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Unit – 3

Munch, Crunch, Crack

I. Keywords
Cud – chewing
Food chain
II. Fill in the blanks
1. Food gives us energy to work and play.
2. Animals that eat flesh of dead animals are called
3. Snakes do not have any chewing teeth.
4. Butterflies have long, thin tube to suck nectar
from flowers.
5. Plants are called the world’s food factories.
III. Answer the following
1. Why do we need food?
A. We need food to live, grow and stay healthy.
2. What are gnawers?
A. Animals that gnaw their food are called gnawers.
They have very sharp front teeth for cutting the food.
3. What are omnivores?
A. Animals that eat both plants and flesh of other
animals are called omnivores
Eg. crow, humans, bear, dog
4. How does a frog eat insects?
A. Frogs have a long and sticky tongue with which
they catch the insects and swallow them.
5. What is rumination?
A. Animals like cows and buffaloes, swallow their
food first. Later they bring it back into their mouth
and chew it for hours. This is called chewing the cud
or rumination.
6. Differentiate between herbivores and carnivores.
Herbivores Carnivores
 Animals that eat  Animals that eat
only plants flesh of other
 Sharp, flat , broad animals
front teeth to bite off  Sharp, pointed front
leaves and grass teeth for tearing
 Strong grinding flesh
teeth at the back to  Flat, broad teeth at
chew the food the back to chew the
 Eg. horse , zebra food.
 Eg. Lion , tiger

1. A food chain always begins with a plant. Why?
A. Plants make their own food whereas all animals
depend on plants, directly or indirectly, for their
V. Activity
Draw a food chain

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