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Project Template (A4 paper, Times New Roman, Font size: 11

Media in ELT Project Report

Lecturer :Fika Megawati, M.Pd
English Language Education Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo


TO TEACH …………………………….

Name (NIM)
English Education Study Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Corresponding email: (

Abstract (5-10 sentences)

(Please write the summary of your repost

I. Introduction (one paragraph)

It consists of the problems you found in English teaching for children and the reasons why big book is
considered effective as the solution.

II. Findings and Discussion (one – two paragraphs)

It consists of your main findings during Big Book implementation and relate with theory or reference.
Further, you may add the method you used and the responses of the students (excited or not) and it

III. Conclusion and Suggestion (one paragraph)

It consists of the statement to remind the readers about the result of your project as well as your
suggestion to use or not use Big Book as media for teaching children.

IV. Documentation
1. Provide some pictures related to the implementation of Big Book
2. Capture of your consultation and lecturer’s feedback
3. Put the link of big book production

V. Reference (three references)

You must use the following reference to support your report.
Megawati, F., & Wulandari, F. (2017). Promoting Big Book and Reading Corner to Support Gerakan
Literasi Sekolah (GLS) in Primary School. In Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan
(pp. 11–19). Sidoarjo: Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. Retrieved from ARTIKEL Fika Megawati.pdf
Indrasari, A., Novita, D., & Megawati, F. (2018). Big Book: Attractive Media for Teaching
Vocabulary to Lower Class of Young Learners. JEES (Journal of English Educators
Society), 3(2), 141-154.

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