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Competitive Share of Conversation

Nike dominated, with a 54% share of social media conversations.
Adidas had a respectable 32%, while Puma lagged behind with a
mere 14%. 

 Nike rolled out its successful Make it Count campaign with

the release of their Nike FuelBand earlier in 2012. The
campaign kicked off with a viral video posted on
YouTube by Casey Neistat and Max Joseph, who instead
of creating the agreed-upon commercial, set out with the
money they received from Nike to “Make it Count” in the
way they defined the term… they traveled 34,000 miles,
visited 16 cities in 13 countries on 3 continents.

However, the success of the campaign centered on

the consistent social media campaign that
followed the video and launch of the FuelBand.
They promoted the #makeitcount hashtag on both
Twitter and Instagram –  and got millions of
consumers to promote the hashtag by uploading
 photos and sending out tweets.

Submitted By:
Peeyush Wate

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