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Enneagram Personality Test

The OSPP Enneagram of Personality Scales v1.0 from

This personality test will calculate your scores for each of the 9 types in the Enneagram system. Rate
each statement on this page from 1-5 based on how true you think it is about you. 1=Disagree,
3=Neutral, 5=Agree

# Your
Q1 I am a perfectionist.
Q2 My relationships with others are what my life is about.
Q3 I put work first.
Q4 I daydream about being in love.
Q5 I have a hard time showing emotions.
Q6 Fear of being taken advantage of keeps me from being more trusting.
Q7 I must always be having new experiences.
Q8 I naturally emerge as a leader.
Q9 When other people are arguing, I leave the room.
Q10 I strive for efficiency.
Q11 I have difficulty saying no.
Q12 I like to stand out.
Q13 I really enjoy feeling bitter sweet.
Q14 I spend hours alone with my hobbies.
Q15 I get input from others before I make a decision.
Q16 I can keep a conversation going with anyone about anything.
Q17 I like a conversation where no one agrees.
Q18 I keep my thoughts to myself, to prevent trouble.
Q19 I often have to redo other peoples work.
Q20 I get lots of satisfaction from helping others achieve their goals.
Q21 It is good to wake up to a full day of planned activities.
Q22 I cry.
Q23 I spend most of my time trying to understand things.
Q24 I conform.
Q25 I am uninhibited.
Q26 I want people to tell me the truth, not spare my feelings.
Q27 I am very accepting and flexible.
Q28 I keep my belongings in order.
# Your
Q29 I put family first.
Q30 Money is important to my happiness.
Q31 I side with the rebels over the establishment.
Q32 I like mental challenges.
Q33 I am loyal.
Q34 I always try to break the tension with a good joke.
Q35 I prefer it when leaders are decisive.
Q36 I avoid confrontation.

Scoring instructions
Add up the ratings you just gave to each questions like so:

Type 1 Q1 + Q10 + Q19 + Q28 = ____

Type 2 Q2 + Q11 + Q20 + Q29 = ____

Type 3 Q3 + Q12 + Q21 + Q30 = ____

Type 4 Q4 + Q13 + Q22 + Q31 = ____

Type 5 Q5 + Q14 + Q23 + Q32 = ____

Type 6 Q6 + Q15 + Q24 + Q33 = ____

Type 7 Q7 + Q16 + Q25 + Q34 = ____

Type 8 Q8 + Q17 + Q26 + Q35 = ____

Type 9 Q9 + Q18 + Q27 + Q36 = ____

The type you have the highest score for is your Enneagram type.

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