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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

16 January 2022FEAST OF THE STO. NIÑOYear C


oday we celebrate the Feast of the Sto. Niño, the yearly
obser- vance that is so dear to the hearts of all Filipino
T Catholics. This Feast not only brings us back to the beginning
of the Christianiza-
tion of our land but also enables us to see the relevance of this devotion
to our lives today. In a special manner, it forces us to focus on our
children and youth, with all the problems they may pose and the hopes
they raise. Today, and especially the Eucharistic celebration we are
about to start, are fresh opportunities for us to entrust our “niños” to
the protec- tion and guidance of the Holy Child. He, who is so much a
part of our history and our lives, will surely take care of our children
and will teach
us how to do likewise.

P –Lord Jesus, your King- highest, and on earth peace

dom is universal and for to people of good will. We
ever peaceful. Lord, praise you, we bless you, we
have mercy! adore you, we glorify you,
Entrance Antiphon All –Lord, have mercy!
(To be recited only when no we give you thanks for your
Entrance Hymn is sung.) P –Lord Jesus, you came to great glory, Lord God,
Let the children come to share the frailty of our heavenly King, O God,
me and do not hinder them. human nature. Christ, almighty Father.
have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Only
Greeting All –Christ, have mercy! Begotten Son, Lord God,
P –Blessed be Jesus who P –Lord Jesus, you want the Lamb of God, Son of the
finds himself at home in the children and youth to Fa- ther, you take away the
house of the Father. May his come close to you. sins of the world, have
grace and peace be with you Lord, have mercy! mercy on us; you take away
all! All –Lord, have mercy! the sins of the world, receive
All –And with your spirit!
P –May almighty God have our prayer; you are seated at
Penitential Act mercy on us, forgive us our the right hand of the Father,
P –Coming together as sins, and bring us to have mer- cy on us. For you
God’s family on this Feast everlast- ing life. alone are the Holy One, you
of the Sto. Niño, let us ask All –Amen! alone are the Lord, you
the Lord’s forgiveness, that alone are the Most High,
we may offer this Eucharist Gloria Jesus Christ, with the Holy
with a purified heart. All –Glory to God in the Spirit, in the glory of God
(Pause) the Father. Amen!
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Collect (Opening Prayer) All –Thanks be to God!
Responsorial Psalm Ps 98
P –Almighty God, your
only Son, begotten from all R –The Lord is King; let the
ages, humbled himself as a many isles be glad!
R. M. Velez
child in Nazareth and
became subject to Mary and F  Dm
Joseph. Grant that we may
   .
learn from his example to
embrace your will in all The Lord isKing;
things and, holding fast to BbC F
the dignity of all, serve our       
lowly brothers and sisters
with open hands and gentle let the ma-ny isles be glad
We ask this through our * Sing to the Lord a new
Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, song, for he has done won-
who lives and reigns with drous deeds; his right hand
you and the Holy Spirit, one has won victory for him, his
God for ever and ever. holy arm. R.
All –Amen! * The Lord has made his sal-
vation known; in the sight of
the nations he has revealed his
justice. He has remembered
his kindness and his faithful-
1st Reading Is 9:1-6 ness toward the house of Is-
The oracle we are about to rael. R.
hear proclaimed is a * All the ends of the earth
prophecy about Jesus the have seen the salvation by our
Messiah, who brings the light God. Sing joyfully to the Lord,
of God’s love into the world all you lands; break into song;
darkened by sin. sing praise. R.
R –A proclamation from * Sing joyfully to the Lord
the Book of the Prophet with the harp, with the harp
Isaiah and melodious song. With
The people who walked trumpets and the sound of the
in darkness have seen a great horn, sing joyfully before the
light; upon those who dwelt King, the Lord. R.
in the land of gloom a light
has shone. You have brought 2nd Reading Eph 1:3-6.15-18 In
them abundant joy and great this prayer of praise and
rejoic- ing, as they rejoice petition, Paul expresses some
before you as at the harvest, of the most consoling truths of
as people make merry when our faith.
dividing spoils. For the yoke R –A proclamation from
that bur- dened them, the the Letter of Paul to the
pole on their shoulder, and
the rod of their taskmaster Ephesians
you have smashed, as on the Blessed be the God and Fa-
day of Midian. For every ther of our Lord Jesus Christ,
boot that tramped in battle, who has blessed us in Christ
every cloak rolled in blood, with every spiritual blessing in
will be burned as fuel for the heavens, as he chose us in
flames. him, before the foundation of
For a child is born to us, a the world, to be holy and with-
son is given us; upon his out blemish before him. In
shoul- der dominion rests. love he destined us for
They name him Wonder- adoption to himself through
Counselor, God-Hero, Jesus Christ, in accord with
Father-Forever, Prince of the favor of his will, for the
Peace. His dominion is vast praise of the glory of his grace
and forever peaceful. He will that he granted us in the
rule as David’s succes- sor, beloved. Therefore, I, too,
basing his power on right hearing of your faith in the
and justice, from now until Lord Jesus and of your love
the end of time. The zeal of the for all the holy ones, do not
Lord of hosts will do this! cease
The Word of the Lord!
giving thanks for you, among us. according to festival custom.
remem- bering you in my Alleluia! Alleluia! After they had completed its
prayers. days, as they were returning,
May the God of our Gospel Lk 2:41- the boy Jesus remained
Lord Jesus Christ, the 52 The Holy Family of Naz- behind in Jerusalem, but his
Father of glory, give you a areth was deeply devout parents did not know it.
Spirit of wis- dom and and followed carefully the Thinking that he was in the
revelation resulting in religious observances of the caravan, they journeyed for a
knowledge of him. May the people of Israel. Such is the day and looked for him
eyes of your hearts be impression we derive from among their relatives and
enlight- ened, that you may today’s Gos- pel passage acquaintances, but not
know what is the hope that which is usually known as finding him, they returned to
belongs to his call, what are Jerusalem to look for him.
the riches of glo- ry in his the “the Finding of After three days they
inheritance among the holy Jesus in the Temple.” found him in the temple,
ones. P –A proclamation from the sitting in the midst of the
The Word of the Lord! holy Gospel according teachers, listening to them
to Luke and asking them ques- tions.
All –Thanks be to God! And all who heard him were
All –Glory to you, O Lord!
astounded at his under-
Gospel Acclamation Jn 1:14 Each year, Jesus’ standing and his answers.
parents went to Jerusalem When his parents saw him,
All –Alleluia! Alleluia! for the feast of Passover, they were astonished, and his
The Word became flesh and when he was twelve mother said to him, “Son,
and made his dwelling years old, they went up why

16 January 2022
have you done this to us? cath- olic and apostolic
Your father and I have been forward to the resurrection
Church. I confess one of the dead and the life of the
looking for you with great Baptism for the forgiveness
anxiety.” And he said to world to come. Amen!
of sins and I look
them, “Why were you
looking for me? Did you not Prayer of the Faithful
know that I must be in my P –As we honor the Sto.
Father’s house?” But they Niño, and are reminded of Je-
did not understand what he sus – the role model in the
said to them. life of the young – let us turn
He went down with them our attention to our children
and came to Nazareth, and and youth and pray for all
was obedient to them; and their needs, saying:
his mother kept all these
things in her heart. And Jesus All –Lord, graciously hear our
advanced in wisdom and age prayer!
and favor before God and
man. C –That the whole Church,
under the leadership of the
The Gospel of the Lord! Holy Father, our bishop, and
All –Praise to you, Lord priests, may show a special
Jesus Christ! practical love for our children
and youth, let us pray! R.
C –That the children and
Profession of youth of our nation may grow
Faith in dedication, honesty, and
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) purity, treasuring and practis-
All–I believe in one God, the ing authentic Filipino values,
Father almighty, maker of let us pray! R.
heav- en and earth, of all C –That all the devotees of
things vis- ible and invisible. the Sto. Niño may be inspired
I believe in one Lord Jesus by Jesus to grow in love of
Christ, the Only Begotten God and neighbor, let us
Son of God, born of the pray! R.
Father be- fore all ages. God C – That all teachers and the
from God, Light from Light, Media practitioners may help
true God from true God, our children imbibe authentic
begotten, not made, values and motivate them to
consubstantial with the live by such principles, let us
Father; through him all things pray! R.
were made. For us men and C – That all Catholic parents
for our salvation he came may care for their children as
down from heaven, (bow)* Mary and Joseph cared for Je-
and by the Holy Spirit was sus and form them as upright
incarnate of the Vir- gin citizens and zealous members
Mary, and became man.* of the Church, let us pray! R.
For our sake he was crucified
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- C – That all of us, like the
child Jesus in today’s Gos-
fered death and was buried, pel, may grow in our faith by
and rose again on the third learning the Word of God and
day in accordance with the applying its message in our
Scriptures. He ascended into life, let us pray! R.
heaven and is seated at the
C –Let us pray in silence for
right hand of the Father. He our personal intentions.
will come again in glory to (Pause) Let us pray! R.
judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no P –Lord, grant us a dedicat-
end. ed concern for the children
I believe in the Holy Spirit, and the youth of today. May
the Lord, the giver of life, who we work for their welfare and
proceeds from the Father and protection for love of you
the Son, who with the Father who live and care for ever
and the Son is adored and and ever.
glo- rified, who has spoken All –Amen!
through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy,
Grant this through invisible in his own divine
Jesus Christ our Lord. nature, he has appeared vis-
All –Amen! ibly in ours; and begotten
before all ages, he has begun
Preface of Nativity II to exist in time; so that, rais-
Preparation of the Gifts ing up in himself all that
P –Pray, brethren . . . P –The Lord be with you! was cast down, he might
All –May the Lord accept All –And with your spirit! restore unity to all creation
the sacrifice at your hands, P –Lift up your hearts! and call straying humanity
for the praise and glory of All –We lift them up to the back to the heavenly
his name, for our good and Lord! Kingdom.
the good of all his holy P –Let us give thanks to the And so, with all the An-
Church. Lord our God! gels, we praise you, as in
All –It is right and just! joy- ful celebration, we
Prayer over the Offerings acclaim:
P –It is truly right and just,
P –God, our Creator, we our duty and our salvation, All –Holy, holy, holy Lord,
of- fer the gifts of bread always and everywhere to God of hosts. Heaven and
and wine to recall the give you thanks, Lord, holy earth are full of your glory.
childhood of your only Father, almighty and eternal Hosanna in the highest!
Son. Let our offering God, through Christ our Blessed is he who comes
become the sacrifice of him Lord. in the name of the Lord.
who brought forgiveness For, on the feast of this Hosan- na in the highest!
and peace to the world. awe-filled mystery, though

Feast of the Sto. Niño (C)

Memorial Acclamation in promoting the
P –The mystery of faith! welfare and growth of
All –When we eat this Bread the chil- dren and youth
and drink this Cup, we of our country.
proclaim your Death, P –The Lord be with you. All –Amen!
O Lord, until you come All –And with your spirit! P –May He reward your ef-
again! P –Bow your heads and forts with eternal life.
pray for God’s blessing. All –Amen!
–May God enable you to P –May almighty God bless
appreciate the impor- you: the Father, and the
All –Our Father . . . tance of our children and Son, and the Holy
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . youth in the life of the Spirit.
All –For the kingdom, the Church and society. All –Amen!
power, and the glory are All –Amen! P –Go in peace, glorifying
yours, now and for ever. the Lord by your life.
P –May He make you His
Sign of Peace privileged instruments All –Thanks be to God!

Breaking of the
All –Lamb of God, you take GROWING WISER UNDER GOD‛S CARE
away the sins of the world:
have mercy on us. (2x) • Jess P. Balon
Lamb of God, you take he news must have spread like fire were part of his life.
away the sins of the world:
grant us peace. T in a forest of pine trees:
there was in the Temple a won- der
boy who kept amazing the teachers
One often wonders whether our
children and our youth could not be
more like him as he progressed in
Communion of the Law not only with his answers, but knowledge and maturity with the passing
P –This is the Lord Jesus, also with his questions. of the years. Jesus had grown in his
the model of our children The audience of “experts” had been appreciation of the precious traditions of
and youth. He is the Lamb increasing steadily. By the third day, it his people. He knew them thoroughly, and
of God who takes away the had swollen to a sizable crowd of lived them out with the enthusiasm that
sins of the world. Blessed Scripture scholars all wondering at what characterizes this age. This is what our
are those called to his the boy from Nazareth was say- ing and children and pre- adolescents would need
the questions he was asking. No doubt, the to have and which many do not have . . .
Supper. child knew the Scrip- tures in all their Most of our youths are bright.
All –Lord, I am not worthy details and nuances. He knew more than Some are exceptionally so. They are
that you should enter under the text said. He knew its “message,” very familiar with the names and
my roof, but only say the the “substance” of it all. His words were characteristics of movie and TV per-
word and my soul shall be deep insights into events and statements, sonalities, sports champions, war he-
healed. presented with mastery and assuredness. roes, game characters Yet, when
Communion Antiphon And he was just a child of twelve, coming it comes to religious knowledge, many
(To be recited only when no from a remote village in the countryside! hardly go beyond the level of when they
Communion Hymn is sung.) The great teachers just did not know were just in Grade One When it
what comes to our religious traditions, they
“Whoever welcomes one to make of it . . . . show coldness and boredom. When
such child for my sake,” says But Jesus was not just a “wonder invited to take some commitment in
the Lord, “welcomes me.” boy.” He was, above all, a “wonder- their parish or religious association, they
faithful,” and an exemplary one at that. are hesitant and unreliable . . . .
Prayer after Communion Having gone to Jerusalem with Mary The Feast of the Sto. Niño should
P –Loving Father, you have and Joseph for the Passover pilgrimage offer them an opportunity to reflect on
nourished us at the banquet and the fulfillment of all other duties why things are so. Many parents and
in honor of the Child born connected with that feast, he showed that educators, likewise, should ask them-
of the Virgin. We pray that he appreciated and was actively involved selves at what point they went wrong
we may advance in wisdom in keeping the religious traditions and and how the situation can be remedied in
and grow daily in faith and observances of his people, just as he order to see our youth “progress steadily
works of love, so that we was at home with the Scriptures. He in wisdom and grace, before God and
may find favor in your sight. had been taught to value those traditions, man” (Lk 2:52), as Jesus did.
Grant this through Jesus and felt that they
Christ our Lord.
All –Amen!

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe •
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