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Biol 273 – Unit 1 Review

Word Roots for Physiology:

anti- against extra- outside lumen inside of a hollow structure
-ase enzyme epi- over para- near, close
auto- self homo- same poly- many
bi- two hydro- water post- after
-crine a secretion hyper- above, excess pre- before
de- without, lacking hypo- beneath, not enough pro- before
endo- inside, within inter- between retro- backward or behind
exo- outside intra- within trans- through, across


What are the organ systems of the body? What is the function of each organ system?
What are the main themes in physiology?
What is homeostasis? What are control systems for homeostasis? What are Cannon’s postulates?


What are the primary tissue types?

Describe the structure and function of the following types of junctions, and where you are likely to find them:
gap junctions, tight junctions, anchoring junctions
What are some types of epithelia and their functions?
What is the basal lamina (basement membrane), and what is its function?
What is mean by ‘excitable’ when referring to tissues?

Body Compartmentalization:

What are the three major body cavities? What separates them? What major organs are found in each?
What is a lumen? What do we mean when we say that for some organs, the lumen is essentially an extension of the
external environment?
What are the two main fluid compartments of the body? Can they be further subdivided into three compartments?


Differentiate between local and long-distance communication strategies in the body.

Distinguish between chemical and electrical communication methods.
What are target cells / tissues?
List the basic methods of cell-cell communication.
Distinguish between paracrine and autocrine signals.
What are hormones? Why don’t all cells react to hormones circulating in the body?
Why do some cells respond to a chemical signal and others ignore it?
How do chemical signals interact with receptors? What factors determine the location of a receptor protein within a cell
for a given ligand?
List differences in the mechanisms for hydrophilic versus hydrophobic signal molecules.
What are the major categories of membrane receptors?
What is meant by signal transduction across a cell membrane? When is this necessary? What is a second messenger?
Why do we call signal transduction pathways ‘cascades’?
What is signal amplification in a signal transduction pathway?
What are GPCRs (G-protein coupled receptors)? How do they work? What types of ligands bind to them?
Describe examples of pathways involving GPCRs working via a) cAMP and b) lipid-derived second messengers.
Distinguish between agonists and antagonists.

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