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Submitted to Thesis Examiners Teams in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirement of the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S,) at English Literature
Studies Program of Language and Culture Department Faculty of
Humanities at Universitas Halu Oleo

N1D2 16 043




MUHAMMAD IQBAL. N1D216043: Stereotype of Black People in J.Cole’s

Song Lyrics. A Thesis. English Literature Study Program, Language and
Cultural Department of Faculty of Humanity at Universitas Halu Oleo.
Under Supervision of Ansor Putra (Supervisor) and Fina Amalia Masri (Co


This thesis is intended to analyze stereotype of black people in J. Cole’s

Song Lyrics by using Stereotype approach of Walter Lippman. The research
question of this study is formulated: “How is stereotype of black people in J.
Cole's song lyrics?”. The objective of this study is to find out the stereotype of
black people in J. Cole's song lyrics. This research used descriptive qualitative
method. The researcher used a stereotype theory by Walter Lippman to analyze
the data. In this analysis the researcher tries to discover the stereotype that lies
behind the each line of the lyrics. The source of data in this study taken from J.
Cole’s song lyrics such as: Immortal, Be Free (Live on Letterman), Neighbors,
G.O.M.D, Too Deep for the Intro, and Middle Child. The data was collected
through downloading, listening and reading, reducing, coding, and describing the
data to get complete conclusion of Stereotype of Black People in J. Cole’s song
lyrics. The researcher analyzes words that show stereotype of black people in the
lyrics. The researcher found 25 samples of the data included in the stereotype of
black people.

Keyword: Sociolinguistic, Stereotype, Song Lyrics, J. Cole



TITLE SHEET.................................................................................................i
APPROVAL SHEET......................................................................................ii
LIST OF CONTENTS....................................................................................v

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION....................................................................1
1.1. Background Of The Research .................................................................1
1.2. Research Question...................................................................................4
1.3. Objective Of Research ............................................................................4
1.4. Scope of the Research..............................................................................5
1.5. Significance of the Research...................................................................5
1.6. Definition of Terms.................................................................................6

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................8

2.1 Sociolinguistic.........................................................................................8
2.2 Stereotype..............................................................................................12
2.2.1 Black Stereotype........................................................................15
2.3 The Relationship Between Language and Culture................................24
2.4 Discrimination.......................................................................................26
2.5 Song Lyrics............................................................................................33
2.6 Previous Research..................................................................................42
2.7 Conceptual Framework..........................................................................46

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY......................................48

3.1 Research Design....................................................................................48
3.2 Source of Data.......................................................................................49
3.3 Procedures of Data Collection...............................................................50
3.4 Technique of Data Analysis...................................................................50

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION........................................52

4.1 Findings..................................................................................................52
4.1.1 Immortal........................................................................................52
4.1.2 Be Free (Live on the Late Show with David Letterman)..............56
4.1.3 Neighbors......................................................................................64
4.1.4 G.O.M.D........................................................................................68
4.1.5 Too Deep for the Intro………………………………………….. 68
4.1.6 Middle Child…………………………………………………….68
4.2 Discussions.............................................................................................76

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS..............................81

5.1 Conclusion..............................................................................................81
5.2 Suggestions............................................................................................82




This chapter presents background of the study, research question,

objective of the study, significance of the study, scope of the study and definition

of terms.

1.1 Background

A language is a tool used by living things in communicating with each

other. In this world, there are various kinds of languages used by humans. In the

communicating process, humans use signs or symbols. The language can be a

verbal language and nonverbal language (body language or movement). In social

life, human use languages to communicate with other people in the environment.

It also can be affecting the human language development. Basically, human has its

own language and characteristic of it. Therefore, the broader a person's social life,

the greater the possibility that the person is adopting the language from the other

people in his social life.

The study of the relationship between language and society is called

sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics is a study of language character, language

variation, the function of language, and language use in interaction and the

language function in society. Sociolinguistics is the study of how the diversity of

languages possessed by a group of people or language speakers. Wardhaugh

(2006:12) said that sociolinguistics is the study of language variation and that the

purpose of such a study is to find out what variation tells us about language and

speakers’ ‘knowledge’ of language, in this case, their unconscious knowledge of

subtle linguistic differences.

The language also has another role in society. By knowing their language,

then we will easily know the culture of that person. That can happen because

language and culture go hand in hand. We can also know the place of origin of

other people only through the language. Then from this knowledge, we can easily

judge someone only by language and culture.

Because we easily judge someone, we usually found our judge eventually

wrong. This misconception usually results from a person's past experiences with

others and it also called a stereotype. Actually this stereotype can also be a system

that is at the core of our personal traditions, and also a way for us to maintain our

position in society (Lippman, 1998). Stereotype also is a fixed idea or image that

many people have a particular type of person, thing, or event, but sometimes it is

not true in reality. People who are stereotyped will be worried about what they are

doing. They will think that whatever they do will get criticism from others. The

stereotype is believed to have a profound effect on assessments related to targets.

In addition to the social life of the community, stereotypes are also often

realized in some works. The works can be in the form of movies, novels, songs,

and so on. Here the writer will explain the stereotype in a song. In a song,

stereotypes emerge from the song's lyrics. The lyrics are the expressions of the

heart or ideas owned by the author. The lyrics are usually derived from the

author's experiences or events that have been experienced by the author.


Song lyrics are the media or means used by the author in expressing ideas

or thoughts to the listeners. Besides entertainment, song lyrics can also be a place

to provide information to listeners about problems that occur in an area or country

(Lestari, 2017). In expressing their experiences, the writer or composer of the

song makes words and wordplay to create attraction and distinctiveness to the

lyrics. This wordplay can be in the form of vocal games, linguistic styles and

deviations of word meanings and is reinforced by the use of melodies and musical

notations that are tailored to the lyrics of the song so that listeners get carried

away with what the author thinks.

In this study, the writer took Jermaine Lamarr Cole's song lyrics as an

object. Jermaine Lamarr Cole or better known by the name J. Cole is an American

Rapper, Singer, Songwriter, and record producer. These songs from J. Cole are

the work of his own creation and handwriting. That can show us that the songs of

J. Cole are the result of thoughts or past experiences of himself. J. Cole's song

lyrics describe a lot about the social life he experienced. Such as his love for a

woman, how difficult it is to get a decent life, and he often writes about how

people perceive black people. Then, he packaged very beautifully in song lyrics.

The stereotype in the J. Cole’s song lyrics are usually about views directed

at the Black People. Because that's basically that J. Cole is an African American.

The song lyrics of J. Cole are expressions of his resistance in seeing racism in

black life in America. The history sheet proves that the American black

community often gets tortured and social discrimination. They are identified

differently from other general public. They are only mobilized to work without

getting a provision of education.

J. Cole also takes so many social issues in his lyrics. Although the lyrics of

J. Cole’s songs telling about racism and government institutions. But his song's

lyrics are widely accepted because he presents them in a very complex way. Song

lyrics of J. Cole can not only be judged by wordplay but also from the meaning in

the lyrics of the song. In one of his songs, he wrote about how politics in America

much deviated, and a system of justice and police that seemed to view an African

American as a criminal.

J. Cole also changed people's stereotypes about rappers. He is a humble

man, does not often cause problems, and is also a loyal person to his wife. These

are so different from the rapper impression that has been raised in the public. The

rapper who initially seemed like a gangster but many people changes the

stereotype when they look at J. Cole.

Stereotypes in J. Cole's song lyrics usually include racial stereotypes. In

his interview with theme J. Cole: I Am Not Be as Successful If I Had a Dark Skin

in BET about his nominee for Best Hip-Hop Video at 2013. BET is the best

source for looking for about the news that included the black celebrity. In BET the

interviewer asked him about stereotype that he got in real life. It because he talked

about racism and stereotype through his song lyrics. He said “I am a rapper, I

wish I could tell them something better that happen all the time and I hate it. I hate

that we’re stereotyped and I hate that I’m fitting into the same stereotype” (BET,

2013). Racial stereotypes are usually directed by white people against black

people. Stereotypes are sometimes unfair to the recipients and are very loaded

with negative emotions, which is very dangerous for the interaction between them

because it is done without any argumentation. J. Cole not only told about the hard

times experienced by black people, but he also had discussed how the lives of

black people when they get or are in a period of success.

Research conducted by the writer is a new research. This research is

important because we can see a form of life of black people in song lyrics, which

we can then make reference that we cannot immediately judge a people just by

looking at it. The reason the author took J. Cole's song lyrics as research material

is as discussed in the previous paragraphs that J. Cole very often took up issues

about social life which were his personal experiences during his life as a black

man in the United States. That’s why the writer choose this topic because there are

still many stereotypes of black people in J. Cole’s song lyrics that haven’t been

revealed because it hasn’t been revealed yet so the writer wants to study further.

1.2 Research Question

From the description in the background, the writer formulates a research

question as follows “What are the stereotypes of black people in J. Cole’s song


1.3. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to find out what are the stereotypes of black

people in J. Cole’s song lyrics.


1.4. Scope of the Study

This study would only focus on identifying the stereotype of black people

in J. Cole’s song lyrics. In this analysis the writer only uses J. Cole’s song lyrics

which are using the stereotype of the black people in it based on Lippman’s


In this analysis the writer only use six J. Cole song lyrics, they are:

Immortal, Be Free (Live on Letterman), Neighbors, G.O.M.D, Too Deep for the

Intro, and Middle Child.

1.5 Significance of the Study

There are some significance of this study, they are:

1. Theoretical Significance

Theoretically, the significances of this study are:

1. This study is expected to improve the ability of the reader to understand

the way of analysis stereotype of black people in the song lyrics.

2. This study can be enriching the reader’s knowledge of stereotype of

black people especially in the song lyrics.

2. Practical Significance

Practically, the significances of this study are:

1. This study can be used as a reference for anyone who wants to learn

about stereotype in song lyrics.

2. This study can also be used as a reference to another writer who wants

to do more study on applications in this theory.


1.6 Definition of Terms

The writer stated the definition of term of the study, as follows:

1. Stereotype can exist about casual or temporary groups no less than about

permanent groups (Lippman, 1998).

2. Song lyrics is a thing that can make the interrelationship between the

speaker and the listener (Ekstein, 2010).



In this chapter, the writer presents preview of related literature of this

study. The writer discusses Sociolinguistic, Language and Culture, Stereotype,

Discrimination, Song Lyrics, Previous study and conceptual framework.

2.1 Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is a very broad field of linguistics and can be used to

describe various ways of learning languages. Sociolinguistics discusses language

in social life. Social issues can also be learned through sociolinguistics. Because

in sociolinguistics we are taught or we can see how languages can interact with

society. Sociolinguistics study has more to say about social issues, and some

sociolinguistic study has more to say about linguistic matters (Meyerwoff, 2006).

On the other hand, according to Wardaugh (2006:20) in sociolinguistics,

we study language and society to discover as much as possible about what

language is. By studying sociolinguistics we can also learn about society. In the

social community, there are several people who have different languages.

Therefore, by studying the language in society it will be able to increase our

insight about what language is.

In using language in social life, people usually use language that can

represent them. Because by speaking or in the language they use, we can know the

place or where that person came from. From these things, radicalism usually


happens in social life. Those things they consider as self-protection because they

feel threatened by the presence of someone new in their environment. They feel

they already know how the social life of the person is only from the language. In

sociolinguistics, social issues are things that can be understood and studied

because they refer to how the language relates to social life. One radical storage of

social issues in sociolinguistics is that writers are given a very strong foundation

that language speakers use language to present themselves in front of others and to

identify or differentiate themselves from others (Meyerwoff, 2006:3).

According to Tagliamonte (2006:7), language is used to communicate or

provide information from one person to another, but at the same time, a speaker

uses language that shows who they are, how they perceive their relationship with

the listener, and in which part they want to be involved in a conversation. As the

explanation above, language can be the center of someone's information. With

language, we can easily find out about someone we haven't even known before.

But it can also have an impact on the speaker because with this thing the listener

can set a statement about how nature, character, and a social life that is owned by

the speaker. These statements are usually negative because the assessment given

to the speaker is only through the language.

However, language users also often position themselves or position the

language method depending on the environment they face. This is certainly

influenced by the knowledge of sociolinguistics owned by the author. The higher

the sociolinguistics knowledge of a person, then that person will easily blend into

the environment they will face. Everyone can modify or change the way they

speak depending on who and what situation they are facing. When they do this,

they use their sociolinguistics science. Every time they talk, they change their way

of speaking depending on who the other person is talking to and the situation

(Meyerwoff, 2006).

According to Wardaugh (2006:121), sociolinguistics aims to draw very

narrow boundaries within a language community. Based on this opinion, we can

draw the conclusion that sociolinguistics can separate barriers between people in

language and social life. That happens because language users get a lot of

understanding about other language users.

In sociolinguistics, there is also an approach called Social Network (SN).

This Social Network approach is not based on the same use of language but is an

approach that is based on social ties, such as family, school friends, and neighbors

(Ball, 2005). From that data, we can make an explanation that sociolinguistics can

be a link between people of different places of residence and origin, who can

understand each other in a social group. In sociolinguistics, there are two factors

in a Social Network that become the main strength in it (Ball, 2005:8), namely:

1. Multiplexity (This is a tie that exists who is a neighbor, a coworker, and a

friend, who represents the multiplexity itself which is opposed to someone

who is only tied in one type of social relations).

2. Density (If the relationship around you is a binding relationship between one

another, these ties realizes that this relationship is denser than ties that don't

know one another.This proves that in social relationships there are also

differences depending on the ties or closeness of each person. The ties can

also affect the language he uses, the closer the bond between people the

more relaxed the person is in speaking. Misunderstandings in the use of

language also usually become reduced because of these ties.

However, in a relationship or social group cannot be separated from the

occurrence of differences of opinion among the speakers. According to

Meyerwoff (2006:52), the different views of these speakers underlie the tensions

or disagreements in sociolinguistics between generalizations made as in social

class or age groups, and generalizations that tend to be much smaller, and

sometimes quite special, in which the community is built through the member

shared practices.

The conflict also exists because of social and linguistic problems that are

deemed to prevent or are disliked by certain forms that occur in the variations of

the given language, which are actually part of the variation of sociolinguistics

(Llamas, Mullany, & Stockwell, 2006). This happens because as mentioned

above, there is a desire for generalization from several social parties because it is

considered to hinder or not release it. It explains that the language variables in

their use or distribution are limited. This can be done by linking or placing

between variations in the language in a community of speakers with any class

categories that he can use in using the language.

In other cases as well, we can assume that even in a group of speakers are

aware of different places, but we are not aware of the time difference. In a group

of speakers, there are variations in age with each speaker. That happens because

the basics of the speaker's language system have been placed in their youth, when

we listen to someone who is 75 years old then we can find out about the norms or

patterns of society that existed when they were children (Meyerwoff, 2006:134).

This can lead to the assumption that diversity in sociolinguistics is not just a

difference in place and style of language, but can also be a difference in time

between each speaker.

Llamas, Mullany, & Stockwell (2006:76) stated that as a correlation in a

study of language variation, understanding of age differences is very behind

compared to differences in gender, social class, and ethnicity. This results in that

age are considered a global sociolinguistic that is not yet fully developed. Because

the nature of age tends to be dynamic, changing over time, and difficult to

understand, making it difficult to do study on it. In this case, sociolinguistics is

difficult to learn about complex relationships that occur because of the changing

age and difficult to understand.

From some of the explanations above, the writer can conclude that

sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies social relations and language

which is also explains how language life in a group of people. We can also know

the life or origin of an opponent of our speakers. Because of our knowledge,

sometimes we become misperceptions about someone. Finally, erroneous views

often occur in a community group. Even this eventually led to conflict within the

social group itself. However, if we can study carefully what sociolinguistics is,

and then misperceptions can be avoided.


2.2 Stereotype

Stereotype is a missed perception by someone of another person or a social

group. Stereotype is a view of culture, group interests, and differentiation by a

group against other groups (Lippman, 1998). The way they see or value a culture

can be through their past experiences that have cultural similarities with the

person or group they face today. If we look at this assumption, we can define

stereotype as the impression someone leaves on someone else. That can be a good

thing, but on the other hand it can also have a negative impact on the person left

behind by the impression. Through this way, the person will only judge someone

only from the outside. Then the person who is subject to the stereotype will

definitely feel disadvantaged by the assessment. Everyone cannot be generalized

with people who are in the same social group.

Stereotype has a very strong effect because people who carry out these

perspectives can spread their responses on a mass scale. It can also be a spread of

stereotypes against people or a group. Stereotypes are powerful because with the

disposition of someone or the recipient of the event it can make a large scale

(Schweinitz, 2011). This can prove that the stereotype of someone can spread.

This thing is very bad for those who are subject to these stereotypes. It could be,

because these things will call social inequalities within a community group.

People only think or only remember the negative side of someone. Although it

seems that this assessment will only affect one's perspective, it is very bad for the

person or group that is subject to these stereotypes.

That explanation can be as a stereotype obtained through secondhand

information that is as important as the decisions we make in giving or even greater

to the social influence (Kashima, Fiedler, & Freytag, 2008). The concept that we

get about a group or someone sometimes we just accept it without any prior

investigation. This is sometimes made a one-sided assessment of someone.

Without any experience, or the events experienced do not hold a person to carry

out his perspective or views. However, this is very negative towards those subject

to this stereotype. Someone who has experience or experiences of ignorance

towards someone is not necessarily correct in perceiving their views, especially

those who do not enter directly into the incident.

In another view, we can give the idea that this stereotype is inaccurate and

is not justified in any of these sciences. Common problems included in this

stereotype are cultural, racial, gender and social class issues. Culture is often the

main factor in one's judgment. Where does the person come from, how is the

culture contained in the area of origin, and what physical features are there in the

person's area. These things are part of one's thoughts on the culture that is owned

by someone else. The reason why culture used as a form of assessment is because

humans grow and develop with the culture around them. Therefore, people will

associate between the cultures of the person with the original nature they have.

The phenomena that occur in society regarding cultural issues make this

stereotype become something that is difficult to understand.

The main problem in society is that stereotypes generally affect how we

perceive and prejudge a person or a group (Lippman, 1998). Stereotype in a

community is a very common thing. This happens because in a community

environment consists of various cultures and personalities that are owned by each

member of the community. The difference is what sometimes a benchmark of

assessment of a stereotype itself becomes. Inequality is what will lead to schemes

in the mind of people who stereotype that people who are different from us will

threaten their position.

In terms of psychology, the concept of the stereotype itself is largely

related to the image of someone belonging to a particular group or class

(Schweinitz, 2011). From this explanation, it can be said that an action or an event

that occurred could not have been due to the actions of a group or social class

group. However, it is possible for an individual in the group to do this. It then

becomes a depiction in the community, which assumes that someone in the group

will be a depiction of people who are in a group or social class. What cause

stereotypes in society are the actions of the individual itself.

The views that arise in society are sometimes not followed by clear facts.

Sometimes it also appears just an opinion of the person. Kashima, Fiedler, &

Freytag (2008:1) stated that in society there are questions about whether

judgments and decisions that occur are informed by facts or only based on

existing stereotypes. This naturally raises a question because every phenomenon

that occurs to people who are subject to stereotypes is not based on the facts that

exist in the individual itself, but only based on the stereotypes that have been

embedded in their head.

Based on this phenomenon, we can assume that the stereotype in the

community lies in the assumption that the community considers all individuals in

a group to be the same. A stereotype can be said to really occur if in a community

group there is a person or a group that performs a limited function and in each of

their activities they will be limited (Lippman, 1998). Of course, it will have a

negative impact not only on individuals but also on social groups that are subject

to a stereotype. Actions carried out by someone against another person, can lead

to assumptions that are not significant to the social group of the person. Because

the assumption is not accompanied by data and facts that show that the people in

that person's social group are of the same character or characteristics. A social

class should not be considered good or bad only by the actions of one or a few of

its members.

Stereotype is not something that can be avoided from a community

environment. Therefore, stereotypes must be studied so as not to cause

misunderstanding between one social group and another. According to Durrheim

(2015:2), by placing the stereotype in the context of social conversation can make

us know the boundaries of individuals, between individuals, and also understand

that is shared by others. If it is packaged with a good scheme and with a good

purpose, the actual discussion about stereotypes in society can be very useful. Not

only improve the relationship between social classes, but also in terms of our

understanding of the diversity of cultures and languages that exist in a society.

The stereotype is a particular habit of a person or group that classifies and

gives their views wrong or their description of something is not clear (Lippman,

1998). Then, the results of these thoughts become a stereotype of the person who

has given them information in the form of an individual assessment or also in

terms of social groups. From these responses we can also say that a stereotype

arises only from a person's short thoughts. They do not see the facts of what is

happening in a problem. From the point of view of processing in the brain, it

might be able to trigger the brain to be able to think and interpret things quickly.

However, in terms of the authenticity of the information can still be doubted. This

is because there are no facts and data obtained before interpretation in the brain

that occurs.

From the explanation above, the writer can give an understanding that

stereotype is a person's perspective towards other people or other social groups.

Stereotypes exist because of the past experience of the person who gives and the

person who bears the stereotype itself. Stereotype itself is a person's judgment

without the appearance of facts and data about a situation or event experienced by

people who are subject to stereotypes. Then, in a stereotype system in the

community it has advantages and disadvantages. That happens because basically

with our speed of giving a perception of someone it will also quickly our brain

will process and that is a good thing for the human brain. However, the data and

facts possessed by the giver of the stereotype can still be doubted. But, that cannot

be a reason for not learning stereotypes in society. Because, with how much we

understand about stereotypes, we will get more knowledge about the diversity of

cultures and languages in society. Stereotypes also have a variety of types, but this

time the author will only explain how stereotypes are toward black people.

2.2.1 Black Stereotype

Black stereotype can be interpreted as a wrong view of a person or a group

of black people. Of course the user of this stereotype comes from people who are

different from the black race itself. Sometimes white people support the existence

of negative stereotypes of black people who not only judge black people against

white people, but also influence the way white people respond to counter

stereotypes against people blacks (Peffley, Hurwitz, & Sniderman, 1997). This

proves that the assessment of white people against these black people is deeply

rooted in themselves. Because, if there is someone or a group who gives a contra

assessment with what is in the minds of the white people earlier, they will always

respond to it.

Younger children have more confidence in stereotypes directed at black

people than older people. From the explanation put forward by the expert, we can

say that the most disadvantaged in this regard were the black people themselves.

Because basically the presumption about culture and also their lifestyle is always

assessed by those who do not check in advance about what facts are in the

stereotype problem. Another thing we get from this explanation is that the

recipients of these stereotypes tend not to have a sufficient understanding of


culture and social issues. Because when we are talking about a stereotype we must

also learn and have knowledge about the culture especially black people before

starting to leave the wrong perception.

Stereotypes of black people are also common in crime. White people

stereotype that black people are people who have souls of crime. In other

explanation said that white people are very serious in assuming that black people

are more likely to have a high spirit of crime (Peffley, Hurwitz, & Sniderman,

1997). In addition to the problem of crime, white people also often give

stereotypes to the field of welfare owned by black people. The welfare of black

people is sometimes lower than that of white skin. That is what then makes

welfare as a reason to do a stereotype.

Black people are often positioned as sex-crazy criminals to make it easier

for them to become suspects in the event of murder and rape (Weafer, 2016). This

shows that there is no justice and equality before the law of black people. In their

actions for justice, community members use stereotypes as benchmarks for crime.

Stereotype has a big impact on black people. Based on this we can assume that the

stereotype of black people is very bad for the group.

Based on what has been written above, the writer assumes that the Black

Stereotype is a wrong view of a person or group, especially against black people.

Next is that the perpetrators of this stereotype are usually people who do not have

more knowledge about the culture of people who are subject to this stereotype.

This treatment of black people is very characteristic that there is no justice or

special treatment of black people.

2.3 The Relationship between Language and Culture

A language is a communication tool used in a social community. Language

is used as a means of disseminating information from one speaker to another. In

addition, language also has very close ties with culture and has very strong roots.

According to the Nabi (2017: 91), language is used as a preserver and a means to

convey culture and the bonds contained therein. Language is said to be the

preserver of culture because in essence culture that is spread in a social group will

be preserved if it is disseminated to the next generation. Of course, if you want to

spread it needed something called communication. The communication tool in a

society called language.

Because language and culture are very closely related to society. Then

language must also be taught to other members of the community so that they can

understand the culture taught to them. One way to ensure that culture can be

spread is to teach the language at school or in the community and be made an

official language (Freimuth, 2006). That language then becomes something very

important in spreading culture. It not only affects culture but also the language.

By the spread of culture can also maintain the language used in a community


The languages that exist in this world will always carry external meaning

from what is conveyed by a speaker. The language used by someone can show the

culture of that person (Nabi, 2017). Someone whose language is taught and grows

in a community group will tend to show the culture contained in the community

where they came from. It can also mean that someone who is taught the language

and culture of his community will be more likely to represent their culture

towards others. However, that is not necessarily true. Because of the assessment

of a person or a group cannot only be seen by the treatment of one individual

included in the group of someone who is outside the group.

The individual's choice of his perspective on seeing the world is inevitable.

Differences in the perspective of someone in a group can form an important part

of their second language acquisition (Amer, 2016). Learning a new language does

not mean leaving their main language entirely. But it can be said that by learning a

second language, someone is also ready to learn the culture that is in it. By

learning languages, we also need to know the culture contained in groups that use

that language. In order, to avoid misunderstandings among language speakers they

must learn about that thing.

From these things we can say that language and culture have a connection

between one another. Nabi (2017:92) stated that a language is spread through

culture and culture is spread also through language. The relationship between

these two things cannot be separated, by learning the language of a place we are

also required to learn the culture. The writer assumes that if in a community

group, its members no longer want to learn or use their language and culture then

the existence of these social groups will fade. By learning the culture and

language of a community group, it’s not only to gain knowledge or get


relationships with fellow members. But it can also maintain the integrity and

existence of the community itself.

According to Krasniqi (2019:71), language and culture have very complex

relationships and make them inseparable from one another. In other words, we

cannot use one and ignore the other. It was very clearly explained in the previous

paragraphs that the relationship between language and culture is a homologous

relationship. These results in them are not able to stand alone in social life.

Culture needs language to spread itself, so does the language that requires a

culture in order to maintain its existence.

Language can show a person's cultural identity, but that is also not

necessarily trusted because someone's words may refer to other things (Nabi,

2017). It may be that there is an individual intention when someone uses

language. The intention may be different from what is taught by the community

group. Therefore, cultural identity in a community group is very easy to be

misunderstood. Because of group culture is sometimes different from the desires

of an individual, who happens to belong to the social group. Therefore, our

understanding of a culture of the cultural identity of a society is good for us to

improve. Because learning culture in society is learning about the language. It

shows us how close the relationship between culture and society itself.

Cultural identity contained in an individual, then directly will be

transmitted and can be embedded in another person. Which is makes it a criterion

in seeing other people who belong to the same social group that leaves a social

impression on that person. The role of language and culture in a community group

can be misused by its members. This can happen if the individual intentions of the

members are then misperceived by some people who are subject to the intention

of the members of the community group. Misperceptions or misconceptions are

called stereotypes. This is sometimes different from the original cultural identity

of a community group.

Culture is a set of attitudes, beliefs, and values contained in a community

group and is owned by each of its members, whose interpretation of culture is left

to each of its members (Nabi, 2017). Sometimes, the culture taught or contained

in a community group is often misunderstood by its members. Good things, things

that have been taught, and have been shown by them cannot be separated from

how later it is interpreted by members of the community itself. The interpretation

that occurs can sometimes be a good thing, but sometimes it can also be

something bad. This is not a mistake made by language and culture itself.

However, the error lies in misinterpretation by members of a community group.

According to Elmes (2013:11) said that the relationship between language

and culture is a complex relationship and is largely caused by difficulties in

understanding people's processes when communicating. Difficulties of people in

communicating that occur because there is no understanding of the language or

culture that is owned by the speaker to the interlocutors. An understanding of

culture and language will make communication difficulties difficult. The

difficulty is also inseparable from the past experience of someone who already has

a perception of someone who belongs to the group of the person he is speaking


with. That may have a negative impact on the social group or to the other group

members. The leveling should be removed to get another understanding and

maybe better about the culture and language of the group.

Another thing that can prove that the relationship between culture and

language is very close is when the naming of an object will be called something

unique to a particular culture (Nabi, 2017). This is often a misunderstanding of the

perception of fellow speakers who have different cultures. An object or thing that

is contained in a culture is not necessarily the same as what is becoming

something in another culture. But let us imagine if this can be understood then the

perceived error between the speaker and the interlocutor will be so controlled.

That is the function for us to be able to learn the culture and language contained in

this world. The less misunderstanding that occurs between speakers, the more

conflict will be avoided. Perceptions or stereotypes of a group of people will also

not be done from one point of view.

Based on these things, the writer can assume that the relationship between

language and culture cannot be separated from one another. Not impossible, but

because they are already related to one another. The existence of culture is

inseparable from the existence of language, so also the language will not be tone if

there is no culture. It also belongs to the context of the spread of both. Therefore,

our perception of a culture will not be separated from someone who has used his

language to those who carry out that perception. It will be very easy for us to

understand someone who belongs to a group if we can learn and understand the

culture that is owned by that person. If that happens, a significant conflict that

occurs between community groups or community members will be reduced.

2.4 Discrimination

Discrimination is an act or behavior of a person or a group that is unfairly

or unbalanced to another person or group. The existence of discrimination in

social societies seems to be realized by some members of the community itself.

Many perpetrators of discrimination are left alone without the intention of the

people who realize it to stop it. People close their eyes and ears when that happens

in their environment. It could be because of the similarity of interests between him

and also the person who discriminates against it or could also be because there is

no longer any concern for other humans. According to Block (2010:50),

discrimination that occurs in the community is well camouflaged or hidden so that

only a few people are aware of it. Based on this opinion the writer can illustrate

that not everyone in the community is aware of discrimination. This happens

because the perpetrators of this discrimination are very careful about hiding their

actions so that only a few the people know about it.

Discrimination in social communities brings many bad influences,

especially to a person or group that is subject to discrimination. That, of course, is

embedded as an unpleasant experience for people who are subject to

discrimination. In fact, many other things of people who are subject to it will

experience a slight disturbance, not just from a few experiences or memories that

will experience it. According to Stangor (in “Handbook of Prejudice,


Stereotyping, and Discrimination”:7) stated that discrimination is very influential

and certainly has a negative effect on people who experience it, especially the

effect on their physical and mental health. This happens because the

discrimination committed by other members of the community will be embedded

in those who get the discrimination and they will remember it as a bad experience

in their lives.

Discrimination is often ambiguous and it is very difficult to ensure that

what is happening is called discrimination or not. The ambiguity in the assessment

of discrimination occurs because there is no standardization that is used as a

reference to see something that is discrimination or just an ordinary event (Major

& Sawyer, in “Handbook of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination”). This

makes the assessment of discrimination often lies in the assessment of the subject.

This, of course, can lead to conflict with the people involved in it. The evaluation

that seems to only assess the subject will have an impact on the nature or behavior

of individuals affected by discrimination. Then, the person who discriminates sees

the mistakes that exist or have been committed by that person. This will be the

impact of discrimination. Whether it's because of purely due to a person's fault or

indeed he just does not like that person. However, what we must understand is

that our failure to know an event is discrimination or not, sooner or later it will

affect the mental and physical health of the recipient of the discrimination itself.

Discrimination usually occurs in a public sector or in a community

environment, where groups or people affected by discrimination are usually the

minority in that environment. Block (2010:49) stated that a person or a group of


people who discriminates usually takes action to the minority people or races

occupying their territory. This will certainly have a negative impact not only on

the recipient but can also cause harm to other people or groups who have

committed such discrimination. The bad impact that can occur to both parties here

is that there will be chaos and hostility between people or community groups.

Another detrimental thing that can happen is a sense of alienation for those who

accept discrimination. This feeling can lead to other people cannot spend what he

has because he feels that he is no longer included in a community group.

According to Dipboye and Colela (in "Discrimination in Work": 2),

discrimination is a depiction of injustice behavior aimed at a person or a group of

people or other groups. This can be influenced by prejudice or stereotyping of

people subjected to such discrimination. As explained in the previous paragraphs,

which it is said that discrimination is judged only on its subjectivity. Based on this

opinion the writer can assume that a person's behavior is judged from the way that

person is. The tendency of discrimination to be hidden by the public or to the

public is because there is no common perception of what discrimination is. The

evaluation of something is discrimination or not, it depends on who sees it.

Differences in perception can occur due to a stereotype and prejudice that is

embedded in each subject. Discrimination can occur because of mistakes or

improper actions committed by someone against the perpetrators of discrimination

itself. However, sometimes that happens because of the perpetrator's unfairness to

the victim. The distaste could have been the impact of the stereotype that is

embedded in the perpetrators of discrimination.


Based on the things that say that discrimination occurs due to the actions

of a person or a majority group to a minority group that is in an area or

community environment. People who sympathize with those affected by

discrimination feel hesitant to entrust this to the existing government in that area

(Block, 2010). Therefore, people prefer to spread it through something else. As

well as spreading about the existence of discrimination. They did this because

they lacked trust in regional leadership. This lack of trust cannot be separated

from the majority and minority groups themselves. The government in an area

tends to put their leadership into the majority group, rather than the minority


Racial discrimination in some areas is usually based on skin color,

nationality, race, origin, and country of origin (Sargeant, 2004). It becomes a case

if the majority of people or groups that are in an area of the arrival of someone or

a group from outside their area which then they feel will disrupt the existence of

their group which had already been there. If there are similarities between them it

might not happen, but groups that have or have just come to an area if they have

different perspectives on something with groups that already exist in the area then

they will be considered to threaten the presence of the majority group. Then

discrimination will be more likely to occur, and feelings of alienation within the

community will also be unavoidable. Actually it is not only from differences in

perspective that will cause this discrimination. Supporting factors for racial

discrimination are also very much included. Differences in skin color, nationality,

race, origin, and country of origin also play an important role in the occurrence of

discrimination. If we understand further, we can get an assumption that those

things are inseparable from the name stereotype. The sense of being threatened by

a person or a group of others occurs because of the stereotype that appears in their

minds about someone or a group of people.

The discrimination that occurs in this society is already considered

immoral by many people. This discrimination continues because of the majority

who do an unfair behavior towards minorities. What can be said to support this

discrimination is because the government has not intervened in handling this

problem. According to Block (2010:98), the tax paid to pay the government was

not only from the majority but also by the minority. This means it can also be said

that the government discriminates against minorities because of their unfair


Based on the opinions above, the writer can assume that discrimination is

an unfair behavior committed by the majority towards the minority. This happens

because of the differences between the two peoples. The difference can be in the

form of nationality, race, origin, and country of origin respectively. This

discrimination also occurs because of the feeling of being threatened by the

majority group by the minority group itself. This can happen, because of prejudice

or stereotype that was first embedded in the majority of the people. This

discrimination will certainly not have a good effect on both parties. The potential

for hostility and alienation will continue to increase along with this discrimination

problem. To make matters worse, a person or group that gets discriminated

against will experience a physical or mental health disorder.


2.5 Song Lyrics

Song lyrics are a series of words that are pitched, written by the author to

convey what they feel. Song lyrics are usually written based on the experiences of

the author. Song lyrics can also be obtained from inspirations that occur from

phenomena that occur in the community. Song lyrics depend on the embodiment

of the language used in certain performance situations (Ekstein, 2010). This

proves that in a song lyric there is a situation experienced by the writer which he

then poured into this writing. The context of the situation in the lyrics of the song

is usually experienced directly by the writer, the situation that he really

experienced will add to the reality that is in the lyrics of the song.

Each song has its own message placed by the author in each song's lyrics

(Firdaus, 2013). The meaning implicit in the song is often not mentioned directly

by the writer. The implied meaning of the song is used by the writer so that the

writing can be understood through the perspective of each person. This happens

because the effectiveness of the song to the listeners depends on the lyrics of the

song. In addition, one teaching medium that can be used to learn anything about

something that has happened in the community. The lessons about language and

vocabulary can be done through a song.

Lyrics are the main set for making a song (Qurrotul 'ain, 2013). Without

the lyrics of the song will feel meaningless, sometimes only the music we hear,

but no other meaning. Maybe some of it just like that and some others don't. The

abstract side presented by a song's lyrics adds to the appeal of a song's work. The

nature that can be interpreted by various perspectives will have an impact on the

song's spread of the song itself. Because of giving each perspective to a song, the

song will be heard and enjoyed by various people.

Our understanding of a song's lyrics can be understood in various

meanings if we have knowledge about what the lyrics mean in that song. The

higher our knowledge, the broader the way we view or interpret the lyrics of the

song (Ekstein, 2010). This could mean that differences in the knowledge of each

person can distinguish the way people look at the song. However, how come that

song can enter any constraints? Of course, because of differences in perspective, it

does not change the beauty in the song. One can interpret song lyrics that are

different from others, it will strengthen the fact that the song can be understood

through the perspective of each listener.

Based on the opinions above, writers can assume that song lyrics are a

major component in making a song work. That happens because the ad lyrics in a

song will describe something more clearly. Although this clarity side goes along

with the abstract side, it doesn't make a song lose its beauty side. Precisely the

abstract side is not actually dropped a work but will add beauty to the song

because based on the lyrics that can be assessed from the perspective of each


2.6 Previous Study

There are several previous study on stereotype that will be discussed below:

The first is study a thesis by Khayana, in her study entitled “A Critical

Discourse Analysis of Islamophobia, Discrimination, and Stereotype in My name

is Khan Movie (2018)”. This research aim to describe Islamophobia that happen

in America. How can Muslim got a lot of discrimination. The result of her

research is describing Islamophobia in “My Name is Khan” through the various

negative stereotype and discrimination of Muslim. She also found 5 types of

Islamophobia used in the movie, they are : 1) Islamophobia of Security in Airport

to Muslim, 2) Islamophobia of Media to Muslim, 3) Islamophobia of American

Society to Muslim, 4) Islamophobia of Teacher to Muslim, and 5) Islamophobia

of Hindu-India to Muslim

The second study is a thesis by Muzaki, in his study entitled “Protest

against Stereotype Threats Reflected in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye Novel

(2018)”. In his study, he analyzed about: (1) Exploring the social African

background of The Bluest Eye, (2) Identifying the author’s protest against

negative stereotypes, and (3) Describing the author’s concerns about stereotype

threats. The results of his analyzing showed that The Bluest Eye novel is relevant

to the problem of racism in 20th century of America. The author of this novel

denied some protests against the negative stereotypes, as in 1) Supporting to the

existence of women by calling for the right of freedom and legal protection; 2)

Increase the role of black families; 3) Claiming that black has its own beauty; 4)

Opposing the racial doctrine of educational literacy. The author of this novel

encompassed that stereotype threats sourced on two reasons, she aspired to obtain

black welfare life and increase the black self-esteem.


This study uses a different object from previous studies but with the same

theory. The objective of the study used by writer is song lyrics by J. Cole. The

purpose of this study is to find out how are the stereotypes of black people in J.

Cole’s song lyrics. In previous studies the writer conducted study on novel and

movie. Furthermore, in previous studies, writer has not received studies that

analyze how the stereotypes of black people in J. Cole’s song lyrics. Therefore, it

has some differences from previous studies.

2.7 Conceptual Framework

Based on the theoretical and previous study above, the writer has a

construction of the conceptual framework to describe how the theory will take

part on the topic of study. This framework would help reader to understand this

study easier.

The object of this study are J. Cole’s song lyrics. In this study, the writer

will analyze the stereotype in his song lyrics . The writer analyzed the song Lyrics

by J. Cole with using stereotype. The writer analyzes the song lyrics using the

stereotype by Walter Lippman.

Likewise, conceptual frameworks are abstract representations, connected

to the research project’s goal that directly refers to the collection and analysis of

data. By applying this stereotype theory, the writer was able to answer the

research question how are the stereotypes of black people in J. Cole’s song lyrics.

The conceptual frameworks of this study can be seen below.

J. Cole’s Song Lyrics




(Walter Lippman’s Theory

Black Stereotype

Language Culture


What are the stereotypes of black people in

J. Cole’s song lyrics.



Stereotype is a missed perception by someone of another person or a social

group. Stereotype is a view of culture, group interests, and differentiation by a

group against other groups (Lippman, 1998). Based on the explanation in the

previous chapters, this chapter consists of the method that the writer was use. This

chapter was divided into four parts: research design, source of data, procedure of

collecting data, and technique of data analysis.


3.1 Research Design

This study used qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative descriptive

methods are procedures that produce descriptive data, including written and oral

of study objectives whether it is from the community or books. Qualitative study

is a study process based on a different study methodology because it explores

social or human problems (Creswell,1998). In other hand, according to Dey

(2005:104) qualitative research is often related to the assumption that to explain

how subjects experience and understands a situation or event.

In this study, the writer used the J. Cole’s song lyrics as primary data and

qualitative research study also explains descriptively how the stereotypes of black

people in J. Cole’s song lyrics. This study used descriptive qualitative methods

because the data is the form of words or qualitative research also explain how the

stereotypes of black people in J. Cole’s song lyrics. Writer also used the

foundation of theory is used as a guide to focus the study in accordance with the

fact on the ground.

3.2 Source of Data

The writer focused on analyzing the song lyrics of J. Cole that have the

stereotype in that. The writer took the lyrics as the data source from is the world biggest collection of the song lyrics and music

knowledge. It founded in August 2009 by Tom Lehman, Ilan Zechory, and


Mahbod Moghdam. In this website we can found any lyrics that we wanted to

look for, especially song lyrics by J. Cole.

3.3 Procedures of Collecting Data

In collecting the data, the writer used several steps, as follows:

1. Searching and downloading, the writer downloaded the song and the

lyrics of J. Cole.

2. Listening and Reading, the writer listened and read the song of J. Cole

intensively to get the more understanding about the object.

3. Reducing, the writer reduced the object and picked up the songs that

have lyrics about the stereotype of Black People in them.

4. Coding the data, the writer coded the data by bold the lyrics to make it

easier to collect the data.

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis

The writer uses Dey (1993) qualitative data analysis theory, they are:

1. Presenting the data, After coding the data that had been sorted out by the

lyrics which are using the stereotype of black people.

2. Describing the data. After presenting the data, the writer described the

data using the stereotype of the black people.

3. Finally, the writer made conclusion based on the analysis of data to

answer the research question.




The objective of this research that has been mentioned in the previous

chapters is to find out what are the stereotypes of black people in “Immortal”, “Be

Free (Live on Letterman)”, “Neighbors”, “G.O.M.D”, “Too Deep for the Intro”’,

and “Middle Child” J. Cole’s song lyrics. The writer found some of stereotypes

that happened in this song lyrics.

4.1 Findings

Writer provides comprehensive explanation of the research findings.

Writer use the theory of stereotype by Lippman.

4.1.1 Immortal

Data 1

Now I was barely seventeen with a pocket full of hope

Screamin ', dollar and a dream with my closet lookin' broke

And my nigga's lookin 'clean, gettin' caught up with that dope

In the lyrics of this song reveal that black people who basically have

problems with the use of drugs in their environment. The lyrics of this song say

that people sometimes assume that black people are "lookin' clean" as if nothing

had happened. Then when seen in the line "Now I was almost seventeen with a

pocket full of hope" actually the black people did not want to get involved in the

problem, and they actually have great hopes too. Hope for a decent life even

though they basically look so in limitations, it can be seen in "Screamin ', dollars

and a dream with my closet lookin' broke".

This is often associated with cultures that are usually practiced by black

people. As reported that many black people are trapped in the life of the drug.

That is the meaning of the song's lyrics, as well as giving stereotypes to black

people about something they often do or something that is almost considered a

culture by people from other races or from within their own race.

Data 2

God they love to serve a nigga three hots and a cot

Nowadays crime pays like a part time job

Here the writer assumes that equating crime with part-time work means

that a crime committed in this case by black people will be given a wage or

payment for it. Just as glance at this song told us that the part time job that they

will get pleasure only for a while, because with wages or money from proceeds of

crime will not be used for life in the long term. But, that doesn't necessarily mean

they do it for fun. It can also be their way of "black people" in fulfilling their

desire to survive.

In relation to the cultural life lived by black people. We are often shown

the difficulty of getting jobs for black people. Therefore, they are more likely to

use violence and crime in terms of getting needs and to meet their daily needs.

However, based on the lyrics above we can get an information that sometimes

there are also black people who make this "crime" as a job rather than as the last

option of the choices they can make to survive.

Data 3

Real niggas don't die

Form with the plot



Form at the plot

Real niggas don't die

Form on the plot

Hood niggas don't lie

Form on the plot

My niggas don't die

Form on the plot

Real niggas don't die

Form on the plot

Real niggas don't die

Real niggas don't die

From this song lyrics we can assume that "Form on the plot" here means

that the black people were formed by the "real niggas" plot itself which is said to

be slaves, who survive by working hard and fighting for their freedom. Then on

the other side "real niggas" at the present time which is then formed by a system

that already exists in the "form on the block" society is in contradiction with what

happens to the "real niggas" society that has been formed by the plot itself. At

present, the "real niggas" or black people themselves will still have the spirit of

survival but no longer work hard but they are trapped by street life, and they are

trapped in crime and violence.

From the lyrics of the song above, we can also get an understanding or a

description that the culture of black people in ancient times in this song was

written with the word "real niggas" which fights to free themselves from the

stereotype of a slave. In contrast to the culture possessed by black people today

who tend to be trapped in the negative direction such as drugs, crime, and


Data 4

If they want a nigga, they gon' have to send a SWAT team

And I'm goin' out like Scarface in his last scene

A legend, what that mean?

From the lyrics of this song the writer can give a view that stereotypes

about black people can also occur by existing legal instruments. As written "If

they want a nigga, they don't have to send a SWAT team" this indicates that

bringing legal instruments is also very discriminating if the perpetrators of

violations of a case are black people. Based on the lyrics above we can see that the

treatment of black people tends to be different compared to other races.


As we know that the treatment of an act of crime in America is very different if

done by black people. A legal instrument that should act against the perpetrators

of justice fairly regardless of race, but different things are shown if the

perpetrators are black people. They often regarded as a guilty person even though

they did not do it. It also happened on the ground that a black person was

immediately punished on the spot without the need for any evidence or statement

from the black person himself.

Data 5

They tellin' niggas sell dope, rap or go to NBA,

in that order It's that sort of thinkin'

In this song we can take another stereotype about the black people. In

order for Black people to be successful, they have to sell drugs, become well-

known rappers, or make it into professional basketball. These song lyrics also

stated that this mentality is holding them back from realizing their full potential.

He relates these societal bonds to the bonds of slavery.

As explained above, a stereotype develops which assumes that a black

person is always associated with a criminal. If not as a criminal it will be

associated with the assumption that they will become a rapper or a professional

NBA player. It is assumed as if these black people could not be anything other

than the three things that have been mentioned above. Of course, this does not

refer to the talents and potential of each of these black people.


4.1.2 Be Free (Live on The Late Show with David Letterman)

Data 6

Can you tell me why

Every time I step outside I see my people die

From the lyrics of the song we can get a description of the environment

from the writer himself, or can say as a stereotype about the environment of black

people. In these lyrics, we can interpret that the environment of black people very

often occur murder. Whether it's because of gangsters or because they attack each

other with the police.

This of course relates to the lives of black people themselves who are very

hard and also very difficult for them to live. This has a bad impact on the people

who live in their environment. Not infrequently even they kill each other because

of the difficulty of life in the environment. These lyrics can also mean that often

heard the news that there are black people who die every day. That could be due

to a criminal attack or also because of an error from law enforcers who often try

black people directly without any prior judicial process.

Data 7

We are so elated, we celebrated like Obama waited until his last day

in the office to tell the nation, brothers are getting their reparations,


The lyrics of this song stereotype that black people are very happy about

the election of Barrack Obama as President of the United States of America. They

believe that with the election of Obama as President, their lives will be given

more attention by government officials. This can also illustrate that Obama's

election as President will certainly have a very good impact on their lives.

Another thing that might happen is that they have proven to everyone that black

people can also lead a big country like the United States.

The lyrics of this song prove that black-skinned people can be calculated more

in a country, especially in the United States. That happened when Barrack Obama

was chosen as president of the United States. This proves that the assumptions

that say that black people only revolve in social terms also crime is a mistake.

Because the election of Obama as president will emerge the notion that a black

person is also able to become a leader and compete in politics.

Data 8

A man can dream, can't he?

These lyrics can provide stereotypes about black people who can dream

even with a harsh environment and with a lot of discrimination that occurs against

them. That relates to the previous data which says that a Barrack Obama who is a

black person can occupy the highest position in the government seat of the United

States. That means nothing can block the dreams of black people. They also

assume that they can be whatever they want no matter what discrimination or

unpleasant actions they have gotten.

In this lyrics "a man" refers to black people where they are blocked by dreams

only because of the color of their skin. The discrimination that occurs or they feel

is one of the causes of obstruction of their dreams. Based on previous data. These

black people got treatment or opinion that said they could only be a bunch of

criminals, criminals, rappers, and even limited to NBA players. It was as if a black

person could not dream more than that. While of course there are many black

people who have other dreams or dreams or more than that.

Data 9

Forget that watch, you paid too much for it

You're ought to be ashamed

When brothers back home be dreading when the seasons change

Cause they haven't got no heat and they haven't got no AC

This lyrics tells us that in the environment of black people there are also

people who have luxurious lives. But they don't care about the "brothers" or other

black people, who even have difficulty surviving when the changing seasons have

come because they don't have a heater or air conditioner that can help maintain

their body temperature.


The lyrics show how difficult the life of black people themselves. In their

lives, many black people also became successful, but with their success, they no

longer cared about their relatives or with other black people. This happens

because they have been consumed by the glamor of the world so that they forget

where they come from and also forget their relatives. It is as if the values of

brotherhood and humanity have dimmed from that person. Meanwhile, on the

other hand, black people who are not fortunate enough with their economic life

are trying to survive on a minimum. Even just to survive In the changing season

conditions it has been very difficult for them.

Data 10

WalMart distribution fired my homie, he just had a baby

The lyrics of this song stereotype us about how difficult it is for black

people to get jobs and keep the jobs they have got. Here maybe we can assume

that a large company sometimes does not look at the lives of its employees but see

with what benefits they can achieve. Therefore, large companies can easily fire

their employees. However, back to the fact that these black people find it difficult

to get a job and difficult to maintain, even when they have babies to raise. Of

course it was very hard for them, not only had an impact on their parents but also

on their babies. If the baby's needs cannot be met, then they can experience

problems in the process of development and growth.

As explained in previous data, that black people tend to be difficult to get a job.

Not only that, in maintaining their jobs too, but it has also been very difficult.

Even with the dependents they have, they cannot be avoided from the dismissal

that occurs in the workplace. This could be due to a lack of ability from the person

himself or it could also be due to discrimination. Discrimination can be one of the

factors because of the discrimination that will occur, such as dislike, even

regardless of the person's ability.

Data 11

And since all the ballers left college early

I turn on the TV and don't see no brothers with degrees lately

Apart from the work problems that we saw in the previous data, in this

data we can find stereotypes about the education problems that are owned by

black people. This lyric explains to us that how many black people left school and

did not continue their studies. This could also be one of the causes of their

difficulties in getting a job and keeping their jobs discussed in the previous data

"WalMart distribution fired my homie". This might happen, because of their

inability to compete and the lack of knowledge and skills they have, because they

dropped out of school and lack of knowledge.

From the lyrics, we can get information that few of the black people completed

their education. This could have been caused by a stereotype that developed in

their area which said that black people would only be a criminal, basketball

player, or rapper. This of course resulted in these black people being unmotivated

to continue their education to a higher level. This could also be one of the factors

that caused many black people who have difficulty finding work because they are

considered to lack capability, due to lack of education they have.

4.1.3 Neighbors

Data 12

I guess the neighbors think I'm sellin 'dope, sellin' dope

Yeah the neighbors think I'm sellin 'dope, sellin' dope

Sellin 'dope, sellin' dope, sellin 'dope

Based on the lyrics of this song, we can get a description of how

stereotypes about black people in the community, especially if they live in

environments that have racial differences with them. This lyrics illustrates that

black people are often stereotyped by their neighbors as drug dealers. All the

activities of black people were not free from bad views by the environment. The

activities they do are more often associated with a crime.

A culture that shows that black people are very closely related to narcotics life

is very often encountered. Therefore, many people who have a house or live next

door to black people only speculate that they (Black People) have drug

transactions around the neighborhood, even if it is just an ordinary party or just a


Data 13

And explain all the pain that it costs him


My sixteen should've came with a coffin

In the lyrics of this song we can stereotype about how hard life is lived by

Black people, especially for children in their teens. From these lyrics we can get a

little description of the average life expectancy of black people is very low. This is

evidenced by the lyrics "My sixteen should've came with a coffee", which can be

described how it is possible for children in their teens to walk with coffins that

follow. That indicates that black teenagers are already struggling with life and

death at a very young age.

The lives of black people are hard and full of discrimination, not

infrequently to the point of causing death. This happens even if it doesn't look at

age or gender. Even sometimes they may not necessarily commit a crime. They

are subject to discrimination only because their race is a black race. As we often

see, in America, there are often things that lead to discrimination, whether it is

done by whites or by the government or the law enforcement agencies themselves.

Not only that but also the death of young children cannot be separated from the

name of illegal drugs. Sometimes the overdose of narcotics itself causes many

black people to die at a young age.

Data 14

Some things you can't escape:

Death, taxes, and a ra-

-cist society that make


Every nigga feels like a candidate

For a Trayvon kinda fate

Even when your crib is sit on a lake

Even when your plaques hang on a wall

Even when the president watches your tape

From the lyrics of this song we can get a stereotype which illustrates that

some things that cannot be separated from black people, namely Death, taxes, and

racist. Here is illustrated how these things are closely related to all black people

without exception. Even though these black people are someone who has been

successful and someone who has not been successful these things will not be

separated from them. The portrayals given by them are also what caused this to

happen. There is no opportunity and there is still a great deal of discrimination

against black people which is very influential on these matters. For this reason,

there is a verse that says "Every nigga feel like a candidate", which means that all

black people are inseparable from the names of Death, Taxes, and Racist.

The things that became very difficult for black people and became a problem in

their lives especially in the United States were death, taxes, and racism. These

things can no longer be avoided for black people, both because of mistakes from

themselves and from people of other races. In these lyrics, "Death" indicates that

death is very closely related or is a daily life that black people must face because

of the environment or even from their own mistakes that cause death to occur.

Then "Taxes" becomes the next thing that cannot be separated from the lives of

black people because they consider that taxation is very heavy. This is hard or

difficult for black people who tend to have a small income so that everyday

expenses are difficult, but due to taxes, they have to set aside more money for tax

problems. The last one is "Racist" which is the main problem that black people

have. Racists that eventually lead to stereotypes and social discrimination against

black people are very common, especially in the United States. It happened

because of the dislike of black people than white people or other races, or it could

also be because people of other races and white people felt they were more

elevated than black people.

Data 15

How I feel, damn, it's late

I can't sleep cause I'm paranoid

Black in a white man territory

Cops bust in with the army guns

No evidence of harm being done

Just a couple neighbors that assume we are slang

Only time they saw us being on the news, in chains, damn

At this lyrics, we can find stereotypes about how worried black people are

when they are in a predominantly white environment. Glance at this illustrated


that the discrimination they get. Only because of their lifestyle or with the words

they say in their environment is considered a crime. They are also sometimes

reported to the police for their activities even without clear evidence and reasons.

From the lyrics above we can conclude that the lives of black people there (United

States) live in a state of distress because of the racist, stereotype, and

discrimination they get. As written in the lyrics of the song that they experience

like a paranoid or fear because they feel that the area they occupy is not the

territory of black people. This fear is inseparable from the injustice and

discrimination experienced by black people of other races.

4.1.4 G.O.M.D

Data 16

Everybody is scared of the nigga, aware that the nigga is better

All my bitches, the pick of the litter, never bitter

In this lyrics we can associate with stereotypes that assume that black

people are people who are involved in the criminal world. That was what caused

the black people to be feared. However, in this lyrics "scared" can also be

something different. The higher the ability of black people, both intelligence and

other abilities will not change many perspectives or stereotypes about them. Their

expertise had greatly increased which caused people of other races to fear the

developments possessed by the black people.


From the lyrics, it can be said that the discrimination they get so far is not only

because black people are seen as having a degree below those of the white race.

This was shown by how difficult it was to get a job for black people. While they

do not necessarily know about the ability of a black person himself. It could be

that more black people have more ability than white people themselves. Another

example is in terms of the music genre, rap. Rap which is music originating from

black people is often regarded as a work that does not educate, the lyrics tend to

be rough, and can cause a rebellion. However, in essence, rap music itself is a

work that is intended to criticize or tell stories and pour out what becomes his

mind with beautiful lyrics and meanings in it. However, it is often considered not

good, because rap music could be something that has a big impact like now.

Data 17

Niggas is fake, they are anime

Me I never hate, get cake like Anna Mae, whoa

Eat the cake bitch, eat the damn cake

In this lyrics we can see or give an idea of what is meant by "Niggas is

fake, they are anime". The lyrics can mean that black people today are not "the

real niggas" because they can only struggle with using or by conducting drug

trafficking, robbery, and also other criminal acts. This is different from black

people in ancient times, who are a group of slaves, but they can prove themselves

by fighting for independence and developing themselves in the intellectual realm.


This relates to the culture of the former black people where they fought

very hard in achieving their freedom. Their long history makes them strong and

proud to be black. Because they have a stake in racial equalization and freedom to

live and are free from slavery. Why does this glance say that black people are now

black people now called "fake"? That's because black people now tend to be far

from the struggle because they only revolve around criminal circles and illegal

drugs. Therefore, these things are very far compared to the struggle of black

people before.

Data 18

This shit is retarded, goddamn

Why every rich black nigga gotta be famous

Why every broke black nigga gotta be stainless

Uh, that's a stereotype

Driven by some people up in Aerial Heights

In the lyrics of this song itself has discussed about the views or stereotypes

of black people. They are not unaware of the stereotype experienced, many of the

successful black people and become leaders but it does not make the black people

off their initial stereotypes. The example that can be seen is when Barrack Obama

became president of the United States, even though he became the leader and

became the first black person to become president of the United States and was

able to break the stereotype so far about black people. However, this does not

necessarily eliminate stereotypes that arise about black people. In the lyrics of this

song it was caused by some people up in "Aerial Heights".

In the lyrics of this song, we can see that the lives and culture of black

people sometimes have no place in the United States. It happened not only

discrimination from ordinary white people but also involved upper-class people

from the white race who racist against other races that were different from them.

These upper-class people assume that the white race is the race that has the most

power. Of course, if that happens black people are very difficult to get a place or

platform for them to develop so they can break the stereotypes that are developing

in the community.

4.1.5 Too Deep For Intro

Data 19

These boys got them hoslters and clips they pack like Lunchables

Like white boys in grade school, while we ate school made food

Just eyeing they shit, wish I was trying they shit

Knowing when mama hits the store she wasn't buying that shit

No I don't cry a bit man, that's just life that's how that shit works

In the lyrics of this song we can see about stereotypes about the economic

life of black people. From the lyrics we can take an example which says that they

can only see food from a lunch box owned by a white child. Even though they

want to live like that but they are aware of their economic situation, in the lyrics

"Knowing when mama hits the store she wasn't buying that shit" proves that they

know that they can't afford to buy the things they want. Then this made the black

children look at life with a simple depiction of their economic life.

This lyric refers to the economic problems of black society. From the lyrics

above we can see a side of the lives of black children that they are unable to enjoy

at school as white people feel. They could only look at it because they realized

that their parents could not afford to pay for food or buy them food like that of

white people.

Data 20

Damn, you win some, you lose some, that just how its happens

And if a Nigga steps up to yes, then you gotta scrap em

In the lyrics there is a stereotype about black people who are often

involved in chaos. They often fight to show that they are great. But they do not

know that by doing so they can lose something valuable that is their own lives.

This can also be the pride of a man. When they win a fight they will be rewarded

and can improve their reputation in their environment. Although of course it is

more towards the bad.


Of the many views about black people in the United States, one of them is the

way they achieve a pride just by doing a variety of ways. This is also what

triggers black people to pursue wealth or pride even in ways that are not all true.

For this reason, it is said in the lyrics above "you win some, you lose some" that

they can get something of course with a risk. This cannot be avoided because

basically they do something to get pride in various ways.

4.1.6 Middle Child

Data 21

I got a few miles, but not all of them rich

What good is the bread if my niggas is broke?

What good is first class if my niggas can't sit?

In this lyrics we can give a stereotype that among black people there are

some people who can make a decent living but some are not. The question that

arises in this lyric indicates the compassion of the writer who did not want to see

the other black people living in hardship while he was living in a well-off


The lyrics above relate to the lives of black people above who sometimes

forget or appear to be unconcerned with the lives of other black people. Many

black people are trapped in social problems they are experiencing and it is very

difficult to find a way out of these problems. These problems, of course, as we

know, can be in the form of racism, poverty, drugs, crime, and others. The

problems mentioned earlier are sometimes forgotten by black people who have

gained their glory. They sometimes close their eyes to forget that they were in a

position trapped in these problems.

Data 22

Everything grows, it's destined to change

I love you lil 'niggas, I'm glad that you came

I hope that you scrape every dollar you can

I hope you know money won't erase the pain

In the lyrics of this song there is a stereotype about black people who

sometimes forget themselves when they have lots of money. In addition, they also

assume that money is a medicine for everything in their lives. This is evidenced

by the lyrics written "Hope" which indicates that the songwriter hoped that the

black people could realize that the money could not erase pain or be a pain

prevention itself.

The lyrics above are a reminder for black people who forget where they came

from. Black people who already have wealth and also glory will tend to use their

money for things that are not necessary and also tend to use it carelessly. Why is

said that the lyrics can be a reminder because no matter how much money they

have, it will not be enough to cover the wounds or pain from the past they have

experienced. A glamorous life and a feeling of flattery may be one way that they

can be respected in their environment, although of course, that is not a good thing

because they tend to forget their identity and where they come from.

Data 23

I just poured somethin 'in my cup

I've been wantin 'somethin' I can feel

Promise I am never lettin 'up

Money in your palm don't make you real

Foot is on their neck, I got 'em stuck

I'm giving 'em somethin' they can feel

If it's not bout the squad, don't give a fuck

Gun in your hand, don't make you real

In the lyrics "Money in your palm don't make you real" it indicates that the

stereotype of black people who when they get wealth, they then live in a state of

luxury and tend to squander money. Then the lyrics of "Pistol in your hand don't

make you real" indicate the stereotype that black people who already have power

and can determine something according to their desires which sometimes actually

force. However, it is not everything that should be used as a benchmark in living a

life. "Money" and "Pistol" aren't even just tools, they can control us. Because with

wealth and power we sometimes forget where we came from and can also make

us forget ourselves.

From the lyrics above you can get two keywords namely "pistol" and "money.

Why can these two words be said as keywords? Because the word is considered to

be very closely related to the lives of black people. We can represent this as a way

to achieve power or it can also be said as a form of power held by black people.

The word "gun" can represent that the lives of black people are closely related to

an act of violence. In fact, they can make the violence as a way to achieve pride

and recognition from people around them. Then the word "money" which can be

either the recognition of the people around him or the pride he gets is based on his

lifestyle or how much wealth he has so he can be at the peak of his glory.Data 24

Too many niggas in cycle of jail

Spending they birthdays inside of a cell

This lyrics can lead to stereotypes in which many black people go to

prison. That can lead to the assumption that many black people who do and are

involved in circumstances or activities related to crime. Of course the punishment

for his actions tends to be for a long time, as evidenced by the lyrics of "Spending

them birthdays inside a cell" which indirectly gives us information that the

sentence tends to be severe.

From the lyrics above, we can associate it with the life of crime and

discrimination by black people. Some of them go to jail because they have

committed a crime and some have gone to jail because of the discrimination that

has caused them to be accused so that they end up in prison. Sometimes even

because of the discrimination, they get they are sentenced more severely or longer

to receive a sentence compared to prisoners of other races.

Data 25

We come from a long bloodline of trauma

We raised by our mamas, Lord, we gotta heal

From the lyrics of the song above we can provide a stereotype that black

people grow and develop in a state of "trauma". Trauma in this case may be in the

form of environmental activities that are not conducive for children to grow. They

may also see and experience for themselves how black people are treated in the

environment. This trauma can also be caused by the violence experienced or what

they see, whether it is a congregation or with someone of a different race from

them. Then the trauma is what will shape their personality in the future.

"Trauma" in the lyrics above indicates that they were born, grew, and formed their

thoughts with a traumatic state. The traumatic situation is formed from the

discrimination they get, as well as the racist actions they get from the people who

are in their environment and also what they are usually shown in the media and so

on. That is certainly a matter of life learning for children whose lives they feel are

unfair so that they can cause a trauma effect in their lives.

4.2 Discussion

Based on findings above, the writer expects to answer the research

question about “What are the Stereotypes of Black People in J. Cole’s Song

Lyrics. The use or depiction of stereotypes contained in the data above is a form

of stereotyping to black people. Meanwhile, as we all know that stereotype is a

person's view of someone or a social group.

A stereotype if applied to a people or to someone will open the possibility

of discrimination. As is the case with the above data, there are various kinds of

stereotypes that lead to discrimination of Black People. Based on the data above,

the author can indicate that the stereotype that occurs in black people can make

discrimination in social life. Discrimination can occur in various fields such as

economic, social, social environment, and so forth. According to Orelus (2012:6),

because of the discourse of superiority in the white race that has been circulated

through textbooks and mainstream media, many white people have learned to

believe that they have the biological right to be world leaders, to control and

oppress marginalized blacks, browns, and others. Based on these data, we can be

sure that the incidents and discrimination that happened to black people were the

impacts of white people who always assumed that they were a superior people

who felt above other races.

This certainly results in discrimination in various aspects of life, one of

which is in the workplace. Discrimination in the workplace can be seen when an

employer evaluates prospective employees based on gender and race to be the

"signal" of somebody’s productivity (Mong and Roscigno, 2009). Therefore,

based on the white supremacy discussed earlier, it will be very related to what is

in discrimination in this field of work. Race-based assessment of the productivity

level of an employee will of course be very detrimental to black people. Because


with the existence of the white supremacy earlier this course has resulted in how

difficult it is for them to get a job

African Americans report significant experiences of both institutional and

individual forms of discrimination, most notably in the workplace and when

interacting with police or the courts. These things indicate that there has been a

problem or even discrimination that happens to black people. They are often given

negative assumptions even about something they did not do. Related to the white

supremacy that has been discussed earlier has been alluded to or shown in the

song lyrics above. It was said that the assumptions about black people were not

something that could be lost because those who controlled them were "upper

class" people.

The stereotype is a matter of reference to these things, which can lead to

assumptions against black people. So, our attitude in stereotyping to other races

becomes important, because that is what will be our reference to someone or a

people. This becomes important because if we stereotype poorly or assume that is

not good to a person or a group, there will be a name of discrimination. In the case

example in this case the problem is black people who are made as an object of

discrimination. The discrimination starts from negative assumptions or

stereotypes against black people who are then accompanied by a number of

incidents that support this so that discrimination can no longer be avoided. Even

though there are some people who commit evil in black people that does not mean

that all people who belong to these people are the perpetrators. Here the

stereotype develops as a reference which can be a bridge between the thoughts of

the person who assumes to give rise to what is called acts of discrimination.

As a result from the findings above the writer found 25 data which

contains stereotypes to Black People. The writer examines the song lyrics of J.

Cole using Stereotype theory from Walter Lippman. He said that the stereotype is

a presumption that is owned by someone and is also an interpretation of

information that someone gets about someone or a group (Lippman, 1998). Based

on the theory put forward by Walter Lippman, the writer obtained 25 data

included in the stereotypes of black people in 6 Lyrics of the J. Cole song, which

included “Immortal”, “Be Free (Live on Letterman)”, “Neighbors”, “G.O.M.D”,

“Too Deep for the Intro”’, and “Middle Child”.




5.1 Conclusion

According to this research, the writer draws some conclusion related to the

J. Cole’s song lyrics which have been analyzed with using Lippman’s theory

about stereotype. The objective of this study is to find out what are the stereotypes

of black people in J. Cole’s song lyrics. After analyzing the findings and

discussion with the problem statement about “What are the Stereotypes of Black

People in J. Cole's song lyrics”, the writer sumps up there are 25 data that

analyzed refer to stereotype of Black People.

The 25 data was obtained from six song lyrics written by J. Cole, the six

song lyrics by j. Cole are “Immortal”, “Be Free (Live on Letterman)”,

“Neighbors”, “G.O.M.D”, “Too Deep for the Intro”’, and “Middle Child”. The

songs written by J. Cole itself come from personal experience. Many became the

background of these later writings, ranging from love, social life, and criticism of

government. But the authors only take that if there is a stereotype of Black people

in it. From the six song lyrics of J. Cole, the writer found data included in the

stereotype of Black People.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on this research that has been done with the title “Stereotype of

Black People in J. Cole’s Song Lyrics” the writer would give some suggestions as

the considerations for the readers especially the future writers who would like to

do the further research related to figurative stereotype. In this research, the writer

is using Lippman’s theory which is a theory that addresses stereotypes. However,

the writer only found 25 data which has or described about stereotype of Black

People in J. Cole’s song lyrics which are “Immortal”, “Be Free (Live on

Letterman)”, “Neighbors”, “G.O.M.D”, “Too Deep for the Intro”’, and “Middle

Child”. The writer was not able to find out the stereotype of White People in J.

Cole’s song lyrics, therefore the writer is highly expected that in the future the

other writers will be conducting more deep and perfect research concerning to

Stereotype in other objects or literary works.



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