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Nama : Krisna Agung S

NBI : 1411900075

1. Introduction
The expert system was developed in line with the the existence of information technology,
system development experts aim as a means of assisting provide solutions in our lives, one of
the specifically, for example, automatic motorcycle damage injection, the development of the
automatic motorcycle industry in Indonesia has experienced significant development.Motor
matic is currently a type of vehicle thatmost in the interest of many riders because it's easyto
drive, economical and comfortable. Especially more fuel efficient automatic injection
motor,automatic motorbikes seem to be a favorite vehiclesociety today as well as being a
vehicle thatmost enjoyed by many people. so that inneed intensive care on motor matic
injection, with intensive care willmake automatic injection motorcycles more comfortable when
drive.Given the high number of motorcycle users matic injection currently a problem arises
thatnot all automatic injection motorcycle users have the ability to make improvements to
motorcycle damage. More users entrust the matter to the mechanic of the workshop, however,
the working hours are limited. With all busy and full of activity especially in the city - big city,
has demanded the community to do things quickly and appropriate. Time has become the main
capital very valuable. Treatment that can done alone, and without having to come to the
workshop with the vehicle, will be very helpful, especially for people - people who lay about.
automotive and don't have time to come to the workshop Wait for the vehicle to be repaired.
Making an expert system has been researched by Dian Kusumawati and Wiwin Kuswinardi in
research entitled Diagnostic expert system damage to automatic injection motorbikes using
Dempster Shafer method. System creation results The Delphi-based expert pointed out that the
expert system that has been created can Diagnose damage to the injection motor matic based on
the symptoms experienced. Based on the description above, researchers are interested in To
conduct a research entitled system Matic motorcycle damage diagnostic expert Injection using
the forward chaining method Android based. This research is a little different With research
conducted by dian kusuma Wati and wiwin kuswinardi who only Displays the type of damage
and its solution, This research will be equipped with treatment methods Injection automatic
motor, this expert system will be more Feels effective and efficient, users can easily Easy and
fast to get information anywhere And whenever. This can be done by Using an android-based
expert system application Which is dynamic.
A. Expert System
In general, expert systems (expert systems) is a system that seeks to adopt human knowledge to
computers so that computers can solve problems as usual done by experts. Good expert system
designed to complete a certain problems by imitating the work of the expert. With this expert
system, even ordinary people too hope to solve enough problem complicated. Where can
actually only be solved with the help of experts. For experts, this expert system will also help its
activities as a very experienced assistant. However expert system is difficult to develop or not
there is an expert. (Turban, 2005)
The characteristics of the expert system expert system according to
Arhami, M (2005) are as
1. Limited to a certain domain of expertise.
2. Can provide reasoning for data that
not sure.
3. Can state a series of reasons
which it gives in a way that can be
4. Based on the rules or regulations or rules
5. Designed to be able to be developed independently
6. knowledge and reasoning mechanism (interfance)
clearly separate.
7. The release is recommended.
8. The system can activate the rules in the same direction
appropriate is guided by a dialogue with the user.

B. Android
Android is an operating system for phones
Linux-based mobile. Android provides
open platform for developers to create
create their own app to use
by various mobile devices. Initially, Google
Inc. buy android Inc, a newcomer who
make software for mobile phones. Then
to develop android, formed Open
Handset Alliance, a consortium of 34 companies
hardware, software and telecommunications,
including Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm,
T-Mobile, and Nvidia.
Currently there are two types of system distributors
Android operation. First to get support
full from Google or Google Mail Services (GMS),
like the one on the output nexus smartphone
Google in collaboration with smartphone vendors
HTC, and both are completely free
distribution without the direct support of Google or
known as Open Handset Distribution (OHD),
This second type is the most common type
on android smartphones on the market. (Ardiansyah, F.
Basic4android is a development tool
simple powerful to build application
Android. Basic android language similar to Visual
Basic with additional support for objects.
Android application (APK) compiled by
Basic4Android is a native Android app
and there is no extra runtime like in Visual Basic
the dependency of the msvbvm60.dll file, that's for sure
the applications compiled by Basic4Android are
no dependencies (no dependencies on other files). IDEA
Basic4Android only focus on development
Android. (Uziel, 2011)
Forward chaining is a group of multiple
inference that performs a search of a
problem to solution, Forward chaining
is a tracing process that starts with
displays a collection of data or facts that
convincing to the final conclusion. (Ivon
Idiego, 2010) So the forward chaining method starts
from the input information (if) first then to
conclusion (then) or can be modeled
as follows :
IF (input information)
THEN (conclusion)
Input information can be in the form of data, evidence, findings
or observations, while conclusions can be in the form of
purpose, explanation, or diagnosis

Injection Automatic Motor

injection, is a method
mixing of fuel with air
motorized vehicles to produce combustion
Perfect. Injection requires device
named the injector, which is in charge of supplying the mixture
fuel with air. The injection system is
carburetor system successor technology in vehicles
motorized. (Moch. Solikin, 2011).
How does the automatic injection motor work when it's on?
carburetor system, the vehicle requires
proper settings in order to get
Air-fuel mixture (AFR)
ratio) is optimal, the injection system is programmed
computer to get the AFR ratio that
optimal. So that you can get a good AFR
optimally, the injector relies on a computer program
to control its AFR. Electronic device
in charge of controlling the work of this injector
called ECM or Electronic Control Module.
(Moch. Solikin, 2011)
The advantages of automatic injection motors are:
1. Combustion is complete.
2. Fuel consumption is more efficient.
3. No need to bother making adjustments.
4. No need to be difficult in doing the service.
Disadvantages of Injection Motor
1. There are still a few general workshops that receive service
2. Expensive price.
3. Difficult to modify.
4. Sensitive to electrical devices
Symptom Data and Damage Data
Symptom data and damage data contains
about the damage and symptoms of the injection motor matic.
Obtained from an expert.

Table 1 Symptom Data and Damage Data

1. Description of the fault code:
K1 : Acu
K2 : Spark Plug
K3 : Valve Gap
K4 : Injectors
K5 : Roller
2. Description of the fault code:
K1 : Acu
K2 : Spark Plug
K3 : Valve Gap
K4 : Injectors
K5 : Roller
K6 : CVT
K7 : ECM
3. Description of the symptoms that arise:
G1 : On the electric starter it can't
G2 : The horn doesn't sound
G3 : Reating and lights don't work
G4 : Power off
G5 : In manual startup it is difficult
G6 : Exhaust sound often erupts
G7 : Heavy pull
G8 : Black smoke coming out of the exhaust
G9 : The engine is easy to heat
G10: Fuel wastage
G11: A tickling sound on the engine
G12: Rough engine sound
G13: Speed is not optimal
G14: Rough sound when walking slowly
G15: Slow clutch pad
G16: Run wildly
G17: Motor off (cannot start at all)

2. A. RS = R1 X R2 X R3 = 0,85 x 0.9 x 0.8 = 0.612 = 61,2 %

B. RP = 1 – [( 1 – R1)] - [( 1 – R2)] - [( 1 – R3)] =
= 1 – [( 1 – 0,85)] - [( 1 – 0,9)] - [( 1 – 0,8)] = 0,55 = 55 %
The value tends to be bigger if one component is added

3. A. RS = R1 X R2 X R3 = 0,85 x 0.85 x 0.85 x 0,85 = 0,52200625 = 0,53 %

B. RP = 1 – [( 1 – R1)] - [( 1 – R2)] - [( 1 – R3)] - [( 1 – R4)] =
= 1 – [( 1 – 0,85)] - [( 1 – 0,85)] - [( 1 – 0,85)] - [( 1 – 0,85)] = 0,4
The value tends to be smaller if one component is added

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