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Mercyhurst University Lesson Plan

Preservice Teacher _____________________ Cooperating Teacher ____________________

School / Grade _________________________ Date Received______ Date Reviewed_______

(Cooperating Teacher Initials Required)

Lesson Title___DNA composition, transcription & translation_____ Teaching Time______

Lesson Concept:

Students will virtually interact with DNA to learn about its composition. Additionally, students will learn

about transcriptions and translation processes while utilizing digital platforms and creativity.


Standard - 3.1.B.B3

● Describe the basic structure of DNA, including the role of hydrogen bonding.
● Explain how the process of DNA replication results in the transmission and conservation of the
genetic code.
● Describe how transcription and translation result in gene expression.
● Differentiate among the end products of replication, transcription, and translation.
● Cite evidence to support that the genetic code is universal.

Standard - 3.1.C.B3

● Describe the structure of the DNA and RNA molecules.

ISTE Standard 1.1

● 1.1a - Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging
technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning
● 1.1b - Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support
the learning process.

Objectives Assessments
(State in measurable terms what the student’s should/will be (The assessment should clearly state how student achievement
able to do as a result of the lesson.) of objective will be measured.)
1. After instruction, students will be able to 1. Students will correctly create a flowchart (3/3)
identify and label parts of DNA, and create that outlines the three pieces of the central dogma,
a flowchart that outlines the central dogma.
and accurately fill out the worksheet by navigating
2. After instruction, students will work in the interactive site (15/15).
teams to create a video that compares and
contrasts transcription and translation. 2. Students will refer to information scoring rubric
and obtain 20/24 points (83%).
3. After instruction, students will successfully
navigate online platforms and create a 3. Students will refer to presentation scoring rubric
meaningful digital products. for scoring and obtain at least 9/12 points (75%).


- Sticky notes for anticipatory set

- Interactive DNA link:
- Student video creation link:
- Worksheet for DNA labeling
- Sticky notes for exit slip question

Anticipatory Set

Students will enter the room to find a sticky note with a nucleobase on it (A, T, C, or G). They will then
be instructed to find a seat in the room that is their base pair (A-T, T-A, C-G, G-C). Once all students are
in their correct seats, instruction can begin. Seating arrangements will correlate to the groups assigned for
video projects later on in lecture.

Activating Prior Knowledge:

Students will activate prior knowledge during the anticipatory set that are related to DNA composition
and base pairing before moving onto transcription and translation. Additionally, students will complete an
interactive virtual lab and fill out a related worksheet.


Teacher Actions (teacher will - TW) Student Actions (student will - SW)
1. TW places sticky notes at students’ desks 1. Students will enter the room and find their
that contain one base pair letter. Groups in new seat based on the base pair they are
the room will have the matching base pair. given. Students must accurately match their
2. TW ensure all students are in correct sticky note to a new seat in the room.
grouping before moving on.
3. TW prompt students to access computers 2. SW access interactive DNA link and
and visit interactive DNA link and pass out complete related worksheet as they
related worksheet. navigate through the site.
4. TW instruct students on the process of 3. SW follow along and take notes about the
transcription and translation. process of transcription and translation.
5. TW introduce the website TikTok to 4. SW explore TikTok with their team, and
students and give an overview of the begin outlining their video project.
required assignment. 5. SW complete exit slip task of outline the
6. TW provide students with two rubrics for central dogma.
the project (informational scoring and 6. SW complete video project based upon the
aesthetics scoring) standards presented in the rubric.
7. TW give students a sticky note and prompt
them to outline the central dogma.
8. TW give students additional class time as
needed to finish and submit group work.


Students will complete an exit slip that outlines the central dogma.

DNA -> RNA -> Protein

DNA Replication -> Transcription -> Translation

Additional Concept Related Activity:

Working in groups, students will direct and organize a digital presentation on TikTok that compares and
contrasts transcription and translation. Students can refer to the rubric for scoring. Additionally, students
will comment and duet other groups’ videos to keep the conversation going.

DNA Ladder Interactive

Navigate your way through the DNA Ladder website and fill in the following questions below!

1. DNA is composed of ______________________.

2. The shape of DNA is referred to as a _____________ _____________.

3. The backbone of DNA is ___________-phosphate on the ______________, and _____________

____________ on the _____________.

4. Match the bases to their complementary base pair:





5. When DNA is ____________ it becomes ______________.

6. The two types of grooves on DNA are known as: ____________ and ____________.
7. The _________ sequence of base pairs in DNA influences ________ ______________ and the
presence of ___________.
8. DNA serves as a common ____________ _____________ between all kingdoms of life.
Video Assignment Group Rubric

1 point 2-3 points 4-5 points 6 points

Information /24

Definitions Students do not Students’ Students defined Students

provide a definition lacks both transcription thoroughly define
definition of essential concepts and translation both transcription
transcription of transcription and translation
and/or translation and translation

Comparing Students do not Students attempt Students share one Students share
compare the to compare correct way that more than one
related processes processes, but the processes are correct way that
forget key similar the processes are
concepts similar

Contrasting Students do not Students attempt Students share one Students

discuss the to discuss correct way that thoroughly
difference differences, but the processes are describe how the
between processes forget key different process of
concepts translation and
transcription differ

Presentation of Information is Information can Information is Information is

Concepts confusing, and/or be hard to follow presented clearly presented clearly,
not at the at times, or not at flows between
appropriate ability appropriate ability topics, and is at
level level the appropriate
academic level

Format /12

Visual Appeal Video is Video is complete, Video is complete Video is complete,

confusing, too but lacks and visually appealing, and
busy, or necessary visual appealing with contains all
incomplete elements some graphics necessary

Communication Team does not Some of the team Majority of the Team cooperates
cooperate well or cooperates well, team cooperates well, provides
interact with other minimal social well. Team thoughtful
groups’ videos media interaction. comments and responses, and
duets videos. duets.

Preservice Teacher Self Evaluation/Reflection:

1. Were the objectives of this lesson met? How do I know this?

2. Rate your management of the classroom. You can use a scale of 1
(low) to 5 (high) if you’d like, and provide statements supporting your
3. How well was the instructional time utilized?
4. What did I do well?
5. Were there parts of this lesson, including my presentation of the
lesson that could be improved? Specifically explain.
6. If I had a chance to re-teach this lesson, I would… (address your
comments from #5).

Cooperating Teacher Evaluation:

Please mark appropriate box and provide specific written feedback including suggestions if warranted.
Excellent Above Average Needs Additional Comments
Average Improvement
Use of Instructional
Facilitation of
Facilitation of
Objectives Met

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