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2 Books in 1, Sex Positions and Kamasutra Guide. The Ultime Step by Step
Guide for Couples to incredible love making and dirty talk, fantasies for
women and more …

Bye Sarah Streep



2 Books in 1, Sex Positions and Kamasutra Guide. The Ultimate Step by

Step Guide for Couples to Incredible love making and dirty talk, fantasises
for women and more ..

Bye Sarah Streep

© Copyright 2020



ex is synonymous with real physical activity, removes toxins, activates
venous circulation, and strengthens the heart muscle.

Inside you will find a plethora of information that can make your sex life
within a committed relationship much more exciting. Let’s face it; when
you have been with the same person for a decent amount of time, things can
get stale. However, this does not need to be the case.

When it comes to sex, the sex scene should be a fascinating and captivating
one, though the longer people are in a relationship a pattern is formed,
especially when it comes to their self-life. Partners sometimes find self-
doing one sex position over and over again. Well, one of the couples might
find that regimen annoying and want to step up to keep things new, spicy,
and refreshing in the bedroom, which is really how things with sex need to
be with couples. It fits for couples to sometimes live and breathe
experimental sex to bring forth better connectivity with the partner.
Behavioral scientist and relationship coach, Clarissa Silva, opined that sex
positions shouldn’t be static for partners that need to connect for a long time
in a relationship. Still, sex positions should always be learned, explored,
and practiced in the course of every connection. A lot of couples have put
off their sexual flames just because of boring and monotonous sex
positions, which have made one of the partners look else way to get the
satisfaction and experimental sex he or she has always craved for.

Sex positions which are those positions of the body that people use for
sexual intercourse or other sexual activities should be flexible;the fact
remains that in an excellent sexual relationship a partner will want to learn
and absorb all thing that pleases the other partner every time they both have
sex, so that as the relationship evolves both partners will be in tandem,
making it easier to be intuitive about one another sexual needs.

This comprehensive book on sex positions for couples is here for people
that feel like the lost connection with their partners; maybe it seems that the
feeling of deep connection you both had before now has disappeared, and
you need to put it all back immediately. You want to become a master at
being able to create a connection with powerful sexual feelings.

There are a lot of things you will learn from reading this masterpiece on sex
positions for couples. You will be able to determine the most comfortable
sex positions that will require little energy that will be great for your
spontaneous, sudden, or unplanned sex. You will know the sex positions
that will give you and your partner’s great intimacy because they will
enable you both to hug each other during the process, and there will be an
opportunity of looking into each differenteye that will spark more sexual
flames. This book will enable you to learn sex positions that will be
exciting for your partner as a man and for the woman to receive some
significant thrusting and a whole-body experience, and these sex positions
can be done quietly as well, even if there are other people around. You will
acquire the knowledge about sex positions that can dramatically lengthen
the amount of time you can have intercourse with your partners too, how to
stimulate your partner to orgasm and also watch your penis slide in and out
of your partner which is like a major turn-on for a man and how best you
can reach your woman’s G-spot which can give the woman the needed
cervical orgasms.

Doing fun things together allows you to increase your dopamine levels
together as well. When you have fun together, it increases your closeness
with one another and can enhance the joy you experience with each other. It
adds a unique sense of intimacy to your relationship that cannot be added
by sexual experiences.

Ideally, you want to have fun together in a way that gets your blood
pumping and your adrenaline rushing. Going to an amusement park, ice
skating, visiting an upbeat concert, or otherwise doing something fun and
exciting can increase the happiness of your experience with one another.
If you have a good sex life that many health professionals define as having
sex once or twice a week, you increase your chances of living a healthier
and happier life.
Chapter 1

ow to create the right intimacy

Intimate is all that is inside, that is very close to us, internal, familiar,
intrinsic. What is deeper and more intimate if not ourselves? The genuine
intimate is born and nourished precisely by the contact with ourselves, even
before the other.

The intimacy with the other is nothing but a direct emanation, an extension
of the intimacy we have with ourselves. If we don't have a good intimacy
with ourselves, we can hardly have it with someone else.

At the same time, having a good intimacy with ourselves does not
necessarily lead to developing intimacy with anyone. It is always the result
of a choice and a deliberate commitment.


Intimacy is a process that takes place over time and evolves with it. It is a
state of openness and closeness that is very strong and profound in which
both people reveal each other, at the risk of appearing fragile, vulnerable,
and in this sense of being hurt.

Without intimacy, full sharing does not exist, and one remains in a
dimension of self-control and the relationship, or at least one is under the
illusion that this can happen.
To be able to share intimacy, one must be brave and self-confident enough
to throw away every protective mask, to be able to manifest oneself for
what one is, to be able to survive even if eventually one is rejected because,
in the end, self-acceptance is solid enough to do not be affected by a
possible distancing from the other. There are different types of
intimacy;some may even coexist with one another.

Cognitive or intellectual: occurs when two or more people exchange

thoughts, ideas, opinions. If this happens with openness, ease, spontaneity,
fluidity, intimacy occurs.

Emotional: it happens when two or more people feel at ease in sharing

emotions and feelings when they empathize with each other when they
deeply understand each other's experiences and respect them.

Experiential or activity occurs when people carry out activities together in

perfect synergy, perhaps silent, but as if there were a sort of inner, tacit,
implicit, shared orchestra that leads them to act in unison.

Physical or sexual: it is perhaps the most commonly understood one, typical

of couple situations, or at least ideal ones. It is not necessarily linked to the
sexual act, but a wide range of sensory activities, from the simple
handshake to the pat on the shoulder, to the kiss, to the caress. From this,
we understand that we can be in intimacy, but without sharing sexual
activity, just as we can practice sex without intimacy.


Some factors can hinder the development of intimacy between people:

Communication: having distorted ideas about the nature of intimacy,

what it is, having prejudices about it, judging the desire of the other to
be in intimacy, can represent a strong brake on mutual expression.

Time: intimacy takes time to cultivate. Not dedicating enough to it

prevents it from manifesting itself.

Awareness: if the people involved are not sufficiently aware of their

thoughts, emotions, behaviors, etc., I can hardly understand the other,
put themselves in his shoes, accept it, and accept it.

Shyness: the discomfort towards one's inner self, insecurity, self-

judgment, and reflection of the other, can hinder one's openness to the

Acting a role: not being willing to put aside the recited roles, the masks, the
armor, prevents the authentic unveiling of oneself and the other, which feels
like facing a wall.
Some elements can stimulate the cultivation of intimacy:

Be safe internally. Trusting what you feel, feeling, perceiving, living

leads to research and attract partners and partners who are in harmony
with us, who are willing to listen to us, welcome us, respect us and
trust us. Trust is essential for the cultivation of intimacy.

Don't expect anything from outside. Feeling autonomous,

independent, and complete in itself allows us to offer ourselves, our
person as a bearer of value, without representing a burden or a threat to
our neighbor who feels reassured and free to expose and express

Speak clearly. Exposing your feelings, emotions, motivations,

unraveling all doubts, contrasts helps not to leave unresolved knots
that, in the long run, can add up and drive people away.

Responsibility. Taking responsibility for what one says, feels, feels,

shares, one's actions, and reactions relieves the other of burdens, faults,
responsibilities that in reality do not belong to him and make him free
to share what he feels, depending on the time, place, time, person in
front of you.

They shared intentions and objectives. Having a particular goal to

which both partners contribute helps to cultivate intimacy actively and

Defined strategies. Also, to clear, defined, achievable, and shared

objectives, it can be useful to adopt clear strategies to achieve them.
Places, times, methods, roles, possible obstacles, how to solve them,
facilitating elements, are some of the aspects that may be appropriate
to define.
Avoid distractions. Intimacy needs attention, full presence, total
availability to be able to develop. Telephones, radios, bright
televisions, crowded places, loud music can be distracting elements
that prevent mutual listening and unveiling.

Sex life. Sometimes this type of sharing stimulates intimacy,

sometimes not. It is essential to find a common agreement on this point
that is respectful of the sensitivity of both partners.

Honesty. Knowing how to express all that one has inside, with respect
and sensitivity, is one of the cornerstones for cultivating intimacy
together with welcoming the confidences of the other with equal
openness and no judgment.

Physical contact. It represents a form of communication, sharing,

presence, care, appreciation, and support that can feed intimacy.

Presence. Even the mere presence, attentive, silent, respectful,

empathetic can help intimacy.

Gratitude. Being grateful to the other who is willing to share his inner
self values this gesture, invites us to do the same and invest in the

Intimacy, therefore, with due care, time, patience, energy, can be cultivated,
it depends only on us. Intimacy seems to help overcome the sense of
loneliness, anxiety, insecurities, makes one feel supported, understood,
accepted, loved, and represents an extra motivation to continue taking care
of oneself, improve health, immune defenses. If cultivated from an early
age, it lays the foundations for this to happen and develop even more in
adulthood. However, at any age, it is possible to start, if desired.


The word intimacy is frequently confused. Being intimate does not
necessarily mean that you are having sex. There or a lot of sexual or
physical acts that we participate in that actual house no intimacy at all. In
this chapter, we are going to get into the meat of what intimacy is. It affects
us physically, mentally, and emotionally. When you have a good
understanding of what intimacy is and what it means, your connection to
your partner will be enhanced.

When you have a deep level of intimacy with another person, it also means
that you know them on a different level than most others. It is something
that takes an extended period. You won't become truly intimate with another
person through a simple conversation or in spending a single day together.
Intimacy will grow over time, as both people work to nurture their
relationship. When both parties understand that mistakes happen and they
forgive each other so that they can continue and learn, real intimacy starts to

For many people, intimacy can be frightening. This is because when you
are intimate with someone, you have a deeper level of closeness than you
do with others. Working through this fear leads to a healthy and robust
relationship. Intimacy will develop and mature over time by consistently
revisiting it and facing the concerns you have, together.

Intimacy involves a variety of different key aspects. Each one will play a
role in deepening the connection between you and your partner. This
connection will allow you to be truly intimate with another person. Let's
take a look at the different pieces that one put together equal real intimacy.

The first component to true intimacy is allowing your partner to get to know
you on the deepest level. You take the things that are held deep inside your
soul and decide to share it with the person that you trust the most. Once you
have shared these inner feelings, both parties will be able to see the value of
the connection between the two of you. Additionally, the differences
between you will be accepted, and you will work on coming to the common
ground quickly.

Trusting someone with your innermost secrets is something that takes time.
This is why intimacy is not developed at the very beginning of a
relationship. You will need to spend time learning the more
fundamentalaspects of each other before either party is going to feel
comfortable sharing more sensitive information. It is entirely normal for
true levels of intimacy to take time; in fact, it is a requirement. Most people
are not apt to spill their innermost demons and desires. There is no concrete
time frame in which true intimacy will be built; it is different for every

Another factor that plays into true intimacy is acceptance. Sometimes,

people get into a relationship because of the potential they see in another
person. This is not a good thing. Sure, people change with time, but their
core nature tends to be the same. When you are going to try and indeedbe
intimate with somebody, you need to understand that their flaws should be
accepted, and they also need to accept yours. Trying to change a person
fundamentally is never going to and up well.

We need to appreciate the uniqueness of our partner. No two people are the
same. This should be celebrated; we should not look at it as a negative.
Finding out the differences between you and your partner should be
exciting. It should allow you to realize that there are points of view that are
not your own, that are worth listening to. You can expand your thoughts and
become better attuned to your emotions and yourself by listening to the
ideas of the person you love.

Safety is another huge aspect of having the ability to be intimate with

someone. When we are intimate, we are also very vulnerable. We need to
trust that we are safe to be vulnerable with the person you are with. The
ability to increase intimacy comes with knowing your partner supports your
strengths, as well as your weaknesses.

Safety also comes from an understanding of your relationships. As a couple,

you need to discuss the lines that can and cannot be crossed. By this, we
mean things such as fidelity, finances, and where you are willing to go
sexually. When these “rules” are defined, it leads to a feeling of security
and understanding; in turn, both parties will be more apt to allow true
intimacy to occur.

All relationships will come across bumps in the road. It is a normal and
natural thing. When you are working toward true intimacy, you will work as
a team. You will be compassionate when trying to solve a problem. Not
only will you consider your thoughts, but also your partner’s. You should
not be competing about who is right, instead of working together to find a
mutually beneficial solution.

The emotional connection with the person you are with will also play a
significant role in your intimacy level. When we are connected to someone
on an emotional level, it makes growing intimacy much easier. You should
be able to voice your opinions and concerns without worrying about the
repercussions. Voicing your opinion should deepen your connection; it
should not hinder it.

Having an intimate relationship with someone will indeed affect you on a

physical, emotional, and mental level. You will be sharing your whole self
with someone. When you do this, you are allowing them to have an impact
on you in every way. This means you need to be careful with whom you
become intimate with. Later in this book, we will discuss intuition and
compatibility; when we do, we will hit on this more.

Intimacy is something that needs to be cared for. It takes hard work and
dedication. Relationships that last for a lifetime do so because they have
been cared for. Intimacy should be a thing of focus from the beginning. You
can’t ignore intimacy without causing a detrimental impact on the
relationship as a whole.

The choice of who you enter into a relationship with is significant. When
we choose wisely in the beginning, it can set us up for success in terms of
building a truly intimate relationship. You should never have to give up who
you truly are to enter into a relationship. If you do, likely, you are not
making a wise decision. Every relationship requires some compromise, and
you may even find yourself accommodating your partner from time to time.
This is fine as long as you are not changing the core of your person.

For a romantic relationship to be successful, there must be several forms of

intimacy shared between the partners. Without intimacy, there is nothing
that sets a romantic relationship apart from an everyday friendship.


In romantic relationships, every person will value different forms of

intimacy over others or have certain forms of intimacy that are non-
negotiable in terms of being included in a relationship for them. Your
compatibility with a person will be mostly dependent on which forms of
intimacy you deem necessary and which you can live without, and how
these preferences work together.


The first way to restore intimacy in a relationship or to develop it in the first

place is through communication. Communication is key in a relationship of
any sort, but especially in a romantic relation. Communicating is the only
sure way to know where the other person stands in terms of their thoughts
and feelings. Being able to be vulnerable and open with your emotions is a
requirement for intimacy. It is necessary to share oneself with the other
person in a relationship. This mutual sharing of yourselves is what will lead
to intimacy in the first place or an increase in intimacy.

Whether you are at the beginning of your relationship or trying to restore

intimacy where it once was, it can be hard to jump right to the most
profound topics of conversation like your dating history or your childhood.
When working on intimacy, it is helpful to start slow by talking about
things that are easier for you to open up about-like your future goals or your
ideal job. This is still a way to open up without pushing yourself too far
right away.

When it comes to a newer relationship, it can be challenging to determine if

you are at a comfortable level of intimacy, since you are still getting to
know the person on a deeper and more profound level. Intimacy requires
patience at the beginning of a relationship since it takes work to build it
over time. If your relationship is in the newer stages, be patient when it
comes to intimacy as the person you are with may still be getting
comfortable opening up to you, or they may not be entirely comfortable
being vulnerable yet.
Chapter 2



he secret to an invigorating sex life lies within the mind. Do you remember
when sex seemed like a seven-course feast? You didn’t know what was
coming. Next, every mouthful made you tingle from head to toe, and once
you reached the end of it, you felt content and satisfied. Nowadays, it seems
like a bowl of cereal, convenient, quick, and fills a gap, but it’s not
something you would want to have every single day.

To get great sex back, you need to put it on the brain. When you make sure
that you turn your brain on before you have sex, it will trigger your libido.
Let’s take a moment to look at some ways to get your mind ready for sex.


How come a man can go from watching a slasher film to hopping into bed
and instantly feeling horny, but a woman hops into bed and starts to think
about everything they have to do the next day? The female brain and the
male brain work differently. A woman’s brain works by multitasking, but a
man’s brain typically focuses on one thing at a time.


For some, having sex can be like having to go to the gym. Their body and
mind start to rebel against it, but once they do, they feel great. Standard
wisdom has said, for a woman, the sexual cycle goes from desire to arousal
to orgasm. There has been new research that has found that women who are
in long-term relationships will experience desire after they become aroused.
That means, sometimes, you simply have to be receptive to your partner’s
touch instead of giving in to the voice that’s telling you to go to sleep.


You can also use your mind to help trigger your desire for your partner.
There is a simple exercise you can do for this. You and your partner sit
across from one another, hold hands, and then stare into one another’s eyes.
Don’t say a word, but both of you should start to think about the last time
that you had sex and enjoyed it. This helps to create a connection between
the mind and body. It works a lot like how you shiver when you recall a
scary experience. When focussing on all the little sexy details, it will ignite
your body and turn you on. You will also get to see the arousal on your
partner’s face.


One of the most common reasons why you may be turning your partner
down is out of boredom. This boredom doesn’t have to do with just
positions. You also have to rediscover what you both want. You should
always ask questions, like “Do you like when I do this?” This will help you
to feel more comfortable and confident when it comes to asking for what
you want. You should also feel pleasedto look outside of your bedroom for
new inspiration.


While most people think about having sex right before bed, mornings are
the best time for sex. This is the time of day when your body has produced
more sex hormones, such as testosterone. If setting aside time in the
morning to have sex is out of the questions, you should still use those early-
morning hormones to help get your mind ready for a night of passion.
Merely thinking about sex during the day can often be enough to make you
want it.

There is nothing worse than falling asleep before sex. One of the main
reasons why new parents lose their sex lives is that they are too tired. Sex
just doesn’t sound good when you haven’t had enough sleep. If you have
noticed that you are too tired to get intimate, you need to make sure that
you make sleep a priority. Make sure that you are getting the recommended
seven to nine hours each night. To improve your sleep, you should make
sure all devices are turned off.


This tends to apply more for women, but men, feel free to talk to
your doctor if you haven’t been experiencing any sexual desire. For women,
you should speak with your gyno if you have noticed that you have been
having a hard time getting turned on for your partner. There are medical
reasons that could cause this. Depression, hormonal imbalance, menopause,
and some medications can impact your libido. Fortunately, topical and oral
medications, lubricants, and hormone therapy can help get your mojo back.
You should never feel embarrassed to talk to your doctor about this; they
have heard everything.

We know a healthy diet is important for long and healthy life, but the foods
you eat can also affect your libido. Foods like honey, peanut butter, and
bananas contain vitamin B, which naturally boosts your libido. Celery
contains androsterone, which can help aid in female attraction. There are a
lot of other foods out there that act as natural aphrodisiacs as well.


Women are influenced by their cycle. They will find sex more enjoyable at
different times of their period. From day one to 14, women produce more
testosterone, which means it is easier to get turned on and reach climax.
Women also experience a surge in libido during days 24 to 28 because of
the nerve endings that are stimulated by the thickening of the uterine lining.

There are already plenty of reasons to stop smoking, but I’ve got one more
for you. Smoking can hurt your sex life. Cigarettes narrow blood vessels,
which means it is a lot harder for the blood to flow to the genital region,
which is very important for both men and women when it comes to sexual
stimulation. You should also make sure that you don’t drink too much. Too
much alcohol will act as a depressant and decrease your libido.

If you make sure that you follow at least some of these tips before you have
sex, your mind and body will be ready, and one won’t let the other down.

oreplay is an activity at the beginning of a sexual encounter that aims at
building sexual arousal and brings orgasm in preparation for sexual
intercourse. It is a crucial part of sexual experience and acts as a
determinant of satisfaction. Foreplay is always seen as the preamble to sex.
It has a reputation of being the part of sex that you want to speed through to
get to the “good stuff.” But when you think about it, do any of us want just
to stick it in and be done with sex only minutes later? Sex between couples
is much more than a pump and dump, and some of the best parts of sex
when in a relationship can happen during foreplay. Treating sex as an
emotionally intimate act and not just a physical one means that we need to
addressall parts of it-including foreplay, with just as much importance as
the actual act of penis-in-vagina sex. Foreplay gives you the chance to
connect emotionally before you begin connecting physically in such a
profoundway. This can be the difference between lovemaking and just the
physical act of sex. In this section, we will look at foreplay as a
particularpart of sex and the reasons why it is such a necessary part of sex
for both people involved.

Foreplay is the ultimate time to build tension and sexual chemistry between
partners. If you lack mind-blowing sex, you should focus on foreplay.
Notably, sex is more realistic and complex than what television and movies
show. For that reason, when you intimately touch, smell, hear, and taste
your partner, they would argue it as better than penetration.

The following are types of foreplay that you should work before sex.

You could practice foreplay at any time and manner. You do not have to be
naked to engage in foreplay. When at home or work, you may watch a sexy
movie or read sexy materials. These materials could help you maintain
orgasm for hours.


If you usually take off your clothes before sex, then you might be missing a
lot of foreplay. Having your fingers hold your partner's outfits and graze on
their body as you undress them is highly stimulating and arousing.
Depending on how sensitive they are, you might witness them getting


It involves how you put your hands down there and caressing on her pants
and panties. Light strokes on the region make her wet and stimulated for

Though kisses do not lead to sex, most sexual activities involve kisses and
touching. As part of foreplay, kisses should start slow and intensify
gradually. Kisses on the neck and boobs are most arousing for women.


Teases made on their breasts arouse women. Therefore, you should suck,
kiss, and rub them, taking advantage of the sensitive nerve ending in the
nipples. The foreplay should be done with moderation to avoid hurting your


It involves gently grinding on your partner. It can happen when naked to

show how moody you are. The foreplay plays a significant role in heating
the moment for intercourse.


Yes, you are right; your breath arouses and stimulates your partner,
especially when done on sensitive areas such as genitals and neck. In this
case, bad breath would be counterproductive.

Your hands are a piece of efficient equipment when it comes to foreplay.

You should use them to grab your partner's breasts, rub their hair, and
thighs. In short, use your hands to explore your partner's body unless they
say no.


If you are okay in giving oral, you should incorporate it into your foreplay
routine. Be a little bit gentle by teasing, sucking, and licking the clitoris and
allowing time.


As a highly ignored part, labia have numerous nerve endings that are
perfect for arousal and stimulation. You can massage them slowly or hold
them gently between fingers.


If you and your partner are into stimulation through the anus, then you
should try it out effectively. The most ignored nerve endings in the anus
cause sexual stimulation, especially if gently licked.

You may incorporate all of these techniques and concurrently make

different moves. With the perfect combination, you make your partner
fantasized with enjoyable sexual stimulation.


omen experience orgasm in different ways, but usually, this is characterized
by the fact that the acceleration of heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure
reach their highest level and the vagina, uterus, anus, and muscles Pelvic
bones contract between five and ten times at intervals of less than one
second. However, some women may feel orgasm throughout their
bodiesand even multiple orgasms.

In the case of men, we must bear in mind that ejaculation and orgasm are
not the same. You can ejaculate without experiencing orgasm. As in
women, with orgasm, heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure are
accelerated to the maximum, and muscle contractions occur in the pelvic
area, as well as the prostate and seminal vesicles to produce the expulsion
of the semen.

The orgasm lasts only a few moments and then enters what is known as the
resolution phase in which there is a general relaxation of the whole body,
normalization of blood circulation and breathing, and with it a feeling of
great placidity, tiredness, and even drowsiness.

The lack of control over ejaculation, as in the case of premature ejaculation,

can make a man unable to reach orgasm. Similarly, many women confess
not to enterit regularly and even never (anorgasmia). The couple must talk
about it because experimentation and information can improve their sexual
practice and learn to control ejaculation in the case of men and enhance
their excitement in the woman. Couples therapy can be an excellent option
to solve this sexual dysfunction.

Contractions start at 0.8-second intervals, and their number can vary

greatly, decreasing after intensity, duration, and frequency. More than a
localized response in the pelvis, it is a total response of the organism.
Imagination is directly related to orgasm; the brain has a lot to do with it.
With the penetration, the entire vulvar pyramid is mobilized synchronously,
and the G-spot and the clitoris are stimulated. Every woman has the
physical ability to experience orgasms.

These are the symptoms of female orgasm:

Significant increase in heart rate.

Increase in breathing

Increase in blood pressure.

The subjective sensation of the explosion of pleasure.

Contraction of the uterus.

Contraction of the orgasmic platform.

After the orgasm, there would be a recovery in the woman before the
excitement. Although if it is re-stimulated before the sexual tension
decreases, the woman can present several successive orgasms.

The female orgasm is not only achieved through penetration. It is highly

recommended to explore the female body to discover erogenous zones that
facilitate the task. In the case of sexual intercourse, preliminaries, oral sex,
and other pleasurable practices can be the perfect vehicle to achieve an
unforgettable orgasm. Meanwhile, it is also essential:
That your partner knows how to "work" better to "play" and experience
things with you

to realizeoneself through self-exploration. So, if you want to enjoy your

body and your areas of pleasure, try one of these useful toys.

Physical manifestations of female orgasm

During orgasm:

the clitoris retracts,

the vagina, the perineum and the uterus contract due to shaking

the nipples harden

the heart accelerates

the blood vessels dilate.

Everything is stimulated during this supreme pleasure with which women

(and men, in their case) go mad. And it is normal because the orgasm
involves secretion of endorphins, the molecule of happiness, which
provides a feeling of unequaled wellbeing.


In general, most women achieve orgasm when they stimulate sexual areas
alone or in pairs:

Preliminary caresses: activate your brain, preparing for the moment of

intercourse. These movements increase the pleasure much more and reach
orgasm before.

Cunnilingus: is one of the techniques that most excites women, and that will
favor that if you have anorgasmia, you can get to reach orgasm.
Masturbation: whether you do it yourself or your partner will get the genital
area excited more easily.

Penetration: through the penis, the woman also reaches orgasm. It is one of
the essential parts that lead us to intercourse, to the female orgasm, and also
to the ejaculation of man.

But the best way to reach orgasm knows the body of one. We have different
erogenous points that can make us feel in the seventh heaven, but you have
to find them!

The solution: start in the discovery of the body:

alone or as a couple,

with sexual toys without them, to detect the most moving areas. Types of
Female Orgasm

The three main types of female orgasms (clitoral, G-spot, and cervical) each
pass through a different set of nerves, which generate different body
sensations. Women may also have mixed orgasms that activate two or three
of the neural pathways. Below we will examine how best to help a woman
achieve each such orgasm.

As a woman, you should tell your partner how you feel or how you
masturbate. Pay close attention to her body, including her clitoris and
vaginal opening, if you are watching a female masturbate. Note how she
rubbed her clit–pay particular attention to direction, pressure, speed, and

Hold, taunt, and tickle to warm up the pussy. Start by holding up her whole
pussy and position your hand so that your middle finger is close to its
perineum, and your hand's palm to its mons. Following cupping, move the
feather across its whole vulva.
Use a very light touch when you first come near to the clit and use at least
three soft pads of your fingertips whenever you touch it. This provides more
coverage so that the most sensitive parts of her clit are stimulated more
likely. If you carry her enthusiasm, be fun and imaginative, visit the clit,
and then leave to continue expectations.

When she reaches orgasm (often indicated, not verbally, by clamping

muscles, holding breath, and making sounds), she stops being imaginative.
She does exactly what you were doing when she got near. Do just that until
she arrives.

Women, you can probably get multiorgasmic with some work if you're not
already multiorgasmic. You might suppose that your first orgasm is the end
of your sexual journey if you have never experienced multiorgasms. You
can even feel sufficiently fulfilled and don't want to start. Why not try it,
however? A whole new degree of satisfaction you never knew was possible
can be found.

Your clitoris may initially be very sensitive after your first clitoral orgasm.
If so, the last thing that you want is that it is in any way touched or
stimulated. If your clit needs a break from the first orgasm, your partner's
cup will allow you to ground your body on your entire side. Your clitoris
should lose the intense sensitivity after 10 or 30, and through clitoral
stimulation, you can take advantage of a new wave of pleasure. Get your
body to handle more light and slowly build up your touch. If at first, you are
a bit sweet, decrease the force of the contract or return for a few breaths to a
grip. The following orgasms also occur faster and closer together, meaning
a lot more payoff for much less effort.

Some say women reach their sexual peak at 40. Even if it is not exact
hormonally, we agree it could be particularly true for women who later in
life find G-spot pleasure. G-spot stimulation can add a whole new pleasure
level to your sex life and increase your orgasmic potential substantially.

The most important piece of learning about the G-spot, for you and your
friend, is that its sensation is changing throughout the lifetime of a woman.
Many women do not think that they have a G spot as they feel no
immediate feeling of excitement when they are affected by the place. You
might even be annoyed. This only means that the G-spot is not yet fully
developed. To awaken, the G-spot must be massaged and stimulated over
This G-spot sits on the upper wall of the vagina, just behind the pelvic
bone. By placing a few fingers into the vagina a bit beyond your second
knuckle, you can locate your partner's G-spot and bend your fingers with a
gesture "come here."There doesn't have to be much in and out motion;
curling and uncurling of your fingers is the trick. Don't penetrate it if your
pussy isn't wet. Throughout their life and menstrual cycle, women are
increasing their capacity for lubrication, and simply because they are unwet,
they are not excited. Verify her lubrication with your friend. Hold a
lubricant close by if you do not lubricate yourself easily. Pump spout
lubricants are best because access is easy.


Cervical orgasms can be excruciating and occur when your fingers or a
dildo or cock pushes on or around your cervix. Into the vagina, the cervix
emerges. Pressure may directly be put on the outermost surface or the moat
around the cervix edge. On or across the cervix, you may like direct
stimulation. You may get aroused more by the fingertips or the pressure
thrusting around the edge of your collar in the fossil. Often there is a
sensitive area, and this can change and move across the cycle of life.

Any of these orgasms can be combined to make pleasure more powerful.

For combination orgasms, vibrators can be excellent. For instance, while
using a vibrator on your clit, your partner may stimulate your G-spot or

Now that we have looked at the different types of orgasms, let’s break some
things down individually based on your gender. As stated, a man’s orgasm
and a woman are very different things. We are going to start by looking at
the male orgasm. While it is not usually as difficult to get a man to climax
as it is for a woman, there is still information that can be helpful to both

For a man to achieve climax, a variety of things have to line up. It takes
muscles, organs, blood vessels, hormones, and nerves, all working in
combination to make it happen. When a man reaches orgasm, he will
ejaculate. This happens because of muscle contractions in and around his
When a man reaches orgasm, several steps have taken place to ensure that it
happens. Let’s take a few minutes and look at how the male orgasm

It all starts with arousal. When a man lays eyes on something that piques his
sexual interest, the brain will send a signal down the body resulting in an

An erection happens when blood fills the tissue of a man's penis. The blood
that rushes to a man’s penis moves there more quickly than average.

The veins that allow blood to drain from the penis close so that more of it is
trapped within his penis. This is what provides a firmerection.

The muscles in his entire body will tense slightly as his arousal heightens.

Once this happens, the body will then get ready for orgasm.

This is often called the plateau phase, and it can last up to two minutes.

When entering this phase, the man’s muscles are going to become even
more rigid, and his body may succumb to involuntary movements. This is
especially true in the pelvic area.

His heart rate will increase, and fluid commonly referred to as pre-cum will
start to leak from the opening of his penis.

Next, we move into the orgasm itself. A male orgasm has two phases; they
are emission and ejaculation.

The emission phase is the moment just before ejaculation when there is no
way to stop it from happening. In this phase, semen will sit near the top of
his urethra.

From there, ejaculation happens. This is the contracting of muscles around

the penis and the anus. It is when semen is expelled from his urethra.

Often, ejaculation comes with involuntary movements, and it always comes

with a great level of pleasure.
After orgasm is achieved, men will go through a recovery period.

The blood will decrease in their penis, causing them to become soft.

They will not be able to attain another erection for various amounts of time;
this depends on the person. Age also plays a role in how long it takes to
achieveanother erection.

On occasion, a man will be able to sustain an erection or recover quickly for

a second round; however, this is not common.

Now that you know how it works, how can you make sure he achieves
orgasm each time you enter into a sexual situation? Well, that is not a
simple answer. Most men will be able to achieve orgasm if they are relaxed
and comfortable with their partner. If they have a hard time, it is usually
related to life stresses or the inability to be present at the moment. If you
find that your man is having a hard time getting there, don’t blame yourself.
Instead, talk to him about what is happening in his life that may be making
it difficult for him to climax.

It is important to note that there are a variety of things that can affect a
man’s orgasm negatively. These include things like medication, surgery, and
trauma. The only true way to find out what is going on with him is to talk to
him about it. Additionally, if he is consistently having problems, don’t be
afraid to speak to your doctor if it is a recurring problem.

One last thought on the male orgasm is that sometimes variety is precisely
what is needed. If a man is feeling bored with the antics of his bedroom life,
it can make achieving orgasm exceptionally difficult. By trying new
positions, introducing toys, and being willing to experiment, you can ensure
that he climaxes nearly every time you are intimate.

There are between 3 and 10 contractions with an interval of 8 tenths of a

second between each one, depending on how intense the response is. This
means that an orgasm lasts on average between 4 and 8 seconds. Man
experiences this physiological reaction as a wave of pleasurable sensations.

These are the symptoms of male orgasm :

More significant increase in heart rate.

Increase in breathing

Increase in blood pressure.

The subjective sensation of the explosion of pleasure.

Contraction of the penis, urethra, and sphincter.

Expulsion of semen abroad.

After the orgasm, in man, there would be the recovery of the state before
the excitement, and the refractory period would begin, by which the man
will not be aroused again after some time, something that can vary
according to each person.
Chapter 5



ace to face. Open his pants, kiss him and stroke him in all his erotic places
and, if he least expects it, take his penis in your mouth as if you were
drinking from a tap. In this position, you have your hands free and can use
them in two opposite ways and two satisfying ways. You can examine his
body, summon his testicles to make Fellatio's experience more intense, or
even focus on side B. If she appreciates, man can use a vibrator to give her
one of the most explosive orgasms of her life.

In the eclipse of Eden, it is the man’s turn to give the woman such intense
sexual pleasure. Another thing to like about this position is that intense rush
of blood flow to the woman’s head. That head rush and the passionate oral
action will be more than enough to bring her to something akin to an out of
this world bliss.

How to Do It

The first step is to have the woman lie flat on her back. You can do this in
bed or some other firmer surface. Note that this sex position will be a lot
better when performed on the floor for a better base—unless, of course, you
have a solid bed.

Remember that this position will be all about the guy giving the girl all the
pleasure. She will lie down with her back flat on the mattress (or the
cushioned surface that you have prepared).

Her legs should be straightened and relaxed. She should also place both of
her hands on her belly. This will help with the next steps that will follow.

The next step is for the guy to position himself over the woman’s head. He
should stand straight with his toes pointing toward her head. The next few
steps will be as if he was going into a 69 position, but he won’t.

The man will then sit down, but he won’t rest his buttocks on the bed/flat
surface. At that point, the woman will then raise her legs, and then she will
curl both of them towards the man.

It would be as if she was attempting to roll over backward. But then the guy
will be there to assist and prevent her from rolling back. The man will then
spread his thighs.
Some would think that this would lead to a nice cute little BJ, but it won’t.
The woman in this position won’t have enough leverage to allow her to
perform one. Remember, her head is pinned on the bed, which impedes any
possible movement.

The man will then rest the woman’s legs on his legs. Her knees will
leanheavily on his as he provides her with the needed balance. The man’s
hands will then support her waist. In this position, she is opened up to him,
thus allowing him better access for some genuinely wild oral action.

Are There Any Difficulties?

The biggest difficulty here will be balancing the woman on her back. A lot
will be required of the guy who will help her balance and give her one
unearthly pussy licking.


In this position, the woman lies on the bed on her back. Her legs are spread
apart and lifted. The man would position himself on top of the woman, with
his face against her womanhood, while his penis is position near the
woman’s face (mouth). The man would have to support the woman’s legs
by holding them still to help her maintain her position. This also gives him
easy access to the woman’s vagina and clitoris.
This position gives the man access to both the woman’s vagina and
butthole. All he needs to do is move up or down, depending on his
preference. This also gives him better control overthe speed of how he will
move his penis around, in and out of the woman’s mouth.

For the man, this position allows his penis to go deep into the woman’s
throat for maximum pleasure. It also helps him control his movement better.
He will be more comfortable and will have a better balance because he is to
assume this in a kneeling position.

As for the woman, this gives her more room to move with her mouth and
hands as the legs of the man arespread out while in a kneeling position. It
will also give her a more pleasurable experience since she can guide the
man’s tongue and mouth by merely moving her hips. This position works
well for flexible women.

Trying this position would give a different spice in the bedroom and would
help the couple reach a satisfying orgasm even without the real intercourse


This is a perfect sex position that will make partners scream off their lungs
in ecstasy as the pleasure one another; this position is both a sexual position
and a cuddling technique, so one can imagine the orgasmic thrills partners
will enjoy when using this hot sex position. This sex position will leave the
woman feeling sexier and having a strong connection with her partner. The
position is a rear-entry position, which is like the doggy style position, and
it is ideal for partners that need a more profound and more pleasurable
sensation; it a great
position since it allows partners to work through the action of sex together.
Spooning sex position puts less strain on the muscles, which makes the
couple last for a long while making love. This sex position has the man
lying on his side. In contrast, the woman lies in front of the man facing
away, so this means that the woman will be in the inner spoon position
while the man will be in the outer spoon position preparing for the entry
penetration. The man enters her from behind; the man can add more
sensation by grabbing and fondling with her breast from behind, stimulating
her clitoris, and finally going anal with her before climaxing.

This category of positions involves a little dominance of the woman if

allowed by the male side. It fills both partners with joys and adventures due
to its uniqueness, verities, and enthusiasm. It gives a real sight to vaginal
intercourse, anal gaping, and licking or sucking with extreme instinct. No
matter in what situation woman remains, being on top of his penis, permits
him to pet her breasts, kiss her lips, hug her tightly, or hold her buttocks
firmly. It also may allow slapping on her ass gently to turn sex into a rough
one and increasing the delights with the harsh approach. It is up to the
partners to opt for either of the two. These positions make her able to
control the pace and deepness of entry into her holes and let him observe
the female movement with beautiful sights of the penis going in and out of
the vagina and anal gap.

Being a marvelous sex position from the horizon of the woman on top,
lying cowgirl is acknowledged by those who give equal voice to their lady.
It allows both male and female partners to lie down with the woman face-
down on the male partner who is lying on his back. The woman’s legs are
right above the man’s legs and provide less mobility for both partners as
man is beneath the woman and less able to deeply penetrate his penis in and
out of the vagina. A higher degree of intimacy is guaranteed due to rubbing
and lastintercourse of the penis with the vagina. It also allows both partners
to feel and enthusiast sex with unlimited kissing joys and licking
adventures. The best pleasure could be gained with the woman positioned a
little up from the male’s body, allowing him more space to thrust upward
with gentle pushes. It gives both partners full exposure with elegant kissing,
feeling tightly joined bodies, and sucking breasts, guaranteeing marvelous
joys and adventures.


A more joyous sex position with the man lying on his back, straightening
his legs, and woman on top with legs closed inside the legs of the male
partner. Bodies are bonded tightly with the woman hugging him strongly,
providing a sensible and elegant experience with a full vaginal provision
and intenseclitoris stimulation. The male partner pushes her forward to give
deep vaginal intercourse by hands lying on the female’s ass. Whereas the
female partner encircles her hands around the neck of the male, creating
adventures of extreme kissing and licking. This provides a reasonably
shallow penetration with an edge of easy anal play if partners agree to go
inside of the asshole. This position houses the potential to drive both
partners crazy and wild by allowing rapid penetration with the sensible feel
of vanilla sex. Being crazy in this position will boost sexual pleasures and
allow both partners to indulge deep in sexual intercourse, which fairly
resists in leaving out even after Cumming.


This position is similar to the previous one as the man is lying on his back
with straight legs and face towards the woman’s butt and back. Woman, on
the other hand, is on top of the man with back on his side, leaning her face
and shoulders forward, hands on his legs to give him relaxation and full
room to decide to penetrate deep into her vaginal hole or asshole with
painful rubbing and clitoral stimulation. The man could watch every inch of
him going inside of the woman, giving him joyous pleasures and unending
delights. While, on the other hand, the woman can control the length of the
penis going inside her, being able to move forward and backward to adjust
her position and let him go deep or less inside of her. These position
enthusiasts both partners with anal joys since anal play is easy in rodeos.
Gentle pushes with hands over her buttocks will turn both partners into
crazy beasts as the party goes on.

If you need a sizzling sex position that would enable you to be in control of
your pleasure as a woman while pleasuring your man, then the cowgirl sex
position will make your sex fantasy a reality. This steamy sex position
always sets the body ablaze with frenzy excitement,as it allows you and
your partners to explore your body to no end. This sex position enables the
partners to ride themselves to the seventh heavens in pleasure. Cowgirl's
sex position begins with the man lying on his back, then the woman gets on
top and lowers herself onto the man, she sits up straight and directs the
man’s cock into her vagina, and she can start grinding by moving forth and
back. To give the man intense pleasures, she can be intermittently sucking
the cock and inserting it back into her vagina. To pleasure herself more, she
can lean backward, which will allow for even deeper penetration and also
enable the clitoris to rub hard on the cock. The woman can continue
grinding and rocking the man and letting the sensation build up, and she
might now go a bit harder; still, they both explode in multiple orgasms.

It is one of the most known sex positions. If you have never been to the top,
the cowgirl position is a good starting point, and you can easily switch to
another position. The biggest thing about Cowgirl is that women have
control, which can be very funny when men usually make decisions. The
woman just hasto sit on his penis when he is lying on his back. She can put
her hands on his chest, shoulders, or bed to strengthen herself or put them
on her hips. The man doesn't have to do anything in the Cowgirl position,
but to be honest, sex isn't like that! While the man is lying on his back, he
may push up and down. Or she can rotate her hips slowly with circular
movements to stimulate the walls of her vagina.

When a woman is in a cowgirl position, she is in control. She can jump

around her husband's penis, or vice versa, move her body back and forth to
stimulate the clitoris and the entire outside of the vagina. Imagine that, as if
he was grinding his pubic bone. Or you can try doing both at once. You will
also find that you can change the angle of the entrance by leaning forward
or back. When you sit a lot, remember to use your hands to strengthen

A woman lies on her back; You turn it upside down. This is more of a
challenge because the natural curvature of most penises or straps does not
fit that position but is feasible. (It's no wonder women hate this sexual
position.) Once you have the groove, it's a good time.

The man lies with his legs slightly apart;one leg slightly bent at the knee.
The body of her buttocks, her arms, and buttocks, one arm placed on her
hip, the other just turnedat the elbow. Man, slides with one hand under his
partner and hips, with the second he could caress her breasts.


To get into that position, the penetrating pair leans back to the surface,
usually a wall or table, and the receiving partner attaches to the
intelligentpartner and lifts the leg around the partner's thigh. They face each
other. He lifts one leg and wraps it around his buttocks or thighs and pulls
you with his legs. This position requires stamina. The two partners work
together and shake each other. This position allows clitoral stimulation and
the pair to face each other. This is good for quick steps, but if your partner
is not close to the same height, you might need to rest.

The man lies on his back with his legs spread straight out about a shoulder’s
width apart. The woman lowers herself down on the man’s penis with her
back towards his face.

Once he is entirely inside her, the woman presses her legs together, lifts
them with her feet towards the ceiling, knees slightly bent. She would
support her legs up by holding on to her lower legs or ankles.

The man then bends his knees up for stability and support. He will thrust
with his hips or lift the woman’s hips up and down by grabbing onto her
thighs or torso. The latter option will also allow him to grab on to her
breasts for added stimulation.

This position is excellent for:

Couples who want a tight fit

Feeling intimate as the woman will be lying on the man’s chest

Making the man feel strong as he will be lifting the woman up and down

One of those positions wherein the woman is on top, but the man is still in
control of the depth and speed of the thrusts.

Gives a feeling of closeness through complete torso contact

Deep and full penetration

The WATER PUMP requires a bit of balance, needing the man’s arm
strength and the woman’s core strength as it is a bit challenging. But the
explosive orgasm it will bring both of you is so worth the bit of extra effort.
This is a wonderful position to add to the repertoire of couples who are into
yoga or dancing.
Chapter 6



his first position is a position that comes from the Kama Sutra. This
position is excellent for the female orgasm because of the angle that the
man’s penis enters her vagina and also because the man is in control in this
position so the woman can relax and enjoy the pleasure he is bringing to her

To get into this position, the man will stand facing a wall with the woman
standing in front of him, her back to the wall. She will then jump into his
arms and wrap both her arms and her legs around him. Once here, he can
insert his penis into her vagina while holding onto her buttocks or
underneath her knees. He can lean her back on the wall in front of him for
support so that he does not have to support her entire weight in his arms. If
he holds onto her underneath her knees, this will open her up so that her
vagina is easily accessible. The fact that she is suspended coupled with this
will make it so that there is deep penetration occurring, and this will be
pleasurable for both the man and the woman. Deep penetration is great for
the female orgasm because there are two places located deep within the
vagina that, when stimulated, lead to a very intense orgasm for her. The
penis must achieve continuous deep penetration for this to happen, and in
this position, it is quite possible.

This position is great for the woman as she will receive clitoral stimulation
as well as penetration. To get into this position, the man will sit on the floor
or the bed, and the woman will sit on top of his lap. The woman will spread
her legs wide, and the man will insert his penis into her from behind. The
man will reach around her and stimulate her clitoris while the woman
grinds on his lap.


Think doggy position but more comfortable for the female as she gets down
on her knees while the male enters from behind. The difference here is that
the female lays down her upper body on a bunch of pillows so that she
doesn’t have to use her hands for leverage. In this position, the male can
play with her nape, stimulating this erogenous zone until both reach
orgasm. It takes a little bit of balance and control on the part of both male
and female to get this position right. Also, it’s not the kind of position that
allows you to smack your partner with powerful thrusts, so guys will need
to be a little gentler in this position.


Think Flipped 69 but this time, with the guy taking the top space and the
female occupying the bottom position. The guy does most of the work, but
unfortunately, this doesn’t leave much room for additional stimulation.
Girls, however, can massage the buttocks of their partner, and if they
happen to be sensitive in this area, then it will be a plus. If you can, try
playing with the balls as they become exposed tothis position. A lot of girls,
however, aren’t exactly fond of the view this position provides.


The pivot takes into account the changing of the position from one to
another. Generally, it starts in a Doggy Position with the female keeping her
legs spread open. While remaining embedded in the vagina, the female
slowly uprights her upper body, and the male adjusts his posture, bending
backward and bracing his hands on the bed to accommodate their combined
weight. In this position, the knees remain bent, and as much as possible,the
penis remains lodged in the vagina. The female’s feet are now firmly
planted on the bed, her hands stretched backward and holding onto the male
arms for balance as they continue their sexual thrusting. In this position, the
female is free to play with her breasts or clitoris. If capable, the guy can try
bracing with just one hand and use the other for pleasure giving to his

Dubbed as the dolphin, this sex position starts off looking easy but can be
tough over time. The male is kneeling on the bed, his thighs and upper body
held straight upwards. The female is lying on her back as her hips are tilted
upwards to straddle the male thighs and effect penetration. As a result, the
female is arching her back while keeping her shoulders flat on the bedroom.
The male handles the depth and penetration by holding onto her buttocks
for balance.


For the splitting of the bamboo sex position, this requires the female to lay
on her side, one leg stretched upward and the other straight out flat. The
man will kneel in between her legs,one on either side of her pelvis. From
here, she will rest her leg that is in the air on her lover’s chest while he
thrusts himself into her. This gives both parties a significant amount of
contact, making this position more intimate than others. The male can also
use his hand to stimulate her clitoris or touch her breasts.

This position is more acrobatic than many other Kama Sutra positions. The
woman will lie on her back, and the man will kneel in front of her, near her
legs. The man will lift her by the buttocks and put his penis into her. He will
hold onto her thighs to keep her buttocks lifted off of the bed. This position
leads to interruptions changes in blood flow, which will make the woman
feel immense pleasure.


This position is sensual and romantic while also allowing for clitoral
stimulation. The man will sit in a chair, and the woman will sit on his lap,
facing away from him. The woman and man will both grind their hips into
each other, and the man can reach his hand around and stimulate her
Chapter 7



This position is a position that comes from The Kama Sutra. This position
is great for the man’s pleasure because of the technique it involves on the
part of the woman, more than the position itself. This technique has the
potential to change your sexual life forever.

In this position, the man

sits with his legs stretched out in front of him and his arms back, supporting
his weight on the bed. The woman straddles him, facing away from him and
lowers herself down onto his erect penis. Once his penis is inside of her, the
woman uses her vaginal muscles to apply and release pressure on the man’s
penis, almost as if she is milking it. This is how it got its name. This
technique makes for very pleasurable sensations on the man’s penis as it
creates varying pressure while he is penetrating her. It creates more
stimulation on the man’s penis than just classic penetration. As a bonus, this
also strengthens the woman’s vaginal muscles, which in time will lead to
stronger orgasms for her.

This position is one where the woman and man are both standing. The
woman and man will both stand facing each other, and the man will hold
onto one of the woman’s legs under her knee. The man will hold her leg
raised and enter her from beneath. Because there are only three legs on the
ground, this is called the Tripod Position. This position allows for
maximum blood flow to the genitals, leading to great male pleasure.


Mentioned in the previous chapter, doggie style is the staple of a man’s

repertoire for dirty, naughty sex. Men get a great view of the woman from
behind, and they have control over how deep and how fast they thrust
during this position. It’s straight to orgasm move for a man.

Women tend to complain that they feel they’re just an object during this
position, and there is a lack of intimacy. That’s because men tend to go
through the motions and don’t get into any other kind of contact. So, men
reach forward and give a gentle tug on your lady’s hair or try some mild


Gentleman and ladies, a man’s pleasure matters just as much as a woman’s.

Yes, some positions are more pleasurable for a woman that isnot as great for
a man, even if he achieves orgasm in the end. The act is not entirely about
the result, but also about feeling connected and having a great time as
you’re getting to that orgasm. So women should be just as conscious of
their man’s pleasure as their man is of theirs.

Men should not be afraid to ask their partner to try something new or to
focus a little on themselves at times. After all, just like women, men are
responsible for their orgasms, too.


Requiring a relative amount of physical strength from the male, this

position has been referred to in modern times, quite accurately, I might add,
as “the helicopter.”The man will insert himself inside the woman as if
performing a missionary position. From there, he will remain inside the
woman while turning in a circle. Think of the woman as the body of the
helicopter and the male as the top propeller for the helicopter. The penis is
what is keeping this helicopter connected. This position appears to be
intended more for show and experimentation than actual sexual pleasure.

The congress of a cow is an oral sex-driven position that is a spin-off of the
sixty-nine position (69). In this position, the male will lay on his side, and
the woman will lay on her side as well, facing him but at the opposite end.
Her face should be facing his penis, and his face should be facing her
vagina. From here, the male will wrap his arms around the woman’s pelvis
and proceed to perform oral pleasure on the woman while the female
performs oral pleasure on the male.

The slide is another sexual position that requires both individuals to lay on
top of one another, laying out straight. This time though, the female is going
to be on the top instead of the male. While the male is lying on his back, the
female is going to lay on top of him in the same manner, wrapping her arms
around his neck and lifting her pelvis up and down while he is inside her.
Again, this is one of those positions that arebest performed by people of
similar length and with a meal who has a longer penis.

The rider is essentially the reverse cowgirl. The man will lay flat on his
back, and the woman will straddle him, facing towards his feet. She will
place her hands on his ankles and use her knees to push herself up and
down. The male can also help when she gets tired. This gives the guy an
excellent view while also giving the woman some control overpenetration
and speed.


Perfect for an afternoon quickie, this position requires the male to lay on his
side and the woman to lay on her back, sitting on the male’s penis. She will
throw her legs over his hips while he thrusts in and out. This position is
quickly done on the bed and is another easily transition from the spooning

A prevalent position for many reasons. The eagle position has the female on
her back with her legs spread open while the male inserts himself inside her
from the front. He will grab her thighs and continue to thrust into her while
her legs are spread open, giving him a fantastic view of penetration, her
clitoris, and her breasts and face during intercourse. She also has the
freedom to stimulate her clitoris if necessary, to achieve climax.
Chapter 8


his form of sex involves the use of the mouth to stimulate the external
reproductive organs of your partner. It goes well when combined with
sucking, nibbling, blowing, and licking. Fellatio is when a man is receiving
oral sex, and cunnilingus is oral sex on a woman. In fellatio, the giver of
oral sex uses the mouth to stimulate the penis and the scrotum of the man.

On the other hand, cunnilingus involves using the mouth to stimulate the
clitoris, vulva, and the openings of the vagina. Besides, oral sex done on the
anus is called analingus. It is worth noting that using the mouth to
stimulate other body parts such as the lips and breasts is not oral sex.
Nevertheless, oral sex is an enjoyable and intimate practice for sexy
couples. There has been so much misinformation and mystery surrounding
this form of sex that it is amazingly punishable in some jurisdictions. For
that reason, you should understand oral sex and decide on whether to make
it part of a romantic relationship.
Oral sex isn't a challenge. Yet, that doesn't mean there aren't a huge amount
of shrewd approaches to make it progressively a good time (for everybody
included)—much the same as the remainder of your sex, oral advantages
from routinely blending it up. Thus, regardless of whether you have a
feeling that you're giving/getting standard is stuck or you're merely
continually attempting to improve all the horny parts of your life, here are
20 (indeed, 20!) tips to ensure both of you are at indisputably the highest
point of your oral game.


Indeed, your mouth might be involved, yet when you have—ahem—an
extra minute, tell your partner precisely what you're doing and how. There's
more than one approach to utilize your mouth for sex.

Regardless of whether you're exhausted as screw observing some narrative
or just haphazardly got horny at the morning meal table, transform a
commonplace circumstance into an incredibly exciting one with a quick
oral sesh (consistently, obviously, with the full eager assent from your
partner). A groove can likewise look like accomplishing energizing sex
alwayssimultaneously/in a similar spot. Blend everything up by bringing
your sexual coexistence into new and surprising spots.
On the off chance that your mouth and hands are worn out (they do a great
deal of work throughout the day, we get it!), or regardless of whether they're
not, you both can and ought to acquire some nonhuman help. With your
partner's consent, include a butt attachment or butt-centric dabs to raise the


Not all pornography is made equivalent, and there are vastamounts of
moral, very chill alternatives out there for the individuals who are so
disposed to appreciate. Discover a flick you both like, perhaps watch for
some new moves or tips, and after that, get to it while the individuals
onscreen are getting to it behind you.


Horse Simone, a guaranteed tantra instructor, says that utilizing your hot
breath to animate nerve endings is a stunning method to increase foreplay
before making a plunge. This works similarly too with fellatio as it does
with cunnilingus. Next time you're going down on your partner, simply
return a stage to inhale on their delicate parts before reaching. The
anticipation will turn them on in manners you didn't know conceivable.


Without challenginginside prostate play through fingering or toys, did you
realize you can likewise invigorate a person's prostate remotely?
Invigorating your person's perineum (situated between his butt and balls) by
tenderly kneading him while going down on him.
With regards to cunnilingus, kissing your partner outside her underwear for
some time until she's asking for you. Ladies need more opportunity to heat
up than men, and delicate contact is an extraordinary introduction.


Despite performing fellatio or cunnilingus, it's excessively imperative to
indicate energy. Consider it. The best-specialized ability on the planet
doesn't make a difference if the provider appears to be exhausted,
uninterested, or, much more dreadful, killed while going down on you.
Kovacs prescribes vocal excitement, eye to eye connection, and grinning to
demonstrate your partner the amount you appreciate satisfying them. It's
additionally imperative to approve of chaos. Demonstrate your partner that
you like having their delightfulness all over your face. That nothing about
them doesn't turn you on and that you have a great time their enjoyment.
Similarly, of not being constrained. Along these lines, your partner has the
space to approach the clitoris from all edges and sides. Usually, novices are
extremely reserved about this, however, spread the labia wide, get in the
folds, and sensation will improve." This is likewise great to remember when
you're accepting cunnilingus. Try not to be hesitant to reach down and show
yourself to your partner.


Indeed, a tongue is a path unique about a finger or a toy, yet recognizing
what works for you when you're solo is, in any event, a decent spot to begin
when clarifying what you need your partner to do when they're thigh-
profound and all set. Do you like consistent weight or expanding weight?
What about speed and pace?


As suggested through a digital recording from the masters at Pleasure
Mechanics, have a go at refreshing (or requesting that your partner animate)
your entire body first, beginning from your legs and working internally
toward your clitoris.


As most folks draw near to orgasm, they commonly simply need you to
continue accomplishing that one thing you're managing ceaselessly till they
arrive—a touch of exhausting, yet whatever. Nonetheless, to develop
expectations toward the start, you can take a stab at shaking up your daily
schedule. Think rotating more extendedfrozen yogurt style licks with
increasingly customary full-mouth-over-the-peen sucking.
A stunning number of ladies’ experience difficulty giving up rationally and
getting a charge out of oral sex when their partner goes down on them.
Sound like you? Take a stab at keeping the lights off, so you're less inclined
to be diverted by your environment and bound to buoy off into prepared to-
climax land.
On the off chance that your partner is super into full-penis sensation, you
can convey that effectively without deep throating. Try folding your hand
over the base of his shaft and taking the remainder of him in your mouth.
Or on the other hand, place the tip of your tongue on the top of your mouth.
At that point, let his peen hit the underside of your tongue—no choking


At the point when, where, and how your partner discharges during a blow
job ought to be something both of you talk about and concur upon. You
don't have to swallow truly ever, nor does your partner need to complete in
your mouth by any means! You may discover it unbelievably hot to watch
him finish somewhere else, on your body or his body—there are
vastamounts of choices.


Request that he switches up his moves and give sucking a shot your clitoris
instead—it provides an increasingly exceptional weight. No pressure if this
isn't for you, however! Some lean toward a delicate flicking movement.
Many folks don't need to godown to be the principalevent—fifty-
fourpercent of men like oral activity as foreplay alone. So, if it feels like a
specific BJ has run its course, change things up and take a stab at something


You ought to never be doing anything in bed that feels awkward;however,
in case you're facing a touch of muscle weakness, attempt any of these
handwork methods. Simultaneously, flick your tongue over the tip.
Chapter 9

t is a form of sex where the penetration occurs at the anus. The practice
happens intending to cause sexual stimulation and play. Therefore, it does
not have to end in penetration necessarily. The play may involve
stimulating the rectum, bum, or the anus. Note that this form of sex should
not be a goal for you to achieve but a pleasure that you choose. Tickling or
massaging the outer part of the butt hole is also considered as anal sex, for
it offers stimulation and delight just as other forms of sex. There are various
ways you could stimulate your partner through the anus, and it can be
concurrent for both of you. By mastering the following common anal sex
positions, you gain additional knowledge on how to get down on your


There are various ways in which you could explore anal sex. The variance
makes couples curious about positions and penetration. If you are ready to
find out ways to explore anal play safely and pleasurably, you should
exercise these steps.


If you are reading this point, you are on the right track of perfecting in anal
sex. It is advisable to understand the organs involved to make the right
decisions and moves. Specifically, you should understand the pressure-the
reaction of your anus as well as that of your partner. You should also
understand the occurrence of stimulation occurs after the application of
pressure on the ventral walls of the anus


If you are new to anal play and sex, you should take it slow and avoid
rushing for orgasm. Time is of the essence as you explore the prostate
gland, anal canal, and the sphincter muscles. You should help each other
understand what works and what fails. If you feel overwhelmed by negative
and stressful emotions, you should relax and breathe out. Notably, the pain
might be a sign that something is wrong.


Your partner should be ready to try out the new technique before you bump
on them for a quickie. It includes opening your mind and communicating
your feelings and suggestions, trying the unique experience. If they are in
for it, ensure you combine it with caressing and other fantasy, for it does not
only involve penetration.


Anal sex is not a rush thing and requires proper preparations before
penetration. The anus requires caution as you insert relatively larger objects.
It is advisable to start with your finger as you gradually adjust sizes and
observing the reaction. Ensure that the objects you put in the anus have a
flared base to prevent them from being sucked into the rectum. Chiefly,
most beginners incorporate effective lube to make it safe and comfortable.

The taboo aspect of anal sex makes it more arousing for couples. For that
reason, they believe that sex must be dirty to be considered effective.
However, if you are engaged in anal sex, some aspects will need extra care.
Direct contact of the anal fluids and the vagina may transfer bacteria that
inhabit the anus. You could use a latex condom to avoid this direct contact
or wash thoroughly before penetration.

In general, sex offers fantastic health benefits. Specifically, anal sex boosts
your immune system, for it aids in blood circulation as you are involved in
sexual exercises. The physical fitness makes you remain in good shape and
introduce antibodies that fight off other conditions.


Anal sex offers a stimulating appeal on men’s prostate as well as the vagina.
The nerve endings in these areas are more likely to come into contact with
the groin of the man. Consequently, the sensitivity makes the partner
experience the appeal and enjoy the intercourse.


This form of sex seeks to explore the nerve endings found in the anus. The
partners can compare the sensitivity as well as the degree of stimulation
possible. This way, the partners can decide on making various forms of sex,
depending on their preference.

The penetration of a penis or any other object in the anus is likely to clear
the way out for excretion as a form of sex, anal sex aids in bowel movement
keeping the woman healthy. Rubbing of the anus increases the blood flow
enhances standard blood pressure and digestion.


The fact that reproduction is rare in anal sex makes it solely for fun. Men
enjoy sex for the find the anus as tighter as compared to other openings
such as the vaginal or the mouth. It also makes them feel dominant and
rebellious, a sense that feeds their instincts. Women enjoy anal sex due to
the sensitivity of the nerve endings around the anus. They also experience
stimulation in their clitoris if men use a missionary position for anal sex.


Before anal sex happens, the partner must have had mutual trust and
transparency. Partners have nerve, insecurity, and privacy issues when it
comes to giving in for anal sex. This form of sex requires partners to put
aside their reputation and physical requirements. The men treat it as an
step by the woman to please him. The women take it as a man's way to
show that they are ready to explore them.


You are practicing means that you have no plans to get kids. Similarly, you
may use this form of sex when your partner senses that she may get
pregnant. It is meant to put out the tension among women reliving them for
a great and pleasurable session ahead.


exposure to semen reduces the chances of contracting breast cancer and

nausea, and the same case applies in anal sex. When the fluid comes into
contact with the woman's body, they are likely to cause increased energy,
reduces stress, increased libido, and mental alertness.


Anal sex has incorporated different aspects that are interesting to people
who felt bored with sex. Partners find this form of sex as a way to introduce
something new in their relationship and sex life. It is the best solution for
long term relationship partners who would like to make things fun.

Unlike vaginal sex, anal sex can be done anytime without having to wait for
days when the woman has a period. Sex is made convenient, and the partner
does not need to wait for days to have sexual satisfaction.


Hard thrusts in the anus could cause skin fractures of the rectum. It affects
the soft tissues making up the anus. These tears could develop into sores
and lead to a severe health condition.


You might be infected with HPV as you engage in anal sex. The virus may
lead to cancer of the anus.


Although anal sex prevents pregnancy, it does not on the side of STIs. If
you fail to use protection, you may pass or contract HIV from your partner.

Although it is a rare occurrence, practicing hardcore sex may be hazardous

for you or your partner.


Anal sex is associated with coming into contact with fecal matter. However,
this should not come as a surprise, and you should learn how to deal with
the issue sexually.
Chapter 10


ost adults are familiar with at least a few different sex toys; however, many
people don’t consider the fact that sex toys can be used while being intimate
with their partner. Many people reserve them for when they are stimulating
themselves. This is a disappointment, and those that think sex toys are only
for individual play are sadly mistaken.

Sex toys used to be looked at as a seriously taboo thing, and many people
were simply not comfortable even thinking about them. In the recent past,
people have started to get over these thoughts and feelings. The popularity
of sex toys on an individual and a couple’s level hasincreased dramatically.
Back in the day, people did not talk about the sexual side of life nearly as
much. As time has progressed, people’s comfort level with talking about all
things sex-related has increased. This has opened up many doors for
couples to experiment without feelings of worry or shame.

One of the significantproblems that couples run into when thinking about
bringing sex toys into their bedroom is that one of them feels inferior. You
must remember that just because your partner wants to try something
different does not make you a lousylover. Nor does it mean that you are
doing something wrong.


To begin, we are going to look at sex toys that men can benefit from as they
are designed to be used with a penis. In this section, we are going to focus
on how men can use and benefit from them on their own during
masturbation, or how they can be used to please a man aside from


The first sex toy we will look at is a cock ring. A cock ring was initially
designed to keep a man’s penis harder for a more extended period of time. It
does this because it is a ring made of metal that sits at the base of a man’s
penis, which helps to keep the blood flow inside of the penis for longer,
which maintains an erection. These cock rings can be as tight or as loose as
the man is comfortable with, as they come in a variety of sizes. This will
also increase the man’s pleasure as he will last longer.

A flashlight is another toy that is to be used by a man or anyone with a
penis. This toy works by simulating a vagina or a mouth because of the way
it looks and feels. Essentially it is a toy that can be disguised as a flashlight
(which is how it got its name) because when it has the lid on, it looks very
much like a flashlight. When you take off the lid, however, it seems like the
opening of a vagina or mouth made of silicone. The man will insert his
penis into the flashlight and have penetrative sex with it as if it were a
vagina or a mouth. The inside of the tube is texturized for added sensation.
The soft silicone will feel similar to the skin of a woman, and this is why
men find it a turn on to use this for masturbation rather than just their hand.


Similar to a fleshlight in some ways, is a sex doll. Instead of including only

the vagina or the mouth like a fleshlight does, a sex doll is a doll that is
modeled after the entire body of a woman, complete with holes in the
mouth, the vagina, and sometimes the anus. It is used similarly as a
fleshlight, where a man can insert his penis into any of these holes as if he
were having sex with a woman.

Anything you can think of that would bring you sexual pleasure likely
exists these days, and all it will take is a little bit of exploration to find out
which toys you enjoy most. Don’t be intimidated by all of the choices, as
the purpose of all of this is to find pleasure! In this section, we are going to
look at sex toys that women can benefit from as they are designed to be
used with a clitoris or a vagina. In this section, we are going to focus on
how women can use and benefit from these on their own during
masturbation, or how they can be used to please her aside from penetration.


A vibrator is probably the most popularsex toy available for female

pleasure. Vibrators are the best choice for women who are new to sex toys
and are unsure of what they may be looking for. A vibrator is a nice and
easy place to start, and itcan be used in a variety of ways. They are quite
versatile in that they can be used by you alone, with a partner, or by a
partner to you during penetration or foreplay. Vibrators come in so many
different shapes, sizes, and materials.

There are specific vibrators for the clitoris that are called clitoral vibrators
that are small and compact, portable, and easy to use. This type of vibrator
is turned on with the push of a button, and then you can hold it to your
clitoris for quick and intense clitoral pleasure in a way like nothing else.
Having something that is designed to be used on your clitoris that is also
vibrating at speeds much higher than your hands could ever reach will be
quite a new sensation, but one that you won’t soon forget and will be quite
eager to have again.


There is another type of vibrator that is a little larger than a clitoral vibrator,
and that also has an extra protruding piece on the side of it which can be
inserted into the vagina so that you can have both vaginal penetration (so
that you can stimulate your G-Spot) as well as vibrating, clitoral
stimulation. This type is called a bunny ears vibrator since the portion that
you insert into your vagina looks a little bit like bunny ears. With this
shape, you can feel both of these types of pleasure at the same time! This
will be a new world of pleasure for you as you may never have had both
your clitoris and your G-Spot stimulated at the same time.

This type of vibrator is usually made of silicone, and the small bump-like
shape that juts out the side, which is the part that touches your clitoris, is
also made of silicone. The entire vibrator will vibrate when you turn it on,
so you will also feel some of the vibrations on your G-Spot as well, which
will give you maximum pleasure.

The next type of vibrator we will look at is called a vibrating dildo. A dildo
is a sex toy that is designed to be penis-like in shape, and that is usually
made of silicone. A dildo is used by inserting it into either the vagina or the
anus. This specific type of dildo is a sort of hybrid, as it can act as a vibrator
as well. This is usually done by way of a small bullet-shaped vibrator that is
inserted into it. This type of vibrator allows you to have penetration with
vibration. Because of this, the G-Spot can be stimulated and vibrated on at
the same time, which will lead to intense pleasure.

This type of vibrator is rightfor someone who wants a more penis-like

shape without specific clitoral stimulation, as some people prefer
penetration over clitoral vibration. This type of dildo can also be worn as a
strap-on, but we will visit that in the next section, so stay tuned.

We already examined one specific type of dildo in the last section, but here
we will look at the dildo as a sex toy on its own, without the vibrating
option. If you are not a fan of the vibration and you don’t need it, or if you
simply don’t want that function in your dildo, a regular dildo (like we will
talk about here) is an option as well.

You have the option of using a more basic dildo that is simply a penis-like
object that can come in a variety of different materials such as glass,
stainless steel, or silicone. These can come in a wide rangeof colors and
shapes-from realistic-looking penises that come in a variety of skin tones, to
pink and purple banana-shaped dildos. The world of dildos is vast and
contains every and any kind of penetrative device you could dream of.

Dildos can be used by a woman alone while masturbating by being inserted

into the vagina to stimulate her G-Spot. While doing this, you can also
massage your clitoris with your other hand, or you can stick with the
vaginal stimulation on its own. Most dildos can be taken into the bathtub or
shower as well, as they are all waterproof (except the vibrating kind) so you
can have shower sex with your dildo if you wish.

A dildo can be used in the vagina or the anus, whichever you prefer, and
you can use the same dildo for both of these places, so you don’t need to
buy two. If you want to use your dildo during a solo session, you can insert
it into your anus in a similar way as you would insert it into your vagina.
Just be sure that when switching between the anus and the vagina, you
thoroughly clean the dildo and/or your hands to prevent the chance of an
infection. You could also insert the dildo into your vagina while you
massage or penetrate your anus using your hand. You can do anything you
like with a dildo, any combination of sexual acts that turn you on and get
you to orgasm.
Sex toys may be a new area of
exploration for a lot of couples when in the bedroom together, even if the
two people have experience with sex toys on their own. Many sex toys that
can be used solo can also be used as a couple. With the advent of so many
new technologies in this day and age, the potential is endless.

Partner may have difficulties having intercourse due to their bodies being
hypersensitive. It is a common scenario among new couples. Their genitals
may not be exposed to sex before and require preparations for the real act.
Sex toys could be used slightly to stimulate the genitals, and they will be
ready to have sex with time.

Sex toys are best in causing stimulations, especially for couples, for they
are multipurpose and continuous. Partners could use the different types of
toys to stimulate each other before they engage in actual sex. It would work
miracles for less physically fit couples. It also saves time that partners could
take to achieve stimulation.

Sex toys do not disappoint when incorporated into sex. They may be used
to cause stimulation to both partners making sex more pleasurable. When
using sex positions that have limited caressing and kissing, sex toys could
be the ultimate solution.

In this case, the partners wish to prolong the stimulation even after orgasm
and sex. As they relax after sex, couples could continue using the toys to
make the stimulation last longer. It could work for men with erectile
dysfunction, for it aids in a prolonged erection.
Sex toys could be used in case one of the partners has passed out or cannot
reach certain sensitive areas. For instance, a partner would prefer
concurrent stimulation on both the anus and the vagina. The sex toys would
take one responsibility as the partner handles the other.


The use of sex toys during sex helps partners explore each other bodies and
understand the part with more sensory stimulation.


The combination of these toys with sex provides additional pleasure.

While using sex toys, you are sure that sexual stimulation is guaranteed,
making you aim at attaining satisfaction.

The hyper intensive stimulation caused by sex toys reduces the time a
partner would require to attain an orgasm. For that reason, sex starts at the
right time, with little effort applied.
Either partner could use sex toys for sexual stimulation.

The exploration of your partner's genitals as well as communication as you
try out sex toys removes barriers and enhances mutual connections.

The use of sex toys means that genitals may not need to make contact, thus
preventing the spread of sexually transmitted Infections.

The sensitivity associated with sex toys boosts the partner's morale, making
them perform above par.


The fact that sex toys do not ejaculate makes it safe for the woman from

Materials used to have sex toys may be toxic to your body, although few
severe cases have come up.

Untidy and contaminated devices may carry bacteria that may end up
infecting your body. For that reason, you should ensure that your sex toys
are kept safely in a clean environment.
Chapter 11


asturbation is an autoerotic practice consisting of voluntary stimulation of
sexual organs or, rarely, other body parts for pleasure. This term is usually
used to define erotic stimulation of the genital organs such as the penis and
testicles in men and clitoris and vulva in women, as well as other sensitive
areas such as the nipples and anus that are held by the hands, with water or
with objects that are also used under normal pressure.

Masturbation understood as autoerotic, can be done on yourself or others

(like stroking). It is a practice that involves adolescents, young guys, adults,
and sometimes even children.

At the physical level, masturbation concerning anatomy, physiology, and

endocrinology is related to changes in hormonal conditions, genital
maturation, and curiosity about this new aspect of the body, which is
characteristic of adolescents.

This curiosity is usually influenced not only by cultural factors but also by
the structure of the different sex organs in men and women: Male genitals
are predominantly external and can be easily examined; Female genitals are
mostly internal and, therefore, less direct.

Concerning the function of genital organs, there are profound differences

between the sexes, but also similarities:

The female physiologist states that ovulation occurs throughout the fertile
period every twenty-eight days (except the pregnancy period). Infertile eggs
persist for 2-3 days, after which they are absorbed naturally or separated
from the body. Sexual impulses, including masturbation, do not seem to
follow the hormonal circuit and can persist despite the physiological
decrease in vaginal lubrication after menopause.

In humans, from puberty to old age, there is a sperm production that is

continuously stored for a limited period (because the production is
sustainable and they do not maintain their vitality indefinitely). Even in
older men, despite more considerabledifficulties, libido and masturbation
can be maintained entirely physiologically while maintaining an erection. If
men do not masturbate or have no sexual contact, sperm that is not
ejaculated is absorbed by the body or excreted in the urine, or through
frequent nighttime contamination, and is associated with pleasant sensations
or erotic dreams.

At the psychological level, the practice of masturbation is associated with

profound changes in self-perception, with particularattention, though not
exclusive, to the psychology of developmental age. Modalities that lead to
pleasure-seeking in the context of masturbation are almost always lonely
and therefore need to overcome specific problems in various aspects.

First of all, a reassurance: masturbation does not take away the intimacy of
two, far from it. Male autoerotism is right for mood as for a couple's
existence. We know for sure: all men masturbate. What we did not know,
however, is that male autoeroticism is not only a socialpractice, but also
essential for psychological and physical well-being. But are there "right"
times and ways to practice autoeroticism? Here's how to best combine
pleasure and health.

According to the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior of the

University of Indiana, 23.4% of men aged 25 to 29 masturbate 2 or 3 times
a week. And all the others? There are no precise estimates, nor is there a
"right" frequency for masturbation.

Likewise, self-eroticism is a more frequent behavior in adolescence and

then tends to normalize over the years, but this can vary from one
individual to another.

Some men masturbate every day (40% after several studies), others do more
in times of stress, and others, conversely, experience a decrease in libido in
times of high tension. According to sexologists and psychologists, any
frequency is fine unless it's intrusive masturbation. If eroticism is a
substitute for partners who have sex or other activities, it can be a stimulus
for deeper anxiety.

Let's admit ... Female (or autoerotic) masturbation is essential. First of all,
what does it mean? Female masturbation is a series of actions, movements,
fantasies, and attention that a person can give to reach orgasm. This is still a
taboo subject, unfortunately for many people, it is a worrying problem,
maybe because of education or personal sensitivity, but I want to assure
you... It's very normal to practice, and really, it's good for the body and soul.

In women, female masturbation may be a taboo that is still stronger than

men. For them it is a matter of jokes, they laugh about it. At the same time,
there is confusion even for them;it is often difficult to talk constructively
about it. Many women say they don't masturbate;some say they never do it.

Many women have a love-hate relationship with the vagina and clitoris.
There is every woman's instinct to want to examine it, feel it, strangle her,
but there is something that at least prevents it from reaching its end.
What you can try yourself is something completely different from what you
can workin two ways. You cannot compare it in terms of quality or
sensation. One thing is sure: When you practice masturbation, you can
understand what you like and then teach it to your partner and / or practice
what you have learned in the relationship.

Couples usually appreciate this very much to facilitate the orgasm because
they can have more than one. Sometimes you want certain feelings. Without
your partner's involvement, you might want to make love, but with yourself.
Chapter 12


ynecologists and experts advise sex during pregnancy. But how do I do it?
In which position?

Pregnancy sex is one of the questions that keeps asking: Can I have sex
while I'm expecting a baby? Will sex make a baby sick during pregnancy?
In which environment is it safe to have sex without consequences? Etc.Sex
is permitted during pregnancy with the necessary precautions in each
trimester of pregnancy. Learn here how you can live your intimacy as a
partner even in this challenging time.

As the birth approaches, the woman's body changes, her weight increases
markedly, and maybe someone feels less attractive.


Month after month, pregnant women experience fetal growth as an

extraordinary event and also pay attention to essential changes in their
bodies. In addition to a growing stomach, the woman underwent minimal
physical and external changes, but also inner, more psychological. Libido
seems to decrease in some stages of pregnancy and increase in others,
mainly due to the action of female hormones.

Sexual desire should not be suppressed but followed. It is very likely that in
the third month of pregnancy, you are tired of making love: there is a lot of
fear, and you feel stuck. However, with months, that desire can increase.
Usually, the passionfor making love around the eighth or ninth month of
pregnancy rises: it is not only based on the effects of hormones, but also the
overall feeling of well-being and happiness.


Pregnant fathers can experience pregnancy in two different ways: Some

men do not experience loss of desire during a partner's pregnancy. Others
respond, both for psychological reasons and for a more specific fear: will
we hurt the child? Will I hurt my partner? When these doubts arise, it is
advisable to consult a specialist. Some doctors even believe that sex just
before delivery helps stimulate water rupture and the onset of labor.

Let's check every three months how you behave if you want to have sex
during pregnancy. In the first trimester, women's desires often come second:
fatigue, nausea, need to sleep; they have the upper hand. Since the first
month, symptoms usually avoid the passion for love.

Then there are physical barriers such as chest pain or the risk of
miscarriage, which is quite significant in the first few months. In the second
quarter, less rest is achieved, both mother and father calmer, more confident
in changes in the body, and less afraid of effects on the fetus, thanks to the
first analysis, like amniocentesis and ultrasonography.

Sex is less pleasant in the third trimester, but doctors also recommend it.
Sometimes they can cause mild contractions that are not to be confused
with those born. The fruit is always protected in the amniotic fluid, and
there is no reason to be afraid or afraid, not to hurt it. The secret lies in
choosing the right sexual position.


Here are some positions that you could try:


This will keep her off her back, and no pressure will be put on the belly as
long as she can keep herself propped up. This position also means the man
is in charge of the movements, so he will need to know how much she can
handle. If she is experiencing any extra sensitivity, which is possible, this
may not be the best position since she won’t be able to control things easily.


This will put the woman in charge and will keep pressure off of the belly.
This is great for women who are experiencing extra sensitivity because they
will be able to control the depth and speed.

Here, you will both be on your side, facing the same direction. While the
man does have more control in this position, the depth and speed won’t be
able to be the same as the doggy style.


You have two options withstanding. Both can be facing each other, or he
can be behind her. The one you will choose will depend on how far along
she is in the pregnancy. Facing each other will work until she gets further
together. Once she hits the third trimester, she will likely need to have the
man behind her. This is another one that limits his thrusting ability to an
extent, so it’s a good idea for those who are experiencing extra sensitivity
during their pregnancy.


This is like the lap dance kama sutra position we discussed earlier,except
she won’t be facing him. He will sit in a chair, on the couch, or wherever he
wants to, and she will sit on him. This places her in full control of the

Oral sex, for both, is still a-go during pregnancy. Some people will warn
against a female receiving oral sex while pregnant, but it is still as long as
nobody has an STI or an active sore on their mouth.
In some exceptional cases, doctors recommend to reduce or stop sexual
relations. The most common instances in which doctors recommend sex

if there is low blood loss in the first months of pregnancy

in the case of Placenta prevail

in the case of a risk of pregnancy, which can lead to premature birth.


discuss: It is an essential aspect of sex during pregnancy as the partners

should be comfortable and relaxed for an intimate session. The discussion
should involve the positions that you will incorporate throughout the
session, as well as the pace and depth of penetration. Besides, you should
get a doctor's approval after doing the necessary check-ups that will give
the go-ahead or make reservations.

Limitations: You should also understand the barriers that are associated
with sex during pregnancy. They include keeping a low paced performance
and making the session as intimate and straightforward as possible.

Records: While having sex during pregnancy, you should ensure that it
does not bring complications to the woman or the unborn baby. Avoid
engaging in this form of sex if your partner has a history of miscarriage.

History: You must have known your partner if she is pregnant for you. For
that reason, you should ensure that the activity does not affect the timing of
her labor. Similarly, you should look out for the history of membrane
eruption that is mostly associated with deep penetration and hard-hitting.
Membrane eruption is as a result of leakages of the amniotic fluid that acts
as a protector from external factors.

Cervix: You need to take your partner for a thorough check-up of the cervix
to ensure that it is in the perfect condition that makes it right for sex.
Ignoring this consideration may lead to other severe conditions that would
require special attention from medical experts.

Positions: The big bump in pregnancy may act as a facilitator or an

obstruction during sex. Therefore, you should opt for flexible positions that
make it easy for both of you. The side by side rear entry position acts as a
perfect example of positions that would be easy and sexually stimulating.
Make Necessary Reports: You should check on your partner every time
you have sex to ensure that there are no abnormalities or straining. Make
appropriate reports to the doctor if you detect problems such as pain or
discharge during sex.

Maintain Intimacy: Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, you should

maintain intimate sessions before, during, and after pregnancy. It will make
it easier to resume positions even after your partner delivers. Failure to
maintain intimacy after your partner conceives may lower her self-esteem
and eventually lose interest in future sex. Consequently, you would require
a desperate measure to rejuvenate the mood or miss it altogether.

Eases labor: Frequent sex sessions make it easy for the woman to give
birth and recover. The contraction of muscles experienced during sex aids
in strengthening the pelvic muscles. As a result, the vagina easily opens up
while resuming its previous state due to the flexibility of muscles.

Fewer breaks: The contractions cause muscle movements to make it easy

for the vagina to hold any discharge that is associated with pregnancy. As a
result, the woman can stayfor long, thus requiring less time for making
bathroom breaks.

Prevention: Engaging in sex while pregnant is beneficial for it incorporates

nutrients from the sperms that aid in the growth of the unborn and the
wellbeing of the woman. The protein found in sperms offers nutrients that
help prevent pre-eclampsia.

Controls Blood Pressure: Sex controls your blood pressure when you are
pregnant. The activity itself acts as an exercise that aids in blood circulation
throughout the body, strengthening your immune system and respiration.
These are essential aspects that determine your health and that of the

Boosts mood: It is common to experience mood swings, especially when

you are pregnant. The condition worse if your partner shows no sexual
expression. For that reason, you should engage in frequent sex to maintain
orgasm remain focused.

Improves Self-Esteem: Pregnancy comes with its effects on how you

perceive yourself. The biological processes that take place during this time
affect the hormonal balance hence the lowering of self-esteem.

Reduces Stress: The loneliness associated with pregnancy nay make a

woman indulges in self-examination and worries about the unborn. The
most common results are depression and stress, which could reduce through
companionship and intimacy. By caring for your pregnant partner and
giving her the best sexual stimulation, you cuther stress and refresh her

Nurtures Your Relationship: Sex during pregnancy jakes it clear that you
love your partner unconditionally. They feel endowed and appreciated
knowing that they hold a precious gift in them. Finding time to connect
with your partner during pregnancy boost a mutual connection thatsoars
even after conception.


Premature Labor: There have been cases of premature labor in couples

who engage in sex during pregnancy. The cases are high, especially if the
pregnancy is in the third trimester. For this reason, you should consult your
doctor before engaging in sex at this period.

Vaginal Bleeding: The sensitivity of the pelvis makes it prone to injury,

especially if the man makes a deep penetration or hits it hard. There may be
excessive bleeding putting the woman at risk of low blood count, which is a
severe condition in pregnancy.

Infections: Sex during pregnancy requires partners to be cautious about

how they engage. Some practices could put both the mother and the unborn
at risk of infections. An example would be caused by combining anal sex
with vaginal sex, which would bring bacteria to the pelvis and eventually
affect the unborn.

Membrane Eruption: Deep penetration, as well as inappropriate sex

positions, would lead to membrane eruption and possibly miscarriage. You
should check out for signs of bleeding and pain during intercourse as
warnings to these possibilities.
When a couple is looking to get pregnant, sex isn’t just about having fun.
They want to make sure they do everything right to up their chances of
getting pregnant. There have been no proven methods to produce a
pregnancy, though, but some changes in frequency and timing can increase
your odds.

The best time to have sex would be during the woman’s fertile period. This
time is five days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. Having sex on
the day of ovulation and the two days before gives you the best odds of
conceiving. That said, it is possible to get pregnant at any time during your

These positions tend to be focused on helping gravity carry the sperm to

where it needs to be. Let’s look at those positions:


For this one, she will be laying down and raise your legs so that they rest on
his shoulders while they are having sex. This position will tilt the pelvis
back, which will help the sperm to travel to the eggs.


While this may not be the most exciting sex position, it does provide for
deep penetration that is close to the cervix, which will help his little
swimmers have some help to reach the eggs.

This position helps with deep penetration. Some theories believe this is the
best sex position to try when you want to conceive and have a tipped uterus.
Once you have finished, roll over and lay down with your hips elevated to
help his sperm travel.

With those positions in mind, let’s talk about some other sex things to help
you get pregnant. Making sure you sex every day during her fertile window
can also increase your odds of getting pregnant. Having sex more often is a
good idea, but don’t make yourself follow a schedule. This can end up
causing unnecessary stress.

It is also necessary for the man to orgasm because ejaculation is essential to

getting his partner pregnant. That said, women don’t necessarily have to
climax to get pregnant. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t worry about her
orgasm. It’s still important that she has fun too.

Keep in mind, on average;it can take a couple about 12 months to get

pregnant when they have sex regularly, don’t use contraception, and have
no underlying fertility issues.

Comfort can be a misleading term regarding relationships and sex. Stepping

out of your comfort zone to try new things will only make you more
comfortable than you were before, in the future. It is a difficult concept to
grasp, but it is so important to change things up and keep them changing to
avoid repetition and boredom. No one wants to describe their love and sex
life as boring; it is up to you and only you to make sure that does not
happen. Sexual satisfaction can be done with or without the addition of
toys, other individuals, and different geographic locations, but sexual
exploration cannot. As a human being, you can decide if sexual adventure is
what you are looking for or its sexual ritualism is something you are
looking into. Next time you and your loved one take to bed, take a look at
this book and see if there are any positions in which you might be interested
in trying or experimenting with. Regardless of your relationship or sexual
status as of this moment, this book was intended to be educational for
sexual exploration and sexual adventurism. Happy lovemaking!

The significance of sex in a marriage can be adequately surveyed when you

have countless cases of relationships separating because the spouse couldn't
keep givingpleasant and fulfilling sex to the husband. Although ready to fit
in with these standards, numerous spouses end up in a problem. How to
keep your significant other explicitly fulfilled? Are there specificstandards
and rules to be pursued, or should the spouse just work on instinct? Indeed,
it is a mix of both - your instinct ought to be guided by satisfactory
imagination and activities.

Before you realize how to keep your significant other explicitly fulfilled,
you should comprehend what makes them disappointed. Men like change -
typical is exhausting. They rapidly observe repetitiveness, even enamored.
Accordingly, you must be inventive in your lewd gestures. Move the style
of foreplay, change the scene and time of having intercourse, or even
accomplish things thatadd that additional punch to your sexual coexistence.
The more 'transforms' you bring to the sexual demonstration, the more
overpowering he discovers you. Then again, it isn't hard to keep your better
half explicitly fulfilled, because it is one of the most significant elements
that make most men tick. On the off chance that you comprehend what he
needs, it makes your activity easier to give it, in contrast to ladies, who can
befuddle a man concerning what she needs! I believe you ‘ll satisfy your
partner by following the guides recommended in this eBook.

After reading this book, we hope you are taking away some new positions
and techniques to try with your long-term partner. If you have been feeling
the intimacy and the lust fading from your relationship, you will now be
equipped to take what you have learned and introduce it into your sex life to
reinvigorate it.

Keeping things interesting in the bedroom is all about expanding from the
norm. Everybody’s regular sex involves something different, and it is up to
you as a couple to determine what is normal and what is outside of that.

We hope you share this book with your partner and take the time to talk
about the topics covered and what you both have learned. Having open
conversations about sex in a relationship is very important, and we hope
that this book will guide you in your discussions. It may feel uncomfortable
or nerve-wracking at first, but the lasting results these conversations will
produce are worth it.

Share this book with your friends, in relationships, or single-for them to

equip themselves with the knowledge to keep their relationship alive.
Arming couples with the experience contained in this book will allow them
to continue learning how to please each other as they grow and change and
will lead to overall more excellentsexual satisfaction in long-term
relationships. Every couple deserves the chance to save the sexual side of
their involvementin order to help their total intimacy as time passes, and
they become more comfortable with each other.

Remember to remain patient, as it may take some time to become

comfortable and familiar with these new practices or techniques, especially
if your partner has not read this book for themselves. By being patient with
yourself and your partner, you will be able to look at the incorporation of
these new techniques and practices as a gradual exploration that you are
doing together rather than something that must be conquered and mastered
in one session.

Hopefully, all of your questions about sex position for couples and the
difference they can make in creating a better sexual experience for both
partners have been answered, and you are ready to take the next step in
strengthening your relationship with improved sex!

The ultimate Kama sutra guide, tantric sex
positions that will transform your sexual life.
Techniques for incredible lovemaking. Increase
in your relationships.
Sarah Streep
© Copyright 2020

All rights reserved


hroughout this book, you will discover the history of Kama Sutra,
the beliefs and practices surrounding it, the practice itself, and how
it relates to modern-day sexual desires and fantasies, as well as
how you can bring the Kama Sutra into your bedroom. As an
activity that we all engage in, sex can be as intimate or as artificial
as your desire. As times continue, sex has become more of a casual
encounter among lustful individuals than a passionate lovemaking
activity. We’ve laid this book out to be able to teach you the ways
of the Kama Sutra so you can bring passionate lovemaking into
your bedroom.

The Kama Sutra takes you back to the origin of lovemaking at

its finest, and somewhat uncanny practices, to help you discover
yourself, your significant other, and what pleasure means to you
and your relationship. Kama Sutra will teach you how to find joyin
pleasuring someone else, and how to find pleasure through a series
of locations on the body that are easily overlooked, especially
during foreplay.

This book provides an overview of the most popular practices

and techniques surrounding Kama Sutra. Though many may
disagree with certain aspects and beliefs surrounding Kama Sutra,
it is intended only to educate one on the matters, not to convert
you. Even if you decide that you do not agree with the beliefs
around the Kama Sutra, you are sure to take something beneficial
away from the book, alsoif it is just a new foreplay technique or
poses you want to try with a lover. Although based on Hindu
beliefs, people from all walks of life and all religions, to attain
pleasure during foreplay, sexual intercourse, marriage, and
relationships, can practice Kama Sutra.

This book will give you insight into the practices of Kama
Sutra, what is expected from a couple in the relationship, and the
bedroom. This book will also make you aware of the general
guidelines which male and females follow when attempting to
pursue one another. There is also a general overview of what
practices are allowed or permitted after the wedding day. It is an
exciting topic that is worthy of exploring more about, and I hope
you will be able to put some things into practice.

Sex is an essential part of a romantic relationship for many

reasons. While it is noted to have a variety of excellent health
benefits (such as stimulating happiness, easing depression,
headaches, and other ailments), it is also an essential part of
developing the bond between you and your partner. Having sex
with your partner helps increase the amount of intimacy, romance,
and trust that you experience in your relationship. It encourages
both partners to feel close in a way that they don’t share with
anyone else. There are many reasons why sex is healthy in a

As you read this book, you will discover a variety of

phenomenal advice for couples. From how to turn each other on, to
different moves, and toys to try, there is something in store for
every couple. This book is intended for any intensity of lovers,
from modest to downright crazy, and even a special section for
anal. You can be sure that you will find something that is going to
please both you and your partner.

This book is geared towards couples and has advice on moves

and techniques that can enhance the intimacy and deepen the
romance between lovers. Every single stepor tip in this book will
either assist in developing the intimate bonds between you two or
encourage you to have total trust in your partner while you are in a
vulnerable state. Some moves are slow and relaxed, ones that will
have you and your partner in a steamy face to face position and
ones that will allow for you to let your wild side take over.
Whichever you choose, you are guaranteed to make sparks fly and
drive each other to unforgettable orgasms.

It is important to read this book together as a couple, as it can

help encourage an open line of communication in the bedroom.
This area of discussion is just as important as elsewhere, as it helps
us convey what we want and what we don’t want. Many people
don’t realize that we tend to evolve in our sexual desires the same
way as we developand grow elsewhere in life. Because of this, we
may have different fetishes, curiosities, or desires as we grow. By
communicating with your partner, you can help teach them how to
pleasure you in the way you want.

Additionally, you should be sure that the communication

includes discussing what you don’t want or like. These things
should be made very clear, and there should be no pressure on the
denying party to change their minds. The key is to keep the trust
and respect strong between the two of you, so the two of you can
further enhance the romance and intimacy. If the other is not on
board with something, do not pressure them to feel the need to be.
Should they change their mind down the road, let them come to
you: do not under any circumstances pressure or force your partner
to engage in romance they don’t want.

Through open lines of communication, you may discover new

or unspoken desires that your spouse may have. These
conversations are great, as they encourage you to try new things
and bring the spark back to your bedroom.

It’s time for you to become a fantastic partner who is not only
well versed in the ancient and modern versions of the Kama Sutra
techniques but a near expert on how to pleasure and treasure your
Chapter 1
What is the Kamasutra

ama Sutra is one of the most well-known books about the history of
desire, lovemaking, positioning, and other sexual practices. The
Kama Sutra wasn’t merely a book to read but more of a way of life.
Following the Kama Sutras practices and steps led one down a path
of sexual completeness and fulfillment in relationships. Although
most of the methods are now considered ancient, a lot of them are
still used in today’s society. Though some of the practices are dated
and no longer apply to modern-day, American, and European
relationships, there are plenty of different parts of the world that
still use the Kama Sutra and abide by every law religiously.

The Kama Sutra, though primarily a sexual-based book,

actually spends most of the book talking of the origins of desire,
how to woos each other, how to treat one another in relationships,
etc. There is only a small section of the book allotted to sexual
positioning and sexual intercourse, which most people don’t
realize. A lot of the time, people assume the Kama Sutra to be a
book that is crude and focused solely on sex and different positions
to help men and women ejaculate quicker, but this couldn’t be
further from the truth.

The Kama Sutra defines sexual intercourse as a divine union

between man and woman. According to its author, the Hindu holy
man Vatsya yana, sex in itself is not wrong. Bad sex, on the other
hand, is not only shameful but sinful as well. Acquiring skills
between the sheets is your right. It is also your duty. You owe it to
yourself and to your significant other to be the best lover that you
can be.

The wisdom of the Kama Sutra was once reserved only for
royalty. The teachings within were exclusively taught to the ruling
classes to help them achieve the perfect balance between their
social and spiritual duties and living a pleasurable existence. Now,
this ancient knowledge is being offered to you. This book will
unveil the list of the best sex positions straight from the Kama

According to the Kama Sutra, some sex positionsmust be

performed with care as they may cause one to suffer from
temporary and permanent physical injuries. Before exploring more
advanced sex positions from the Kama Sutra, you must first
condition your body through rigorous exercises for stamina,
endurance, and flexibility. The positions included in this book are
specifically designed for beginners. Simply put, you don’t need to
be an acrobat to make these love moves. Included are step-by-step
guides on how to perform each position correctly, safely, and
History of the Kama Sutra

The exact date that the Kama Sutra was written is not known.
Still, estimates place it anywhere between 400 BCE and 300 CE.
What we do know, however, is that it was officially compiled and
turned into the book that we knew today in the 2nd century,
otherwise known as 2 CE. This does not mean though that the book
has not undergone revisions since then, and some scholars believe
that the version we have is closely linked to the 3rd century, as
some of the references throughout would not have applied to the
2nd century. With the text being so old, exact dating is virtually
impossible. Nevertheless, there is a lot of information we do know
about it.

We do know that the text originates from India, although the

exact location is unknown. Historians have been able to narrow
down the areato somewhere within the north or northwest region,
but beyond that, it is a guess as to where the author was from. As
for the author himself, we do know it was written by a man named
Vatsyayana Mallanaga, as his name is engraved into the beginning
of the text. Who this man was is unclear, but we do have
information as to why he wrote the Kama Sutra?

Since it’s a compilation in the 2nd-3rd century, the Kama Sutra

has undergone numerous translations, and there are versions in
almost every language. It was originally written in Sanskrit, an
ancient Indian language, and this is the language that many Hindu
scriptures were written in. While some translations are entirely
accurate, it is important to note that some translators did place their
own bias into their work, and that can be seen in the discrepancies
that were later found. One of the critical examples of this was in
the 19th century when the Kama Sutra was translated into English.
The translator at that time wanted to ensure that the role of women
in the sexual realm was not as prominent, as that was not the
culture of the times. To maintain that societal understanding of sex
and women, the Kama Sutra was altered so that women were
significantly downplayed throughout. This has since been
corrected, but it is essential to be aware of this if you ever decide to
pick up a copy for yourself as you want to be sure you are getting a
purer translation.

The foundations of the Kama Sutra are rooted within the Vedic
Era of literature, which is based on the word Vedas. Vedas were
historical texts written in India around this time that dealt with
lifestyle and how one should conduct themselves daily. All works
of this period were verbally passed down, and traditions were later
adapted into many of the Hindu beliefs that are now practiced
today. In the Vedic Era, there were distinct classes and castes
within society, and a lot of that is reflected within the Kama Sutra.
Many references are made to those who are in differing classes, and
how relationships between individuals of different castes cannot
work out. While this type of information is not meaningful in
today’s culture, it does cross over when we look at socio-economic
statuses and how the rich and poor interact even today.

These foundations are incredibly important because they shape

the mind frame of the author of the Kama Sutra. Without grasping
the history, you cannot possibly understandwhat is being discussed,
as many of the terms and concepts no longer exist or are practiced
It is with this in mind that we can start to see that the Kama
Sutra is a religious text by some accounts. We may not associate
sex and religion as being intertwined. Still, Vatsyayana saw sex as
being a religious experience as well as a requirement to live a
proper life. The basis of the entire viewpoint stems from certain
religious beliefs, and the foundation for the whole of the book
comes from his personal, religious beliefs. It is a celebration of
human sexuality and the most sensual of pleasures, which are gifts
from the gods and ultimately a necessity in life.
Philosophy of the Kama Sutra

As we said, we do know a bit about why Vatsyayana wrote the

Kama Sutra. Looking at ancient Hindu texts, we know that the four
virtues were commonly discussed and written at length about.
Many of the texts focused on the two important virtues of Dharma
(morality), and Athra (prosperity), while few delved into the
importance of Kama (pleasure). Vatsyayana meditated upon this
reality and concluded that the Kama was as important as the other
virtues. So it was only proper to have a guide written solely about
how to obtain the Kama.

The four virtues can be looked at more like goals that each
person much work towards within their lifetime to lead a complete
and fulfilled life. Within the Kama Sutra, there are many references
to the other virtues as they are all tied together and must be
achieved to succeed. One cannot merely focus on the physical
pleasures and ignore the need for morality or prosperity so that you
may notice throughout that sex and morality are often combined, as
well as sex and finding a partner that brings about monetary

To understand the philosophy behind the Kama Sutra, you

must understand what it was intended to be. The sex acts that are
described throughout are little more than theatrics, with an
emphasis on outrageous and yoga-inspired poses. The goal was
unlikely to be used as a literal manual, but instead to be used as a
way to understand both society and the individual. A vast majority
of the book is taken up by discussing how men and women interact
within society, both as a whole and simply with each other. It can
be seen as almost a screenplay, taking us on a journey of love
within ancient Indian times. There is talk of love, intimacy, and
mundane tasks such as bathing and grooming. The Kama Sutra is a
manual on all aspects of pleasure, both in the sexual sense and in
the day to day realm.

The Kama is so often seen as something less important than

other aspects of human pursuit. We are told to work hard, earn
money, find a spouse, have children, and live a moral and righteous
life. But rarely are advised on how to let loose and enjoy ourselves,
or how important of a role sex plays in the human experience. The
Kama Sutra is the bridge over that gap, intended to lift the
importance of pleasure and sex, and place it in as high of regard as
all the other aspects we are expected to work towards.

Some have questioned whether or not the Kama Sutra is a

female positive as it may appear, but if you approach it from the
idea of the times, then it can be seen as more of a feminist work of
art than the surface would suggest.

There is obvious sexual freedom that is discussed within, one

in which even our current societal viewpoint doesn’t always
acknowledge. Try bringing up the topic of female masturbation and
see the sudden puritanical view that many people rush to. Movies
are quick to showcase men sexually, but female sexuality is much
more often subdued or entirely removed from the narrative. To
have a book that explores the different facets of a woman’s
sexuality is unique, both historically as well as in the current
climate. Given that the Kama Sutra talks almost nothing of
procreation, it truly highlights the idea that this is a guide for
pleasure and nothing more. So, by its very nature, it is also a book
dedicated to a woman’s desire, both by herself and that which is
given to her by her partner. Beyond just sex, the Kama Sutra also
discusses how to treat a woman properly so that she is nurtured and
cared for in all aspects of life. It discusses showering her with
affection and gifts and giving her absolute power when it comes to
the home’s finances.

From a philosophical standpoint, the Kama Sutra opens our

minds to the needs of both men and women, and it does a good job
of including women in the discussion, especially for the times. Not
only does it take a more liberal and open-minded approach to
women, but that same approach is extended to homosexuality and
bisexuality as well. There are many references and discussions
about men sleeping with men, and women pleasuring other women,
as well as advice on having threesomes and even orgies. Whatever
the sexual desire is of the individual is both encouraged and
celebrated, and there is no judgment cast upon those who may
differ from what is considered the norm.

The Kama Sutra makes us think by challenging our

conceptions and internalized beliefs when it comes to sex. Whether
it is something we partake in or not, it opens our eyes to the
different forms of relationships that can exist both romantically and
sexually and offers up advice on how to succeed in achieving
absolute pleasure. It removes the idea that sex should be for
procreating and instead emphasizes the pleasure that can be found
within a sexual encounter. On a deeper level, it challenges the
notion that physical pleasure should take a backseat to otherworldly
pursuits, and that pleasure is just as important in life as everything
else. For a life without desire, it isn’t truly a life worth living at all.
What Does it Teach Us?

The Kama Sutra teaches us many things, from how to take care
of ourselves, to how to take care of our partner. Everything begins
with you, and how you groom yourself and carry yourself in this
world. It is an extremely practical guide that mixes real-world
advice with philosophical ideas and concepts. It is meant to make
us sit back and think about why we do what we do and how we can
live a better life overall. But all of that begins with the person.

Even if we only look at the sexual aspect of the Kama Sutra,

we can see exactly what the author is attempting to teach us about
physical pleasure. None of us would exist without sex, so why do
we diminish its role in our lives? The joyof the senses is necessary
for life, so why not enjoy that and learn how to act upon those
desires in both a free and moral way.

Beyond the sexual nature of the Kama Sutra, it also is a guide

that teaches us how to live a good life in general. It goes in-depth
on topics such as the arts, music, and literature, as well as how to
be a good husband or wife. It discusses financial matters, matters of
the home, and even how to properly select a spouse that is balanced
with you. It goes into great detail about how you should bathe and
groom yourself, where you can meet people, and how to enjoy your
day and please your spouse.

From a philosophical viewpoint, it teaches us that both men

and women should engage in sensual pleasures, and that sex is not
just for men to get off with. Unlike many historical texts that
downplay a woman’s sexual desires, the Kama Sutra takes an in-
depth look at what a woman’s sexual nature is and how to satisfy it
both before sex as well as during accurately. That isn’t to say,
however, that the Kama Sutra is an extremely liberal book or that it
holds men and women in the same regard. It is written during a
time of caste systems and where women’s role in a marriage was
not as high as that of the man. Men were still considered the head
of the household, and much of what is described revolves around a
man pursuing a woman. But, compared with other forms of
literature, it does take a more liberal view of women’s sexuality, as
well as homosexual relationships, and the idea of having sex solely
for pleasure and outside of marriage.
How to Use the Kama Sutra?

The Kama Sutra can be used in two ways, both as a practical

guide as well as a philosophical work of art. Some may approach
the Kama Sutra only as a guide to sex positions, and this is
perfectly acceptable as a large chunk of text is dedicated to this
pursuit. However, to use the Kama Sutra fully, you must look at it
as a whole and take into account both the historical significance as
well as the idea that it may not be as practical as one may initially

Many of the sex acts described within the Kama Sutra are
outside an average person’s ability and require a high degree of
flexibility to perform. There are even positions within the book that
are physically impossible unless the man has a very uniquely
shaped lingam (penis). Later in this book, we will look at some of
the positions that are possible, however, and break down how
exactly you can do them and incorporate them into your personal
sex life. In many ways, there are several similarities between the
sex acts within this book and the practice of yoga. Through
breathing as one with your partner, folding into different positions,
and experiencing everything in unity, you can achieve a higher
sense of awareness and satisfaction. So, even if you are unable to
achieve the positions as described, think of it more like a workout
for the mind and body and attempt a sexier form of yoga.

Since the positions are not always practical, you should use the
Kama Sutra more as a general guide for how to deepen your
pleasure. This book has taken many of the important concepts and
ideas and broken them down into practical tips and advice so that
you can elevate your sex life and truly engage in a more
pleasurable and sensual experience. Beyond just the sexual side of
it all, the Kama Sutra should also be used as a guide on how to treat
your partner both inside and outside of the bedroom. It can assist
you in being more romantic and intimate, as well as teach you how
to make sure your partner is entirely satisfied within the

With a breakdown of different personalities and temperaments,

the Kama Sutra also discusses how you can go about finding the
right partner for you based on ancient concepts and ideas. While
some of the information may seem absurd in the context of today’s
world, not everything should be taken as a literal word. Instead, it
is vital that you read the Kama Sutra as a concept more than a
script and that between the lines, you see that even the most ancient
of dating tips are still applicable today.
Chapter 2

Love with Kamasutra

he idea that the Kama Sutra is all about contorted sexual positions
and the physicality of sensual pleasures is extremely erroneous.
The Kama Sutra is so much more than that, and anyone who has
ever tried, or at least read up on the ways of the best-known Sutra,
will tell you it’s an education in itself.

The creation of the Kama Sutra by its authors was to make

partners understand and use the sexual energy between them into
something meaningful, spiritual, and healthy. It is unfortunate that
many of the present-day authors and commentators only focus on
the physical aspect of the Kama Sutra.

It has been widely misunderstood and misrepresented. Kama

Sutra goes far deeper than just explosive orgasms and insatiable
sexual appetites.

In its most basic principle, the Kama Sutra was served to make
couples happy and in effect, make the relationship stronger. The
Kama Sutra was designed to make both men and women aware of
the pleasures of the flesh as well as pleasure on an intellectual
level. It’s not just a sex tip book.
The Kama Sutra originally included topics like About the
Wives of Other Men, Society, and Social Concepts, About the
Acquisition of a Wife, about a Wife, On Sexual Union, About
Courtesans, and On the Means of Attracting Others to Yourself and
About Courtesans.

The book is explicit on details on how to win the mind and

body of a woman and what a woman should do to win the man. It
explores the states of a woman’s thinking (insert pun), the role that
a go-between plays in a relationship as well as why would a
woman turn down a man’s advances.

Kama Sutra also discusses the points of whether you choose a

childhood friend to have a relationship with over colleagues.

Some illustrations and charts would emphasize the

characteristics and the different physical types of bodies and how
this affects the compatibility of the couple.

The Kama Sutra also illustrates the many varieties of

embraces, kissing, oral sex, and sexual intercourse. And not so
surprisingly, a list of instructions about extramarital affairs and how
to conduct relationships with the ‘wives of other men.’

There are also pages devoted to scratching and biting, and on

how these can excite lovemaking. The book also talks about
dealings with courtesans and their styles of seduction and how you
can spot their extortion methods.

What the Kama Sutra Says About Love

The Kama Sutra discusses love in-depth and focuses heavily
on marriages as the best type of union. With that said, however, it
does acknowledge that not all sexual relations happen within the
confines of marriage, and it does discuss the varying types of
relationships that can occur. While you should never be something
you are not just to please someone else, the idea of working on
your personality and qualities to enhance them and make yourself
more attractiveis certainly not a negative. We should all work
towards building up who we are, being confident in ourselves, and
feeling free enough to express our innermost desires.
Physical Attraction and Love

Although love requires much more than a simple physical

attraction, the way a person looks is frequently the first thing that
draws us to them. When you are looking to meet someone, and you
know nothing about them as a person, you are going solely off of
how they look to you. If someone is physically unattractive in your
eyes, there is very little chance that you will want to pursue
something intimate with them, and thus the road to love is cut
Love by Continual Habit

Love by continual habit is described in the Kama Sutra as the

love that comes from repetition and practice of an act. In a non-
romantic way, this is the love that may develop for a specific hobby
as you continue to practice it and get better at it. The more you
engage yourself and learn, the more you develop a love and
passion. Romantically, this is the love that develops over a long
time with an individual, either within or outside of a romantic
relationship. For example, some people may begin as friends long
before they become lovers. Over time, as they do activities
together, engage in long, in-depth talks, and grow as people, they
eventually fall in love. This is the continual habit of being around
someone and continuing to learn about them and grow together as a
couple. This is a solid form of love, as there is an excellent
foundation to it, and it is built not on lust but entirely on love.
Love by Imagination

Love by imagination is in complete contrast to love by

continual habit, as it is far from physical and exists purely within
the mind. This is the type of love that has no bearing in the real
world and instead is created within a fantasy of your choosing. An
innate kindof love, it is one that already exists within you and
requires no effort or forming of habits to induce. It is a type of love
that exists before your partner and will continue to exist despite
your partner as they do not create it. It can, however, be influenced
and informed by your partner, but for the most part, it is merely an
innate feeling that you have.
Love from Belief

Love from belief is a love that is understood by both parties

and is something felt deep within ourselves. It is the type of love in
which we have no questions, no doubts, and no fears. When we
genuinely believe in love, when we believe in our feelings, we
know that it is accurate and real. This is one of the most potent
forms of love, and it is the one in which meaningful relationships
are built upon. Love from belief stems from excellent
communication, high levels of trust, and mutual understanding that
you both have developed with time and care. It stems from years of
work, as well as effort and actions purposely used to cr

eate it.
Love Created from the Perception of
External Objects

Within the Kama Sutra, this is considered the highest form of

love, and all other types of love are there only to lead to and
enhance this. This is the love you feel for what is in front of you,
and it is a tangible form of love based upon what you can see and
feel. All of the types we discussed above are based on this, as each
is used as a way to feel, show, and create a love for that which is
external to yourself. How you see something and experience, it is
going to develop and shape your love for it, and without an external
source, there honestly is nothing to love.
Benefits of Kama Sutra and Sex Kama
Sutra will bring you closer together.

This is all about experimentation here, which Is a wild and

beautiful thing. It states that if both partners take a sense of humor
about it and laugh it off together when a position goes wrong or

needs practice, then you get closer.

Kama Sutra values empowering women

Despite all that our modern-day society keeps preaching about

women and sexuality, Kama Sutra has a different view on this
subject matter. Kama Sutra suggests that a woman needs to study
the variousforms of sex before she gets married. When a woman
understands the different forms of sex, she would be a better mate
and would be more desirable by her man. So, the Kama Sutra
encouraging women and empowering them is one of the most
significant benefits you stand to gain from the book.
Kama Sutra
makes a clear classification of a man’s

Also, the Kama Sutra made mention of the size of a man's

penis and that it matters when choosing a mate. There are three
types of man penis by Kama Sutra – the bull, horse, and hare.
Kama Sutra also made mention of different sizes of woman's
vagina, and that a perfect match of the vagina size and penis sizes
would result in an excellent sexual experience.
Kama Sutra also emphasizes on living a
healthy life and well-balanced one

Kama Sutra is also a book that talks about tips on how to live a
healthy life. The Kama Sutra encourages that a man and a woman
should embrace cleanliness, which would, in turn, boost their
health. A man, for instance, should shave his beard regularly, and
take his bath and eat healthily, and the same applies to a woman
too. She should bread her hair and shave as well. Couples could
also try mutual grooming.
Kama Sutra talks about enticing and
approaching women

The Kama Sutra also talks about exciting tips a man can use to
entice and approaching a woman. This tip helps men to know how
to touch and caress a woman in other to express their desire when
they want to have sex. When a man knows these various tips and
how to use them, he will find it easier to get his message over to
the woman. The suggestions of how to entice and approach a
woman further move on to touching and embracing.
Kama Sutra talks about eight different
types of embrace

There are different types of embrace from the Kama Sutra. It

further tells us that there are up to eight different types of embrace
thatcan be used for different purposes. Because of Kama Sutra's
teaching, we now know how to apply the various types of embrace.
And applying the right type of embrace at the right moment would
set the right mood in motion. So, rather than keeping all your
emotions inside, you can now use the various teaching from Kama
Sutra about embrace to seduce and lure your lover into that perfect
love zone.
Kama Sutra teaches about kissing

There are different forms of kissing too. Kama Sutra also

teaches that a woman should feel too shy about a kiss. We all know
that a man, in most cases, is the ones that initiate the kiss, but a
woman should not feel shy to be the one to start the kiss first. There
are also different types of kiss that partners can use to connect at
particular points in your relationship deeply. Like a kindof kissing,
couples can engage in when walking on a lonely street. There are
also different types of kiss that lovers can engage in when they
want to make love.
Kama Sutra is divided into a set of 64 acts

Contrary to the belief that the Kama Sutra doesn't have a list of
sex positions howbeit lovemaking that includes penetration is
divided into 64 acts. This act explains the different ways couples
can have sex to enjoy the maximum pleasure from sex. To have the
best sex, you have to combine it with stimulating desire and
engaging in an embrace, caressing, kissing, biting, slapping,
moans, oral sex, and everything in-between.
Kama Sutra recommends that your
scratch your partner

There are different types of scratch you can have with your
partner. With this knowledge Kama Sutra provides us, we can add a
twist to lovemaking without loved ones. Moreover, leaving scratch
marks on your lover’s body can help keep the fire burning for each
other even when your lover is not close to you.
Kama Sutra recommends that your
woman lover should reach orgasm first

When making love with our loved once, Kama Sutra suggests
that the woman should be the first to have an orgasm. This point is
valid because of the extreme exhaustion a man feels after having an
orgasm, whereby he wouldn't be able to proceed with sex at least
not immediately. So, in other to have great sex, the woman should
be the first to have an orgasm before the man allows himself to
have an orgasm.
Kama Sutra also talks about a woman’s
sex as being more than just sex

In Kama Sutra, there is more to sex than penetration for a

woman. To a woman, the whole act is sensual, but a man reaches
orgasm at the end of the intercourse. Most men think that making a
woman have an orgasm is their ultimate act, but a woman needs
both sexual and physiological pleasure to be able to satisfy her
urge. Thanks to Kama Sutra, many men who were getting this
concept wrong have been able to make adjustments.
The Kama Sutra teaches you the art of
fellatio and cunnilingus

Most people have a way of approaching oral sex, which is

what is described above in the subtitle, in the same old way. This is
a common thing, and a lot of times, it's taken as a job with skills
that are not that good because face it, most of us have no one to
teach us, and the only role model they have is porn, which is
fantasy at best.
Kama Sutra makes you so much more

Being a great lover and partner and seeing the look on your
partner's face will give you a huge confidence boost. When you're
more confident doing one of the most nerve-wracking things and
the thing that makes you the most vulnerable because you are
naked, then you can do anything.
Chapter 3

he actions leading up to the sex part is every bit as important as the
sex itself. Guys, there’s nothing pleasurable about simply shoving
your tool in your partner and hoping she gets off when you get off.
While guys have it relatively easy when it comes to sexual arousal
and orgasms, girls take a little longer to heat up. This is why it’s
important to set the mood just right and get a girl good, wet, and
ready before doing the deed.

Clean and Fresh

If a guy wants a girl to go down on him – a thorough bath,

scrubbing all the parts that need to be cleansed, should be
performed before anything else. It’s only polite, and the clean smell
makes women more eager to hit all those erogenous spots.

Ladies, this goes both ways. If you want a guy to pay attention
to the body hotspots and linger on the foreplay, it matters very
much to be clean and fresh. This is especially true if you’re hoping
for some oral sex. A lot of males also prefer their women to be
clean-cut down under since it makes everything more
comfortableand more pleasurable to the tongue. More on that will
be discussed later.

Dirty Talk

It is usually the males who love dirty talk, but women also find
it arousing. The concept of dirty talk is pretty blurry, but for the
most part, this involves being explicit about what you want or what
you feel. For example, a girl might be straightforward in telling a
guy that she wants his cock in her mouth or his mouth, suckling her
breasts. It may also involve complimenting a guy about his length
or girth as he penetrates. The words ‘cock’, ‘cunt’, and ‘pussy’ are
relatively common in dirty talk and often used in placeof the terms
penis and vagina.

Bedroom Games

If you’ve heard of 50 Shades of Grey, you’ll have a pretty

good idea about bedrom games and how you can make the sex
more exciting. Roleplay is a relatively common way of keeping
things exciting and can offer some of the most mind-blowing
sexual encounters between you and your partner. The use of toys
would also be helpful. In a later chapter, you’ll find out more about
sex toys and how to best utilize them to keep each other satisfied.


This is a grey area for most couples. While guys have no

problem getting a hard-on while watching porn, some women will
need a longer time to get aroused. However, watching porn does
help set the stage when it comes to sex, letting your partner get the
message as soon as the scene starts to play.

When it comes right down to it, there are lots of things couples
can do to set the mood for sex. From the vanilla to the alarming,
what’s important about preludes to sex is that both partners find it
arousing and are 100% consensual about the whole thing.

A Sight to Remember

The visual experience of sex is one of the most important ones.

Particularly for men as they are visual creatures who rely heavily
on what they see to turn them on and get them in the mood.
Because of this, you’ll want to make sure that wherever you’re
having sex doesn’t have too many visual disturbances. For
example, a messy or overly bright/clashing room might make for
too much to look at, causing you guys to become distracted and
ruin the tone. Additionally, dirty rooms can cause clutter to get in
the way of you two. It is a good idea to tidy up the area you intend
to have sex in.
Smells like Roses

Well, you don’t exactly have to smell like roses, though they
are a delightful and romantic smell. But you do want to make sure
that the sense of smell is added into the tone-setting mix. Setting
this part is easy: melt soe wax in a delicious warm scent (such as
vanilla or berry), wear a small amount cologne or perfume, use
freshly washed sheets. You want to make sure the area, and you,
smell enticing.

Touch Me

Physical touch is another incredibly significant portion of

setting the tone. The type of physical touch we’re talking about
doesn’t involve touching of the genitals, though a little “accidental”
brush of the hand never hurt anyone. But what you want to do is
make sure you’re stimulating their boy: press your thigh into theirs
when you sit on the couch, hold their knee under the table, hold
hands on the way home, hug each other extra-long before you sit
down, stroke the other person’s hair while you tell them you love
them. You want to stimulate their body to make them feel
physically wanted by you, but in an innocent way. This is a
wonderful way to set the intimacy, even in everyday experiences
where you aren’t trying to set the tone for sex.
Chapter 4 Intimacy
Intimacy, in a general sense, is defined as mutual openness and
vulnerability. There are different ways that intimacy can show up in
a relationship, as long as it involves giving and receiving
vulnerability. Different, more specific types of intimacy are present
in different relationships. In this chapter, we will focus on two of
these forms of intimacy-emotional intimacy and physical intimacy.

Emotional Vs. Physical Intimacy

Emotional intimacy is the ability to express oneself maturely

and openly, which leads to a deep emotional connection between
two people. Saying things like “I love you” or “you are critical to
me” are examples of this. It is also the ability to respond maturely
and openly when someone expresses themselves to you by saying
things like “I’m sorry” or “I love you too.” This type of intimacy is
found in romantic relationships, and some friendships or familial

Physical intimacy is the type of intimacy that most people

think of when they hear the term, and it is the kind that we have
been addressing the most so far in this book. This is the type of
intimacy that includes physical touch, including sex and all
activities related to sex. However, it also involves other non-sexual
types of physical contact, such as hugging and kissing.

How to Increase Intimacy

In a romantic or sexual relationship, intimacy is a given. You
would not enter a romantic relationship without some degree of
emotional intimacy, and a sexual relationship by definition involves
physical intimacy. For a romantic relationship to be successful,
both forms of intimacy must be present between the partners.
Without intimacy, there is nothing that sets a romantic relationship
apart from an everyday friendship. Intimacy is something that must
be worked at and maintained consistently, especially emotional
intimacy. In a romantic relationship, however, physical intimacy
must be maintained as well as this is one way of showing the other
person that you feel strongly for them. If intimacy is lacking or if it
fades over time, there are some things that you can do to revive or
rekindle it.

The first way to restore intimacy in a relationship or to develop

it in the first place is through communication. Communication is
key in a relationship of any sort, but especially in a romantic
relation. Communicating is the only sure way to know where the
other person stands in terms of their thoughts and feelings. Being
able to be vulnerable and open with your emotions is a requirement
for intimacy. It is necessary to share oneself with the other person
in a relationship. This mutual sharing of yourselves is what will
lead to intimacy in the first place or an increase in intimacy.

It is important to communicate about your needs for intimacy

repeatedly since people will grow and change throughout a
relationship. Especially in a long-term relationship, being aware of
when a person’s intimacy needs change is important to maintaining
therightlevel of intimacy.
When working on intimacy, it is helpful to start slow by
talking about things that are easier for you to open up about-like
your future goals or your ideal job. This is still a way to open up
without pushing yourself too far right away. It can be scary to be
that vulnerable with someone. It is also helpful to note that for
many people, there are things that they consciously avoid thinking
about, as they may be painful to address. It will be challenging for
them to voice these things to themselves, so allow them to start
slowly and don’t be offended if you feel like there are topics that
they are uncomfortable talking about.

Many people have a fear of intimacy, and this is also worth

noting. Because intimacy needs trust to develop, it can be hard for
some people who have had past experiences that make it hard for
them to trust people. By being aware of this, it may help you to
understand why your partner has trouble opening up. It may also
help you if you have a fear of intimacy as you can explain this to
your partner to ask for the patience you will need as you begin to
open up and be vulnerable with them.

When it comes to improving intimacy, it is a slow build and

not a race to the finish line. Be patient with yourself and your
partner, and try to see intimacy as a growing experience between
you that will continue throughout the entire duration of your

The Art of Kissing

When kissing comes to mind, one might imagine that the act of
locking lips should be pretty straightforward. After all, kissing has
been regarded as a symbol of love, seemingly since the beginning
of humanity. It’s typically the first indication that a relationship is
progressing to a more romantic level. When done correctly, it
should send both parties into a state of passion, desire, and

Kissing is seen as something that should occur before sex, and

Vatsyayana was a firm believer that actions such as kissing,
embracing, and scratching are not meant to be used during sexual
intercourse. Instead, these are all different forms of foreplay, and as
such, should be engaged in to arouse our partner and prepare them
for a sexual union.

The Power of Touch

It has been said that sexual intercourse, when done correctly,

can be compared with the simplest of things like building a
sandcastle. For it not to fall, it must have a strong base put in place.

In can then be built up slowly and finished with some fine

sculpting and nurturing to bring out its full beauty. Once enjoyed
and marveled at it can be allowed to be washed away slowly and
returned to a natural position.
Chapter 5
The top 18 positions

Mirror of Pleasure
This is a complete position for young lovers to practice and
develop. It is both physical and romantic as the man takes his lady
from behind, but she can look at him adoringly while accepting his
lingam deep into her.

She is flat on her back with arms by her sides but entices him
with the majesty of her pearl, so it requires him to lift her legs high
and to the side. He can lean forward here and put one strong arm
down by her side to keepeye contact between lovers.

She can enjoy his powerful chest while feeling his lingam push
profoundly and meaningfully into her. They can even hold hands
on one side while with one arm, he holds both legs as if holding
open a curtain for her to join him in the same chamber. The mirror
forms the perfect setting for our two lovers to look starry-eyed at
each other.

The position sees both lovers sit back on the mat on the floor,
supporting themselves with their arms back and hands behind
them. They can look at each other and cross their legs until the
crouch can touch one another’s.

The woman can use her flexibility to position her yoni over his
erection. She should comfortably sit on his penis and lift her body
with her hands. She can contort her torso back and forth on his
shaft, and her yoni should be open to penetration but lower to the

This can be very pleasurable as the walls of her vagina stroke

up and down his penis. She must makemost of the rocking motion,
but she is a fee to conduct how fast the action needs to be. As you
can see, they will be in a complete merger of bodies as they
intertwine until orgasm.
Speed Bump

The speed bump is an excellent technique that enters from

behind and can also be used for anal sex. It is a unique position for
slow and sensual sex while he nibbles on your back or neck, or for
faster sex where he can wildly thrust until you both orgasms. Due
to the angle of penetration, it stimulates several areas within’ the
vagina that are typically missed from front-facing positions. It
works by having the lady lay on her tummy with her legs tightly
closed together, and her arms tucked in underneath her. Then, the
gentleman slides on top of her and enters her from behind. Having
her legs locked tight can increase the sensations, as it makes it
easier to contract around his penis and create a tighter entry for
him, making it more pleasurable for both lovers.
Edge of Heaven

The edge of heaven positions uses a chair, bed, or couch to

create heaven’s edge. This is an excellent position for the female
orgasm, as it creates deep penetration, and her sensual areas are
mainly supporting her. To start, the gentleman should sit on the
edge of a seat with his feet on the floor. Then, the lady should
straddle on top of him on his lap, with a leg on either side of him.
The gentleman should then hold underneath her knees while
keeping her legs up in the air, and the lady can balance herself on
his lap. He can now thrust as deep and quick as he desires while
stimulating her g-spot and driving her to an incredible orgasm.
Magic Bullet

This position is another phenomenal one for deep penetration

and stimulating the g-spot. It is a man-dominant position that is
excellent for her pleasure and orgasm. It starts by having the lady
lying on her back on the bed. She can either support her head with
the bed or hang her head over the edge of the bed. Then, the
gentleman can sit on his knees, spread them wide open, and scooch
in close so he can penetrate her. She can put her legs straight up in
the air, so the backs of her legs rest on his chest, and he can use her
legs for leverage to thrust. For added pleasure and stimulation, she
can rub her clitoris to help her achieve orgasm.

This position is very affectionate and places the lovers face to

face to speak and kiss each other fondly. The man should sit
upright on a mat and the floor and welcome himover onto his lap.

She can massage his penis slowly and purposefully until he

gets a full erection. She can always take his erection in her mouth
and suck him until he is fully hard and ready.

She then gently gets onto his lap and allows for full or half
penetration. She can choose to take his penis to massage her clitoris
or take penetration into her yoni and move back and forth.

She is in full facial position in front of him, and her breasts are
open to his playfulness.

This is an exciting position because it will involve his lingam

entering her from an unusual angle. The starting position is one
where she accepts him when lying flat on her back. She keeps her
legs well apart, but he enters her from a sitting position keeping his
legs forward and under her arms.

Here he can grasp her arms firmly and pull her body down
onto his erection while thrusting his lower abdomen forward,
maximizing as much as possible his sitting position.

Because of the angle of her hip bone, his lingam will be forced
downwards onto the lower section of her vagina walls, giving her
an altogether different experience. Her pearl is wide open to some
stimulation with his fingers, and she can have a double penetration
type experience.
Arms of Mill

This position may come as a completely new and novel

experience for many. It is another position where the actual
penetration will feel very different to the norm. The woman will lie
down on her back and comfortably places her legs wide apart to
allow her man full access.

This he does willingly, but the Arms of Mill require him to lie
face down with his head pointing away from here.

Here the lovers do not see eye to eye in true Yab-Yum fashion
because when she reaches down, she will be presented with his
buttocks to massage. His penetration will again be felt quite
differently in her yoni and is a pleasurable experience.

The lack of movement available is more than made up for by

the various parts of the body each lover can reach with their spare
hand. He could reach under and finger her anus while she could
likewise do the same simultaneously.

The Slept is another position best performed on the ground,

and as the man lays behind his woman, he can take her leg behind
him the same way as shownduring the Dragonfly. This time, to
make penetration, a natural act is for him to pull his leg over her
prostate leg, meaning he controls her pelvic region and can
maximize his entrance into her.

With her free leg held out of the way, he can freely thrust his
pelvis, making his lingam a battering ram of love.

She can enjoy the sensation of deep penetration and the feeling
of being taken from behind at the same time. He also gets to
massage her back and bite her neck of kiss her breast giving her
many simultaneous pleasures.

This is a relatively straight forward position as long as the lady

can maintain her upper body weight if her legs are lifted off the
floor. Her man can do this while she lays on the floor or bed, and as
the name would suggest, he picks up her quivering thighs and can
spread them wide apart, leaving her anticipating pearl at his
complete disposal.

The thought of this openness and vulnerability is a complete

turn-on for many women, and he is obliged to make his penetration
as lasting and memorable as the chance he has been given.

If she has a supple back, she can throw her head back in wild
celebration of the treatment she is receiving, and the original
shopping cart awkwardness of their opening move will soon be

This is not just an easy acronym for sexual intercourse but

involves a very flexible screwing position by the lady. She is
required to twist her abdomen entirely around, so her shoulders
stay on the edge of her bed, but her pearl is exposed in all its glory,
waiting for his eager services.

From here, he can quickly provide his thrust into her anus,
giving this positon a feeling of wildness and forcefulness if she can
manage to turn and open up.
Sultry Saddle

This position is a wonderful one for anyone who is looking for

something new to spice up the bedroom life. It works by having the
gentleman lie down on his back, with his knees bent and his legs
apart. The lady can then nuzzle in between his legs and achieve
penetration. Using one hand on his chest and another on his leg,
you can rock yourselves out of this world. The benefit of the
woman being on top is that she can control the depth and where
she’s being stimulated, while the man can lay back and enjoy the
The Squat

This woman-on-top position is perfect for the lady to pick the

speed, rhythm, and angle. The man can still use his hands and
thrusting action, however, to gain a little control for himself as
well. The gentleman lies on his back on the bed with his knees up
and separated. Then, the lady squats on top of him and rides him.
You can hold each other’s hands for ample thrusting leverage, or
she can put her hands on his chest to gain control while he holds
her hips to keep them in rhythm with each other. It is an excellent
way to achieve a deep penetration that caresses the g-spot.
Face to Face

This position is an incredibly romantic position that provides

an excellent angle for penetration while enabling the two lovers to
make out still. It is a slower position that stimulates a more
relaxing, love-making situation. It works by having the gentleman
sit with his legs comfortably out in front of him, knees slightly bent
and separated. Then, the lady can slide in on his lap, wrap her legs
around him, and be penetrated. The angle works wonderfully for g-
spot stimulation, and you can go as fast or as slow as you want to
while enjoying the romantic moment with each other.
Freaky Lovers

This position is excellent for the pro-lovers who are into

downright freaky sex moves. It mixes experimental, exciting
moves with your desire to stand entirely outside of the box when it
comes to sex. You can use these moves to make for a hot bedroom
encounter, blowing each other’s mind one thrust at a time. Use
these moves to enhance your experience, stimulate ultimate
pleasure, and create incredibly intimate and romantic intercourse as
you explore each other in ways you never have before.
Lotus Like Position

In the Lotus Like Position, the woman will cross her lower
calves across one another to create a position similar to what is
seen during a lotus style sit in yoga. While on her back, she should
bring her legs up into the air, either entirely or only partially, and
then place one calf over top of the other. For a more traditional
pose, her legs should be partially lifted, which can be achieved by
having her start with her legs bent but feet planted on the ground.
From here, all she needs to do it lift her feet off the ground and then
raise her lower legs until she can comfortably cross them. The man
will find it most comfortableto approach this position from a
kneeling position, and he should also noticethat her feet naturally
fall against his chest. By keeping the woman’s feet on his chest, he
can not only support her, but he can use his body weight to push
her legs backward, making it easier for him to reach her vagina.

For women that are very flexible, or who would like to

practice this in a very traditional way, you should cross the legs like
you are in a seated position. To get an idea of what this means, start
this position by being seated on your buttocks, and then cross your
legs over each other as if you were preparing to meditate. Each foot
should rest on the opposite thigh, while the calves will firmly press
against one another. Once you have this wholly understood, simply
lay back without changing your legs at all. When your man comes
to enter you, he will press your crossed legs back against you, and
your feet will touch between your breasts and your stomach. As sex
progresses, the man can spread the woman’s legs apart when he
feels necessary, switching up the angle and position freely.
Turning Position

The Turning Position switches things up significantly, and it is

now the man who will need to perform quite the acrobatic feat to
get into this position properly. For this, the couple should start in a
regular missionary style position, with the woman on her back and
the man on top of her. Women will need to ensure that their legs are
not bent, as the man is going to need a smooth surface to work on.
Once sex is well underway, the man is going to lift himself, remain
inside the woman, and then spin himself around so that he is now
facing towards her feet. At no point can the man leave the woman’s
vagina, as he must remain inside at all times. Sound complicated?
It is.

How you make, this work is going to be very much up to you,

as it will significantly depend on the man’s penis. His length will
play a significantrole in whether or not this is even possible, as well
as the direction that his erection naturally leans. If the man has an
erection that is very rigid and points up towards the belly button,
The Turning Position is not likely to be possible. Instead, the man
needs a more flexible erection that can alter its angle as he turns. If
you are not able to turn yourself around during sex without leaving
the vagina, don’t worry. You can always modify this pose by
turning and re-entering if possible.
Supported Congress
The Supported Congress is the first of the positions we have
come to that gets both partners up and off of the ground. Here is a
classic standing pose that is fairly simple and is modified
depending on your personal preference. To perform The Supported
Congress, have both partners stand face one another. From here,
you only need to find something to support you; the Kama Sutra
suggests using each other’s bodies, a wall, or a pillar. How you
engage in sex after this point is up to you. Some options include
standing with both feet on the ground and then angling the pelvis
so that the man can insert himself into the woman. Another option
is to have the woman raise one of her legs so that entry can be even

One important thing to know with most standing positions is

that height differences can make or break what you can do. In
many cases, the man is going to be taller than the woman, which
means their pelvic regions generally will not line up perfectly. To
combat this issue, utilize things around the house to bring the
woman up to a taller stance. You can try wearing high heels or
standing on the lower part of your staircase if you have one. You
can also stand on cushions, a small stepping stool, or anything else
that is stable and gives you enough of a boost to have sex more
Chapter 6

The top 10 relaxing positions

The man grabs his penis at its base. He penetrates the woman
and circles the inside walls of her vagina. This isn’t about deep
penetration. It’s about exploring the sensitivity of the woman’s
vaginal walls, which varies from woman to woman. The longer the
penis, the better this technique will work.

Generally speaking, when a man is penetrating a woman, he
should aim for the front wall of the vagina. That typically where a
woman’s g-spot will be found. But if a man were to occasionally go
for the back wall with short and sharp thrusts instead of the deep
plunging, he can create a very different but enjoyable experience
for the woman.
One-sided Scissor
If your weight is pretty optimal, but your female partner is a bit
more on the femininecurvacious side, then have her lay on her back
so you can view her ample breasts before you...yum! Then, make
sure her bottom in the right beyond the edge of the bed or any
platform, then you are in an optimal position.

The bed or platform should reach exactly or near enough to

your hip level as a man. This gives you better penetration leverage.
Take one of her ankles, whichever side is more comfortable for
both of you, and raise the leg so that her ankle is on your shoulder.

Penetrate her then. She may want to hold on to the sheets or

blanket or the edge of the table or platform. This gives you

Two-sided Scissor
Repeat all steps on position two, but the only difference being
that you grab both her ankles and place them on both your
shoulders before penetration. This is slightly more comfortable,
and if the gentleman is overweight, all three of these exercises
work best. We will go more into weight and those factors later in
the nest chapter.

Kneeling Scissor
You may also accomplish the same amount of joy in the first
two scissors positions by having the male kneel in front of his
voluptuous partner and penetrate her on the ground. Now, just a
note about ground level, it's not going to be quite as a level
between his hips to hers.
However,what needs to happen in this case is she must be as
flexible as possible because he has to lean in towards her chest, and
her legs on his shoulders are going to go back some. Now, you can
modify this position if she isn't that flexible. Instead of her legs
being on either shoulder, you can have them spread out into a V
shape, and her ankles can be right by the sides of your shoulders or

Another modification to make up for any lack of flexibility is

going to be if the female bends her knees. This will allow her to
bring her knees as far up toward her shoulders or chest as possible.

Galloping Horse
The galloping horse is an exciting, fast-paced position that
allows for incredibly deep penetration. The lady has little to no
control in this position, which can add to her pleasure. It requires a
chair, as other seat choices will not enable the position to work
correctly. To start, have the gentleman sitting down with his legs
straightened and feet on the floor. Then, the lady should sit on his
lap, facing him, with a leg on either side. He can then enter her
while she picks her feet up off of the floor and puts them straight
out behind him. He can hold her upper arms or shoulders to stop
her from falling back, while also giving him leverage to thrust
underneath her while she bounces on top of him. It is guaranteed to
provide the ultimate deep penetration experience that will send
both of you over the edge in no time.

The Good Spread

This position is best if the lady is flexible, as it requires her to
have her legs stretched out straight to either side. It allows for deep
penetration, and for the woman to control the speed and rhythm, as
well as where he is stimulating her. The man will have free hands,
so he can rub her thighs or massage her breasts while she rides him.
To start, the gentleman should be lying on his back with his legs;
however, he feels they are most comfortable. Then, the lady should
mount him, facing him, but sitting upright. Each leg should be
stretched out on either side of him, and she can lean forward
slightly and use his chest to help her bounce up and down on him.
Take care not to bounce out of control, as that could hurt him.
Then, he can admire her while she pleasures herself on him.

The Melody Maker

This position takes control away from the female entirely and
gives it to the male. It is perfect for hitting the g-spot and provides
the gentleman with the ability to use his spare hand to stimulate her
clitoris at the same time, ensuring she will achieve a mind-blowing
orgasm. Bonus points if they both orgasm at the same time! To
start, have the female lay back over a piece of furniture, with her
feet firmly on the floor. Then, he can come in between her legs and
penetrate her. Depending on the height of the furniture, he may or
may not have to get down on his knees to be at the same height as
her. He can hold her hands, stimulate her clitoris, massage her
breasts, or do anything they desire.

Hit The Spot

This position is an excellent behind-entry position that allows
for deep penetration and ample stimulation. It might look a bit
acrobatic, but it is fantastic for both lovers’ pleasure. It is a man-
on-top position that almost eliminates any control from the female.
To start, the lady should be on her tummy on a flat surface. Then,
the gentleman should come behind her on his knees and slide his
knees under her belly. He can enter her similar to doggy-style while
she then wraps one of her legs around him so he can get deeper. He
can put his arms next to her and use them to keep her in place.

Dashing Rider

This is a phenomenal
woman-on-top position that can be altered to suit any rider. To
start, you want to have the gentleman lying comfortably on his
back. Then, the lady can sit on top of him, sideways. She can
choose how he penetrates her, and she can ride him at her own
chosen speed and rhythm. It helps her control where she is being
stimulated and how. It is a comfortable position that has minimum
stimulation over the clitoris and g-spot, but due to the angle makes
it feel like she is getting filled full.
Chapter 7
The top 12 dominant positions of

The Pleasure Principle

efore explaining techniques on how a man can please a woman, the
matter of how he learns must be addressed. While some men may
have a selfish approach to sex, if a woman is learning about the
Kama Sutra, it’s a reasonable assumption that she is with a partner
who cares about her pleasure. That only leaves the question of
whether or not her partner knows how to give her pleasure.

While learning techniques is always helpful, it is the woman’s

responsibility to communicate her desires and ways she enjoys
being stimulated. For obvious reasons, it’s to her benefit that she do
so. Still, many women feel awkward or fear their partner will think
them “slutty” or “cheap.”This is why it’s so important to use the
full scope of the Kama Sutra to create a deep connection. Any
feelings of awkwardness or fear judgment must be addressed.

It’s not fair for a partner to be limited in how much pleasure

they can get from lovemaking because they’re afraid to give a
voice to their desires and fantasies. It’s equally unfair to leave one’s
lover fumbling in the dark (sometimes literally!) to find what
works and doesn’t work for their partner.

Great sex requires the person to feel sexy. And while being
pleasured and desired can make a person feel sexy, they also need
to feel they are rightand pleasing their partner.

Some men don’t take criticism well. But virtually all men want
to be skilled lovers. So to educate them, it might come down to
how the lesson is presented more than the lesson itself.

Instead of “It doesn’t feel good when you do that,” try, “I’ve
been wondering what it would feel like if you did it this way.”

Instead of “You go too fast,” try, “I think if we go slower, you

might be able to give me an even bigger orgasm.”

The suggestions don’t have to be verbal. Grabbing your

partner’s hand and placing it where you want it, along with a
heartfelt moan can be a blameless, shameless step in the right

The Coital Alignment Technique

The woman lies on her back. The man lies above, as one
would in the missionary position. The man positions himself higher
up so that his penis enters her and points downward instead of
upward—the dorsal side of the penis presses on the clitoris. Instead
of thrusting upward, the man pushed downward. The woman might
wrap her legs around him, but the driving movement of the
lovemaking comes from the pelvises. The woman controls the
upward strokes, and the man leads the downward stroke.

The Triads of Desire

Pleasuring your love with oral sex is one thing. Doing so while
playing with a nipple might be even better. Are you pleasuring your
partner with oral sex while playing with a nipple and slowly
massaging the area around the rectum? That could send your
partner into pleasure overload.

This technique is mainly usedfor couples that have been

together for a long time because there are so many possible
combinations. Ears, nipples, vagina, penis, rectum, thigh, belly
button, or any part of the body where you know they enjoy or that
you’ve yet to explore. To add to the unpredictability, the intensity
can vary for each body part, and so can the temperature. Having a
cup of ice chips nearby can come in handy.
The nipples can be stimulated in so many ways. A kiss, a flick
of the tongue, sucking, a playful bite, or aggressive biting are just a
few examples of varying intensities. And that’s without using your
hands! Add to this, the options of blowing on them or rubbing an
ice chip on it. Whatever can be done to the nipple, can be done to
pretty much any part of the body.

The “triads of desire” is meant to be playful and unpredictable.

It’s important to be aware of your partner’s reactions and signals.
Otherwise, you run the risk of having your points of desire to
become more distraction than seduction.
The Genie Lamp

A woman is on all fours as a man takes her from behind. While

performing what is commonly know as “doggie style,” the man
waits until the woman is getting close to climax. He reaches around
her and places his hands just above her pubic bone. He rubs his
hands in opposite directions. Because this area is incredibly
sensitive for women, the stimulation can reach much higher levels.

Legs Up!

This is one that is great for those that are a little heavier,
especially the female, and this is much more comfortable and
brings much pleasure. Lay the female on their back and bends her
knees. You can either stand between her knees and lay between
them for penetration, or you can lift her ankles to your ears for
even better penetration, and that is entirely up to you.
Standing Suspended

This first position is excellent for the female orgasm because

of the angle that the man’s penis enters her vagina and also because
the man is in control in this position so the woman can relax and
enjoy the pleasure he is bringing to her body.

To get into this position, the man will stand facing a wall with
the woman standing in front of him, her back to the wall. She will
then jump into his arms and wrap both her arms and her legs
around him. Once here, he can insert his penis into her vagina
while holding onto her buttocks or underneath her knees. He can
lean her back on the wall in front of him for support so that he does
not have to support her entire weight in his arms. If he holds onto
her underneath her knees, this will open her up so that her vagina is
easily accessible. The fact that she is suspended coupled with this
will make it so that there is deep penetration occurring, and this
will be pleasurable for both the man and the woman. Deep
penetration is great for the female orgasm because there are two
places located deep within the vagina that, when stimulated, lead to
a very intense orgasm for her. The penis must achieve continuous
deep penetration for this to happen, and in this position, it is quite

Cross-Legged Vibrating
This position allows for multiple female orgasms because it
involves penetration as well as clitoral stimulation. The man will sit
cross-legged, and the woman will sit on his lap, wrapping her legs
around behind him. This can be done in a comfortable chair or on a
bed. Once the penis is inside of the woman’s vagina, he can thrust
into her with his hips or lift her and down on his penis with his
arms. Then, since her legs are spread wide in a cross-legged
position, she can use a vibrator on her clitoris (or her hand if she
doesn’t have one). This position will make for possible G-Spot
stimulation along with the clitoral stimulation, which can lead to a
blended orgasm. It can also lead to back-to-back orgasms. This can
happen if she comes clitorally, and then penetration continues,
which could then lead to a G-Spot orgasm (or general vaginal
orgasm). Then, there is even the possibility of her having another
clitoral orgasm if she begins stimulating her clitoris again
The perch

Using a chair as a perch, the man will sit on the chair (or stool)
and have the woman sit down onto him, letting him inside her. She
will be facing the same way he is, both of them placing their feet
on the floor. He can wrap his arms around her waist and stimulate
her clitoris, or she can stimulate her clitoris while he holds her
breasts. Though not a lot of visual stimulation, this position allows
for a lot of touch on the male’s part, giving him free rein over her

The plough

This position requires a bit of strength on both parties, along

with a lower surface, such as a bed. In the position, the woman will
lay on the edge of the bed on her stomach with her legs straight out
behind her, opened slightly for the male to walk in between. As the
male walks in between, he will hold her legs up, taking some of the
pressure off of her. He will lift her pelvis so that he can put himself
inside her while she balances on the bed on her arms or elbows.
While the man is standing, holding her hips with her pelvis in the
air, he will then begin thrusting (or ploughing) into her. The term
comes from how the man is holding the woman, almost as if he is
plowing a field or using a push mower. This requires arm and
abdominal strength and stamina from the woman as well as arm
strength from the male.

The Scissors

This position is a little challengingto get yourselves into, but

once you do, it will be well worth the effort. To begin, the man will
sit on the bed with his arms behind him, holding his weight up but
leaning back. Then, he will bend one of his knees, so his leg is
bent. The woman will lie down on the bed face-down and with her
head at the opposite end of the bed as the man. She will spread her
legs and move her body toward the man’s until their bodies meet.
When they meet, their bodies will look like two pairs of scissors
crossed into one another. From here, the man will insert his penis
into her vagina. The woman can move her body up and down on
his penis, and the man can thrust into her. It may take a bit of time
to develop a rhythm in this position, but when you do, you will
both feel intense pleasure.
Vibrating Cowgirl

This position is an advanced spin on an ideal position, as well.

You may be familiar with the cowgirl position. This position begins
in the same way as that. The man is lying on his back on the bed,
and the woman straddles his penis, inserting it into her. The woman
will move her hips on his penis to control the depth and speed of
penetration and can take control of her pleasure here. This position
is great for G-Spot stimulation because of the angle at which the
man’s penis meets the woman’s vagina. Since the penis curves
upward and the G-Spot is at the front of the vagina, positions,
where the man and the woman’s heads are at the same end of the
bed, are best for G-Spot stimulation.

What makes this position advanced is that once you are in this
position, you then will bring a vibrator to the clitoris of the woman.
This can be done by either the man or the woman, whichever you
prefer. Because the woman is on top and sitting upright, her clitoris
is exposed and thus is open and accessible by a vibrator. This will
give the woman maximum pleasure as she will have both G-Spot
and clitoral stimulation at the same time. She may even be able to
achieve a blended orgasm, which is a combination of two different
orgasms at the same time, leading to a giant mind-blowing orgasm.
If you do not have a vibrator, you can use your fingers (either the
woman or the man) and stimulate the clitoris in this way. This now
brings us to our next category of positions, which are the best
positions for multiple female orgasms.

Galloping Horse

The galloping horse is an exciting, fast-paced position that

allows for incredibly deep penetration. The lady has little to no
control in this position, which can add to her pleasure. It requires a
chair, as other seat choices will not enable the position to work
correctly. To start, have the gentleman sitting down with his legs
straightened and feet on the floor. Then, the lady should sit on his
lap, facing him, with a leg on either side. He can then enter her
while she picks her feet up off of the floor and puts them straight
out behind him. He can hold her upper arms or shoulders to stop
her from falling back, while also giving him leverage to thrust
underneath her while she bounces on top of him. It is guaranteed to
provide the ultimate deep penetration experience that will send
both of you over the edge in no time.
Chapter 8
Man's top 20 dominant positions
Milk the Man

This move requires some training. A woman needs to perform

about 25-30 Kegel exercises a day. When she has worked her
Pubococcygeus muscles to where she can isolate the inner, middle,
and outer muscles, she is ready for the “milk-the-man” technique.

The man lies on his back. The woman mounts him and
straddles him. She guides his penis inside of her. She then clenches
her PC muscles in sequence, starting with the one that’s closest to
the entrance of the vagina. This will be an experience that the man
has not only experienced before but didn’t even know it was


Whenever a man has an orgasm, it’s followed by a refractory

period, during which he can’t become erect again. Some men, this
might last minutes, for others, it might last days. What most men
don’t know is that the release of sperm and their orgasm can be
separated. When a man is about to ejaculate, press your middle
firmly on the perineum (the ridge between the testicles and the
anus). This will cut off the flow of semen while he has his orgasm.
After the orgasm, he will find that he is immediately ready to go
The P-Spot

While pleasuring a man, he can be easily stimulated by

massaging his prostate. This can be done externally by rubbing the
perineum (the ridge between the testicles and the anus) or
internally but wetting a finger with lube and slowly massaging the
outer rectum. This area is rich with nerve ending and can create
immense, please. Slowly insert the finger (short nails please) only a
little bit, wait for the sphincter to relax before proceeding further.

The best way to massage the prostate is with the finger inside
the anus, massaging what will feel like a walnut-sized sack (in the
direction of the belly button). For the man with an adventurous
spirit, a curved dildo can also be used to stimulate him. While this
can be an incredibly gratifying experience for the man, it’s
important to know beforehand that he is comfortable with it.
Closed Door

This position is similar to the missionary in that both people

are lying down face-to-face, and the man is on top. The difference,
however, and what makes this an advanced position is that the
woman will keep her legs shut the entire time tightly. The man’s
penis can be inserted while her legs are open, and then once it is in,
she will close her legs. What this does is constrict her vagina and
make the canal tighter for the man’s penis. In addition to this, if she
is aroused, her vagina will be engorged, and the canal will be
tighter already. Because of this, the man’s penis will be hugged
tightly as it slides in and out of her, and this will make for extra
pleasure for him.
Lap Dance

This next position is another that is best for male pleasure and
the male orgasm. This position requires strength on the part of the
man and the woman and is quite an athletic position, but this is
why it is called an advanced sex position. Be careful when trying
this one.

To get into position, the man will sit upright in a comfortable

chair or on the edge of a bed with his feet planted on the floor. The
woman will climb onto his lap and wrap her legs around behind the
man or stick them straight out past him. Then, the man can insert
his penis into the woman’s vagina. From here, the woman will lean
back until she is lying straight back, and her body is flat. While she
does this, the man will have to hold onto her at her hips or her
lower back, depending on your height variations. The man in this
position will perform a combination of thrusting his hips into the
woman from a seated position and pulling her onto his penis
repeatedly. A high amount of upper body strength is required on
the part of the man in this position. Place some pillows on the floor
underneath the woman when trying this position, just in case. The
woman can hold onto the man’s arms for support as well here.

This position is excellent for the male’s pleasure because it

allows him to control the speed and depth of thrusting, and it
allows for deep penetration, which will feel amazing on his penis.
Splitting the Bamboo

This position is quintessentially Kama Sutra, and it is a great

position for the male orgasm. To get into this position, the woman
will lie on her back on the bed and stretch one of her legs straight
out below her, lifting the other leg and resting it on the man’s
shoulder. The man will be on top of the woman, his hips between
her legs.

In this position, the man can achieve deep penetration because

of the positioning of the woman’s legs, which will feel great for
him. The deeper he can penetrate, the more pleasured he will be.If
the woman is not flexible enough to do this position in this way,
making it uncomfortable, the man can kneel instead of laying on
top of her. This way, the position will still be accomplished, but it
does not give the woman’s leg as much of a stretch. This position is
also great for the woman since the chances of G-Spot stimulation
are very high.

The waterfall is a position in which the man has complete

control. The man will begin by sitting in a chair with his feet on the
floor. The woman will climb onto his lap and insert his penis into
her. She can wrap her legs around his waist. Then, slowly, she will
lean back until her head and arms are touching the floor (with
pillows underneath). From here, the man will hold onto her hips
and can move her body onto his penis at whatever speed and depth
he wishes. He can also grab onto her breasts and massage her
clitoris in this position if he wants. This position can be quite
challenging for the woman, but the blood flow to her head will
make it pleasurable for her. This position is excellent for the man
since he is in control, and the tightness of the woman’s vagina
around his penis in this position will be hugely pleasurable for him.
Standing Suspended From Behind-Anal

This position is great for those who are experienced with anal
sex as it allows for deep penetration and also requires strength from
both partners. This one is a bit trickier to get into, so to begin, the
man will be sitting down on the edge of the bed or in a chair, and
the woman will sit on his lap, facing away from him. Then, the
man will insert his penis into her anus. He will hold onto her under
her knees or her buttocks, and once secure, he will stand up, still
inside of her. Then, leaning his back against a wall for support, he
will thrust into and out of her while holding her up. This position
can be very pleasurable for both people if fitness and strength are
there, which is why this is such an advanced position. This position
is goodfor the male orgasm because this position and the fact that it
involves anal sex will make it feel great for him. The only thing is
that it requires a lot of work from the woman as well.

This excellent position allows him to enter her from behind

while having the ability to stimulate her clitoris or breasts at the
same time. You can do it anywhere you’d like, as it is a standing
position. You can alter it to be laying down position as well,
however, by simply laying on your sides in a spooning position. It
works by having the lady standing in front with her legs partially
spread. Then, the gentleman comes up behind her and enters her,
while using one hand to hold on (such as around her chest, while
gently massaging or squeezing her breast) and using the other to
stimulate her clitoris. This is an excellent position to help the lady
reach orgasm, as it provides all of the stimulation necessary for her
Sexy Spoons

This position is excellent for intense, slow, sensual penetration.

It is another from-behind entry that is excellent for her pleasure and
his. This is a relatively straight forward position that you can
probably assume how it works. To start, have the lady lay on the
bed on her preferred side. It is easiest if she has the top leg in front
of the bottom leg. Then, have the gentleman come up behind and
spoon her while penetrating her. He can use her hips as leverage to
control the speed of his thrusts, or he can slowly thrust while
stimulating her clitoris. She can use her free hand to massage his
bum or play with her clitoris.
Pressing Position

The pressing position is one of the best and fulfilling positions

you can try with your lover as it unfolds effortlessly from one
embrace to a rhythm like lovemaking. This lovemaking is very
sensual and can be used to connect with your partner deeply. And it
is very easy to perform, and the best part is that both lovers would
get to enjoy the lovemaking to the fullest.

To perform this lovemaking, lie your partner down on the bed

after you must have had a series of foreplay. As she lies down on
the bed, you can further go more in-depthwith the foreplay by
rubbing her breast and nipples to arouse her further. Then you
could go lower and play around her belly, and you approach her
vagina. You could also place a kiss on her vagina, and a little
clitoris stimulation would also help as you go into position for this
lovemaking. Remember, your lover is already lying flat on the bed
back down.

Then spread both of her legs on either side of your waist and
fix yourself in-between. Then move a bit forward and place your
hands at her sides and lean softly on her. Then at this position, you
can go for insertion. Upon entering her vagina, go easy, it would
feel a bit tight at first, but after a couple of minutes, and with the
right amount of vagina fluid from arousing her well, things should
go a lot smoother. The main should use his feet to apply pressure
when making love in this position.
The woman could also grip her partner's thigh with her own
and press it inwards to tighten her vagina to thrust his penis more
thigh for more friction and pleasure, which increases the sensation
for both of you. Generally, this position is great because of the
body contact around the limb, and belly region as well. Moreover,
the more the partners roll around together as they press their limb
together, the greater the sexual charge would be.
Mare’s Position

This is also another sex position from the Kama Sutra worth
taking a look at as lovers. One of the advantages of this technique
is that it can be done in various positions. And if the woman is
those that contract during orgasm, then she could employ her
vaginal muscles to squeeze her lover's penis as though she were
milking the penis. This sex position is highly pleasurable, that is
why I'm featuring it in this book.

To enjoy this position, as the man, you can enjoy it in two

positions – either lying back down and or sitting with one hand on
the bed for support. As usually, sex should always proceed after a
series of foreplay. When emotions are high, and the two of you are
really in the mood and want to dive into each other, then the man
should go to bed. As I said earlier, you can either take a seated
position of back down position.

In that position, the woman crosses her legs over yours and
faces the same direction you are facing. So, her back would be at
your front. In that position, before you go for congress, you can
further do a little more foreplay, like kissing her back, playing with
her hair, or squeezing the breast would not be a bad idea.

Then you can go for penetration as the man. On entering the

vagina with your penis, you should take the lying down position at
first as it helps reveals more of the penis for deeper penetration. As
you penetrate, you can then sit up for more joyride. After some
time enjoying this position with your partner, you feel very close to
orgasm, you could take the sitting position as it helps to reduce the
feeling of orgasm.

You could also help by stimulating her clitoris with your

fingertips as you sit up. She could also do this herself, whichever
you two lovebirds prefer would be just fine. One thing you both
will enjoy again in this position is the skin contact because it is
more like she is sitting on your lap. This sense alone can increase
arousal to make the man have an orgasm in no time. Because you'd
both feel the buttock bouncing on the laps, making those clapping
sounds turning both lovers on more. This position is enjoyable, and
lovers should try it out.
The Lotus

In the Kama Sutra, this is better known as the Padma.

The couple sits together in bed, facing each other.

The man pulls the woman’s body close to his, grabs her ankles,
raise them, and locks them behind his neck.

They make love to each other by grinding their hips together.

The pleasure is in the hot rubbing sensation of the genitals.

Ensure that the genitals are amply lubricated before making

love in the Lotus.

This sitting position provides lovers with the opportunity to

maintain eye contact throughout sex, thus, increasing the intimacy
of the act.
The Perch

The lovers start by having the man sitting on a stool with his
legs spread somewhat apart.

With her back to him and leaning forward slightly to ease

penetration, the woman perches herself onto the man’s lap.

Using her legs, she performs up and down movements.

Meanwhile, the man reaches in front to play with his lover’s

breasts or to caress her clitoris.
The fan

This position is another spin-off of the commonly known and

incredibly loved doggy-style position. The woman will bend
forward onto a stool, table, counter, or another hard surface that is
lower than she is. From this position, she will arch her back, lifting
her bottom higher in the air and giving the man a much better angle
for entering her. He can place his hands on her bottom or wrap
them around to stimulate her clitoris (even better if this is done
during anal sex). This is called the fan because the man can thrust
in a circular motion, similar to a fan.
Elephant Posture

This sex position is highly recommended as it is very sensual

and comes with a lot of joy attached. This position is so dominant
because there are lots of body contact involved in the position.
Lovers who want to connect deeply can have a fun time enjoying
this position. To perform this position, very little is needed to know
about from the right foreplay that would lead to this position.

To begin lovemaking in this position, start with the right

foreplay that would make you get to your lovers back. Kissing her
whole-body round could be a great start. Or you can combine
kissing her body with a little hair play and then find your way to
her back. Kiss her shoulder and bend her over until she's lying
down with her stomach, thigh, breast, and feet all touching the bed.
In this position, you could go for a little massaging to stimulate her
even more.

Massage her back and go down a little to massage her

buttocks. She rubsher around her vagina and stimulates her clitoris
until she fills wet on her vagina. Then you can go for the
penetration, place your hands and either side of your lover, and
lean on her buttock a bit. Then like you, as you go for the
penetration, pass your penis between her slightly parted legs and
get into her vagina.
This sex position is very sensual as you would enjoy the
feeling of her buttock around the penis, which is very pleasurable.
The woman can intensify the sensation for both of you by pressing
her thigh closely once the man is insider her to increase the feeling.
Level Feet Posture

This position is a type of Ananga Ranga way of lovemaking.

This position can be a bit difficult to do and is not a position that
can be enjoyed for a prolonged time. To perform this lovemaking,
you need to find a way to end the foreplay with the woman back on
the bed. But if you are a couple who love to have deep penetration,
sex would enjoy this type of lovemaking as the position reveals the
vagina in a way that penetration can go deep.

To perform this lovemaking, the woman is lying down, raise

her legs, and place them on your shoulder. One leg on either side of
her partner as she pushes herself closer towards his penis. Then the
man supports her by holding her sides around her rib and then goes
for the penetration. As he goes for the penetration, she could
increase the pressure by closing her thing, which would make the
penetration more pleasurable on his deep-plunging penis.
Crab Embrace Position

As lovers, if you want a sex position that you can do for a very
prolonged period, then this is perfect for you. The crab and
embrace position is more of a side-by-side position in the sense that
you and your partner are both lying down side by side facing each
other. The penetration in this position would be deep. However, the
man's movement would be restricted in a way. This sex position is
very sensual as you can look deep into your lover’s eyes as you
make love and use your hands to caress each other. You both could
even have a deep sensual kiss in-between the sex.

To perform this inviting and warm sex position, the man would
lie right next to the woman and places one of his legs in-between
her legs. In this lying position, he then goes for the penetration.
And like I said earlier, the penetration movement wouldn't be
much, so done expect too much movement. This position is also
great, especially when you and your lover have been having sex for
a prolonged time, and you are both tired but still passionate about
having sex.

When the sex is going on in this position, you can add loving
caresses to the mix. Use your free hand to caress each other’s face,
torso, arms, thighs, and buttocks. Again, the leg position is also
important in this sex position, so make sure you put your
uppermost leg over his body and rest your knee back to his hip.
Rainbow Arch Position

It is never a bad idea to try something new, and this sex

position is going to be something new in your archive. This sex
position is somewhat tricky, but when you get a hold of the idea of
the position, it will come in a lot easier. This sex position is a side
by side sec position, and the posture has an unusual angle for
penetration, which has a very sensational feeling attached.

To perform this sex position with your lover, you and your
lover are to lie down flat on the bed. As the woman lies down, she
is to raise one of her legs, sure that the man can fix himself in-
between her opened legs. The man should set himself, in-between
her legs in such a way that his face goes to the back of the woman
while his legs come to her front. Then as he goes for the
penetration, he holds her shoulder to make the movement easier.
She can keephis leg for support, so she doesn't move too much
while the man applies more pressure for the lovemaking.
Driving the Peg Home

This is a standing posture sex position. It might involve some

strength from the man's side, but it is definitely worth the power.
Strength is needed in the sense that the man would need to lift the
woman for the penetration. So, for lovers to enjoy this sex position,
the man needs to be strong so that he can thrust his penis
satisfactorily while bearing the weight of his partner. However,
great care is needed because his member is very vulnerable to
damage in this position, so he should take great care when making
love with this position.

To perform this position. The man should lift the woman and
support her up by holding her buttocks. Then she is to thrust her
legs at either side of her lover but to hold on to her lover's waist
tightly while she holds his shoulder. She is also to keep her back
straight as she leans against the wall.
Kneeling Fox

The kneeling fox is a spin-off of the classic doggy-style. This

position allows him to penetrate her deeply while going as fast or
as slow as he wants. She can also grind her hips back to meet his
thrusts and further deepen the penetration. It works by having the
gentleman sitting on the bed on his knees. Then, the lady squats on
all fours, then sits back on his lap. He can then hold her hips as
leverage, while she grinds her hips backward to meet his thrusts.
This will help increase the level of penetration and help her gain
control overwhere he is stimulating her.
Chapter 9
The top 8 sitting positions
The Tortoise
he other name for this position in the Kama Sutra is the Kaurma.
The couple begins by sitting together in bed, facing each other. The
man raises his feet and caresses the woman’s nipples with his toes.
The woman does the same, resting her feet on her man’s chest.
They hold each other’s hands, and together, they develop a slow
and sensual rhythm with their hips.

The Swing

This sitting sex position is called the Dolita in the Kama Sutra.

The lovers sit face to face in bed.

They draw their bodies close to each other so that the woman’s
breasts are pressed tightly against her lover’s chest.

The couple wraps their legs around each other’s bodies and
locks their heels about each other’s waist.
Both lean their bodies backward while holding on to each
other’s wrists.

With the man’s penis buried deep inside the woman, the lovers
swing gently to and fro.

The Peacock

The sacred name of this sitting sex position is the Mayura.

The woman sits on the bed and raises one leg so that it is
pointing skyward.

She uses her hands to steady the leg as she offers her sacred
flower to her lover.

Note: For this position, the woman needs to be flexible


The Knot of Flame

In the ancient texts, this is also known as the Kirti bandha.

The man and the woman sit up straight on the bed with their
legs in front of them.

Next, the man holds onto his partner’s waist.

He then pulls her body close to his.

They both plunge into each other with hardcore thrusts.

The Frog

The lovers start with the man seated in the corner of the bed
and with his feet planted firmly on the floor.

The woman settles herself down on his penis by squatting with

her feet planted on the bed.

Her back should be against her lover. This way, she resembles
a frog about to jump.

The woman then bounces up and down her lover while holding
onto his thighs.

Meanwhile, the man supports her by placing his hands beneath

her bottom to give her a bit of a lift.

If the woman is strong enough to do the up and down

movements on her own, the man may use his hands to reach in
front and massage her breasts or tickle her love button.

The Kneel
This is more of a kneeling sex position than a sitting one, but
it’s delightful because it provides the lovers with the opportunity to
wrap their arms around each other and engage in a romantic lip-
lock while doing the deed.

The man and the woman both assume a kneeling position in

bed while facing each other.

The woman straddles her man. He then penetrates her, and

while he does, she envelops his neck in her arms.

The man embraces his lover. Using his knees, he moves slowly
up and down.

The Boat

The couple starts by having the man lay down on a supine


The woman then settles herself down on him.

Then, the man sits up gradually while pulling his knees up.
This way, he and his lover are now sitting face to face.

The woman’s legs should be on either side of the man’s torso.

Likewise, the man’s legs should be on either side of her torso.

The man is to slide his arms over the woman’s calves and
under her knees.
Meanwhile, the woman is to slide her hands under the man’s
knees and then around her thighs. This way, she would be able to
hold her lover’s hands in hers while they are making love.

The Sacred Chair

The man settles himself comfortably on a stool with his feet


Facing him, the woman sits down on his lap with her legs on
either side of his body.

She leans forward and clings to her lover.

Her feet should be firmly planted in the ground so that she can
bounce herself up and down with ease.
Chapter 10
Masturbation for women
or many women, masturbation is more than a means of gratifying
oneself when they are single. It’s their way of learning the
complexities of their bodies, of teaching themselves how to work
all the different parts of their body and bring themselves to orgasm.

Everyone woman is different. The stimulations and time

frames can vary greatly, and if left to their partner to figure out, it
could take exponentially longer for them to learn what it takes to
have an orgasm. Just as we are accountable for our happiness, we
are also accountable for how well we know our bodies.

We cannot expect our partners to understand what we desire

when we haven’t spent much time trying to figure it out, or as is
often the case, we are too timid to give voice to what we want or
need in the bedroom.

The Kama Sutra barely mentions masturbation. If anything,

there’s an implication that men shouldn’t do it. And yet, for a lot of
the positions proposed in the book, masturbation would be an
excellent tool for both the man and the woman to prepare
themselves for lovemaking sessions that will require endurance and
a clear understanding ofhow each person prefers to be stimulated.
After all, who knows more than you on how to get you off?
As odd as it may sound, masturbation can also fall into a
routine. There are small things that can be done to spice up the one-
person show: men who always favor their left, or right hand might
enjoy switching things up, and using the other sideand trying a
different lotion can awaken different nerve fibers.

Thanks to the Internet, there is a never-ending supply of

pornographic material to feed one’s masturbation sessions. It’s as
easy as typing in a few keywords, and a library of videos matching
your specifications will pop up. Often, old favorites will be
revisited, and being adventurous is nothing more than finding a
new video to feed one’s imagination.

This method is incredibly popular because it works. Still, for

many, it would be a revelation to forego porn for a session and
allow their imagination to come up with its scenario. At first, the
mind might conjure up images that were embedded by the videos.
Still, if one is committed to exploring new desires within
themselves, they’ll push past ideas and scenarios that have already
been played out in their mind many times.

Try to imagine a new position, a new place, or perhaps a new

role that you’ve never thought about before. By challenging
yourself, you will be much more likely to challenge your partner
the next time you make love.

For some, the challenge with masturbation is their guilt.

Religion, inhibitions, or conservative views about sex can stifle a
person’s willingness to masturbate. Should the desire build to an
irresistible point, the act becomes so rushed and immediately
followed by shame. This can rob the person an incredible tool
forlearning their likes and dislikes.
On the more practical side of things, masturbation can be used
as practice for a man’s endurance. For those who reach climax
quickly, masturbating can be a great time to master, delaying the
climax. This can feel a bit torturous at first, but for the frustration,
this can create, it makes up for it when one applies their skills
during lovemaking.

This is especially true when trying new positions. As both

partners try to find angles, positions, and rhythms for each
technique, it’s useful if the man manages to stay erect. Reaching
one’s climax or losing their arrival, prematurely can take all the fun
out of practicing new positions.

For many men, the idea of showing their partner how they
masturbate is too awkward to consider. And yet, the expectation for
a woman to effectively provide handjobs or help keep a man
aroused is quite common. Even if a woman has experience from
previous relationships, every man’s sensitivity is different. And the
man has the most to gain by showing his partner the strokes, pace,
and any other tricks he uses to get himself to climax.
Chapter 11
Anal sex
nal sex is something that not everyone has had experience with. It
has the potential to provide you and your partner with very great
pleasure if you know how to safely and comfortably engage in this
type of sex. In this chapter, I will explain how you can safely have
anal sex and how you can begin to use it to your advantage to
experience pleasure like never before.


Unlike the vagina, the anus does not lubricate itself naturally.
Therefore, you have to use a lubricant. Many on the market are
warming, as well as some that are intended to help relax the
muscles and make anal a more enjoyable experience for the lady.
You should opt for a water-based lubricant of your choice. The key
to anal sex is lubrication! You will need to make sure that both the
penis (or dildo) and the anus are well-lubricated for anal sex to be
pleasurable for everyone involved. The anus doesn’t lubricate itself
asthe vagina does, so you have to make sure you do it yourselves
before having anal sex.

As the lady, you want to make sure you relax your muscles and
take deep breaths. Go slow and take care not to tense up out of fear.
To help reduce tensing up due to fear, make sure you follow the
next step carefully.

Start Small

Especially if you are brand new to anal, as, in an anal virgin,

you will want to start very small, using plenty of lube, and a
littletoy or his pinky finger, he can gently work his way into your
bum and help you relax the muscles. He should move slowly and at
your discretion, to ensure you are prepared for every step.
Go Slow

Aside from working your way up slowly, all movements

should be slow as well. Once you’re used to it and have more
confidence in the experience, you can start going faster. But every
single anal experience should beginwith slow movements and
shallow penetration. From there, he can choose how deep and
quick he will go, based on how she feels.


This is the one time you especially want to communicate well

during sex. The lady should always be telling the gentleman if what
he is doing is okay, and he should not be doing anything she
doesn’t like or that hurts her. You can even enforce a safe word that
means you stop completely if one party is not enjoying themselves
or is hurt by it.

The next point to keep in mind is relaxation. The anus will

open gradually as you start to play around and inside of it a little
bit. As you slide something into it, it will respond by opening up
and relaxing, but this may take a few minutes. Having aperson be
relaxed and comfortable is very important. Remember to let it do
its thing, and just slowly enjoy the process without rushing it. If the
person is too nervous, it will take longer for their anus to relax.


The next thing to note is that if you are going to remove

something like a toy or a penis from the anus, it is important to
make sure the person is relaxed and lubricated (as stated above).
More importantly, they must be expecting the removal of whatever
was inserted into their anus to happen. If you try to remove it
without the person expecting it quickly, their body will reflexively
tense the anus, and it will lead to a painful experience, possibly for
both people if it was a penis inserted.

Remembering these three points will help you to have a

positive and enjoyable anal sex experience for your first time.
There are a few more things to note to ensure that you have safe
anal sex. These points are related to hygiene and sex toys and will
likely become more relevant when you are more experienced with
anal sex.
Kama Sutra Positions for Anal Sex

The following positions are great for people who are new to
anal sex and would like to try some of the more
straightforwardpositions to get used to the feeling of anal sex.
These positions are straight from the Kama Sutra, or slight
variations of Kama Sutra positions to make them optimized for
anal sex.

Oral with Anal Stimulation

This first position is not involving anal penetration with a

penis but is an excellent introduction to anal play. This position is
done when a woman is giving a man oral sex. The man stands up,
and the woman is on her knees in front of him, giving him oral sex.
She will then reach around behind the man’s buttocks and stimulate
his anus with her finger. She can move her finger around the
outside of his anus, stimulating the sensitive skin there, which will
make him feel immense amounts of pleasure. Giving oral sex and
stimulating his anus at the same time will make it virtually
impossible for him not to orgasm very quickly.
The Curled Angel

This is a Kama Sutra position that is written as a position to be

performed with vaginal sex, but it can also be done as an anal sex
position. This position involves the man and woman lying down on
their sides, the man behind the woman. Both of them are facing the
same direction, so the curve of their hips places the man’s penis at
the perfect point for anal penetration. In this position, the man and
woman can grind their hips into each other, and it is a team effort in
terms of control.
The Clip

In this position, the man lies back on the bed with his knees
bent and his feet planted on the bed. The woman straddles the man
and inserts his penis into her anus. In this position, she can lean
forward onto the man’s bent knees for support, and she can control
the depth and speed of penetration. The man can hold onto the
woman’s buttocks and guide her movements as well.

The Snake

This position is a good one to try when you have a little bit of
experience with anal sex but are not ready to try anything too
extreme just yet. The person receiving anal penetration in this
position takes a passive role and can just focus on relaxing and
enjoying the pleasure rather than having to contort into some type
of acrobatic formation.

To begin, the woman will lie face down on the bed, and her
partner will lie on top of her, supporting himself with his arms.
From here, the woman will arch her back a bit to make her pleasure
zones as accessible as possible for penetration. Now, the man will
slowly slide his penis into her anus. Here, the woman can enjoy the
pleasure ride her partner takes her on, without having to do
anything herself. She can enjoy these moments where the focus is
all on her!


There is another type of anal sex that can be had, which

involves sex toys. It is quite common that a woman will penetrate
her male partner anally while wearing a strap-on. This practice is
called Pegging. Now that you know a little more about sex toys and
anal sex, and how to ensure you are combining these two in a safe
and sanitary way, you are ready to try Pegging. This can be done
either by using a dildo placed in a strap-on that a woman is wearing
or by using a double-ended dildo. Using a double-ended dildo will
allow the woman to be pleasured at the same time as she is
penetrating the man, as she will also be penetrated either vaginally
or anally with the other end of the dildo. This type of dildo looks
like any other, except that it has two identical ends.

Now that you are aware of the possibility of this type of

practice, you can understand how any of these anal sex positions
can be performed by either the man penetrating the woman anally
with his penis or by the woman penetrating her partner anally using
a dildo.

For men, anal sex is extremely pleasurable since their prostate

is stimulated through anal penetration. The prostate is what has
been referred to as the “male G-Spot.”
Chapter 12
Super orgasm

or many people, when it comes to lovemaking, the orgasm isn’t the
cherry on top. It’s the entire sundae. They treat foreplay and
intercourse as if there were playing poker, and if they play their
cards right, they win the pot and cash those chips in for a mind-
blowing, body quivering orgasm.

What if they don’t climax? Well, then they treat the whole
experience as though they won the pot only to discover the chips
can’t be cashed in. They’re stuck with two handfuls of
cheapplastic. Everyone can agree that orgasms feel amazing. It’s a
sure sign that all the elements in lovemaking came together
correctly to give that partner a moment of ecstasy.

As great as they are, it’s a huge mistake to make that the goal
of lovemaking, especially when practicing the Kama Sutra. When
practicing the techniques, the experience shouldn’t be a judge on
whether or not one or both partners experienced orgasms. In fact,
they shouldn’t even be basing it on how close they came to
climaxing. Orgasms can be very elusive, especially for women.
Sometimes it might take more time than they have. Sometimes
thinking about it makes it difficult actually to have it. Sometimes, it
doesn’t happen because it just didn’t happen.
Male Orgasm Basics

The male orgasm is something that most people have

witnessed or seen if they have ever watched any sort of porn or
heard about it in the media. The male orgasm is made out to be
extremely simple and easy to achieve, but in this section, we are
going to examine it in more detail and break it down into more
specific parts.

To start, are you aware that there are different types of male
orgasms? If you are a male, you are likely aware of this, but if you
are a female, you may not be. The term male orgasm includes any
and every type of orgasm that involves the male’s genitals.

Orgasm and Ejaculation

Ejaculation and orgasm for males are two distinct events, even
though they most often happen at the same time. This fact makes
them often misunderstood, as many think that ejaculation is a sign
of orgasm. If orgasm occurs and ejaculation occurs at the same
time, this is called an ejaculatory orgasm.

There is another type of orgasm, one that happens when

ejaculation does not. As you likely guessed, this type is called a
non-ejaculatory orgasm. This is sometimes called a dry orgasm as
well, and this type is also very normal. A man can achieve orgasm
without ejaculation, and this still counts as an orgasm.
How to Stimulate the Prostate to Achieve

Once you have found the prostate, you can begin to massage
this area and let the sensations build gently. Keep going like this
and find out what type of movements or pressure feels best. As you
continue to stimulate it, let the pleasure makeuntil the point of
orgasm. When you are comfortable with this spot, try having your
partner encourage it for you. Having someone else’s hands touch it
for you will feel different than your own, and with your free hand,
you can turn yourself and your partner on in other ways.

The prostate is sometimes referred to as the male G-Spot. It

has many similar properties to the female G-Spot, such as the way
that you can find it and how it needs t to be stimulated to reach
orgasm. We will learn about the female orgasm in the following

Female Orgasm Basics

To make a woman orgasm, you will need to know and

understand the female body, including all of the places where,
when stimulated, a woman will feel pleasure and maybe even
orgasm. Whether you are a female yourself or you are a male with
a female partner, both sexes can benefit from learning more about
the female body.
How to Stimulate the Clitoris to Achieve

Once you have found the clitoris, you will then be able to
stimulate it to achieve orgasm. Begin by gently placing two fingers
on it and putting a bit of pressure. Rub it by moving your fingers in
small circles-making sure to be gentle. Continue to do this, and she
should begin to get more aroused the more you do this. By rubbing
the clitoris, you will be able to stimulate the entire clitoris, even the
part of it that you cannot see, and this will cause the woman to start
to become wet in her vaginal area for her body to prepare for sex.

How to Stimulate the G-Spot to Achieve

To give a woman pleasure by stimulating her G-Spot, you will
need to press on it over and over again until she reaches orgasm.
The G-Spot needs to receive continued and consistent stimulation
for the pleasure to build enough for her to reach orgasm. This can
be done using your fingers, a penis, or sex toys of a variety of sorts.

Since a woman can have two different types of orgasms, one

from stimulating the clitoris and a different one from penetration or
hitting the G-spot, this could be why a woman can reach orgasm
during oral sex, or by having her clitoris stimulated, but has trouble
reaching the same level of pleasure during penetrative sex. In many
positions, the G-spot is not stimulated by the man’s penis, and this
can result in the woman having some amount of pleasure, but not
enough to reach orgasm. For a great experience as a couple,
knowing what makes the woman feel great is paramount.

he Kama Sutra is the epitome of an intimate sexual relationship.
This book has covered all of the basics, especially about how the
Kama Sutra is about more than just sex. It is about the connection
with your partner on an emotional and spiritual level. This book is
written to teach a novice about how to set the mood, and how to
hold your partner, with a few positions to try out.

The Kama Sutra is about loving your partner and showing

them by exploring every inch of their body. It is not about being
considered a "sex god," but about being an attentive lover.

Remember, sex is an incredibly important part of romantic

relationships. There are a ton of health benefits related to having
sex regularly, including improved immunity, increased heart health,
lower blood pressure, pain relief, decreased stress and improved
sleep, better libido, and so much more. After reading this book, I
hope you were able to gain a fantastic understanding of past and
current sexual activities along with a variety of different ways to
spice up your own sex life and enjoy yourself and your lover on a
more intimate and sensual level. Sex can be as intimate or as
shallow as you make it; however, meaningful and passionate sex is
almost always preferred. With this book, you should be able to
understand the initial purpose of the Kama Sutra and the principles
that surrounded it.

One of the most significant issues in today’s relationships is

that people aren’t exploring each other’s bodies the way they used
to. With this book, I hope you can enter the bedroom with
confidence to please your loved one and the willingness to do
whatever it takes; and I hope they feel the same way. The Kama
Sutra was right when it spoke of finding someone compatible with
you anatomically and attitude-wise. Someone who has a high sex
drive isn’t going to mesh well with someone who has a low sex
drive. You may be able to make it work on an emotional level, but
on a physical and sexual level, your relationship may fall short.

Granted, sex isn’t everything in a relationship, but it means

more to some people in a relationship than it does to others, so
choose your lover wisely. This book should have also shown you
different ways in which women may have seen you in the past and
the future; the same goes for women and how men view them. In
modern times, we don’t care muchaboutthe way people see us, but
in ancient times, your reputation was everything. This book can be
an eye-opener to how some of your current behaviors may have
been seen in ancient times – whether that affects you or not is your
own accord.

Aside from many asinine doings involved in recipes, spells,

and charms, there was also a lot of educational and exciting
information on aphrodisiac foods and which ones work the best.
Some people might not even realize the large numberof foods that
can be arousing to specificindividuals. We all have thethings that
arouse us – scribble that in on the aphrodisiac section.
It is very easy to slip into a life of routine, which isn’t
necessarily a bad thing unless it has to do with your sex life and
learning. Two things you should never stop doing: learning and
experimenting in the bedroom. Take the knowledge you have
received from this book as either a grain of salt or as your new
sexual bible. I hope you enjoyed it!

Because it's tough to find a partner who fulfills every desire of

yours, and nothing could be able to replace this type of loss. So, to
keep on reading this passage if you have some importance of your
partner and want to cope with a problem like premature ejaculation
and not satisfying your partner in bed.

The connection of the bodies should not end with orgasm but
should continue long after both are replete. A man and woman
should come together in mind, body, and spirit. Such is the essence
of the Kama Sutra; such is the Art of Love.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
How to prepare your mind and body for sex
Chapter 5
Positions for beginners
Chapter 6
Sex positions for women
Milk and Water Embrace
Chapter 7
Sex positions for men
Chapter 8
Oral sex
Chapter 9
Anal sex
Pros of Anal Sex
Chapter 10
Sex toys
Various Uses of Sex Toys
Pros of Sex Toys
Chapter 11
Mutual masturbation
Chapter 12
Sex during pregnancy
Sex pregnancy for each quarter
Recommended Sex Positions During Pregnancy
When should someone limit or avoid it?
Considerations for Sex in Pregnancy
Pros of Sex in Pregnancy
Sexual Positions to Get Pregnant
Chapter 1
What is the Kamasutra
Chapter 2
Love with Kamasutra
Chapter 3
Clean and Fresh
Chapter 4 Intimacy
Chapter 5
The top 18 positions
Edge of Heaven
Chapter 6
The top 10 relaxing positions
Chapter 7
The top 12 dominant positions of women
Chapter 8
Man's top 20 dominant positions
Chapter 9
The top 8 sitting positions
Chapter 10
Masturbation for women
Chapter 11
Anal sex
Kama Sutra Positions for Anal Sex
Chapter 12
Super orgasm

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