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I. Match one of the sentences below to the corresponding graph.

1. There has been a steady increase in costs over several years.

2. At the end of the first year sales stood at 50 percent of the present level.
3. The share price reached a peak before falling a little and then maintaining the same level.
4. Sales of product A fell slightly in the final quarter.
5. The sudden collapse in share prices has surprised everyone.
6. The level of investment rose suddenly.
7. The Research and Development budget has stabilised over the past few years.
8. The value of the shares has shown a steady decline.

II. Describe the graphs below. Complete the sentences using appropriate verbs in the correct form
from the following list:

level off rocket plummet peak

recover fluctuate decrease/drop/fall/go down

1. Sales__________to 30% last 2. Sales _________at 60m and 3. Profit _________ at 40% last
month. then ____________ July. year.

4. Sales of the new product 5. In the last six months, sales 6. Things looked bad at the
unfortunately___________in May. ____________ . beginning of the year, but in March
sales began to _________
III. Complete the graph using the information below.
Ten years ago, Smithson made a profit of £10 million. Its products were in great demand and, over the next 3
years, its profits rose to £35 million. Profit then leveled off for 2 years, remaining at the same level. There
was a slight drop in the following year to £33 million, before profits started rocketing again. They triple to
reach £100 million two years ago. It was then that Smithson´s troubles started. Profits plummeted to only £7
million last year, and this year Smithson made its first ever loss, of £50 million

IV. Describe the graphic


V. Turn these sentences into similar sentences by using an adjective + noun or a verb + adverb.
11. In 2001, sales tripled suddenly to 2.3 million from July to December.


12. There will be slight increase in budget in the near future.


13. Gucci sales rocketed sharply 23.2 % from January to June 2010.

14. Share price has fallen steadily to US$ 1.2 in the last month

15. There has been a gradual decline of taxes in the last year.

VI. Make a detailed description of the graphic. Also, use the verbs and prepositions seen in the Unit







III. Complete the graphs with these prepositions

Of to by at under from

At the end of April, sales stood _________ $150 million, having risen _________ a
previous low point _________ just _________ $100 million. Over the next couple of
months they rose steadily to reach a peak _________$190 million. They then fell sharply
_________ $35 million towards the end of July, but crept up again in August _________
$160 million

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