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11/11/21, 8:33 AM Interview Zen

Rafli Saputra
Total duration: 45:16

Question 1
What do you enjoy about programming?

The sheer joy of making things

The pleasure of making things that are useful to other people
The fascination of fashioning complex puzzle-like objects of interlocking moving parts, and watching them work in subtle c

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Question 2
What programming languages can you work with? Describe your experience with them.

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Question 3
Are you comfortable working with a team of programmers to complete coding projects? If so, what examples can you provide
from your previous programming jobs?

I really like working with a team, because I can exchange ideas with many people and it's faster to work on a coding proje

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Question 4
Explain data types that exist in the programming language that you are most familiar with

An array is a data type that stores a number of elements in a specific order, usually all of the same type.
Integer is the most common numeric data type used to store numbers without a fraction component
floating point is also a numeric data type used to store numbers that may have a fractional component, such as monetary va 1/5
11/11/21, 8:33 AM Interview Zen

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Question 5
Create an object using any programming language that you comfortable with.

The object should contain your biodata, such as name, age, biography, education, work experience and so on.

// Define a class
class Myclass
// Declaring three private varaibles
 private $font_size;
 private $font_color;
 private $string_value;
// Declarte construct method which accepts three parameters and the method customize_print()
 function __construct($font_size,$font_color,$string_value)
 $this->font_size = $font_size;
 $this->font_color = $font_color;
 $this->string_value = $string_value;
// Declare a method for customize print
 function customize_print()
 echo "<p style=font-size:".$this->font_size.";color:".$this->font_color.";>".$this->string_value."</p>";
// Create first object and passes three parameters
 $a = new MyClass('30px','red','Name:Rafli Saputra');
// Create second object and passes three parameters
 $b = new MyClass('25px','Age :19');
// Create third object and passes three parameters
 $c = new MyClass('20px','green','Education : SMK TEKNIKOM CIKARANG');
// Create fourth object and passes three parameters
 $d = new MyClass('15px','black','Experiance : Teknisi On Site PT TELKOM INDONESIA');

1x 2x 5x   0:00 / 10:19

Question 6
Create a function that accept previous question object, which checks whether you are an adult or not based on your age

spl_autoload_register(function ($class)
 include '../../php/classes-objects/resource/'.$class.'.php';
$print1 = new class1('red','Object Oriented Programming');
$print2 = new class2('20px','Object Oriented Programming')

1x 2x 5x   0:00 / 1:56

Question 7
Using any kind of loop, print prime number between 322 and 177013

spl_autoload_register(function ($class)
 include '../../php/classes-objects/resource/'.$class.'.php';
$print1 = new class1('red','Object Oriented Programming');
$print2 = new class2('20px','Object Oriented Programming') 2/5
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class MyClass
 public $x;
 private $y;
 function __construct($x, $y)
  x = $x;
  y = $y;
 function __clone()
  $this->x = "z";
$a = new MyClass("mysite", "com"); // create a new object
$b = clone $a; //clone of the object
echo '<br>';

1x 2x 5x   0:00 / 1:10

Question 8
Create a function that receive time in 12 hour format (AM/PM), then convert it to 24 hour format, then print the result.


input = 5:00:13PM

return = 17:00:13

input = 12:32:20AM

return = 00:32:20

//Set the default timezone to UTC.
echo "<strong>Display current date dd/mm/yyyy format </strong>"."<br />";
echo date("d/m/Y")."<br />";
echo "<strong>Display current date mm/dd/yyyy format</strong> "."<br />";
echo date("m/d/Y")."<br />";
echo "<strong>Display current date mm-dd-yyyy format </strong>"."<br />";
echo date("m-d-Y")."<br />";
echo "<strong>Display like Monday 6th of March 1996 </strong>"."<br />";
echo date("l jS \of F Y")."<br />";
echo "<strong>Display the above format with time </strong>"."<br />";
echo date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A')."<br />";
echo "<strong>Display something like: 2010-11-01T00:00:00+00:00 </strong>"."<br />";
echo date(DATE_ATOM, mktime(0, 0, 0, 7, 1, 2000));

1x 2x 5x   0:00 / 1:53

Question 9
The Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers where each number after the first two is a sum of the prior two. As an
illustration, here is a short sequence given starting values of (0, 1); Fibonacci series = (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13).

Given an integer n, calculate the first n numbers in the Fibonacci sequence given starting elements of (0, 1). Return an
array of n integers, including the given (0,1) in the sequence.

Candidate skipped question

Question 10 3/5
11/11/21, 8:33 AM Interview Zen
Given a list of names, determine the number of names in that list for which a given query string is a prefix. The prefix
must be at least, character less than the entire name string.

Example names = ['jackson', 'jacques', 'jack']

query= ['jack']

The complete query string 'jack'. a prefix of Jackson but not of jacques or jack. The prefix cannot contain the entire name
string, so 'jack' does not qualify.

Function Description

create a function with name findCompletePrefixes

The function must return an array of integers that each denotes the number of names strings for which a querystring is a

findCompletePrefixes he the following parametere(s):

string names[n]: an array of name strings string query

string query[q]: an array of query strings

Returns: int[q]: each value[i] is the answer to query[i]

// Define a class
class Myclass
 // Declare $font_size as Public property
 public $font_size ="18px";
 // Declare $font_color as Private property
 private $font_color = "blue";
 // Declare $string_name as Protected property
 protected $string_name = "w3resource";
 // Declare a method to print properties value. This is public.
 function property_print()
 echo $this->font_size;
 echo $this->font_color;
 echo $this->string_name;
$obj = new MyClass;
echo $obj->font_size; //Display 18px
echo $obj->font_color; //Fatal error: Cannot access private property Myclass::$font_color in F:\wamp\..
echo $obj->string_name; //Fatal error: Cannot access protected property Myclass::$string_name in F:\wamp\..
$obj->property_print(); //Display 18pxbluew3resource

1x 2x 5x   0:00 / 6:38

Question 11
Given a string, reduce it in such a way that all of its substrings are distinct. to do so, you may delete any characters at
any index, what is the minimum number of deletions needed ?

note: a substring is a contiguous group of 1 or more characters within a string


s = "abab"

substrings s are {'a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'ab', 'ba', 'ab', 'aba', 'bab', 'abab'}, by deleting one "a" and one "b", the string
becomes "ab" or "ba" and all of its substrings are distinct. this required 2 deletions

Function description

create a function create a function getMinDeletions with following parameter(s)

string s: the given string


int: the minimum number of deletions required

  class MyClass
  const constant1 = 'PHP Class Constant';
  function PrintConstant()
  echo  self::constant1 . "<br>";
  echo MyClass::constant1 . "<br>";
  $classname = "MyClass";
  echo $classname::constant1 . "<br>"; // As of PHP 5.3.0
  $class = new MyClass();
  echo $class::constant1."<br>"; // As of PHP 5.3.0
 ?> 4/5
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Question 12
given a number n, for each integer i in the range from 1 to n inclusive, print one value per line as follows:

- if i is a multiple of both 3 and 5, print FizzBuzz

- if i is a multiple of 3 (but not 5), print Fizz

- if i is a multiple of 5 (but not 3), print buzz,

- if i is a multiple of 3 or 5, print the value of i

function description

create a function fizzBuzz with following parameters

int n: upper limit of values to test (inclusive)

returns none


the function must print the appropriate response for each value i in the set {1,2, ...., n} in ascending order,
each on separate line

class Myclass
 // Add property statements here
 // Add the methods here
$myobj = new MyClass;

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Question 13
Nandra is new to the gym and is figuring out the maximum weights he can lift. the maximum capacity of barbell is given as
maxCapacity, each barbell plate has a weight, given by weights[i], now nandra has to selects as many plates as he can but
the total weight of the selected plates should not exceed maxCapacity. what is the maximum weights of plates nandra can add
to the barbell ?

example, given barbell plates of weights of 1,3,5 and barbell maximum capacity 7, the right plates to insert would be 1 and
5 (1+5=6), thus making the right answer 6

function description

create function weightCapacity, the function must return an integer denoting the maximum capacity of items that she can

weightCapacity has two parameters:

weights: an arra yof n integers, where the value of each elements weights[i] is the weight of each plate i (where 0
<= i < n)

maxCapacity: an integer, the capacity of the barbell

$time = strtotime('10/16/2003');

$newformat = date('Y-m-d',$time);

echo $newformat;
// 2003-10-16

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