I banished them. man, yet unwilling to expose nal charity taught by Christ
They shall again live on their her to shame, decided to di- guide their plans and actions.
vorce her quietly. Such was Let us pray! R.
own land.” his intention when, behold,
The Word of the Lord! the angel of the Lord appeared C –For all husbands and fa-
All – Thanks be to God! to him in a dream and said, thers: May they live up to
“Joseph, son of David, do not their responsibility of being
be afraid to take Mary your loving companions to their
Responsorial Psalm Ps 72 wife into your home. For it is wives and instruments of
R – Justice shall flourish in his through the Holy Spirit that God’s providence for their
time, and fullness of peace this child has been conceived children, in imitation of St.
for ever! in her. She will bear a son and Joseph. Let us pray! R.
18 December 2021
C –For all of us gathered to coming and proclaimed his Prayer after Communion
prepare our hearts for the presence when he came. P –In this gathering of your
coming of Jesus: May our It is by his gift that already Church, the living temple of
good example in our family we rejoice at the mystery of your presence, may we find in
life be a source of inspiration his Nativity, so that he may your mercy, Lord, and so ap-
and unity for all. Let us pray! find us watchful in prayer and proach with fitting reverence
R. exultant in his praise. the coming feast of our re-
C –Let us pray in silence for And so, with Angels and demption.
our personal intentions. Archangels, with Thrones and Grant this through Christ,
(Pause) Let us pray! R. Dominions, and with all the our Lord.
hosts and Powers of heaven, All – Amen!
P –Lord God, Father of all, we sing the hymn of your glo-
shower Your blessings on ry, as without end we acclaim:
those You created in Your All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
image and likeness. Console God of hosts. Heaven and
the afflicted, give hope to the earth are full of your glory.
dying, give peace and grace to Hosanna in the highest! P –The Lord be with you.
all, through Christ our Lord. Blessed is he who comes in All – And with your spirit!
All –Amen! the name of the Lord. Hosan-
na in the highest! P –Bow your heads and
pray for God’s blessing.
Memorial Acclamation (Pause)
P –The mystery of faith! – May the Lord bless and
All – When we eat this Bread protect in a special man-
Preparation of the Gifts and drink this Cup, we ner all the husbands and
P –Pray, brethren . . . proclaim your Death, fathers here present.
All –May the Lord accept the O Lord, until you come May they be a source of
sacrifice at your hands, for the again! strength and unity for the
praise and glory of his name, entire family.
for our good and the good of All – Amen!
all his holy Church.
P –May the Lord keep all of
Prayer over the Offerings you under His care.
P –O Lord, let the sacrifice All – Our Father . . . All – Amen!
to be offered to your name P –Deliver us, Lord . . . P –May He brighten your
make us acceptable to you, All – For the kingdom, the days with the splendor of
that we may share in the im- power, and the glory are His presence.
mortal life of your Son, who yours, now and for ever. All – Amen!
healed our mortal nature by Sign of Peace
his death. P –May almighty God bless
Grant this through Jesus Breaking of the Bread you: the Father, and the
Christ our Lord. All – Lamb of God, you take Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All – Amen! away the sins of world: have All – Amen!
mercy on us. (2x) P –Go in peace to love and
Preface of Advent II Lamb of God, you take obey the Lord as St. Jo-
away the sins of the world:
P –The Lord be with you! grant us peace. seph did.
All –And with your spirit! All – Thanks be to God!
P –Lift up your hearts! Communion
All –We lift them up to the
Lord! P –Behold the Lamb of God,
P –Let us give thanks to the behold him who takes away the
Lord our God! sins of the world. Blessed are
All –It is right and just! those called to the supper of
the Lamb.
P –It is truly right and just, All – Lord, I am not worthy
our duty and our salvation, that you should enter under Tune in to Radio
always and everywhere to my roof, but only say the word
give you thanks, Lord, holy and m y soul shall be healed. Veritas (846 kHz)
Father, almighty and eternal every Saturday from
God, through Christ our Lord. Communion Antiphon
For all the oracles of the (To be recited only when no 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
prophets foretold him, the Communion Hymn is sung.) and listen to
Virgin Mother longed for him His name will be called BISPERAS SA
with love beyond all telling, Emmanuel, which means
John the Baptist sang of his God-with-us. VERITAS
Christmas Novena – Third Day

A dark cloud had brought trouble into the

tranquil life of Joseph, the carpenter of
Nazareth who was betrothed to Mary, the
prettiest girl in the village. He had not yet taken
her into his house, so the would-be bridegroom
take Mary as his wife and to officially recognize the
child as his own, for the baby she had conceived
was the work of the Holy Spirit, and not of a man.
(See Mt 1:20-21.) That entailed quite a change of
was thrown into a deep crisis by the unex- Others would simply have ignored such a
pected pregnancy of his fiancee. For weeks “dream.” Yet, Joseph did not ask for further
he was torn between his love for Mary and the explanations. He did not ask for “a sign” that
temptation to accuse her of infidelity and thereby might prove the divine origin of such an order. In
see her condemned to be stoned, according to his deep faith, he said “Yes” readily and im-
the provision of the Law. (See Dt 23:24-25.) He mediately. He sacrificed his own plan, in order
just could not understand how that “terrible thing” to embrace God’s plan. He thereby became the
could have happened, nor was he able to come husband of the holiest and most loving of all wives,
up with a quick-fix satisfactory solution. and enjoyed the unique privilege of being called
Others would simply have gone ahead with “Daddy” by the very Son of God!
a strict application of what the law mandated We, too, may be troubled sometimes and
on the matter. Thus their wounded pride would experience a painful uncertainty as to what to do.
have been avenged and other girls would have . . . . That’s the time for us to pray for enlight-
thought twice before betraying their fiancé . . . . enment, as Joseph certainly did. And we may
But Joseph was a considerate and wise person. be sure that the Lord will find ways and means
For sure, he prayed a lot. In the end he came up to lead us to understand what He wants of us.
with what seemed to be the best solution, under Then it will be our turn to humbly submit to His
the circumstances. He would neither marry nor plan, forgetting our own short-sighted solutions,
accuse Mary, but would simply dissolve his and to accept the role God has assigned to us
engagement “quietly,” without stating the reason in His all-wise and saving plan. “You will never
in public. He thought that such a solution was the regret,” Joseph assures us, and with very good
least painful for all concerned. reasons . . . .
But God had a different plan and brought
it to the knowledge of the troubled young man Jess P. Balon
through a dream: Joseph should not hesitate to

Advent/Christmas Trivia
The custom of sending Christmas cards ately and in a short span of time assumed “American
originated in England in the middle of the nineteenth proportions,” till it became a worldwide phenomenon
century. Two individuals are credited with this “inven- – the pre-Christmas feverish activity that we know.
tion.” According to some, it was William Egley, an It has been computed that in the USA alone, every
English artist who, in 1842, had the bright idea of year an average of three billion Christmas cards are
designing a card to be sent to his friends on the oc- sent!
casion of Christmas. Others claim that the first one The preparation of Christmas cards is one of
who made a Christmas Card was John C. Horsely, those seasonal activities that has stimulated the
at the request of Sir Henry Cole, in 1846. creativity of innumerable artists. A good number
Whoever the originator, the use of such cards of them are real masterpieces and they do contain
remained for many years a very limited pre-Christmas authentic religious messages. Many others, how-
act of courtesy to communicate a Bible-inspired ever, are just a reflection of the consumerist and
greeting among friends. The practice made a “quality hedonistic environment in which we live, and bear
leap” in 1875 when Louis Prang, a German printer no reference to Christ’s birth, except in the greeting
who had migrated to the United States, decided to “Merry Christmas.”
introduce the custom of sending Christmas cards to
the American people. The idea caught fire immedi- Source:

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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