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package edu.wit.cs.


//TODO: document this class

public class PA3a {

* Error to output if no command-line arguments supplied
public static final String ERR_USAGE = "Please supply at least one argument
at the command line."; // DO NOT CHANGE

* Opening quote character
public static final char QUOTE_CHAR_OPEN = '<'; // DO NOT CHANGE

* Closing quote character
public static final char QUOTE_CHAR_CLOSE = '>'; // DO NOT CHANGE

* Finds an element in a non-empty
* array that has minimal length.
* If first is true, the first such;
* otherwise the last.
* @param a input array
* @param first if true, return the first minimal-length element; otherwise
the last
* @return element in a that has maximal length
private static String findShortest(String[] a, boolean first) {
int lowest = 0;
lowest = a[0].length();
int shortest = 0;
for(int i=0; i<=a.length; i++) {
if(a[i].length() < lowest) {
lowest = a[i].length();
shortest = i;
return a[shortest]; // replace with your code

* Finds the first of the elements of a
* supplied array that have the minimal
* length
* @param a input array (assumed non-empty)
* @return first element in a that has minimal length
public static String firstShortestElement(String[] a) {
return findShortest(a, true);
* Finds the last of the elements of a
* supplied array that have the minimal
* length
* @param a input array (assumed non-empty)
* @return last element in a that has minimal length
public static String lastShortestElement(String[] a) {
return findShortest(a, false);

* Finds an element in a non-empty
* array that has maximal length.
* If first is true, the first such;
* otherwise the last.
* @param a input array
* @param first if true, return the first maximal-length element; otherwise
the last
* @return element in a that has maximal length
private static String findLongest(String[] a, boolean first) {
int highest = 0;
highest = a[0].length();
int longest = 0;
for(int i=0; i<=a.length; i++) {
if(a[i].length() > highest) {
highest = a[i].length();
longest = i;
return a[longest]; // replace with your code

* Finds the first of the elements of a
* supplied array that have the maximal
* length
* @param a input array (assumed non-empty)
* @return first element in a that has maximal length
public static String firstLongestElement(String[] a) {
return findLongest(a, true);

* Finds the last of the elements of a
* supplied array that have the maximal
* length
* @param a input array (assumed non-empty)
* @return last element in a that has maximal length
public static String lastLongestElement(String[] a) {
return findLongest(a, false);

* Returns an element with a supplied length
* (if it exists, else null). If first is true,
* the first such element; else the last.
* @param a input array
* @param len length of element for which to search
* @param first if true searches for first; else searches for last
* @return element with length len in a according to first
private static String findOfLength(String[] a, int len, boolean first) {
for(int i=0; i<=a.length; i++) {
if(a[i].length()==len) {
return a[i];
return null; // replace with your code

* Returns the first element of a
* supplied array that has the
* supplied length exactly, or
* null if not found
* @param a input array
* @param len length of element for which to search
* @return first element with length len, or null if not found
public static String firstOfLength(String[] a, int len) {
return findOfLength(a, len, true);

* Returns the last element of a
* supplied array that has the
* supplied length exactly, or
* null if not found
* @param a input array
* @param len length of element for which to search
* @return last element with length len, or null if not found
public static String lastOfLength(String[] a, int len) {
return findOfLength(a, len, false);

* Returns the sum of the lengths
* of all the elements in the
* supplied string array
* @param a input array
* @return summation over the length of all strings in a
public static int sumOfElementLengths(String[] a) {
int sum=0;
int avg=0;
int div=1;
for(int i=0; i<=a.length; i++) {
sum = sum + a[i].length();
avg = sum/div;
return avg; // replace with your code

* Given a sum and count, returns
* the average as an integer
* naturally rounded
* @param sum elements summed
* @param count count of elements
* @return rounded average of sum and count
public static int averageAsInt(int sum, int count) {
return 0; // replace with your code

* Returns true if the supplied array
* has two elements with the same contents
* (not necessarily same identity)
* @param a array to examine
* @return true if a contains duplicate elements
public static boolean hasDuplicates(String[] a) {
return false; // replace with your code

* Utility method to quote a supplied
* string using supplied open/close
* characters
* @param s string to quote
* @param cOpen character before the string
* @param cClose character after the string
* @return quoted string
public static String flexibleQuote(String s, char cOpen, char cClose) {
return ""; // replace with your code

* Utility method for printing the first and last
* Strings from a list. Rules:
* - If both are null, return "none"
* - If either are null, return the other (quoted)
* - If the same string is provided twice (identity, not content); return
either (quoted)
* - Otherwise return "first=quoted(sFirst), last=quoted(sLast)"
* Characters for quoting are supplied as arguments
* @param sFirst first string
* @param sLast last string
* @param cOpen open character for quoting
* @param cClose close character for quoting
* @return string according to the rules above
public static String oneOrBothOrNone(String sFirst, String sLast, char cOpen,
char cClose) {
return ""; // replace with your code

* Utility method to print (to the terminal)
* an array of Strings given something before
* the list, something after, and something
* between each element
* @param a elements
* @param sBefore what to print before the list
* @param sSep what to print between each element
* @param sAfter what to print after the list
public static void printWithSeparator(String[] a, String sBefore, String
sSep, String sAfter) {
// replace with your code

* Returns true if command-line arguments
* were supplied; false otherwise
* @param args program arguments
* @return true if input is of non-zero length
public static boolean validArgs(String[] args) {
return false; // replace with your code

* Outputs a small analysis of strings
* supplied as command-line arguments
* to the program
* @param args command-line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {

if (!validArgs(args)) {
System.out.printf("%s%n", ERR_USAGE);


System.out.printf("Arguments (%d, %s duplication):", args.length,

printWithSeparator(args, " ", " ", String.format("%n"));


final int lSum = sumOfElementLengths(args);

final int lAvg = averageAsInt(lSum, args.length);
System.out.printf("Length: total=%d, avg=%d%n", lSum, lAvg);


final String fShortest = firstShortestElement(args);

final String lShortest = lastShortestElement(args);
System.out.printf("Shortest (%d): %s%n", fShortest.length(),
oneOrBothOrNone(fShortest, lShortest, QUOTE_CHAR_OPEN, QUOTE_CHAR_CLOSE));


final String fLongest = firstLongestElement(args);

final String lLongest = lastLongestElement(args);
System.out.printf("Longest (%d): %s%n", fLongest.length(),
oneOrBothOrNone(fLongest, lLongest, QUOTE_CHAR_OPEN, QUOTE_CHAR_CLOSE));


final String fAverage = firstOfLength(args, lAvg);

final String lAverage = lastOfLength(args, lAvg);
System.out.printf("Average (%d): %s%n", lAvg, oneOrBothOrNone(fAverage,

System.out.println("Please supply correct inputs: color x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3");
// Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle();
// rectangle.getVertices();

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