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Sample Moderator Script

The hosting League has:

 Invited the candidates, the press, publicized the event and confirmed that all is in order.
 Arranged for a question screening panel that will sort and prioritize questions and make sure
they are legible.
 Confirmed that the moderator is:
 nonpartisan,
 not identified with a particular party or issues,
 not a voter in the district,
 able to handle the degree of complexity of the event

Information that would be helpful to provide the moderator prior to event:

 Event format
 Description of races and number of candidates running
 Other contextual information the hosting League feels would be helpful to provide, i.e., hot
button issues, contentious races, etc.


PM INTRODUCTION (Introducer): Good [afternoon or evening], I’m [ ] of the

LWV of [ ]. The League is a non-partisan political organization for women and men, which

encourages informed and active participation in government. This forum is part of our ongoing

voter education efforts to help voters make informed decisions at the upcoming elections. We

hope that over the course of this program you will learn more about the candidates and what

they hope to do for [ ]. I will now turn the meeting over to our moderator, [ ] of the

LWV of [ ].

 Face of the League in your town

 Nonpartisan policy

 Moderator from another town / voting district

Forum Instructions (Moderator): Welcome to this candidates’ forum. I will start by explaining

some procedures for the forum, which each candidate received ahead of time.
Instructions for the candidates …

 You will have [ ] for an opening statement, [ ] for a closing statement, and [
] to answer each question. There will be a [ ] rebuttal after each question.
 Opening and closing statements will be done in the following order, based on [ ].
 The timekeeper is sitting in the first row. When there is half a minute left on your speaking
time, the time-keeper will hold up a card that says “30 seconds,” indicating that you have 30
seconds to finish your answer. At 15 seconds, the time-keeper will hold up a card that says
“15 seconds.” Please wrap up when you see the “Stop” Card. If you continue speaking after
the Stop Card is held up, I will say “Thank you” and move on to the next speaker.
 Personal references about other candidates are out of order.
 Please note the cameras at the back of the room. This forum is being broadcast live and will
be rebroadcast several times on [ ].

Instructions to the audience …

 Please turn off your cell phones and beeping watches now.

 We request that you treat all candidates fairly.

 Please remain quiet throughout the forum. No clapping, cheering or calling out, with the
exception that, after their closing statements, you may clap for all candidates if you wish.
 No campaign literature or signs are allowed inside this room.
 You are encouraged to submit questions for the candidates on the provided index cards.
Questions must be addressed to all candidates, and must apply to issues or qualifications
for their particular office. Raise your hand if you’d like another index card or to have your
question collected. A League panel will review the questions for legibility, clarity and
applicability to all candidates. We will use as many questions as time allows, sometimes
combining similar questions, striving to cover a variety of topics. If you don’t hear your
particular question, it could be combined with other similar questions. [If applicable:
candidates will be available following the forum to talk with people (indicate refreshments if
they are being served)].


 Questions from the audience will be taken from the microphone located [ ]. Please line up
and state your name and ask your question. I ask that your questions be respectful.
Questions should be to all candidates – all will have the opportunity to respond.

[when there are multiple sets of candidates explain the sequence and timing for each, including

approximate time for each segment and when each will be completed.]

 Sets the tone

 Makes sure that everyone knows the rules – candidates should know them already,
important for audience to know as well
 How to ask questions / question process
 Timing of segments and questions

Source of Questions
• Questions prepared and/or reviewed by the League in advance
• Questions submitted in writing at the event and reviewed by the League before being passed to
the moderator
• Questions asked by the audience from the floor (limit the time) that can be ruled out of order by
the moderator
• Questions asked by a panel of questioners that can be ruled out of order by the moderator
• Questions asked by the candidates of each other that can be ruled out of order by the

Starting the Candidates’ Forum (Moderator)

 We will start with the candidates for the following office:

Opening statements: [can eliminate openings if there are time constraints]

 You have [ ] for your opening statement.


 Now we move on to the question and answer portion of our forum:

 You have [ ] to answer each question.

 You have a rebuttal of [ ] for each question. [rebuttal can vary or not be used]
Closing statements:

 We’ll now move on to closing statements.

 You have [ ] for your closing statement.


Closing by moderator – remember to vote – info – cable rebroadcast, thanks to candidates for running
since that what it takes to make democracy work, etc.

CLOSING (Introducer or Moderator): I’d like to close this forum by thanking all of the

candidates for their participation in our democratic process. I would also like to thank [ ]for

serving as our moderator this afternoon. To the voters, please remember to vote on [ ]at [ ].

The polls are open from 7 am to 8pm. If you need an absentee ballot, the application for the

absentee ballot must be received by the Town Clerk’s office by noon on [ ].

Thank you and good day.

From LWVUS “How to Watch a Debate”
 Does the format give each candidate an equal opportunity to speak and respond to questions?
 Are the questions clear, fair and equally tough on all candidates?
 Do the questions cover the issues that are important to you?
 Is the moderator in control of the debate? Does the moderator need to say less and let the
candidates say more?
Response – Follow-up –

Opening Statement
1 2

Question 1
2 1 2 1
Question 2
1 2 1 2
Question 3
2 1 2 1
Question 4
1 2 1 2
Question 5
2 1 2 1
Question 6
1 2 1 2
Question 7
2 1 2 1
Question 8
1 2 1 2
Question 9
2 1 2 1
Question 10
1 2 1 2
Question 11
2 1 2 1
Question 12
1 2 1 2
Question 13
2 1 2 1
Question 14
1 2 1 2
Question 15
2 1 2 1
Question 16
1 2 1 2

Closing Statement
2 1

Response – Follow-up –

Opening Statement
1 2

Question 1
2 1 2 1
Question 2
1 2 1 2
Question 3
2 1 2 1
Question 4
1 2 1 2
Question 5
2 1 2 1
Question 6
1 2 1 2
Question 7
2 1 2 1
Question 8
1 2 1 2
Question 9
2 1 2 1
Question 10
1 2 1 2
Question 11
2 1 2 1
Question 12
1 2 1 2
Question 13
2 1 2 1
Question 14
1 2 1 2
Question 15
2 1 2 1
Question 16
1 2 1 2

Closing Statement
2 1

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