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The role of online education in the modern era

From early ages, conveying knowledge, skills, and developing thinking has

been known as Education. In a broadest sense, it can be defined as a process in

which trainers, instructors or well-rounded people teach others how to perform

certain activities. Online education is the same practice brought to a digital context,

where pupils and teachers meet through the Internet. Education has improved and

found new ways to be acquired over time as a result of technological improvements.

IT-based schooling allows educators to go beyond standard classroom instruction by

incorporating students' needs and facilitating the learning process through the use of

meaning technologies. This essay argues that online education is an effective path

to improve the teaching-learning process since it provides numerous advantages

such as the development of digital literacy skills, usage of online teaching

approaches and encouragement of learners’ autonomy.

Virtual education requires the use of technological devices either to access

information or to communicate with others through the web, therefore, being digitally

literate is vital. Digital literacy was described as “the ability to understand and use

information in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via

computers” (Gilster, 1997, p.25, as cited in Mudra, 2020). In other words, this term

simply refers to the skill people possess to properly manage these online resources

and make a profit from the information they provide. “To be digitally literate, one not

only needs to be able to search and manage, but also to scrutinise and integrate

digital information” (Greene et al., 2014, as cited in Chun & Lee, 2016). Nowadays,

every occupation needs some sort of digital competence to some degree, as looking

for reliable information is mandatory. Additionally, critical thinking skills on how to

determine significant data and blend it from different sources is part of being digitally

skilled. As Vygotsky (1978) once said, peer learning can lead to the achievement of

complex activities. In class, using meaning technologies boost online interaction

which results in encouraging teamwork. Namely, being digitally competent enhances

pupils’ performance. Hence online education empowers students to broaden their

computer skills.

Online education provides the teacher a wide variety of approaches to use in

class such as: pedagogical and didactic, technical, or methodological. These

approaches can significantly impact students’ learning process in many beneficial

ways. According to some findings in virtual instruction (Shea et al., 2006) using a

proper online teaching approach is directly linked to first-rate student learning

processes and outcomes. It is widely recognized that the integration of practical

interactive software, and multimedia is a great tool for students to learn easily and

faster, as well as for teachers to solve problems, connect, prioritise, and incorporate

conceptual knowledge while innovating their methodology choices (Paige, 2005, as

cited in Marteney et al., 2015). Traditional schooling permits neither students nor

teachers to make use of these resources frequently. However, owing to online

education, by utilizing a variety of approaches and gadgets, learning can be

promoted in different ways.

Finally, e-learning highly boosts students’ autonomy since this education

system asks pupils to become fully responsible for their own learning process when

fulfilling tasks without synchronic guidance. Learners feel more enthusiastic about

learning things they can relate to (McCombs & Whistler, 1997). Moreover, as

technology improves students’ attitude towards learning, they will not feel achieving

their academic duties as an obligation, but as an enjoyable experience (Aaronsohn,

1996, as cited in Zhong, 2018). Dealing with technology-based environments

requires learners’ autonomy in order to reach successful outcomes.

In conclusion, though there are certain disadvantages to online learning, it is a

fruitful way of acquiring knowledge which has brought a positive impact on students

and teachers’ lives. This virtual teaching-learning modality contributes with numerous

benefits to individuals. In a globalized world where the internet is the main source of

information, it is crucial to be digitally proficient. Besides, combining meaning

technologies and teaching approaches can facilitate student's understanding as well

as encourage teachers to try new instructional methods. Finally, online education

has a focus on the learner-centered approach which helps students to become

protagonists of their own training process.

Chun , M., & Lee , Y. (2016). Digital Literacy: A Prerequisite for Effective Learning in a
Blended Learning Environment? Obtenido de
L., V. (1978). The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Obtenido de
Marteney, T. &. (2016). Teachers’ perceptions of the benefits of online instruction for
students with special educational needs: Online instruction for students with Special
Educational Needs. Obtenido de'_perceptions_of_the
McCombs, B., & Whistler, J. (1997). The learner-centered classroom and school: Strategies
for increasing student motivation and achievement. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Obtenido de
Shea, P., Chun, S., & Alexandra , M. (06 de 2006). A study of teaching presence and
student sense of learning community in fully online and web-enhanced college
course. Obtenido de
Zhong, Q. (03 de 2018). The Evolution of Learner Autonomy in online environments: A Case
Study in a New Zealand Context. Obtenido de

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