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Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (2007) 1639e1653

What has modern ecosystem theory to offer to cleaner production,

industrial ecology and society? The views of an ecologist
Søren Nors Nielsen*
Danish University of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry,
Physical Chemistry Section, Universitetsparken 2, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark
Accepted 4 August 2006
Available online 24 October 2006


Ecosystem theory has been developed during recent decades, thereby a series of concepts are hypothesized to describe principles inherent to
the ‘‘natural’’ function of biological systems at various levels of hierarchy. It seems that a universal trend exists, through evolutionary time and
space that allows us to establish indicators that may be used to observe patterns in evolution, even at high levels of hierarchy such as the eco-
system level. The functional principles of ecosystems have evolved over a period of time corresponding to the existence of life on earth say 3e4
billion years. The obvious question immediately arises whether we could learn something from observing these principles. Could we possibly
improve our existence by living in accordance with these principles practiced in nature, as exemplified by ecosystems? In this paper, a compar-
ison between natural systems on the one side and industrialesocietal systems on the other side is made using 10 target areas as entrance points. It
turns out that even though industrial ecologists are aware of and are practicing some points in ecosystem theory, far from all principles, have
been exploited. It is suggested that society should increase attention to some of the features where natural systems and societal systems differ
greatly. It is hypothesized that industry and society, both in terms of economy and sustainability, would benefit from exploiting these natural
principles, even more. This would lead to an intended and deliberate development of the industrial sectors and society in general accordance
with the natural ecosystem principles. This led the author to propose the eco-mimetic development of our society.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Industrial ecology; Cleaner production; Exergy; Sustainability; Eco-mimetic development

1. Introduction The awareness that ecosystem principles could be impor-

tant to study or that industry should use knowledge from eco-
The question raised in the title of this paper might also have system behavior has been demonstrated and suggested by
been formulated in the following manner. Does modern eco- several authors [1e4]. So, why raise questions about this issue
system theory carry any important messages for industrial at all? Hasn’t enough been done already? Are ecological prin-
ecology? Meanwhile, both the formulations immediately re- ciples not sufficiently implemented by the normal practices
sult in new questions to be raised. If so e i.e. the answer carried out through cleaner production (CP) and industrial
is ‘‘yes’’ e what would be the consequences of this offer? e ecology (IE)?
and/or e what would the message(s) be? But let us start For more than 100 years statements have been made about
with some even more basic questions. natural working principles for selection and evolution of bio-
logical systems such as Liebig’s law and Lotka’s statements
about competition for free energy [5].
Meanwhile, it was about 50 years ago that the results from
* Tel.: þ45 35306455; fax: þ45 35306013. early phenomenological studies in ecology were synthesized
E-mail address: by Odum [6] in his ‘‘Fundamentals of Ecology’’ through his

0959-6526/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1640 S.N. Nielsen / Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (2007) 1639e1653

statement of 24 principles observed during succession towards together to produce functional elements with properties as
a climax society. His brother, Odum [7], took a starting point well as that led to more ‘‘robust’’ elements and systems.
in Lotka’s hypothesis referenced above, stating that ecosys- Therefore, it is argued that following the evolution of
tems strive to maximum power a concept that was later ex- a man-made system that imitates or mimics the functional
panded through the concept of embodied energy (emergy) principles of ecosystems would be a sensible strategy to follow
that was subsequently used in the analyses of many types of for industrial and societal systems, i.e. they would lead in the
systems [8]. direction of more sustainable development. This paper pres-
Other directions for the analysis of biological systems took ents the first investigation into the possibilities of what is
an entrance point in thermodynamics. It then became possible called an eco-mimetic development of society.
to describe and discuss biological systems as negentropy It is true that some ecological principles are already implic-
feeders [9] and dissipative structures [10]. Since the late itly applied through the practices carried out in CP and IE. The
1970s, several authors independently concluded that ecosys- latter, by its name indicates a connection between ecology and
tems optimize their function in terms of thermodynamics industry, and carries the connotation that industrial systems
[11,12]. may be viewed as ecosystems [22,23]. Theoretical ecology
In addition to this, it became clear that ecosystems not only and ecological insights must be important to industry and so-
consist of linear trophic chains, but also that they should be ciety and to the evolution of their systems. This is the idea
perceived as networks. Therefore, it was necessary to use practiced hitherto [2]. CP and IE should lead to a sustainable
the more sophisticated techniques such as network analysis society [24] and be of benefit to both environment and econ-
and information theory to understand how the network would omy [25]. Several authors have published papers on industrial
[13e16] evolve. For an overview of the relevant theories see ecology and adjacent areas along this line; these include pa-
Ref. [17]. In this paper, the statements of Patten [18] of 20 re- pers where the authors acknowledge their debt to ecology
markable properties are presented, although it is clear that the and ecosystem science [26e35]. Implementation of strategies
ascendancy concept of Ulanowicz [16,19] is too important. An such as ‘‘The Natural Step’’ proposed by Upham [36,37] is sen-
overview of many of the above concepts is presented in Müller sible but implementation occurs on an almost intuitive basis. CP
and Leupelt [20]. and IE should not stay at the level of metaphors but use real anal-
The core idea or the hypothesis behind this paper may be ogies to improve their efficiency of function. The real question is
stated in a very simple manner. Evolution of ecosystem’s whether the above-mentioned strategies could be improved, by
structure and function on earth has taken place over 3.5 billion raising the awareness of ecosystem properties recently discov-
years. During this time, organisms and ecosystems have been ered, as proposed by Schwarz and Steininger [21].
subjected to adaptational and selectional pressures from the The way concepts are used is stated in a very general man-
environment. The ecosystems existing today are the ones ner and usually only builds on traditional ecosystem science
that have survived this process. Ecosystems are assumed to [38], for instance as presented by the two pioneers Odum
be selected for the more efficient overall functionality, i.e. [6] and Odum [7]. This leaves the possible role of contribu-
their ability to meet changes in their environment with only lit- tions in modern ecosystem theory presented in recent publica-
tle or almost no internal change. As they were selected over tions, wholly open and untouched.
long periods of time, their functionality must represent good, The purpose of this paper is to raise the question whether
robust strategies. In other words, existing ecosystems are the the development already taken in IE is sufficient or whether
ones that are most fitted in terms of functionality. As a conse- implementation may be taken further than demonstrated by
quence, it may be that valuable knowledge can be deduced applications, thus far? This would be designed to explore the
from studying the patterns they follow. Suggestions for quan- basic ideas further within the realm of modern ecosystem
tification of the behavior are given by the authors as above. In theory.
turn, we may consider integrating this knowledge in our man- A comprehensive treatment of all topics in ecosystem the-
agement policies [2] by ‘‘implementing nature’s lesson’’ ory in this paper is impossible, so the reader searching for de-
[11,21]. tails should consult the literature referenced in the foregoing
There are two points to this suggestion. The first is, that paragraphs. It is believed that, when further investigated,
some patterns, so-called emergent properties, are ‘‘unavoidable’’, some of the points treated in the following sections will be im-
i.e. intrinsic in the sense they are inherent in the properties of portant in achieving sustainability or at least for developing
systems’ elements, flows, and feedbacks. These ‘‘unavoid- our society in a more sustainable direction.
able’’ patterns are what we are up against when we practice
coexistence with nature since ecosystems always attempt to re-
turn to their optimal functional state. We often violate those 2. Selected target areas and system’s
working principles through poor management that is a result features e comparison of nature and
of insufficient knowledge of the functional principles. We sim- ecosystems vs. industry and society
ply violate some, for the time being, invisible, hidden or un-
known rules. Essential measures for studying ecosystem phenomenology
The second point is a consequence of the statement above. and possibly causal, internal mechanisms related to their be-
As evolution proceeded, selection and adaptation acted havior, have been proposed by several authors. Unfortunately
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the classical 24 principles of Odum [6] are usually not in- indices. Therefore, as industrial and societal systems share
cluded in the basic ecology textbooks. The points raised by this property with real, natural ecosystems of being complex
the 24 principles clearly relate to the early ecological studies systems too (see Section 2.1 below), a single index, e.g. as
made on the behavior of ecosystems. Less is probably known the holistic index (LinX) proposed for industrial systems by
about the ‘‘20 remarkable properties’’ laid out by Patten [18] Khan et al. [49], is not sufficient. More likely, several indices
as a result of the study by him and his coworkers. The con- will be necessary to fully analyse and understand industrial
clusive statements about ecosystem behavior made in their ecosystems.
paper are the results of the application of network theory to The choice of target points is considered to be enough to
ecological systems [17]. Other important features to be ob- emphasize the crucial issues highlighted thus far.
served and taken into account when implementing Ecological The target points selected include the following:
Engineering or Ecotechnology as defined in Mitsch and
Jørgensen [39] have been made by Jørgensen and Mitsch 1. Complexity e components and interconnectedness;
[40] and Straskraba [41]. An overview of these features is 2. Evolution e adaptation and selection;
given in Table 1. 3. Compartmentalisation e quantity and quality;
The issue of integrating ecotechnological perspectives in 4. Flows and processes e quantity and quality;
CP and IE initiatives is interesting because it could strengthen 5. Feedbacks and controls;
their foundations, especially for CP. It is this author’s observa- 6. Cycling e cycles, cycling, and recycling;
tion that much of CP is going in the direction of and increas- 7. Network properties e synergism and utility;
ingly favoring high-technological solutions to problems 8. Organisation and hierarchy;
instead of low-tech solutions that are considered primitive, 9. Diversity; and
but have been found to be very cost-efficient. In other words, 10. Open Systems and dissipation.
when reviewing early work-papers and grey literature in the
area and comparing early CP intentions with the present state In the following paragraphs, each of these target areas is
as deduced from the contents of JCP, CP workers seem to be presented and discussed with emphasis on the major differ-
moving away from CP’s origins where logical and low-tech ences that exist between (1) ecosystems on one side and (2)
solutions were also valid approaches. Ecotechnology deviates cultural systems, industrial and societal systems on the other
from normal technology in several areas as illustrated by the side. From this examination it is possible to point out areas
comparison in Table 2, especially in areas that relate to our of similarities and major differences. One common problem
chances of achieving sustainable production and society. The is expected already at this point. That is, in some areas, the ex-
rapid increases in consumption registered as well as forecasted amination will simply show that not enough knowledge about
[42e44] underscore the importance and need to (re)introduce a given feature exists in order to reveal and understand func-
the ecotechnological approaches within CP and IE [45]. tional differences. Such areas will be of essential importance
Ecotechnological approaches accentuates the value of less for studies in the future.
energy consumption but highly efficient technologies as op-
posed to bio-technological solutions that are connected to
high-energy consumption and dissipation. 2.1. Complexity e components and interconnectedness
This is especially crucial to the implementation of CP in
third world countries (e.g. Ref. [46] and more papers in the The perception of nature as represented by ecosystems and
same issue), where the availability of energy and resources of- society as complex systems is widely accepted [50]. State-
ten poses major problems. The more ecological, environmen- ments following this idea may be found throughout the litera-
talist oriented among CP-people claim that it is important to ture, although in both areas, the term is usually used in a very
address this issue also in industrialized countries, since the ex- vague, poorly, defined manner. Some authors have proposed
haustion of fossil fuels and virgin materials [47] is taking us to complexity of systems, as an issue to be studied [28,33].
the situation where alternative, sustainable approaches will be Meanwhile, ecosystems are extremely complex. They
essential. As stated by Suganthi and Samuel [48] only renew- posses many compartments (see also Section 2.3), with
able energy will meet our growing needs for energy increasing many material connections or flows interlinking the compart-
global human populations, consuming increasing amounts of ments (Section 2.4), and many controls, feedbacks (Section
energy and materials. 2.5) (terminology of the three Cs of systems as indicated by
Of these proposed end points, 10 key target areas have been italics is taken from Patten, pers. comm.). This in turn pro-
chosen, partly because they seem to be the areas where CP and vides the possibility of a high interconnectedness (connectiv-
IE might be able to benefit from increased knowledge and fol- ity) to exist, although, almost as a rule, not all possible,
lowing implementation, and partly because it represents a nec- direct connections are actually realized. The saying that in
essary aggregation, since treating all the points in the lists ecosystems ‘‘everything is linked to everything’’ is therefore,
would be redundant. Furthermore, the experience from mod- rather referring to the fact that even though the connectance
ern ecosystem theory shows that it is not sensible to operate is below the possible maximum, the network structure (cf.
with one index only. Rather, in order to fully understand a com- Section 2.7) has the consequence that any direct impact on
plex system, it is necessary to use several complementary one component of the ecosystem will have an indirect effect
Table 1
Various strategies for ecosystem development or natural working principles that are believed to be followed by nature during evolution, according to various authors
Odum [6,89] Patten [15,18] Jørgensen and Mitsch [40] Straskraba [41]
1 P/R-ratio approaches 1 Ecosystems are networks of interacting agents Ecosystem structure and function are Minimize energy waste
determined by forcing functions
2 P/B-ratio from high to low Ecosystems are hierarchically organized Ecosystems are self-designing systems Recycle
3 B/E-ratio from low to high Ecosystems are collections of environments Elements are recycled in ecosystems Retain all kinds of structures
4 Net community production from high to Ecosystems contain a large number of Homeostasis of ecosystems requires Consider long-term horizons
low interactive pathways accordance between biological function and
chemical composition
5 Food chains e from linear, grazing Ecosystems pathways are complex and Processes in ecosystems have characteristic Do not neglect that mankind is dependent on
dominated to detritus-based webs intricate time scales that may vary over several orders many organisms and that their loss may lessen
of magnitude our ability to survive in the changing

S.N. Nielsen / Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (2007) 1639e1653

6 Total Organic matter from small to large Ecosystem pathways partition constitute Ecosystem components have characteristic Consider ecosystem dynamics
environs space scales
7 Inorganic nutrients from extrabiotic to Ecosystem agents interact by direct and Chemical and biological diversities contribute Understand that nature is a teaching ground for
intrabiotic indirect pathways to the buffering capacities of ecosystems handling complex systems.
8 Species diversity, variety component from Ecosystems tend to equalize energyematter Ecosystems are most vulnerable at their Understand that people as part of the
low to high flows between constituents geographical edges ecosystem are dependent on solar energy
9 Species diversity, equitability component Ecosystems derive more than face value from Ecotones are formed at the transition zones Understand that people are sensitive to
from low to high their inputs between ecosystems external inputs
10 Biochemical diversity from low to high Ecosystems increase distance from Ecosystems are coupled with other ecosystems Manage the environment as an interconnected
thermodynamic ground system, not as isolated subsystems
11 Stratification, spatial heterogeneity from Ecosystem agents are quantitatively Ecosystems with pulsing patterns are often Evaluate available management options
poor to well organized dominated by indirect interactions highly productive simultaneously
12 Niche specialization from broad to narrow Ecosystems qualitatively transform their agent Everything is linked to everything else in the Include secondary effects elsewhere
interactions ecosystem
13 Size of organisms from small to large Ecosystem determination is predominantly Ecosystems have feedback mechanisms, Do not exceed the ecosystem homeostatic
holistic resilience and buffer capacity in accordance (assimilation) capacity
with their preceding evolution
14 Life cycles from short and simple to long Ecosystems provide positive utility to their Consider ecosystem self-adaptation to
and complex biota management strategies
15 Mineral cycles from open to closed Ecosystems are model-making complex Evaluated the socio-economic environment
adaptive systems
16 Nutrient exchanges between organism and Ecosystems create and proliferate new niches Evaluated all possible human uses of the
environment from rapid to slow environment
17 Role of detritus in nutrient regeneration Ecosystems are inheritance systems Base measures on ecosystem principles
from unimportant to important
18 Growth from rapid, uncontrolled to slow, Ecosystems are cybernetic systems with
feedback controlled distributed control
19 Production from quantity to quality Ecosystems are units of co-evolution
20 Internal symbiosis from undeveloped to Ecosystems expand their inner space of reality
21 Nutrient conservation form poor to good
22 Stability from poor to good
23 Entropy from high to low
24 Information from low to high
The principles should be taken into account and must be obeyed when working with nature and the environment in order to help to ensure sustainable societal development.
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Table 2 2.1.1. Subconclusion 1

Major differences between the approach of ecological engineering and bio- In case of complexity, we are forced to conclude that all
technology according to Mitsch and Jørgensen [39]
types of systems, ecosystems, industrial or societal systems
Characteristic Ecotechnology Biotechnology share the property of being complex. The key to understanding
Basic unit Ecosystem Cell the differences is probably not to be found in the number of
Basic principles Ecology Genetics, cell biology compartments and flows but rather in the controls of the sys-
Control Forcing functions, Genetic structure
tems. This is not the best entrance point for actions since con-
Design Self-design with Human design trol mechanisms are poorly studied and understood. Thus, this
some human help conclusion is forced by the fact that we really still do not un-
Biotic diversity Protected Changed derstand complex systems very well. However, with our cur-
Maintenance and Reasonable Enormous rent state of knowledge, it is hard to tell the exact difference
development costs
Energy basis Solar based Fossil fuel based
between the types of systems.
A clear difference in the demands for energy input is seen.
2.2. Evolution e variability, adaptation and selection

Both types of systems are described as being highly evolu-

elsewhere. Society, at a macroscopic level, may share many of tive, i.e. capable of showing changes over both short and long
the features of complex systems, but the issue of propagation time scales. Variability, adaptation, and selection, as described
of indirect effects has seldom been investigated on societal by physiology and genetics, are important mechanisms behind
systems. The words ‘‘direct’’ and ‘‘indirect’’ about effects this evolution. The concepts are also integrated into our at-
are used as defined by Patten, i.e. in a very strict and quantifi- tempts to describe systems performing the process of evolu-
able sense. The meanings are not equivalent to the way that is tion in societal systems.
used by for instance Korhonen [50] and Robert et al. [51]. Natural systems present high variability. That is, reflected
Agricultural production systems, when compared to eco- by the genetic material and organisms that have developed
systems, are relatively simple. They usually possess fewer over the past billions of years of evolution. This is usually
compartments and flows. The flows are almost all directly referred to as (bio)diversity. This natural variability acts as
one-way [52] from extraction of resources to waste disposal a ‘‘library’’ for ecosystems allowing them, after disturbances,
(‘‘from cradle to grave’’). The issue of productivity and the to return to a previous state or to develop rapidly to the more
related problems of trade and market(s) seems, to a certain advantageous solution to the problems they meet as a conse-
extent, to take a totally opposite direction than ecosystems. quence of changes in the environment. Adaptation takes place
The ‘‘goal’’ seems to be to simplify the flows and regulatory very rapidly on both microscopic and macroscopic levels in
mechanisms (not considering bureaucracy). Our view of the accordance with the high selective pressure put on the system
economic mechanisms is strictly limited to a view where by its environment. In addition, this evolution, in the sense of
money flows are merely a negative of the flow of materials adaptational responses, takes place by selecting the ‘‘right’’
(or energies). Money used for paying is simply moving in material, not only geno- or phenotypic, but also functional ma-
the opposite direction as goods. Money and material flows terial [54] from numerous possibilities in accordance with the
are interchangeable and ‘‘environmental performance’’ may, conditions in the environment. Thus, evolution of natural sys-
therefore, be expressed as flows in economy [53]. tems seems to be goal oriented. Several of the hypothesized
All in all, production systems, in general, are less complex ideas from the literature are presented in Müller and Leupelt
than natural systems in terms of number of physical compo- [18]. Usually, it is proposed that natural systems move towards
nents and connections. Normally, ecosystems are considered some extreme value, through either maximisation or minimisa-
to contain a number of components in the order of magnitude tion, of a specific expression or function. This type of function
of millionsebillions, where industrial systems are in the order is usually referred to as a goal function which can lead to the
of 10e100. Meanwhile, it should be remembered that only accusation of a teleological understanding of ecosystems due
a small amount of complexity is needed to create a complex, to the semantic connotation of these concepts. Meanwhile,
hard to understand, behavior of a system. On one hand, this this is not the case, neither is it the intention of any of the re-
could mean that industry and society are complex enough cent authors to propose such mechanisms; it is also not
since we often find the interactions difficult to understand or ‘‘meaning of nature’’. The use of the term ‘goal function,’ is
predict because of socio-economic and socio-psychological in- determined by mathematical terminology alone and the system
teractions. As illustrative, think of the present, limited predic- processes are taking place in accordance with objective and
tive value of models for future economic development of materialist criteria, i.e. obeying fundamental physical laws
society. On the other hand the higher levels of complexity of such as mass balance, the first and second laws of thermody-
ecosystems seem to result in unforeseen advantages to all par- namics, etc.
ticipants of the systems. If it is true that benefits to higher sys- Compared to this we are faced with society and industrial
tem levels emerge when flows are structured in a way that systems that also exhibit evolution, variability, adaptability
mimic ecosystems, this issue is worth studying with special and selection. But whereas, ecosystems have to evolve
reference to implementation in society. promptly, in accordance with objective criteria, society very
1644 S.N. Nielsen / Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (2007) 1639e1653

often reacts in a slow manner, sometimes exhibiting a tremen- Nature (cf. Section 2.1) contains numerous compartments.
dous conservatism and inertia. An ecosystem that reacts with One ecosystem may be composed of millions of compartments
the same time scale as society would likely be a dead ecosys- that are the quantity perspective, per se. At a particular mo-
tem, i.e. selected against. At the same time, society rarely re- ment, as a consequence of short-term evolution, for instance
acts in accordance with what we would call ‘objective criteria.’ during a yearly cycle, it may consist of a lower number of
It rather evolves as a consequence of subjective criteria, like compartments and at other times more. Furthermore, a particu-
market mechanisms, consumer patterns and preferences [55], lar system has more possibilities to evolve over longer time
politics, legislation, etc. In many cases, there seems to be an scales. That is to evolve into a totally new species, usually
independent development of trade and environmental policies in addition to the existing ones, or to import species from
[56] e in many cases the lack of coordination has the effect the surroundings.
that initiatives taken often counteract each other. The conse- Society and production systems are usually viewed in an
quence is a negative impact of society on nature and environ- ‘‘isolated’’ manner, competitors isolate themselves, and only
ment [57]. look at the other competitors to ‘‘spy’’ or mimic, rarely do
In addition, evolutionary solutions that represent sub- they seek to avoid the competition by seeking another niche
optimal development, i.e. behavior that chooses and offers in- of production.
ferior technical solutions to the consumers, at least for a time, Society and industry are less numerous in terms of com-
is often observed. One typical example used to illustrate this is partments (see Section 2.1). In fact, they seem to be systems
the VHS system winning over the technologically superior that move towards reduction in number of compartments
Betamax system due to interfering market mechanisms from that are more and more isolated until ‘‘perfect’’ monopolies
the related video-tape industry, namely through the amount are achieved. This, for instance, becomes clear when the point
of titles offered. This is but one example of many. of isolationism is addressed. Often production is described for
Evolution of society is usually considered to be equivalent a single, company or production of a particular product. The
to mere development and that this unavoidable trend is set more holistic presentation of this, like LCAs and MFAs, in-
equal to growth and vice versa which may cause confusion cludes all the elements of a production chain of a product, go-
in the context of environment. The word development usually ing into detail of its every phase from extraction to the final
carries a semantic connotation of a direction. Evolution of deposit of the used product (‘‘from cradle to grave’’). But
natural systems, with a few exceptions, such as systems with only the more advanced systemic presentations of societal or
Holling cycling, is normally progressive in accordance with productive systems come close to the level of simple ecosys-
ecological principles such as the 24 principles of E.P. Odum. tem models. Production processes are predominantly viewed
Regressive evolution of ecosystems with a few exceptions, as separated and disconnected processes and production lines
like natural catastrophes, usually happens as a result of human consist of relatively few compartments.
interferences. Another point is the general tendency towards condensa-
tion and centralisation of various companies. This happens
by ‘‘extinction,’’ due to competition or assimilation of one
2.2.1. Subconclusion 2
company into another. It seems almost a universal trend
Industry and Society may have something to learn from
that more and more capital and labor are concentrated, in
nature and ecosystems in terms of adaptation and principles
fewer companies and products. So industrial systems seem
of selection in particular in terms of rate. But this is one of
to show a general trend towards exclusion and reduction of
the points where we would need more studies to understand
compartments. Some compartments may be redundant only
the real importance of the differences in behavior between the
if in parallel systems, like producing items such as radios, ce-
systems. Studies of rates, inertia and evaluation of optimal
reals, soft drinks, frozen pizzas, computers, all determined by
solutions are suggested as topics to use as entry points. This is
consumer preferences [55]. Moreover, redundancy too is
a prerequisite to implementation of any of the principles. The
avoided in natural systems, but only to a certain limit. Pro-
exploitation of the issues that will be an outcome of this explo-
duction systems are rarely interlinked, i.e. coupled or shared.
ration process is foreseen to be very important in very heavily
Again a few exceptions exist when, for instance, some com-
regulated societies, or at least with other types of regulation
puters use the same processors, i.e. companies have identical
than the ones used presently.
At this point, a major difference seems to exist. But is it
2.3. Compartmentalisation e quantity and quality a real difference or a result of research efforts, subjectivity
and the way we like to view nature? At present it is hard to
That system which consists of units or compartments is answer this question. Even though flows are studied inten-
a part of a system’s analysis view and common to both type sively and used in CP and IE (cf. Section 2.4), the issue of
of systems. Compartments are an important part of the issue compartments are not and fewer compartments are seen as
of complexity as addressed under Section 2.1 but will be ad- good. The only examples of increasing numbers include the
dressed here from other angles, in order to pursue the underly- development of niche-related factories (a reversion to earlier
ing reason for differences in the character of the complexity in stages of development) and products like the occurrence of
the two types of systems. parallel system of organic products, micro-breweries, etc.
S.N. Nielsen / Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (2007) 1639e1653 1645

2.3.1. Subconclusion 3 and societal systems [58,60,61]. It should be noted that

Comparison of the characteristic number of compartments methods have been developed from a technological point of
in the systems will probably lead to a result similar to those view rather than on the basis of ecosystem studies [62,63]. It
under Sections 2.1 and 2.2. Even though the two types of sys- is suggested that this type of studies may further be improved
tems differ greatly in quantity of compartments, much of the [64] and that they may also be implemented on the societal
understanding of system function, and therefore of our possi- level [53]. In one literature example, it was proposed to use
bilities of exploitation, will lie in an improved understanding the concept of ascendancy and apply it to the economy [65].
of the interrelations between them, this is closer to issues It is not only a question of competition between companies,
raised under Sections 2.4e2.6. trying to ‘‘eradicate’’ each other. It is also a question of im-
proved management [66] and administration at higher political
2.4. Flows and processes e quantity and quality levels, for instance in legislation. As in the case of DK and
probably in most other western countries, planning of indus-
It is clear that both types of systems have processes and trial areas is performed in accordance with certain criteria de-
flows of matter and energy between compartments. To de- scribing the activities of a given factory. Normally, special
scribe and understand these connections, their quantity and rules or laws apply that place industries together in certain
quality are important in characterizing the systems [58]. It ap- geographical areas on the basis of accidental measures such
pears implicitly that this characterization is simpler for society as companies over a given number of workers, special pollut-
and industrial systems in comparison with ecosystems. Mean- ing potential of wastes, etc. Rarely is the development of in-
while, industry and society add one extra layer with a qualita- dustrial areas planned, based in accordance with possible,
tive impact in terms of regulatory effects (cf. Sections 2.1 and useful linkages between components of the company’s flows
2.5) e that is economy e with its market mechanisms, money of energy and materials, e.g. Refs. [23,66]. Rather, subjectivity
flows, and more. Thus, the flows deviate not only in quantity and accidental decisions seem to play important roles. But
but also in quality, e.g. direction (cf. Section 2.1). planning, for instance with the purpose of improved or optimal
The ecosystem compartments are connected with numerous exploitation by IE [67] could and should be implemented in
pathways, corresponding to a connectivity of approx. 20e40% accordance with objective criteria, for instance based on in-
out of the possible connection being realized. Connectivity is creased overall thermodynamic efficiency of the system (cf.
a comparable expression but not equal to connectance as cal- Sections 2.8 and 2.10).
culated by Hardy and Graedel [59]. The total quantity that
flows through a system together with the distribution of the 2.4.1. Subconclusion 4
inter-compartmental flows is important in calculating the ascen- Flows and processes are important in all systems, in shap-
dancy of the system [16,19]. The systems flows, together, form ing them and determining their functionality. Especially, the
an intricate pattern so that compartments are linked both di- flows that result in cycles and cycling to occur are important
rectly and indirectly, and the indirect flows become dominant in natural systems (see Section 2.6). This seems to be at the
in comparison to the direct flows [18]. This is the quantitative heart of both CP and IE, since both systems work at establish-
perspective of the utility, following Patten and coworkers ing and closing of cycles. This approach might be strength-
[17,18]. The intricate interactions of the flows seem to have ened by combining with the ISO 9000 standards, an increase
qualitative perspectives. In addition, it seems that ecosystems of the importance of reuse for instance by increasing possibil-
are able to change the quality of interactions. Ecosystems ities of remantling [68,69]. The only thing is, that in the case
seem to be able to convert e what we see as negative interac- of implementation of IE, the possibility to establish cycles will
tion mechanisms e such as predation and competition e and be determined by rather accidental mechanisms. Meanwhile,
turn them into interaction types that are, overall, positive and this often results in wide geographic ranges for transport of
thus beneficial to the system as a whole. This is called (posi- used materials to be reused in a new system. The energy con-
tive) qualitative utility. sumption of the transport related to a certain product varies
The linkages between human production lines are much highly with transport mode [70] and may play an important
less than those of ecosystems. At least, many fewer connec- role in the evaluation of the sustainability of a product,
tions out of all the possible ones are realized. Furthermore, throughout its life cycles.
the movement of matter and energy via the flows seems
to be in one direction. That is, they are in general linear, 2.5. Feedbacks and controls
non-network types, in their characteristics or at maximum
they may be very simple nets. Both types of systems possess feedbacks and controls, but
Even though CP and in particular IE are addressing this is- the character of the feedbacks and controls differs signifi-
sue of flows both in the sense of quantity, connectedness, and cantly. Both systems share some objective controls and feed-
cycling (cf. Section 2.6), it plays a relatively small part when backs emerging from the flows of material and energies in
considering quality and it is definitely not at a sufficient level the system.
of importance in our perception of everyday production sys- As stated earlier, human society and industries have added
tems. This is peculiar since many methodologies like MFA, an extra layer on top of this. A major part of the layer is caused
LCA, MIPS have been developed to study flows in production by controls and feedbacks exerted through economic relations.
1646 S.N. Nielsen / Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (2007) 1639e1653

A second part of the layer is of a totally different type of con- 2.5.1. Subconclusion 5
trol is exerted more or less directly through legislation and The area of feedback and control needs much further anal-
laws like implementation of management systems like ysis in the future. Is there a ‘‘rationale’’ behind the way these
EMAS [68] or the ISO 14000 series certifications [71]. This mechanisms are working in nature that we may learn from and
type of controls eventually becomes deeply rooted in politics implement in our society? Or are the two types of systems so
and may influence production, economy and environment. qualitatively different that it will be absolutely impossible to
Meanwhile, the impact of implementation of management exploit this area? In the end, the issue of regulations might
or certification systems is often found to be limited but not be a question of whether we regulate ourselves or are we reg-
small [72]. ulated by nature as demonstrated by Hillary and Thorsen [75].
In nature, almost all elements participate in feedback and Most probably it will be a mixture of both, but it should be
control of the system. Therefore, it is often difficult to tell ex- a balanced strategy that respects both the ecological and the
actly what is controlling what. In other words, control, as op- socialeeconomicetechnological dimensions at the same
posed to society, is highly decentralized. This makes nature time. Obtaining such consistency in the controls of our society
look like anarchy in an objective sense. Ecologists who will help in achieving sustainable societies.
work with ecosystems on a macroscopic scale know how dif-
ficult it is to tell exactly where the system is controlled and
what part of the system exerts control. Control and feedback 2.6. Cycling e cycles, cycling, and recycling
are of dialectic character. The control and feedback between
parts of the ecosystems always have two sides. We tend to This issue is probably the one that has been most widely re-
think of prey being controlled by predators, but the predators, searched within the area of CP and IE. It is recognized that re-
in turn, are controlled by the availability of prey. This has been cycling and reuse are essential measures to take in order to
clearly demonstrated by debates like bottom-up vs. top-down achieve sustainability. Cycling of either kind is accepted as
control of ecosystems. The complexity issue alone explains good practice. Through CP and IE it has also been demon-
why such simple explanations are inadequate. strated that (re)cycling, in most cases, not only reduces the
In society, control by the mechanisms described above has burden upon the environment, but also improves economic ef-
been taken out of the materialeenergetic context, as we do not ficiency at the system level. Therefore, only a few areas where
(yet) tend to see resources, neither material nor energetic, as nature and ecosystems do differ a lot from society are high-
limiting. As a consequence, fewer elements are directly par- lighted in the following paragraphs.
ticipating in their controls and feedbacks. Rather, control or In nature almost all matter that is cycled to a level close to
feedback is coupled to the economy via pricing. Pricing 100% provided that systems become mature and are left undis-
does not reflect availability alone, but rather also to the polit- turbed (e.g. rain forests). Furthermore, cycles tend to be closed
ical context, e.g. the current situation of oil. When taking an locally, i.e. on relatively small geographic scales. So in princi-
overview over these additional layers of control, society and ple, nothing is wasted, as all waste from one compartment is
industry seem to be strictly top-down controlled systems. an important resource for another.
This may change when resource limitations take over. It is clear that society and industry do not perform effi-
Another issue is that many of these controls are time dis- ciently at this level and in particular the economic system re-
crete in character. Controls and feedbacks may happen on cycles less than nature [76]. Since the creation and existence
small scale, e.g. daily basis, but rarely do when it comes to of waste are mandatory as dictated by the second law of ther-
major issues where, for instance, broad decisions or political, modynamics, it means that we will not have human activities
legislative decisions are necessary. In politics the turn over rate without wastes. The levels of waste are partly determined by
and 4-year cycle of politicians in accordance with elections technologies implemented and by the availability of energy
and its importance to environmental issues are almost a world and energy forms involved. It seems essential to (re)cycle as
famous curse. As a consequence political actions, if taken at much as possible [77]. It is possible to improve on this issue
all, are usually inadequate or insufficient. by integrating our systems more fully at higher levels for in-
Other regulatory mechanisms may eventually be just as im- stance through IE [21] which poses an even higher challenge
portant as legislation. Consumption is, on user side, deter- to the coordination of initiatives [66] as well as in the product
mined by conscience and ethics, ‘‘taste and preference’’ [55] design, process optimization and logistical levels [30].
of individual consumers, or within the family, which according Wastes are unavoidable and can have negative impacts on
to Ribeyre [73] may be viewed as a fundamental ecological the environment [78]; however, the quantity and quality of
unit. Its role may be illustrated by a recently announced phe- wastes that can be tolerated by our environment are not only
nomenon e the ‘‘politically conscientious consumer’’. On the dependent on intrinsic properties of the material wasted (e.g.
other side the business society plays an important role too [74] acute toxicity, sub-lethal toxic effects, radiation, etc.), but
when the conscience and moral attitude of the producer and also are dependent upon the political and ethical dimensions
merchandisers come into play. The ethical issues arising in relation for the short- and long-term health of ecosystems
from this situation are probably even more complicated than and for society. For this to be optimized, improved planning
those arising from politics, but may be an important regulating and management are needed and pose a challenge for CP and
mechanism in the future. IE [79].
S.N. Nielsen / Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (2007) 1639e1653 1647

2.6.1. Subconclusion 6 money. Industry tends to centralize production in as few pro-

It is concluded that cycling is an essentiality in nature duction plants as possible and develops monopolies, at least,
where matter is cycled nearly 100%. Then the question arises, within a certain specific market.
how can our societies emulate nature more effectively?
We observe that some of the activities of CP and IE focus 2.7.1. Subconclusion 7
upon increases in material’s use efficiency within and among The ecological network properties as addressed by Patten,
manufacturing facilities. Further, more broadly societies are Ulanowicz and related researchers are, at present, almost im-
implementing various mechanisms to increase material’s possible to understand in the context of industry and society.
cycling. We know very little about the network properties the human
As a part of the cycling process, we may delay cycling of system possesses and how it may be more effectively related
materials by introducing reuse, a possibility not exploitable to natural systems.
by nature. The thermodynamic perspective of this is deter- A few results that exist indicate that it makes sense to mon-
mined as in Section 2.10. To ensure improvements at these itor such network properties. In a study where holistic eco-
levels, improved societal planning and management are system indicators were applied to farming systems in the
essential. Philippines, it was clearly illustrated that the degree of integra-
tion in farming systems was clearly reflected in the network
2.7. Network properties e synergism and utility parameters [82]. Thus, in order to better understand the co-
evolution of natural and human network properties and how
Examination of network properties in nature and ecosys- they change as a consequence of human interactions, obvious
tems is mainly an eccentric and philosophical issue (cf. Sec- areas in which to implement this type of studies would be in
tion 2.4). Meanwhile, the behavior of network properties, as areas such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries and landscape
stated in the ‘‘20 remarkable properties’’ of Patten, is one ecology [38,83,84], since they involve close links between na-
among the more important facets and ought to receive much ture and society. Clearly, more intensive investigations of these
more attention. This is the area where knowledge about the be- properties are needed.
havior of societal systems is lowest because it has seldom been
investigated. The results of such urgently needed research in 2.8. Organisation and hierarchy
this area are likely to reveal how the principles of natural net-
works could be applied to industrial and societal systems and Both types of systems are hierarchically organized. But
will help societies to establish strategies for the implementa- again there are huge qualitative and quantitative differences
tion of IE in ways that are far more sustainable than those between the ways they are organized and therefore, there are
that are currently in operation. Suggestions of ways to make huge differences in the character of the hierarchies. Stated in
improvements in this area have been presented by some au- a very simple manner, natural hierarchies tend to be dominated
thors [80,81]. by a scalar component, whereas society and industry are more
Described briefly, rewriting and interpreting the findings of a control hierarchy type.
above [18], the ecosystem network that evolves over time de- With respect to quantity, natural hierarchies consist of
velops in a manner where more and more parts benefit from it. levels in number of around 10. Furthermore, natural and bio-
Furthermore, the benefits are distributed more and more logical systems consist of hierarchies that are predominantly
equally among the compartments of the network. This process self-organized. The functionalities of natural hierarchies range
is natural in all evolving ecosystem networks: it evolves in from atoms and molecules to organisms and to communities of
a manner that brings positive utility, both in a quantitative organisms in scalar, inclusive and thermodynamically embed-
and qualitative sense, to the network. The process also tends ded systems [85,86].
to homogenize and equalize the utility among the compart- The number of hierarchical levels, in industry and society,
ments [18]. is much lower than that for natural systems. At the extreme
No such inherent homogenizing and equalizing features of end, in dictatorships or certain companies there is a one-person
human society are known to exist. Some claim that political leadership. Furthermore, the systems are not self-organising.
directions like liberalism and communism aim exactly at The hierarchy differs in quality since such systems tend to
that goal. But they are political ideas that are not based be non-embedded and non-inclusive, but rather tend to be ex-
upon objective criteria like mattereenergy but are part of clusive. This appears to be a logical consequence of the char-
the subjective way that human society is controlled. acter of the network structure’s simplicity.
Societal networks do not tend to homogenize or develop
positive utilities, neither in quantitative nor in qualitative 2.8.1. Subconclusion 8
sense. In other words, where nature seems to evolve into in- At a first glance, the differences in hierarchical organiza-
creased numbers of components, and at the same time tends tions seem to be of little significance, although a hierarchical
to provide more equal and improved distribution of benefits approach is necessary for understanding both [87]. Ring [88]
[18], society reduces components and moves towards a more highlights several differences between the economic and the
skewed distribution. Society seems to perform so as to radical- ecological systems. In this author’s opinion the biggest differ-
ize resource distribution, both in terms of energy, matter and ences are in the way organizations control their systems.
1648 S.N. Nielsen / Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (2007) 1639e1653

The ways these differences impact the system properties in ‘‘jumps’’, almost like punctuated equilibria, every time
and further the possibilities of optimum conditions between a new ‘‘revolutionary’’ technique or technology is invented.
the two types of systems should be investigated. When and Meanwhile, societal and industrial systems do not seem to
where should the natural hierarchy be dominated and deter- be able to achieve the same state of maturity as natural sys-
mined by society? Should it always be that way? Should nat- tems as the time scales of evolution of new techniques and
ural ways of organization take over? Does the approach of technologies are shorter than the time it takes to establish a sta-
embedded organization offer a way to make improvements, bilized situation. Also, market mechanisms within different
even though such changes of individual companies or entire economies, as previously described, allow inferior technical
sectors will be difficult to implement. Such an integrative ap- solutions to exist and win competitions in so-called lock-in sit-
proach to management is likely to yield many societal and uations. Similar cases are unlikely to exist in nature.
economic benefits if utilized more extensively within CP and
IE, because embeddedness improves possibilities of increased 2.9.1. Subconclusion 9
cycling and improved efficiency. Diversity is a point where the two types of systems tend to
move in exactly opposite directions. Part of the discussion on
2.9. Diversity this point is caused by some fundamental and non-trivial def-
initional problems that are widespread in the literature (see
Diversity is, like hierarchy, used in its widest sense. This is Sections 2.8 and 2.9 Odum’s principles [89] for ecosystems
necessary, since there are few parallel studies comparing nat- and Templet [90] on production and society).
ural systems with society and industry. For ecosystems, we The problem is that we are used to seeing quantity, in the
have an established and fixed terminology, e.g. through sys- size of industries and not in numbers of types of industries,
tematics, although it is not always adequate for measuring as of greater importance than any qualitative perspective.
and expressing differences in diversity and sometimes there From this vantage point, some would state, the bigger the
are contradictions in the semantics used to assess and quantify company and the fewer of your type the better. There are
bio-diversity (compare for instance E.P. Odum’s principles 8 indications though that decreasing diversity may be one expla-
and 9). As a consequence, a discussion of diversity in the so- nation behind the high unemployment figures observed in
cietal and industrial contexts will have to be done, at least at many industrialized countries (Nielsen, pub. only in Danish).
first, in an intuitive manner. In a few places, mainly in the third world countries, farmers
During evolution nature developed a wide variety of ap- recognize the value of integrated systems that have high diver-
proaches for survival. As new species or even new systems sity. This is probably not only a result of the benefits to
emerged, frequently old niches were retained as new ones production by introducing cycling, but also due to the recogni-
were formed. This general trend, together with niche construc- tion that a system built on production of several goods is less
tion [54], is one of the functional mechanisms behind closing vulnerable to economic fluctuations and natural instabilities. Is
cycles, exploiting wastes as resources, etc. as discussed under this conclusion also valid to the industrial sector in western
Section 2.6. By turning negative relations into positive ones world countries? This issue contains some problems of defini-
and gaining benefits from competition, this forms the basis tion that must be settled before the necessary studies in this
of network synergism as previously described. area can be properly conducted.
This is one of the cardinal points where society and indus-
try in general take the opposite direction, possibly as a conse- 2.10. Open Systems and dissipation
quence of several other issues as previously addressed. Even
though a few market analysts emphasised the importance of Both natural and societal systems may be characterized as
competition to the evolution of products, the general attitude thermodynamically open systems, filled with dissipative struc-
in business is that ‘‘the best competitor is a dead competitor’’. tures [91,92]. This becomes clear when one compares ecosys-
So, the goal is simplification of the systems by ‘‘eradicating’’ tems with the economic systems [76] when addressing issues
your competitors (in a few cases armed neutrality seems to ex- like, the driving powers, structure and organization (cf. Sec-
ist) until, at the extreme end, a full multinational monopoly is tion 2.8) and when looking at ‘‘dissipative’’ flows.
realized. A few international laws and agreements exist that The ecosystems are driven by high exergy, low entropy re-
aim to prevent this scenario to be fully realized. In other sources and work with almost no waste, other than dissipation.
words, society and industry seem to strive at reducing diver- Since these systems are based on the input of solar radiation,
sity. Every industrialized country, capable of showing statistics we may view the systems as driven solely on the basis of sus-
of such things as numbers of farms, dairies, breweries, or gro- tainable resources. At the same time, the self-organized, dissi-
cery chains, the number of varieties of apples and related data, pative structures that evolve follow rules like the minimum
clearly demonstrates that evolution in the direction of simpli- dissipation principle of Prigogine and Wiame [10] and other
fication and monopoly has occurred with an accelerated pace principles of thermodynamic optimization, like maximum ex-
during the last 2e3 decades. The numbers tell the story in ergy storage [11] or maximum exergy degradation [12], the
a sad, silent, but clear manner. latter corresponding to as efficient a degradation of the im-
The evolution of society does exhibit some parallels to the posed exergy gradient as possible. Accepting the earth as a fi-
long-term evolution of ecosystems, like for instance evolution nite, closed system, such principles deliver the ultimate
S.N. Nielsen / Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (2007) 1639e1653 1649

materialistic explanation behind holistic, global theories such recyclable since they are not dissipated during the use to the
as the GAIA theory of Lovelock [93]. same extent as energy. However, there is always some dissipa-
In contrast, industrial and societal systems are driven by in- tion during usage and recovery of some lower quality elemen-
termediate and low exergy resources (derived from the first tal resources which will be achievable only at greater and
type) and produce and accumulate a wide diversity of material greater energy costs.
wastes, and are not only dissipative. When viewed as dissipa- The question is whether we can develop sustainable tech-
tive structures, they share the features of early, immature eco- nologies that allow us to recover matter at any cost of energy
systems, since they tend to burn off energy as quickly as or rather exergy destruction. In cases of both energy and/or
possible at increasing rates [94]. Optimisation of efficiency matter, we are extremely constrained by the fact that we, as in-
usage is important to industries [95], but the drivers for such habitants of the earth, are living in a quasi-closed system. We
improvements seem to play a minor role in our societies. Cal- are living in a finite world.
culations on industrial and societal systems, based on establi-
shment of energy and entropy balances [96], and introduction 2.10.1. Subconclusion 10
of additional thermodynamic views have been proposed From the statements above, it is clear that a thermodynamic
[91,92], by application of the so-called thermoeconomics interpretation is possible for both types of systems and that
[97] which preferably should be carried out on the basis of ex- some major differences exist. Whereas, thermodynamic opti-
ergy calculations through the so-called exergo-economics or mization of production systems at the process, product, plant
exergonomics [98e101] has not been done. level, multi-plant and societal levels is increasingly recognized
In summary, the use of thermodynamic approaches to hu- and implemented through CP and cleaner production activities
man production systems has increased in popularity during re- it seems to be receiving reduced attention in IE.
cent years as it has been realized that thermodynamics is the When it comes to societal systems, although such interpre-
most important constraint to industrial and biological produc- tations are allowed [91,92], very few activities designed to find
tions [102]. This is happening in addition to traditional imple- the optimal thermodynamic solutions have been observed.
mentation of optimization of thermodynamic efficiency, often This is critical as an increased thermodynamic understanding
expressed through exergy, in particular processes. Thus, ex- of our societal activities and the consequences thereof are fun-
ergy seems to act as a common denominator for quantification damental in our attempt to achieve a sustainable evolution of
[103e105] of problems connected with extraction of resources society. In a few cases it is claimed that the establishment of
[106], problems connected to processing [107], outputs, such exergetic balances, for instance of countries, is important in
as pollution and waste disposal [108e110]. According to order to achieve sustainability [98].
Rosen [111] the concept of exergy may be used at all levels The major differences are that natural systems are open sys-
from engineering to policy making. Although the use of en- tems as opposed to the fact that our global system is an almost
tropy formation has been proposed [112] it is argued that ex- closed system. So nature and ecosystems may produce sys-
ergy consumption reflects real costs to society and should be tems that globally move away from equilibrium. The society,
related to the pricing system [113] which is another possible regions, countries or the global system may evolve in this di-
way of regulation [114]. This could be applied through an rection only within the limitations given by the available re-
exergy-based taxation system [115,116]. Implementing an sources of energy and materials and at the expense of other
exergy view to environmental costs and combining them regions or countries. It is thus tempting to put a thermodynam-
within the economy in the extraction of resources [117], con- ically obvious criterion on sustainability like dEx/dt  0. This
struction, production and design processes [118e121] would is probably the only objective criterion to sustainability on
force the systems to move in a direction beneficial to the econ- a global level. This is referring directly to the criterion of
omy and the ecosystems [122]. The whole system may be strong sustainability as compared to weaker forms. Sugges-
evaluated by basing the LCA of products on exergy [123] in tions along this line are clearly in need of more support and
a so-called ELCA and use this to combine with economic implementation via political initiatives and actions [125,126].
issues. Any initiatives in the area of applying thermodynamics at
It may be argued that industry and society too are built upon the industrial and societal levels need to begin with a clarifica-
sustainable resources, such as fossil fuels, coal, oil, gases, all tion of terminology and other problems of definitions as those
of which originated from solar radiation. In order to determine are domains far from the conditions where thermodynamic
the issue of sustainability, it must be demonstrated that we do views are normally discussed and applied.
not use energy at a rate faster than that at which resources such
as these fossil fuels are regenerated. Thus, far, it is clear that 3. State of the art
we are using up resources at a rate that far exceeds the rate
of regeneration. This is the reason behind the distinction First of all, as stated earlier, the term industrial ecology by
between renewable and non-renewable resources. Recently, it its semantic connotation indicates a strong relationship with
was hypothesized that we may approach a point of exhaustion ecology. Thus, the possibility of interpreting industrial systems
of fossil fuels faster than expected [124]. In case of some in the same way as ecological systems is clearly included in
elemental resources that we need for production, we may not this view. Meanwhile, using ecologically based metaphors
need to view resources as finite, because they are, in principle, [127] to describe industrial systems may often confuse
1650 S.N. Nielsen / Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (2007) 1639e1653

communication since they are often too vaguely defined and suggestions are provided in the foregoing evaluation of the
tend to be normative [128]. Furthermore, they are not suffi- 10 points.
cient to ensure that proper actions are taken. To really under-
stand the systems and to implement ecological understanding, 4. Discussion
studies must be based on real analogies between various types
of systems. The big question is how far can these analogies be This examination reveals that some ecological principles
taken? (See for instance Ref. [76].) As a consequence, both have been implemented in societal systems, although these
types of systems must be studied intensively with the purpose have been done in a very casual manner. A summary of the
of revealing sound analogies. findings of this paper is presented in Table 3. It reflects the
Although an overall examination of IE examples will reveal division in three parts stated in the beginning of this paper.
that the integration of general ecological understanding is oc- Although some authors claim that it is nearly impossible to
curring but only in a few cases a clear strategy has been artic- derive any guidelines for IE based on the behavior of ecolog-
ulated. Thus, while some ecosystem principles have been ical systems [129] so many new methods for ecosystem anal-
incorporated into IE, they seem to have been implemented ysis have been developed, that we need to ascertain if
only in an intuitive and almost ‘‘sub-conscious’’ manner. Re- industrial production systems and societal systems, more
cently, Korhonen [1] pointed out some differences between broadly, share some of the features of natural systems.
the principles of system development by performing a compar- Roughly, the results may be divided into three categories.
ison between four principles: roundput, diversity, locality and The first group suggests that although some of the possibilities
gradual change, but this was also done with no references to provide obvious measures that society and industry should
ecological research. take, to date, far more of these options must be utilized.
When it comes to the establishment of IE parks, the same The second group reveals possibilities for exploitation that,
pattern is often repeated. In most cases, the cooperative pat- even if they seem reasonable to implement, society has not yet
terns of connections established through IE seem to emerge tried them or does not have the techniques needed for imple-
at random. This has to be understood in an objective and pos- mentation. For instance, how do we improve on cycling so as
itive manner since the activities undertaken are, in most cases, to approach nearly perfect cycling that occurs in nature, when
sensible and in the end have a positive result. The existing pos- this is done at the expense of non-renewable energy.
sibilities of coupling production plants are limited by the qual- The third group contains options that we do not know the
ity and quantity of the plant’s wastes that may be utilized by exact importance of the findings, although, we have some ob-
the other company. This is a factor mainly determined by leg- servations on natural systems that help to provide some direc-
islation. The geographic position of production plants in Dan- tions. We do not even know to what extent the system shares
ish society is determined by the fact that plants of a certain the characteristics described. In this case, more research is def-
character must be established in certain areas dedicated to initely needed.
this purpose (see Section 2.4). They are not placed there in
an organized/planned manner, determined by objective criteria 5. Conclusions
such as these types of production plants will be placed to-
gether because they will provide maximum mutual benefit to An overall conclusion is that even if implemented, far from
each other. Rather, their position is chosen based upon geo- all properties possessed by ‘‘natural’’ ecosystem, has been in-
graphic considerations. vestigated or exploited in societal systems. In addition, many
The conclusion from these assessments is that CP, IE and problems of communication exist that originate in poor or
society will benefit from further studies and an integration vaguely defined definitions. This indicates that much potential
of principles from modern ecosystem theory. Some exists, although some of the issues are far from being

Table 3
A comparison of the 10 chosen target areas and their importance in the natural and societal systems
Property Degree of development at present Used Potential Remarks
Natural or eco-systems Industry or society
1 Complexity ***** ** e ? Consequences not fully
2 Evolution ***** ** e *** How to remover inertia?
3 Compartments ***** ** e ***
4 Flows and processes ***** ** *** *** MFA, LCA
5 Feedbacks and controls ***** ** e ***** Different in kind
6 Cycling, etc. ***** *** **** *** Still further potentials
7 Network issues ***** ** e ? ?
8 Organization form ***** ** e ? ?
9 Diversity ***** ** e ***** Decreasing and opposite trend
10 Thermodynamics ***** ** *** ***** ??
In addition, the present level of implementation of strategies for the achievement of a sustainable society together with their potential importance is presented.
S.N. Nielsen / Journal of Cleaner Production 15 (2007) 1639e1653 1651

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