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1) Internal Communication in Organizations and Employee Engagement

by Lynn K.T. Hayase Dr. Paul J. Traudt, Examination Committee Chair Associate Professor of Media
Studies University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Employee engagement is a fairly new phenomenon that continues to gather the attention of and
implementation into organizations. While communication has been identified as a factor affecting
engagement, no scientific research has concentrated solely on the relationship between the two. Taking
this into account this study sought to find whether there is a relationship between internal
communication and employee engagement. Results indicated that there is a positive relationship
between factors of internal communication and factors of employee engagement. The current research
found that internal communication is linked to commitment, discretionary effort, and meaningful work;
all factors of engagement. In addition, results also indicated that communication channel satisfaction
and channel combinations were linked to employee engagement.


2 Title of Thesis Innovative development of internal communication as a tool for success.

Author Irina Sergeeva Year 2018, Supervisor Eija Turunen

School of Business Administration Degree Programme in International Business

The given thesis was aimed to study the phenomenon of internal communication within a company,
since it is nowadays becoming quite an irreplaceable element of any business development. Moreover,
nowadays there is more and more research and other scientific work related to that, what makes the
topic of the thesis project even more in demand. The objective was based on the overall goal of the
paper, which is to suggest innovative improvements of the internal communication within an
organization. The thesis project is to become a background for future research in the field and practical
handbook for the case company X, defining the direction of working process. First, a literature review
regarding internal communication and all the related aspects, such as models, functions of internal
communication and other characteristics of IC is done. Moreover, characteristics of effective internal
communication are presented, followed by its potential challenges and psychological aspects. The
theoretical part covers the introduction of business visualization as a qualitatively new trend in the
society and a potential innovation tool for IC development. Then a case company is presented, including
the background and other basic information. The practical part of thethesis studies the current situation
concerning communication processes among employees, utilizing a qualitative method of research,
which is a semistructured interview. The final part is a climax of merging theory and practice, covering
particular suggestions for the improvement of internal communication within company X, leading to an
innovative development of the organization itself. The plan of a meeting is a visual example of how
suggestions can be used in reality. The thesis discovers the significance of internal communication within
a company and the need for its constant improvement regardless of the situation, as well as indicates
social trends’ implementation into IC processes as an opportunity for its development.





This study examined how employees of a large, diverse organization view theflow of information from
top managers in positions of personal influence, employees’communication preferences (amount,
channels, types of information), their sense ofcommunity within the organization, and the relationship
between those perceptions and their willingness to advocate for the organization. Previous studies that
have explored the personal influence model of public relations have considered it from a
boundaryspanning perspective, focusing on an individual practitioner’s relationship with otherstrategic
individuals in the external environment. Personal influence can be equallyimportant for internal
communication, where employees are the strategically targeted public. Open-ended interviews with 147
employees at all levels permitted respondents to answer in depth, and allowed the researchers to probe
for useful insights.Findings indicate that the personal influence of the CEO and top managers has an
effect on information satisfaction, and consequently how employees speak about the organization to
external stakeholders. Employees at all levels who have a relationship with the CEO are more satisfied
with the information they receive and feel a greater responsibility to advocate for the organization. Even
the perception of a relationship withthe CEO leads to communication satisfaction.

The direction dimension of internal communication, as well as the channeldimension is important. While
email is efficient for information exchange, the preferencefor communication among all groups of
employees is still face-to-face interaction.Interpersonal, dialogic communication remains important to
employees at every level ofthe organization. Meetings, despite being acknowledged as time-consuming,
weresurprisingly valued as a channel for feedback and providing face time with top managers.Electronic
channels, if used thoughtfully, can flattened the traditional, hierarchicalstructure of internal
communication and can give employees at all levels of theorganization the sense of hearing things first-
hand, from the top

4) Internal Communication - A quantitative case study at Specma Seals AB


BACKGROUND: Choosing the right communication strategy is essential for organizations in today’s
business. Nowadays, all organizations are facing operational changes; therefore, internal communication
is significant for all businesses. Internal communication focuses on information and knowledge sharing
activities within organizations, which are led by leaders that have the responsibility to distribute
information and knowledge to employees in the organization and across departments
PURPOSE: The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between internal communication
and its components and how it affects team performance.

METHOD: The research was a quantitative case study where 42 out of 70 employees at Specma Seals AB
answered the questionnaire. The survey was sent out by email, using in April 2014.
The response rate was 60%. A meeting with Specma Seals was arranged to conduct a deeper
understanding of the company situation.

CONCLUSION: The conclusion of this study is that two of the hypotheses were supported and one
rejected meaning that leadership and information and knowledge sharing has a positive relationship
with team performance meanwhile cross-functionality didn’t.


5 The impact of internal organizational communication on the employee communication system

Research Paper (Postgraduate), 2019


Communication process assumes an imperative part in the advancement of any organization. It is most
imperative to effectively communicate. There are loads of advantages behind successfully communicate
like to improve work profitability, organizational communication can encourage sharing of information,
it can likewise support in arranging, to keep up order in the organization and to build general
productivity of the organization that all advantages would be attractive when employee effectively
communicate. The hypotheses which are cover on my research are top to down communication, down
to top communication, horizontal communication and employee communication system. According to
my research it is proved through primary data and was conducted with 150 employees of different
companies. The statistical technique which is use in my research is multiple linear regressions. The
hypothesis of top to down communication and horizontal communication are accepted and down to top
communication is rejected. Hence, it is proved that employee communication have a positive effect on
top to down communication and horizontal communication.


6 The Influence of Internal Communication on Different Aspects of Company Functioning

January 2011

Conference: 10th International Marketing Trends ConferenceAt: Paris: ESCP-AEP European School of


Anna Rogala, Poznan University of Economics

Internal communication plays a vital part in the functioning of every organisation. Nevertheless, many
managers consciously focus on external communication strategy building, forgetting about having
customers not only outside, but also inside the company. Well-informed, satisfied and appreciated
employees very often become the most reliable source of information about the enterprise and its
products. Apparently, a substantial role in the process of recruiting workers as advocates of the
company, is played by the effective internal communication. It is justified to claim that moulding positive
connotations amidst external customers without creating a good image inside the organization is a very
difficult task. The main purpose of these reflections is to analyze tasks of internal communication and its
impact on different aspects of company functioning. Special attention is to be given to issues concerned
with corporate image building, internal brand and manager-employee communication.


7 Examining the Effects of Internal Communication and Emotional Culture on Employees’ Organizational

Cen April Yue, Linjuan Rita Men, Mary Ann FergusonFirst Published March 31, 2020


As one of the first empirical attempts investigating the emerging role of positive emotional culture
within organizations, the study examined how a symmetrical internal communication system and
leaders’ use of motivating language contribute to fostering a positive emotional culture featured by joy,
companionate love, pride, and gratitude. Furthermore, the study examined the linkage between a
positive emotional culture and employees’ organizational identification. A quantitative online survey
was conducted with 482 full-time employees in the United States. Results showed that both symmetrical
internal communication and leaders’ use of motivating language, including meaning making,
empathetic, and direction-giving languages, induced employees’ perception of a positive emotional
culture of joy, companionate love, pride, and gratitude, which in turn enhanced employees’
organizational identification. Positive emotional culture fully mediated the impact of corporate and
leadership communications on employee identification with the organization. Theoretical and practical
implications of the findings are discussed.


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