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Five tips on how to write a feature article:

1) Find the right market
A good writer begins by finding the right audience for their work before
developing the content.
I suggest selecting three possible outlets, then researching each one to
determine the most suitable in terms of editorial pillars and audience, before
narrowing it down to one title.
Always check that your chosen publication has not run a similar feature before
undertaking an in-depth study of its audience needs and the house-style.
Analyze article lengths, writing styles, and tone to capture those subtle
2) Develop a strong angle
Articles need compelling angles, from which you can then develop a headline.
Write the headline first before crafting the rest of the content. Why? Because
without a headline an article can lack clear direction, which might impact on
the structure and would be unlikely to engage the commissioning editor.
Furthermore, the headline will help you determine who to interview and the
questions to ask
3) Keep it factual
Always keep to the facts. Avoid including your opinion or general comments,
because unless you are a bonafide expert on the subject about which you are
writing, such content is likely to downgrade your article.
Undertake background reading, in-depth research and find viable interviewees.
For example, if writing a piece on professional sports coaching find a high-
profile expert rather than going to your local gym and cornering the personal
4) Provide added value
In this digital age, an article needs added value, be it a short audio piece, video
clip, or a well-chosen infographic.
If writing for a print magazine, think of your article in terms of a theme with
additional components that can be published online.
For example, if writing a piece on the impact of alternative therapies on
dementia, the print article could focus on how alternative therapies can
support dementia patients.
While the online article – perhaps titled My Story – could be an interview with a
relative of a dementia patient explaining how or if such therapies had helped,
written up in the first person.
A short video of an actual therapy session or a soundbite from a therapist
explaining the core benefits could also add further impact.

5) Edit your work

Never send in your first draft.
Always edit the first draft to address any awkward sentences or potentially
unanswered questions in the text, while the third read is for proofreading

Tips on Writing a Good Feature Article

1. The Headline
The headline or title of the article should grab the readers’ attention quickly so
they’ll keep reading. It needs to highlight the general topic of the story. If you’re
featuring a person, don’t just use their name as the headline. Include a unique
detail that will be uncovered as they read on. For example:

David Young: The Man Who Restored Faith to the Darkest Village in Nepal

2. The Deck
The deck, also known as a subhead or standfirst, is your second chance to
entire readers. While the title of the article will pop with a unique angle, the
deck consists of one or two short sentences that’ll leave no question in the
readers’ minds; they must read this article. It should capture the gist of the
story. For example:
For years, the people of Nepal lived under a dark cloud of oppression. That is,
until David Young instigated a faith movement that would completely reshape
their lives.
3. The Introduction
Your ability to “hook” readers into the story continues in the introductory, or
first, paragraph. The introduction should tell the reader why this story is
important or worth their time, but in a sort of oblique way. This is your last
chance to “hook” a reader before they flip the page or click away.

Be sure to keep your sentences short. Use this as an opportunity to say

something attention-grabbing or something that’ll spark the reader’s interest.
Always remember - the WHY is important. You establish the tone of your article
in the introduction.
4. The Body
The body of the feature should be broken into sections with several headings
for easy organization.
This section contains most of the details of the story. It includes names, places,
times, and quotes related to the person, event, or organization. The opinions of
the writer, those at the location of the story, and experts are presented in the
body of the article. This is also the place to include any pictures that illustrate
the story, as well as diagrams, charts, and other visual elements.
5. The Conclusion
The conclusion should leave a lasting impression on the reader and provoke
some sort of reaction. It should prompt action on the part of the reader,
encourage a change of opinion, or encourage the reader to make a decision.
Useful Feature-Writing Tips
The leeway an author is given in the style of a feature article is much greater
than in other types of news writing. Human interest is key. You want to lure
readers into a particular setting and allow them to partake in an experience.
Here are some tips to help you achieve that goal.
Be Conversational
A feature article should always be very professional and buttoned-up. However,
since this is a human-interest story and you want to draw readers into an
experience, you don’t have to be overly formal or stiff. Consider things like
colloquialisms, first-person narratives, and an authoritative yet conversational
Don’t Be Afraid of Opinions
Instead of presenting hard-hitting facts as you might in a typical news story,
you’re able to take on a bit of a persuasive bent and pose a few rhetorical
questions in features. Avail yourself of the added freedom to write a feature
that you would want to read if you were on the other side of the print.
Remember You’re Still a Reporter
Don’t forget to include all the facts and comment on the location of the story.
Facts and statistics will add authority and context to your story. Extensive
research is critical! You can also sprinkle in relevant jargon to add authenticity
to the facts as well as the opinions of those interviewed. The use of quotes from
people involved makes your story more personal and real, eliciting an
emotional response in the reader.

Paint a Picture
To enhance the relationship with your audience, make use of creative
descriptions that will draw on the reader's imagination. Really paint the scene
and work to contextualize what you’re trying to say.
If you’re interviewing a person, describe the setting. If you’re describing a major
event, relay small details like the wispy pink sky and the smell of cotton candy
in the air. The imagery that you create will captivate the reader and hold them
with you until the end.
Types of Feature Articles
Since these articles can highlight a person, place, or event, there are a few
different styles of feature articles.
Any time you browse your favorite news outlet, you’re bombarded with news
stories. So, how is a news report different from a news feature? News features
tend to root out in-depth details, such as the background and history of the
people impacted by the story. They may also discuss the potential implications
of the event.
For example, when Notre Dame caught on fire in April 2019, every news outlet
was littered with stories on the tragedy. But, in the wake of the fire, several
news features also appeared. They focused on the artwork and relics inside the
cathedral, the repercussions of the fire, and the response from the people in
Paris and around the globe.

News features will highlight specific details that are otherwise glossed over in a
shorter inverted pyramid article that places tremendous focus on the most
important details.
Then, we have the profile. This is where you present an in-depth story about a
person, organization, or event. There should be a history section, including
their background and upbringing, education, challenges, and life experiences.
You’ll also want to offer tantalizing behind-the-scenes details that people can’t
get through a cursory Google search.
A trend feature will highlight something new and exciting in modern culture.
Your editor might feature this type of feature in the lifestyle, fashion, or
entertainment section. It’ll detail things like when this new trend popped up,
why people are embracing it, and where they will start to see it.
Live-in features are “day in the life” stories. They detail what it’s like to be
someone for a day, or what it’s like to be somewhere for a day. You can cover
anything from a county jail, to a posh mansion on the Upper East Side of
Manhattan, to a corporate office environment, and more. The topics are
What you’ll do is spend a day interviewing, exploring, and shadowing someone
else’s typical day. This is where your short story skills will come into play.
You’ll take readers on a journey to some setting they may never personally
experience and, in doing so, you’ll expand their horizons
Feature the Finest
Feature stories are a joy to write because, again, you can reach a much wider
audience. A fantastic article on a modern-day hero or heroine can touch the
lives of people from every race, religion, and political affiliation. Take care to
paint a vivid scene, relay all the facts, and dabble in an expressive opinion or
Another outlet that can impact people from all walks of life is creative writing.
Interested in trying your hand in a short story? If so, check out Plot of a Story
Examples. It’ll help you shape your tale and allow your internal meanderings to
reach out and touch somebody today.

5 Tips for Writing a Captivating Feature Article

There are various types of feature article writing. Whether your focus is news
articles, investigative features, or human-interest stories, all feature story ideas
require a deep level of research—like interviews with people close to the story
or research into extensive background information on a place. Feature writers
go behind the scenes and have a commitment to uncovering the big story
beneath the facts. If it’s your first-time attempting feature writing or you’re a
freelance writer looking to improve your feature-writing skills, the following tips
can help:

Do your research.
Feature stories need more than straight facts and sensory details—they need
evidence. Quotes, anecdotes, and interviews are all useful when gathering
information for your own feature story. Hearing the viewpoints or recollections
of witnesses, family members, or anyone else who could fill in any gaps or
missing pieces to your story can help it feel more three-dimensional, allowing
you to craft a more vivid and interesting story.
Have a compelling headline.
Feature stories rely on a writer’s ability to maintain a reader’s attention
throughout an entire piece, but one of the harder parts is getting them
interested enough to read the story in the first place. Your headline is the first
thing readers are going to see, so it needs to pack a punch or set up a question
readers will want your story to answer.
Open with intrigue.

If you’ve drawn your readers in with the headline, the opening paragraph is
where you hook them for the rest of the story. The first paragraph should
introduce tension, where you set up the question or speculation as to why this
news event is worth paying attention to—your first few lines give the reader a
reason to keep reading.
Connect the dots.
The feature news style of writing is similarly structured to how you would write
short story fiction, but don’t be afraid to make the feature story format your
own. If information blends seamlessly with your narrative and creates a
sequence of scenes connected by an emotional arc, you’re likely writing a
compelling feature article. Even when crafting a personality profile, your
feature story should include why this person deserves to be talked about and
why the reader should care about them. Each element of your story should
have a purpose—to set the stage for your readers and convey the main points
in a compelling and enjoyable way.
Make sure it pays off.
If you’re going to spend time crafting a tense setup for readers and putting in
the hard work of gathering facts and info from reputable sources, the reader
should feel like there is a point to it all. The main body of your feature article
should answer questions, provide specific information, and include the payoffs
the reader has been gearing up for. Even if the situation in real life has no
ending, there must be a conclusion to your piece that feels satisfying to your
audience, like they’ve been told a complete story.

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