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American History A – Unit 1: The Earliest Americans

Lesson 1: History and A History of US

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Getting Started

You’ll need to become a detective to find the right answers for all the questions below. Get
ready to search for the answers. They are all in A History of US (Concise Edition), Volume A
(Prehistory to 1800).

1. Look at the front cover of the book. Who is the author of A History of US?

2. Who do you think the person shown on the front cover is? __________________________
_______________________________ What things in the picture helped you decide?

3. What time period does this volume of A History of US cover? _______________________

4. Look at the table of contents. Into how many parts is this book divided? ______

5. What is the title of Chapter 26, and on what page does it begin? _____________________

6. Look at pages 434 and 435. What is a collection of maps called? _____________ Name a
mountain range located in North America. ______________________________________

7. On what page does the glossary begin? __________ What is the definition of democracy?

8. Which primary source begins on page 401 of the appendix of primary sources?

Turn to Chapter 59, which begins on page 276.

9. What is the title of this chapter? _______________________________________________

When you read a chapter, make sure you take a look at all of the images. You may see
images of paintings, drawings, prints, illustrations, photographs, documents, and other primary
or secondary sources. Take a moment to study each image and read its caption.

10. Who is shown in the painting on page 276? _____________________________ How did
this man earn a living? ________________________________________

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American History A – Unit 1: The Earliest Americans
Lesson 1: History and A History of US

Sidebars are a common element of the chapters in this book. They are located in the margins
and are set off from the rest of the text with red lines. Sidebars provide additional information
related to the main text.

11. What is the connection between the sidebar on page 277 and the main text? ___________

Some chapters include a map. See chapter 59, for an example. Make sure you read the
caption and study the map in that chapter.

12. In which two towns were battles fought? ________________________________________

Sometimes words from the text will be defined in the margins. These keywords are set off from
the rest of the text with yellow lines.

13. Look at the keyword on page 276. What are regulars? _____________________________

Some chapters have a special feature. Look at page 282 to see what a feature looks like. 14.

What is this feature about? __________________________________________________

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