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I light of the fact that learning a foreign language, especially the English language, is mandatory
in the interconnected world, english language teachers consume a handful of techniques
and strategies based on language learning theories.
a dictionary definition of methodologies is a system of methods used in a particular study
area or activity. The efficiency of a technique depends on multiple elements, which vary
depending on places and situations.
English language teaching has_many methods and approaches. Jack Richard and
Theodore Rodgers describe an approach as a set of beliefs and principles that can be used
as the basis for teaching language; they can be illuminated and applied individually and
extended by new methods. According to Richards and Rodgers, strategies are teaching
systems specific about teaching techniques and the role of learners and teachers. So as we
have many English teaching methods, I will discuss some of them in this essay, getting the
measure of each one.

behaviorism is a psychology theory found in 1913 by john Waston as a reaction to
traditional grammar. In 1957 b.f.skinner published his book verbal behavior, and he was
very supportive of this theory. Noam Chomsky criticized skinner’s book in 1959. by the
1970s, behaviorism has been replaced with cognitive science.
Behaviorism is a learning theory that states all behaviors are learned through interaction
with the environment through conditioning. Thus, behavior is a response to environmental
stimuli. Conditioning is a technique where inefficient objects become more effective. The
conditioning is contingent on the assumption that learning is confirming the relationship
between the stimulus and response. Behavior is a theory that combined psychology and
structural linguistics. These two merged to form the audio-lingual method. One of the keys
to the Audi lingual method is s_r_r which means stimulus_response_reinforcement. The
most famous example of going through these stages is Pavlov’s dogs, Pavlov was ringing
the bell every time he is feeding his dogs, and ultimately, the dogs learned to relate the
sound of the bell with the food, and accordingly, the dogs salivate it every time the bell ring
even if there is no food, this is called the classical behaviorism, which happens when a
natural reaction responds to a stimulus.
Operant behaviorism is a learning method that depends on utilizing rewards and
punishment for behavior. A connection between a specific behavior and a consequence is
happening through operant conditioning.

strength of behaviorism:
-the ability to observe and evaluate behaviors.
-helpful in adjusting behaviors in reality.
it can be helpful in therapy, education, science, parenting.
-this theory is very replicable and can be repeated.

disadvantage of behaviorism
-ignores the mental process involved in learning.
-language is too complex.
-instructions are mechanistic.
-basic structures for language acquisition are natural.

audiolingual method
audiolingual is a teaching theory developed by Charles fries; it originated in the USA during
world war ii and was known as the army method. It is based on the behaviorist theory of
teaching language, which suggests certain human traits could be taught through a system
of reinforcement. This approach is similar to the direct method. Both directions advised that
learners should be taught the language directly without using the native language of the
learners. The natural process is focused on teaching vocabulary, while the audio_ligual
approach focuses on learning through mechanical repetition. Small groups of students can
make this an effective strategy.
The audio-lingual method acquires the sentence patterns of the target language through
conditioning learners to respond correctly to their stimuli through shaping and
It gives students a form of how to use some types of patterns in some sort of situation. This
method provides learning material in dialogue form.
There is very little focus on grammar.

advantages of audiolingual
-effectively develop listening and speaking skills.
-visual tools help to improve vocabulary.
-this method emphasized the correct pronunciation and structure.
-very helpful with a large group of students.
-it is a method that is dominated by teachers.
weakness of audiolingual
-the students are in a passive position; the learners have limited control over their learning.
-since the primary teaching method is repetition, students can produce many things but
can’t create anything new.
-doesn’t give the four skills the same importance.
-the method doesn’t emphasize grammar skills.
-it is very dull for some students because of repetition.
-oral skills receive more attention than written skills.

the natural way(direct method)

the direct method was developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell in the late 1970s
and early 1980s.
This method was developed to conquer the imperfection of the grammar_translation
method, which was disobliging to those who wanted to learn the second language for
communication. It is called the direct method because the teacher uses the target language
directly with the learners without any translation to the mother tongue.
The direct method is the opposite of the grammar_translation approach. It focuses on the
assumption that second language learners should think directly in English. It is emphasized
the use of natural life objects and actions to indicate what is being communicated. This
method of teaching English is meant to be used with beginner learners.
The teacher in the classroom focuses on introducing simple comprehensions to avoid
students’ anxiety, and he emphasizes learning new vocabulary rather than grammar

strength of the natural way

-easy method to be used with young learners.
-emphasize using the target language.
-can employ all four teaching skills.
-minimal grammar structures.
- the students enjoy the process of learning.
-the students be able to understand what they learn.

weakness of the natural way

-sufficient attention is not paid to write and rea skills.
-not correctly applies in large groups.
-no concern on correcting and drilling.
-not all teachers are qualified to use this teaching method.
-take a very long time.
- difficulty in assessing.

humanistic approaches
the humanistic approach is an educational theory that carl rogers, and Abraham Maslow
found in the early 1900s. Maslow has considered the father of this movement. humanism
theory was a response to ordinary educational theories at that time, like behaviorism.
A humanist approach emphasizes the importance of the student’s emotions and
self_esteem.this theory stated that the student is the influence, and his needs should be
addressed to learn correctly. The humanistic learning theory employs social skills, feelings,
artistic skills, practical skills, and more. Maslow believed that behaviorism and other
psychology theories had a negative impression on the students. Maslow suggested that
students are naturally good and will make the right decisions when their needs are
Maslow thought that people’s feelings control them more than rewards and punishment.
Maslow presents the human needs in a pyramid with basic needs at the bottom of the
pyramid and intangible needs at the top.

maslow’s pyramid from bottom to top:

physiological needs: food and water and basic needs.
Safety needs security and safety.
Belongings and love needs.
Esteem needs.

strength of humanistic approach:

-taking into account the student’s inner thoughts.
-humanism recognizes the best in everyone and strives to bring it out.
-it pays attention to emotions and its’ impact on learning.

weakness of the humanistic approach

-it is inconsistent with some modern school which has its’ standardized curriculum.
-sometimes, students need to study different things like mathematics.
-some students are doing better with structure routines.
matching methodologies with learner needs
there are many aspects the teacher should be aware of before he decides what the best
teaching technique he better follow; age, gender, motivation, culture all affect the way they
learn. Schools and teachers have to assume different teaching approaches so they can
accomplish a variety of learning targets. There are many reasons students decide to learn
English before choosing the best method of teaching that suits them; the teacher should
know the goal of learning English.
School curriculum: many countries teach English to students through a particular
curriculum, so most students have to learn it.
Culture: some students like the idea of learning another country’s language to know more
about its’ culture.
Progression: another reason for studying English is to get a better chance and make
progress in their jobs.
Target language community: if they live in a community that speaks the language they are
learning, they have to learn it to better communicate with other people.
For specific reasons: many other reasons make students decide to learn English, such as
studying at a college in a foreign country or academic reasons for writing essays and
articles or studying science and physics.

teachers should take into account the ages of the learners to find the best teaching
approach that will help them:

-very curious and always motivated.
-they need to be noticed by the teacher.
- appreciation is a very effective way with them.
-they need a variety of activities as they get bored quickly.
-they don’t stay and listen for a long time, so they need to be involved in activities all the
-the teacher’s behavior is fundamental at this young age.
-the best teaching methods with this young age are total_physical response, role play,

-the most interesting students to teach.
-they can cause a lot of problems for the teacher.
-lack of curiosity at this age.
-peer acceptance is more important than the teacher’s approval at this age.
-the teacher should put the student at the correct level because if the level is too low, the
students will be bored, and if the level is very high, they will lose motivation.
-the best teaching method is the total physical response with role play, test-teach-test, and
the guided discovery.

adult beginner
-most accessible people to teach.
-high motivated.
-very successful group.
-the teacher’s attitude must be positive all the time.
-presentation-practice-production, task-based learning, and role play are very effective
teaching methods for this age.
-they enjoy practice speaking.

adult intermediate
-having advanced English is their primary aim.
-they are very positive toward the teacher’s attitude.
-success is very motivating for them.
-put them at a challenging level.
-the best method is mixing between test-teach-test, role play, and

adult advanced
-very motivated all the time. If they are not, they won’t learn the English language.
-the best method for them is to teach-test-teach, or the grammar-translation would be very

Intelligence: essential feature when teaching a new language.

Method: if the students trust the method, they will be highly motivated.

The teacher: the teacher’s personality has a significant impact on the students. The
teacher should treat all students equally. The teacher should be able to deliver the
information simply.
In conclusion, there are various techniques and methods of teaching English; every method
has different features that suit a specific group of learners.
Teachers should choose the best method that will be beneficial for their class, and the
learners should be able to make their choices in learning English.


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