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Surname, First Name, Middle Initial: _Callejo, Jackielou M.

Section: _ GAS 12B1

Date: April 3, 2021


I. Title of the Documentary: A Real Day in the Life of a Social Worker

II. Author: Jasmine Ama

III. Publication:

YouTube. (2017, November 1). A Real Day in the Life of a Social Worker
[Video]. YouTube.

IV. Contents

So basically the content of her video is about her going to work as a social worker

after her long break and it is dedicated to the people who keep on watching her videos

on her channel or her subscribers.

V. Short Summary of the video documentary

According to Jasmine Ama “As a student Social Worker it was hard to know what a

working day will be like given none of that aspect was shown to me in university. I

got a bit of a glimpse through placement but that was not enough.” On her statement

it feels like being a social worker is harder than we thought especially when you’re

still a student. Now that I happened to know something about social workers, I

admired them because many individuals from communities have devoted their time

and efforts to do social work a lot of these volunteers did their practice before it was
recognized as a profession. Going to work as an intake worker, she generally see

women who either walk in or through referrals. Do a bit of crisis counseling and bill

of case management. She had three walk-ins that came into the center that she

provided support that three walk-ins were all quite brief so it was a good way to kind

of ease her back into work. She was doing some case notes and for her case notes are

daunting because you have to case notes for everything even if it’s a little email or a

little phone call and that somehow made her annoyed. In the afternoon, she had her

lunch and try to read a little bit but when she don't, she just chill on her phone. When

she go back to work, she's also back on answering phone calls and messages.

VI. Analysis

Now that I happened to know something about social workers, I admired them

because many individuals from communities have devoted their time and efforts to do

social work a lot of these volunteers did their practice before it was recognized as a

profession. Indeed, social work is the one helping profession whose revered code of

ethics is clear about its moral mission to empower clients and address both private

troubles and public issues, particularly for those who are the least advantaged. In my

opinion, the purpose of her documentary is to share her life as a social worker to

people and let them see how things/works get done in this job. For the concept of the

documentary, I think Jasmine Ama just wanted to us her daily life as a social worker,

what she was doing before going to work and after work. Just the normal thigs a

worker will do. Just like Jasmine and the concept of her video, everyone was doing

the same thing as her. Like, eating, doing her make up etc. For me, it’s just doing the

normal things we do or like any other workers do.

VII. essons Learned

For the lessons, I learned one thing and that is to be hardworking as much as possible

because it will be worth it when the day comes.

VIII. Application of Experience on Actual Situation

Since I am a student right now, I will become a hardworking one even though I find it

hard to cope up sometimes because as what I’ve learned on the documentary, it will

be worth it one day.

IX. Reference

Ama, J. A Real Day in the Life of a Social Worker.YouTube. Retrieved November 1, 2017, from

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