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Three Power Questions

 What went well?

The only good thing Pomodoro technique has given me is that I had able to manage
distractions and control time. It lessens my anxiety and worries on what to do first or
to finish first. It also helps me focused on my work and it increase my productivity.

 What could be better?

The Pomodoro Technique is one of the most effective time management techniques.
Pomodoro is important to me since I have the tendency to just miss out whenever I am
stressed or feels like this will take up too much time for me. First, we begin by
outlining what should we do first or need to be finished first. Next, you type in down
the time you begin working on the task and after that work on that one errand until
you're feeling you would like a break. And lastly, we must reward ourselves with
something that we wanted to eat or wanted to see.

 What will I do this time to improve and refine my pomodoro technique?

No matter what task we work on, we must always follow the technique and use it
effectively. The Pomodoro one of the most important technique to avoid
procrastination. But we should always first stabilize and prioritize our mental health. I
must manage my time and I should be consistent in doing this technique and also for
us to be more productive.

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