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First delivery lesson plans

Nellys Sirley Marín Martínez

Faculty of Humanities and Education, Caribbean University Corporation, CECAR

Directed Professional Practice

Mrs. Diana Carolina Ramírez Muñoz

Bachelor’s Degree in English, seventh semester

May 2nd, 2021

Table of content
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Justification ......................................................................................................................................... 4
My classroom project ...................................................................................................................... 5
Topic: ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Brainstorming report:...................................................................................................................... 5
General objective: ........................................................................................................................... 6
Aims:................................................................................................................................................ 6
Central title: .................................................................................................................................... 6
Methodology: .................................................................................................................................. 6
Timeline: .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 10
References ................................................................................................................................. 11

We live in a globalized society, in which everything is evolving very quickly until the ways

of teaching have changed, the current generations called “digital natives” demand innovative ways

of learning, which include ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in the teaching-

learning process.

On the other hand the English language have become a necessity of the globalized world, I

am sure that in a few years in Colombia all educational institutions will be bilingual, therefore the

need for significant learning arises. It can be said that meaningful learning is the process by which

a new knowledge is related to the cognitive structure and it is here the knowledge and uses that

the students possess about ICT are baggage, scattered and unconscious (Ausebel, 1976).

The use of new technologies in the teaching-learning process facilitates the development

of English skills, such as: Reading; Writing; Speaking; Listening and proper management motivates

students to meaningful learning. With ICT knowledge is built and at the same time the teacher is

forced to leave their zone of comfort so that through these new technologies make the classes

more interactive, entertaining and motivating.

I will do this classroom research project thinking about looking to motivate the students of

the fifth grade of the Lucila Godoy educational institution towards the learning of a second with

the help of the Information and Communication Technologies.


Due to the rise of new information and communication technologies, these resources have

been put at the service of education in order to make the teaching-learning process more

effective, since they facilitate the interaction of the student with the technological tools so that

finally a meaningful learning can take place.

In the words of (Scolari, 2008) this technology-user relationship has been installed within

society, with the intention of facilitating the performance of multiple tasks, within different

conceptual fields; such as science, communication, entertainment and culture. Thus, the use of

information and communication technologies or ICTs becomes a relevant factor for the projection

and feedback of knowledge within and outside the school context.

The purpose of this classroom research project is to create interest in the students of the

Lucila Godoy Educational Institution of the fifth grade in learning a foreign language (English) and

to identify the effectiveness of ICTs as an educational resource in the teaching-learning process.

The purpose of this classroom project is to link ICT (Information and Communication

Technologies) in the teaching-learning process of a second foreign language such as English in

order to make the classes funnier, since the students of the fifth grade of the Lucila Godoy

educational institution show discouragement towards this subject.

My classroom project

The students of the fifth grade of the Lucila Godoy Educational Institution are showing a

lack of motivation in English subject that’s why this project seeks to offer a different vision in the

teaching of English.

Brainstorming report:

In English language teaching, important factors must be taken into account, such as the

students; among others. This project arose mainly because:

 Students due to the pandemic have had to stop going to school and study from

home, so now they have to make guides, and this method of learning is boring for


 Students are increasingly confused about the activities in the English area because

they say that their parents do not know how to advise them.

 The advisor teacher expresses that students are not completing the assignments.

 Many students do not have internet at home.

 Students generally do not make good use of information and communication

General objective:

The main objective is to apply information and communication technologies in the

teaching of a second language (English) as a didactic tool in the acquisition of learning.

 To establish the significant changes that are evidenced in the students of the fifth

grade of the educational institution Lucila Godoy when implementing ICTs as a

didactic tool.

 Motivate students to fall in love with this language by awakening their interest in

English through ICTs.

 Identify the strengths and difficulties that can be generated by the use of ICTs as a

pedagogical resource.

 To take advantage of the technological equipment available, in the right way, and

achieve positive changes in the current teaching techniques.

 Train students in the use of ICTs.

Central title:




This project is framed in the mixed method, this approach uses the quantitative and

qualitative methods in a complementary manner.

In the quantitative phase, an exploratory descriptive design will be used to collect data

through a survey, in order to identify the ICTs used daily in the classroom. The survey will be

administered to the English teacher and to the fifth grade students of the Lucila Godoy

Educational Institution.

In the qualitative phase, observations will be made to analyze in detail the teaching-

learning practices and how the use of ICTs can increase the interest of students in learning English

as a foreign language and will be complemented with interviews with the students of the Lucila

Godoy Educational Institution in order to understand the perspective of the community involved

in the research, for example, what technological resources are available to them to carry out

different school activities.

Taking into account that the main objective of this project is that the students of the fifth

grade of the Lucila Godoy Educational Institution take interest in learning a second foreign

language (English) through the good use of the new Information and Communication

Technologies, I plan to develop this project in the following way:

 The classes will be developed in a space of 2 hours per week, where students will

develop didactic guides involving the use of ICT that will help them to motivate

them to learn a foreign language such as English through playful activities.

Playful activities: The use of playful and participatory strategies favors interest and

attention, making the learning of a second language more attractive, as well as making it possible

to review and apply what has been learned. Some examples are:

1) Worder: find the words in a jumble of letters and select them to earn points. Your

time is limited, so you have to hurry. If you get stuck you can ask for hints and you will
earn extra points by making "combos". All in all, a very entertaining way to practice

vocabulary and spelling.

2) Memorama: In this game the students will have to clear a board by matching each

picture with the word that describes it. There are lots of topics to choose from: family,

body, animals, home, places... and they can even use it to review the grammar.

3) Hangman: The mythical game of Hangman, only now in English: students can

guess letters until other student guess the word.

4) Phonetic focus: It has twenty games to work with your students on phonics in a fun


5) Lyrics training: Web with a multitude of music videos to improve listening and writing

skills through song lyrics.

6) Duolingo: It is a 100% free platform. This App is not only instructive but also didactic:

you can advance by completing units, you lose lives for incorrect answers, you earn

points and you level up like in a game, etc.


Within the research of the classroom project, a number of phases are followed that make

it possible to determine the quality of the research: pre-investigation phase; diagnostic phase;

planning phase; execution phase; and evaluation phase.

Learning English has become more than a necessity for the formation of today's society

that is facing one of the most drastic changes of the general globalization. Teaching and learning

are two key aspects that must always be taken into account when we talk about "change". Such

changes require diligent and careful work, in which both the provider and the beneficiary find a

common goal and can relate to each other in order to achieve their objectives.

As future teachers, we know that the population for which we have been preparing and

will continue to train, is the one that was born during a great change in the world since the arrival

of ICTs to our lives. A population to whom a Tablet or mobile device is more appealing than

reading a book or researching in an encyclopedia. We do not assume that this is something that is

diminishing learning, on the contrary, we find different digital platforms, mobile applications and

endless means by which we can transform the classroom into a space full of variety and where

creativity depends on how good we are to exploit our full potential while teaching and learning at

the same time.

We are in charge of the greatest responsibility and that is to train future citizens, for this

reason we must always look for ways to keep our students motivated and what better way than

through new information and communication technologies.

Ausebel. (1976). Teoría del aprendizaje significativo. Octaedro.

Scolari. (2008). Barcelona.

Prensky, M. (2016). Education to better their world.

J, A. P. (2011). Un retrato en blanco y negro. Educación y Pedagogía.

Parra, D. J. (2017). Usos de las TICs en América Latina: una caracterización.

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