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Stîncă Natalia, Liceul Academic de Arte Plastice ”Igor Vieru”, mun. Chișinău.
The use of information computer technologies (ICT) is necessary for the implementation
of a differentiated approach in teaching children, allowing students to realize their own potential
in accordance with the chosen pace of development. To improve the quality of education, as well
as to develop motivation for learning English, it is necessary to work with students using
computer programs. Computer programs are the first step towards independent education in
terms of preparing for the final exam. Thus, it can be noted that the use of ICT has a positive
effect on the quality of the educational process, and also contributes to the development of
motivational attitudes for teaching schoolchildren of different age groups. [5].
The use of computer technologies in the educational process contributes to improving the
quality of education and is an important task of the modern school. However, the use of the latest
information technologies does not replace, in fact, the very form of education, the lesson.
Therefore, technologies that correspond to certain qualitative characteristics should be
introduced in the practice of the modern educational process. Saturated in terms of the amount of
information perceived by students, the lesson allows the teacher to present the educational
material in an interesting way.
As shown by the data of psychological, pedagogical and didactic studies (McMillan,
Kreber, Alqahtani M., Gustiani. S., Vagramenko Y.A., and others), teaching methods based on
ICT have the necessary potential in the development of the motivational sphere of students, since
they are able to provide individualization of education, adaptation to the abilities and interests of
students, development of their independence and creativity, access to new sources of educational
information, the use of computer simulation of the studied processes and objects, etc. The use of
ICT tools helps to take into account the individual capabilities of each student, his/her interests,
preferences, subjective experience gained in learning and real life, as well as the need to demand
individualization of learning, adapting it to the cognitive needs and interests of students [6]. The
inclusion of the ICT component in the educational process changes the role of teaching aids used
in teaching various subjects, as a result, it changes the learning environment itself. In the center
of learning is the student himself/herself, his/her motives, goals, his/her psychological
characteristics. Thus, the use of the ICT component in the educational process makes it possible
to increase the amount of information communicated to the student in the classroom, to organize
cognitive activity more actively compared to ordinary classes, to influence such psychological
processes as perception, thinking, memorization, and assimilation of information. The use of the
ICT component in the classroom leads to the activation of mental activity, forms a positive
motivation in most students for these classes. [7].
It is necessary to note the most important criteria for the effectiveness of the modern
educational process:
1) availability of explanation;
2) matching the complexity of homework to the individual abilities of each child;
3) the reasonability of the introduced methods and technologies for the development of
independent work of students;
4) the use of various forms and methods of organizing the lesson;
5) content component of the lesson;
6) motivational component of the lesson.
In the educational and pedagogical practice, the teacher should work according to the
following scheme: goal-motive-means-result. If any link from the scheme is missing, then this
will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the activities carried out, as well as it will
negatively affect the final result of teaching. If the student has no motive, then there is no goal,
and the result for the student may be in the very last place. The means of achieving learning
outcomes may be different. In addition, these should be flexible tools that can be easily adjusted
to the specific needs and demands of students, the characteristics of the class and the levels of
methodological training of teachers. However, no means of educational and pedagogical practice
will work without proper motivation. The same is true for the assertion that a variety of means
allows you to form motivation for learning. [3]
Modern pedagogical science has a variety of teaching technologies. We believe that
information and communication technologies are the best means of learning. The choice of this
learning tool is due to both the requirements of the time and the requirements of the students. It
is also worth saying that information and communication technologies significantly increase
interest in the learning process. The introduction of ICT in the educational process makes it
possible to intensify the learning process, implement the ideas of developmental education,
increase the pace of the lesson, and increase the amount of independent work of students.
The use of ICT in English lessons allows teachers to diversify the forms of work,
students' activities, activate attention, and increase the creative potential of the individual. The
construction of diagrams, tables in the presentation allows to save time, more aesthetically
arrange the material. Tasks with subsequent verification activate the attention of students, form
spelling vigilance. The use of crossword puzzles, illustrations, drawings, various entertaining
tasks, tests develop interest, make the lesson more interesting.
Students' interest in computer technologies is formed due to a special approach to their
use in any class and in any subject. Let us consider the main advantages and fundamental
differences between lessons using information technology from the usual type of lesson. Thus, a
typical lesson involves the use of 2-5 minutes for the student to ”worm-up”. The disadvantage of
the usual type of lesson is rapid fatigue, which is achieved 10-30 minutes after the start of the
lesson., A modern lesson using ICT does not have such a shortcoming, and the time of
adaptation to a new lesson is reduced to 1 minute. Fatigue and loss of attention occurs 5-10
minutes later.
The use of ICT helps the teacher in solving difficult tasks, such as:
- increasing learning motivation through non-traditional forms of the lesson;
- maximum efficiency of students diring of the lesson;
- development of self-control and self-assessment skills.
The use of ICT in correlation with other academic subjects makes it possible to achieve a
high level of motivation for learning in a much shorter period of time. Therefore, real
interdisciplinary connections, their application in solving various problems when using ICT, are
necessary for students who have a fairly high level of skills and abilities. The use of ICT
provides an individual and differentiated approach to teaching children. Students can work both
individually and in groups. The use of ICT allows the child to accomplish learning activities in
accordance with the pace he chooses and makes it possible to combine several types of activities
in order to implement a differentiated approach to learning. [1]
The problem of the possibility of "live" communication with native speakers is easily
solved using the Internet. Due to such communication, interest not only in learning English, but
also in other subjects increases. All students, regardless of age and level of education, take part
in any kind of activity related to the use of the Internet, while the interest does not fade for
several years. Language and cultural barriers disappear, academic performance improves.
Speaking about specific ways of using the Internet in teaching English, the following
should be highlighted as the most effective:
1) e-mail correspondence with peers who are native speakers or learners of English as a
foreign language in other countries;
2) participation in telecommunications international projects;
3) participation in text and voice chats;
4) participation in telecommunications competitions, testing;
5) the possibility of prompt free publication of creative works of students;
6) receiving self-education in free or paid distance learning courses.
The use of ICT allows schoolchildren to be taught while watching cartoons in which the
main character explains a topic or teaches a song. An important feature of ICT in the educational
process is the possibility of involving the student in the game process [8]. For middle-level
students, communication is important, and ICT provides the organization of student
communication when preparing a project home or class assignment. Creative collective tasks
vary in volume and allow students to work within the framework of interdisciplinary
For example, studying the topic “This is London” in the 6th grade, at the introductory
lesson students can watch an English-language film about the capital, while activating
knowledge on the use of vocabulary, draw up advertising projects, dramatize dialogues, and at
the final, summarizing lesson, each group can defend their project " Journey through London" in
the form of a presentation of a slide show, cartoon or film. For this work, the children will need
about 2 weeks, during which they write scripts, select material and work on the project. The use
of information and communication technologies in an English lesson allows to use the hidden or
unrealized creative potential of students, allowing y to create additional stimulus for learning
English in the future.
Finally, it is worth mentioning the negative characteristics of a lesson using ICT. The use
of ICT in the classroom significantly increases the amount of information transmitted, as a result
of which it is very difficult for a student to sort out unnecessary and remember important
information. Therefore, the computerization of the educational process should take place in
stages, and teachers should be able to correctly dose the amount of information.
The use of ICT in teaching is, of course, one of the promising areas of education, of the
development of motivational attitudes of schoolchildren of different ages, since as a result, the
intellectual and creative development of the child takes place, a constant interest in the subject is
formed, and fatigue from the monotony of work is prevented, independence develops, self-
esteem of the student increases, there are no conflict situations. The current social situation
causes interest in mastering the English language for a more successful education and
employment. Thanks to the use of ICT in English lessons, the level of students' motivation has
changed a lot. The dynamics of the development of learning motivation is expressed in the
transition from an undifferentiated motive of curiosity to a specific interest in the language and
culture of another nation, from obedience to parents to the motives of one's own sense of life
orientation. The study of motivation in teaching English has improved the quality of knowledge
and interest in the subject [4].
But, as observations show, the level of general functional literacy of children and
teenagers has decreased, the number of children who read is decreasing every year, and the
number of children with visual problems is increasing. These problems are topical for every
school. Obviously, educational institutions, together with health authorities, should develop
effective measures to protect the health of children, the use of educational technologies,
including information and communication, should be systemic and purposeful.

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2. Gustiani, S. Students’ Motivation in Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic Era:
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