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What Do You Value? Table Activity

● The decisions you made in the Bean Game were driven by your personal values and beliefs that come from a variety of sources. Read
the article to learn four types of “life values.” Complete the table on how each value can affect your money habits. Then, answer the

Life Value Effect on Money Habits

Inner I would spend a lot of my money on moving out and things that keep me happy.

Social I would spend some of my money on days or nights out with friends.

Physical I wouldn’t spend very much money on my physical appearance but rather my health.

Financial I would save as much money as I reasonably could while still having enough to keep myself financially stable.

1. Which life value do you believe has the biggest influence on how you view money?
Inner Last updated: 8/1/19

2. From the answer you selected above, where do you believe you drew these influences from?
I mostly focus on keeping myself emotionally stable. I’ve seen people who’ve lost control of themselves and I do not want to
become one of them. Last updated: 8/1/19


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