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{Smoothies and Juices}
Feel amazing and shake off
stubborn weight with these
54 “liquid energy” drinks

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN

C o p y r i g h t © El k a i m G r o u p I n te r n a t i o n a l , I n c .

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced

or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or

mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any

information storage and retrieval system.

D i s c la i m e r

The information presented in this work is by no way intended

as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counselling. The

information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and

care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning

this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition

program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician

and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your

time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing

to accept full responsibility for your actions.

By continuing with the program you recognize that despite

all precautions on the part of Yuri Elkaim and Elkaim Group

International, Inc, there are risks of injury or illness which can

occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and

you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release

any claim which you may have against Yuri Elkaim or Elkaim Group

International, Inc, or its affiliates as a result of any future physical

injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the

use or misuse of the program.

Why Juices and Smoothies?
I’m not going to bore you with the health statistics that we
all know about. Yes, we’re sicker and fatter than ever before.
Many of these problems can be corrected and prevented by
eating more plant foods and exercising more.

4 And there’s no easier way to eat more plant foods

(vegetables and fruit) then by making a daily juice or smoothie.
I probably get 10 servings of veggies and fruit just in my daily
smoothie and green juice alone. It’s just so easy.
Most people don’t eat well because it takes too much time,
they don’t know what to make, and they find healthy foods
taste bland. You will find a solution to each of those obstacles
in this book.
To get you started, I challenge you to make at least ONE
green juice or smoothie each day. It’s the easiest and best
thing you can do for your health, energy, and waistline.
Will you take me up on the challenge?

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The #1 Thing To Remember
About Juicing
I love juicing and making smoothies. My bet is that you become triglycerides in the bloodstream and can become very
probably do too if you’ve picked up this book. We’ll look at problematic for cardiovascular health.
some of the small differences between fresh-pressed juices Fructose’s metabolism is “rate dependent” which means
and smoothies in just a moment but first I need to share the #1 that your liver can only handle so much fructose at once.
thing you must remember about juicing… Any amount above what it can handle starts yielding those
Fresh-pressed juices should largely be comprised of nasty by-products at an alarming rate. Think about assembly
VEGETABLES — not fruit. line workers that cannot keep up with an increasingly fast 5

Why? conveyor belt. It’s the same idea.

Well you’ve probably heard of fructose, right? Fructose Now that I’ve scared you away from eating fruit I want you
is a  type of sugar that is commonly found in fruit along with to rest assured that fruit is not the enemy. Fructose — in its
glucose. The problem with fructose though is that it must process form is. Sodas, stored bought juices, and even fresh-
enter a different and more complex metabolism process in pressed fruit juices are the greatest sources of fructose. Thus,
your liver before your body can convert it into glucose. these sources should be avoided or greatly minimized.

Glucose on the other is much easier for our body to “What…even fresh fruit juice isn’t great?”
utilize and it is the ultimate fuel source for our cells. The issue Yup. Sure fresh fruit juice contains lots of vitamins and
with fructose is that its “rate dependent” metabolism into minerals but it’s a  liquid source of fructose which is NOT
glucose — which occurs in the liver — creates by-products buffered by fiber, which means that it will leave your digestive
like uric acid, lipid droplets (which can lead to fatty liver tract and enter your liver at a very fast rate — which means…
disease), and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL). The latter yes, you got it.

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Throughout this book, you’ll see a  number of juicing As a reminder, your fresh-pressed juices should be made
recipes which contain fruit — some more than others. For the up of vegetables for the most part. Vegetables (especially
most part, I recommend adding ONE fruit (maybe 2) for a bit greens) are the holy grail of health and juicing unlocks their
of sweetness to some of the green juices that follow. The juices full potential as we’ll discuss in a moment.
that are more heavily based on fruits should only be consumed So…
before or after rigorous exercise. The reason for this is that
Juicing = vegetables
exercise speeds up your liver’s ability to process fructose
without shooting out all those unwanted by-products. We good so far?

6 fresh-pressed
juices should
be made up for
vegetables for the
most part.

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When Fruit Juices Are Ok
I’ll simply restate what I mentioned above…
Juices that are more heavily based on fruits should only
be consumed before or after rigorous exercise. The reason for In general,
this is that exercise speeds up your liver’s ability to process you should eat
fructose without shooting out all those unwanted by-products. most of your
food after your
In general, you should eat most of your food after your
workouts. This is because after a  workout your cells are
STARVING for glucose and other nutrients. As a result, their
“doors” become wide open for the uptake of nutrients and 7
Remember that during exercise your muscles use glucose
as a fuel, and the more intense the exercise, the more glucose
they use. Like driving your car across the country, you need
to replenish your lost fuel sources. And because of their quick
absorption out of the digestive tract, fruit juices are great to
enjoy AFTER a workout and even before a workout if you need
a little boost.
Fresh-pressed fruit juices = post-workout (or before)
I’ll share some of my favourites with you in this book.

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Smoothies, Fructose,
Blood Sugar, and Candida
We’ve seen that juicing fruit is not the greatest idea.
But what about smoothies?
Well, adding fruit to your smoothies is less problematic
because smoothies contain the whole fruit — which means
fiber. And fiber slows the emptying of food stuff from your
stomach and digestive tract. This means that less fructose
will reach your liver at once, allowing it to efficiently process
whatever fructose does arrive (without the by-products).
One more consideration with fruit is its impact on raising
blood sugar levels and contributing to yeast infections like
candidiasis. Again, these issues are lessened by making
a  smoothie instead of a  fruit juice — thanks to the fiber
contain in smoothies — but if you do have blood sugar issues
or problems with candida I  would advise against even the
smoothies that are more fruit-based.

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Juices vs. Smoothies
and Nutrient Absorption
Ok, we’ve seen that the main different between juices and
smoothies is that the former does NOT contain the fiber (or at
least very little of it), whereas the latter is a liquid version of
whole food (meaning, fiber is intact).
Now there is a slight benefit to have less fiber and that is…
better absorption. Fiber (aka. Cellulose) is the plant’s “cell wall”
which our human digestive tract cannot breakdown — since 9

we lack the enzyme, cellulase [Note: Cows contain this enzyme

which allows them to eat copious amounts of grass without
As amazing as plant foods are for our health, the catch-22
is that sometimes we can’t fully absorb their full spectrum of
nutrients because of that damn fibrous wall. And that’s where
juicing comes in. Juicing strips away the fiber and leaves us with
pure liquid nutrition that can easily be absorbed into our body.
That’s why juicing is very beneficial for anyone with
a  compromised digestive and intestinal system (ie. almost
everyone), and especially for those with IBS, crohn’s, and
colitis — conditions that inhibit absorption of nutrients in the

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Are the Oxalates
in Green Vegetables Dangerous?
Earlier I  noted that green vegetables should be the main ~~ Lightly steam your green leafies before juicing them or
focus of your juices and even many of your smoothies. Green adding them to your smoothies (steaming reduces oxalate
vegetables are the ultimate source of alkalizing minerals like levels)
calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which help maintain ~~ Add calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide to your green
a  slightly alkaline bloodstream — the foundation of good smoothies (and juices) since both of these compounds will
health and energy. bind to the oxalates, preventing the oxalates from binding
10 But you may have heard that green leafies like kale and to important nutrients, and pull them through your
spinach contain “anti-nutrients” called oxalates (or oxalic acid), digestive tract.
which interfere with the absorption of certain nutrients. The only way to truly know if you’re lacking certain nutrients
Although there is some truth to that I don’t personally know is to do a nutrient profile with your local naturopathic doctor.
many people who’s health has worsened as a result of eating That way you’ll know if oxalates (or other factors) are robbing
or drinking more greens. Having said that, as a  precaution, you of nutrients. My guess is that you’ll be ok without taking
here are a few ways you can reduce the oxalate levels in grees the 2 measures I’ve mentioned above. I personally don’t.
(if you like): Personally, I feel you will lose more nutrients by drinking
coffee — because of caffeine’s diuretic stripping effects — then
you will by drinking greens.

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Does Food Combining
Apply to Juices and Smoothies?
I’ve discussed the benefits of food combining in my However, you may notice that certain smoothies that
previous works like Eating for Energy and the Total Wellness contain ingredients that are higher in protein and fat — like nut
Cleanse. In a  nutshell, food combining recommends the butters, coconut milk, etc…  — will take a little longer to digest.
following guidelines as a way to ensure optimal digestion: In those cases, feel free to use a digestive enzyme beforehand
~~ Eat fruit alone to facilitate the digestive process.

~~ Avoid mixing starchy carbohydrates and animal proteins

in the same meal
There is a  lot of merit to those 2 recommendations
assuming you’re eating the WHOLE food — instead of the
liquid version. Eating
But when it comes to smoothies and juices, food combining for Energy
is less important because the juicer or blender has already and the Total
done most of the digestion for you. Wellness
Plus, since juices and smoothies are for the most part raw,
their ingredients contain higher amounts of food enzymes
(than cooked food), which facilitate their digestion even

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How Long Do Fresh-Pressed
Juices and Smoothies Last?
The best time to drink your fresh-pressed juice or smoothie However, you can store your juices in the fridge for up
is right away. The longer these drinks sit and are exposed to to 3 days in a  sealed bottled. This is personally what I  do.
oxygen, the greater their nutrient decay. Smoothies — because they’re so easy to make and less
palatable after a  day or two — should be consumed within
a few hours of being made.


Store your juices

in the fridge
for up to 3 days
in a sealed bottled.

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Why You Should Chew
Your Liquids
The chewing process initiates the releases of digestive
enzymes and hydrochloric acid — both of which are necessary
for digestion. The tendency when drinking smoothies and
juices is to simply throw them back as quickly as possible.
There are 2 problems with doing this…
First, you get lesser digestion because chewing is not
Second, you increase the influx of fructose to the liver and
glucose into your bloodstream. Not great — unless you enjoy
higher levels of triglycerides and shooting blood sugar levels,
The simple solution to these 2 issues is to drink slowly and
chew your liquids. Take a sip, chew it in your mouth, and then
swallow. Capiche!

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My Time-Saving Tactic
For Juicing Less
I love green juices! I  really do. I  could drink them all day. It’s an awesome feeling to know that you don’t have to think
And my body and energy levels couldn’t be happier when I do. about making or juicing anything when you’re starving. Simply
But here’s the thing… head to the fridge, grab your bottle of juice, and you’re all set!

Juicing — at least with my Greenstar juicer (aka. The I usually make Sunday and Wednesday mornings my big
Sniper Rifle) — takes at least 40 minutes to make slightly less juicing days, both yielding 3 days worth of juice for me and my
than 1 liter of juice. Now, 40 minutes is definitely worth the family.
health and energy benefits but I’ve come up with a better idea,
especially if you’re lazy (like me), have a  busy schedule (like
me), and/or have kids (like me).
Considering that fresh pressed juices will generally last
for 3 days in a  sealed bottle in the fridge, I  now dedicate
2 mornings per week to make about 10 liters of green juice!
Yes, that sounds pretty intense. But the best part is that
juicing 10 liters of produce takes me about 50% longer than
making just 1 liter of juice. So eventhough it’s not as “perfect”
as drinking it fresh, if I can store 10 liters of green juice in the
fridge, me and my entire family can easily grab a  juice when
we’re hungry and don’t feel like preparing anything.

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Isn’t Juicing Expensive?
This is one of the most common questions I get asked about Listen, we all have priorities when spending our money.
juicing. The good news is that it’s really that not expensive. I would rather spend my money on amazing food and nutrition
Here’s an example… than on alcohol, coffee, or other indulgences.

A little while ago, I decided to try a few of those “delivered How about you?
to your door” fresh-pressed juice cleanses. For about $200,
they deliver 18, 500-ml raw juices to your door. And honestly,
for the convenience it’s worth it — if you can afford it.
However, this delivered option costs about $11 per 500-
ml bottle — that’s pretty expensive. 15

Now, here’s the cool part…

I decided to load up on produce and juice 18, 500-ml
bottles of my own juice at home. The cost for all this produce
(most of it organic) was about $60 and yielded about 15,
500-ml bottles of juice. Do the math and you’ll see that that
amounts to just $4 per 500-ml bottle.
Not bad at all, Yuri. Not bad at all.
Still, some people might say that that’s still too expensive.
Yet, these people will happily go to Starbucks and spend $5 on
a latte.

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Choosing Organic Produce — 
The Clean 15
and The Dirty Dozen

The Dirty Dozen

In a perfect world, we’d all be eating and drinking organic
produce all the time. However, I  realized that that’s not
necessarily possible for everyone. With that said, do your best
to buy the following “Dirty 12” fruits and vegetables in their 1. Peaches
organic state...
2. Apples
3. Sweet Bell Peppers
4. Celery
5. Nectarines
6. Strawberries
7. Cherries
8. Pears
9. Grapes (Imported)
10. Spinach
11. Lettuce
12. Potatoes

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Notice how most of these 12 foods would be eaten skin
and all.
Rule of thumb: any food you would eat in its entirety
The Clean Fifteen
(including the skin) is best to buy organic. 1. Onions
And since the following 15 foods are the least problematic 2. Sweet Corn
from a pesticide perspective, don’t stress about getting them
3. Pineapples
organic if you don’t want.
4. Avocado
5. Cabbage
6. Sweet Peas
7. Asparagus
8. Mangoes
9. Eggplant
10. Kiwi
11. Cantaloupe (domestic)
12. Sweet Potatoes
13. Grapefruit
14. Papayas
15. Mushrooms

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The Secret to Having Your Kids
Fall in Love With Juices
and Smoothies
As of this writing, I’ve got 2 little kids — a 2.5 year old, My best advice is to get them started with green juices and
Oscar and an 8-month old, Luca. From the time we started green smoothies. Do your best to avoid the very sweet drinks
feeding our kids solid foods, green juices and smoothies have because they’ll never want anything else after they’ve taste
been mainstay on their menu. the sweet goodness.
The trick to having your kids fall in love with quality However, if they absolutely refuse to go green then at
nutrition is to get them used to it as early as possible. For least get them drinking smoothies that are loaded with non-
instance, Oscar was a green smoothie monster from about 6 sweet fruit (berries, apples, etc…) and other highly nutritious
to 12 months. Then, he had a taste of sweeter foods like fruit, ingredients.
which completely reversed his desire for greens.
Thankfully, he’s still open to smoothies of all kinds and
even the occasional green juice. But if your kids are brought up
on sugar and crap it’s going to be tough-going for a little while
The trick to having your
as their palette’s reset to enjoy greens and other vegetable
kids fall in love with
quality nutrition is to
get them used to it as
early as possible.

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What You’ll Need…
To make fresh-pressed juices you’ll need a juicer. There are many different types of juicers on the market.
Here’s a brief description of the 3 most common types and associated recommendations:

Types of Juicers
• Masticating Juicers (aka. single gear/auger)

20 These types of juicers use a single gear or auger that literally Another benefit of masticating juicers is that they operate
chews fruit and vegetable fibers and breaks up the plant cells, at slower speeds (RPMs) than centrifugal juicers, resulting in
resulting in more fiber, enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals. less foam and heat, which means more nutrition in your glass.
Masticating juicers are generally more efficient than Centrifugal The low speed also increases the shelf life of the juice
juicers (see below) because they can extract more juice from so that you can generally store your juicer for a  few days.
the same amount of food (i.e. the pulp comes out drier). Masticating juicers are also more versatile than centrifugal
Masticating juicers are very capable at juicing virtually any juicers because, in addition to extracting juices, these juicers
fruit and vegetable, and single gear juicers will also extract also homogenize foods to make baby foods, pates, sauces, nut
juice from leaves and grasses, like wheatgrass, spinach, butters, banana ice creams and fruit sorbets. Some of these
lettuce, parsley, and other leafy greens and herbs. (Note: the juicers can even extrude pasta and make bread sticks and rice
Champion Juicers are the exception and do not juice wheatgrass cakes!
or greens very well).

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My top recommendation for a  masticating juicer is the
Omega VRT 350. It’s priced around $350 and worth every



Omega VRT 350

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• Twin-Gear (Extracting) Juicers
These are the most expensive type of juicers, but they My personal recommendation for this category (and the
offer the most benefits. Their biggest drawback is that they juicer that I personally use) is the GreenStar 100 Juicer (shown
take the longest amount of time to make a  juice. I  know this here). It’s priced around $500.
first hand because this is the type of juicer that I have.
Twin gear (extractor) juicers turn at even slower speeds
(RPMs), resulting in even less oxidation from foam and less
destruction of nutrients from heat. The low speeds also
decrease the aeration and oxidation of the juicer, meaning you
can refrigerate and store your juice for a few days.
Twin gear juicers are the most efficient type of juicer
available and can extract higher yields of juice from fruits,
22 vegetables, wheatgrass, spinach, and other greens and herbs.
The pulp that comes out of twin gear juicers is the driest of all
the types of juicers. These juicers extract as much juice from
wheatgrass as the wheatgrass-only type of juicers.
Twin gear juicers operate by pressing food between two
interlocking roller gears. This juicing process yields a  larger
volume of juice. The high pressure squeezing force of the twin
gears breaks open tough cell walls and releases more enzymes, $500
vitamins and trace minerals.
This is also the best type of juicer for juicing wheatgrass. GreenStar 100 Juicer
Twin gear juicers do more than just extract juice as well.
They also make baby foods, nut butters, fruit sorbets and
much more.

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• Centrifugal Juicers
Centrifugal juicers are the most popular and generally the deal of oxygen is dissolved into the juice. The oxygen bubbles
most affordable type of juicer. In fact, most juicers available in in the juice causes the juice to oxidize (spoil) quickly.
department stores are centrifugal juice machines. As a  result, the juice from a  centrifugal juicer should be
Centrifugal juicers are great at juicing most any fruit consumed right away and can't be effectively stored for any
or vegetable and get the job done very easily and quickly. length of time without loss of nutritional value. If you wish
However, centrifugal juicers have a  more difficult time to store juice, consider a low speed juicer like a single or twin
effectively extracting high yields of juice from grassed and gear juicer.
leafy foods like wheatgrass, spinach, lettuce, parsley and other I don’t use a centrifugal juicer but I’ve heard through the
greens and herbs. Centrifugal juicers will extract some juice grapevine that the Breville Juice Fountain Elite is pretty good
from these greens, but far less than single or twin gear juicers. but priced at about $300 you might as well get the Omega
Centrifugal type juicers first grate the fruit or vegetable VRT350.
into a  pulp, and then uses centrifugal force to push the pulp 23
against a strainer screen by spinning it at a very high RPM.
The advantages of centrifugal juicers are the speed at
which a juicing job can be done, especially when juicing with
a wide mouth juicer. There are several disadvantages as well.
As mentioned above, centrifugal juicers are not effective
grass and leaf juicers. Additionally, the pulp generated by
a  centrifugal juicer is still relatively wet, meaning that some
juice goes to waste. Single gear juicers and twin gear juicers
have higher yields (drier pulp) than centrifugal juicers. $300

Another disadvantage is the shelf life of the juice from

a  centrifugal juicer. Because of the high speed required to Breville Juice Fountain Elite
extract juice, the juice gets aerated, or in other words a great

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• Blenders
If you could only buy a  blender or a  juicer, I  would
recommend getting a  blender simply because you can get
more use out of it. Plus, smoothies (made in a  blender) are
a complete meal (thank you fiber) and take much less time to
make than most juices.
Blenders are much more straightforward than juicers.
The most important consideration is choosing one that has
a powerful motor (high RPM) so that it can blend ice and other
tougher ingredients without blinking.
I personally use (and love) the Vitamix. It’s easily the best
$500 I’ve ever spent. However, there are other solid high-
24 speed blenders like Blendtec that are less expensive and will
still do the job.



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• Produce and Fresh Ingredients
Other than your juicer and blender, you only need
the following ingredient categories:

~~ Fresh produce (vegetables and fruit)

~~ Nut butters (almond and peanut butter)
~~ Coconut oil, flax/hemp oil
~~ Young coconuts (optional but amazing)
~~ Coconut and nut milk (hemp and rice milk
may also be used)
~~ Select herbs and spices
~~ Upgrade ingredients (see below) 25

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What You Won’t Find
In This Recipe Guide…
Throughout this recipe guide, you will not find any dairy, included a number of amazing vegan protein sources that are
gluten, animal protein, or excessive use of supplements. just as good, if not better, than typical animal-based proteins.
All of these juice and smoothie recipes are 100% vegan, In the next section, I’ve also listed some powerful (and
dairy-free, and for the most part raw. Adding 1–2 of these optional) “upgrades” that you can add to any of the smoothies
juices and smoothies into your diet each day will take your in this book. Some of them can also be added to certain juices
health to a  new level as you’ll be getting 5–10 servings of and I’ve made “upgrade” recommendations for each smoothie
26 vegetables and fruit without even thinking about it. and juice where applicable.
I’m not a  fan of dairy and don’t believe that humans are Go crazy and mix and match your own, if you feel like
suited to digest it properly. It’s micro- and macronutrient experimenting.
content are also way out of whack for human needs. I could go
on and on but I’ll just stop there. So, I don’t include cow’s milk
or yogurt in any of these recipes. Instead, the more beneficial
coconut and nut milks are used.
Obviously, you won’t find gluten in any of these recipes
All of these juice and
since it is generally not a common ingredient in most liquids.
smoothie recipes are 100%
Just wanted to make that clear.
vegan, dairy-free, and
I’m also not a fan of most animal protein powders (personal for the most part raw.
preference) so I  haven’t included whey or casein protein in
these recipes. If you want to use them, then that’s fine but I’ve

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The Upgrades
The following upgrades are described in greater detail in ~~ Greens powders (wheat grass, barley grass, etc…)
the attached Bonus Section #1 — The Nutrient Density List that ~~ Spirulina
comes with this recipe guide.
~~ Flax seeds/oil
~~ Hemp seeds/oil
~~ Bee pollen
~~ Aloe Vera
~~ Vitamin C (acerola)
~~ Maca 27

~~ Proteins: hemps seeds, hemp protein powder, rice protein

powder, or any other vegan protein brands (Vega,
SunWarrior, Progressive Nutritionals, etc…)

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A Note on Substitutions
The recipes in this guide have all been tested and enjoyed
numerous times in my household. Each recipe has a  specific
combination of ingredients which are guaranteed to blow you
away but feel free to make substitutions where needed.
For instance, if a recipe calls for kale and you don’t have
any, then just use another leafy green like spinach, Swiss
chard, etc…
If you don’t have almond butter go with organic peanut
28 butter, cashew butter, etc…
Where young coconuts are recommended — and if you
don’t have access to them — simply use water and coconut oil
or coconut milk.
Don’t worry about being perfect — it doesn’t exist.
Experiment and enjoy.

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Grocery List
Here’s what you’ll need to put together the juices and smoothies in this recipe guide. Do your best to choose organic whenever
possible, especially for the Dirty Dozen (as described earlier).

Vegetables Herbs
~~ Kale and Spices
~~ Swiss chard
~~ Parsley
~~ Spinach
~~ Cilantro 29
~~ Lettuce
~~ Mint
~~ Arugula
~~ Ginger
~~ Watercress
~~ Cayenne Pepper
~~ Cucumber
~~ Vanilla extract
~~ Celery
~~ Cinnamon
~~ Cabbage
~~ Beets
~~ Carrots
~~ Sweet potato
~~ Red Pepper
~~ Broccoli

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Fruit Other Optional
~~ Tomatoes ~~ Young coconut (or coconut water) Upgrades
~~ Avocado ~~ Coconut milk
~~ Hemp oil
~~ Apples ~~ Almond butter
~~ Flax oil
~~ Pears ~~ Organic peanut butter
~~ Flax seeds
~~ Blueberries ~~ Chia seeds
~~ Spirulina
~~ Strawberries ~~ Hemp seeds
~~ Bee pollen
~~ Raspberries ~~ Liquid stevia
~~ Greens powder
~~ Cherries ~~ Honey or maple syrup
30 ~~ Aloe vera
~~ Bananas ~~ Cacao (raw if possible)
~~ Maca
~~ Oranges ~~ Sparkling water
~~ Lemon ~~ Apple cider vinegar
~~ Lime
~~ Pineapple
~~ Papaya
~~ Cantaloupe
~~ Watermelon
~~ Dates
~~ Kiwi

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Smoothies 31
Almond Milk
This is the easiest almond milk you could ever imagine. It can be used
as the base for many of smoothie recipes that follow.

of almond

32 Ingredients:

1 cup raw almonds, soaked for 4 hours or more

4 cups water


1. In a powerful blender, blend the raw almonds and water

at high speed for about 30 seconds.

2. If no pulp is wanted, then strain the milk through a nut milk

bag, cheesecloth, or fine strainer into a large bowl.
Then pour into a glass jar and keep in the fridge.

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The Green Machine
This used to be my go -to green smoothie until I started
experimented with many of the other green smoothies to follow.
Nonetheless, still awesome!



1 head kale/swiss chard/or dark lettuce 33

1 banana

1 apple

1 pear

Juice of 1 lime

2 tbsp hemp seeds

½ liter of water


1 tbsp spirulina or greens powder, 1 tbsp flax/hemp oil


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

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Undercover Greens
This is a clever way to disguise your greens. If you’ve got kids who don’t
like greens, hopefully the sweetness and colour of the blueberries will
“trick ” your kids into taking a sip (or more).



34 5–6 Swiss chard leaves (or 1 cup spinach)

½ handful cilantro

2 celery stalks

¼ small cucumber

1 cup blueberries

2 tbsp hemp seeds

Juice of ½ lime

4–5 drops of liquid stevia (optional)

250 ml water (or coconut water)


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Creamy Zingy
Limey Smoothie
This is from our Total Wellness Cleanse program but it is so good I just
had to include it.


Ingredients: 35

1 avocado, pitted and diced

1 apple, cored and quartered

250 ml coconut water OR almond milk

Juice of 1 lime

1-inch piece of ginger


1. Grate ginger into separate container and then squeeze juice

out of grated bits into blender.

2. Add all other ingredients to blender, blend and enjoy!

© 2013
Black Magic
Don’t let the dark colour of this smoothie scare you. It’s loaded with
amazing antioxidants and green awesomeness.



½ head of kale
1 cup blueberries

1 cup cherries

Juice of ½ lime

1 tsp vanilla extract

250 ml water

2-3 drops of stevia or 1 tbsp honey/maple syrup


1 tbsp spirulina or greens powder, 1 tbsp coconut oil


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Blue Chia
Chia seeds are an amazing source of fiber and omega-3 fats.
And because of their ability to soak up liquid ver y rapidly, it might
be best to drink this smoothie within a few minutes of making it;
other wise, it may not even come out of the glass.
This smoothie is also surprisingly filling and a great option
if you’re on the run and need sustained satiety.


1 cup frozen blueberries

1-2 tbsp chia seeds

250 ml almond milk

1 tsp honey/maple syrup (or 1-2 drops of liquid stevia)


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Blue Pineapple
This is one of the simplest and most amazing smoothies.
And, the combination of pineapple’s bromelain enzymes
and blueberr y’s antioxidants makes this one of the healthiest
and digestive-friendly drinks you will find.


2 cups chopped pineapple

2 cups blueberries

4–5 ice cubes

500 ml water


1 tbsp hemp seeds, 1 tbsp flax oil


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013


1 head of kale

¼ cucumber

1 pear
¼ pineapple (about 2-3 cups chopped pineapple)

250 ml water

4-5 ice cubes


1 tbsp hemp seeds, 1 tbsp flax/hemp oil, 1 tbsp greens powder


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Incredible Hulk


1 banana
1 cup spinach

2 tbsp hemp seeds

2 tbsp hemp or flax oil

1 tbsp ground flax seeds

1 tbsp cacao powder

3–4 drops of Stevia


1 tbsp maca, 1 tbsp greens powder


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Green Giant


1 handful kale (about ½ head)

1 handful spinach

1 cup frozen strawberries.

¼ cucumber

1 banana

250 ml almond milk


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy

© 2013
Coco Kale-Ah


½ head of kale

2 handfuls of spinach

1 ripe banana
1 young coconut (meat and water included)

Juice of ½ lime


1 tbsp greens powder


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Tangy Coco Spinach


2 big handfuls of spinach

1 banana,

½ cup strawberries
1-2 stalks celery

Juice of 1-inch piece of ginger

Juice of ½ lime

1 young coconut (water and meat)

250 ml water


1 tbsp greens powder


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Hot Greens
Oh my goodness! Another unbelievably delicious green smoothie.
This one combines some delicious tropical flavours along
with a nice spicy kick.



44 ½ head of kale

2 cups chopped pineapple

1 stalk of celery

½ handful cilantro

1 young coconut (water and meat)

Juice of 1-inch piece of ginger

250 ml water

Pinch of cayenne

U p g r a d e s : 1 tbsp greens powder, 1 tbsp hemp seeds

D i r e c t i o n s : Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Clean Coco-Green


½ head of lettuce

½ handful cilantro

1 young coconut (meat and water included)

1 ripe banana

1 pear

Juice of ½ lime

250 ml water


1 tsp greens powder, 2–3 tbsp hemp seeds


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Pure awesomeness!



3 oranges

1 banana
2 tbsp hemp seeds

1 tbsp vanilla extract

350 ml almond milk

3–4 ice cubes


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Strawberry Chiller
This is a great drink on a hot summer’s day.


2 cups frozen strawberries

2 tbsp hemp seeds

500 ml water

1 tbsp vanilla extract

2-3 drops liquid Stevia (if more sweetness is desired)


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Chill Out
This is a great drink on a warm summer’s day.
Ser ve over ice if you like.



2 cups cubed watermelon

125 ml water

Juice of ½ lime

Sprig of fresh mint

3-4 ice cubes

1 shot of wheatgrass (optional)


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Green Giant
Per fect for post-workout fuel replenishment.


1 head of kale (or 3 cups spinach)

1 mango

1 cup strawberries

1 banana

750 ml water


2–3 tbsp hemp seeds, 1 tbsp flax oil


Add ingredients to blender, whip it up, and enjoy.

© 2013
Liquid Enzymes
Enjoy the healing powers of pineapple and papaya’s bromelain
and papain digestive enzymes.

¼ pineapple

½ papaya, seeds removed (flesh scooped out)

Juice of ½ lime

250 ml water


Add ingredients to blender, whip it up, and enjoy.


© 2013
Wow…That’s Sweet
Due to its sweetness (and sugar content) I’ d recommend
saving this one for af ter a grueling workout.



1 banana
1 tbsp cacao powder

3 dates

2 tbsp peanut butter

1 young coconut (water and meat included)

1 tbsp vanilla extract

4–5 ice cubes


finely chopped fresh mint, 2 tbsp hemp seeds or protein powder


Add ingredients to blender, whip it up, and enjoy.

© 2013
Chocolate Milk
Chocolate milk doesn’t get more basic than this.


1 banana

250 ml nutmilk

1 tbsp cacao


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Cherry Milk
For the longest time, this is the only drink our youngest son Luca
would drink. If you’ve got kids, they might enjoy this as well.
The good news is that it’s loaded with antioxidant powerhouses,
vitamin E and vitamin C .


500 ml almond milk

2 cups cherries


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
Minty Mocha
If you enjoy the taste of cof fee then you’ ll love this “ healthy” version.
Ideally, choose decaf espresso to avoid the caf feine highs and lows.
This is another drink for those warm summer days
when you feel like an ice cof fee.



54 1-2 shots decaf espresso

1 tbsp cacao

1 banana

250 ml almond milk

Pinch of peppermint oil (or 2-3 fresh mint leaves)

3-4 drops of liquid stevia

4 ice cubes


1. Prepare 1 shot decaf espresso

2. Add decaf espresso and other ingredients
to blender and blend.
3. Serve over ice for a cool treat.

© 2013
Chocolate Treat
This is an easy way to sneak in some greens into your kids smoothies.
But I don’t tell them I told you.


Ingredients: 55

1 frozen banana (or fresh banana with ice cubes added)

1 cup spinach

250 ml coconut milk

250 ml almond milk

1 tbsp raw cacao

Pinch of cinnamon, optional


1 tbsp hemp seeds or protein powder


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy

© 2013

Peanut Butter
Banana Split
Perfect for the occasional sweet treat or post-workout fuel replenishment.


2 ripe bananas

3 tbsp peanut butter

2 cups almond milk

1 cup coconut milk

1 tbsp flax oil

2 tbsp cinnamon

ice (optional)

2 dates or 1 tbsp maple syrup (optional)

U p g r a d e s : hemp seeds or protein powder

Add ingredients to blender, whip it up, and enjoy.

© 2013
Peanut Butter
And Jam
The combination of strawberries and peanut butter bring back
memories of those PB & J sandwiches from childhood.


58 Ingredients:

500 ml almond milk

1 frozen ripe bananas

1 cup of strawberries

1 tbsp chia seeds

2 tbsp natural peanut butter

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 dates or 1 tbsp maple syrup

Ice, if desired

U p g r a d e s : hemp seeds or protein powder

D i r e c t i o n s : Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013
A Date
with Almonds
Per fect for the occasional sweet treat
or post-workout fuel replenishment.


Ingredients: 59

1 banana

4 dates

500 ml almond milk

4 tbsp almond butter

2 tbsp hemp seeds

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla

3-4 ice cubes


Add ingredients to blender, whip it up, and enjoy.

© 2013
Coco Chocolate


1 banana

2 tbsp peanut butter,

250 ml almond milk

250 ml coconut milk

1 tbsp cacao

2 tbsp hemp seeds

3-4 ice cubes


1 tbsp maca


Add ingredients to blender, whip it up, and enjoy.

© 2013
Berry Almighty
This is another one of my go -to protein smoothies and I’ ll of ten have
one af ter my workouts. This bad boy packs close to 20 grams of
protein — almost 1 /3 of most our daily requirement. Who says you
can’t get enough protein from plants!


2 cups of your favourite berries

2 tbsp almond butter

2 tbsp hemp seeds

1 tbsp flax oil

1 tbsp maca

250 ml almond milk


Add ingredients to blender, blend, and enjoy.

© 2013

Simple Greens
This is a basic green juice for beginners. Feel free to ser ve this over ice
to dilute the green taste.



1 pear
6-8 kale or Swiss chard leaves

½ lemon

1-inch piece of ginger


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
Sweetly Romaine
Another simple green juice for beginners
with a touch of sweetness.



1 small apple
1 head romaine lettuce

1 carrot


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
Earth to Kale
Who knew you could juice a sweet potato?
Tr y this and you’ ll be surprised.



6 leaves kale
½ sweet potato


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
Swiss Strawberry
Give this green juice to your kids
and they’ ll be beg ging for more J



1 bunch rainbow chard

2 cups strawberries

1 apple

¼ cucumber

1 handful spinach

½ lemon


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
Green Fiesta
This is the green juice I’ ll of ten in make in huge batches.
You can never get enough greens as far as I’m concerned.



1 head kale or Swiss chard

1 large handful of spinach

1 head of romaine lettuce

1 cucumber

10–12 celery stalks

1 green apple

1 lemon


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
Green Ginger
Gut Healer
The naturally high levels of L-glutamine in the cabbage
and anti-inflammator y properties of the ginger make this juice great
for repairing a damaged gut lining (which most of us have).


1 large wedge green cabbage

(about ¹∕8th of a whole cabbage)

2 pears

1 head of romaine lettuce

1-inch piece of ginger


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
The Fire Starter
Get the fire hose ready because this bad boy is packing some serious
heat. Per fect on a cold day, when you’re feeling a little under the
weather, or any time you feel like playing with fire.



2 carrots 69

1 beet

8 stalks celery

½ cucumber

1 apple

2-inch piece ginger

Juice of 1 lime


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
Carrot Apple
Another “ firey” juice to spice up your day.


2 carrots

½ cucumber

1 apple

Juice of 1 lemon

1-inch piece of ginger

Pinch of cayenne


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
Spicy Green
Loaded with tons of liver supporting sulfur,
this juice will make your skin glow.
Oh yeah, it’s also packing some heat.


½ cucumber

1 handful watercress

1 handful arugula

2 carrots

1-inch piece of ginger

Juice of 1 lemon


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
Cool, Sweet Kale
Per fect for a pre- or post-workout fuel fix on a hot day.



1 head of kale

1 apple
3 cups chopped watermelon

Juice of ½ lemon

2-3 ice cubes


Juice all ingredients through a juicer and serve over ice.

© 2013
Happy Green Juice


6–8 Swiss chard stalks/leaves

½ cucumber

3–4 celery stalks

1 pear

¼ cantaloupe

Juice of ½ lemon

1-inch piece of ginger


Run all ingredients through a juicer and serve.

© 2013
The Swiss Kiwi


5–6 Swiss chard stalks/leaves

5–6 celery stalks

½ handful parsley
1 apple

1 kiwi

1-inch piece of ginger

Juice of ½ lime


Run all ingredients through a juicer and serve.

© 2013
Lean, Mean
If you enjoy a good Blood Mar y/Caesar,
then you’ ll love this lycopene-rich juice.


Ingredients: 75

2 tomatoes

2 carrots

3 celery stalks

½ red pepper

½ cucumber

1 handful of cilantro

Juice of 1 lemon


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
Ginger Apple
The ginger in this recipe provides a nice anti-inflammator y
and tummy soothing benefit and spicy kick
to good old apple juice.



76 4 apples

1 inch piece of ginger


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
Beet Red
Simple and delicious.



1 beet

6 celery stalks
1-inch piece of ginger

½ lemon


Run all ingredients through a juicer, serve, and enjoy!

© 2013
Red Liver Flush
This is a heav y- duty drink that supports liver detoxification.
Tr y this first thing in the morning.



1 grapefruit
½ beet

1-inch piece ginger

1 lemon

¼ tsp cayenne pepper


Run all ingredients through a juicer and serve.

© 2013
Sweet Sulfur
The sweetness of the apple, beet, and carrot mask the hidden
sulfur- containing powerhouse nutrients in the kale and broccoli.
An amazing juice for cleansing your liver and skin.



1 apple 79

1 beet

1 carrot

2 stalks of broccoli

3-4 kale leaves

Juice of ½ lemon


Run all ingredients through a juicer and serve.

© 2013
Grapefruit Mint
Grapefruit has been well documented
to reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase levels
of the important antioxidant glutathione.
The addition of mint makes this simple juice simply awesome!


2 grapefruits, peeled

1 handful fresh mint


Run all ingredients through a juicer and serve

(over ice, if desired).

© 2013

Cold 81

Ginger Ale


500 ml sparkling water

2-inch cube ginger, grated and juice squeezed out

Juice of ½ lemon

1 tbsp honey or maple syrup


1. Pour sparkling water into glass

2. Grate ginger into bowl or small container.

3. Tilt bowl or container over glass and squeeze grated

ginger so that its juice pours into sparkling water.

4. Add lemon juice and honey/maple syrup,

stir, and enjoy.

© 2013
Sparkling Digestif
This is a great drink to have before or with a meal
as the lemon and apple cider vinegar assist with digestion.
And if you’re looking for that little “ fizzy” fix
then you’ ll love this drink.


500 ml sparkling water

3 tbsp apple cider vinegar

Juice of ½ lemon


Combine all ingredients in a glass, stir gently, and enjoy.

© 2013
Another great chilled drink for a warm summer’s day.
Also a yummy option for picnic or barbecue with family/friends.
Winnie the Pooh jug not included J.


1 cup chopped strawberries

½ handful fresh mint,

750 ml water

Handful of ice


Combine all ingredients in a juice jug, stir gently,

and let sit for 2 hours before serving.

© 2013
Another terrific cold drink for a warm summer’s day.


1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (5 to 6 lemons)

¼ cup maple syrup

4 cups water

1 cup raspberries

4–5 ice cubes


Combine all ingredients in your favourite juice jug, stir gently,

and let sit for 2 hours before serving. Feel free to gently mash
the raspberries into the lemonade to release their berry flavour.

© 2013


(warm/hot juices)
Soothing Cider
This is a soothing warm drink for those cold drear y days
when you’re not feeling too hot.



2 apples
1 lemon

1-inch piece of ginger

Pinch of cayenne pepper

1 tsp honey


1. Run all ingredients through a juicer

(except cayenne and honey)

2. Pour juice in a pot and gently warm (do not boil)

on the stove top.

3. Pour warmed juice into a mug, stir in cayenne and honey,

add a touch of water (if desired), and serve.

© 2013
Cold Killer
The seasonal cold and flu won’t stand a chance
against this vitamin C-loaded juice.
It’s a little bitter but it’s power ful.

1 lemon

1 orange

1 grapefruit

¼ pineapple

1-inch piece of ginger

1 garlic clove (optional)

1 tbsp Acerola cherry vitamin C (optional)


1. Run all ingredients through a juicer and serve.

2. Mix in acerola cherry Vitamin C if applicable.

© 2013
The Slap Shot
If you’re feeling under the weather and are brave enough
to handle this crazy 1- ounce shot, then good luck.
You’ ll know why I call this “ The Slap Shot” once you tr y it J

1-oz shot


1-inch piece of ginger 89

½ lemon

Pinch of cayenne pepper


1. Run ginger and lemon through a juicer

and pour juice into a shot glass.

2. Sprinkle in cayenne pepper and shoot it back.

© 2013
About The Author
Yuri Elkaim is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, high
performance health coach, and highly-sought after fitness
expert. Over the past 13 years, he’s helped hundreds of
thousands of people to better health through his “No-B.S.”
approach to living an energized and healthy life.
Yuri is a self-proclaimed juice and smoothie fanatic and
claims that close to 75% of his daily diet is comprised of many
of the delicious drinks found throughout this recipe guide.

90 For more about Yuri visit

© 2013

The Nutrient Density List

Here’s a brief (and by no means exhaustive) list of the most prominent nutrients in some of the ingredients used throughout
the recipes in the “All-Day Energy Smoothies and Juices” guide.

Kale Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Manganese, Fiber, Copper, Tryptophan 91

Swiss Chard Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Riboflavin, Vitamin B-6, Calcium, Iron

Spinach Niacin, Zinc, Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Calcium, Iron, Folate, Vitamin K

Parsley Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Magnesium

Cilantro Thiamin, Zinc, Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Riboflavin

Cucumber Vitamin A, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium, Manganese, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium

Celery Riboflavin, Vitamin B-6, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Fiber

Carrots Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B-6, Folate, Manganese, Fiber, beta-carotene

Beets Vitamin C, Iron, Magnesium, Fiber, Folate, Potassium, Manganese

© 2013
Apples Fiber, Vitamin C

Pears Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Fiber

Bananas Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-6, Potassium, Manganese

Pineapple Fiber, Thiamin, Vitamin B-6, Copper, Mangenese, Vitamin C, papain (enzyme)

Blueberries Antioxidants, vitamin K, vitamin C, Manganese

92 Electrolyte-rich water, Manganese, Fiber (meat), Folate, Potassium, Vitamin C, zinc, Medium Chain Triglycerides
Young Coconut
(MCTs), Lauric Acid

Vitamin E, Magnesium, Manganese, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin C, Folate
(Milk and Butter)

© 2013
The Upgrades
Wheat grass averages 25% protein per servings (more than meat, fish, eggs, beans or dairy products). It is also
more concentrated in iron than spinach but, unlike spinach, contains little or no oxalic acid, which binds the
Wheat Grass useable calcium in your digestive tract.
(Juice and Powder)
It is loaded with the important alkalizing minerals — potassium, magnesium, and calcium – and also contains
significant amounts of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E. as citrus fruits.

Barley grass has 30 times more vitamin B1 and 11 times the amount of calcium than that found in cow’s milk,
6.5 times as much carotene and nearly 5 times the iron content of spinach, close to seven times the vitamin C
in oranges, four times the vitamin B1 in whole wheat flour, and 80 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams of
Barley Grass dried barley plant juice.
Barley grass also has one of the highest natural levels of enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase), which is a powerful
antioxidant that protects the cells against toxic free radicals, thought to be a primary culprit in aging.
Need I say more?

Spirulina is richest source of protein on the planet at a whopping 60% protein/serving. About 1-2 tablespoons 93
Spirulina delivers impressive amounts of vitamin B12 & B complex, iron, essential trace minerals, beta carotene and
gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).

Flax seed is one of the top plant sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids. Regular intake of ground flax seeds
and flax oil has been shown to lower total as well as LDL or “bad cholesterol”, while increasing HDL or “good
cholesterol” levels in the blood.
Flax Seeds and Oil The seeds contain lignans, a class of phytoestrogens considered to have antioxidant and cancer preventing
Flax is an excellent source of vitamin E and many important B-complex groups of vitamins such as riboflavin,
niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, and folates

Hemp seeds are a terrific source of protein providing about 5 grams of protein per 1 tablespoon. 65% of its
protein is edistin, which is used in your body to make antibodies and enzymes.
Hemp Seeds Hemp seed oil comprises 35% of the total seed weight. This oil has the lowest amount of saturated fatty acids at
and Oil 8%, and the highest amount of the polyunsaturated essential fatty acids at 80%, total oil volume.
Hemp seed oil contains the ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 ratio at 2.5 to 1 - making it the best seed oil for
optimal health and prevention of inflammatory related conditions.

© 2013
Roughly 25% of chia seed's composition by weight is omega 3 fatty acids. About 20-23% of a chia seed is
protein. On the ORAC scale, which measures antioxidant levels, it ranks around 825, which is equivalent to the
Chia Seeds antioxidant content of broccoli, oranges and grapes.
Chia is also on the best sources of fiber. Its ability to soak up close to 12x its weight in fluid is one of the reasons
why it’s so helpful at binding to bile, toxins, cholesterol, and other compounds eliminated by the body.

Acerola cherries have shown significantly high levels of antioxidants similar to other Amazonian fruits such as the
acai berry.
Vitamin C from
Acerola possesses the highest content of vitamin C of any plant-derived fruits/berries, 100 g fresh berry provides
Acerola Cherry
astoundingly 1677.6 mg of vitamin C, which is about 1864% of daily-recommended intake.
Vitamin C from acerola cherries is most commonly found in whole food supplements and powders.

Bee pollen contains all 22 amino acids that our body requires. It’s also loaded with all the B complex vitamins,
Bee Pollen Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and carotenoids. It is also 35% protein and contains Rutin (Vitamin P), which
strengthens capillaries and blood cell walls.

Aloe Vera has soothing and therapeutic effects on the digestive tract and has been shown to lower blood
Aloe Vera
It contains a wide array of macro and trace minerals including potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur,
phosphorus, chlorine, boron, bromine, germanium, vanadium, iron, iodine, and more.

This is a powdered supplement that originates from the Peruvian maca root. It contains amino acids, complex
carbohydrates, vitamins B, C, and E, and many important minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, zinc,
magnesium, and iron.
Its many benefits include the balancing of hormones, building muscle, enhancing stamina, and increasing fertility.
Most notably is its ability as an adaptogen - a metabolic regulator that increases the ability of an organism to
adapt to environmental factors - to support the adrenal glands and alleviate stress on the body.

© 2013

“How to Pick” Fruits

and Vegetables Guide
• Fruits
All Apples: Feel for any soft areas and look for any Strawberries: Choose strawberries that are dry, firm,
discoloration. When apples are past ripeness, they become and a dark red color. Caps should be green and fresh looking. 95

brown and soft or mushy. You can also flick the apple near its A stained box may indicate that some of the berries in it are
stem to check for freshness: If the sound is hollow, the apple overripe. Medium-size strawberries tend to be more flavorful
is a bit too ripe. than the larger berries.
Green Apples: Green apples that have taken on a yellow Lemon: Select lemons that are heavy for their size and
hue are likely to be past their best. have smooth, thin and firm skin. Select medium to large size
Blueberries: Select berries that are a deep purplish blue lemons are usually juicier than small. Do not pick lemons that
with a silvery frost (known as a “bloom”) and taut, smooth skin. are soft, spongy, wrinkled, or have bumpy skin.
Look for those that are evenly blue (no green peeking through). Pears: Pears ripen off the tree, so most of the fruit you’ll
Avoid berries that are shriveled, moldy, or green. find at the market will need a few days to ripen. Look for pears
that are smooth, free of bruises, and firm. An unripe pear has a
bright and shiny skin; a ripe one looks matte.

© 2013
Cherries: Look for cherries that are large, plump, and Banana: Look for plump bananas that have little green and
firm, with unblemished, glossy, dry skin in a uniform color, no blemishes or tears in the skin. (If you won’t eat them for a
preferably with fresh, greenish stems still attached (which few days, a bit of green is okay.) A few brown specks on the
helps prevent spoiling). Bing cherries are the most common peel are a good indicator of readiness.
sweet variety; the deeper their maroon color, the richer the Tomato: A ripe tomato will be vibrant in color, plump, and
flavor. Also look for heart-shaped, extra-sweet Rainiers; their firm and have just a little give. Sniff them if you can; if they’re
skin and flesh are yellow with a kiss of pinkish red. missing that sweet, woody smell, leave them behind. Always
Oranges: Look for oranges that feel heavy for their size look for tomatoes and grape tomatoes that are free of wrinkles
and have firm, finely textured skin. But don’t use skin color as (a sign of age).
an indicator of flavor or ripeness; some oranges are artificially
dyed to look more vibrant, so those with greenish hues can be
just as tasty as bright orange ones. Avoid any that have soft
spots or feel spongy.
Coconut: Shake it the coconut and listen for water inside.
If you do not hear water, it means the coconut is too ripe and
will be dry. A good coconut will be heavy for its size. Avoid
coconuts with cracks or punctures and with no moisture
leaking from its three dark eyes
Ginger: Fresh ginger should feel hard and firm, not limp,
soft or squishy. look for any signs of wrinkling on the largest,
flattest surfaces. A ripe, healthy gingerroot should be plump
and smooth.
Avocado: Avocados ripen best off the tree, so you'll find
that a lot of them are unripe when you shop. Look for avocados
that feel heavy. The skin should be dark, with a hint of green,
and taut, with no dents.

© 2013
• Vegetables
Carrots: Look for bright green leaf tops and a smooth Parsley: Choose fresh parsley that is deep green in color
exterior. Avoid carrots that are limp, soft, or discolored. The and looks fresh and crisp. Avoid bunches that have leaves
most flavorful carrots are young and skinny. (Baby carrots, that are wilted or yellow as this indicates that they are either
cut from a special breed of larger carrot, are tender but less overmature or damaged.
flavorful.) Cilantro: Fresh cilantro leaves should look vibrantly fresh
Kale: Look for kale with firm, deeply colored leaves and and be deep green in color. They should be firm, crisp and free
moist hardy stems. The leaves should look fresh, be unwilted, from yellow or brown spots.
and be free from signs of browning, yellowing, and small holes.
Choose kale with smaller-sized leaves since these will be more
tender and have a more mild flavor than those with larger leaves.
Spinach: Choose spinach that has vibrant deep green
leaves and stems with no signs of yellowing. The leaves should 97
look fresh and tender, and not be wilted or bruised. Avoid
those that have a slimy coating as this is an indication of decay.
Cucumber: Select firm cucumbers without bruises that are
heavy for their size and rounded at the tips. Avoid shriveled
tips or soft spots. Overall size can vary with the type, but
smaller, slender cucumbers typically have fewer seeds and
more flavor. They should have a rich green color, not yellow,
and be cool to the touch.
Beets: Choose beets that are smooth and firm with deep
color. If purchased with the tops (greens) on, the greens should
look fresh and be free of decay. Beets sold loose with the tops
cut off should be firm and heavy for their size with no wrinkles
or sprouts.

© 2013
Celery: Select celery that is light green in color, firm, Arugula: Fresh arugula has long, firm, bright green leaves.
compact, and well-shaped. The stalk should have a solid, Larger leaves are more peppery than small ones. Holes, tears,
rigid feel and leaflets should be fresh or only slightly wilted. and yellow edges are signs that the greens are past their prime.
Also look for a glossy surface, stalks of light green or medium If you can, buy arugula in bunches with the roots intact; this
green, and mostly green leaflets. Avoid purchasing celery with helps retain freshness.
bruises or discolored areas on the stalks. Cabbage: With green or red cabbage, look for tightly
Swiss Card: Look for leaves that are vivid green in color packed, crisp, shiny leaves the brighter the color, the fresher
and that do not display any browning or yellowing. The leaves the cabbage. With Savoy cabbage, whose mellower flavor is
should not be wilted nor should they have tiny holes. The prized for cooked dishes, look for a head with loose, lacelike
stalks should look crisp and be unblemished. green leaves that are crisp and free of brown spots.


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