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NoPixel Whitelist Answers

Please tell us what you think is good or bad about the ruleset

The ruleset is very well thought out and it provides a good roleplay experience. Another thing that I
like about it is that it is streamer friendly. Also, if someone breaks a rules/rule, an admin will not
appear out of thin air and will stop the situation the situation goes on and you can report the person
after. Also a thing that I like that there is no (NGF- No gun Fear) if I have a chance to escape I can
escape. Of course, if there is five people with guns pointing at me I do not even try. if I know it is
impossible and there is nothing I can do, I do not escape because then I break the rule of not fearing
for my life. There is nothing I do not disagree within the ruleset.

You’re a sloth and you run into a frog. What do you do?

If I were a sloth, I'd collide with a frog. I'd attempt to bring the frog with me and keep it as a pet. I
pick up the frog and hold it in my palms. The frog tries to flee, but I clench my hands as tightly as I
can. I return home with the frog, but it takes some time because I am not particularly swift and
travel slowly. I arrive at the tree where the frog and I are going to share a home. I live in a large
jungle, high up on a tree. I realize I won't be able to carry the frog up to my living area because I
can't climb with one hand. Alfred is my next-door neighbor. Alfred is the fastest of our species he
was bred to be fast in a lab by scientists. He ran away from the lab a few years ago and settled in the
Jungle in the next tree to me. I show Alfred my new pet and ask if he could assist me in bringing the
frog up to my apartment. Alfred makes the decision to assist me. Alfred believes that I should hold
on to him with one hand while holding my frog with the other. We begin climbing the tree till we
reach my living area I express my gratitude to Alfred, and he returns to his home. The frog has
become less agitated and no longer perceives me as a threat. We make friends with the frog, which I
call Froggy. I provide Froggy with a sleeping area and he becomes my pet.

What is your definition of roleplay?

In my opinion, the following is a good definition of roleplaying. When you roleplay, you act out a
character or person you pick. You can play whatever type of character you choose, for example, a
homeless person who begs for food and lives beneath a bridge, or a politician who wants to serve
the society by passing better laws, etc. In other words, you construct your own reality and live in it.
When you roleplay a character, you must imagine yourself in his shoes, and you can only do things
what he can do. For example, if your character grew up in another country, English is not his first
language, and he speaks with an accent and moves slowly, you must imagine yourself in his shoes.
When moving to an English-speaking city, the accent does not disappear overnight it takes time and
may eventually fade.
What are your character positives and negative characteristics?

Magnuses main flaws are overthinking and slowness even when doing the simplest and smallest
tasks, he is always overthinking. For example, if Magnus has to ask a girl out, he will spend days
thinking about her and how to approach her. He considers all of the negative outcomes that could
occur. Magnus is sometimes too honest he says everything he dislikes. People may offend him if he
is overly honest. Magnus's positive characteristics include happiness, friendliness, and a strong
concern for close friends. When one of Magnus's friends are having a problems or are feeling down,
he either helps them with their problem or invites them out to do something. If Magnus has a
problem, he will solve it he always finds a solution.

What type of character do you intend to roleplay?

I intend to roleplay Magnus De León, a 55-year-old Mexican man, has a raspy voice because he has
smoked almost his entire life he began smoking at the age of 12. His life began in the Mexican city of
Guadalajara. Magnus was raised by his grandmother because his parents died when he was only two
years old. His grandmother was a small Mexican woman who had spent her entire life in Mexico and
had never traveled outside of the country. His grandmother only spoke Spanish. Magnus never did
well in school he was intelligent, but school was not for him he had always wished for a wealthy life,
so his main goal was to become wealthy and relocate to America. Magnus wanted to work, but he
didn't know of any places that needed help. Magnus asked his grandmother if any of her friends or
acquaintances were looking for workers. His grandmother was aware that one of her friends had
recently opened a taco truck and was looking for employees. Magnus liked the idea and decided to
work there. Magnus's first job was as a janitor. Magnus was a hardworking man who enjoyed his job,
but the pay was insufficient for him. At work, Magnus met a man named Mario. Mario informed
Magnus that he was from America, specifically Albuquerque. Mario used his last dollar to buy a one-
way ticket to Guadalajara to meet the love of his life. Mario's lifelong love turned out to be a man.
Mario didn't have any money and no place to stay. He slept on a busy street with nothing but a
blanket to keep him warm. Mario awoke one morning to find a taco truck next to him. He went to
the taco truck, where he ran into Magnus. He didn't have money, but he did have meth. He offered
Magnus meth in exchange for two tacos. Magnus paused for a moment before accepting the offer.
Mario told Magnus about what had happened to him, and he stated that he needed to make some
money. Magnus wanted to make money as well, so he proposed that they start cooking meth
together and distribute it to local dealers. Mario accepted the offer. Magnus quit his job, and they
began making meth in Magnuses grandmother's garage. For half a year, Marios and Magnuses drug
operation was successful they had found many dealers to whom they sold. Magnus and Mario had
enough money to move to America and start a new life, but they weren't sure when they should go.
Magnuses grandmother didn't frequently go to the garage but she had some old books she wanted
to read that she kept in the garage. Magnuses grandmother went to the garage and discovered
Magnus was cooking meth in her garage. Magnus's grandmother spoke to him and informed him
that she intends to turn him over to the police. Magnus had made a lot of friends while they were
making meth, and he knew someone who sold passports. Magnus knew it was finally time for him
and Mario to travel to America. Magnus obtained new passports for both himself and Mario. They
vanished, leaving no trace behind. Magnus and Mario had heard about a great city called the NoPixel
City and decided to relocate there.
What type of character do you intend to roleplay?

Magnus is on his way to the grove street gas station. While walking there a man dressed all in black ,
walks up to Magnus, places a gun on his head, and whispers, "Don't make any funny business, you're
coming with me!" Magnus is terrified and would do anything to escape the situation. Magnus is
willing to give away everything in his pockets and will not hesitate to give him anything he desires
because he does not want to upset him. Magnus' mind is racing with a millions of ideas at that
moment. Magnus is terrified that the robbery will go horribly wrong and he will be injured or, in the
worst-case scenario, killed. The man places his gun. The man places his gun on Magnus' lower left
side of his back and whispers into his ear, "Walk with me without alerting anyone or making a
scene!" Magnus walks calmly with him, knowing that if he tries something, it will go wrong. Magnus
keeps eye contact with the robber because he knows if he does, the robber will reconsider killing
him. Magnus studies the robber and tries to find something unique about his personality so that if
he survives the robbery, he can describe the robber. Magnus is ordered to get into the robber's car
by the robber. Magnus complies with the request. Magnus is blindfolded by the robber. Magnus
hears the car engine start and they begin to drive. Magnus wonders where the man is taking him,
and he is also nervous because he does not want anything to go wrong. After a few minutes of
driving, the car comes to a halt, the engine is turned off, and the robber takes Magnus out of the car
and walks with him. He leads Magnus to a dark room and then proceeds to remove his blindfold.
There are five men in the room. The five men are all dressed in suits. One of the men begins to
speak, his voice is deep, and he says, "Magnus, you've messed with the wrong people." Magnus
begins to shake as a result of his fear. He is unsure what he did wrong. In a shaking voice, Magnus
asks, "What have I done to upset you?" "You have something that belongs to us," says the man with
a deep voice. Magnus pauses for a moment before responding, "You mean the ruby I stole from a
house I robbed?" The man with the deep voice responds, "Yes, exactly." Magnus informs the men
that he is willing to return the ruby to them. The men give Magnus a specific location to place ruby
and agree to go pick it up once its there. The men in suits, including the robber, leave, leaving
Magnus alone in the room. Magnus is traumatized by this experience, takes his phone from his
pockets to try to call his friend to come pick him up, but his hands were so sweaty that the phone
slipped out of his grasp. The next day, Magnus goes and places the ruby in the exact location given
to him by the men, and he never sees them again.

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